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President: Annette DeModena 442-2788 aslansplace @ Membership: Terry Roberts 599-3255 Editor: Rose

Volume 39 Issue 3 March 2013

What a month! Karl Rove at CRP, Laura Bush in Redding, newly elected o cers at the California Republican Party (Congratulations to Jim Brulte, Harmeet Dhillon, Mike Osborn and Patricia Welch!)... theres been a lot going on and this should be an interesting meeting! We have members just back from the CRP Convention, and others just returning from seeing Laura Bush at the event in Redding. Lots to talk about!
Thursday, March 21st, 11:30-1:00 445 Herrick Ave, Eureka. To RSVP, please CALL LAURA 839-5538 Or RSVP by email to: Margaret Sta ord 11:30 a.m. Lunch/Socializing: Mtg 12:00 -1:00 p.m. Your choice: Full Lunch $15.00, Beverage only (no lunch) $4.00 (Tax & tip included) Make checks payable to HRWF

Humboldt Republican Women Welcome

David Hull
The Bay, The Vision, The Future of Humboldt County


Join us for lunch...

Laura Bush In Redding! Sunday, March 17th

Simpson University Presents A Conversation with Laura W. Bush at the Redding Civic Auditorium

Former First Lady

It's "the only deep water port along a 400-mile stretch of Paci c coast between San Francisco and Coos Bay, Oregon, and is currently at approximately 10 percent of its predicted potential. The untapped possibilities the port o ers are many, and they could provide jobs ... good jobs, to keep families together in the community, to provide income for needed services, improve the infrastructure, and create more possibilities for commerce, tourism and recreation...." (Susana Munzell, HBHWG Chair) A little over a year ago, a group of concerned citizens met to talk about job opportunities vis--vis the Humboldt Bay harbor. That group became known as the Humboldt Bay Harbor Working Group (HBHWG) and they've been working steadily ever since. Our speaker brings with him a wealth of knowledge - he's been involved in some of the most exciting projects in Humboldt County's history - the City of Arcatas world-renowned wetland-wastewater treatment system and wetland restoration program; the City of Eurekas Waterfront Revitalization Program; and the Humboldt Bay Channel Deepening Project. For 15 years, he served as CEO/Port Director for the Harbor District (more correctly, and more of a mouthful: Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District/ Port of Humboldt Bay), and now, he's working with HBHWG. He's here to give us his take on the future of Humboldt Bay - where we're at, what people are working on, and where it might lead. Please welcome David Hull. David is presently the President of David Hull and Associates, specializing in coastal project development. He is also the Executive Director of the California Maritime Infrastructure Authority and Bank, providing one-stop nancial services for Californias ports and harbors. David has been married for 34 years and has two daughters.

Meeting: March 21st

by Fr Mar iday ch 1 5th



Follow us on TWITTER @hrwf ( Find us on FACEBOOK - Humboldt Republican Women
Affiliated with NFRW (National Federation of Republican Women)/CFRW (California Federation of Republican Women - Northern Division)


1246 Anvick Road Arcata, California, 95521 email Telephone 888-ANVICK1 Telephone 707-822-7731 FAX 707-822-3003

Weve moved Our new studio is located at 2010 Heartwood in McKinleyville (707) 839-4411

2907 E Street, Eureka 442-2527 32 Sunnybrae Center, Arcata 822-3750 Redwood Village Shopping Center 725-9003



Firearms Refresher Course "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." ~Thomas Je erson "Those who trade liberty for security have neither." ~John Adams.......... Free men do not ask permission to bear arms. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control. You only have the rights you are willing to ght for. Know guns, know peace, know safety... No guns, no peace, no safety. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive. Assault is a behavior, not a device. 64,999,987 rearms owners killed no one yesterday. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights Reserved. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others. What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you NOT understand? Guns have only two enemies; rust and politicians. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control. I do not like this Uncle Sam I do not like his health care scam. I do not like these dirty crooks, Or how they lie, and cook the books. I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like their secret deals. I do not like ex-speaker Nan, I do not like this "YES WE CAN." I do not like this spending spree, I'm smart, I know that nothing's free. I do not like their smug replies, When I complain about their lies. I do not like this kind of hope. I do not like it. Nope, nope, nope.



