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Name: Class: 4A/ 4B Topical Test Form 4 : Chapter 9 Instruction: Answer all the questions.

1 (a) (i) Diagram 1.1 shows a phenomenon which occurs in the earths atmosphere. Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan satu fenomena yang berlaku dalam atmosfera bumi.

Diagram 1.1 Explain the effect of the phenomenon on the environment if the concentration of carbon dioxide, C02, is increasing. Terangkan kesan fenomena tersebut terhadap alam sekitar jika aras kepekatan karbon dioksida, CO2, semakin meningkat. [3 marks] (ii) Diagram 1.2 shows the activity of forest burning. Discuss how this activity causes disasters to the environment. Rajah1.2 menunjukkan aktiviti pembakaran hutan. Bincangkan bagaimana aktiviti ini menyebabkan bencana terhadap alam sekitar. [7 marks]

Diagram 1.2 (b) Diagram 1.3 shows two agricultural activities which use chemical products. Rajah 1.3 menunjukkan dua aktiviti pertanian yang menggunakan produk bahan kimia.

Spreading fertilisers Spraying insecticides Diagram 1.3 Discuss the good and bad effects of both the activities shown in Diagram 1.3. The discussion should be based on the impact to agriculture and environment. Bincangkan kesan baik dan kesan buruk kedua-dua aktiviti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.3. Perbincangan harus berdasarkan impak pada pertanian dan alam sekitar. [10 marks]

Name: Class: 4A/ 4B Topical Test Form 4 : Chapter 9 Instruction: Answer all the questions. 1 (a) (i) Diagram 1.1 shows a phenomenon which occurs in the earths atmosphere. Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan satu fenomena yang berlaku dalam atmosfera bumi.

Diagram 1.1 Explain the effect of the phenomenon on the environment if the concentration of carbon dioxide, C02, is increasing. Terangkan kesan fenomena tersebut terhadap alam sekitar jika aras kepekatan karbon dioksida, CO2, semakin meningkat. [3 marks] (ii) Diagram 1.2 shows the activity of forest burning. Discuss how this activity causes disasters to the environment. Rajah1.2 menunjukkan aktiviti pembakaran hutan. Bincangkan bagaimana aktiviti ini menyebabkan bencana terhadap alam sekitar. [7 marks]

Diagram 1.2 (b) Diagram 1.3 shows two agricultural activities which use chemical products. Rajah 1.3 menunjukkan dua aktiviti pertanian yang menggunakan produk bahan kimia.

Spreading fertilisers Spraying insecticides Diagram 1.3 Discuss the good and bad effects of both the activities shown in Diagram 1.3. The discussion should be based on the impact to agriculture and environment. Bincangkan kesan baik dan kesan buruk kedua-dua aktiviti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.3. Perbincangan harus berdasarkan impak pada pertanian dan alam sekitar.

[10 marks] 1 (a) (i) Diagram 1.1 shows a phenomenon which occurs in the earths atmosphere. Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan satu fenomena yang berlaku dalam atmosfera bumi.

Diagram 1.1 Explain the effect of the phenomenon on the environment if the concentration of carbon dioxide, C02, is increasing. Terangkan kesan fenomena tersebut terhadap alam sekitar jika aras kepekatan karbon dioksida, CO2, semakin meningkat. [3 marks] Increase in carbon dioxide concentration traps heat. Increase in global temperature/make the atmosphere warmer/ cause the rise in earth temperature. Melting of ice/increase in sea level This phenomenon is called green house effect. (ii) Diagram 1.2 shows the activity of forest burning. Discuss how this activity causes disasters to the environment. Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan aktiviti pembakaran hutan. Bincangkan bagaimana aktiviti ini menyebabkan bencana terhadap alam sekitar. [7 marks]

Diagram 1.2 Forest burning releases a lot of carbon dioxide in the air. The layer of gas traps heat and causes global warming/green house effect/rise in atmospheric temperature Forest burning releases heavy smoke/ cause haze This will reduce light intensity for photosynthesis//block stomata and reduce the crop yield// rate of photosynthesis decrease. Haze reduce the visibility Smoke particles will cause health hazards/lung disease/ eye problem Forest burning destroy flora and fauna cause loss of herbs for medicinal purpose/timber loss of habitat/biodiversity//extinction of flora and fauna/ destruction of food chain

lack of water catchment area barren land will cause lost of nutrient/exposure to flash flood/ soil erosion. (c) Diagram 1.3 shows two agricultural activities which use chemical products. Rajah 1.3 menunjukkan dua aktiviti pertanian yang menggunakan produk bahan kimia.

Spreading fertilisers Spraying insecticides Diagram 1.3 Discuss the good and bad effects of both the activities shown in Diagram 1.3. The discussion should be based on the impact to agriculture and environment. Bincangkan kesan baik dan kesan buruk kedua-dua aktiviti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.3. Perbincangan harus berdasarkan impak pada pertanian dan alam sekitar. [10 marks] Spreading chemical fertilisers(1+4) Good impact: Supplying the required minerals/increase nutrient of the soil Increase crop yield//increase growth rate of plant Bad impact: Excess fertilizer may be washed away//leaching by rain into nearby river causing enrichment of water results in the rapid growth of algae/eutrophication and finally increased BOD of water/water pollution/depletes the oxygen content of the river cause the death of fishes/aquatic organisms in the river Spraying chemical insecticides(1+4) Good impact: effective way to kill insects Chemicals are toxic only to specific insect Bad impact: It is hazardous to farmers if inhaled/exposed to skin// dangerous to farmer health/cause eye irritation to the farmers/cancer It may contaminate the underground water/cause water pollution. causes the death of fishes/aquatic organisms// destruction of food web and in long term, the insects develop into mutant strain/ resistance to the chemicals insecticides have no effect on the pest control.

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