Caller: in This Issue

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March 17, 2013

Issue 11

In This Issue
Pastors Corner 2 Statistics 2 Remember in Prayer 3 Spiritual Disciplines Wk 3 Prayer Requests, March 10 3 Serving in the Military 3 Sweet Peas 3 Work Day 4 Thank You/Girls Night Out 4 Summer Camp/Coffee 4 Preschool Assistance 4 Flamingos 5 Senior Meeting/Pathways 5 MMC Concert/Possesions 6 Childrens Library 6 Global Missions 6 Easter Offering 7 All Church Study 8 What Does Bible Say about GLBTclass 8 &9 Worship Prayers 9 & 10 Lent/Easter Events 10 Prayer Vigil 11 Serving Sunday 12

Events March17, 2013 March 24, 2013

is published weekly (Deadline Wednesday at Noon) by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 109 E. Wilshire Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 714.525.5525

The Caller

Senior Pastor: Rev. Darrell McGowan Associate Pastor: Rev. Debra Todd Editor: Donna Woodbridge

March 17: Fifth Sunday in Lent 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - REFRESH, Contemporary Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 9:00 A.M. - What the Bible Says about Homosexuality, Rm 107 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service March 18: 6:30 P.M. - Girls Night Out, Chicken Pie Shop, Anaheim (La Palma & Euclid) March 19: 9:00 A.M. - Pathways of Hope General Board, CL Noon - Senior Adult Meeting, Chapman Lounge 6:30 P.M. - Mens Bible Study@ Barry Woodbridges 7:00 P.M. - Contemplative Service 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. - Nancy Malotte use CL/Choir Room March 20: 6:00 P.M. - NO Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting Leadership training for All-Church Study 7:00 P.M. - Worship and Outreach Ministry Teams March 21: 3:30 P.M. - Bible Study, Chapman Lounge 6:30 P.M. - Bell Choir 7:30 P.M. - Choir Practice March 23: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 p.m. Casa de Oracion use FH 10:30 Noon - Nancy Malotte use CL & Choir Room March 24: Palm Sunday 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - REFRESH, Contemporary Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 9:00 A.M. - What the Bible Says about Homosexuality, Rm 107 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service, Choir Cantata March 26: 6:30 P.M. - Mens Bible Study@ Barry Woodbridges 7:00 P.M. - Contemplative Service March 27: 7:00 P.M. - Council of Elders, Chapman Lounge 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. - Nancy Malotte use Cry Room & Choir Room AA Groups - Sun. 8:00 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M., Sat. 8:30 P.M., NA Group, Tues., 7:30 P.M. 1

The church fulfills its purpose as it becomes the presence of Christ in the world the body of Christ. The members of a church are called to do two thingsbe disciples and make disciples. Being a disciplea follower of Christis not so much about what we do as it is about how we do it. Like everyone around him, Jesus talked with people all the time, but the thing that set him apart was the way he talked with others. He valued them; he reflected Gods steadfast love to them; he called them into a deeper relationship with God and with others. Jesus interacted with hurting people, rich people, poor people, and powerful people. He treated them each with respect without regard to their station in life. He healed them with words and with actions. Were called to be people whose relationship with Christ permeates every relationship, whether at work, at home, in chance encounters, behind the wheel of a car, or in an intimate moment with the one we love. Being part of a church should prepare us, support us, and empower us to be disciples. The congregation has two essential roles: provide authentic worship experiences and strong discipleship opportunities. Everything else we do should either support or grow out of those primary roles. Worship should inspire us to grow into an ever-deepening relationship with God and with each other. Gathering together regularly for worship in the company of other disciples should challenge us to practice in the company of people we come to know and love the radical hospitality we are called to practice everywhere. Being a disciple requires making disciples. How can one lead others to follow Jesus if one does not know Jesus, his heritage, and his legacy? Church should provide a multitude of opportunities for people to study the way of Christ. We need to provide hospitable spaces, strong leaders, and excellent curriculum for anyone who seeks to follow Christ. The world is our mission field. Our homes, our work places, our freeways, our neighborhoods, our parks, athletic fields, grocery stores, and restaurants are the places where we are called to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8) Members of this congregation will probably always engage in direct service to the community on or near the grounds of our facility, but those programs and ministries are, even now, only a small part of the mission to which we are called. More and more, we recognize our primary call is not to develop more programs or ministries but to go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I [Jesus] have commanded you. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Sunday Statistics
March 10 13 107 (Remember Service) 8 (Reawaken Service) 8 (Refresh Service) Weekly Giving: $3,706.23 Mission: $411.80 Budget Goal: $3,381