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Agape Massage

Barbara Rudene Massage Therapy 445- 2999 839-4663 Since 1981

Presidents Message Hope

It was about 5:30 p.m. one drizzly night last week when I entered Starbucks for a decaf. My dog Chloe was down the road at her beauty shop appointment and wasnt quite ready to go home. So there I was with not enough time to go home, get something accomplished, and return to pick her up, slightly frustrated with the situation, and pretty centered on myself. As I enjoyed my rst sip of co ee, I began to relax, resign myself to the wait, and make the most of the situation. I sequestered myself at the bar of the downtown branch, facing the replace and all the people who were unknowingly sharing their time with me as I observed their actions. A couple sat enjoying each others company while sharing specialty drinks . Another man read the newspaper in the corner, as yet another worked on his computer by the re. The employees behind the counter were busily attending to their duties, because as usual, it was a busy place. In the co ee daze of my wait, I noticed an older woman hustling to and fro just outside, under the covered area, peeping in. The wind blew her unkempt hair in a myriad of directions as the icy cold nipped at her nose and ears. It was one of those Aha! moments when one is suddenly gripped with an emotion, which burst forth into my reality and took charge of my heart. The woman was homeless. Here I sat. There she stood. I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the life I lived. What could I do for her? Would she come in? Should I go out there? Even if I did go out, what would I say? What should I do? She saved me from making the decision when she briskly walked into the shop as though on a mission. This disheveled woman bent over, peered into the goodies case, and then scooted away quickly, only to return. It was then that I decided to approach her. I wanted to at least buy her something to eat and drink and nd out where she would spend the night, etc. She politely thanked me for caring but said she had money. Some other woman had given her $20.00 at another store and she had a check coming in on Monday for $125.00. She shared that she appreciated people like me, because we helped panhandlers like her make it. She had her own form of dignity and self-respect, and wasnt going to take advantage of me. How much we have! Im still pondering the lessons Ive learned from this stranger; yet one thing is clear. We must all move out of our comfort zones and nd ways to bring hope to those who have no hope. What that looks like for each of us, I dont know. It wasnt comfortable reaching out to this woman that night, but it was important that I did. Now she knows theres someone else who cares, and I have grown more appreciative of all that has been entrusted to me in this life. I shared this story as a prelude to our next speaker, David Hull, who will speak on the vision of the Humboldt Bay Working Group, a citizen committee that has been raising the bar in regard to bringing hope to our county through living wage jobs related to harbor development. Lets be involved in bringing hope to the people of Humboldt County! Lets become informed as to the vision and plan to which this group aspires. How can you embrace this goal and do your part, however how large or small, for our county? What does 3,000 more good jobs look like? Lets help bring hope and true change to Humboldt County. It all starts with your rst step. Warmest regards,

Congratulations and Kudos!

Our rst-ever Scholarship Recipient, Grady Sheehy, is having a great year at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Hes on the Deans List, and he was selected to join the national honor society, Phi Eta Sigma, which is for freshman with scholastic distinction of 3.5-4.0. Keep up the good work!


To be awarded to a deserving high school graduate (with an additional $500 to be awarded upon completion of their Freshman year if they maintain a 3.0 GPA.) RECIPIENT MUST BE RELATED TO SOMEONE IN HRWF.



Applications are available for the 2012-13 school year. Applications are available through high school counselors. Additional application forms and scholarship information, including scholarships o ered through CFRW and NFRW, are posted on our website

Fri-Sun, March 1-3 CRP SPRING CONVENTION 2013 Tuesday, Mar. 5th HGOP Central Committee Meeting Thu-Sat, March 14-16 CPAC Political Action Conference
Washington DC


Sunday, March 17th Former First Lady LAURA BUSH Speaking in Redding, CA Thursday, March 21st HRWF MEETING
Speaker: Dave Hull

Fri-Sun, April 7-9 CFRW Advocacy Workshop

Sacramento Sheraton, CA

Left to Right: Jane Burchit, Jim Brulte, and Annette De Modena at the California Republican Party Convention. Our Humboldt County delegation included Jean and Charlie Giannini, and current and former HRCC Chairmen Todd Walker and Peter Hannaford.

