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Esterline AVISTA Article:

Adapting Legacy Systems for DO-178B Certification

AVISTA Incorporated is a registered trademark, and Esterline AVISTA, ‘People. Process. Promise.’ are trademarks of AVISTA Incorporated. All other trademarks are property of
their respective holders. Copyright AVISTA Incorporated 2006-2009.
Adapting Legacy Systems for DO-178B Certification
Paul R. Hicks, Esterline AVISTA

Note: This article from Esterline AVISTA/AVISTA Incorporated appeared in CrossTalk: The Journal of
Defense Software Engineering.

The avionics world is moving toward greater integration of avionics products used in both commercial and
military aircraft. Document Order (DO)-178B certification is now being required in some areas in the
military (such as military aircraft flying in European civil airspace), and may be considered in others. It is
possible to achieve a cost effective approach to enable legacy systems to meet DO-178B certification
requirements by performing a gap analysis to determine what existing activities and artifacts can be
reused for DO-178B certification and define the remaining tasks that need to be completed in order to
fulfill certification requirements.

RTCA Document Order (DO)-178B [1, 2] is a long-used standard mandated by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) for the certification of commercial airborne avionics systems containing embedded
software. In recent years, DO-178B is also being applied, at least in principle, to some non-commercial
avionics systems. Many of these systems may have been developed with other standards in mind.
However, aspects of DO-178B are being applied where certification will be enforced in the future. The
level of compliance with DO-178B is typically influenced by budget and schedule constraints. In an
increasing number of instances, the military sector is at least considering DO-178B certification.

While DO-178B may be viewed as an eventual requirement for all airborne avionics systems, commercial
and military systems alike, it is currently evaluated on a case-by-case basis for military programs. The
impact of incorporating DO-178B requirements on a program does not come without significant impact to
budget and schedule. This impact varies depending upon the software level (A through E) imposed on the
application and is a critical factor in the decision to pursue certification (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: DO-178B Certification Levels A Through E

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Other critical factors in determining the impact of cost (budget and schedule) include the size and
complexity, the system, and the maturity of the procedures and processes utilized by the software
development and verification teams. Companies with more mature processes institutionalized across their
organization will be able to adapt much more effectively and efficiently.

Impact to Budget and Schedule

While not yet a requirement for every military avionics system, there are some programs that do impose
DO-178B certification. In this scenario, the cost and schedule impact certainly needs to be accounted for
and minimized. When DO-178B certification is not imposed as a requirement, the impact to the cost and
schedule must be measured against the benefits gained. The argument that DO-178B adds significant
quality to a legacy system may be disputed when examining the service history of an avionics system that
has countless hours of flight time. However, DO-178B processes may help identify potential deficiencies
in requirements definition and/or testing by performing structural coverage analysis. In this scenario, it
may be difficult to justify the budget and schedule impact when DO-178B is not an imposed requirement.

While the requirement to satisfy the criteria outlined in DO-178B may appear to be a daunting task for the
engineering teams who maintain legacy military avionics systems, the effort of adapting the legacy
system may be easier (and cheaper) than originally perceived. The key is to accurately estimate the
impact to budget and schedule. While it is easy for engineering teams to underestimate the budget and
schedule impact, it is also possible to overestimate the impact by not taking advantage of existing
processes. To accurately estimate the impact, companies can and should take advantage of their existing
planning documents and testing processes.

Value in Legacy Systems

There are significant benefits for a legacy avionics system to incorporate the objectives outlined in DO-
178B. Best practice concepts have been derived by key members of the aviation community through
implementing the certification process. These best practices continue to be refined and enhanced based
on increased use, evolved technology, and gained experience as evidenced by the evolution of DO-178B.

The DO-178B specification enforces good software engineering practices by providing guidelines for the
production of embedded software for airborne systems. These guidelines ensure that the systems
perform their intended function with a level of confidence in the safety of the system. DO-178B serves
simply as a guideline outlining the objectives to be met, the activities to be performed, and the evidence
to be supplied.