Remember in Prayer
Continue to pray for: the family of Donna Bagley, Helen Bailey, Margie Barlow, Dottie Bense, Harold Brickens, Mary Brill, Jerry Brown, Betty Ruth Buchanan, Linda Christman, Chris Collett, Dean Echols, Lorna & Skip Farnum, Anna Lou Horspool, Kevin & Linda Johnen, Carolyn Kenrick, Nancy Knott, Lowenn Land, Flora Miller, Denise Olson and family, Betty Rollo, John & Marj Schwenker, Claudia Tammen, Dorothy Tanner, Jack Townsend, Gil Tucker and family, and Bob Vannoy. Please pray for the following church in the Pacific Southwest Region: Filipino Christian Church 301 N Union Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90026 Einstein Cabalteja, Pastor

Prayer Requests: March 17, 2013

Nancy Malotte Emily Malotte

Alice Wallace

Susie Wright

Inner city Anaheim students trying to find affordable housing and stay in school. Family of Miss Jeannie beloved Instructural Aide of special needs students at BOHS Lowenn Land who is still dealing with cellulitis in both legs and is becoming discouraged. Those who are in the military, police and fire who protect and serve.

Serving in the Military:

Adam Hawley, Deb Taylors nephew in Afghanistan. He will be gone nine months from his wife and new baby. Lt. Patrick OConner, Betty Rollos grandson-in-law, now back at his home base. Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos grandson. He is also back at his home base. Joshua Reynolds, Jane Reynolds son. He is at Ft. Riley, KS dealing with PTSD and will be returning to Afghanistan soon. Every Easter Sunday morning a beautiful flower cross appears on the Communion Table which Scott Brill and friends have decorated on Saturday afternoon. Scott advises that this is the last year he will be able to do this task and is hoping that someone else would love to take up this project. If you would like to continue this tradition, please talk to Scott. If you have any sweet peas (especially white ones), Scott would love for you to donate them for the cross. Please bring them to the main kitchen on Saturday, March 30, by 1:00 P.M. or you can call the church office to make arrangements.

Readings and Prayer Concerns for Week of March 18 March 24, 2013
Monday, March 18: Reading: Psalm 118: 1-2; pray for the ladies at Girls Night Out at Chicken Pie Shop, Anaheim (La Palma & Euclid). Tuesday, March 19: Reading: Psalm 118: 19 24; pray for the Senior Adults meeting in Chapman Lounge today. Congregational Prayer Day, Wednesday, March 20: Reading: Psalm 118: 25 29; pray for the Ministry Teams meeting tonight. Thursday, March 21: Luke 19: 28-34; pray for the Bible Study group meeting in Chapman Lounge this afternoon and the Choir as they prepare for the Cantata on Sunday. Friday, March 22: Reading: Luke 19: 35 - 40; pray for Global Ministries Missionary, Zoltan Szucs, in Hungary. Saturday, March 23: Reading: Psalm 118: 21 13; pray for the Casa de Oracion meeting in Fellowship Hall today. Sunday, March 24: Reading: Luke 19: 28-40; pray for the Choir as they present their Cantata today.

