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Peoples Awareness Coalition

Constitutional Education & Political Awareness

PAC | The Bottom Line

There are some major issues in regard to people seeking remedy to their instant problems. It may be observed that people seem to follow others over using their own thought process or critical thinking in their decisions. As a result this may lead to disappointment in many ways for the follower. Those people wanting to solve their problems must ask themselves, What Do I Want? 1 Am I looking for a quick fix for the problems I have; or, am I interested in changing the future for myself, my family and their posterity? The People's Awareness Coalition is about the latter choice,2 not quick fixes. The Coalition has isolated a baby-step in backing-out of our problems: The 14th Amendment.3


Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est verilatis. He who does not willingly speak the truth, is a betrayer of the truth.
There has been a lot of bad case law and other political propaganda that has been released in the past 140 years in regard to the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution. This has caused people who are seeking answers to be confused. Simply, that amendment changed the governmental system in America, politically and legally. The Coalition has observed that this misleading information put out by the courts and other maintainers 4 of this system turns into misinformation. That is, it is then used by people referred to as repeaters.5 It has been found that the deceived 6 readily pickup on such information and it spreads like cancer. Needless to say, this works in favor of the adversary. Due to the fact that the Coalition holds a hard line on these issues has brought detestation by many people in regard to us and our information. We have found that most people are not willing to bring about change in their lives is primarily a reason. Most people rather complain than do what it takes to
1 2 3 4 See the PAC flyer, What Do You Want? : See the PAC flyer, The Occupation : The treatise on the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, The Red Amendment : MAINTAINERS. Individuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods to maintain control of America through the 14th Amendment political and legal system. Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a pecuniary (profit) interest as motivation. Island Makers Project Lexicon REPEATER. Someone who parrots information he has heard. In general, most repeater types fail to use scrutiny which includes failing to research or verify the things that they repeat, that in turn causes misinformation to plague "the movement". Island Makers Project Lexicon THE DECEIVED. People in the United States who are mislead into participating in the political system under the 14th Amendment. Such system has replaced the law of God and has been replaced with a law system fabricated by men. The system is kept in place by maintainers who use such people for profit and gain through the law of jus gentium, which is the law of the foreigner. This translates as United States citizens being deemed foreigners in their own countries. Such deception is considered lawful under the common law maxim of: Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived. Island Makers Project Lexicon

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understand the truth about what has transpired around them. Furthermore, we have taken a stance on exposing repeaters who are leading people astray with tainted information. The division caused by these two noted issues has hurt people and has served the adversary well. Consequently, bringing the attention of these two things to people is not appreciated by many of the deceived. The primary goal of the People's Awareness Coalition has always been to cut through the doctrinal fog of the maintainers. True facts in law is the how remedy may be accomplished. The only way that a remedy is available to you is to put forth hard work and establish knowledge, courage, and honor. This is the only way that the future for you, your family, and America will see a positive course. The bottom line is, after over ten years in our existence there are still a lot of people that fail to understand that PAC is fundamentally a political movement grounded in law. And, yes... You are correct. Our goal is to correct history and make it.

In doing our research it had been discovered that a doctrine was established in the mid 1800s:

