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Unless explicitly stated, things listed here are considered against the rules.

Conquestia staff reserve the right to kick, ban, or mute any player for any reason they deem destructive to the community and world of Conquestia.

Section I Meta
Clause 1.1-Intentonally Abusing Glitches or In-game Mechanics: Block Jumping Dark Rooms Spawn Killing o If the victim can break the cycle (ie not recalling/teleporting back) it is not illegal. Afk Macroing Using block-lag to access restricted areas (Block Jumping) Invisible or partially invisible skins Inaccessible chestshops (Selling iron ingots at 999999C)

Clause 1.2-Modifying or Hacking your client No clients or mods of any sort are allowed except those explicitly listed here: o Herocraft Client o Reis Minimap Mod o Keybind Macros o Optifine

Clause 1.3-Multiple Accounts You are not allowed to have more than one account on the same IP without applying here

Clause 1.4-Punishments for Meta Violations 1st violation 1 week ban pending appeal 2nd violation 2 week ban pending appeal 3rd violation 2 month ban pending appeal 4th violation permanent ban

Section II In game interactions

Clause 1.1-Harrassment Harassment is defined as any of the following o Repeated insults (in a non-RP way*) o Contacting players out of game in order to harass them o PvP is NEVER a form of harassment. o Trolling is considered a form of harassment

o Clause 1.2-PvP

Any harassment that occurs against a staff members allows for an escalation in punishment

PvP is legal everywhere in Tellaria, except in the case of spawn killing In Amar, PvP is only legal in certain regions (As of now none exist) You may loot a chest anywhere. Including Amar.

Clause 1.3-Permitted Actions Trading is permitted everywhere on all worlds Using Enderpearls or Blink to go through small holes

Clause 1.4-Punishment for Violations of Interaction rules 1st violation Warning 2nd violation 3 Day Tempban 3rd violation 2 week Tempban 4th violation 1 month Tempban 5th violation Permanent ban

Section III Chat Rules

Clause 1.1-Stay on Topic Most chat channels have an appropriate topic of discussion, excluding Global. You must be speaking in the appropriate chat channel for your topic. The following is not allowed in Global chat o Clan recruiting o Trade deals o Town recruiting Anyone who knows the password to your town or clans chat channel may access it. The owners of the chat channel may kick or ban players from that channel.

Clause 1.2-Innapropriate Chat Content Harassing, threatening (in a non-RP way*), embarrassing, giving unwanted attention or discomfort to another player. Impersonation of any Conquestia staff member Marketing, promoting or advertising of anything, or making any other form of solicitation. o This does not include any items sold on the Conquestia Webstore The use of any language besides English in main chat channels (global, trade, help, recruiting, etc.) The use of internet e-bonics Spamming, begging, whining, and other similar forms of unwanted chat clutter Encouraging others to violate any of these rules.

Clause 1.3-Punishment for Violations of Chat Rules

1st violation Warning 2nd violation 2 hour mute 3rd violation 1 day mute pending appeal 4th violation channel ban + 1 week mute pending appeal 5th violation 1 month mute pending appeal 6th violation Permanent mute

Section IV Forum Rules

Clause 1.1-Hijacking Threads Do not post in any township, clan, or business thread that you are not a member of or the thread doesnt give you explicit permission to. Do not change the topic of threads Do not bump your thread unless it is an appeal or report that has not been responded to within 3 days Do not start an argument with any member in a public thread. Settle disputes over PM

Clause 1.2-Innapropriate Forum Content Do not post any type of warez, illegal downloads, or othersuch nonsense. Not because we dont support piracy, we just dont want the pirate-police knocking on our door. Please keep cursing to a minimum on the forums. No cursing at other people or cursing just to curse.

Section V Town Rules

Clause 1.1-Duties of the Town Mayor No town mayor may entice players into his town just to later kick them and take their things. Mayors reserve the right to evict any players from their town o If the evicted player has broken a recognized town law, the mayor is permitted to take their things without attempting to return them to the player. o If the evicted player has done no wrong by the server law, or the town law, the mayor is required to make an attempt to return the players items, or allow the player to retrieve them. If while retrieving said items, the player attempts to assault any town member unprovoked, or attempts to steal from the town, the required parley is immediately voided and the player no longer has rights to his things. If the town mayor does not make an effort to return the players items within 3 days the town will be fined for the current buy value of all the players items, it will go into effect immediately, possibly causing a negative town balance. Mayors are responsible for making sure that the town can meet its taxes every week. If a town misses its taxes itll be destroyed. The server and its staff will not restore your town so make sure you make your taxes!

Mayors are responsible for ensuring that any buildings made within the town are acceptable to the Building Laws of Conquestia. Any towns that do not obey this rule will be fined according to the size of the building once a week until it is destroyed.

Clause 1.2-Duties of the Town Citizen Citizens are not allowed to steal from each others things in town. Any offense on this rule will result in a fine and possible jail time. Citizens are obligated to pay taxes, and will pay them automatically. The mayor reserves the right to kick any citizens who are avoiding percent based taxes through banks or hoarding. This offense immediately removes the citizens rights to their belongings. If such a kick is carried out, the avoidance must be confirmed by a moderator before any action can be taken regarding the citizens belongings. Citizens may not build in areas unless explicitly designated to them by a town mayor.

