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Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC

BrownieUNC Posted: 10/30/2008 10:05 AM Nominate | Report
All-American Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
10944 posts this site
Ignore this Member This poor girl soon will be sleeping with the fish......
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Soulja Roy's night shames Duke's Blue-White

By: Meredith Shiner

Forgive me readers, for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession.

Friday night, I went to Chapel Hill, ascended the upper deck of a Dean Dome filled with 20,000 frenzied fans and took part in
the annual season kickoff party known as Late Night with Roy.

And Friday night, for two hours, I sat in a sea of baby blue, struggling to fight the ugliest of feelings.

For two hours, I wished I were a Tar Heel.

Before you stop reading, let me assure you, I am proud to be a Dukie. But I firmly believe we don't have to be so blinded by our
deep hatred that we can't see something good when it's right in front of our faces (or on YouTube, for that matter... do a quick
search and you'll see what I mean).

And Late Night with Roy is good. Really good.

It's the one night a year when the Dean Dome's doors are flung wide-open and the poor, tired, huddled masses of Chapel
Hillians yearning to breathe in basketball after a long offseason can come together to celebrate their team. It's the biggest bash
of the year, and everyone's invited.

There's dancing, singing, scrimmaging, laughing (at Duke's expense), reminiscing (also at Duke's expense) and, of course,
emcee and punster extraordinaire Stuart Scott.

For the record, the Baron of Booyah's jokes about Dukies were so unfunny that even the most spirited of Tar Heels couldn't
muster up a cheer. Then again, maybe they were saving their voices for one of 15 times the clip of Danny Green posterizing
Greg Paulus in Cameron played on the jumbo screens.

But Scott's routine is child's play compared to the real show.

The lights in the arena are killed, leaving only the glow of the stadium's giant screens, the fans' light-up necklaces and a
spotlight pointed at the mouth of the UNC tunnel. One by one, each player is announced in class order.

You can just feel the energy building, knowing who will be last.

Tyler Hansbrough walks onto the floor, his arms pointed in a V toward the sky, and the stadium erupts so loudly you would
have sworn Oprah had just surprised the audience with 20,000 new cars.

1 of 7 12/4/08 12:50 AM Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC

Even my disdain for Psycho T couldn't keep me from being taken by the energy of the stadium, the crowd's ability to show its
love for the All-American and the All-American's ability to relish in it and return the appreciation.

After the whole team came out dressed in Carolina blue formalwear and did a number to Sammy Davis Jr.'s "Hello Detroit" (the
home of this year's Final Four), after watching senior guard Bobby Frasor star in six filmed sketches lampooning his Hall of
Fame coach, after seeing the custom T-shirts with Roy's face blown up huge and donning sunglasses that said "Soulja Roy," I
felt this gnawing, longing feeling.

I wanted to be able to celebrate Duke basketball like this. Why should Tar Heel fans have all the fun?

I'm not saying Duke should rip off Late Night-we couldn't even if we tried. But I am saying the Blue-White game is horribly out of
date, unexciting and does not do justice to either the team or its fans. I was there this year, and the upper bowl was half empty.
Maybe it's time to consider a change-because if Late Night with Roy made me feel as if I wanted to be a Tar Heel, I can't even
imagine what recruits must have thought.

At one point, the UNC senior class, clad in caps and gowns, sat in chairs at center court and told "Remember when?" stories as
video highlights played of the events they discussed. Basically, it was Carolina's sales pitch to recruits: "Look how awesome we
are, how much fun we've had, how we're going to win a national title and stay four years doing it!"

It was also a time for players to interact with the fans who give up time, money and even their hearts to support the team. And
perhaps most importantly, it was a time to show that the one of the most powerful programs in the country can have fun.

Duke can do this, too. And its players don't even have to hula dance in coconut bras and grass skirts.

Blue-White should be moved to the first Friday night of the season in line with Midnight Madness celebrations at top programs
across the country. Coach K should address the fans in a truncated version of his talk before the UNC game. Each player
should be announced individually to the crowd, giving seniors a chance to begin absorbing their final year in one of the nation's
most storied programs. And before the scrimmage starts, there should be a montage of highlights on those spiffy new video
screens we have in Cameron.

We're Duke. We've got a lot of highlights to choose from. We also have a lot of fantastic former players who already reconvene
in Durham annually for K Academy. Why can't some of them return on a Friday night in October to generate excitement for the
team and give back to Duke's highly-touted "sixth man?"

