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Shell Mystery Shopping Manual 2013

Thank you for your interest in conducting Shell evaluations. We've created this manual to help you learn more about the mystery shopping process for Shell, including the changes that have been made for 2013. Please read the manual thoroughly and carefully. Once you have finished reading this manual, proceed to the virtual tour and certification test. Remember, you can always refer to this manual at anytime!

Your Shopping Instructions

Just as no two Shell stores are exactly alike, no two assignments are exactly the same. Therefore, it is very important that you download, print and read your shopping instructions before every assignment. The instructions will include the following information: The date you can visit the shop The hours in which you can visit the shop The address details of the shop The observations you need to make Service standards to help you answer each question It is very important that you are familiar with all the requirements of Shell evaluations and that they are completed correctly. We can only pay you for completing an evaluation if it has been completed correctly and it is deemed to be a valid report.

Your Shopping Instructions Evaluation Times

Shell evaluations can be completed Monday to Sunday and are split into various timeframes: Your shopping instructions will advise you of the correct time frame for each assignment. It is important that you check your paperwork for each assignment to get the correct time frame. The paperwork will also show the date that you agreed to complete the assignment. If you are unable to complete the assignment at the time or on the date shown on the paperwork you need to advise GAPbuster immediately.

NOTE: You need to allow enough time to complete the evaluation within the given time frame. For example, if the timeframe says 4pm 7pm you must start the evaluation no earlier than 4pm and have it completed no later than 7pm.

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Health and Safety

Before we get into the details of what you are required to do, its important to review some of the safety factors that you need to observe on each visit. Both Shell and GAPbuster take your safety very seriously. Service stations can be dangerous environments. Not only are there risks associated with the storage of petroleum which need to be taken into account, but there are cars moving around the station and you need to be aware and observant at all times.

Safety Guidelines
Before we start lets review the safety guidelines: 1. You should never use your cell phone while driving or at the service station. 2. You must never smoke while at the service station. 3. You must switch off your engine before you start filling your car. 4. You must never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 5. You must be aware of traffic movements at all times as you move around the service station.

No smoking Switch off phone

Never drive when using drink or drugs.

Switch off engine!

And remember there are often a lot of vehicles moving around the forecourt in a relatively small space. Please remain aware of traffic movements at all time and stay safe.

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Key Requirements for Shell

There are a number of key requirements for Shell evaluations. Youll need to: 1. Put fuel into your vehicle. You can purchase as much fuel as you like, but you will only be reimbursed a set amount. Check your shopping instructions to confirm the reimbursement amount. 2. Purchase a product from inside the shop (if there is a shop on the site). 3. Check the customer toilet if there is one available. 4. Pay for your fuel and product purchase using cash, a debit card, or credit card. You must not pay by cheque. 5. Get a receipt. You must ask for a receipt, if you are not offered one. 6. Do not have passengers with you in the car

Going Alone
Before we start on the evaluation details, it is important to stress how important it is that you complete your evaluation alone. This is for two reasons. 1. It is very easy to be distracted when you have even one other passenger. You might be talking to them and miss the signage indicating an out of order pump, etc. 2. The second reason is that at a full service outlet, staff might be reluctant to interrupt a conversation to mention any of the special offers, etc. on which they are being assessed. Their good manners might mean that they lose points.

Please ensure that you complete all evaluations unaccompanied.

Go alone with no passengers

Even one passenger can be distracting

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Shell Fuel Service

There are three types of service offered at Shell service stations. Some sites offer Full Service. This means that at those stations you will always be served by a forecourt attendant. In these cases it is still preferable that you pay for your fuel in the shop, rather than paying the attendant, and wherever possible you should do so. Some sites offer only Self Service. In these cases you will be required to put the fuel in your car yourself. In some cases the site may have a Payment Terminal either mounted into the pump or on the pump island. Or they may have a Payment booth/ kiosk. Even when these are present, it is still preferable that you pay for your fuel in the shop, and wherever possible you should do so. Some sites have a partial service offer. They may only have forecourt attendants on duty at certain times during the day/ evening and at other times the site becomes effectively a self service site. Or they may offer forecourt service, but when all attendants are busy you will have the option of fuelling the car yourself. In either case, it is still preferable that you pay for your fuel in the shop, and wherever possible you should do so. NOTE: Some sites will not have a shop at all and in those cases, since you will be unable to make a shop purchase, you may pay the attendant, at a payment booth or at an automated payment terminal.