DO-178B does allow for alternate methods for satisfying one or more objectives [3]. These alternate
methods can be used in lieu of some of the more typical methods described throughout DO-178B
requirements. However, alternate methods are more of an art than a science. There are several
dependencies associated with any of these alternate methods, and there may or may not be opportunities
to pursue these alternate methods. If you are considering an alternate method, consult with a Designated
Engineering Representative (DER) [4, 5] with experience in the particular alternative method. With that
said, the focus of this article describes using a more traditional approach.

Gap Analysis

One common misperception is that very few artifacts can be reused to upgrade a non-DO-178B certified
legacy system to a certified legacy system. A start-from-scratch approach is too often the first thought to
retrofit DO-178B guidelines within a legacy system. Misunderstanding the scope of a project often leads
to wildly inaccurate estimates with regards to the costs and schedules associated with elevating an
application to the DO-178B standard. Individuals who are best qualified to perform a gap analysis should

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know the specific requirements for each software level of DO-178B certification, understand the existing
processes of the legacy system, and have the authority to make decisions.

To accurately estimate the associated costs and schedules, we recommend that you follow these steps
while performing a gap analysis (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Gap Analysis in Four Steps

• Step 1: Determine the software level (level A through E) that should be assigned to your
application. The software level is determined by the severity of the failure conditions on the
aircraft and its occupants. This is typically identified by performing a system safety assessment
as described in DO-178B [1]. The software level may be predictable based on the functionality of
the application with respect to similar industry applications.

• Step 2: Understand the guidelines identified in DO-178B. Those who have not been involved
with these certified systems before can find the learning process overwhelming. However, project
teams that are new to DO-178B can learn from the several companies and organizations in the
industry that have acquired a breadth of related experience.
The tables in Annex A of DO-178B [1] summarize the software life cycle process objectives and
outputs by software level. These tables can serve as the foundation for your gap analysis to
determine which activities are required to comply with DO-178B.

• Step 3: Determine what activities have already been accomplished and how they can be
applied to the guidelines identified in DO-178B. Many companies have solid software
development processes and procedures already in place. Even though the software engineering
activities that were performed may not have focused on DO-178B, these practices provide the
most likely opportunities for reuse if the foundation behind the processes followed were built on
solid software engineering practices – whether driven by other industry standards, industry
certifications (such as the Software Engineering Institute’s Capability Maturity Model® Integration
[CMMI®] or International Organization for Standardization [ISO] 9001), or good engineering
judgment. Credit for much of the effort previously performed can be used for activities and
artifacts identified in DO-178B. Refer to the sidebar for an example of specific activities and
artifacts that can be applied to guidelines identified in DO-178B.

• Step 4: Take advantage of existing processes currently employed that fully or partially
achieve compliance to DO-178B. It is generally not cost-effective to reinvent the wheel. The
project team should supplement existing processes wherever possible. However, it is not cost-
effective to utilize every existing process, especially if the process is not a useful activity to attain
DO-178B certification. Consider eliminating processes not directly related to certification, or
replacing these ineffective processes with more efficient ones.

By following these steps, your project team should be able to establish which objectives are completely
satisfied, which objectives are partially satisfied, and which objectives are completely unsatisfied. The list
of activities and artifacts identified within your gap analysis may vary with each company. If solid practices
and processes are consistently implemented, fewer deficiencies will be identified in your gap analysis. If
the practices and processes are uniformly institutionalized across the company, the deficiencies identified
in the gap analysis should be similar across different product lines with the same software level.

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Common Deficiencies

The lack of certification and planning documents are typical examples of deficiencies; specifically,
documents necessary for certification submittal. These documents are the Plan for Software Aspects of
Certification to describe your certification plan, and the Software Accomplish-ment Summary to illustrate
compliance with your certification plan. If planning documents do exist, they often must be modified to
ensure that they address the content described in DO-178B.

