ISES 2013 Research Jam Detailed Overview

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ISES 2013 Research Jam Overview and Partnership Opportunities

Event Overview: The International Student Energy Summit (ISES) is a global forum that focuses on the role that students will play in defining the future of energy. The event is set to take place in Trondheim, Norway from June 13-15, 2013. THE TARGET: ISES brings together a delegate base of 500+ international, multidisciplinary postsecondary students in undergraduate and graduate studies. The goals of ISES are to educate, inspire and unite students to tackle our global energy challenges. Our focus is always on creating a non-partisan event that encourages students to truly understand all perspectives on leading energy topics. Biased, uninformed and narrow viewpoints on these hyper-complex energy issues simply wont suffice. THE ISES RESEARCH JAM: The ISES Research Jam will be a quirky, unique and powerful event within the greater ISES festivities that is designed to simultaneously showcase the best, most innovative research ideas from the worlds undergraduate students while also showcasing the worlds leading post-secondary institutions and the value they bring to students as potential research destinations. At its core, this event has been designed based off the insight that schools want to access the best emerging minds for their research and that students want to access the highest quality academic institutions in the world. Its as simple as that. As such, the Research Jam will be based around students pitching their wild and innovative ideas to the worlds top schools and then flipping the relationship and having the worlds top schools pitch themselves to the students at ISES.

EVENT DETAILS: Taking place from 5:00-7:00pm on June 13th, 2013, the Research Jam will be unique event with no true precedent to base expectations from. It will be a mix between a tradeshow, a networking reception and a pitch competition. The backbone of the event will be a networking and tradeshow event called our Innovation Mixer, in which post-secondary institutions will have modified tradeshow booths with reps from their institutions on-site to explain their programs, research focus areas, funding opportunities and additional details on their school. This is essentially the home base for the event. Throughout the evening however, students and schools will break off from the networking event into the main presentation room at ISES for three rounds of Research Pitches. These will be broken down into three broad research categories: Round 1: Economics, Markets and Finance Round 2: Engineering and Technology Round 3: Social Sciences and Policy

Each of these rounds is designed to be a highly interactive, lightening quick event. The goal for each round is two-fold: 1. Undergraduate or masters students have a platform from which they can pitch a panel of educational experts and a full auditorium of student peers on the innovative research theyre considering pursuing or are already pursuing. 2. Post-secondary institutions then step up and pitch why they are global experts in their respective fields and why students should pursue their further research within their institution. EVENT GOALS: 1. Create a high-energy forum in which some of the most innovative, creative and out-there research ideas can be pitched in a safe and supportive environment 2. Provide a forum for students to receive direct feedback on their research ideas from both experts and student peers 3. Showcase the human side of post-secondary institutions by allowing them to directly pitch their schools in a fun, open and creative environment 4. Create a forum where post-secondary institutions can truly communicate which research and funding areas that they are world leaders in 5. Create direct linkages between students and the post-secondary institutions that most closely support their passion areas and research interests 6. Driving Goal: At the end of the day, we hope to see our students pitch worldchanging ideas and then pursue researching them at one of the academic institutions in attendance at ISES. Everyone wins.

GENERATING RESEARCH IDEAS: For the research jam to be truly exciting, it will need exciting research ideas. In order to generate high-quality research ideas, an online submission portal will be created leading into ISES where students from all corners of the globe can submit their innovative research ideas. The language and wording of the online submission platform will challenge students to truly step outside their comfort zones and come up with research ideas that can have a significant impact on the global energy challenge. Using crowd sourced voting and commenting criteria, we will then select the top four research ideas from across the three research themes for a total of 12 student pitches during the research jam. The rest of the innovative ideas wont simply be ignored however as we will incorporate all submitted research ideas into the Innovation Mixer event. This will be done through the creation of an Innovation Wall during the Innovation Mixer in which all ideas submitted under each of three themes will be printed out and posted alongside a picture and CV of the submitter. These will be posted on a poster wall that can be written on and commented on to encourage idea sharing, collaboration and an open dialogue for each idea. All Academic partners will receive a summary document that includes the following: A summary of all research pitches submitted as part of the online portal Summary of comments and votes for each research idea CVs and contact information of all students that submitted research ideas