Shell Mystery Shop Observations

There are several different types of observations that you will need to make during your Shell visit. You will be expected to answer questions about: The site facilities around the forecourt pumps, air and water, etc. The shop facilities stock levels, etc. The service you receive on the forecourt (for a full-serve evaluation) The service you receive inside the shop (where there is a shop) The fuel payment transaction Various timing points for your visit As well as the above, you will be asked for your personal reaction to certain aspects of your visit. When answering those questions, it is important that you: Restrict your response to what happened on this visit only. Do not compare to previous visits or to visits to other service stations.

Do not include factors such as pricing or location. Try to keep your responses consistent with what you have reported on in the questionnaire. (If something happens that affects your response and is not covered in the questionnaire, please explain this fully in the comment field).

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Preparing for the visit

Before visiting the site, please double check the address and the exact location. Be aware that in many cases there are Shell stations quite close to each other. This is especially so with sites located on highways, motorways or freeways. In those cases, please be sure that you are on the correct side of the road. Once you are certain that you are at the correct place, youll need to enter the site. This is the first timing point. You need to time from here, to when you leave the site.

Entering the site


As you approach the site, you need to assess if it is easily and clearly identifiable as a Shell site.

Answer No if, as you approach, the signage is obscured or blocked in any way. Of if it is not functioning properly and therefore is not easy to see. Or if it is so dirty that it is difficult to read. Or, of course, if you dont see any Shell signage as you approach.

All main signage clearly visible

Main sign is obscured by tree.


As you drive onto the site, observe whether you are able to do so safely and without impediment.

Answer No if traffic direction is not clearly indicated (this may be by entry and exit signage or by arrows either in sign form or painted on the forecourt surface) or, at full service stations, it may be by direction from the attendant. Also answer No if there is traffic or some other obstruction blocking your path

Unobstructed entry and clear directional signage

Site entry obstructed

Directional signage unclear

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On your first impression observe whether the forecourt area is free of weeds (and excessive snow or ice in winter), litter, excessive oil spills and whether the rubbish/ trash bins are not filled or overflowing.


Forecourt is clean

Litter on forecourt, fresh oil spill

Use reasonable discretion when assessing the forecourt area: Assess as a casual observation dont go looking for weeds, litter, etc. Mark as clean if there are only 3 or fewer weeds or pieces of litter Mark as clean if a spill is clearly fresh or is being attended to Do not penalise on windy days where litter is likely to be constantly blowing onto the site

Garden is free from weeds

Weeds in Landscape

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Check whether the lighting is appropriate for the time of day. Consider whether street lighting (if any) is on. Answer No if lighting is on, but some globes/ lights are not working.

All external lights are switched on and working

One of the lights is NOT working

Considering the time and conditions, were you quickly and easily able to drive up to an operational pump? For this question, you need to take into account the time and conditions. In some markets, long queues are common on certain days or under certain conditions. You should not penalise the site under those sorts of circumstances. Answer No if, taking time and conditions into account, you had to wait in the queue for an unacceptable time. Or if the pump you originally approached or were directed to was not working and: NOT marked with clear, printed Out of Order sign NOT Bagged with a plastic bag indicating it cant be use NOTE: Please be sure that the pump is actually not working and that the problem is not just caused by a delay in the attendant activating the pump.


Able to drive straight to working pump

Queued traffic delays approach to pump

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At the Pumps
There are three things that you need to check at the pump islands. If this is a full serve station you can do this while waiting for the attendant, or while the attendant is fuelling the car. If it is self serve, have a quick glance around while putting fuel in the tank. Is the pump free from dirt and damage? This is not intended to assess if the pump is spotlessly clean, rather that it is acceptably clean free of excessive dust, oil or grease stains and that the nozzle handle can be used without getting your hands dirty. Similarly, it should be free of obvious damage. Do not penalise for minor amounts of dirt or small paint scrapes, etc.


Dirty/ damaged Clean and undamaged

Is any mechanical issue in using the pump? Is there excessive clicking or does the trigger stick or the pump keep switching off? is the fuel slow to dispense (after initialisation of the pump)? does the fuel gauge appear to be working properly? NOTE: This is different to the questions about the pump(s) being Out of Order which means not working at all. In this case, the pump is working, but not properly, or at full efficiency.

