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Pinnacle CAD Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions
2013 Vertex Systems Oy. All rights reserved. Vertex Systems Oy Vaajakatu 9 FI-33720 Tampere FINLAND +358 3 313 411

Limitation of Liability
Vertex Systems Oy will not guarantee this manual in any way, and will not assume liability for any inaccuracies in this manual, and any indirect or direct damages caused by the information in it. Vertex Systems Oy reserves the right to make changes and improvements to the product.

VERTEX is a brand name of Vertex Systems Oy. The other brand names mentioned in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.


Table of Contents
Before Installation ...............................................................................................................................1 Installation Options .............................................................................................................................2 One User Installation ..........................................................................................................................3 Starting the installation ................................................................................................................3 Installation progress.....................................................................................................................3 Installation to a Network Server.........................................................................................................4 Starting the installation ................................................................................................................4 Installing the network server........................................................................................................4 Installing the network user license ..............................................................................................5 Installing a License Server .................................................................................................................6 Starting the installation ................................................................................................................6 Installing the license server .........................................................................................................6 Installing the network server........................................................................................................6 Installing the network user license ..............................................................................................7 Supported Operating Systems ...........................................................................................................8 Support Service ..................................................................................................................................8


Before Installation
We recommend you to always install the software as a new installation, leaving the possible previous version also available. This way, you can still go on using the previous version, should there arise any problems in the installation. Notice the following before installation:

The HASP module driver

The software has been protected with a HASP module which is connected to the computer's USB port. In one user installation, the module is connected to the workstation. In a network server installation, the modules are connected to the workstations using the server. In a license server installation, the module is connected to the license server. The need to install the driver for the protection module depends on whether the software has been previously installed to the computer or not.

The software has been installed previously

It is not necessary to reinstall the driver for a HASP module which has been connected to the computer during previous installation of the software. Select No when the installation program asks if you would like to install the HASP driver included in the installation package.

The software is installed for the first time

When you install the software for the first time, we recommend you to connect the HASP module to the computer's USB port before starting the installation, and let the operating system get the latest driver for it automatically (requires network connection). In that case, it is not necessary to install the driver included in the installation package. Select No when the installation program asks it. Installing the driver from the installation package is necessary only in the following exceptional cases: For some reason, the operating system cannot find a driver for the HASP module. The operating system is Windows XP and the HASP module is to be connected to the computer's parallel port. The operating system cannot find the driver automatically.

The license key

The license key file license.txt has been delivered to your company's contact person by email, compressed to a zip file. Uncompress the zip file to the C:\TEMP folder, for example, and browse to the file when installing the software. If the file is not available during installation, you can save it in the program's user folder after the installation. The license key file is not needed, if a license server is included in the agreement. See Installing a License Server, page 6.

Maximum path length of installation folder is 64 characters

For example: C:\vxbd190\ \\server_name\folder_share_name\vxbd190_srv

Installation Options
This guide describes installing the the software to a single workstation or to a network server. The available installation options are:

One User Installation, page 3

One user is an installation in which the software is installed to a single workstation. The software is used only on the workstation in question.

Installation to a Network Server, page 4

Network server installation is an installation in which all workstation license users use the common software environment on the network server. The created documents are instantly available to all designers. This instruction applies when a license key file is used to protect the software. If a license server is included in the agreement, first read the instruction Installing a License Server, page 6.

Installing a License Server, page 6

Read this instruction first, if a license server is included in the agreement. A license server is an application for controlling the user rights of the software.


One User Installation

One user is an installation in which the software is installed to a single workstation. The software is used only on the workstation in question.

Starting the installation

1 2 3 Download the installation package according to received instructions, and save it to your computer. Uncompress the file to the C:\TEMP folder, for example. As a result, you get a folder named Vertex-BD-2013-19-0-[XX]-[region]. Double-click the installation program install.exe in the folder.

