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Basic Concept of Physics

Physics can be separated into microscopic and macroscopic. Classical physics deals with macroscopic phenomena which may be demonstrated at the laboratory or much larger place. Quantum physics, which is call the New Physics, deals with minute things at microscopic level such as the atoms, molecules and nuclei. Despite of these, Physics deal with quantity and in the aid of calculus and mathematics, every phenomenon included motion is explained by certain specific terms and laws. Physics deals with scalar quantities which are the quantities that can be only represented by their magnitude and have no direction and vector quantities are the quantities that is calculated with the consideration of direction. Sport and game do involve many motion, so vector quantity such as velocity, displacement and much more play an important role in sports. Actually, motion of an object is defined by 3 laws, the first one is Newtons First Law which state that objects at rest remain at rest until a force is applied to the object and objects in motion remains in motion unless an external force is acted on it, this is why goalkeeper need to block the soccer ball that will keep moving towards goal to prevent player to score a goal. Newtons Second Law states the rate of change of momentum of an object is proportional to the applied unbalanced force in the direction of the force. Lastly, Newtons Third Law states that whereas there is an action, there must be an reaction force acted oppositely because of this, swimmer can move forward when they perform stroke and pushing the water backward.

Figure 1.1: The summary of three Newtons law for motion

In sports such as kicking the soccer ball and swimming, we try to cover the as most distance with less force. Therefore, the soccer ball and swimmer should be in streamline shaped to reduce the resistance of the fluid that opposes the motion.

Figure 1.2: Streamline shape has the lowest resistance

Last but not least, Physics stated a principle that explained why swimmer or others common object like ship can float on water. This principle is called the Archimedes Principle. The Archimedes principle state when an object is immersed whole or partially in a fluid, it will experience an upthrust force which is known as buoyant force. Besides, the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced water and a larger surface area can gain more buoyant force.

Figure 1.3: Demonstration of Archimedes Principle.

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