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Whether all pump island amenities are in place: Paper towel Rubbish bin Gloves (if there are diesel pumps on the pump island)

Squeegee and clean water facilities - NOTE: In cold conditions, if there is no water at island, it should be available in the shop. In this case there should be a printed sign at the pump island. All of these should be available at the pump, but do not penalise if they are being used by another customer. NOTE: At some sites, not all forecourt amenities will be available. Please check your shopping instructions to see which amenities you should assess.

Amenities are clean and available

Amenities are not clean or missing


Were there air and/ or water facilities at the site? Were they clean and functioning/ operational? You can check for this while you are filling the car (or waiting for the attendant) or while you are walking to and from the shop. Normally these facilities will not be located on the pump island, but rather towards the edge of the site. You do not need to use the facilities to see if they are working. Answer No if they are signed as being Out of Order. Respond to the cleanliness question on casual observation only.

Air / water facilities appear clean and functional

Air/ Water facilities signed as out of order

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Getting Fuel
You must put fuel into your vehicle. The minimum amount of fuel you need to purchase will be specified in your shopping instructions. Shell evaluations can be divided into 2 categories: Full-serve - where a forecourt attendant serves you and fills your car with fuel Self-serve - where you fill your vehicle with fuel yourself

Q: Were you served by a forecourt attendant?

Note that this question refers to a forecourt attendant pumping the fuel into your car. Please do not include in your response to this question any other forecourt service offered (that will be covered later) or any staff member inside the shop. If this is a self-service outlet, answer No and select option d). If the outlet offers forecourt service, but you do not get served after waiting for 2 minutes, serve yourself and select appropriate explain No option. This includes circumstances where you start pumping the fuel yourself and then an attendant comes and takes over for you. If all attendants are busy serving other customers, select option b). NOTE: If the site offers designated self serve and full serve pumps, you should pull up to a self serve pump if possible, answer No and select option d). NOTE: If you are evaluating an outlet which offers forecourt service, but the forecourt attendant does not serve you immediately, you must wait 2 minutes at the pump before serving yourself. We suggest that you get out of the car to wait to make it easier for you to observe what is happening on the forecourt and why you are not served immediately. If the outlet has designated self serve and full serve pumps, use a self serve pump.

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Full-serve: Forecourt Attendant Service

Well begin by showing you the special observations you need to make if you are served by a forecourt attendant.

First Impressions

Q: You need to check whether the forecourt attendant who served you
Was wearing a clean uniform and readable name badge. Answer No if the attendant was not wearing a clean Shell branded uniform and a readable name tag. If the attendant is wearing a safety or promotional vest, the name badge should be on the outside. NOTE: There are a number of different types of Shell uniform, including some promotional tshirts, vests, etc. Check to see if the Shell pecten is on the shoulder.

Uniform, including promotional, clean with name badge

Uniform missing name badge, dirty or not shell branded

Offered a welcome and greeting For Yes, forecourt attendant must offer courteous greeting. This may be as simple as saying Hi. Answer No if they just ask about what fuel you want, etc. with no greeting at all. Gave a farewell. At the end of the interaction, the forecourt attendant must offer a farewell. This may be a simple thank you, or similar.

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There are three offers which the forecourt attendant should make. You must listen closely to see if the attendant mentions any of these offers.

Q: The first concerns up-selling to the premium fuel grade and/ or the maximum amount of fuel.
To assess this correctly you MUST please wait until the forecourt attendant asks which fuel you want and how much before placing your order. Then note whether they: Mention a differentiated fuel the premium grade fuels such as V-Power, V-Power diesel, Optimax, etc. Ask if you want to fill the tank

Answer No if the attendant just asks what type of fuel you want and / or how much. Answer Yes if they: Ask if you would like the premium grade fuel Mention the premium grade fuel in any other way, including drawing your attention to leaflets or posters Say something like fill her up?", Fill the tank?, etc.

Asks if you would like the premium grade

Draws your attention to poster, etc for premium grade

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The second offer which the forecourt attendant may make is to draw your attention in any way to any additional products/ services which are available at the site. These may be: Special promotions for services such as credit card, etc. Or the attendant may mention the car wash or auto service. Or draw your attention to the lubricants on sale at the site.


