Meath East By-Election - Cruelty Versus Compassion

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Cruelty Versus Compassion: Where Do The Candidates Stand?

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Dear Voter,
Thank you for taking the time to read our Meath East By-Election 2013 booklet. If you care about animals and are opposed to the cruelty of activities such as hunting and hare coursing, you are in the majority of the Irish electorate. We believe that Ireland will only ever achieve true greatness, when hunting, coursing and all forms of cruelty are permanently abolished. It is therefore important to elect TDs who recognise the cruelty of blood sports and the damage caused by blood sports to our country's international reputation. Before you vote on March 27th, please consider the views of each of the candidates and make the decision to choose compassion now and for the future. If a candidate's stance is not outlined in this booklet, please make a special effort to contact the candidate directly or question them when they come to your door. Please let us know about responses you receive. Thank you.

Irish Council Against Blood Sports

Please choose compassionate candidates on March 27th



"I am totally and utterly opposed to all blood sports." from an email to the Irish Council Against Blood Sports, March 2013. A spokesperson for Seamus McDonagh outlined on Facebook that "Seamus personally opposes the needless killing of animals in the name of 'sport'." Seamus McDonagh is chairman of the North Meath Campaign Against Household Water and Septic Tank Charges. A life long socialist, he has been a member of the Workers Party since the 1970s. Workers' Party position: "The Workers' Party does not have an official party position on blood sports but you can take it as a given that if elected to the Dail, Seamus will vote in accordance with his conscience on this issue should any legislation be introduced to the Dail in that regard."



"I support this ban [on carted deer hunting] and condemn reported attempts to flout the law on this issue...I welcome [the government's] tacit admission that this ban is here to stay." from an email to the Irish Council Against Blood Sports, March 2013. Green Party position: In government, the Green Party succeeded in securing a ban on the Meath-based Ward Union carted deer hunt - a ban supported by a majority of people in Meath. The Green Party's 2011 election manifesto outlined that the party would "introduce legislation to ban hare coursing" and "make the hunting of animals with hounds an offence under law" if they form part of the next government. "Animal welfare is of great concern to the Green Party and we will continue to build on our significant work to date as part of the next government," the manifesto states. In a section focusing on Animal Welfare, it outlines that the party would seek to prohibit the trade in animal fur products and end the use of exotic animals in circuses.



"I am shocked that I do not see any evidence of the Government's promise made by Deputy Shane McEntee and Deputy Phil Hogan to repeal the ban on stag hunting. Will an amendment be tabled on Committee Stage? "Fine Gael rose up the people in the RISE organisation by giving specific promises and a specific commitment that stag hunting in County Meath would be reinstated. We find now that this was just what I must say were barefaced lies told to the people by Fine Gael... I expected to see a provision for the reinstatement of stag hunting but there is nothing in the Bill to do with stag hunting. Those promises are just thrown on the bonfire of power. The Ministers, Deputies Hogan and McEntee conveniently and completely discarded the promises they had made to the people." Speaking as a Senator during the Wildlife (Amendment) Bill 2012, 4th July 2012. Fianna Fail position: There is no mention of animal welfare in the party's manifesto. In government, the party reluctantly backed a ban on carted deer hunting but dismissed calls for foxhunting and hare coursing to be banned. Party leader, Micheal Martin, TD has said he does not think foxhunting should be banned in Ireland.



Helen McEntee is the daughter of the late Shane McEntee TD whose death led to the by-election being called. She worked with Shane McEntee in Dail Eireann and at the Department of Agriculture. Shane McEntee was a pro-bloodsports TD and lobbied to try and get the ban on stag hunting reversed. He also spoke in favour of hare coursing, claiming there was no danger to the hare. Helen McEntee's personal views on blood sports are unknown at this time. Fine Gael position: The party is pro-bloodsports. Fine Gael Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney has to-date dismissed calls for hare coursing, foxhunting, terrierwork and digging out to be banned.


Eoin Holmes is a Meath County Councillor. On 10th May 2010, Eoin Holmes was at a meeting of Meath County Council at which there was "overwhelming support" for a pro-hunting motion which was passed following a show of hands. It is unclear whether Cllr Holmes voted for, or against, this motion. Labour Party position: The party voted against the ban on carted deer hunting but afterwards, when the ban was in place, said they would accept it and would not support a reversal of the ban. Labour Party leader, Eamon Gilmore, is on record as saying "I am opposed to the blood sports of badger baiting, cock fighting, dog fighting, hare coursing and stag hunting."



Darren O'Rourke works at the Oireachtas for Sinn Fein's health spokesman Caoimhghin O Caolain. Sinn Fein position: At Sinn Fein's 2010 Ard Fheis, a motion was passed which stated: "this Ard Fheis acknowledges the support in rural Ireland for traditional rural occupations including hunting, fishing, and hare coursing, believes that hunting and fishing should continue to be regulated in the interests of sustainable wildlife management...we oppose an outright ban [on hare coursing]."


CHARLIE KEDDY (Non Party) A self employed plumber from Kilcoole in County Wicklow. He has contested the last 4 general elections in Wicklow.

MICK MARTIN BEN GILROY (Non Party) (Direct Democracy Ireland) A financial services advisor. Leader of the recently formed Direct Democracy Ireland party.

GERARD O'BRIEN (Non Party) A psychiatric nurse from Navan.

JIM TALLON (Non Party) A farmer who contested the 2011 election in Wicklow.

Published by the Irish Council Against Blood Sports PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland. Please visit for updates.
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