Mouselost Version 2

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Mouse: Lost

Design Document v.2

Jillian Parr

Section 2: Table of Contents

1. Title Page 1.1. Game Name 1.2. Copyright Information 1.3. Version Number, author, date 2. Table of Contents Design History Change Log 3. Section I - Game Overview 3.1. Game Concept 3.2. Feature Set 3.3. Genre 3.4. Target Audience 3.5. Game Flow Summary 3.5.1. Look and Feel 3.5.2. Project Scope 3.5.3. Number of locations 3.5.4. Number of levels 3.5.5. Number of NPCs 3.5.6. Number of weapons 3.5.7. Etc. 4. Section II - Gameplay and Mechanics 4.1. Gameplay 4.1.1. Game Progression 4.1.2. Mission/challenge Structure 4.1.3. Puzzle Structure 4.1.4. Objectives What are the objectives of the game? 4.1.5. Play Flow How does the game flow for the game player 4.2. Mechanics What are the rules to the game, both implicit and explicit. This is the model of the universe that the game works under. Think of it as a simulation of a world, how do all the pieces interact? This actually can be a very large section. 4.2.1. Physics How does the physical universe work? 4.2.2. Movement General Movement Other Movement 4.2.3. Objects Picking Up Objects Moving Objects 4.2.4. Actions Switches and Buttons Picking Up, Carrying and Dropping Talking Reading 4.2.5. Combat If there is combat or even conflict, how is this specifically modeled? 2

4.3. Screen Flow 4.3.1. Screen Flow Chart A graphical description of how each screen is related to every other 4.3.2. Screen Descriptions What is the purpose of each screen? Main Menu Screen Options Screen Etc. 4.4. Game Options 4.5. Replaying and Saving 5. Section III Story, Setting and Character 5.1. Story and Narrative 5.1.1. Back story 5.2. Game World 5.2.1. General look and feel of world 5.2.2. Area #1 5.3. Characters 5.3.1. Character #1 Back story Personality Look 6. Section IV Levels 6.1. Level #1 6.1.1. Synopsis 6.2. Training Level 7. Section V - Interface 7.1. Visual System 7.1.1. HUD - What controls 7.1.2. Menus 7.1.3. Rendering System 7.1.4. Camera 7.1.5. Lighting Models 8. Section VI - Artificial Intelligence

Section 3: Change Log

3/15/13: o Document Complete reformatting. Separate sections created throughout doc.

Section 4: Game Overview

4.1: Game Concept
. Introduction

Using Flash, this game will be done as a side scroll and platform type. Adventure and puzzle will be the genres that will be implemented and used for Mouse: Lost as well. Mouse: Lost will revolve around a small story of a wandering/ lost mouse with the main goal of the game will be to search for and regroup with its family, and the rest of its group. This game will also be around ten levels. The game throughout will be in black and white- this will result in a more unique feel but will also set the mood for the player and for the lost character. The initial style will be more of a hand drawn look, and inked look, while in black and white. Color will splash through the

progression of the game, first some pieces in the environment, then the mouse. Colors will become more vibrant near the end of the game. Game Ending

The beginning of the ending scene will have the character reach a cliff which will actually be a hill, and will have to jump off, catching a leaf that will be coming down from trees over head, to float down and reach the bottom while avoiding other debris that is floating around, and also bees, which will result in finding the groups community, or camp site. (Enter color splash- maybe water color type of style. This will also go along with the art style, that will be sort of delicate and described as cute- until the enemies come in of course).

Each level will have a very different setting, but will connect in some way. They will also have different certain game play aspects or moves that the player can use. Examples: flower jumping platforms, to burrowing to hide from an enemy, to using vines and crouching, to eventually using timing to grab onto a leaf and float down. The main focus will be for the art style, and also the different elements of the levels. These will make for a unique experience.

4.2: Feature Set

Single player, side scrolling, flash game. As game progress continues, more color begins to appear in the game/game environment.

4.3: Genre
Adventure, Casual, Puzzle. 5

4.4: Target Audience

The audience for this game will be more geared towards a younger audience, or the casual gamer who doesnt have a large amount of time to invest, or looking for something different.

4.5: Game Flow Summary

Game progress consists of point scores that players acquire, and getting through the obstacles and enemies in each level. In the very beginning of the game, the art style will be completely black and white, in a hand-drawn in ink, style. As players get further in the game, different portions of levels and the environment will become splashed with color. Enemies will increasingly become more difficult, but hiding spots for them, as well as puzzles, will also become more frequent. Points will be added up in a High Scores table at the end.

