Au Milieu

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Au Milieu by Keith Miller

Story Chris Walker and Keith Miller

INT. TRAIN CAR - DAY Train is relatively crowded, but not congested. We focus on the center of the car. New York City proper is represented: passionately dispassionate people sit and stand. They make a point of minding their own business. Nestled between a BUSINESSMAN and a STUDENT sits and a young Man, African-American, early 20s. His slim fit jeans, converse, retro-graphic t-shirt bordered with his slim fitted cardigan screams selectively stylish. At present, hes buried in an oversized moleskin notebook with a wired trail of cords rising to headphones too big for his head. Hes engaged in his book writing. Every so often he looks up absently to muffle a lyric, a phrase, a melody. Every time he raises his head he needs to readjust his too plain to be stylish glasses. Lets call him MC. In the distant left, by subway door, a group of GIRLS notice him. Hes cute in a distracted kind of way. MC is oblivious. Directly across from him sits a young WOMAN. She is the girl next door, Tom Pettys American girl: cowboy boots, thin jeans covers by a flimsy flower print shirt that hangs almost like a low cut summer dress. She has a delicate strength about her and she seems to be interested in our MC. Lets call her COWGIRL. Cowgirl seems fixated on MC. Shes into him. The train rocks. MC looks up, notices Cowgirl. She smiles at him. He flashes her a guarded smile. COWGIRL Time to take a ride, time to take a midnight eye... A contemplative beat. MC Satan got her tongue... now its undone.

2. A beat. COWGIRL You like Sonic Youth. MC There was a time... He looks at her. A weak hopeful smile. MC (CONTD) But you know how it is... some albums you grow out of... but later you remember them fondly. Cowgirl looks away. MC scribbles some notes in book. OFF SHOT, The GIRLS giggle. Cowgirl is momentarily distracted. While she looks away, MC surveys Cowgirl surreptitiously. She looks back to him. MC meets her gaze. Her hair falls into the side of her face. She gently clears the strands aside. She is vulnerable. COWGIRL Can you talk...? MC looks her, trying to decide. The STUDENT standing beside him gives him an encouraging look: Yo! Talk to her, man. A beat. MC flashes the guarded smile. MC How are you...? COWGIRL (nervous) Been better--- one of those days, yaknow? You? Okay. MC


Okay? Yeah. (hurt) Yeah...

The BUSINESS MANs interest is piqued. His attention switches from Cowgirl to MC. He wears a perplexed expression. A beat. MC looks at her, is going to say something... thinks better of it and goes back to his notebook. Cowgirl is getting visibly upset but trying to keep it together. The GIRLS notice this and stop giggling. COWGIRL (CONTD) Youre not going to talk to me? One of the GIRLS leans into her FRIEND, GIRL (audibly low) Stalker. Creepy. FRIEND

Cowgirl ignores them. She edges forward her seat to clear distance and gain space. MC does not pay attention. COWGIRL Im right here. He doesnt look up. I see you. Cowgirl seethes. MC (CONTD) Youre fine. Everythings good. MC

4. He looks up at her a little. Cowgirl softens. A beat. COWGIRL Our--- a stop is coming soon... you wanna...? The GIRLS giggle. The STUDENT smiles. The older BUSINESSMAN is contemplating something. MC makes a point of not answering. Cowgirl stares at him. A beat. She says nothing but the train feels her anger as her gaze slowly turns from MC. The car gets cold. The girls stop laughing. MC places his headphones back on. We hear the trace of hiphop. Cowgirl absently plays with hair, lost in angered thoughts. Train platform whirls by. MC makes notes in his book. Finishing up a thought. Hes coming to a conclusion. Cowgirl can sense it. She sits up. She preps herself, fixing her clothes, fingering her hair. COWGIRL (CONTD) I like... I think... MC puts his gear into his bag. The train begins to come to a stop.

5. BUSINESSMAN gentle moves to the side. The look he gives MC, hes figured something out. MC gets up. Cowgirl begins to get up as well. MC signals for her to sit. MC It was a nice ride but this is where I get off. The train stops. He puts on his headphones. STUDENT shakes his head. The doors open. He makes to walk out. Turns around. He looks at her softly. MC (CONTD) (low, apologetically) Sorry, there just aint enough love in the world to fill my cup. He gets off the train. Never looking back he walks away. The doors close. The train pulls off.

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