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Training Design and Development Training Design and Development

Training Design and Development Campbell, Miller, Sellen & Warhol Metropolitan State University

Training Design and Development Repeat the Full Paper Title Here Based on the grading of your first papers, I have decided to post this paper template with some American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines (APA, 2009). Note that I am not

trying to write a thesis here, but am trying to provide you with a useful template and some tips to improve your writing! The use of this template is not required, but I strongly recommend using it to submit your papers in this and other courses if your instructors do not provide a template or guidelines but do require APA. You can simply replace my words and headings with your words and headings. This section is the introduction of your paper. Note that it does not have a heading that says Introduction; the fact that it is the introduction is implied by its placement within the paper. A strong introduction will provide the background or an overview of your papers topic, explain the papers purpose, and provide an outline of the paper. Headings All of your papers will probably include first level headings. First level headings are like the one above. They should be centered, boldface, and use title case (Upper and Lower Case like the Examples in this Paper). For a long, in-depth paper, you may want sections within your headings. These are second level headings. They should be flushed left, boldface, and title case like this: Second Level Heading 1 Second Level Heading 2 Please note that headings follow the 2x2 rule described below. You cannot just have one first level heading and one second level heading. If you only have enough content for one

Training Design and Development heading, then that level is not needed! If you add a second level heading, make sure you have at least two sub-topics within the first level heading. Formatting Here are some important things to note about this templates format. First, the margins

are one inch on all sides. Second, the title page includes a Running Head. The Running Head title should match the short title that is in your header. Third, there is a short title and page number in the header. Fourth, the font is 12 point Times New Roman. Fifth, the paper spacing is set to 2.0. There are no extra spaces between paragraphs, and the first line of each paragraph is indented. Finally, there are distinct title and reference pages. Now lets talk about the 2x2 rule. This essentially means that you need to make sure that there is two of everything. Each paragraph needs a minimum of two sentences. Each heading needs a minimum of two paragraphs. Each level of heading needs to have at least two headings. Finally, lets talk about page requirements. The title page and reference page do NOT count towards your page requirements. If a paper is a minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages, you are expected to completely fill one page of paper text and have at least some content on the second page. Grammar APA is not just a way to cite references; it is also a writing style and includes rules for grammar and punctuation. Lets talk about a few common errors in college student APA writing. First, well talk about comma use. In APA, a comma should follow every item in a series. Example: The proper format is lions, tigers, and bears not lions, tigers and bears like you find in some other writing styles.

Training Design and Development Second, what to do with numbers! In general, spell out all numbers below 10 and use

numerals for 10 and above. There are some exceptions to this, but following this general rule will probably get you through. Third, lets talk about how to introduce an abbreviation or acronym. You cannot just start throwing abbreviations and acronyms out there. You have to first introduce them. Lets talk about HR. The way I just did that was incorrect because I did not properly introduce HR. I should have said Human Resources (HR). After this first introduction, you can use HR throughout the rest of the paper. Citations Oh, this is the fun part! Any time that you use someone elses work, you must give them credit in two places. Within the text, you should paraphrase what they said and follow it with an in-text citation using the author-date method. For example, your text says that strategic HR plans need to be flexible in order to accommodate change (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2010). You could also say: In 2010, Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, and Cardy stated that strategic HR plans need to be flexible in order to accommodate change. In cases of three or more authors, you can shorten this after the first use. The second time you reference this book, you could say: The inflexible strategic plan may have too much invested in a course of action to move resources quickly (Gomez-Mejia et al., 2010). Notice that the period is always after the parenthesis of the citation. The citation is a part of the sentence. Any time you reference something in the text, there needs to be reference included on the reference page. This is a separate page of the paper and does not count towards the page requirements. You can see the formatting of this page below.

Training Design and Development I want to make a final note about my expectations for citations. I expect you to use

citations, but I am most interested in what YOU have to say and how the citation supports/refutes your point of view. If I want to hear what Gomez thinks, I will read Gomez. Keep the quotations short, paraphrase them, and make sure they are relevant. Use them to support what you think, or provide the counter-argument for what you think and then tell me why you are right and they are wrong. Conclusion Every paper should have a conclusion. New information should never be introduced in the conclusion. This is where you reiterate the purpose of the paper, show how you met that purpose, repeat the key themes or findings, and bring the paper to a close. Depending on the topic, you may want to state the implications of your paper, such as how you can integrate it into your future work or classes. Strong quotations related to the topic are also great closers!

Training Design and Development References The reference page is a separate page. References is centered and not bolded. There is a hanging indent set so every line after the first will be indented. References should be listed in alphabethical order. Anything you cited in the paper should be listed here. Note that book citations follow different formatting than articles and websites. The first two citations below are books, and then I gave the general rule for an article and website.

American Psychological Association (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. Gomez-Mejia, L., Balkin, D., & Cardy, R. (2010). Managing Human Resources (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. Author, A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume(issue), pp-pp. Author, A.A. (Year, Month Day). Title [Description]. Retrieved from http://www.xxxx

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