4.6: Look and Feel

The art style will give the look of hand drawn or painted ink initially. Color with slowly fill the environment. This means also that the drawn style is in a cartoony way.

4.7: Project Scope

4.7.1Number of locations Each level will have its own location 4.7.2Number of levels Ten different levels, and ten different locations. 4.7.3Number of NPCs There will only be the main character (the mouse) and the different enemies.

Section 5: Gameplay and Mechanics

5.1: Gameplay
5.1.1Game Progression The game progresses as players successfully make it through the different levels, defeating enemies, gaining points, and filling the world with color.

5.1.2Mission/challenge Structure Challenges lie within each level, where enemies and obstacles escalate in difficulty with each level. There are no small or separate missions, the only mission is the main goal of reaching the characters family in the end.

5.1.3Puzzle Structure

Puzzles lie in the hiding spots in the levels, and the player figuring out how to defeat different enemies.

5.1.4Objectives The main objective of this game is to convey a unique art style, in an enjoyable casual Flash game. Mouse: Lost should also display a mixture of moods for the player to experience. First, starting off with a sense of loneliness, once players progress and unlock more color through the game, the mood should reach to hopefulness.

5.1.5Play Flow The game flow should be a very natural process. Through progression in the different levels and scenes, the mood should shift along with the color range present in the game.

5.2: Mechanics

The game controls will be quickly learned. Since it will be a flash game, the game will be played on a computer using relevant keys on the keyboard for different movements and controls. The arrow keys will be used for the basic movement naturally. Up arrow for jumping, right arrow for forward movement, holding down the down arrow for crouching or hiding- while pressing the down arrow two or three times will result in digging and burrowing. The space bar will be used for the characters attack- which will be a tail whip. The shift button will or can be used if the player needs to run, but, the character will run out of stamina quickly, and the stamina meter will only be there once per level- so it will not recharge, it must be used sparingly.

For obstacles in the way, like a rock or anything of that nature will make the character stop, as well as act like it is struggling to press forward (very quick animation of the character showing it is trying to move the object, but strains and fails). The physics will also be very simple to go along with the small jumping and movement in the side scrolling game play. Going back to the mention of the character attacks- the bigger the enemy, the more attacks it will have to endure. For example- a snake will take about three hits. Once the enemy is defeated, there will be a small animation of a smoke cloud or poof- then the enemy is gone. Each level will be timed as well. The time will indicate the characters family, or groups time before they leave their current camp site, and move on to their next destination. Another reason why there is a time limit to the group staying in one spot is because they are travelling to a warmer or safer enclosed area or spot, and their own goal is to press on before the upcoming winter and blizzard approaches. Each level has a time limit though- the player must get through the levels in the given time limit- not get through the entire game or story within a cumulative time limit. This game will obviously be 2D since it is a side scroll and platform. The display or GUI that will appear will include the characters health bar, lives that are available, stamina meter, and also the clock that will countdown the time limit. The health will be a bar in the top left corner, the stamina will be another bar at the bottom right, the time limit will be represented as an analog clock that will be at the top right corner, and the lives will be at the bottom left corner that will be small wedges of Swiss cheese. Another set of animations that will appear during game play will be emotions or responses that the character will express. If there is a large enemy, the character will show a

worried or flustered expression. For running there will be a look of determination. Jumping, there will be a wide eyed look. Movement will be a normal or relaxed expression. And for the floating on a leaf, or swinging with vines, there will be an excited expression. This will give more personality to the game.

5.2.3 Objects

Objects in the game consist of information about the disease, fact sheets, possible doctors notes to collect. There will also be more information unlocked when players collect a certain amount of points. Picking up Objects The object that will be able to be picked up will be the schizophrenia fact sheets


Actions and Buttons Movement for the mouse go along with the WASD controls. D makes the mouse go forward, S makes the mouse burrow or hide, and SPACE makes the mouse jump. Later on, the mouse will unlock the power to bite, which will be triggered with the ENTER key. Up, Carrying and Dropping Picking up Health is done by simply walking over it.


5.2.5.Combat/Conflict Combat happens with the Bite button/function and jumping on enemies.

5.3 Replaying and Saving

Autosaves should happen after each level, but there is also an option to save during a level in the pause menu.

Section III Story, Setting and Character 6.2 Story and Narrative Mouse: Lost consists of the story of a young mouse losing its way during a migration or move of its group or family. The player must be able to get the mouse across the different levels/locations to reunite them.