If you are using an implementation-based testing approach, the conversion to requirements-based testing
could be costly and time consuming. DO-178B endorses a requirements-based functional testing
approach, where your test cases and procedures are based upon the software requirements data. If you
use this testing approach, you will be able reuse your original verification test suite. You probably will
need to enhance your requirements-based test suite to ensure that the requirements are completely
tested. In addition, requirements coverage analysis must be performed to ensure all requirements have
been sufficiently addressed.

Another example of a deficiency is in the area of structural coverage analysis. The majority of the systems
developed outside DO-178B do not perform structural coverage analysis. Performing structural coverage
analysis ensures that all software constructs have been exercised by the requirements-based test suite.
Software constructs that have not been exercised are used to identify inadequacies in the software
requirements, shortcomings in the requirements-based test cases and procedures, deactivated code,
and/or dead code. Each shortcoming must be resolved or justified.


An area that is occasionally overlooked is traceability. Traceability is used to illustrate evidence of an

association from an output to its origination. Typical traceability activities may include the following types:

• Requirements traceability from the lower-level requirements to the higher-level requirements.

• Source code traceability from the source code to the lower-level requirements.
• Test case and procedure traceability from the test cases/procedures to the lower-level

The goal of traceability is to be able to follow a continuous thread throughout the entire product life cycle
to confirm the link between the requirements data and its associated source code and tests cases and


Certain objectives of DO-178B also require independence. Independence is the separation of

responsibility between the developer and verifier to ensure no implied biases are applied to the objective
under review. The objectives that require independence vary with the software level imposed on the
system. It may be worth considering applying independence wherever feasible.

Configuration Controls

Some outputs of DO-178B have established configuration management controls imposed on them.
Control categories define the configuration management control placed on each data item. The control
category placed upon a data item also varies with the software level imposed upon the system. Again, it
may be worth considering applying the more stringent configuration controls wherever feasible.

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Once you have established the deficiencies found in the gap analysis, the next step is to formulate a plan
to resolve the deficiencies.

Efficient Planning

As discussed earlier, the effort to obtain the DO-178B certification does not come without cost, effort, or
risk. Even organizations with previous DO-178B experience still experience unexpected pitfalls – not
unlike any software engineering effort. A commitment from the stakeholders is required in order to be

With the information collected during the gap analysis, you can then establish a task list. Based on the
findings in the gap analysis, some of the tasks may be obvious and estimates can be easily applied. For
example, gathering the structural coverage from the existing test suite can be fairly straightforward.
However, there may be some tasks that cannot be easily estimated until additional fact finding efforts are
completed. For example, to achieve complete coverage, the effort to supplement the requirements data
and test suite are strictly dependent upon the results of the structural coverage analysis effort. For this
reason, you may want to consider a phased approach.

Adapting a Non-DO-178B Certified System to a DO-178B Certified System

Consider the example of a legacy Global Positioning System (GPS) portion of an inertial navigation unit,
in which the system would be required to upgrade to a DO-178B certified system in the future. The
engineering team responsible for the upgrade assumed that they would have to start over. But, by
performing a gap analysis, they were able to decrease the cost by a factor of six by taking advantage of
existing activities previously performed and existing legacy artifacts, such as planning documents,
requirements data, code, test cases and test results. They were able to reuse their requirements based
testing procedures, and the system already had good processes in place because they had adopted
Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model Integration Level 5 processes when developing
the original GPS software.

Phased Approach

While a DO-178B requirement may not yet have been imposed, start planning early if there is an
expectation that it will be imposed in the future. If you employ a phased approach, there are several
benefits that can be realized such as the following:

• The costs may be spread out over multiple fiscal years, easing the financial impact.
• By spreading the work over a large time span, you can utilize a smaller engineering team.
• The higher risk items can be performed earlier so that the risk can be mitigated or addressed in
advance of the deadline.
• Activities that lead to better estimates for follow-on activities can be performed earlier so that the
follow-on activities can be more accurately estimated in advance of the deadline.
• The team has the opportunity to learn process changes earlier, thus gaining familiarity and more
insight to realize process improvement opportunities.
• There is a longer history of subjective evidence to support the project.

