Harun Yahya - English - For Kids - Truths For Kids

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Let’s Learn Our Islam is a

wonderful guide to teach the pillars
and basic truths of religion to children.
ave you ever You will find all the an-

H asked your-
selves questions
like these: "How did our
Dear swers to the above and
many other important
questions in this maga-
earth come into exis-
tence? How did the moon Children; zine.
Besides, you will read
about interesting fea-
and sun come into being?
Where were you before tures and amazing ac-
you were born? How complishments of
wonderful creatures liv-
did oceans, trees, ani- ing on earth that reflect
mals appear on earth? Allah's infinite power and
Who was the first human artistry.
being? Your mom gave The contents of this maga-
birth to you. Yet the first zine are based on the works
human being could not of Harun Yahya.
have had parents. So, how
did he come into existence?"

The Prophets in the Qur’an-1: Miracles of the Qur’an-1:
2 The Prophet Musa
10 How the Universe Came
into Existence

6 Journey to the World

of Animals

Wonders of Allah’s
Supplication is a Way to 1 2 Creation
8 Draw Closer to Allah
Truths for Kids 2
We know everything about the life and
good character of Musa from the Qur'an. As
the Qur'an informs us, the kings of ancient
Egypt were called "Pharaoh." The majority of
the pharaohs were very arrogant people who

usa, peace be upon him, is a did not believe in Allah and who considered
prophet to whom Allah frequently themselves divine. Allah sent Musa to one of
refers in the Qur'an. Allah revealed the cruellest of these rulers.
to Musa the Torah. But today, the Torah of the One important point we need to dwell on
Jews and the Old Testament of the Christian while reading the verses about the life of
Bible have lost their original authenticity, Musa is "destiny." The following events led
since the words and interpolations of man him to the palace of Pharaoh:
have been incorporated into them. But Jews At the time Musa was born, Pharaoh or-
and Christians today read these distorted dered his soldiers to kill every male baby born
books assuming them to be from the original in his land. Musa, peace be upon him, was
book revealed by Allah. The Jews have turned one of those who were in danger. Allah told
from the right path because the book in which his mother to leave Musa in a chest in the
they believe is no longer the revealed book river and assured her that He would finally re-
brought by the Prophet Musa, peace be upon turn to her as a prophet. His mother placed
him. Musa in a chest and left him in the water. This
chest floated randomly on the water and Both of them went to Pharaoh and commu-
some time later reached the shore at nicated Allah's message to him. This was re-
Pharaoh's palace, where Pharaoh's wife ally a difficult task since without any
found him. She took the baby and decided to hesitation they called on a cruel ruler to be-
bring him up in the palace. Thus, unaware, lieve in Allah and to worship Him. This call of
the Pharaoh undertook to look after the per- the Messenger Musa, peace be upon him, is
son who would later communicate Allah's related as follows:
revelation to him and oppose his flawed And then, after them, We sent Musa with
views. Allah encompasses everything with Our Signs to Pharaoh and his ruling circle but
His knowledge, and He also knew that they wrongfully rejected them. See the final
Pharaoh would find Musa, peace be upon fate of the corrupters!
him, and bring him up in his palace. Musa said, "Pharaoh! I am truly a
When Musa was born, Allah knew that he Messenger from the Lord of all the worlds,
would be left in the river, that Pharaoh would duty bound to say nothing about Allah except
find him and that Musa would ultimately be- the truth. I have come to you with a Clear
come a prophet. This was how Allah predeter- Sign from your Lord. So send the tribe of
mined Musa's destiny and He communicated Israel away with me." (Surat al-A'raf: 103-
this to his mother. 105)
At this point, we must pay attention to the Pharaoh was an arrogant and proud man.
fact that every detail in his life happened ac- Assuming that he held everything under his
cording to the destiny Allah had predeter- control, he rebelled against Allah. Allah had
mined. granted all his possessions, his strength and
When he grew into a young man, Musa left his lands to him, but because Pharaoh was
Egypt. After some time, Allah made him a unwise, he failed to understand this.
prophet and messenger and supported him with Pharaoh opposed Musa and had no faith in
his brother, Harun, peace be upon them both. Allah, and he was, as mentioned earlier, a

