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One in ten rapists walks free

By Ian Munro October 16, 2004

Pag e To ols

More than 10 per cent of rapists received wholly suspended sentences in 2002-03, according to sentencing statistics for the Victorian Supreme and County courts released yesterday. The figures also show that one-fifth of those convicted of non-rape sex offences receive a wholly suspended sentence. Suspended sentences are under review after a public outcry in July when a man convicted of two counts of rape, and associated assault and burglary charges, had his 33-month jail term fully suspended. Technically, the courts view suspended jail sentences as a term of imprisonment, although sections of the public view them as a slap on the wrist. Opposition legal spokesman Andrew McIntosh said a suspended sentence for rape was unacceptable. "The message has to get through that the community expects a custodial sentence for rape," he said. However, sentences overall are becoming tougher. More offenders are being jailed, and often for longer terms, figures show.

Average jail terms for rape and culpable driving increased while average sentences for offences such as armed robbery and theft, incest, recklessly causing injury and sexual penetration of a child were generally consistent or tougher, said Attorney-General Rob Hulls. The minimum sentence for culpable driving was 30 months, but the average total effective sentence increased by 17 months to six years and two months. The average total effective sentence - which takes into account offences such as assault that accompany the main offence - for rape was seven years, an increase of 13 months. For incest it has increased by a year to six years. A total of 1880 defendants were sentenced, and 1044 were imprisoned by the higher courts during the year. The num-ber jailed represented a 40 per cent increase over the figure five years earlier, and a 4.5 per cent increase over the previous year.

The most common offences dealt with were robbery and assault and almost a third of defendants were sentenced for property crime. More than half the defendants had committed offences against individuals. Mr Hulls said releasing the statistics was a "crucial step in ensuring that judicial sentences meet community expectations". "Sentences must balance the need for appropriate punishment with the need to protect the community and reduce the incidence of crime in our community," he said. He said the statistics would be a key resource for the Sentencing Advisory Council, which is reviewing suspended sentences. Harsher sentencing for culpable driving follows a complaint last year by then-chief justice John Phillips that too little regard was shown to victims and their families in cases where irresponsible drivers killed others. He said sentencing hearings were becoming preoccupied with putting the best case for the offender. Mr McIntosh said the community remained concerned at sentencing anomalies. "Certainly a number of recent cases highlight that quite often courts get it completely wrong and out of kilter," he said.

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