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Corporate Office: 3050 Woodbridge Ave.,Edison, NJ 08837 Ph. : 732-709-3347, Cell: 732-915-8813, Fax: 732-709-3086 Email: Website :,

Introduction to Santhigram Kerala Ayurveda: Santhigram is an ISO 9001:2008 certified provider of Ayurveda Services in India and are specialized in the unique Kerala specific "Ayurvedic and Panchakarma Therapies". With over a decade of successful operations in India, Santhigram has spread its wings to United Kingdom seven years back. The recent popularity of Ayurveda in the United States and its continued acceptability and success in UK has encouraged the company to further extend its unique services to the United States and has launched their specialized Kerala Ayurvedic Wellness Centers, three of them in New Jersey, one in New York and the 5th one in Houston, Texas. The

location details are available in our website all across United States.


company is pursuing its ambitious plans to create a network of Franchise Centers

Industry Affiliations:

Santhigram is a Corporate Member of the following organizations in US. 1. National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) 2. Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA) 3. North American Studio Alliance (NAMASTA) 4. American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

OUR MISSION Santhigram is in the mission of propagating worldwide the unique benefits of the ancient and time-tested Kerala specific Ayurvedic and Panchakarma Therapies, traditionally proven for health rejuvenation, stress relief and to alleviate specific chronic/acute ailments without side-effects, by establishing Authentic and professionally managed Ayurvedic Wellness Centers which render customer friendly services without compromising the essence of Ayurveda The Science Of Life. Ayurveda Wellness Great Business Opportunity in USA The trend towards alternative or complementary medicine particularly Ayurveda medicine has caught up all over the world especially in the Western countries. Ayurveda has become a household name in Malaysia, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, New Zealand and France to name a few. A number of Ayurveda Wellness Centers have been established in the community of these countries providing Ayurvedic care to thousands of people who have given up modern medicine for specific ailments due to the side effects and complications attached to certain medications and medical procedures including surgery. The Ayurvedic Practitioners help the Physicians of other systems, especially practitioners of modern medicine,

to incorporate Ayurvedic principles in their existing practice. Thus, these centers provide holistic medicine accessible to the people. Yet, there are practitioners of modern medicine from the United States who have come to India to study Ayurveda medicine. They apply both modern and Ayurveda aspects of medicine in their treatment modality. These trends are beginning to catch up all over the world. Ayurvedic Wellness and its philosophy has been very popular in most Western countries due to the growing popularity of Yoga. It is simultaneously social, spiritual, emotional, psychological and medical science. It has gained significance in this modern world due to its uncannily holistic approach to the wellbeing of the individuals. In the health care centers, Ayurveda is the governing principle behind integrating treatments and developing specific life style management programs. Founded on the wholeness of mind, body and spirit, the art and science of Ayurveda is emerging as an important health care option in the Western countries. Holistic health is one of the trends of the modern world and complementary and alternative medicines particularly Ayurveda is viewed by many as a solution to the rising incidence of chronic illness and diseases and spiraling health and medical care costs in the Western world. Santhigram has converted this into a business opportunity and created proper systems and procedures in order to create a network of facilities all across US. The Benefits of Ayurveda The current synthetic lifestyle of modern man has led to many health hazards. The stress and strain of day-to-day life is a major factor for many chronic diseases. Lack of exercise, polluted environment and climatically unsuitable menu further drains away energy. The Health Rejuvenation Program that we offer will reduce the physical suffering to a great extent, control several dreaded disabilities, ward off the middle age syndrome, retard the aging process and provide unlimited curative powers for body and mind by repairing the worn out tissues revitalizing the body, increasing memory power, improving vigor and vitality and make oneself physically and mentally fit. Various therapies provided by Santhigram also helps to alleviate