Using a phased approach enables you to react more quickly and more effectively when the DO-178B
requirement is imposed. It reduces the risk of having to quickly assemble a large team for the project at
the last minute.

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Involve a DER or equivalent early in the determination process. A DER is an independent specialist and
an experienced engineer designated by the FAA as having authority to sign off on your project as a
representative of the FAA [5]. You should establish a solid plan and have the DER approve your plan as
early as possible to confirm your approach. In addition, make sure that you execute to the plan. You are
not restricted from deviating from the plan when and where it makes sense. However, the deviations must
be communicated to the DER as they are identified to ensure approvals. The more familiar the DER is
with the plan and your execution of the plan, the more likely it is to receive the final acceptance of the
certification package. If you do not have a DER on staff within your company, there are independent DER
consultants that your company can hire to work with you.


It is important to understand that cost (both budget and schedule impact) is a significant factor that often
prevents organizations that supply avionics systems from providing fully DO-178B compliant software
when not required. While there are ways to reduce the cost impact, history has shown that the cost
generally prohibits the implementation of DO-178B compliance when it is not a requirement. However, the
industry is trending towards some level of DO-178B consideration. When it becomes a requirement, cost
can be minimized by taking credit for activities and artifacts already incurred and by establishing cost
effective and efficient approaches to achieving DO-178B compliance.

Converting non-DO-178B legacy systems to comply with DO-178B guidelines will become more common
as requirements such as the Global Air Traffic Management program begin to enforce DO-178B
certification on all avionics systems that share the world’s airspace. Do not wait until that day happens;
get a head start by integrating DO-178B within your legacy systems now.

By performing a rigorous gap analysis, your project team will be able to accurately access the cost and
schedule involved in developing and implementing a plan for your legacy system to receive certification.
Bring in a DER early on in the development process to ensure final acceptance of DO-178B certification.


1. Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics. “Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and
Equipment Certification.” 1 Dec. 1992. <>.
2. Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics. “Final Report for Clarifi-cation of DO-178B for
Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification.” RTCA/ DO-248B. 12
Oct. 2001 <>.
3. Certification Authorities Software Team Position Paper, CAST-5. “Guide-lines for Proposing
Alternate Means of Compliance to DO-178B.” June 2000 <
industry/designers_delegations/ designee_types/der/>.
4. “Avionics Software.” Science Daily <>.
5. Federal Aviation Administration. “FAA Consultant DER Directory.”

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About the Author
Paul Hicks has more than 18 years of experience leading avionics software engineering
programs for DO-178B certification. As a senior programs manager for AVISTA Incorporated,
Hicks has worked on a variety of avionics systems including primary flight displays, flight
management systems, autopilots, and planning and execution of adapting efforts to upgrade
legacy products for DO-178B certification. His specialty is in avionics systems engineering. Hicks has a
Bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of Wisconsin, Platteville.

About Esterline AVISTA

Esterline AVISTA (AVISTA Incorporated®), a subsidiary of Esterline Corporation, is a full-lifecycle
software engineering services company specializing in critical systems software development projects for
aerospace, defense and medical electronics applications. Esterline AVISTA fields the strongest, most
stable, and most capable DO-178B software development team in the industry. The company has
completed more than 1,000 client projects over the last 20 years in systems design, requirements capture
and analysis, software design and implementation, and software verification and validation. Esterline
AVISTA, headquartered in Platteville, Wisconsin, is a SEI CMMI Maturity Level 5 rated company and an
ISO 9001:2000 certified company.

For more information about leveraging legacy software for your next project, please contact us:

Esterline AVISTA
PO Box 636
Platteville,WI 53818-0636
Phone: (608) 348-8815
Fax: (608) 348-8819

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