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Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

2. Profession:

19% Service 10% Business Housewife Student 47%


Graph: 1

Type Of Profession Service Business Housewife Student Total

Respondents 28 15 71 36 150

Percentage 18.67 10 47. 33 24 100


From the figure, I conclude that out of 150 respondents 47.33% housewives are visiting reliance outlets while 24% are students and only 18.67% and 10% are in services and business respectively.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

3. Age Group:

3% 8% 17% Below 24 years 25 34 years 35 44 years 38% 34% 45 60 years Above 60 years


Age (years)



Below 24 years 25 34 years 35 44 years 45 60 years Above 60 years


25 51 57 12 5 150

17 34 38 8 3 100


Table 2 shows that 38% of the respondents are in the age group of 35-44, 34% are in the age group of 25-34 ,17% are in the age group of below 24,8% are in the age group of 45-60years and only 3% are in the age group of above 60 years.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

4. Gender:


35% Male Female 65%


Sex Male Female Total

Respondents 53 97 150

Percentage 35 65 100


Table 3 shows that 65% of them are females and 35% of the respondents are males.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

5. What type of products do you usually purchase in reliance outlets?

Types of products purchased in reliance retail outlet

20.67% 12.67% 15.33% 26% 25.33% Vegetables and Fruits Groceries Household items Dairy Products Food and Beverages

Graph : 4

Category Vegetables and Fruits Groceries Household items

Respondents 38 23 39 19 31 150

Percentage 25.33% 15.33% 26% 12.67% 20.67% 100%

Dairy Products Food and Beverages



From the figure, I can conclude that out of 150 respondents Household items 26% and vegetables and fruits 25.33% are mostly purchased followed by Food and Beverages 20.67%, Groceries 15.33% and Dairy products 12.67% respectively.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

6. What is your idea/concept about reliance retail outlets:

Concept About Reliance Outlets

27% 48% One stop shopping Value store 25% just another option



Respondents 71 38 41 150

Percentage 47.33 25.33 27.33 100

One stop shopping Value store Just another option



From the figure, I can conclude that out of 150 respondents 71 respondents i.e, 47.33% think reliance outlets is one stop shopping 27.33% Consider it as just another option and only 25.33% respondents say it is value store them.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

7. What attracts you to visit reliance retail outlets instead of local kiryanas:


25% Low price 42% Convenient Variety Others 31%


Category Low price Convenient Variety

Responses 37 47 63 3 150

Percentage 24.67 31.33 42 2 100



From the table, I can conclude that out of 150 respondents that most of the people get influenced by Variety of the products i.e, 42%.31.33% get influenced by Convenience offered by reliance outlets .However 24.67% of population which gets influenced by the low price of the product while 2% of population gets influenced by other things like packing .

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

8. What is the Frequency of your visit to reliance retail outlets:

Frequency Of Visit
11% 27% Once in a month Once in 15 days 31% Once in a week Regularly 31%



Respondents 40 47 47 16 150

Percentage 26.67 31.33 31.33 10.67 100

Once in a month Once in fifteen days Once in a week Regularly



Table 7 reveals that 31.33% of the respondents visit once in fifteen days as well as once in a week , 26.67% respondents visit once in a month and only 10.67% visit reliance outlets regularly.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

9. What time do you prefer to go to these reliance outlets:

8% 27% 7% Before noon Afternoon Evening Late evening 58%



Response 12 10 88 40 150

Percentage 8 6.67 58.67 26.67 100

Before noon Afternoon Evening Late evening



From the Table:8 I conclude that out of 150 respondents 58.67% of respondents are going to reliance outlets in the evening 26.67% of respondents are visiting reliance outlets in late evening while 8% visit before noon and only 6.67% are going to reliance outlets in afternoon.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

10. Do you think that availability of products in reliance outlets are good:

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree disagree Series1



Responses 39 40 50 12 9 150

Percentage 26 26.67 33.33 8 6 100

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree



From the Table:9, I can conclude that out of 150 respondents 33.33% of population think that the availability of products is neutral in reliance out lets, 26% agree and 26.67% are somewhat agree remaining 8% and 6% are Somewhat disagree and totally disagree respectively.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