The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.
That doctrine was established by Karl Marx in 1848; it showed-up in his Communist Manifesto.7 In looking at the history of the United States, we find that the states in the Union were referred to as countries8 prior to The War Between The States. Furthermore, in applying international law, we find that the Union is a federation of nations.9 Accordingly, each state in the Union carries a nationality.10 However, with federal legislation executed under the Fourteenth Amendment all the people who are politically involved in government are citizens and nationals of the United States.11 Now, ask anyone
7 KARL MARX was hired by a mysterious group who called themselves the League of Just Men to write the Communist Manifesto as demogogic boob-bait to appeal to the mob (masses). In actual fact the Communist Manifesto was in circulation for many years before Marx' name was widely enough recognized to establish his authorship for this revolutionary handbook. All Karl Marx really did was to update and codify the very same revolutionary plans and principles set down seventy years earlier by Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Order of illuminati in Bavaria. And, it is widely acknowledged by serious scholars of this subject that the League of Just Men was simply an extension of the Illuminati which was forced to go deep underground after it was exposed by a raid in 1786 conducted by the Bavarian authorities. NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, Gary Allen 8 COUNTRY. By country is meant the state of which one is a member. Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856 9 NATIONS IN CONFEDERATION. Emerich de Vattel noted that every nation that governs itself, under what form so-ever, without dependence on any foreign power, is a sovereign state, its rights are naturally the same as those of any other state. Such are the moral persons who live together in a natural society, subject to the law of nations. To give a nation a right to make an immediate figure in this grand society, it is sufficient that it be really sovereign and independent, that is, that it govern itself by its own authority and laws. Vattel, Book I, Chapter I 4. The Law of Nations recognizes that several sovereign and independent states may unite themselves together by a perpetual confederacy, without ceasing to be, each individually, a perfect state. They will together constitute a federal republic: their joint deliberations will not impair the sovereignty of each member, though they may, in certain respects, put some restraint on the exercise of it, in virtue of voluntary engagements. Vattel, Book I, Chapter I 10. 10 NATIONALITY. The state of a person in relation to the nation in which he was born. A man retains his nationality of origin during his minority, but, as in the case of his domicile of origin, he may change his nationality upon attaining full age; he cannot, however, renounce his allegiance without permission of the government. Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856 11 TITLE 8 USC 1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth. The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (a) A person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. [note the 14th Amendment language]

PAC | The Bottom Line

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what their country and nationality is. Well, it is pretty much guaranteed that you will not get the right answers. The simple fact is, the Fourteenth Amendment is grounded in communist doctrines. The sad fact is, Americans have been groomed to be communists (by capitalists) the past 140 years. Yes, we are saying that you have been lied to. After all, who owns the media and runs operations in government? A poor schmoe like you, or a bunch of money grubbing elitists and their tools? 12 Are you ready to fix your problem? Which is taking back the theft of your nationality.


The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. 13
Henry Kissinger, New World Order proponent

So why is the matter of country and nationality the key issue? It is simple: Law. The Marxist doctrines are applied using private law, via politics. The Fourteenth Amendment political system is the noose. By established doctrine, the courts have conveniently setup that they will not address issues of law that encompass things of a political nature. How else could maintainers calmly usurp a constitution? Now to explain the how the unconstitutional is achieved. After the entity known as the United States had subdued the Southern States after the so-called Civil War with ITS Reconstruction Acts, the remaining states in the Union had to be usurped. To achieve this 'legally' the Fourteenth Amendment was installed. As a matter of law, the amendment creates political insurgency/rebellion.14 It usurps the lawful political systems of the states that were in place prior to the war. Not only are the persons that are voting deemed in rebellion, but also those who are taking benefits and remain silent.15 The goal was to accomplish the usurpation with the consent of the people, which makes it legal (but not actually lawful). Simply put, the persons16 that are participating in this 'new' system are in rebellion to their lawful state governments via operations of law devised by the Fourteenth Amendment.17 Even with matters that exist under this system of stealthy usurpation, no one can be compelled to take benefit from it.18 Under rules of law, anyone that benefits from the current system and fails to
12 TOOL. Someone that is used to further an agenda with, or without, monetary gain. Such types sometimes lack the ability of critical thought and are either seeking a controlling position over others or looking for a position of recognition. Island Makers Project Lexicon 13 Reported by New York Times, October 28, 1973. 14 INSURGENT. A person who rises in opposition to civil or political authority; one who openly and actively resists the execution of laws [see Insurrection]. An insurgent differs from a rebel. The insurgent opposes the execution of a particular law or laws; a rebel attempts to overthrow or change government, or he revolts and attempts to place his country under another authority. All rebels are insurgents, but all insurgents are not rebels. Websters Dictionary, 1828 Section 2 of the 14th Amendment actually establishes that: the right to vote is denied except for participation in rebellion, or other crime 15 He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage. {Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum} He who is silent appears to consent. {Qui tacet consentire videtur} 16 Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1. "All persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." See also, Title 8 USC 1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth. The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: A person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. [ This is Fourteenth Amendment language. ] 17 Read the article, Treason By Design, at : 18 No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent. {Invito beneficium non datur}