Wanted: Sweet Peas

All-Church Work Day

Saturday, March 30, is our All-Church Work Day. We need as many bodies as possible to help. We start at 7:00 a.m. with Coffee and Donuts, but if that is too early, we can use your help whenever you get here. Thanks in advance for your help! Property Ministry Team

Summer Camp is Coming!

Summer Camp for our children and youth in coming. Reional scholarship applications are due on or before April 30. For forms and more information, see Debra Todd or check with Donna in the office. Mini Camp - 7/7 7/10 $260 before June 7 nd rd (2 & 3 grade in fall 2013) Junior Camp 6/23 6/29 $355 before May23 (4th 6th grade in fall 2013) Chi Rho Camp 6/30 - 7/6 $355 before May 30 (7th - 8th grade in fall 2013) CYF I Camp 7/21 -7/27 $355 before June 21 (9th 10th grade in fall 2013) CYF!! Camp 7/28 8/3 $355 before June 28 (11th 12th in fall 2013 and 2013 graduates) Costs after Early Bird deadline are: $285 for Mini Camp, and $380 for all the other camps.

Thank You
On Wednesday, March 13, the Senior Adult Ministry Group was host, once again, to Alzheimers patients and some caregivers for a beautiful worship service. The theme of this years service was This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made. We had 50 guests and 23 of our Senior Adults. We have done this for several years and it is always a true blessing. Special thanks goes to those who made this remarkable service (noun and verb) possible: Darrell McGowan, Sammie Adams, Ted Adams, Mary Brill, Scott Brill, Sibyl Dittberner, Jan Farley, Rod Farley, Ed Linberg, Mariette Linberg, Ada Rodman, Nancy Stevens & Brutus, Dorothy Tanner, Connie Townsend, Jack Townsend, Pat Van Vliet, Mike Vaughan, Susie Wright, Alice Wallace, Craig Wallace and Donna Woodbridge. As they say, It takes a village and what a village we have. Thanks to all for a very special day. Barbara Fenters

Still need your help with the coffee time on Sundays

Do you enjoy having a cup of coffee and chatting with your friends on Sunday mornings? Thank you to Edee Stahnke who has stepped up to help fill the need to continue this social time. It is a BIG job when only a few are doing all the work. We can use a few more people to be backup for Laura and Edee. Wont you consider helping? If you can help at any of these tasks, Judi Smedley (714-738-7337) would love to talk to you. Thanks for considering this great ministry.

Calling all GNO (Girls Night Out)

Hey you all. Its time for another meeting. The place this month is the Chicken Pie Shop on Euclid in Anaheim. It was Donna Bagleys choice so maybe we can make it a memorable occasion. The date is 3/18 at 6 P.M. All women are welcome. Shar your GNO coordinator

Preschool Assistance Fund

The Child Care staff has received the first of two disbursements of your generous love gifts (over $3,000.) We will continue collecting donations until March 31, and make the final disbursement in April. Please send your check to the church with Child Care Staff written on the memo line.

Why are all those Flamingos in our Narthex???

Many of you may be asking this question. It is for our youth mission trip fundraiser. This year our youth group has put a focus on mission. In order to complete their wish list, the youth would like to make a mission trip this summer and we need to raise we have invited the flamingos to return to Fullerton First Christian Church! Watch out because its migrating season for those pink aviators called Flamingos! The Flamingo Foundation has decided to grant our youth groups request and decided that Fullerton First Christian Church is the perfect landing zone for the month of April. We will be selling insurance for 2 weeks, Sunday April 7 and Sunday April 14. There are three insurance options for the Flamingo Fundraiser: 1. Basic Flamingo Insurance $20 You may buy Anti-Flamingo Insurance. This is not an absolute guarantee against receiving a flamingo (see options 2 & 3) 2. Anti Anti-Flamingo Insurance - $25 Do you want to see a particular church member receive a flamingo?? Even if they have bought the basic flamingo insurance, you will be able to send them a flamingo. 3. Pink Standard Insurance $30 This is the ultimate protection in Anti Flamingo Insurance! With the Pink standard insurance you are guaranteed protection against the flamingo flocks circling Orange County this spring! If by error you have become inundated with a flamingo or 2 we will have our F.R.T. (Flamingo Relocation Team) relocate the flock for you. Of course if you choose not to buy any insurance our Flamingo Relocation Team is available to help with Flamingo removal for a nominal fee of $10 per flamingo. We will have insurance for sale outside the doors to the Narthex before and after all worship services to allow all our members to participate. Youth Group