Installation progress
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Select the language. Select One User. Accept the license agreement. If the installation program asks for the version to be updated, select New installation of 19.0. Select the destination path (we recommend the default folder to prevent confusion). Select a shortcut icon to be added on your desktop. The installation program asks if you would like to use a license server. Select No. The installation program asks if you would like to install the HASP driver included in the installation package. Select No as a rule. See The HASP module driver, page 1. The installation program may also ask for the location of the license key file license.txt. Browse to the folder in which you uncompressed the license key zip file. If the program does not ask for the file, it is already included in the installation package. You can also copy the file to the user folder after the installation. In this case, skip the question by selecting Next. 10 If the computer has a 64 bit operating system, the installation program asks if the Vertex file extensions will be associated to the 32 bit or 64 bit executable. We recommend you to associate the file extension to the 64 bit executable. Select Yes. If the computer has a 32 bit operating system, the Vertex files are automatically associated to the 32 bit executable. The entire software is installed on your computers disc in the folder you have selected. If your computer has a 64 bit operating system, the installation program creates two shortcut icons on your desktop: one for the 64 bit and one for the 32 bit application. We recommend to use primarily the 64 bit application. If your computer has a 32 bit operating system, only one shortcut icon is created.


Installation to a Network Server

Network server installation is an installation in which all workstation license users use the common software environment on the network server. The created documents are instantly available to all designers. The installation order is: 1 2 Install the network server. Install a network user license to each workstation.

This instruction applies when a license key file is used to protect the software. If a license server is included in the agreement, the installation order is different: the license server is installed first. See Installing a License Server, page 6.

Starting the installation

The installation must be done physically on the server, not over the network. 1 2 Create a folder on the network server (for example C:\Vxbd190_srv), and share it to the network. Make sure that the work stations, which will use the network server, have the following permissions: Full control to the folder where you will install the network server (security). Full control to the folder sharing (sharing). The folder must be visible in the network before the installation of the network user licenses. We recommend you to connect to the folder from each work station using the same drive letter, for example \\Server_name\Vxbd190_srv = E:\ (you can use any free drive letter). 3 4 5 Download the installation package according to received instructions, and save it to the server. Uncompress the file to the C:\TEMP folder, for example. As a result, you get a folder named Vertex-BD-2013-19-0-[XX]-[region]. Double-click the installation program install.exe in the folder.

Installing the network server

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Select the language. Select Vertex Servers. Select Network Server. Accept the license agreement. If the installation program asks for the version to be updated, select New installation of 19.0. Select the destination path. The default installation folder is C:\Vxbd190_srv. The installation program asks if you would like to use a license server. Select No. The installation program may also ask for the location of the license key file license.txt. Browse to the folder in which you uncompressed the license key zip file. If the program does not ask for the file, it is already included in the installation package.


You can also copy the file to the user folder after the installation. In this case, skip the question by selecting Next. 9 The installation program asks for the default installation path for the network user licenses. We recommend the default setting to prevent confusion. The entire network server is installed on the server computers disc.

Installing the network user license

1 2 3 4 If this is the first time the software is installed on the workstation, plug in the HASP module to the USB port, and let the operating system get the latest driver for it automatically. On the workstation, run the client.bat in the networks server's installation folder. For example, \\Server_name\Vxbd190_srv\Client_Install\client.bat The installation program asks if you would like to install the HASP driver included in the installation package. Select No as a rule. See The HASP module driver, page 1. If the computer has a 64 bit operating system, the installation program asks if the Vertex file extensions will be associated to the 32 bit or 64 bit executable. We recommend you to associate the file extension to the 64 bit executable. Select Yes. If the computer has a 32 bit operating system, the Vertex files are automatically associated to the 32 bit executable. The program creates the pre-defined folder on the workstation (the default installation path for the network user licenses). If the workstation has a 64 bit operating system, the installation program creates two shortcut icons on the desktop: one for the 64 bit and one for the 32 bit application. We recommend to use primarily the 64 bit application. If the workstation has a 32 bit operating system, only one shortcut icon is created. The files needed for starting the program are not copied to the workstation during installation. The necessary files will be copied from the network server when the network user license is started for the first time. So, the first start up will take some time. These files will be updated through the network server when necessary. When the network server is updated, all the network user licenses using the server will be updated automatically. For example, the service packs are only installed on the server. A network server and a network user license using the server can both be installed on the same computer.


