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Award winning newspaper

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No. 4711 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

Friday Suspicions
March 6, 2009 grow attack
TELLING IT AS IT IS was ‘inside job’ pg8
Back to Witch » theSun takes a break for Prophet Muhammad’s birthday on Monday.
Mountain pg16

Dignity of
rulers must
be protected:
Raja of Perlis Speaker Sivakumar
fails again
KANGAR: The Raja of Perlis, Tuanku
Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail, said
yesterday the dignity of the Malay rulers ONLY STATE LEGAL ADVISER,
needed to be protected at a time when
issues that touched on the power of
the rulers and the social contract were NOT PRIVATE LAWYERS, CAN
being raised.
He said the rulers had a role of pro-
tecting all citizens regardless of race,
religion and political affiliation, and this
noble role should be preserved.
Opening a special seminar on the by Humayun Kabir

Federal Constitution organised by the

state government here, Tuanku Syed

Sirajuddin said there had been groups POH: The High Court here ruled
questioning the social contract, which for the second time in three days Eye spy…
had actually contributed to the achieve- yesterday that Perak State As- Canadian filmmaker Rob
ment of independence in 1957. sembly Speaker V. Sivakumar is a Spence, who lost his right
He said the social contract, which public servant of the Perak govern- eye when he was a child,
aimed at ensuring racial harmony, was ment and must be represented by the shows a prototype of a
not in the form of a document to show state legal adviser and not by private prosthetic eye which will
as proof but it definitely existed. lawyers of his choosing. be transformed into a
“I believe that if we can appreciate The ruling by Judicial Commis- video camera at a press
and understand it (social contract), sioner Ridwan Ibrahim was on a conference in Brussels
those with vested interest and their case filed by three Barisan Nasional- yesterday. Spence, a
narrow agenda, by playing up sensitive friendly independent assemblymen director and producer in
issues, will fail to achieve their aim,” he against Sivakumar for declaring their Toronto, said he would
told about 500 senior state government seats vacant on the strength of their use the eye-cam the
officials and heads of departments and pre-dated resignation letters. same way he uses a
agencies. After hearing submissions from video camera to carry out
Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin said Malay- lawyers for both parties in his the so-called “EyeBorg
sia’s independence was the result of chambers, Ridwan said Sivakumar Project”. In using the
prevailing racial harmony, with Islam as is a state government officer as stated eye as a wireless video
the official religion and the Malay rul- under Section 2 and 24(3) of the Gov- camera, he wants to
ers having the duty of preserving racial ernment Proceedings Act 1956 and make a documentary
understanding, which was referred to ordered him to engage the state legal about how video and
as the social contract. adviser as his counsel. humanity intersect,
“The commitment to establishing Furthermore, he said, as Sivaku- especially with regards to
an independent nation came from the mar is drawing his salary from the surveillance.
close cooperation of the Malay rulers consolidated fund of the Perak state
and community and political leaders government, it makes him a govern-
who received the people’s mandate,” ment servant of the state.
he said. Sivakumar had declared the seats semblymen. The trio then applied civil proceedings by or against the Abu Bakar As-Sidek, M. Reza Has-
However, of late, various quarters of the assemblymen for Changkat to the High Court to declare that government, the state legal adviser san, Badrul Hishah Abdul Wahab
with vested interest had given their own Jering (Mohd Osman Mohd Jaitu), their state seats were not vacant. shall act on their behalf. and Faizul Hilmy Ahmad Zamri
interpretation of the social contract from Behrang (Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi) Last Tuesday, in ruling that Sivakumar’s legal team yesterday – are also the same lawyers who
a narrow perspective to serve their own and Jelapang (Hee Yit Foong) vacant Sivakumar’s private lawyers had comprised Chan Kok Keong, Nga represent Zambry.
agenda. Their action had caused uneasi- after receiving their resignation let- no locus standi to represent him Hock Cheh, Augustine Anthoney Earlier, Chan said in his sub-
ness among the public. ters and subsequently informed the in an application filed by Mentri and Mohd Asri Othman. mission that Sivakumar should
Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin also said Election Commission (EC) to hold Besar Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir, State legal adviser Ahmad Kamal not be considered a public servant
“all the races are the masters of this by-elections for the vacant seats. Ridwan had also ruled that Sivaku- Shahid was also present. as Article 132(3) (b) of the Federal
country and they are free to practise The EC decided against it as the mar is a state government officer The lawyers for the three as- Constitution states that “the public
any religion without hurting the other three assemblymen claimed they under Section 24 of the Government semblymen – Datuk Hafarizam
religions”. – Bernama had not resigned and were still as- Proceedings Act, that states that in Haron, Syed Faisal Syed Abdullah, » Turn to Page 2

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