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Tri-R Allied Company is indeed one of the leading business in auto parts manufacturing industry. And as we visit the plant in our plant tour, there are many observations that Ive seen in their manufacturing plant.. In my first impression, their overall plant was good, and an excellent place for manufacturing production, a place that will create an atmosphere of a good working place. LOCATION PLANNING ANALYSIS - in terms of their location in Cavite, its like that the management really planned in deciding for the location of their manufacturing plant. The location is accessible and is near to marketplace, moreover the location is in a perfect ambiance with a quiet environment and is away from pollutions,. The location planning strategy of the Tri-R Allied Company shows an aftermath of a good planning decision strategy, flexibility in the market industry, and a competitive advantage as a benefit of a good measurement of location capacity. However, the environment inside the manufacturing plant I think is a bit disadvantages for the company and its workers the plant has a poor ventilation system wherein workers might have a difficulty in working their respective jobs, also the lighting arrangement is also a hindrance for most of the workers. The place inside the location plant is clean but it is dangerous for the workers because I think it is somehow narrow inside the plant. JOB DESIGN ANALYSIS The whole production process of the Tri-R Allied Company is also an example of a good work arrangement. The aimed to reduce the repetitive mechanic tasks is very well achieved. Also, the

production process has a great workflow of duties and responsibilities of each worker, wherein each worker has a unique tasks that is needed for every production process, actually I saw how every worker is challenged and how every worker is dedicated in their respective jobs. I also saw how everyone is fitted in their assigned tasks, everyone is expert in their own fields, workers are trained well to fit the job that are assigned to them. Because of these, the company achieved the benefits of a good arrangement of tasks or what we called job design. CAPACITY PLANNING ANALYIS Based on my observation, Tri- R Allied Inc. has a good CAPACITY MANAGEMENT, the company determines well the production capacity needed by them to meet changing demands for their products. Also their "design capacity" shows that they allot the maximum amount of work that they need to be capable of completing the work in a given period, also their "effective capacity" is shows how they adjust in completing the work required affected by the factors such as constraints due to delays, material handling etc. as I see their production schedule posted inside their plant. Their production schedule shows how effective they were in analyzing the allotment of amounts of work the company and customers required in a given period of time. In their schedule, it shows that the required schedules in their work affects the impact of such other factors in determining the amount of work needed from every worker, as for overall capacity analysis, it shows that the company has a good Lead, Lag and Match Strategy for them to provide quality products and services to their consumers. PROCESS SELECTION ANALYSIS TRI- R Allied Inc. shows the involvement in the shape producing capability and technological constraints for each of

the available machining processes of the company. Their process selection shows how they are very well performing under complying their production rules. Posters above the plant shows motivational rules for the workers. Posters around the plant also shows the shape and tolerance requirements of an individual feature, and the how the workers can be capable of meeting the requirements. In here, we see that the company identifies their processing options without bias and hence evaluating the best alternative. They try to apply their best approach by incorporating it therein within the rules of the production process. FACILITY LAYOUT ANALYSIS Although the company achieved a smooth workflow in terms of their production process (material,work) through the System. They have a good flow of movement and materials handling. However, It is also their space that serves as a hindrance in their complete facility layout system. They show good integration of materials anyway, but clearly, it shows the narrowness of the space inside the plant. But the advantage is that they have ease of communication and support. For the overall welfare of the facility, I suggest that they must think of a facility or plant expansion to produce of work and reduce the danger in the workplace to promote safety

Gardenia Philippines is the leading producer of bread in the food industry, It has a good foundation, good reputation and good products in the minds of the consumers. But behind from their product, also reflects good operations management, indeed, it is also their key to success. Gardenia Phils. secret for its success is a good management operation skills.

LOCATION PLANNING ANALYSIS In the Gardenia location, factory located in Laguna, is a good location for a company who looks for an accessible and flexible marketplace. The location is a good atmosphere wherein it has no pollution. It this, we can very well see how the management decides well for the planning location of gardenia Philippines. Considering the factors such as marketplace, ease of shipping and delivery shows how it is well planned for the Gardenia Philippines to be located in Laguna.

JOB DESIGN ANALYSIS An organized work arrangement is all I can see in the manufacturing plant of Gardenia Phil. Inc., However it is a capital intensive plant which use high technological machines as foe production and also I can see how very few people are needed in the production process. Should I say that the workflow is completed without human intervention. It is an advantage for the company to reduce repetitive work tasks that people can provide. Each machine is designed for its specific use and is used at its maximized capacity. I see how well and ease it is for the company as well as for the workers to complete the job without exerting much effort. However, the

disadvantage of this is that only few workers are required to do the job making the labor force


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