Syllabus: Business Administration

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Phil Busiless Administration / 1

M. Phil Examination w.e.f.- 2010
Purani Mandi, Ajmer
2 / M.D.S.U. Syllabus / M. Phil Busiless Administration
1. Change in Statutes/Ordinances/Rules/Regulations/
Syllabus and Books may, from time to time, be
made by amendment or remaking, and a candidate
shall, except in so far as the University determines
otherwise comply with any change that applies to
years he has not completed at the time of
change.The decision taken by the Academic
Council shall be final.

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Published and Printed by ALKA PUBLICATIONS, AJMER
for Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer
M. Phil Busiless Administration / 3
M.Phil Ordinance relating to M.Phil Examination
Ordinance 123(v)
Scheme of Examination
1- For starting or continuing M.Phil course in the University and its affiliated
colleges, it must be ensured that qualified teachers are available. A teacher
who possesses Ph.D Degree shall be deemed eligible to teach M.Phil
classes. A teacher who possesses Ph.D Degree and five years P.G. teaching
experience shall be eligible to supervise M.Phil dissertation.
2- A candidate for admission to the courses of study for the degree of M.Phil
must have obtained a Masters Degree with at least 55% marks in the
post Graduate Examination or Second Division at the Post Graduate
Examination with at least a second Division at the Degree Examination
of the University or of any other University/Institution.
3- Every candidate shall be required to offer three written papers and one
dissertation (equivalent to one paper). Within this frame work the Board
of Studies shall recommend the course of study for the M.Phil examination.
4- The course of study for the M.Phil degree shall extend over a period of
one academic year. There shall be a continuous internal assessment and
in external assessment. The proportion of internal and external assessment
shall be 30:70. There will be no internal assessment in the dissertation.
Total marks for M.Phil will be 400. Dissertation may be written by the
candidate under the supervision of any teacher who is registered as M.Phil
Supervisor with the teaching department concerned. A M.Phil Supervisor
can guide normally five dissertations. However, the maximum limit may
be relaxed by the permission of Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation
of Head. The internal Supervisor can guide five candidates and workload
of six hours is admissible for each M.Phil course for dissertation. The
Supervisor will sign and issue a certificate counter signed by the Head of
department concerned.
5- The internal assessment may be evaluated on the basis of:
(a) Written Test : 10 Marks
(b) Seminar Presentation/Group discussion : 10 Marks
(c) Attendance : 10 Marks
6- All Paper Setters and Examiners for the External Assessment shall be
external person (i.e. those who are not working either in the University or
in any of its affiliated colleges). Appointment of the paper setters and
examiners shall be made on the recommendations of the selection of
examiners committees.
7- M.Phil Examination will normally be held in the month of May each year
and the dissertation must be submitted by the concerning HOD/Principal
of the College latest by the 21 days of the commencement of M.Phil
4 / M.D.S.U. Syllabus / M. Phil Busiless Administration
examination. The marks of internal assessment should be sent to the
University before the commencement of the theory examination.
8- The answer books of theory examination and the dissertation shall be
evaluated by single examiner and after declaration of the result if the
student concerned so desires shall be entitled for re-evaluation facility in
accordance with the provisions of re-evaluation of answer books in theory
9- Each theory paper shall consist of 100 marks. The dissertation shall also
consist of 100 marks. For a pass, a candidate shall be required to obtain
(a) at least 40% marks in each paper separately (b) a minimum of 50%
marks in the aggregate of all the papers prescribed for the examination.
In the mark sheet, successful candidates shall be classified as under:
Pass 50% or more but less than 55% marks in the aggregate.
Second Division 55% or more but less than 65% marks in the aggregate.
First Division 65% or more but less than 75% marks in the aggregate.
Distinction 75% or more marks in the aggregate.
10- A candidate will have to pass individually both in the Internal as well as
external examination and it should be shown separately in the marks sheet.
11- In-service candidates shall be eligible for admission to the M.Phil course
only after taking leave from their employer for the duration of the course.
12- The placement of every candidate under a Supervisor/Guide shall be
decided within two months from the last date for admission.
13- Every candidate shall be required to attend a minimum of 75% of the
lectures, tutorials, seminars and practical (taken together) held in each
14- A candidate who fails at the examination even in one paper/dissertation
shall be required to reappear at the examination in a subsequent year in
all the papers/dissertation prescribed for the examination, provided that a
candidate who obtains at least 50% marks in dissertation shall be exempted
from the submitting a fresh dissertation and the marks obtained by him
shall be carried forward for working out his result.
15- For each theory paper 10 questions will be set for the final examination
and the candidate will have to attempt at least five questions. All the
questions will carry equal marks.
16- Workload distribution: There will be a teaching of four periods of one
hour duration per week for each theory paper and six hours for dissertation.
i.e. 4X3 = 12 hours for theory papers and six hours for dissertation per
M. Phil Busiless Administration / 5
Paper Course Internal External Total
I Organizational Behaviour 30 70 100
II Research Methodology 30 70 100
III Contemporary Issues in Management 30 70 100
IV Dissertation - - 100
Syllabus of M. Phil. (Bus. Adm.)