Truths for Kids 4

very cruel man. He made the Children of Lord's Signs so We destroyed them for their
Israel his slaves. When it became clear that wrong actions. We drowned Pharaoh's peo-
Pharaoh was intending to exterminate Musa ple. All of them were wrongdoers. (Surat al-
and all the believers, they fled from Egypt Anfal: 54)
under the leadership of Musa. Musa, peace At the moment Pharaoh realised he would
be upon him, and the Children of Israel were die, he stated that he believed in Allah and
caught between the sea and the soldiers of thus tried to save himself. We do not know
Pharaoh who were pursuing them. But even whether this regret he felt at the last moment
in such a desperate situation, Musa never de- was of any use, since Allah only forgives us
spaired or lost his trust in Allah. Allah miracu- when our regret is sincere and when it is be-
lously divided the sea in two and opened a fore the moment of death itself. Allah is the
path in the sea for the Children of Israel to All-Merciful. If regret is only felt at the mo-
cross. This was one of the great miracles ment of death and, of course, if is not sincere,
Allah gave to Musa. Once the Children of such repentance will not save a person. This
Israel had reached the other shore, the parted may have been the case with Pharaoh. But
sea returned, drowning Pharaoh and his sol- only Allah knows. As this story reveals, we
diers. must live to please Allah throughout our lives
Allah relates this miraculous event in the and avoid falling into Pharaoh's error. If we
Qur'an as follows: fail in that, feeling sorry at the moment of
Such was the case with Pharaoh's people death may be of no avail.
and those before them. They denied their

Truths for Kids 5

is a Way
to Draw
Closer to Allah
Allah attaches great importance to sup- edge, strength, health and the opportuni-
plication. Allah relates the importance of ties they enjoy.
supplication in the verse stating: "Say: As mentioned earlier, Allah creates all
What has My Lord to do with you if you these as blessings for us. We owe the food
do not call on Him?.." (Surat al-Furqan: we eat to Allah. Similarly, we owe the
77) As this verse suggests, a person's value ability to eat this food to Allah.
before Allah depends on his Think of this for a moment!
prayer. That is because a How would you be able to
person who prays asks chew your food without
for what he needs your teeth? How would you
from Allah alone. digest it without your stom-
Allah is the Owner of ach? Would the existence of
everything. food have any meaning if we did
Allah creates everything we not have digestive systems?
need. Take, for example, the You are nourished by Allah's will.
food that is essential for human life. Because it is Allah Who gives all blessings
Allah creates vegetables, fruit, to us, it is Allah to Whom we must pray
chickens, cows and so on. Allah when we want something to happen or to
creates your parents and all the obtain something. Consequently, we must
people around you. Allah, the ask for everything from our Lord.
All-Mighty, endows
people with the An example
bodies, intelli- will allow
gence, knowl- you to under-
8 Truths for Kids
stand this matter better: to Him would fill millions of
You press a button to turn on the light. volumes of books. That is why
Can you say that the button creates the the existence of people around
light? Of course, you cannot. The button is you who do not attach importance
only a means, as are the cables transmitting to these must never dissuade you. Their
the electricity. In this world, Allah creates failure to employ their intelligence and their
causes for every effect. He created water. In avoidance of thought and reflection draw
dams this water is run through massive tur- them into great error.
bines, and so electricity is pro- Allah informs us of the end awaiting these
duced. Cables transmit people. Our reward or punishment in the
electricity and finally the hereafter depends on how we conduct
bulb transforms electricity ourselves in this world and whether we
into light. But the fact is that it strive to draw closer to Allah. Every per-
is Allah Who creates light. If son will be recompensed for his deeds
Allah willed it, He could create elec- in the hereafter.
tricity without these causes. But our Lord - How Can We Supplicate?
wants us to use our intelligence, to think, to
consider what Allah has created and, in this Thinking of Allah's might and grandeur,
way, to come to faith. feeling awe of Him and praying humbly
and secretly are essential for supplication.
You turn the tap on when you want water. Allah informs us how to pray in the Qur'an.
But can you say that it is the pipes or the tap
that cause water to come into existence? Call on your Lord humbly and secretly.
Just as in the case of the button, the tap is He does not love those who overstep the
only a means, not the cause. limits. (Surat al-A'raf: 55)