Below you will find details on the partnership involvement levels available to Academic Partners

ACADEMIC PARTNER INVOLVEMENT: A key component of the Research Jam will be involving some of the worlds leading energy institutions. To fit the differing objectives for individual academic institutions, three different participation levels have been crafted to allow for as much or as little exposure. As with all ISES partnership opportunities, we are very flexible to get creative to ensure that true value is delivered to our partners. Innovation Mixer Participant - $2,500: Receive access to an opt-in mailing list of students in attendance that want to receive more information from our Academic Partners Receive a booth in the Networking Tradeshow Logo and branding inclusion on event pamphlet program guide URL Link in post-event summary email sent to all participants Four complimentary passes to Research Jam Event One full conference pass to all 3 days of ISES Twitter mention announcing your school as a participant in the ISES Research Jam

Research Jam Panelist - $5,000: Includes all of the benefits listed above in addition to: Rights to sit on one of the three Research Jam Panels. This includes: Right to comment on and judge each of the student research presentations during that round o Rights to pitch your school for 3 minutes including your research focus areas, leading researchers and calls to action on why students should pursue their research at your school. This is the key benefit available. An additional booth space in the Innovation Mixer area, allowing you to profile multiple research centers or create a more elaborate display for your school Rights to select one of the students presenting to have a private one on one meeting with during the remaining days of ISES. A fantastic opportunity to network with a potential future research superstar A PDF document with the resumes and contact information of all students participating in presenting their ideas during all three rounds of the Research Jam An invitation to attend the Research Jam Breakfast the morning after the Research Jam that ensures you have an ability to follow up on the conversations from the night before and get to know the other participants. Rights to submit a question to a student survey on what students look for in a post-secondary institution when deciding on potential research locations o

Research Jam Presenting Host - $10,000: Includes all benefits from the two previous packages in addition to: Full presenting rights to one of the three presentation rounds. Ex: o Engineering and Technology - Presented by XYZ University

Rights to speak for 2 additional minutes at the outset of the presentation round to outline the purpose for the event and to articulate why your institution wanted to support that particular round of the Research Jam. o Fantastic opportunity to stand apart from the crowd and show why your organization is a true leader in a particular field or research area

Two additional tweets about your institution on the day of the Research Jam and as a thank-you post-event Rights to submit a 500-word blog post to Student Energy that will be promoted through all available channels. This is designed to be a follow up to ISES and encourage students from across our entire global network to pursue studies at your institution. Currently Student Energy and ISES have over 12,000 online student followers which is expected to grow to over 15,000 by ISES 2013


Innovation Mixer Research Jam

Runs from 5pm - 730pm continuously Round 1: 5:15 - 5:45 pm

Food and drink to be served

Round 2: 5:55 - 6:25 pm

Objective is to provide students with materials as well as a human face to represent each institution

Round 3: 6:35 - 6:55 pm


Minutes 0 2: MC Welcome and Event Description Minutes 3 4: Round Host to introduce the research area and their relevance as presenting partner Minutes 5 17: Rapid fire, 2-minute student pitches from 4 different students with 1 minute of feedback from the judges/schools. Minutes 18 30: Rapid fire, 3-minute presentations from each academic institution with 1 minute of Q&A from the student presenters that just pitched their research ideas. Time will be made for audience Q&A if available

Each group will then filter out to the main Innovation Mixer area to carry on further conversations. The goal is that students and academic institutions can carry on the conversations from the stage but also receive feedback and advice from the students watching in the crowd. It is expected that some of the highest value networking for all parties will be in the 30 minutes immediately after their time on stage.

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