Course Outline With Assessment Ideas and Activities

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Form 6.

3: Course Outline with Assessment Ideas and Activities Linda Taylor

Course Title: Integrating Technology Into Your Classroom Module 1: Web 2.0 Tools/Apps Absorb Read provided material on Web 2.0 Tools/Apps Do -Define Web 2.0 Tools/Apps -Post definition to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment -Provide feedback to peer posts of their definitions on discussion board Connect -Research Internet for Web 2.0 Tools/Apps

Competency/Outcome/Objective Assessment Ideas 1 Define Web 2.0 Tools/Apps Discussion-post to share

2 Search for an online rubric using the World Wide Web and choose your favorite for evaluating web 2.0 tools/Apps 3 Apply the online rubric that you have chosen and use it 3 times to evaluate 3 Web 2.0 tools/Apps one being a video tool 4 Summarize the results of each of the applications of your rubric for each of the 3 Web 2.0 tools

Research and privately list and post to instructor When rubrics complete privately submit to instructor Discussion-post to share with group

Read provided material on online rubrics Read provided material on Pros and Cons of rubric use Read provided material on how to use a rubric Post summaries to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment -Provide feedback to peer posts of their

Research Internet for online rubric Apply online rubric to 3 chosen Web 2.0 tools/Apps one being a video tool -Summarize the results of each rubric

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

summaries on discussion board

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Course Title: Integrating Technology Into Your Classroom Module 2: Incorporating Web 2.0 Tools into a Lesson Competency/Outcome/Objective 1 Choose 2 Web 2.0 tools/Apps one being a video tool to implement in classroom 2 Assemble a lesson using your chosen Web 2.0 tools/Apps which includes the integration of an instructional video you created into that lesson Assessment Ideas Research and privately list and submit to instructor Creating a Lesson when complete post to share with group Absorb Read provided material on integrating technology into the classroom Read provided material on lessons that integrate technology into classroom Do Explore, play, and use Web 2.0 tools/Apps Connect Choose a 2 Web 2.0 Tools/Apps to implement in classroom -Create a Lesson using chosen Web 2.0 Tools/Apps -incorporate peer suggestions as you wish

Post Lesson to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment - Provide feedback to peer posts of their lessons on discussion board -Post instructional video to discussion board for peer review and/or comment - Provide feedback to peer posts of their instructional videos on discussion board

3 Create an instructional video using chosen video tool and integrate into lesson

Creating an Instructional Video, integrate into lesson. When lesson complete post to share with group

View example instructional videos

-Create an instructional video and integrate into lesson. -incorporate peer suggestions as you wish

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Course Title: Integrating Technology Into Your Classroom Module 3: Learning/Community Building Networks for Classrooms Competency/Outcome/Objective Assessment Ideas 1.Define online educational Discussion-post to learning/community building share with group networks Absorb Read provided material on Educational Networks Do -Define online educational learning/community building networks -Post definition to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment -Provide feedback to peer posts of their definitions on discussion board -Explore, play, and use educational learning/community building networks Connect -Research Internet for educational learning/community building networks

2. Search the World Wide Web and choose 3 online educational learning/community building networks that could be incorporated into your classroom and would like to evaluate further 3. Apply the online rubric that you have chosen and use it 3 times to evaluate 3 online educational learning/community building networks for the classroom 4. Summarize the results of each of the applications of your rubric for each of the 3 online educational learning/community building networks for the classroom

Research and privately list and submit to instructor

Read online reviews of online educational learning/community building networks

When rubrics complete privately submit to instructor

Choose a 3 online educational learning/community building networks you would like to evaluate for use in your classroom Apply online rubric to 3 chosen online educational learning/community building networks -Summarize the results of each rubric

Discussion-post to share with group

Post summaries to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment -Provide feedback to peer posts of their summaries on

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

5. Choose one online Privately list and educational learning/community submit to instructor building network to integrate into your classroom