This is the outlook we must Supplication cannot be limited to

adopt, and it also explains certain places or time. We can
why we need to pray to think of Allah and pray
Allah. That is because to Him at any
Allah creates every- moment.
A list of rea-
sons why we
need to thank
Allah and pray

Truths for Kids 9

he Qur'an was sent to mankind But, as is also mentioned in the previous

T 1,400 years ago, but there are some

facts related in the Qur'an whose
meanings we have only been able to un-
verse, Allah told us this fact when the Qur'an
was first revealed. This is a miracle of the
Qur'an and one of the pieces of evidence
cover recently. that it is the Speech of Allah.
From the planets to the stars, human be-
ings to animals, Allah created everything in
the universe. Our Lord already knows every-
The Expansion of the Universe
thing we have not discovered so far and He In the Qur'an, which was revealed 14
informs us about some of that in the Qur'an. centuries ago at a time when the science of
We can only learn these things when Allah astronomy was still primitive, the expansion
permits us and then we realise that they are of the universe was described like this:
miracles of Allah. And it is We who have constructed the
heaven with might, and verily, it is We who
How the Universe Came are steadily expanding it. (Surat adh-
Dhariyat, 47)
into Existence
The word "heaven", as stated in this verse,
He is the Originator of the heavens and is used in various places in the Qur'an with
the earth… (Surat al-An'am: 101) the meaning of space and universe. Here
The universe came into existence from again, the word is used with this meaning. In
nothing 15 billion years ago. In other words, other words, in the Qur'an it is revealed that
the universe suddenly came into existence the universe “expands”. And this is the very
from nothing. conclusion that science has reached today.
Only the science of the twentieth century Until the dawn of the 20th century, the
enabled us to attain scientific evidence of only view prevailing in the world of science
this great event. Therefore, it was impossible was that “the universe has a constant nature
to know this scientifically 1,400 years ago. and it has existed since infinite time.” The re-

10 Truths for Kids

search, observations, and calculations car- Earth for Truth. He wraps the night up in the
ried out by means of modern technology, day, and wraps the day up in the night…
however, have revealed that the universe in (Surat az-Zumar: 5)
fact had a beginning, and that it constantly The Arabic word “takwir” is translated as
"expands." “to wrap” in the above verse. In English it
means “to make one thing lap over another,
folded up as a garment that is laid away.” The
Orbits day and the night wrapping over each other
Many of you know that our world and the can be true only if the earth is round. But, as
other planets have orbits. In fact, not only do mentioned above, the Arabs who lived 1,400
the planets in our Solar System have orbits, years ago thought that the earth was flat. This
but also all heavenly bodies in the universe means that the roundness of the world was
have their separate orbits. That is, they all hinted at in the Qur'an, which was revealed
move in very precisely computed paths. This in the seventh century. That is because Allah
scientific truth that scientists have only re- teaches the truth to mankind. This matter, in-
cently uncovered was revealed 1,400 years dicated in the Book revealed by Allah, was
ago: verified only centuries later by scientists.
It is He Who created the night and the Since the Qur'an is Allah's word, the most
day, and the sun and the moon. They swim correct words were used in it when describ-
along, each in an orbit. (Surat al-Anbiya: 33) ing the universe. It is unlikely that a human
could know and choose these words. But be-
As is also seen in this verse, Allah informs
cause Allah knows everything, He can make
us about a scientific fact which was only dis-
these facts available to man at any time He
covered recently. At the time the Qur'an was
revealed, people did not know that heavenly
bodies moved in constant orbits. But Allah
knows everything and tells what He wills to
His slaves.

The Roundness
of the Earth
The understanding of astronomy
of the time, when the Qur'an
was revealed, perceived the
world differently. It was then
thought by some that the earth
was flat, and others had different
theories. But the fact that the earth
was round was not then generally
known. However, from the Qur'an
it was understood by implication that
the shape of the world is round. The
relevant verse reads:
He has created the Heavens and the

11Truths for Kids


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