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remove himself from it will be under the liability of the system.19 The benefit under this system is considered the citizen and national of the United States status, which does incur penalties.20 One of the major penalties is that the Fourteenth Amendment system has elements of a feudal system.21 The fact is, no one has to involve himself in criminal activity, nor be associated with criminals.22


There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner.
LB Bork

For you to understand how to back out of The Murk of the current system, the foundation of how the constitutional system works under the Fourteenth Amendment needs to be explained: The Constitution for the United States is nothing more than an international agreement of which the American state/nations have entered into. The document inherently establishes public and private law. Congressa term that imports the meaning of an international assembly23has the authority to make laws under the United States Constitution. Another layer of law was added with the Fourteenth Amendment. It applies to Americans via the citizen of the United States status. Such law is considered private law under the original constitutional system; however is deemed 'public law' for citizens of the United States. That is to say, such citizens cannot effectively contest it due to their political status. Now it should be understood that the sovereignty of a government comes from the inhabitants, or people, of a certain territory who have formed such government. In other words, the state, or more aptlyits government, cannot be sovereign without the nation and its political consent. What has transpired under the Fourteenth Amendment is that the bodies politic of the several states have given-up their sovereign rights to maintain politically autonomy, the ultimate power of a people. Such rights have been given to the entity known as the United States. Moreover, the people enjoined in the rebellion(s) under the Fourteenth Amendment are also in rebellion to their rightful systems of societal law, which is the common law. This secret allows them to be ruled by the whim of both state and federal governments under a law system known as the Law of Persons,24 or private law.25

19 Socialism is a benefit: No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent. But if he does not dissent he will be considered as assenting. {Invito beneficium non datur} 20 This is the nature of federal citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment as stated by the Supreme Court of the United States: It is the natural consequence of a citizenship [92 U.S. 542, 551] which owes allegiance to two sovereignties, and claims protection from both. The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government. He owes allegiance to the two departments, so to speak, and within their respective spheres must pay the penalties which each exacts for disobedience to its laws.
U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)

21 The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ownership is only by virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State. Senate Document #43; Senate Resolution No. 62 (Page 9, Paragraph 2) April 17, 1933. 22 Mandate of an illegal thing is void. {Rei turpis nullum mandatum est} See Historical Error : 23 CONGRESS. In international law. An assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, etc. from different sovereignties who meet to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th Edition 24 See Rudolf Sohm treatise, Institutes of Roman Law. 25 Fourteenth Amendment legal entities under the Law of Persons defined by, Title 1 USC 1. Words denoting number, gender, and so forth. The words person and whoever include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies, as well as individuals.

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All such adverse factors aside, the inherent constitutional political allegiance is to your state; all other governments are considered foreign, including the United States government.26 As a matter of fact, the United States recognizes lawful allegiance under the Fourteenth Amendment and its insurgent presence. This may be seen in Title 8 of the United States Code, Section 1101(a)(21), Definitions: The term national means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state. In recognizing this, the United States is a party member to the United Nations, hence is subject to the following declaration27 which established: Everyone has the right to retain a nationality and that no one shall be assigned an arbitrary nationality.28 As it is considered involuntary servitude, the mandate also established that no one may be forced to be member of an association without his consent.29 Long before that declaration was established, due to the fact the Fourteenth Amendment political system was known to be unlawful,30 Congress had left a way to get out of such system.31 The remedy is: Expatriation. Removing yourself from the unlawful political system.32 There have been people who have attempted to expatriate their United States citizenship by claiming American citizenship; however as the governments have been usurped there is technically no rightful citizenship that may be held under the insurgent system.33 Nationality cannot be taken away. This is something that cannot be usurped as a matter of natural right. The presumption is that everyone in America owes allegiance to the United States, and Americans willfully do. They seem to just love the citizen of the United States status which is equal to that of a people of a conquered country.34 Perhaps these disclosed matters is why communism mandates public school education.35

