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Student: Natanael Candreanu


1. Recruitment methods
Recruitment methods most used are divided almost equally between already traditional means (ads on their websites or portals recruitment) and ingenious methods (interconnected networks, recommendation, specialized forums, direct approach). Their methods of recruitment is done and the positions sought. "Preferences are individual and also for each type of post. Candidates choose various methods and can be identified by various means, depending on career level, depending on the specialty and seniority (we will not find a niche specialist or manager of iT in the same place as one of marketing, for example. various recruitment methods depending on the level and specific positions. "for top management positions is the most used head hunting site. for middle management positions and positions very specialized is also used quite often in head hunting companies. positions for the rest of the most common methods are: internal guidance, recruitment websites, job fairs, recruitment companies, leasing staff. "medium and large companies often resort to recruiting companies especially in situations experiencing a high volume of employment in a limited time or for specialist positions / middle and top management. " Advantages and disadvantages of each method of recruitment If internal recommendations advantages are: less costly, history is known candidates, the candidates have realistic expectations about the company. And if we talk about the disadvantages, they are subjective, generally recommend that people get along better. Regarding recruitment sites advantages are: high volume of candidates applying stakeholders to change their job. And disadvantages: many applicants that do not match the job requirements; almost useless for highly specialized positions, job screening is very high. Related to job fairs, the advantages are: high volume of applicants, cheap, good opportunity "employer branding", many companies direct contact with those responsible for recruitment. And if disadvantages: Many applicants who are not fit company profile / existing jobs, very few or no candidates for specialized positions, many companies are present the image and to make a database of potential candidates, held only at certain times. If companies turn to recruiters have the following advantages: candidates presented already selected more suitable profile positions sought, there is a history of candidates and checked references, to guarantee that the candidates hired, candidates are better promoted, there more real opportunities for job candidates can provide advice on the labor market. And Disadvantages recruitment process takes place outside the company, which makes it difficult to match candidates organizational culture of the company concerned.

2. Methods of motivation
Over the years there have been developed and applied various techniques to motivate employees and managers have all led to a very simple conclusion: the best results are obtained when no measures are taken, but when the whole atmosphere work is challenging. Put people aware of the plans they have Is the best way to motivate someone, letting him see the big picture of business activity in which they work and giving them the opportunity to realize the importance of his work. Goals binds to achieve certain standards in daily activities. Tell employees how much you appreciate their work This is what is called feedback (response). People need to air this feedback to know if their work is as it should be. They want to encourage them if they do well, and if you are doing less well, this thing will tell them and explain where I'm wrong. Importantly, the feedback should be given immediately. Encourage every employee to do what he does best It is a mistake to keep someone in a job where it feels comfortable. In such a case, there will be no increase in performance, but the calculation of losses. Therefore, when interviewed a candidate for a particular job, explain about who will be his task and ask them how much activity that attracts him. Because if it is attracted to the activity in question, chances are that he have and skills necessary to develop them. Material reward performance Established at the outset a clear system of rewards, depending on the level of sales, and not to deviate from it any second. Reward those activities you want repeated praise and those who belong initiative. Treat your employees as you would want them to treat their best customers. Looking for novel methods of employee motivation Be a manager who chooses paths less beaten when it comes to ways to motivate people. Create symbols of victory Make efforts to create a working environment full of energy and optimism, to stimulate creativity in business. Listen and learn As a manager, you must be ready all the time to ask questions and listen. No idea not shown, no suggestion should not be repressed. Immediately and express your appreciation for good ideas that we hear (That's great, thanks a lot, I enjoy), otherwise people will give up will give others. Get them on your employees feel important and treat them the way they want. Listen to their suggestions. Understand their needs. Let them decide. Resolving conflicts between employees Create the feeling of a great family Collective activities of employees (birthdays, social activities etc..) Are of great importance to ensure their loyalty. Keep your promises and be a model 3

The true art of leadership position you less action and more. Dynamic managers always do what they promise, are correct and true role models for others. Keeping to the highest standards, you get unity and loyalty from employees.

3. Employee retention methods

Some methods that lead to long-term employee retention: - Always Giving feedback / response candidates Even if you just send an e-mail, meet your promise to return with news of recruitment projects involving each of the candidates with whom you spoke. Ideally, you would have to set a simple rule: the phone that you saw the interview, e-mail for those who only have theoretical discussion about the project. And, above all, correctly sets the expectations of the candidate. - To use all technical means Use however you have on hand to be more efficient in your work. May involve the efficient use of ATS or job posting ads website careers company's Facebook page, etc. use. It is important to not ignore any of the tools that might make your work easier. - Claiming to be treated as is right Impose yourself as a professional in everything you do and ask for respect from those with whom they interact (through attitudes / results they provide and, in general, the quality of your work). - To put yourself in the place candidates Think from their point of view, understanding how decisions are made, what influences them, why would they accept or decline a job. Get after them and do recruitment from one career counseling. - Do not lie It might be difficult, especially because of the position of recruiter, you're always in the middle between the candidate and the client (internal or external). But proposes you to say things and you will find that over time you gain.