specific problems like Back Pain, Neck Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Sinusitis, Migraine, Joint Pain, Arthritis, Insomnia, Depression etc, reduce obesity and mental tension, enhances body complexion and skin luster, corrects metabolism and deficiency and recharges the body and mind. People in developing countries suffer from physical problems that affect the body due to poor hygienic conditions and lack of proper nutrition or both. In developed countries, people are plagued by chronic diseases and psychological illness. Chronic diseases such as heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, rheumatism, insomnia, obesity, neuralgia, fatigue, sinus congestion, constipation, stress, anger, nervous tension, anxiety, depression, varicose veins, and skin complaints are continuously rising in incidence, causing increasing mortality and morbidity. Ayurveda offers health solutions that deal with the methods to help bring a person into a state of complete balance. These solutions are not restricted to sophisticated formulas or medicine but goes to the extent of prescribing a personalized life style for each individual. The intensity of the diseases determines the kind of health solution. If it is a recent illness or diseases it can get treated by home remedial measures but in a chronic situation where the disease has spread from one body system to another, the treatment requires a full range of Ayurvedic formulas that includes Ayurvedic & Panchakarma therapies and specific diets. Ayurveda The Ancient Science of Life Ayurveda and Yoga are the time tested ancient system to maintain a perfect body and mind which is now popular in most western cultures. It is a science that not only addresses to bodily infirmity but encourages social, spiritual, emotional and psychological well being. The word AYURVEDA means Science of Life (AYUR means Life and VEDA means Science). The Kerala specific Ayurvedic rejuvenation and "Panchakarma" Therapies have a unique history of evolution and offer many exceptional methods for total rejuvenation of body and mind. Panchakarma is a complete therapeutic regime that identifies "doshas" or the imbalances in the body that arises due to pathological conditions and detoxifies the body with various










preparations, strict dietary and life style changes. Uniqueness of Ayurveda

The holistic approach of Ayurveda is unique. Treatment given is for the individual as a whole, not just the body alone, but also mind and soul. Again, treatment is not to correct the affected part only, but to correct the origin and balance the equilibrium. The Mind - Body relation is well explained in Ayurveda. Mental aberrations can lead to physical ill-health and vice versa. Ayurveda believes that a healthy mind can exist only in a healthy body. It is

essentially knowledge of the Art and Science of Living which man needs, as long as there is life on earth. It maintains the tradition of using only plants, vegetables etc. which are available in nature. Ayurveda. YOGA highlights the importance of mind in proper health. It helps human beings to achieve a higher state of body and mind. Yoga enables the individual to economize energy and thus refreshes the mind and body. Relaxation is very important, as it is natures way of recharging the body. Breathing exercises cleanse the body and activates all the systems. Meditation goes a long way to relieve tension and stress. Yoga and meditation are highly beneficial to the modern man in this fast changing and busy world. The fundamentals of Ayurveda, state that all human beings are born in a state of equipoise, but later lose it either through bad diet, bad treatment or moving away from the physical location most conducive to the body constitution and temperament. The role of the Ayurvedic practitioners is To understand the In other words, no artificial substance is used in

imbalance happening to the dynamic equilibrium of the body and to set it right by bringing back to the original state. The Ayurvedic practitioners make the affected healthy and not just treating the illness. Ayurvedic Treatment varies from person

to person. It is based on the age, sex, strength, constitution, and the magnitude of the illness one is suffering. Ayurveda believes that the person is free from any disease if the balance is restored. Great emphasis is laid on the principles of proper diet, proper exercise, proper breathing, proper relaxation, proper thinking and proper meditation. According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of three fundamental elements called, DOSHAS which represent the which physiochemical and physiological activities of the body, DHADUS denotes the materials

entering into the formation of a basic structure of the body cell, to perform basic actions and MALAS which denotes the substances which are partly used in the body and partly excreted in another form after serving their physiological activities. Proper balance of these three principles at work, in the human body, is essential. All the three are equally important, but Doshas are a bit more dominant. There are three kinds of Doshas. They are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which may not be equal and same in all people. Our food habits, lifestyle etc., can be adjusted according to the body type, to maintain perfect health. The signs and symptoms, by which we can foresee an illness, are well described in the Ayurvedic texts. How to change our lifestyle, according to the climate, is also given in the books. Ayurveda prescribes the social norms for an individual. This helps in maintaining spiritual health and elaborates on daily routines, according to the region of the habitat, age of the person etc. Ayurveda believes that man is influenced very much by his environment, which affects his health status too. The routines include diets, habits and attitude to life. These are to be changed according to age, sex, living conditions, environment etc., these changes are required to maintain the natural resistance of the body to diseases. Diet and dialectics are of great importance. Any abnormality in the consumption of food can cause insufficiency and upset the immune system.