Seniors Meeting Tuesday, March 19

The seniors meet this coming Tuesday March 19, 2013 at 12 noon for our monthly luncheon and meeting. Our guest this month will be Dr. Mike Holland, Pastor of the Church of the Foothills, UCC & DOC where he has served since 1997. Dr. Holland will share with us about his recent trip to Israel/Palestine with Rev. Don Dewey, our regional pastor. They made this trip to Israel under the auspices of Global Ministries. Pastor Mike as he is called at his church, has traveled all over the world during his ministry and has much to share regarding the trip to Israel. He and his wife, Tricia, live in Cypress and have two grown sons. From 1976 to 1991 he served Baptist churches in Indiana and Florida. In 1991, he was granted ministerial standing with the United Church of Christ, and called as pastor of Faith UCC in Garden Grove. Since 1997, he has had dual standing with the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, and currently serves as CoChair of the Global Ministries Committee for the Southern California Nevada Conference, UCC and Pacific Southwest Region, DOC. You can learn more about Pastor Mike and his ministry on next Tues and we hope that we can have a good turnout to greet him. He will be bringing with him a member of his church (one of their seniors) who was on this trip as well. Anyone is welcome to join us who are interested in another aspect of the work of Global Ministries. See you there.

Food-Loving Guys (and Gals!)

One of Pathways of Hopes fundraising events is coming up Saturday, March 23, 6 - 9 P.M. at the new Fullerton Community Center. This year they will be celebrating Pathways of Hopes accomplishments in Orange County. First Christian Church of Fullerton is the inaugural recipient of the Friends of Pathways award. Tickets are $55 per person in advance (deadline March 12) or $65 at the door. Lets have a good turnout from FCCF 5

Transfer of Possessions
If you have something you would like to give away, or sell at a bargain, you can advertise it here in this column. If you are in need of something, you can post it here also. Then if someone in the congregation or friends of FCCF need or want or can supply the item they contact me and I will put the two parties together. Great way to find homes for your unneeded possessions and help others find something they need. Check this column each week to see what is new. Available: 3-drawer Work Bench with Vise $100 Creative Memories albums and supplies NEW! 2 DVDs (brand new still in wrappers) Youve Got Mail & The Notebook $5 each White, glass-top, wrought iron patio table with four matching chairs. excellent condition, $200.00. In Need of: Good reliable used car Glider Rockers for the back of Sanctuary & the Childrens Cry Room Donna Woodbridge

Children's Library
We have begun collecting books for the children's library! We are very excited about getting this project finished, but we have over half of our list that we are still looking for! A number of people asked if we can put the book list online, in response, an Amazon Wish List has been set up. You can access it at: If you go to that link, you can order books and they will be directly mailed to the church! If you are worried that you will purchase a book that we have already received, I invite you to purchase one anyway. We would like to have a set of books in the children's Worship and Wonder room. Thank you so much for your support of our children!

Global Ministries
Global Ministries is excited to announce that you can now support Global Ministries through the shopping you already do on Just by starting your Amazon shopping through this link and shopping as you normally would, Global Ministries will receive 4-6.5% of the final amount at no cost to you. There is nothing to join, nothing to download, no toolbars that slow down your computer, and your purchases are anonymous. To make it even easier, we suggest bookmarking the page once you click the link, so that you can make sure to use it every time you shop. So when you buy, you'll be creating opportunities like this Questions? Please contact Global Ministries Resource Development at or (317) 713-2555.