Or to any in-store promotional offers relating to snacks, drinks, etc. If they mention, or draw your attention to a poster or leaflet about any offer available at the site, then this question would be Yes. NOTE: In some markets to get a yes to the offer of additional services it may be sufficient to have a poster or similar displayed on the forecourt. Please check your shopping instructions paperwork carefully to ensure you are assessing correctly.

Mention current promotions

Mention other services

Q: The third offer relates to free value added services such as:
Windscreen clean Oil check Other services

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There is one last thing that the forecourt attendant may mention, and that is the loyalty card offer. The question on your paperwork will ask if either the staff member who serves you in the shop OR the forecourt attendant mentions the loyalty card. You should answer Yes if: There is any mention of the loyalty card You are asked if you have a loyalty card You are offered a brochure about a loyalty card Anyone draws your attention to promotional posters, etc about the loyalty card.


Note: In order to assess this question correctly you must NOT show your loyalty card to either the forecourt attendant or the staff member in the shop until they have had a chance to ask about it.

Any mention of loyalty card programme

Poster/ Leaflet/ Brochure

You will be asked if you felt that the interaction you had on this visit with the forecourt attendant was genuine and sincere. For this question we are asking for your personal feeling about the interaction with the forecourt attendant. It should not be affected by anything else that occurs during the evaluation. Please do NOT include anything relating to how long you had to wait, the site facilities or anything that happens during your visit to the shop. You should use the explain Yes and explain No picklists as a guide to what it appropriate to consider in this question. Answer No if the staff member seems distracted and does not give you their full attention when talking to you. Or if they seem unfriendly, or seem to be going through the motions of offering a friendly greeting, etc. in a mechanical kind of way. Please be mindful, however, that they are working on a service station forecourt and must necessarily keep one eye on traffic movements, etc. for safety reasons.


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Paying for your fuel

There are several possibilities as to how you may be required to pay for your fuel. Wherever possible you should pay in the shop. However, if you have been served by a forecourt attendant, you may be required to pay them, or to pay at a payment booth on the forecourt. If there is no shop, and no staff in attendance, you may need to pay at an automated payment terminal.

Q: You need to report whether you paid:

In the shop Direct to the forecourt attendant At a payment kiosk/ booth At an automated payment terminal (pay at pump facility)

Shop -If possible, make fuel payment in shop

Forecourt attendant

Payment booth or kiosk

Automated payment terminal

You need to note the time that you first approached the payment point whether this is a payment booth on the forecourt, a payment window outside the shop, an office, a payment terminal on the pump island, or whether you pay, as in most cases you will, inside the shop.

Q: You will also be asked whether the payment transaction was completed correctly and efficiently.
Some explain no options will not apply, depending on how you pay. Please be careful about your selection.

You need to note the time that you completed your payment - that is, the time when you were given any change required and your receipt.

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Q: However you paid, you will be asked some questions about the payment facility.
Was it clean? Was it tidy and uncluttered? Was it well lit for the time of day?

Was it in full working order? Answer No if you are unable to get the automated payment terminal to work or if the staff member in the shop or payment booth has problems with the equipment when processing the payment. NOTE: If you pay in the shop then all these questions apply to the counter area and payment equipment in the shop.

Clean, uncluttered

Dirty, cluttered

One last forecourt observation

As you walk to and from the shop, please casually check out to see if all pumps are working. Note if any of pump islands have any pumps or hoses that are signed as being Out of Order. This may be done by: Out of Order sign Pump being bagged i.e. the hose/ nozzle covered by a printed plastic bag Traffic cones being used to block off access to some pumps or pump islands Forecourt attendant advising you that a pump is unavailable Any other indication that a pump is not in use


Printed out of Order signs

Pump bagged

Traffic cones block access to pumps

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The Shop
The first thing that is necessary is to assess what kind of shop facility the site has (if any). That can actually be a little more complex than you might think, depending on the time of day and the different types of sites that Shell has across the globe. Please read the following guidelines carefully. There are three options. Full shop select this if the site has a shop where you can walk in and purchase products such as drinks, snacks, etc. Kiosk this includes sites where all that is available at the time you visit is a counter front, a payment booth or a service window. If the site has a shop but at the time you visit only a night window is open, then select this option. If the site has an office where you walk in to pay, but there are no snacks, etc available for sale, then you should select this option. No shop. If there is no shop or payment building at all, and your ONLY payment options are to pay the attendant or use an automated terminal, then select this option. If there is a shop, but at the time you visit it is closed, and you cannot get access, and there is no night window, please select this option.