Sat, April 27 RHODODENDRON PARADE Sat, April 27 CFRW Northern Division SPRING CONFERENCE
Redding, CA

In Memoriam

A year ago, we lost a happy warrior.

What an honor it was to be asked to attend this convention as a delegate. It was my rst time to attend such an event, and I was rather overwhelmed by the concept of seeing another portion of our democratic process in action. Karl Rove was our luncheon speaker on Saturday, and once again, he was blunt in telling us basically to get over the last loss, reunite, rise from our sitting places, and retake the land. We cannot lament any longer over what has happened, but we need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and sacri ce our time and e ort to rebuild the party. Remember Steve Austin (Lee Majors) and the $6,000,000 man? They had the technology to rebuild him and make him better. We have the talent, can raise the money, can sacri ce the time, develop new ideas, and unite in a common goal to make it happen. The glue to make this work is commitment. Are you ready to become involved? You are the glue that will make this party great. Without you, it will not happen. Will you be part of the process or will you be part of the problem? We have new leadership that will certainly encourage us to follow a new grassroots agenda for adding new members to the Republican fold. Its been an idea I have been working to incorporate into HRWF; so, for me, it was exciting to know that our California leadership was formulating their strategies around it as well. I look forward to bringing this program to you as it unfolds from our leadership.

Andrew Breitbart

According to Jon Fleischman at Flash Report: The election of conservative Jim Brulte to the helm of the party was really a fait accompli... Harmeet Dhillon, clinched the partys Vice Chairmanship... The partys Treasurer, Mike Osborn, and Secretary, Patricia Welch, were elected without opposition. Five regional vice chairman seats (out of eight) were up for election over the weekend as well. The winners there were: Northwest Elissa Wadleigh; North Arnie Zeiderman; Bay Area Kevin Krick; Central Coast Greg Gandrud, and Central Valley Marcelino Valdez, Jr. The three southern regions elect their vice chairman at the fall convention which will be held in Orange County. Re-elected by his peers was Yolo County Chairman Mark Pruner to the position of President of the Republican County Chairmans Association. Looking forward there is no doubt that an epic challenge faces the California Republican Party. That having been said, the feeling that this convention has started the party moving in the right direction was de nitely pervasive, and so we will see where things go from here.... CRP delegates, guests, our friends in the media, and others can note on their calendars that the Fall CRP Convention will be held the rst weekend in October, the 4th 6th, at the Anaheim Hilton Hotel in the heart of Orange County.

Legislative Report



Sacramento: (916) 319-2001 Eureka: (707) 445-7014, Fax: 445-6607

Assemblyman Wes Chesbro (D)

State Senator Noreen Evans (D)

Call all of Noreen Evans o ces:

Is there a right more important than the Second Amendment?

Senator Yee reintroduced a bill that died last year in committee fresh o the heels of Newtown, Connecticut. Like Mayor Emmanuel says, Never let a crisis go to waste, progressive Democrats (aka Marxists) are foaming at the mouth to erode the rights of lawful gun owners by submitting SB-47, the assault weapons ban. They deem any gun that has more than 10 rounds, or a special grip, or in a removable magazine, as an assault weapon. Read the bill at, . We know that Senator Evans has NOT supported our Second Amendment rights. She needs to hear from us, loud and clear, who is harmed most from gun control. The answer is women and children, when the most vulnerable cannot protect themselves or their family, and when law enforcement cannot respond is a timely manner. Citizens must have the right to protect themselves. In our rural areas, intruders are seldom alone. We know that it may take several bullets to stop a criminal, especially if they are hopped up on drugs. Taking away our right to bear arms, due to strict ammunition laws, is an assault on our right to defend ourselves. SB-47 is in the second reading in committee. There are only 40 senators but our voice needs to be loud and clear: Leave our guns alone. California already has enough gun laws; focus on enforcing our existing laws and get guns out of the hands of criminals! While you are calling Senator Evans, call Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro and Congressman Jared Hu man, as their support of the Second Amendment isnt much better than Noreen Evans. Please remember, women need to be on the front line to protect this essential right for future generations. This truly is a War on Women! Our government wants women and children to be unprotected. We must be the watchtower with the following numbers on speed dial to call early and often. A free republic cannot exist when our right to bear arms is legislatively rendered useless.

