Oral Communication

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It is also known as verbal communication. It is the interchange of verbal message between sender and receiver. When communication is performed by words and sentences, it is called oral communication. It includes talks, dialogue, meeting, interview, conferences, lectures, etc. It may be formal or informal. Ex: meeting and conferences, interview, etc. It may be informal Ex: gossip, grapevine etc. It may be face to face or with mechanical devices

It saves time and money by reducing paper work Better control on subordinates More effectiveness (direct contact between parties) Immediate feedback Gesture , posture and body language helps in adding values faster then written communication It strengthen mutual relation

Oral communication may not be effective when the communicator and the communicatee are talking from a long distance with the help of mechanical device. (due to breakdown of device) It is suitable for simple and small message Lack of legal validity (unless there is some system of confirmation of the message) In the absence of record, it can not be retained in mind for a long time.

Oral communication may rise to conflict in certain situation due to the immediate response from the listener. Inattentiveness leads to misunderstanding. Misinterpretation and confusion is there.

Qualities are necessary to make OC effective

Proper and clear pronunciation Words power Proper way Proper fluctuation of sound Proper language One must remember 7 Cs for successful and effective oral communication

Rules for communicator

Consider the objective Think about the interest level of receiver Be sincere Use simple language and words Be brief and precise Give full facts Assume nothing Use polite words and tone Cut out insulting message Say something interesting and pleasing to the recipient Allow time to respond

Rules for communicatee (John W Newstrom)

Stop talking Put the talker at ease Shoe the willingness to listen Remove distraction like tapping with pen or shuffling papers

Empathize to the talker or appreciate what he is saying to get maximum out of him Be patient Hold your temper Go easy on arguments and criticism but never criticize the talker Ask question to developed interest Stop talking again

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