Payment booth assess as FULL SHOP KIOSK Night window assess as KIOSK Office assess as KIOSK

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Building exterior
You will be asked for your first impressions of the building exterior. Remember, if you have selected the kiosk/ payment window/ payment booth/ office option, this question applies to that building.


You need to observe whether, on casual observation, the building appeared: Clean including uncluttered and well presented and in good condition

Well lit (for the time of day) Answer No if the building appears dirty including graffiti, if the entrance is cluttered or if the lights are not working or any are broken.

This Shell building is clean and in good condition

This Shell building has damaged paint work / dirty marks

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Inside the shop

(You will be required to visit the toilet. We suggest that it may be more convenient for you to do so before making your shop purchase.) After exiting the toilet, walk up and down the aisles of the shop, pretending you are looking for something else to buy. This will give you the opportunity to assess the interior of the shop. It will also give you the opportunity to search for a product you would like to purchase.

Product displays
You need to observe whether, on casual observation, the product displays (including the fridge/ freezer units) are well stocked. There shouldnt be any large gaps with stock missing.


All product display units are well stocked

The product display unit is NOT well stocked

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The Purchase transaction

An important requirement of Shell evaluations is that you must purchase a product from inside the shop. You may purchase any item you wish, but remember you will only be reimbursed up to a certain amount, as specified in your shopping instructions. Some examples of items you may wish to purchase include: bread, milk, drinks, newspaper, potato crisps, ice cream or chocolate.

Once you have chosen an item to purchase, youre ready to proceed to the counter to complete the transaction. NOTE: Usually this will include your fuel payment, so remember to make the timings required for your fuel payment transaction. You need to note the time that you first approached the payment point whether this is a payment booth on the forecourt, a payment window outside the shop, an office, a payment terminal on the pump island, or whether you pay, as in most cases you will, inside the shop. You need to note the time that you completed your payment - that is, the time when you were given any change required and your receipt.

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NOTE: Remember that if you pay for your fuel in the shop, you need to assess the payment facility that is, the counter area.

If you pay for your fuel in the shop, then the questions about the payment facility should be answered based on the shop counter area. Was it clean? Was it tidy and uncluttered? - There should be enough space to set down a loaf of bread, or comfortably sign a credit slip, etc. Answer No if the counter is so cluttered with product displays, etc that there is not enough room to complete the payment transaction comfortably. Was it well lit for the time of day? Was it in full working order? Answer No if the staff member in the shop has problems with the equipment when processing the payment.


This counter is clean and uncluttered

This counter is cluttered

If you pay for your fuel in the shop, then the about whether the payment transaction was correct and efficient should be answered based on your shop transaction. Some explain no options will not apply, depending on how you pay. Please be careful about your selection.


TIP: you can only pay by cash, debit card or credit card not by cheque.

As the transaction ends, ensure that the staff member provides you with a receipt. If you are not offered a receipt, you must ask for one!

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The Shop Attendant

NOTE: Remember that if there is not a full shop, but you pay for your fuel at a kiosk/ night window/ payment booth you will need to answer all questions about the shop staff based on that transaction.

Q: You need to check whether the staff member who serves you in the shop:
Was wearing a clean uniform and readable name badge. Answer No if the staff member was not wearing a clean branded uniform and a readable name tag. NOTE: There are a number of different types of Shell uniform, including some promotional tshirts, etc. Check to see if the Shell pecten is on the shoulder. At an alliance site (that is, where another branded chain runs the shop, such as 7-11, SPAR, etc.) the uniform may not have Shell branding, but should have alliance branding. If there is no alliance branding the uniform MUST have Shell branding.

Uniforms including promotional and alliance branded. Alliance branded uniforms should be assessed for cleanliness only.

Uniforms missing name badge or are faded or not clean

Offered a welcome and greeting For Yes, forecourt attendant must offer courteous greeting. This may be as simple as saying Hi. Answer No if they just ask about what fuel you want, etc. with no greeting at all. Gave a farewell. At the end of the interaction, the forecourt attendant must offer a farewell. This may be a simple thank you, or similar. You will be asked if you felt that the interaction you had on this visit with the staff member in the shop was genuine and sincere. For this question we are asking for your personal feeling about the interaction with the staff member in the shop. It should not be affected by anything else that occurs during the evaluation. Please do NOT include anything relating to how long you had to wait, the site facilities or anything that happens on the forecourt.