Sacramento: (916) 651-4002; Santa Rosa: 707-576-2771 Ukiah: (707) 468-8914, Vallejo: (707) 648-5312 San Rafael: (415) 479-6612, Eureka: 445-6508 Fax: 445-6511 Both have o ces in Eureka at 710 E St. Phone: (916) 445-2841 Faxes: (916) 445-4633 (916) 558-3160

Governor Jerry Brown (D)

Congressman Jared Hu man (D)
Washington, DC: (202) 225-5161, Eureka: 707 407-3585 Washington, DC: (202) 224-3841 Fax: (202) 228-3954 San Francisco: (415) 393-0707 Washington, DC: (202) 224-3553 San Francisco: (415) 403-0100 Fax: (415) 956-6701

US Senator Dianne Feinstein (D)

US Senator Barbara Boxer (D)

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS: We have the Rhododendron Parade and the Membership Tea coming up, and we need all the volunteers we can get. Both are fun events - if you can help, let us know. Contact info (names, phone numbers and email addresses) is on page 6 of this newsletter.

Find these numbers and more on our website. Check out our GET INVOLVED page: Our list includes local elected o cials, from the Board of Supervisors to the various community services districts. Were in the process of adding local school boards as well. Youll also nd links to the agendas and minutes for the boards and city councils... our goal is to give you everything you need in one place - a one-stop shop, if you will. If you see something that needs to be added, or nd a link that isnt working, let us know.


Scott, Robinson & Pavlich 111 Sixth Street Eureka, CA 95501 TELEPHONE (707) 443-2781 FAX (707) 443-0608

Contact The Board:

President: Annette De Modena 442-2788 aslansplace @ 1st VP/Program Chair: We have an opening 2nd VP: Jane Burchit 442-5602 jburchit @ Recording Secretary: Sheryl Fearrien: 726-0147 schoolmarm50 @ Parliamentarian: Barbara Hecathorn 442-7124 hecathorn @ Treasurer: Rebecca Crosby 442-9905 northbynorthwest @ Sponsorships: Rebecca Crosby 442-9905 northbynorthwest @ Director-at-Large: Leola Santsche 443-7205 leola41j @ Membership: Terry Roberts 599-3255 terry @ Ways & Means: Kay Parris 407-0010 aparris @ Americanism/Coupon Project: Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 chrissie.wen @ Auditor: JoAnn Stanhope 822-4776 jstanhope @ Chaplain: Amanda Sachs 839-9300 amanda8751 @ Correspondence Secretary: Carol Del Biaggio 786-4832 cdel @ Education Chair: Nancy Elcock 443-2529 nancyelcock @ Voter Registration/Campaigns: Jean Giannini 725-2359 cjgiannini @ Hospitality: Donna Bellairs 442-6648 debellairs @ Luncheon Reservations: Laura 839-5538 Name Tags: Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090 Newsletter/Website/HRWF Facebook: Rose 839-2935 admin @ Newsletter: Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 chrissie.wen @ Publicity: Were looking for someone to take this on. Interested? National Federation of Republican Women... California Federation of Republican Women... Northern Division President: Roseann Slonsky-Breault EMAIL: roseannsb @

Serving Humboldt County Since 1932

311 E St. Eureka 444-2823 (877)445-0152

Richard Whitaker Insurance Services, Inc. Richard Whitaker CLU, ChFC Phone: (707) 442-1505 (800) 504-1555 FAX: (707) 442-0717 3932 Walnut Drive, Eureka, CA 95503


Not to lecture, and we know its tiresome, but YOUR RESERVATION lets us know how many people will be attending the meeting, so the cooks can plan accordingly. To RSVP, please CALL Laura 839-5538, or EMAIL Margaret Sta ord tom-marg @ and, if you get a call from one of our Call-Girls, let em know youre planning to attend. Look forward to seeing you!
Pat Murphy, Nancy Elcock, Pat Stolte Gwen Morris, Pearl Micheli, Lenore Anvick

The Call Girls

For a fun filled, amazing family adventure head to Ocean World!! Home to an amazing variety of sea life, we pride ourselves as one of the best privately owned small aquariums in the United States. Were located six hours north of San Francisco, in beautiful Crescent City, California.

