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Crash protection: ASP.

NET has been designed to handle your memory leaks efficien tly, whenever a memory leak is detected creates another copy of itself, all new requests are directed to this new copy, the older copy is deleted along with the memory leak it created when it finishes executing the pending processes . Memory Leaks - In order for a program to run it needs memory(RAM), after a appli cation is terminated it should normally free up the computer memory it has been using. However it sometimes doe s not happen which could be due to a result of a bug/design problem in the appli cation. Lets say that out of 4 applications 3 fail to release all or a significant part of the memory that they were using. This memory is now tied up, now if a new app lication is started it could be possible that the computer does not have enough memory to provide it to run properly, resulting in a huge system slowdown or som etimes crashes. Caching: ASP.Net allows you to build web applications that are fast, it does tha t by caching of compiled code, i.e. certain pages can be cached into the memory, so that they don t take a longer time to retrieve, now the trick here is that this code is compiled, this is it is already converted into a machine readable f ormat. Caching/Cache MemoryIn a computer almost all of your applications and data are s tored on your hard disk, whenever you access something the CPU first searches fo r it in the cache memory, if the data is there it is returned back the user, otherwise the CPU searches for it in the Hard disk, once the data is f ound it is first transported to the RAM of your system, and then from to the cac he memory and then it is returned to the user. The memory of the cache depends on the PC configuration, as more and more data i s stored in the cache the previous data has to be deleted, caching makes data ac cess faster as if the data is already stored in the cache then it cuts out the s tep of searching in the memory. __________________

model-view-controller (MVC) ajax

ADO.NET is a set of classes that expose data access services to the .NET program mer. ADO.NET provides a rich set of components for creating distributed, data-sh aring applications. It is an integral part of the .NET Framework, providing acce ss to relational, XML, and application data. ADO.NET supports a variety of devel opment needs, including the creation of front-end database clients and middle-ti er business objects used by applications, tools, languages, or Internet browsers .

ADO.NET is a set of classes that comes with the Microsoft .NET framework to faci litate data access from managed languages. ADO.NET has been in existence for a l ong time and it provides a comprehensive and complete set of libraries for data access. The strength of ADO.NET is firstly that it lets applications access vari ous types of data using the same methodology. If I know how to use ADO.NET to ac cess a SQL Server database then the same methodology can be used to access any o ther type of database (like Oracle or MS Access) by just using a different set o f classes. Secondly, ADO.NET provides two models for data access: a connected mo del where I can keep the connection with the database and perform data access, a nd another way is to get all the data in ADO.NET objects that let us perform dat a access on disconnected objects. Note: Many developers and development houses are now using ORMs to perform data access instead of using ADO.NET. ORMs provide a lot of data access functionality out of the box and relieves users from writing mundane data access code again a nd again. Still, I think that knowing and understanding ADO.NET is crucial as a .NET developer as it gives a better understanding of the data access methodologi es. Also, there are many development houses that are still using ADO.NET. Let us try to visualize ADO.NET data access using the following diagram:

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