PANCHAKARMA THERAPY PANCHAKARMA consists of five Ayurvedic procedures, which are purificatory in nature, viz. Nasya, Vamana, Virechana, Vasthi and Raktha Moksha which eliminate all the toxic elements from the body and mind. Panchakarma (Purification Therapy) deals mainly with the removal of toxins and waste materials from the body to purify the biological system from gross channels to eradicate the disease completely. It is helpful in the prevention of disease and preservation and promotion of health, as well as the management of psychosomatic, neurological, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and many other chronic degenerative diseases and autogenic conditions. Panchakarma plays a vital role in Ayurvedic therapeutics and occupies an important place in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Under pre-operative management, the doshas are liquefied by internal and external oleation of ghee, oil, various therapies and fomentation followed by main purification processes for the elimination of toxins from the body. days after the panchakarma therapies are described. Kerala specific Ayurvedic & Panchakarma Therapy The only place in the world practicing AYURVEDA in its absolute purity and dedication is the nick-named Gods own country, Kerala, India. which is something more than the purification therapy. Ayurvedic Practitioners in Kerala have developed specialized techniques of panchakarma, Kerala has specialized in this therapy and it has become a center of world attention. Large numbers of people from all over the world are coming to Kerala to avail this treatment. Under postoperative management, various types of dietetics and disciplined living for a few

Ayurvedic Therapies Offered By Santhigram. Santhigram Centers offer exclusive Kerala specific Ayurvedic & Panchakarma Therapies which include various types of rejuvenation and stress buster therapies for healthy people wanting to refresh and de-stress themselves from the frictions of daily living and also provide specific therapies in series to help alleviate a number of chronic ailments particularly skeleto-muscular problems like Spondylitis, Slip Disc / Back Ache, Arthritis, Joint Pains, Muscle pains, Sprains, Frozen Shoulder, Hemiplegia, Psychosomatic disorders like depression, Eczema and problems like excess

insomnia, skin diseases like Psoriasis, weight, Sinusitis, Migraine, etc.

Some of the Ayurvedic & Panchakarma procedures used in our therapies are given below. Details about these therapies are provided in our website. o o o o o o o o o o Uzhichil or Abhyangam Pizhichil Shirodhara Swedana Nasyam Elakizhi Njavarakizhi Shirovasthi Udhwartanam Vasti

Prospects on Santhigram Wellness business:

The wellness service industry is growing significantly and offers tremendous business opportunity. As per the latest statistics, roughly consumers spend between $5 billion to $7 billion annually. Individuals avail wellness programs 140 million times a year. The number of Americans availing wellness therapies has doubled since 1997 Many Fortune 500 companies now offer Wellness programs as an employee benefit. Santhigrams Wellness business based on Kerala specific Ayurvedic &

Panchakarma therapies is unique and has significant benefits to the clients considering other types of wellness programs and as such has hardly any competition.

People currently travelling to India for availing these therapies will turn towards Santhigram Centers once this is made available locally. The business will have strong margins and attractive returns.

In view of the above facts the company is seeking franchisees to open new locations nationwide. Investment for the Franchise: We expect the prospective franchisees to possess a minimum net worth of $500,000 and liquid assets of at least $100,000. The Franchise we offer is on a very low budget which will be very cost effective and attractive to prospective franchisees. Total investment will vary from just $100,000 to $150,000 depending upon the real estate selected for the center. Initial franchise fee to join the Santhigram Franchise network is kept very low at $35000.

