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Abi Walton, Fady Philip, Fiona Dai It Will All Make Sense In The Morning - Directors Commentary Abi:

Every aspect of our music video involved new media technologies. During production we used a Sony SF 100 camera which gave our music video a filmic effect, therefore giving it a professional HD quality to our video. Fiona: In the editing during post-production the cuts included jumpy and distorted effects such as Bad TV and Bad Film, which we used software such as FinalCut Pro on the Apple Mac System. Fady: Adding glitch and flickers as special effects in our music video allowed us to unsettle our audience and to show that we were bringing in the J Horror aspects. The aim of our video was to discomfort our audience as they watched our main singer struggle with the distress. Bad TV and Bad film effects were put to make the shots out of focus, and give our video a nightmareish quality and to emphasize the audiences discomfort. Abi: During the post-production stage it was vital to ensure that the lip-syncing was perfectly coordinated. We had to match the visuals with the audio in the music video to create a fluent and coherent media text. This meant that we had to have the music perfectly in time to the singer. At first this was difficult, but by having three beats at the beginning of the track it allowed us to fit the song with the visual. Fiona: We used the glitches in the cage scene to give it pace and unease the audience. This allowed us to play on the isolation and loneliness she felt, as she battled against the men trying to attack her in the cage. This effect enabled us to contrast with the attic scene where she looks sinisterly calm, and the audience get a glimpse of the two sides of her character. Fady: The slow motion footage was added for visual impact, as the audience may have become used to the quick flickers and glitches, the cage scene was used to jolt the audience out of just watching the video and made them think. The reason we added the slow motion effect was so the audience could see her distress and the horror aspects come alive with her slowed down screaming. Abi: We also used final cut pro to match the quick flicker to the beat of the music, this was so the audience felt that the editing matched with the song we had chosen. The music we chose was dark and sinister, so looked at the horror genre in movies such as the ring. By inserting the quick flickers when the music changes adds an unease to the whole video allowing the audience to feel unsettled.

Fady: Halou, the band that we looked at, music is all focused around indie/rock. This allowed us to explore many bands in which they were the same genre and see what the video was like. These videos gave us the idea on how to create an indie/rock scene. The music video in which was the most helpful was Within Temptations music video All I Need. Fiona: In post production we used the program colour to add a cold wash to the Music Video to drain the warmth out of the shots. This was again to create discomfort in our audience when they watched it. We used a similar technique in photoshop to create our digipak, where we used the shot of the empty attic room from the music video. This is called convergence across platform as the prosumer want to share our product with a global audience.

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