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke, English philosopher

To start on the road to recovery people must lead by example.

26 Title 22. Foreign Relations and Intercourse. Title 22 USC 2659. State statutes to be procured. The Secretary of State shall procure from time to time such of the statutes of the several States as may not be in his office.
Ergo, the several states are foreign to the United States even though their governments are seated by the federal (US) citizens.

27 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), December 10, 1948. 28 UDHR, Article 15. Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. 29 UDHR, Article 20. No one may be compelled to belong to an association. 30 Congress has been advised that the Fourteenth Amendment was not lawfully ratified, see Congressional Record-House, June 13, 1967, pp 15641-15646. 31 Public Law, 15 United States Statutes at Large, Chapter 249, pps 223-224, Section 1 (1868), a Declaration by Congress establishes it is a right to remove oneself from political systems. This remedy currently appears under Title 8 of the United States Code, section 1481. 32 More information in the article, Expatriation Examined, at : 33 Read the article, Citizen as a Legal Fiction, at : 34 POSSESSION, international law. By possession is meant a country which is held by no other title than mere conquest. Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856. Title 8 USC 1101(a)(29) Defines possessions of the United States as American Samoa and Swains Island, and Title 8 USC 1408 defines the people of such countries as nationals of the United States as are citizens of the United States.
The point, these noted conquered people have the same 'nationality' as United States citizens.

35 Communist Manifesto of 1848, Plank 10.

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Unfortunately, it is almost assured that most people will do nothing. Why? American journalist and essayist, H.L. Mencken, stated the below years ago in regard to why most people will do nothing: [The average man] is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies.
~Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)

As people have heard for years we live in a Democracy, so it is said. The system described herein is what the so-called democracy is actually all about. Most people have not a clue what liberty is. They will not identify with people who wish NOT to be Socialists... Or rather, Marxist Communists. These programmed types are happy being human resources for the elite in the world machine.36 Suitably they will do nothing and let evil prevail as it has for years, for this is their democratic society. But you, are you willing to repent and turn away from the privileges of the democracy? Are you ready to give-up burdening others through benefits that are actually a ploy that enriches the elite? Are you willing and ready to create a new society and give-up falsehoods such as being told you are free? Art thou less a slave because thy master loves and caresses thee?
~Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

To stress our point, the Supreme Court of the United States uttered this about the real problem: The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance.
~Justice Black in Adderley v. State of Florida (1967)

Discerning that knowledge, courage, and honor are vital, are you prepared for liberty of republican freedom that is guaranteed to you by the Constitution? Are you ready To Lead by Example?


Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.
It can be surmised that the adversary had created the sovereign individual.37 This way the people of the self-centered variety are kept out of the way. This is a wonderful plan so that the adversary may maintain control of the countries they have taken over. The way to overcome this: UNITY. With respect to the lack of unity, there are many people out there that have lifted the information that the Coalition brought forth over ten years ago. Profiteers and maintainers established methods to lead people astray from what the truth is. Truth mixed with falsehoods, using 14th Amendment law forms, keep unsuspecting people in the box. People who are of greed and sloth have fallen prey to them. The greed and deception factor: what a great divide and conquer tool for the adversary.

