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Inclusive Business Roundtable Indonesia

Tuesday 16th October 2012, Banda A Room - Hotel Borobodur, Jakarta

8:30 to 9:00 9:00 to 9:15 Registration Welcome and introduction: IB and ADBs work in the Indonesia Mr. Jon Linborg, Country Director for the Indonesia Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank Findings From The Indonesia Inclusive Business Market Scoping Study Insights on the macroeconomic scenario in the Indonesia; overview of key sectors relevant to IBs; comments on the state of the capital markets and the needs-gap; highlights on some interesting inclusive business models; key learnings in this space; recommendations for ADB to support IBs in Indonesia Presentation: Bernardino M. Vega Jr. ADB Consultant Questions and answers 10:15 -12:00 Engaging the BoP as supplier, consumer and distributor: Business models in Indonesia Presentation and panel discussion Round 1: Presentations of three business models: 1. Mr.Salma Desenta, Deputy, RUMA (social enterprise): inclusive business model engaging the BoP as suppliers, distributors and consumers ; 2. Mr. Phil Rickard, CEO, Terrasys Energy (off-grid diversified renewable energy company): inclusive business model engaging the BoP as consumer and supplier. 3. Ms. Unikasari S. Handoko, Director, PT Usaha Kita Makmur Indonesia


For the panel discussion and Q+A from the plenum, we will involve also: 1. Mr. Patrick Alexander, Batavia Investment Management Corp. Moderator: Mr. Noah Beckwith (IB Fund expert) 12:00-13:00 Lunch and networking


Engaging the BoP as supplier, consumer and distributor: Business models in Indonesia Presentation and panel discussion Round 2 Presentations of three business models: 1. Mr. Riarno Haryowibowo, Legal/Finance Manager, RiverGen (micro-hydro company): inclusive business model engaging the BoP as suppliers and consumers; (tbc) 2. Ms. Pamela Lau, Managing Director, Green Gold Group For the panel discussion and Q+A from the plenum, we will involve also: 1. Mr. Alan Wilson, Ecolodges Indonesia 2. Mr. Christoper Clower, Technical Advisor, Batavia Prosperindo Asset Management Moderator: Mr. Phil Harman, Country Representative, SNV


Closing Remarks: Mr. Bart Edes, Director, Poverty Reduction, Gender, and Social Development Division, Asian Development Bank Break Supporting IB in Indonesia Discussion with development partners, fund managers, co-investors, and selective companies on gaps and challenges, additional opportunities and investment approaches to support IB in Indonesia. Moderator: Mr. Robert de Jongh, Inclusive Business Consultant Asian Development Bank

14:40-15.00 15:00-16.00

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