Installing a License Server

A license server is an application for controlling the user rights of the software. Using a license server enables the use of the software on workstations without a HASP module of their own. The license server must be agreed upon separately when the software product is ordered. If a license server is included in the agreement, the installation order of the software is: 1 2 3 Install the license server. Install the network server. Install a network user license to each workstation.

The installation requires an lt_llist file, which has been delivered to your company's contact person by email, compressed to a zip file. Uncompress the file to the C:\TEMP folder, for example. A license server can also be used without a network server. This guide only describes using a license server with a network server.

Starting the installation

The installation must be done physically on the server, not over the network. 1 2 3 Download the installation package according to received instructions, and save it to the server where you will install the license server. Uncompress the file to the C:\TEMP folder, for example. As a result, you get a folder named Vertex-BD-2013-19-0-[XX]-[region]. Double-click the installation program install.exe in the folder.

Installing the license server

1 2 3 4 5 Select the language. Select Vertex Servers. Select License Server. Browser to the lt_llist file which contains the license codes. At the end of the installation, the installation program shows you the port in which the Vertex License Server service has been installed. Write down the port information, as you will need it when installing the network server. The license server has now been installed on the server, and the Vertex License Server service has been started.

Installing the network server

If the network server is different than the license server, save and uncompress the installation package to the computer where you will install the network server. The installation must be done physically on the server, not over the network. 1 2 Create a folder on the network server (for example C:\Vxbd190_srv), and share it to the network. Make sure that the work stations, which will use the network server, have the following permissions:


Full control to the folder where you will install the network server (security). Full control to the folder sharing (sharing). The folder must be visible in the network before the installation of the network user licenses. We recommend you to connect to the folder from each work station using the same drive letter, for example \\Server_name\Vxbd190_srv = E:\ (you can use any free drive letter). 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Start the installation program install.exe. Select Vertex Servers. Select Network Server. Accept the license agreement. If the installation program asks for the version to be updated, select New installation of 19.0. Select the destination path. The default installation folder is C:\Vxbd190_srv. The installation program asks if you would like to use a license server. Select Yes.

10 The installation program asks for the license server's name visible in the network and the port number to which the Vertex License Server has been installed. 11 The installation program asks for the default installation path for the network user licenses. We recommend the default setting to prevent confusion. The entire network server is installed on the server computers disc.

Installing the network user license

1 2 On the workstation, run the client.bat in the networks server's installation folder. For example, \\Server_name\Vxbd190_srv\Client_Install\client.bat If the computer has a 64 bit operating system, the installation program asks if the Vertex file extensions will be associated to the 32 bit or 64 bit executable. We recommend you to associate the file extension to the 64 bit executable. Select Yes. If the computer has a 32 bit operating system, the Vertex files are automatically associated to the 32 bit executable. The program creates the pre-defined folder on the workstation (the default installation path for the network user licenses). If the workstation has a 64 bit operating system, the installation program creates two shortcut icons on the desktop: one for the 64 bit and one for the 32 bit application. We recommend to use primarily the 64 bit application. If the workstation has a 32 bit operating system, only one shortcut icon is created. The files needed for starting the program are not copied to the workstation during installation. The necessary files will be copied from the network server when the network user license is started for the first time. So, the first start up will take some time. These files will be updated through the network server when necessary. When the network server is updated, all the network user licenses using the server will be updated automatically. For example, the service packs are only installed on the network server. A network server and a network user license using the server can both be installed on the same computer.


Supported Operating Systems

Supported operating systems are: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7

Support Service
If you have any technical problems concerning the program, please contact the support service: Vertex Systems UK Phone +44 1423 500 213 E-mail:


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