36 See the information, Human Resources, at : 37 SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL. In general, such persons think they are individually sovereign and are not a member of any governmental system. Such persons are anarchists and may be considered stateless under international law. They hold no posterity as a member of a nation in the United States and ultimately have no rights that international law does not prescribe. Most of these types would be considered as selfish and lost, see also Sovereign Citizen. Island Makers Project Lexicon

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Too many cooks spoil the spaghetti sauce.
Mike Brady, the Brady Bunch

There is a maxim of law that states, Many men know many things, no one knows everything. In line with that maxim there are many people that profess many things. Unfortunately many things that people profess are redundant. For that reason, the problem is people not working together.38 The People's Awareness Coalition has been around since 1998. The primary goal of the Coalition is to explore the truth in search of providing liberty to people under the governmental system we live in. We differ from most other remedies because we have discovered an established position in law that, when exercised properly, puts people in an offensive position. Our remedy has a solid foundation and does not keep people in the box like remedies others may profess. Our goal is constitutional liberty, not putting band-aids on a system that was meant to be broken, i.e., the system will not be fixed. The Coalition empathizes that there are people who feel they must remain part of the rebellion. That aside unity is still needed. We have put together a revolutionary plan for all people to come together, the PAC Alliance Program.39 The main program points are: 1) Build local communities; 2) Correct the nationalities of people; 3) Watch what THEY are doing. The two primary points assist in taking back communities by building local economies. The people who correct their nationalities safeguards them from the legislation that purviews through the Fourteenth Amendment system. Regrettably, as the situation exists, most people center on watching what their government is doing and do nothing but complain and live in fear. This is what the adversary wants. So in regard to point three, we will not just be watching THEY; we will expose their deeds through effective programs due to unity. We are not selfish sovereigns. We care about one another. We are building local communities. We are the lawful bodies politic of the American Union. We want our countries back from the rebels. Simply stated, why would people not want to be affiliated with the producer of the remedy?

I admire PACs readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.
Tupper Saussy, author of Rulers of Evil


The People's Awareness Coalition has the goal of eliminating the gray area that has been thrust upon us so we can live in liberty as the Constitution provides for us.

Contact the Coalition and GET RIGHT by correcting your nationality:

The wise know their weakness too well to assume infallibility; and he who knows most, knows best how little he knows. Thomas Jefferson

38 UNITY. An agreement desired by a group of people that have a common interest in order to strengthen their cause. A division is sometimes accomplished by an individual or faction that encourages a group to "take sides" in issues rather than seeing the commonality of their goals and agreeing to disagree on the rest. Unity is something the movement lacks mainly due to self-importance. Island Makers Project Lexicon 39 Information on The PAC Alliance Program at :

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The Coalition has been separating the wheat from the chaff since 1998.
Our primary goal is to assist the people of America in gaining back their freedoms under the pre14th Amendment style law system. The latest program of the Coalition is entitled the Island Makers Project. The purpose of this new project is to provide people with an understanding of who is dividing us by various means which keeps us all under the maintainers' servitude. Please join us in appropriating education and freedom that the republics provide! Visit People's Awareness Coalition at :
Join us at the Not My Government forum :


People who are misleading people need to be exposed. The purpose of the Island Makers Project is to accomplish such measure and also show people where they are in their quest.
IMP Site : PAC Alliance Program :


Political non participation is the cure for the ills America faces. Tell them this is Not My Government. The Nationalist Party is grassroots and pure for it is of the common people of America. It is of the same makeup of those who settled this great land. It is a true party, of the people, by the people, and for the people. We believe it is time for true change by exposing all other parties that are one in the same. We ask that you join us in educating America and repopulating the republics!

2012 Platform: Legislation Without Representation

We cannot participate in government. You people don't represent us. Leave us alone.40

True Constitutional Liberty for Nationals of the Several States

Please join us in constitutional liberty. Our goal must be achieved by the elections of 2012.

More information on the Nationalist Party at :

40 There are actually provisions for us to challenge the unconstitutionality of the state legislatures. Are you ready?

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