11. The attitude/nature of shop-keeper in reliance outlet is very good:

Nature Of Shop-Keeper in Reliance Outlet

5% 3% Agree 23% 36% Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree 33%



Responses 54 50 34 8 4 150

Percentage 36 33.33 22.67 5.33 2.67 100

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree



From the table , I can conclude that out of 150 respondents 36% of respondents agrees, and 33.33% somewhat agrees that the nature of shopkeeper in reliance outlet is good while 22.67% remain neutral only 5.33% somewhat disagree and 2.67% totally disagree.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.


How often you see reliance outlet Ads in newspaper, TV and

internet for special offers:

Never Seldom Occasionally Often Always 0 10 20 30 40




Responses 26 35 56 12 21 150

Percentage 17.33 23.33 37.33 8 14 100

Always Often Occasionally

Seldom Never Total


From the Table :1.1, out of 150 respondents 37.33% of responses indicates that people watch strongly agree that strongly agree that limited edition of products is outcome changing trends in FMCG sector 27% also agree, 31% remained neutral while as 23% disagreed and 10% disagreed with the statement.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.


Do you get sms/email updates about new sales promotion by

reliance retailers:

Never Seldom Occasionally Often


Always 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


Responses 16 19.33 29.33 9.33 26 150

Percentage 17.33 23.33 37.33 8 14 100

Always Often Occasionally

Seldom Never Total


Table :2.1 shows that there are 37.33% of respondents out of 150 respondents which get sms and emails updates occasionally by the reliance retailers about the new sales promotion,17.33% respondents get always 23.33% get often while 8% are getting seldom updates,only 14% of respondents say they never get sms/email updates by reliance retailers about the new sales promotion.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

14. What is your average purchase of per visit in the reliance retail outlets:

Average Purchase Per Visit

8% 48% 35% Below 1000 Between 1000-3000 Between 3000-5000 Above 5000




Responses 72 52 14 12 150

Percentage 48 34.67 9.33 8 100

Below Rs 1000 Between Rs 1000-3000 Between Rs 3000-5000 Above Rs 5000



Table:1.3 reveals that 48% out of 150 respondents purchase below Rs 1000 per visit in reliance outlets.while 34.67% is spending in between Rs 1000-3000 and 9.33% purchase between Rs 3000-5000 only 8% of respondents purchase above Rs 5000 per visit in reliance outlets.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

15. Do you notice any change between last purchase and current purchase:

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No Don't notice Series1





Yes No Dont notice Total Table:1.4

56 57 37 150

37.33 38 24.67 100

Table:1.4 shows that out of 150 respondents 37.33% say yes they notice change in between last purchase and current purchase and 38% say nowhile 24.67% dont notice any change in price between last purchase and current purchase.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

16. How often do you notice the change in price of reliance retail outlet products:


13% Weekly Monthly



Quaterly Yearly


Category Weekly Monthly Quarterly Yearly Total

Response 20 56 48 26 150

Percentage 13.33 37.33 32 17.33 100


From the figure, I can conclude that out of 150 respondents that most 37.33% of population noticed the change monthly followed by yearly(17.33%), weekly(13%). quarterly (32%),

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

17. Do you think that the price is reasonable in reliance outlets:

5% 10% 21% Agree Somewhat agree Neutral 29% 35% Somewhat Disagree Disagree



Responses 31 53 44 15 7 150

Percentage 20.67 35.33 29.33 10 4.67 100

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree



From the figure:1.6, I can conclude that out of 150 respondents that most 35.33% of population are somewhat agree with the price in reliance outlet,29.33% people are neutral with the price,20.67% respondents agree and feel the price in reliance outlets is reasonable while 10% respondents are somewhat disagree and 4.67% are totally disagree.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

18. Do you think reliance outlet meets your expectations in terms of performance and quality:

3% 23% 31% All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Just now and then




