Once Upon A Time

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Once upon a time, a beautiful lady named Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a boy which she named Sangkuriang.

When Sangkuriang was old enough to hunt, he took his mothers dog Tumang (which according to this legend is an incarnation of a god and also Sangkuriangs father) and ordered Tumang to chase after a boar. When Tumang did not follow Sangkuriangs order, Sangkuriang became very angry and he killed Tumang. He carved out Tumangs heart and brought it back to his mother. Dayang Sumbi took the heart, cooked it and ate it. When she discovered that the heart belonged to Tumang, her husband, she was overcome with wrath. She sent her son away, but not before she hit him with a spoon and left a deep scar on his head. Sangkuriang travelled around the world. After a long while, he arrived back in his village again without recognizing it. He saw abeautiful lady and fell in love with her. Little did he know that she was his own mother. He asked for her hand in marriage and she agreed. Dayang Sumbi later realized that Sangkuriang was her son, as she recognized the scar that she had inflicted. She tried to tell him and break off the wedding, but he didnt believe her and insisted to go on with the wedding. Dayang Sumbi then set an impossible condition that Sangkuriang has to fulfill in order to marry her: he should build her a big boat and a lake by damming Citarum river, all within one night, and it shall be finished by dawn. Sangkuriang agreed to the condition. He built a boat from a large tree, and with the help of spirits, he dammed the Citarum river with landslides. The water eventually rose and filled the plain, turning it into a lake. When dawn was near, he was almost ready. Dayang Sumbi realized this, so she prayed for divine intervention. As an answer to her prayers, the eastern horizon lit up. Deceived by the lights, cocks crowed and farmers rose for the new day, thinking that dawn has broken. Sangkuriang was also deceived. He thought his endeavor has failed. Angrily, he kicked the boat so that it toppled over. This boat became Tangkuban Parahu mountain (tangkuban means upside down, and parahu means boat). The pile of leftover woods became Mt. Burangrang, and the rest of the big tree became Mt. Bukit Tunggul. The lake became lake Bandung (which literally means dam).

According to local folklore, the formation of the Tangkuban Parahu volcano began with a young man SANGKURIANG who fell in love with his own mother, DAYANG SUMBI. One day, when he was hunting, Sangkuriang accidentally killed his beautiful black dog (Si TUMANG). This dog is actually Sangkuriang's father who had been condemned to live the life of a dog by his GURU. However, Sangkuriang never knew it. Sangkuriang had been separated by his mother since childhood. Yet, he was destined to meet his mother again. When on his way home, he stopped at a small village and met and fell in love with a beautiful girl. He didn't realised that the village was his homeland nor that the beautiful girl was his own sacred mother (remain young & pretty). Their love grew naturally and one day, when they were discussing their wedding plans, Dayang Sumbi suddenly realised that the profile of Sangkuriang's head matched that of her only son's who had left twenty years earlier. How could shee marry her own son? But she did not wish to dissapoint him by cancelling the wedding. So, although she agreed to marry Sangkuriang, she would do so only on the condition that he provide her with a lake and a boat with which they could sail on the dawn of their wedding day. Sangkuriang accepted this condition and built a lake by damming the Citarum river. Wiath a dawn just moment away and the boat almost complete, Dayang Sumbi realised that Sangkuriang would fulfill the condition she had set. With a wave of her supernatural shawl, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. Deceived by false dawn, the cock crowed and farmers rose for the new day. With his work not yet complete, Sangkurinag realised that his endeavour were lost. With all his anger, he kicked the boat that he himself had built. The boat fell over and, in so doing become the mountain TANGKUBAN PARAHU (in Sundanese, TANGKUBAN means upturned or upside down, and PARAHU means boat). With the dam torn assunder, the water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and nowaday became a city called BANDUNG (from the word BENDUNG, which means Dam).

The Legend of Sangkuriang There is a kingdom in Priangan Land. Live a happy family, a father in form of dog (his name is Tumang), a mother (her name is Dayang Sumbi), and a child call Sangkuriang. Tumang is demigod possessing magic powers. One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting in the nearest jungle and she wanted some deer liver or venison. So Sangkuriang went hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang, to please his mother. After hunting all day with empty-handed, Sangkuriang began desperate and worried. Think shortly, Sangkuriang took his arrow and shot his dog. Then he took the dog liver or flesh and carried home. He gave dog liver or flesh to his mother. Soon Dayang Sumbi fine out that Sangkuriang lied to her. She knew Sangkuriang had killed Tumang. So, She angry and hit Sangkuriang head. Sangkuriang got wounded and scar. Sangkuriang cast away from their home. Years go bye, Sangkuriang had travel many places and on one day, he arrived at a village which is used to be his home. He met a beautiful woman whom actually his mother and felt in love with her. Their love grew naturally and one day, when they were discussing their wedding plans, Dayang Sumbi suddenly realised that the profile of Sangkuriang's head matched that of her only son's who had left twenty years earlier. How could she marry her own son? But she did not wish to dissapointed him by canceling the wedding. So, although she agreed to marry Sangkuriang, she would do so only on the condition that he provide her with a lake and a boat with which they could sail on the dawn of their wedding day. Sangkuriang accepted this condition and built a lake by damming the Citarum river. With a dawn just moment away and the boat almost complete, Dayang Sumbi realised that Sangkuriang would fulfill the condition she had set. With a wave of her supernatural shawl, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. Deceived by false dawn, the cock crowed and farmers rose for the new day. With his work not yet complete, SangkuriaNg realised that his endeavor were lost. With all his anger, he kicked the boat that he himself had built. The boat fell over and, in so doing become the mountain TANGKUBAN PARAHU (in Sundanese, TANGKUBAN means upturned or upside down, and PARAHU means boat). With the dam torn asunder, the water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and nowadays became a city called BANDUNG (from the word BENDUNG, which means Dam).