1. Recruitment methods
Recruitment is the process of searching, locating, identifying and attracting potential candidates, the candidates elected to be able to, finally, shows professional characteristics necessary or best fit the requirements of current and future vacancies. Classification recruitment techniques Depending upon the candidates with the organization intends to hire, recruitment techniques include: - Recruitment techniques within the organization - is a form of recruitment advantageous if known current strengths and potential employees. They consist in shifting human resources within the organizational structure. - Recruitment techniques outside the organization - appealing to external recruitment occurs when an organization faces departures of employees that can not be replaced from within or when he needs employees with special training.

The technique known inside the organization is publishing recruitment advertisements in the enterprise. The category of outsiders spontaneous recall retention applications, employment applications call published in the media by people looking for a job, recruitment agencies, recruitment through the media, Internet recruiting, job fairs, "head -hunting ", voice-mail, elderly recruitment, recruitment of people with disabilities. The main recruitment techniques Recruitment methods are extremely complex and varied. In this context, we mention that recruitment methods can be classified into conventional and unconventional. For example, recruitment of schools, colleges and universities, calling on specialist recruitment agencies, employment ads in the media in general are considered conventional recruitment methods, while spontaneous applications and recommendations made by our employees belong to unconventional methods of recruitment. One way to attract a company is to design a flexible program offered employees of the company. A balanced program between work and personal life tends to become in the coming years, one of the most effective ways of attracting, motivating and retaining and labor market will benefit companies that will offer, besides large salary packages and a flexible. 5

2. Methods of motivation
Although there are many theories about the motivation for the finance department staff believe that the most important factors that determine job satisfaction are: - Remuneration in all its forms; - Ability to learn or master a task well; - Promotion or professional development; - Working conditions; - Recognition results; - Social benefits; - Company reputation and importance; - Distance between home and work; - Interpersonal and teamwork; - Management style. From a management perspective, motivation is the ability of leaders to create an environment where workers can and will generate responses organization. It is both the foundation and the final measure of success of a system and process management.

3. Employee retention methods

Best ways to retain employees in a startup are: work environment, trainings and professional development activities, recognizing the value of employees, formal meetings with management and labor benefits. Training needs arise in four main directions: problems of new employees; deficiencies in the work of employees organizational change requirements expressed individually.

To effectively meet these requirements, we need a systematic approach, covering: performance evaluation, learning theory, the main differences between the way people are trained and how they learn each fundamental elements of systematic training, identify 6

training needs (ie learning), designing and implementing training activities and competencybased training, evaluation, key elements of management development systems. The notion of "performance assessment" usually refers to the evaluation of teaching activity or managers, not the workers filed. There are two types of evaluation: conventional (formal); unconventional (informal).

Unconventional assessment is continuous assessment of performance of an employee, the manager made during normal activity. This type of evaluation is ad hoc, relying equally on intuition and evidence of results, hence a product of the relationship between manager and subordinate or daily. Conventional assessment is more rational and orderly than unconventional. We will refer further to the conventional method, ie evaluating employee performance in a systematic and planned. Organizations evaluation procedures performed for various reasons: - To identify the level of an employee's work performance; - To learn about the strengths and weaknesses of an employee; - To allow employees to improve performance; - To provide a basis for employee reward system according to their contribution to the objectives of their organization; - To motivate employees individually; - To find out their needs for training and professional development; - To find out their potential performance; - To obtain the information necessary succession planning. Staff appraisal system is used to draw attention to employee performance, aiming to: fair reward them; identifying the potential for promotion or transfer.

Managers are responsible for obtaining the desired results. This is achieved by managing human, material and financial resources to be monitored. Monitoring means establishing sets of rules, quantification of performance achieved and take appropriate action. In terms of human resources, this means taking the necessary measures for improving performance by means of training and support, not by "management development".

In a financial department, the factors that contribute to individual performance are: effort, understanding pregnancy skill level and skill level. It is possible that a person, although it is motivated enough to get reduced performance due to lack of skills, abilities undeveloped or simply because he did not understand the task to be accomplished.

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