If the people around the Blue Devil program don't think change is necessary, I urge them to send someone to Late Night next
year. I'd bet my Duke tuition they wouldn't leave Chapel Hill feeling the same way.

Last edited 10/30/2008 10:16 AM by BrownieUNC

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sohoheel Posted: 10/30/2008 10:32 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
4273 posts this site
Ignore this Member poor thing, it's like the girl at the prom who, much to the chagrin of her hall-monitor boyfriend, can't take her eyes off that James
Send Private Message Dean guy in the corner.
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RichmondTarHeel Posted: 10/30/2008 10:32 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member It's hard to believe that a dookie actually captured the spirit of Late Night, but she really did.
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dougmoe Posted: 10/30/2008 10:39 AM Nominate | Report

All-ACC Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member That was very well written. Certainly made me wish I had been able to go this year.
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mustaphamond Posted: 10/30/2008 10:39 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member "you're fired"
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ChrisHeel92 Posted: 10/30/2008 10:41 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member This girl is probably cute too.
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StrangePackage Posted: 10/30/2008 10:43 AM Nominate | Report

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2 of 7 12/4/08 12:50 AM Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC

----ChrisHeel92 wrote: ---------------

This girl is probably cute too.


Let's not go too crazy, now.

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bluetodabone Posted: 10/30/2008 10:46 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member There is still hope for that young lady.
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1AlaskaHeel Posted: 10/30/2008 10:48 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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----ChrisHeel92 wrote: ---------------

This girl is probably cute too.


She's the ONE.

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unc94mjs Posted: 10/30/2008 10:58 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member or is she "that one"?
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Just kidding... I couldn't resist.
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Sweet D 77 Posted: 10/30/2008 11:01 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
14569 posts this site
Ignore this Member Mickie has already requested this girl's full transcript, and is on the phone as we speak, disguising her voice as she orders 500
Send Private Message pizzas to be sent to the girl's dorm room...
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ZiggyStardust Posted: 10/30/2008 11:05 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
5558 posts this site
Ignore this Member An appropriate last name for my new favorite dookie -- Shiner.
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Her eyes will be definitely be dotted -- if they already aren't.
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Heelz2315 Posted: 10/30/2008 11:07 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
5849 posts this site
Ignore this Member If the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't go to dook to watch anything like "late night w/K" if Cindy Crawford was giving
Send Private Message away lap dances to everybody that showed up.

Last edited 10/30/2008 11:07 AM by Heelz2315

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Kingpin Posted: 10/30/2008 11:07 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
2449 posts this site
Ignore this Member DAM*, I flew in Friday to see the football game Sat. My intention was to go to Late-Night, but my flight was so delayed to the
Send Private Message point where I had to miss it, much to my great disappointment.

And now I have to get a report from a dookie on how much I missed.

At least the football game was great!

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SophomoreGeorge Posted: 10/30/2008 11:13 AM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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3 of 7 12/4/08 12:50 AM Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC

Ignore this Member UNC -- what Dukies want to be, if they weren't so hopelessly nerdy and the parents weren't constantly ragging them about grad
Send Private Message school, and their basketball team could actually win games in March.

(As evidence that the Dukies know where the cool kids are, it's worth noting that I met the beautiful future Mrs. SG, a Dukie,
when she and her friends were over here at CH crashing a keg party.)
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DadgumRoy Posted: 10/30/2008 11:16 AM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
2036 posts this site
Ignore this Member "You're ****ing up my paper!"
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BornLtBlue Posted: 10/30/2008 11:36 AM Nominate | Report

Freshman Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
208 posts this site
Ignore this Member Ding ding ding, we have a thread post winner. Lock the thread and pin it at the top. Well done soho, well done.
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----sohoheel wrote: ---------------

poor thing, it's like the girl at the prom who, much to the chagrin of her hall-monitor boyfriend, can't take her eyes off that James
Dean guy in the corner.

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zheels Posted: 10/30/2008 11:38 AM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
2033 posts this site
Ignore this Member i hope every duke-unc recruit reads this article. it could also go into the difference in going to school at duke and chapel hill and
the different college atmospheres in durham and chapel hill.
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jonaken17 Posted: 10/30/2008 11:49 AM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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----Sweet D 77 wrote: ---------------

Mickie has already requested this girl's full transcript, and is on the phone as we speak, disguising her voice as she orders 500
pizzas to be sent to the girl's dorm room...


Dude, I'm in tears laughing about that one!

