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Case Study #__ The Decision Making Process 1. Apply Decision Making. a.

Identifying problem: Settle the misunderstanding or trouble between Mr. Gates and the key official of the customer hospital. The problem is personal in nature that affects the will affect the relationship of the hospital and the company. Also, likewise affect the employer- employee relationship between the company and Mr. Gates. b. Identifying Decision Criteria. In choosing aspect or criteria in making the decision for the conflict can be, morale of the company as labor oriented, the economic turndown if ever the decision will be unfavorable for the request of the customer, legal aspect as well. c. Allocating Weights to the criteria. In allocating the weights in choosing what would be the best course of action soley depends on the principle of the company, if they area after the profit or economic aspect, they can choose to rea ssgined the manager in order to retain the client, or if their morality are high, they will continue the service of the employee and try t\o fix the conflict as much as possible. d. Develop alternatives. In this kind of situation, there should be alternatives course of action from better plan to worst scenarios, one of alternative would be re assigning Mr. Gates in new project or better project that would enhance his potentials and sharpen his skills without losing the clients that contribute with the revenue. e. Analyzing the Alternatives. Through careful analysis, the company must come up with the full picture of the situation that will help the company in figuring the pros and cons of the actions to take. They can come up with the negative results, like down morality in working relationship. Or it could be the best moves so not to suffer the income as a whole. f. Selecting an alternative. After a careful and thorough selection of alternatives, it is now the time to select the action which is less burden and more beneficial, the best alternative for this situation is to work on the conflict between the two aprty, try to reconcile both party and not to be biased or became one sided. g. Implementing alternatives. After the selection, show that strict implementation follows so to convince that your company is not just a company that starts things but not get it over. h. Evaluating decision effectiveness. Effectiveness of the course of action does not finish the solution but how it is effective and beneficial for the organization in general. For evaluation, see the outcome for the at least a month or so and evaluate and documented the scenario for future use or reference. 2. Identify the decision making style you did to make a decision. Explain. In making decision for the conflict, the company uses conceptual approach for they tend to see the conflict and broader perspective and futuristic as well. In choosing to solve the conflict instead of favoring one side is the best answer for it does not lead to biased mind and the same could be a help to solve personal conflict between the two parties without compromising the relationship of both sides with the company. Jhoanna Mary E. Pescasio

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