Clause 1.3-Rules Regarding Outsiders/Raiding Parties Towns have both an actual and legal border o The actual border is any plot that is claimed by the town o The legal border extends three plots out from the town on all sides No outsiders have permission to build within the legal borders. You may build only what is necessary to scale the towns walls or tunnel into the towns complex, but it must be removed or covered after the raid is over.

Clause 1.4-Town Tiering and Perk/Nation Eligibility To be eligible to become a member town of any nation, a town must fulfill its Nation Eligibility. Nation Eligibility is determined by properly following the Tier system here Towns will be eligible for different perks based off their rank in the Tier system.

Clause 1.5-Punishments for Violation of Town Rules Mayor Violations o 1st violation 25% fine on town bank. Any attempt to avoid this fine by withdrawing funds will result in town deletion. o 2nd violation 50% fine on town bank as well as a 1 week freeze on all town administration o 3rd violation Expulsion of mayor and promotion of Senior town assistant to mayor Citizen Violations: These apply to town laws as well, moderators can enforce town laws through jail time. o 1st violation 1 hours of jail time, 10% fine o 2nd violation 2 hours of jail time, 20% fine o 3rd violation 4 hours of jail time, 40% fine

Section V Building Laws

Clause 1.1-Building and Destroying in the Wild

We have a strict no griefing policy against any buildings in the wild. You may not break any blocks in wild structures except those listed and updated here We want players to feel safe to build in the wild, but at the same time not build cobblestone cube bases. There will be a semi-strict building code for the wild. We dont ask that you be pro architects, just that you try to make your buildings look like buildings and not cubes or huts. o All buildings must have some sort of attachment to the ground. No floating buildings unless there is an elaborate art of some sort of magic source keeping you afloat. Spearhartt will be the judge of whats elaborate or not. Better to build the floatation device before building your structure otherwise it will be removed. o Stay on theme. All buildings must follow the architecture around them. No lava/obsidian forts next to nice wooden taverns. o Theme based on biome. Your buildings need to draw on or contrast with their surroundings. If youre building in the jungle build using a style of jungle architecture or treehouses. Just follow the biome. o If you want to build a large mage tower or othersuch, thats fine. Just make sure the rest of your towns buildings are appropriately similar or contrasting to your tower. If you would like to build such a building in the wilderness it is recommended that you get prior permission by submitting a petition (/pe) otherwise your building may be removed. Resource gathering in an intelligent way. You should be able to gather resources while leaving the terrain in a semi-natural state. o If youre cutting down trees, please make an effort to remove the top blocks. Floating trees, while not a punishable offense, are highly discouraged and will lose you favor with the staff. o Strip mining is not allowed to be visible from the surface. If you strip mine in a way thats visible from the surface you will be fined and the area will be regenerated. No pixel art of any sort is allowed to be built. This does not include 3d organic structure, ie dragons. No walls of lava or water are allowed.

Clause 1.2-Claiming Structures in the Wilderness All structures in the wilderness belong to the respective player that built them. To ensure that your structure is in your name, you must place a sign on the structure with your name. If you are going to be offline for a period of time greater than 2 weeks you must provide staff with a forum post or petition stating your intended absence and the coordinates of your wilderness structure(s) o If your wilderness structures number more than 2 you must use a forum post and not a petition. If you see a wilderness structure you suspect has been abandoned and wish to claim it, follow this process. o Check for any signs that declare the owner of the structure o If none are found, place a sign with your name and the current date o Create a /pe with the cords of your sign and wait for a moderator to confirm your claim

Clause 1.3-Town Building Codes Towns are allowed to follow two build styles. o Underground Complex o Walled City Underground Complex o If you choose to build your town completely underground you must have some sort of hub above ground that serves as a marker for the entrance to your town. It does not have to be open to public, but it must be visible. o Underground complexes must be architecturally sound. No giant holes in the ground with no type of support beams or structure. Just because you build underground doesnt mean you dont have to follow good design. Walled City o If you choose to build a walled city, the wall must be at least 3 blocks thick and have an obvious entrance. The entrance does not have to be open, but there must be one. o The buildings within the city must follow the same architectural guidelines as buildings in the while. Follow a theme, and follow the biome. The entire town should have texturally similar architecture. Towns will be awarded perks based of certain buildings they create. Once the building has been created it will be considered a government building and cannot be altered or destroyed without requesting an alteration through the forums. Large Redstone Circuits that have any repeating elements must be approved by an admin

Clause 1.4-Punishment for Building Violations 1st violation Warning and fine based on offense, 1 week to destroy offending structure 2nd violation Larger fine, 3 days to destroy offending structure 3rd violation Larger fine, structure destroyed by staff w/ no compensation for items/blocks 4th violation Larger fine, 3 day Survival World Ban 5th violation Survival World Ban

Section VI Appendix
Clause 1.1-Ban Appeals To create a ban appeal, go to the ban appeals section of the forums Create a thread following the format shown in the forum Wait for a case manager to respond to your case If they do not respond within 3 days you may pm the moderator responsible for your ban

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