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There are two offers which the staff member in the shop should make. You must listen closely to see if the staff member mentions either of these offers.

Q: The first offer which the staff member in the shop may make is to draw your attention in any way
to any additional products/ services which are available at the site. These may be: Special promotions for services such as credit card, etc. Or the staff member may mention the car wash or auto service. Or draw your attention to the lubricants on sale at the site.

Or to any in-store promotional offers relating to snacks, drinks, etc. If they mention, or draw your attention to a poster or leaflet about any offer available at the site including premium grade fuel, then this question would be Yes.

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Q: The second offer which the staff member in the shop may make is to mention in any way the
loyalty card. You should answer Yes to this question if: There is any mention of the loyalty card You are asked if you have a loyalty card You are offered a brochure about a loyalty card Anyone draws your attention to promotional posters, etc about the loyalty card.

Mentions/ asks for card

Any mention of, or reference to, the loyalty card at any point of the visit.

Poster/ Leaflet/ Brochure

NOTE: Remember you should answer Yes to the loyalty card question if ANY of the staff at the site whether in the shop or on the forecourt, mentions, asks about, draws your attention in any way to the loyalty card program.

You will be asked if you felt that the interaction you had on this visit with the staff member in the shop was genuine and sincere. For this question we are asking for your personal feeling about the interaction with the staff member in the shop. It should not be affected by anything else that occurs during the evaluation. Please do NOT include anything relating to how long you had to wait, the site facilities or anything that happens on the forecourt.


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Toilet Evaluation
You will need to assess the toilet facilities at the site, or to explain why you were unable to do so. (For convenience, we suggest that you do this assessment before buying any food or drink items.) The customer toilet may have an entrance from the shop, or it may have an external entrance. In either case you are required to assess the toilet if it is available. The only valid reasons for not assessing the toilets are: There are no toilets at the site The only toilets at the site are for staff use and they would not give you access The entrance is through the shop and the shop was closed/ not accessible The toilet was locked and no key was available The toilet was out of order The toilet was closed because it was being cleaned.

In all other circumstances, you should be able to complete a toilet evaluation. If the toilet is locked, you should ask for a key. If the toilet is busy, you should wait for at least 3 minutes and then try again. If you are advised that the toilets are only for staff use, but they let you use them anyway, assess them as you normally would.

Q: You will be asked to assess whether the toilet you used was clean and the lights were working:
The floor area is clear of litter and noticeable water spills The toilet is clean (do not penalise for old stains that cannot be removed) The hand basin and mirror are free from dirt or grime Answer "Yes" if the lights are off when you enter, but you are able to switch them on.

Use discretion when assessing the cleanliness of the toilet/ restroom. Do not go looking for dirt, litter, etc. Assess only what is noticeable to the average customer. As a guideline litter would be three or more noticeable pieces of paper, etc.

Toilet area is clean

Toilet area is NOT clean

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You will be asked to assess whether the toilet you used was well stocked and functioning/ operational. There is soap or a soap dispenser available A hand dryer is available and working (or paper towels are available) There should be enough toilet paper available for you to use (or else a functional cubicle hose should be available) Answer Yes if there is a sign saying paper and/ or soap is available from the cashier The toilet flushes The taps work


NOTE: If a toilet is occupied, please wait approximately 3 minutes to gain access.

Finally the last timing point

As you leave the forecourt take note of the time. You will need this to give a measurement of the total length of your visit.

After you leave the site

Once you complete your evaluation and you are out of sight of the petrol station, answer the questions on your shopping paperwork. This ensures that all the information is recorded while all the information from the shopping experience is still fresh in your mind. Important Note! Remember to report your results within 8 hours of leaving the store. If we do not receive the results within 8 hours, we may have to cancel the assignment without payment. Therefore, it is very important that you complete the assignment on the day you have allocated and you report your results as soon as possible! Also remember to submit all of your receipts once you have submitted your results. Note: ALL receipts must be submitted to GAPbuster Worldwide when you submit the results of your evaluation it is a very important part of our validation process.

Timing Points
As a final reminder, the timing points for this visit are:

1: 2: 3:

When you drive onto the forecourt

When you join the queue to pay for your fuel

When you complete the fuel transaction including receiving your change and your receipt


When you drive out from the forecourt

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