Duration Internal Assessment External Assessment
3 Hrs. 30 Marks 70 Marks
Note : Attempt any five questions out of 10 question. All questions will
carry equal marks.
1. Organisational Behaviour : Introduction, emergence of O.B. as a
discipline, Contributing disciplines to the O.B. field, Organisational
Behaviour Trends, the changing workforce, challenges and
opportunities for O.B.
2. Foundation of Individual Behaviour : The individual biological
characteristics, ability, learning, perception, values, attitudes and job
satisfaction. Personality in Organisation the role of heredity and
brain, socialization process, personality and attitudes, type A and
type B personality, major personality traits, personality and emotions.
3. Motivation in work place : Early theories of motivation, contemporary
theories of motivation, integrating contemporary theories of
motivation, the meaning of money in work place, MBO, motivation
across cultures, reward practices, skilled based pay plans.
4. Foundation of Group Behaviour : Nature of group, stage of group
development, group structure, group decision making.
Types of Teams and Informal Groups, trouble with teams, developing
high performance teams, team building self-directed work teams.
5. Communication : Process, direction, interpersonal communication,
organisational communication, communication barriers, cross cultural
and gender communication, current issues in communication.
Leadership Trait theories, cognitive theories, inspirational
approaches to leadership, emotional intelligence and leadership,
6 / M.D.S.U. Syllabus / M. Phil Busiless Administration
challenges to the leadership, construct power, policies and leadership.
6. Organisational Development : Definition, underlying assumptions and
value of O.D. Nature of O.D., interventions, organisational diagnosis
tools and techniques, concept of organisational structuring, structuring,
structural interventions.
7. Organisational Dynamics : Managing planned change, factors
influencing change, force field analysis, developing change agents,
contemporary change issues for todays managers.
Work stress Nature, types and its consequences, coping strategies
for stress and conflict, resolving conflict through negotiation skills.
8. Organisational Process : Elements of organisational structure,
categories of organisational desegn, common organisational designs,
organisational design and employee behaviour.
Organisational culture and performance, merging organisational
cultures, spirituality and organisational culture.
9. Organisational Effectiveness and Efficiency.
Books Recommended:
1. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behaviour, Mcgraw Hill, Irwin, 2006
2. Stephin P. Robbins, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall, New
Delhi, 2005
3. Michael Bee, Organisation Change and Development: A systems View,
Goodyear Publishing Co., Santo Monica,
4. L.M. Prasad, Organisational Behaviour, Sultan Chand, New Delhi,
5. Paul Harssey and Kenneth H Blanchard, Management of
Organisational Behaviour.
Duration Internal Assessment External Assessment
3 Hrs. 30 Marks 70 Marks
Note : Attempt any five questions out of 10 question. All questions will
carry equal marks.
1. Introduction : Objectives, need and importance of research, research
methods and research methodology. The process of research, types
of research (Basic and applied). Problems in research.
2. Identification of a research problem : The situation analysis, the
informal investigation.
3. Research Design : Meaning, types, research design and interaction
M. Phil Busiless Administration / 7
4. Sampling Design : Probability and non-probability sampling, sampling
frame, sampling unit, size of sample and its determination.
5. Measuring and Scaling : Nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio
measurement, different method of scaling.
6. Collection of Data : types, primary and secondary data, sources,
observation method, Questionnaire and Schedule, interview method,
case study method, content analysis, Motivation research and
projection techniques.
7. Data Processing : Editing, coding, classification, tabulation.
8. Hypothesis Formulation and Analysis : Null and alternate hypothesis,
hypothesis testing procedure (Type I and II errors and power of test)
Statistical analysis, sampling of variables and sampling of attributes,
test of significance (Chi-square, T, F and Z tests), ANOVA, important
non-parametric test.
Computer as a tool of research : Application in data analysis, related
software, elementary knowledge of MS-excel and SPSS.
9. Research Communication (Report Writing) : Format, footnoting,
documentation, bibliography and index.
Books Recommended:
1. Richard Levia, Statistics of Management, Prentice Hall of Indian Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Goode and Hatt, Methods in Social Research, McGraw Hill, New
3. P.V. Young, Scientific Social Survey and Research, Prentice Hall,
New York.
4. Emery, C.William, Business Research Methods, Richard D. Lirwin,
Inc.Geoge Town, Ontario.
5. Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology (Wiley East)
6. Kerlinger, Fred N., Foundation of Behavioural Research.
7. Rigby, P.H., Conceptual Foundations of Business Research.
Duration Internal Assessment External Assessment
3 Hrs. 30 Marks 70 Marks
Note : Attempt any five questions out of 10 question. All questions will
carry equal marks.
1. Managerial Ethics.
8 / M.D.S.U. Syllabus / M. Phil Busiless Administration
2. Total Quality Management (TQM)
3. Retail Management.
4. Emerging trends in Service Marketing.
5. Globalisation and Industrial Relations.
Books Recommended:
1. Business Ethos and Values, R. Joseph, Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd.
2. TQM Text Cases and Readings, Joel E Ross, Deep & Deep
Publication, New Delhi.
3. Retailing : Environment and Operations, Cullen, Thomsong &
4. Essentials of Service Marketing Concepts, Strategies and Cases
Hofman, Thomsong & Thomson
5. Human Resources Management, C.B. Mamoria
6. Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, R.S. Davar, Himalaya
Publication, New Delhi.
Max. Marks - 100
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