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Ohio County Local Coordinating Committee Citizens for a Drug Free Community December 10, 2012

Present: Amy Beckett, Gary Eldridge, Janie Eldridge, Gayla Kaibel, Tina Keller, Debra MarshNiccum, Elissa Pogue, Jascia Robinson, Laura Rolf, Dave Jackson, Caitlyn Sauerhage, Amber Johnson and Debbie Thomason Minutes: No corrections noted for the minutes. A motion was made by Gary Eldridge to approve December minutes. Debby Niccum seconded the motion. Motion passed. Treasurers Report: Debby Niccum reported that we currently have $14,499.59 in the account. It is a $300 increase over last month and an increase over 2012. Still way down. Janie moved and Gayla seconded to accept the treasurers report. Gary spoke to Annie Jo the clerk in December. She said everything has fallen away. There has been a 38% drop in conviction rates over the last 4 years, which means a drop in revenue. A discussion ensured about if crime rate has gone down that much . . . Youth Report: Caitlyn said things are quiet in the elementary and middle schools. Prosecutor Aaron Negangard is coming to talk to the girls group today. Coming up are: bullying workshop in February and sexual assault workshop in April. Old Business: Lifestyle Risk Reduction. Fall class was cancelled due to low enrollments. Debbie Thomason asked Laura Rolf for a meeting so they could plan how to proceed on this. A new date will be set in the Spring. Gayla presented the report on the Grant Requests for 2013: o We had a lot of proposals. We funded like we have been over the last few years. We put the Learning Tree in the LCC budget for their supplies. Debbie will get on the internet to see what materials and supplies are available. o There is still wiggle room in the judicial in case another request comes in. Tom M. often has spring trainings which he may need support for. Dave asked about eligibility for grants and options for fiscal agents for non 501- c3s. 2013 Funding o The group voted by category to approve grant allocations: Following was approved: Big Brothers/Big Sisters (Mentoring) - $500 RS Church of Christ (Afterprom) - $745 SIEOC (Prevent Child Abuse Conference) - $500 DSEP Board (Job Skills Training for At Risk Students) - $500 Community Mental Health (Think Smart) - $755

TOTAL PREVENTION/EDUCATION - $3,000 Prevention Education: Debby Niccum made motion to approve; Tina Keller seconded. Abstentions: Laura, Amber, Jamie, Jascia. Motion Passed. Country Serenity Counseling - $3,000 TOTAL TREATMENT - $3,000 Treatment: Janie moved to approve; Amber seconded; Abstentions: Debby Niccum. Motion Passed. Dearborn/OH County Prosecutor (Drug Screenings) - $2,000 Optional (Unappropriated) - $1,000 TOTAL JUDICIAL - $3,000 Judicial: Laura moved to approve: Janie seconded. Abstentions: Amy. Motion Passed. Rising Sun School Corp Advertising Summer League - $300 Education Center (Drug Free Council Supplies) - $500 Drug Free Council (Promotional Items) - $1,000 Red Ribbon Contest (K-12th Grade) - $1,000 Optional (Unappropriated) - $200 TOTAL OPTIONAL - $3,000 Optional: Janie moved to approve; Amber seconded; No abstentions. Motion Passed It was clarified that folks must attend at least 3 meetings to vote and 6 to apply for a grant. NEW BUSINESS: Debbie reported she submitted the financial report which needs to happen quarterly. Debbie reminded people that the Community Foundation of Ohio County has money for people to attend trainings for up to $250/twice a year. FYI, this entity is moving to the 1st Financial Building at the corner of Industrial Drive and HWY 56. We need articles in the paper, per our strategic plan. So far, we have a number of people signing up, including Caitlyn in March on the Girls Empowerment Group, Debby in April on preventing Child Abuse, may try to get someone to do an article on Prom night, Janie in August on Job Readiness. Amber will check to see if SEIOC wants to do an article on April 27th Preventing Child Abuse conference. Elissa Pogue stated that she will be unable to serve as secretary. A motion by Janie Eldridge was made to approve Amber Johnson as secretary. Debby Niccum seconded the motion. Motion carried.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Laura (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati) reported on Bowl for Kids Sake which is on March 10th at Dearborn Bowl. City of Greendale and Lawrenceburg have already signed up! Tina from Safe Passage announced she will have a provider # for Ohio County, so people can get CEU/credit hours from any of her trainings. She also said the Safe Passage is looking to brainstorm with other social service providers to make sure there is enough wrap around services for their clients. Debbie reported the very HIGH rate of successful young and older adults achieving their GEDs. Their banquet will be in early February. Reminder: you dont have to be an Ohio County resident to take advantage of this amazing program.

Gary Eldrige moved and Gayla Kaibel seconded to adjourn the meeting. Approved.

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