The details of the investment are given below: TypeofExpenditure InitialFranchise/relationshipFee SecurityDeposits ComputerSystem ThreeMonthsLeaseRent LeaseholdImprovements SpecialAyurvedic&Panchakarmaequipments OtherFurniture&furnishing Signage BusinessLicensesandPermits ProfessionalFees InitialInventory GrandOpeningAdvertisingProgram Insurance TrainingExpenses AdditionalWorkingcapitalfor3months Low $35,000 $5,000 $2,250 $6,000 $12,000 $5,000 $7,000 $2,000 $250 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $15,000 $100,000 High $35,000 $5,000 $3,000 $12,000 $25,000 $7,000 $10,000 $4,000 $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 $4,000 $28,000 $150,000

To ensure franchisees can maximize their profit as Santhigram Wellness Spa owners, the company's comprehensive training and marketing is focused on building and sustaining a profitable business and strong brand identity. Franchisees benefit from a robust support system that includes everything from therapist recruitment support and their training. Start-up vs. Ongoing: Santhigram provides guidance in all phases of the start-up process. Our support ranges from site selection to grand opening and everything in between. In addition to start-up support, Santhigram offers ongoing support to ensure we provide all the specialized herbal products required for providing the services and also the necessary tools to promote and sell the services. Santhigram will continue to support franchisees throughout the life of their Santhigram franchise.

Santhigram has partnered with GramercyOne, the leading provider of cloud-based business management and marketing solutions to service Santhigram Wellness business. This Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform will enable each Center to manage its operations, promotions smoothly and opens opportunity to reach out to new customers through new marketing channels including social commerce, group buying, mobile, and local advertising. This software is integrated with website for easy navigation to select right services, pay online and book the time slot as per the convenience of the customer. (1-888-537-2987). The Santhigram website, integrated with Spa Booker software will help to generate leads and reach out to new customers who could benefit from Ayurvedic Wellness Therapies. Santhigrams website is a great informational source on Ayurveda, Panchakarma, concept of Dosha theory and it provides an insight into various Kerala specific Ayurvedic and Panchakarma therapies, Body rejuvenation and various Ayurvedic Wellness Therapies. Ayurveda worldwide. Whether you are a first time franchisee or an experienced business owner, Santhigram franchise system empowers you to get more out of what you want from your business. We have created all the necessary tools and systems to make it a successful venture. choice for you. Why Santhigram Wellness Spa? Santhigram is the pioneer in United States to provide the world renowned Kerala specific Ayurvedic Wellness Services. People from all over the world go to Kerala (India) to avail this time tested ancient wellness-cum-curative system. Santhigram has brought this to United States five years back and successfully launched five You may decide whether Santhigram franchise is the right The website offers a free Body type analysis and is an interactive portal for the hundreds of its customers and fans of The website is backed by customer service round the clock on its Toll Free No. 1-888-KER-AYUR

Centers as on date and the demand for this unique system of wellness in US has already been tested and now has a proven track record. The pioneer and national leader of Ayurvedic Wellness Services is seeking to expand its nationwide presence. This unprecedented growth of spa services makes now the ideal time to open a Santhigram Wellness Spa and the offer is on a very attractive low budget considering to any similar wellness spa. We are seeking experienced business professionals to join our franchise team and knowledge of Ayurveda is not required. There are only five simple steps to start a Santhigram Wellness Spa. Step One Complete the application in the given format and submit to Santhigram for its evaluation. Step Two Once Santhigram accepts the application after a background check, send the Franchise Disclosure Document for acceptance. Step Three Develop a business plan and send to Santhigram for evaluation and approval. Step Four Receive franchise approval, select and submit site for approval. Step Five Finalize the lease, sign franchise agreement, begin construction, conduct employee training and start your Wellness Spa with a grand opening.

Message from the President:

Thanks a lot for taking time to learn about Santhigram Wellness Spa based on the ancient system of Ayurveda and Kerala specific Ayurvedic & PanchakarmaTherapies. Youve undoubtedly heard great things about us and our unique services and the tremendous business potential it holds in United States. We are definitely poised for creating a large network of franchise system with high performance and success. There is great potential and opportunities available for opening Santhigram Wellness Spa in every U.S. state. We are committed to provide proper support, training, marketing and guidance at every stage of the business and we believe that with our commitment our brand will achieve greater levels of success. We will ensure to deliver a great guest experience at all our franchise centers, which will translate into strong profitability and brand loyalty. Projected P & L statement is attached for creating your own business plan.

Most Sincerely,

Dr. Gopinathan Nair President & Chief Executive Officer

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