Carol Harvey Fundraiser

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My name is Carol Harvey who lives at Clark's hill, who is in need of two

surgeries both on the upper and lower spine each costing $39,610.00 EC. I am
unemployed and unabl1e to work due to the restricted use of my hands. I took
my first surgery on Wednesday 11 October 2012 on my lower spine which I had
to give priority to prevent me from becoming paralyzed. Presently I am unable
to walk and have to partake iln physiotherapy costing $110.00 a day I have to go
from Monday to Friday, in total its $550.00 a week because I took so long to
take the surgery. I am slowly coming around and will soon walk again. I also
have my bill that run over at Dr John's Hospital, I had to stay in the hospital for a
wep.k and the bill (39,610.00) only included three days. One day at the hospital
cost $1800.00, I had to also get oxygen and medication my bill presently is
$8,700.00. After my full recovery I have to do a next major surgery on my upper
spine costing the same (39,610.00). I currently have an account at STJOHNS
COOPERATIVE CREDIT UNION 15962 that's in my name Carol Harvey, so I am
asking you to please support me in funds towards my physiotherapy, my current
bill at Dr Johns Hospital or to my second surgery. Thanks in advance.
JOSEFH A. JOHN M.D., F.A.C.S. Woods Center
[ ,)f the American Board of Surgery St. John's, Antigua
Tel: (268) 481-5200
Fax: (268) 481-5205
October 19, 2012
To Whom It May Concern:
Carol Harvey is a 44 year old woman who presented to Medical Surgical Associates
on the Nov;;'\l1.ber 2011. She reported a of left upper extremity pain, tingling
and weakness. Sh,: had been seen by a number of physicians in the past who
rccomrnended release for her symptoms. This was performed with no
reso\1Jtion t)fth.. symptoms. She subsequently obtained an MRI of the C- spine which
SI10WeC( a Gr' th C4/ 5, C5/6 with com ression of the cord and the
nerve roots. Tllis pnr:1ology is clearly what was accounting for her symplorns allJ she
will need c ,; lViCCl l spine exploration with multiple level laminectomies and discectomies.
or note aho is :.hat she subsequently complained of pain and neurological symptoms in
the lower prompting another MRI this time in the L-S spine. This
demunstrall' d L2!3 disc prolapse with cord and nerve root compression and
()s t<:: ophytes.
She undcrwenl a lumbar laminectomy on 10lh October and is currently recovering and
would require immediate physical therapy before her next surgery, but because of her
weight cervical laminectomy will be done at a later date.

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Joseph . John M.D., F.A.C.S
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'c J 0 ODS C E N T E R
BOX W1228
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