Read provided material on how to successfully integrate online educational learning/community building networks into classrooms

6. Devise a plan using a Web 2.0 tool of your choice which includes details from the list provided to you on implementation of your chosen online educational learning/community building network into the classroom

7. Construct parent permission slip for student to participate in online educational learning/community building network

Devise a plan implementing Web 2.0 tool/App implementing online educational learning/community building community into the classroom. When plan complete post to share with group. Discussion- post to share with group

Review provided examples of implementation plans of online educational learning/community building networks into the classroom

discussion board -Define online educational learning/community building networks -Post definition to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment -Provide feedback to peer posts of their definitions on discussion board Post Plan to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment - Provide feedback to peer posts of their plans on discussion board

-Choose an online educational learning/community building networks that you would like to implement into your classroom

-Devise a plan for using your chosen online educational learning/community building network into your classroom. -incorporate peer suggestions as you wish -Construct parent permission slip for student to participate in online educational learning/community building -incorporate peer suggestions as you wish

Read provided materials on online safety concerns when integrating online educational learning/community building networks into a classroom

Post permission slip to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment - Provide feedback to peer posts of their permission slips on discussion board

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Course Title: Integrating Technology Into Your Classroom Module 4: Showcasing Student Word Competency/Outcome/Objective Assessment Ideas 1 List 3 ways in which you could Discussion-post to use Web 2.0 tools/Apps to share with group showcase student work and explain how showcasing student work in those 3 ways is beneficial to the student Absorb Read provided material of examples of Web 2.0 tools/Apps that have been used to showcase student work Do -Post your ideas on how to use Web 2.0 Tools/Apps to showcase student work for peer review and/or comment -Provide feedback to peer posts of their ideas on using Web 2.0 Tools/Apps to showcase student work -Explore, play, and use the Web 2.0 Tools/Apps that you are interested in using to showcase your students work Connect

2. Search the World Wide Web and choose 3 Web 2.0 tools/Apps that you could utilize in your classroom to showcase student work.

Privately list and submit to instructor

Read online example that Web 2.0 Tools/Apps post of how their customers use their Web 2.0 Tools/Apps to showcase student work

Choose a 3 online Web 2.0 Tools/Apps that you would like to evaluate further for showcasing student work in your classroom Apply online rubric to 3 chosen Web 2.0 Tool/Apps for showcasing you students work -Summarize the results of each rubric

3. Apply the online rubric that you have chosen and use it 3 times to evaluate 3 online Web 2.0 tools/Apps for showcasing student work 4. Summarize the results of each of the applications of your rubric for each of the 3 Web 2.0 tools/Apps showcasing student work

When rubrics complete rubrics privately submit to instructor Discussion-post to share with group Post summaries to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment -Provide feedback to peer posts of their summaries on

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

discussion board 5. Choose one Web Tool/App that showcases students work List and submit privately to instructor -Choose one Web 2.0 Tool/App that you would like to use to showcase your students work Review provided examples of implementation plans of Web 2.0 Tools/Apps to showcase student work Read provided materials on online privacy and safety concerns when showcasing student work online Post Plan to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment - Provide feedback to peer posts of their plans on discussion board Post permission slip to class discussion board for peer review and/or comment - Provide feedback to peer posts of their permission slips on discussion board -Devise a plan for using your chosen Web 2.0 Tool/App to showcase your students work -incorporate peer suggestions as you wish -Construct parent permission slip asking them for permission to showcase their childs work online using a Web 2.0 Tool/App -incorporate peer suggestions as you wish

6. Devise a plan using a Web 2.0 Tool/App of your choice which includes details from the list provided to you on implementation of your chosen showcase Web 2.0 Tool/App into the classroom 7 Construct a parent permission slip for showcasing student work

Devise a plan implementing Web 2.0 tool/App to showcase student work into the classroom. When plan complete post to share with group Discussion-post to share with group

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

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