Ada suatu kerajaan di (dalam) Priangan Daratan. [Tinggal/Hidup] suatu keluarga bahagia, seorang bapak dalam rupa anjing ( nama nya adalah Tumang), seorang ibu ( nama nya adalah Dayang Sumbi), dan seorang anak [sebut/panggil/hubungi] Sangkuriang. Tumang adalah setengah dewa yang menguasai kekuatan gaib/ daya sihir. Suatu hari, Dayang Sumbi [minta;tanya] putra nya untuk pergi berburu rimba raya yang paling dekat dan dia ingin hati rusa beberapa atau daging rusa/menjangan. Maka Sangkuriang pergi ayunan dengan anjing menyenangkan nya, Tumang, untuk menyenangkan ibu nya. Setelah ayunan sepanjang hari dengan dengan tangan kosong, Sangkuriang mulai putus-asa dan merasa cemas. Pikir segera, Sangkuriang mengambil panah nya dan menembak anjing nya. Kemudian ia mengambil daging atau hati anjing [itu] dan membawa rumah. Ia memberi hati anjing atau daging kepada ibu nya. Segera Dayang Sumbi yang bagus ke luar bahwa Sangkuriang yang berbohong kepada nya. Dia mengenal Sangkuriang yang yang telah membunuh Tumang. Maka, Dia marah dan Sangkuriang yang dipukul Kepala. Sangkuriang yang diperoleh terluka dan parut. Sangkuriang membuang dari rumah mereka. Tahun pergi kemenangan tanpa lawan, Sangkuriang mempunyai perjalanan banyak tempat dan pada [atas] suatu hari, ia tiba di suatu [desa/kampung] [yang] yang mana [adalah] digunakan untuk jadilah rumah nya. Ia jumpa seorang perempuan indah [siapa] yang benar-benar ibu nya dan yang dirasakan cinta akan nya. Cinta mereka tumbuh secara alami dan suatu hari, ketika mereka sedang mendiskusikan mereka mengawini rencana, Dayang Sumbi [yang] tiba-tiba menyadari [bahwa/yang] profil [dari;ttg] Kepala Sangkuriang's bertemu itu putra nya satu-satunya [siapa] yang telah meninggalkan duapuluh tahun lebih awal. Bagaimana dia bisa menikah putra nya sendiri? Tetapi dia tidak ingin dissapointed dia dengan membatalkan [itu] perkawinan. Maka, walaupun dia menyetujui menikah Sangkuriang, dia akan melakukannya hanya pada [atas] kondisi yang ia menyediakan nya dengan suatu danau dan suatu perahu dengan mana mereka bisa berlayar pada [atas] dinihari [dari;ttg] mereka mengawini hari. Sangkuriang menerima kondisi ini dan membangun suatu danau dengan membendung Citarum [itu] Sungai. Dengan suatu dinihari [hanya;baru saja] saat/momen pergi dan perahu hampir lengkap, Dayang Sumbi menyadari bahwa Sangkuriang akan memenuhi kondisi [itu] [yang] dia telah menetapkan. Dengan suatu [gelombang/lambaian] [dari;ttg] selendang hal-hal yang gaib nya, dia menyala kaki langit yang dari timur dengan kilatan cahaya. yang ditipu Oleh dinihari sumbang/palsu, [ayam jantan/ picu] berkokok dan bunga mawar petani untuk hari yang baru. Dengan pekerjaan nya belum lengkap, Sangkuriang menyadari bahwa usaha nya telah hilang. Dengan semua kemarahan nya, ia menendang perahu [itu] yang dia sendiri telah membangun. Perahu runtuh dan, di (dalam) sangat melakukan menjadi gunung [itu] TANGKUBAN PARAHU ( di (dalam) Orang Sunda, TANGKUBAN berarti kacau-balau; terbalik; sungsang atau menengadah, dan PARAHU berarti perahu). Dengan tanggul yang koyak hancur berkeping-keping, air mengalirkan dari danau [yang] menjadi suatu dataran lebar/luas dan sekarang ini menjadi suatu kota besar [memanggil/hubungi] BANDUNG ( dari kata[an] [itu] BENDUNG, yang berarti Tanggul).

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