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Weekly WALKING DEAD Commentary Episode #313 Arrow on the Doorpost Aired on March 10, 2013

(Big time spoilers in here, so watch first before you read. These aint cliff notes)
The way he's storing that gun, Herschel's sorta missing leg can be an asset I wonder why the Governor was in the barn before Martinez, Andrea and Milton showed up? In the barn, Rick can't shoot the Governor right off the bat - you never know if it might be an ambush. On the other hand, the Gov is a sneaky SOB. As for "outside", Herschel might be able to take Milton out, but Martinez could conceivably take out Daryl and/or Herschel in the meantime. My speculation: Andrea told the Governor ahead of time: you pull any bullsh** with Rick and the others and I am leaving you Merle is already causing trouble by wanting to change Ricks plan. While it's not totally unexpected that he'd want to sneak up on and kill the Governor, I almost agreed with him on this one. The Governor has a partial point: whatever "started" the aggression between the sides, was indeed "started" by Merle by kidnapping Glenn & Maggie. However, the Gov perpetuated it by continuing the interrogation and threatening Glenn's life. How did the Governor know about Shane and his possible fatherhood of Judith? Answer: Andrea and her loose lips (on her mouth)! We learn for the first time that the Governor worked in an office before the apocalypse. Daryl and Martinez bonding is analogous to opposing soldiers talking on the battlefield during wars. Same for Milton/Herschel. What happens outside could be more important than the talking going on inside. Daryl takes the first smoke of the entire series! Merle knows and believes that the Governor controls the whole "show" over there. That's why he tells Rick that he should have just taken him out on the spot. Interesting that Herschel wants Andrea back with the Rick-crew. I believe he does this to assure that there is at least one sympathetic person in Woodbury if a conflict should arise. Maybe two if you count Milton. Rick's been honest the whole negotiation. But the Governor has been telling small fibs (e.g. "The others call me Governor, I didnt choose it") Even if Rick hands over Michonne, can he really trust the Governor to go away? Do you think Merle has a slight attraction to Michonne? And her to him? Rick picks up on the pointlessness of the Michonne thing right away. True: why would a guy with grand plans fixate on a petty feud? But Governor did lose an eye because of her. Would Andrea allow the Michonne transfer to happen, even if Rick got her over there? The Governor has obviously been either tailing Rick or spying on the prison. He knows about all the weapons. Would Rick send a spy to Woodbury?

Andrea and Milton are both wary Woodbury residents now. They may conspire to thwart the Governor's plans to wage war. And the Governor, I am sure, already senses their propensity for possible treason. Rick has to rally the troops for total war. No choice. If he were to even mention the Michonne deal, some would rebel and think it a good option. The Woodbury/Prison storyline has even more parallels to the real world geopolitical scene now. Woodbury is the apathetic, lazy society whose citizens, thanks to one horrible event, are suddenly forced into a police state. (Sound familiar?). The Prison is the small, attacked nation whose people fight for a true cause. Both places have wellguarded and defined borders. One has a wall which, although it alleges to keep threats out (Rick , walkers), it more often serves to keep people in. Each side has rallied their population into believing the other side (and leader) is crazy. The Prison crew being lambasted as terrorists is analogous to the manufacturing of dubious enemies in the Middle East. The Governor and Rick negotiate like world leaders while Daryl and Martinez play the disgruntled soldiers who no longer wish to be at war. And Herschel and Milton act as the conscientious objectors. The event that started the whole thing, Merles kidnap of Glenn & Maggie, will probably be forgotten once the full-scale war starts. Anyone remember what started WWI? Should Rick call himself the Archduke?

Until next week, make sure the barn is clear before you go in!

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