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LIKE us on FACEBOOK HumboldtRepublicanWomen FOLLOW us on TWITTER @hrwf ( )

http: //www.


Name: Address: Phone(s): Email:


My phone # My Address My E-mail - has changed Yes, add my business to the roster: Regular Member...............................................................................$30. Associate Member (men and any members of other clubs) ... .......$30. Republican Angels ............................................................................. +
Referred By________________________


HRWF c/o Terry Roberts 4425 Cha n Road McKinleyville, CA 95519

Note: Membership Applications are ALSO available online at our website:

Hello there!


WAYS & Means

NO SHOPPING, NO BAKING, NO GATHERING OF INGREDIENTS, NO OVEN TO WATCH Great way to help our funds grow. OPPORTUNITY DRAWING - Many thanks for all the lovely donations of fresh owers, books, home made cookies, cookbooks, and more. A big thank you to Gwen Morris for her adept salesmanship in selling tickets and getting people to so happily participate. WINNERS and DONORS: Book Screwed, donated by Annette DeModena, won by Sue Scott; Martha Washington Cookbook, donated by Kay Parris, won by Dennis Del Biaggio; decorative rustic wooden chair won by Cathy Ray Pierson; oral vase won by Nancy Elcock; cookies baked/donated by Margaret Sta ord, won by Debbie Walker; fresh owers, donated by Carol Del Biaggio, won by Mary Scott & Mary Jerland. Donations for the opportunity drawings are greatly appreciated. Money raised goes toward scholarships, expenses, etc.

The NO-BAKE SALE was a success!

January began our HRWF Membership drive. Have you sent in your membership yet? A printed membership form is included for you in this Newsletter above, and is also available on our website just open & print, or email it to a friend. We had four brand new members join HRWF this past month! Please welcome Associate Aaron Blanchard, and new members Patricia Brown, Kathleen Duncan, and Linda Norris! Visit our new webpage at I think that you will love it as you will see it has many fantastic educational and YouTube links. Membership Chair

Pssst: Cut this out, bring it to the meeting to enter a drawing for a

Feel free to call me at 407-0010 with questions. Thank you all.

Humboldt Republican Women, Federated c/o Terry Roberts 4425 Chaffin Road McKinleyville, CA 95519


The Redwood Alert


CRP Elects New Leadership at Spring Convention

Jon Fleischman at Flash Report says:
The election of conservative Jim Brulte to the helm of the party was really a fait accompli going into the weekend. ...He had high-caliber party leaders give his nominating speeches Congressman Tom McClintock, Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel, and San Joaquin County Chairman Tony Amador.... Of course, what follows on the intense sprint to the chairmanship is the much more daunting task of party governance and building towards success in 2014 and beyond I would largely characterize the mood of the delegates as resolved it wasnt as celebratory a crowd is in some conventions past, but then the CRP is at a challenging time in its history, and even with some new leadership coming in to excite and energize everyone, there is a daunting task ahead for all.

Katy Grimes at Cal Watchdog reports:

The election of new party Chairman Jim Brulte ushered in a new, distinctive feeling of cohesiveness missing in the party for several years, along with a sense of a new era of leadership.... Brultes overwhelming election on Sunday, to loud cheers and visible Former Senate GOP Leader Jim Brulte overwhelmingly elected state Chairman; relief, is a message to the state. Brulte isnt just any CRP Chairman hes a former SFGOP Chair Harmeet Dhillon becomes 1st woman Vice Chairman in CAGOP history. Assembly and Senate leader, and a well known down-to-business butt-kicker.... Brulte promised to help Republicans regain seats in the state Legislature, saying Democratic control of both houses and the governors o ce is a recipe for disaster. Brulte asked delegates to close their eyes and imagine the California they want to see 10, 15, 20 years from now, And imagine the America you want to see....There is a fundamental di erence between their vision and ours, said Brulte. More inside...

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