Responses 34 65 47 4 150

Percentage 22.67 43.33 31.33 2.67 100

All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Just now and then


From the table :1.7,I can conclude that most of the respondents i.e, 43.33% out of 150 respondents meet their expectations most of the time in terms of

performance and quality in reliance outlets.31.33% meet their expectations some of the time.22.67% get the performance and quality all of the time.Rest 2.67% meet expectations just now and then.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

19. What attract / encourages you to visit reliance outlets:

Series1 50


16 6 2.666666667 6



Responses 29 24 75 9 4 9 150

Percentage 19.33 16 50 6 2.67 6 100

Price Product Assortment Product Quality Promotional Employee behavior All of the above


Table :1.8 shows that most of the population i.e, 50% out of 150 respondents visit reliance outlets because of product quality.19.33% visit because of price of products in reliance outlets. Product Assortment (16%) promotional (6%) and 6% respondents say they like All of the above factors.2.67% of population vist because of Employer behavior.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

20. Do you find customer service desk co-operative:

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Series1



No of Respondents


Yes No total

127 23 150

84.67 15.33 100


Graph:1.9 reveals that majority of the respondents i.e, 84.67% out of 150 responses say yes customer service desk is co-operative while, 15.33% respondents say no.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

21. Are you satisfied with the ambience of store:

3% 5% 30% 23% Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 39% Very satisfied Somewhat Satified



Responses 45 59 34 4 8 150

Percentage 30 39.33 22.33 2.67 5.33 100

Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied


From the fig, 39.33% of respondents are somewhat satisfied and 30% are very satisfied with the ambience of the reliance outlet stores, 22.33% neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.2.67% are somewhat dissatisfied and 5.33% are very dissatisfied.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

22. How attractive are the promotions in your views:

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very attractive Fairly attractive Neutral Not so attractive Not at all attractive Series1


Category strongly disagree disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total

Responses 35 47 51 13 4 150

Percentage 23.33 31.33 34 8.67 2.67 100


From the figure, I can conclude that out of 150 respondents 23.33% of population strongly disagrees, 31.33% disagree and 34% remain neutral while 8.67% agree and 2.67% strongly agree that the promotions in reliance outlets are attractive.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

23. Do you find your choice of products always available in reliance outlets:

Availability of Products in Reliance Outlets

3% 9% Available 19% 5 4 27% 3 2 42% 1 Not Available


Category Available 5 4 3 2 1 Not Available

Respondents 29 63 41 13 4

Percentage 19.33 42 27.33 8.67 2.67


From the Table:2.2 which shows that out of 150 respondents 42% mark rank 4 for their choice of products which is somewhat close to available,19.33% mark rank 5.while (27.33%) mark rank 3.People who mark rank 2 are 8.67% i.e, near to not available. Only 2.67% mark rank 1 which means not available at all.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

24. Do they offer gift voucher prize along with the purchase of items:
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No






Yes No Total Table: 2.3

66 84 150

44 56 100

Table:2.3 reveals that 44% of the respondents Say yes that reliance outlets offer gift voucher prize. While 56% out of 150 respondents say no.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

25. Are you satisfied with the gift voucher prize process:

Very Satisfied 10% 17% 25% Somewhat Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied



Very Dissatisfied

Category Very Satisfied

Response 38 34 38 25 15 150

Percentage 25.33 22.67 25.33 16.67 10 100

Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

Table: 2.4

From the figure, I can conclude that out of 150 respondents 25.33% of population is very satisfied with the gift voucher prize process, 22.67% somewhat satisfied and 25.33% remain neither satisfied nor dissatisfied while 16.67% is somewhat dissatisfied and 10% of respondents are very dissatisfied.

Problems And Prospect in Retail Industry with reference to Reliance Retail in Bangalore.

26. Are you satisfied with the billing process:

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No



Category Yes No total

Responses 140 10 150

Percentage 93.33 6.67 100

Table: 2.5

Table:2.5 indicates that 93.33% of the respondents are satisfied with the billing process while 6.67% of respondents are not satisfied with the billing process in reliance outlets.

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