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SophomoreGeorge Posted: 10/30/2008 11:54 AM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
13665 posts this site
Ignore this Member The best moment in the last recruiting season was when Leslie McDonald visited UNC and Duke back to back. At UNC, no one
Send Private Message was really around, so the visit was just Leslie and his parents having dinner with Roy (ok, on the floor of the DD).

At Duke, it was the K camp week, so pretty much every living legend in Duke hoops was there, and Leslie got to meet them all.

He committed to UNC the next day.

Last edited 10/30/2008 11:54 AM by SophomoreGeorge

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4LifeTarHeel4Life Posted: 10/30/2008 12:43 PM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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----DadgumRoy wrote: ---------------

"You're ****ing up my paper!"


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4 of 7 12/4/08 12:50 AM Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC

uncrules Posted: 10/30/2008 12:47 PM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member Shhh...don't anybody show this to gimmedarock. He won't like it.
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GoHeelsGo Posted: 10/30/2008 12:49 PM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
3227 posts this site
Ignore this Member Hammer, meet Nail. Well done.
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stepblan1 Posted: 10/30/2008 12:51 PM Nominate | Report

Freshman RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
277 posts this site
Ignore this Member spiffy screens? That seems to be the most exciting thing happening over there. Sad, really sad.
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heelbritt Posted: 10/30/2008 12:55 PM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
1993 posts this site
Ignore this Member I was there. Center court. back row, lower level. Great seats. Great atmosphere. But the thing I discovered the most was the
genuine love we HEELS have for our beloved program.

She said it much better than I can. She saw the light. I remember the day I saw the light as well. However I was 6. Now I am
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Blueskyman Posted: 10/30/2008 1:12 PM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member You nailed it.
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maounc Posted: 10/30/2008 1:16 PM Nominate | Report

Redshirt Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Sorry to break your heart...

----ChrisHeel92 wrote: ---------------

This girl is probably cute too.


Last edited 10/30/2008 1:17 PM by maounc

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ZHampQB16 Posted: 10/30/2008 1:20 PM Nominate | Report

All-ACC Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
524 posts this site
Ignore this Member She's probably been evicted from the dorms already only to go outside and find a boot on her car.
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Orson Posted: 10/30/2008 1:21 PM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
1126 posts this site
Ignore this Member That is beautiful. Welcome to purgatory honey because you gave your resignation over there with that piece, and...
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You're a dukie, so... maybe try heading to Raleigh or Winston Salem.
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bhun7119 Posted: 10/30/2008 1:56 PM Nominate | Report

Redshirt RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
160 posts this site
Ignore this Member So so sad....I almost pity them, but my hatred runs to deep for that.
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5 of 7 12/4/08 12:50 AM Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC

GrayHeel Posted: 10/30/2008 2:05 PM Nominate | Report

Starter RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
417 posts this site
Ignore this Member I think shes cute.

Last edited 10/30/2008 2:05 PM by GrayHeel

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HighHeelz Posted: 10/30/2008 2:11 PM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member I'd hit it.
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KrazyLegs Posted: 10/30/2008 2:21 PM Nominate | Report

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Ignore this Member Slam-ming.
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eab03 Posted: 10/30/2008 2:22 PM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member She is definitely above average for a dook girl, and I'll give her another bump for seeing the light and knowing how great UNC
Send Private Message basketball is.
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uncheel164 Posted: 10/30/2008 2:28 PM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
3452 posts this site
Ignore this Member if she thinks the deaqn dome was loud for tyler at late night winh roy, wait until he's announced at senior night. the game will be
Send Private Message delayed 30 minutes before they can quite the dean dome.
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kik84 Posted: 10/30/2008 2:36 PM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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egr2teup Posted: 10/30/2008 2:37 PM Nominate | Report

All-American Re: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member I thought it was funny that Shiner felt obliged to tell the dookies that the '09 Final Four was in Detroit.
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Reckon any of them knew beforehand?
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Tarheels05 Posted: 10/30/2008 2:47 PM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member She is cute for New Joisy
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kizlow Posted: 10/30/2008 3:46 PM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
2509 posts this site
Ignore this Member I think that's a darn good article...and I agree, she's not bad looking at all...
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HighHeelz Posted: 10/30/2008 4:08 PM Nominate | Report

All-American RE: Duke Chronicle Article on Late Night at UNC
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Ignore this Member I think she snuck a couple of basketballs out of the Dean Dome, if you know what I mean.
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