6.3 Game World 6.3.4

General look and feel of world

The General feel of the world should provide a hopeful mood. The look will consist of, the game looking as if it were hand drawn entirely. As the game progresses, splashes of color will be added through the game environment, at first, and then the mouse character. The vibrancy of the color will intensify.

. Section IV Levels 7.2 Levels The number of level for the entire game will be set at ten.

Level Examples:

The first level of the game will be set in a field, through long grass. The player will have to avoid obstacles such as insects, foreign objects (baseball, trash, rocks, etc.), and snakes as the enemies. Platforms that will be used in the level to jump over enemies like snakes will be things such as flowers, or sticks. From there the character and player will enter the next level which will be set in underground tunnels that will run underneath a house that was in the field from the first levelas it would be safer for the character to go underneath a house then run the risk of human contact. Thus, there are other risks- for instance, in this level, rats. To evade the rats the player must burrow, making a small opening, so the rats dont take notice and simply step over the hole. Timing is crucial though for exiting, for the rats could turn around or step on the character. For the third level, after exiting the rat tunnels and burrows, they will exit into a wooded area, or meadow. The meadows obstacles will include poisonous mushrooms (will result in loss of life if not jumped over), birds flying over head (which the player will have to duck behind a rock or tree stump- unless they want to be taken away by the bird), and also things such as mud that will hinder movements if the player does not jump on rocks and/or sticks. This level will also have some vines that the player can use to swing to certain platforms, or over mud areas.

7.3 Training Level

Section V - Interface 8.2.4 HUD There will be no obvious HUD during the entirety of gameplay. For Health: 12

the player will be able to figure out their amount of health by the lines of colors in the game. While the game is still in the hand drawn stage, the lines or ink will fade, and if the player/character dies, the screen will go white, then reveal a Try Again or Game over text. This applies to when the game begins will show color as well.

For Score: o When points are achieved after defeating an enemy, the numerical point value will either faintly show in the top, right corner, or in the clouds of the game.

GUI and Set Up



Menus Main Menu section will provide the sections of: Start, Continue, Load, Options, and Credits. During play, pausing will be an enabled feature, with a pause menu of: Resume, Quit, Save, and Load.


Camera Basic, side scrolling camera angle.

Section VI - Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence The Artificial Intelligence will revolve more around the time limit, if the character is moving or moving fast enough, and how far the player is in the progress of the level. As for the time limit aspect of this AI section- at first everything will be more calm, letting the player get into the level at first, making them comfortable. As time passes, things will start to pick up. Enemies will sprout up more often, as well as the obstacles that will have to be jumped over and avoided. If the player is running out of time, enemies will come out even faster, making it much more challenging. Along with this- sound effects of the clock will commence. The tick-tock sounds will make the player more edgy and will make for another distraction for more of a challenge. The AI will act very similar with the players progression. The enemies will appear more frequently once the player is closer to the end. The enemies will also be smarter, and for an example, if the character trips, falls, or does not jump over a rock fast enough and hinders movement, the enemies will advance for an attack. The player must then move or dodge out of the way- or even counter attack if their timing is right. Now, if the player takes advantage of the stamina bar, and run ability too early in the game, or runs out of stamina too early, then the AI will also take advantage of the character and players weakness. This will make them attack more and more- or even lunge at the character. This will make the player have to be more alert and get the right timing down again to dodge or counter. As the player goes through the levels and the ending short level, the seasons will slightly change as well. Of course, with the second level that is underground, there wont be a noticeable

change. The field level will be slightly breezy, but will also show the nice weather by the remaining and bloomed flowers. The wind will continually pick up little by little as the level is progressed. Skipping to the third level set in the wooded meadow area, the wind will be more intense. This will also make the swinging movements and maneuvers with the vines more and more difficult. Small amount of leaves will dwindle down to the character and floor as well. This will raise another type of challenge for the player because if a leaf lands or covers the character, this will slow the character down, or result in loss of important time because the character will have to regroup and collect itself. And for the last, mini level of grabbing a leaf and floating down, also avoiding birds, bees, and debris; the wind will be the strongest here, causing the leaves to flow down, as well as more debris such as twigs, berries, and even large pieces of fruit that will have to be quickly dodged. The wind will also make movement and floating down more difficult because once in a while, a gust will blow the character off course, the player must quickly press forward. Movement will also be slowed, the player must hold down the directional key to progress the movement.


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