Invitation To A Concert
This Sunday, March 17, is your last opportunity to purchase tickets from Ed Linberg for the March 24 concert of the Mountainside Master Chorale at the Claremont United Church of Christ at 4 P.M. that day. The Chorale will present "The Seven Last Words of Jesus" by Dubois and "Lux Aeterna" by Morten Lauridsen. As this is written, 4 persons have reserved tickets for this concert. To get the group rate, 6 more persons need to let Ed know they want tickets no later than this Sunday. The group rate is $12 per ticket. The standard ticket price is $18 for adults and $15 for students and seniors. Give Ed a call or speak to him personally to arrange to pay for your tickets on, or before, March 17, as he has to turn in money and/or unsold tickets on Monday, March 18.

Easter Offering To Be Received

The annual special Easter Offering of our congregation will be received on both of the next two Sundays--Palm Sunday, March 24 and Easter Sunday, March 31. An envelope for your use in giving to this offering will be distributed with the worship bulletin this Sunday, March 17. Each of our church's six annual special offerings supports one major component of the overall ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ.) The Easter Offering supports the work of the General Units of our denomination. "What are the General Units?" The General Units include the following ministries: 1. The Office of the General Minister and President which coordinates all of the work of the Administrative Committee, the General Board and the General Assembly, one of which is coming up July 13-17 in Orlando, Florida. This office also oversees the promotion of stewardship and the distribution of our outreach dollars through the Disciples Mission Fund. 2. Global Ministries, which oversees the work of missionaries around the world in partnership with the United Church of Christ. Jeffrey Mensendiek who spoke to our Sr. Adults last month, is one of those whose work is supported by the Easter Offering. 3. Disciples Home Missions coordinates the work of our church in such areas as worship, Christian education, public policy about such issues as immigration, peace and justice, etc., as well as the work of both the Disciples' Women and the Disciples' Men. 4. Council on Christian Unity oversees our work and dialogues with other Christian bodies, as well as representing us in both ecumenical and interfaith dialogues. 5. The Pension Fund manages the resources that are provided by congregations and pastors to assure that retired pastors have pensions. This body also coordinates the denomination's church wide health care program. 6. Higher Education and Leadership

ministries coordinate the relationships of our colleges, including Chapman University locally, and seminaries, including DSF in Claremont, with our congregations. They also provide scholarships and leadership opportunities for college students. Our own Cambria Findley-Grubb has been awarded scholarships by HELM. 7. Disciples Historical Society, as the name implies, collects and preserves the history of the Stone-Campbell movement, which includes us Disciples as well as the Christian Churches not related to the Disciples and the Church of Christ (non-instrumental.) 8. Christian Church Foundation receives, invests and manages funds from individuals and congregations to undergird the work of the whole church. Last year CCF distributed in excess of $8 million as directed by the donors of the funds they manage This list makes it clear that our Easter Offering will be distributed widely to benefit our whole church, both in the United States and around the world. The theme for the 2013 Easter Offering is: "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." These words of Jesus are found in John 10:10b. In response to this year's theme, at its February meeting, the Outreach Ministry set a goal of $1000 for the 2013 Easter Offering. Last year we gave $764.75 in support of the 2012 Easter Offering. We are most grateful for your support of the 2013 Easter Offering. The Outreach Ministry

Another, And Perhaps The Final, Reminder

The Outreach Ministry is interested in supporting an inter-generational mission trip for members of our congregation this summer. However, since no one has indicated an interest, it's looking like this will not be a project for 2013. If you are interested and just havent responded yet, please share your interest with Ed Linberg, Chair of the Outreach Ministry, TODAY. The Outreach Ministry will discuss the possibility of a mission trip this summer when it meets next Wed., March 2. 7

All-Church Study
The All-Church study for 2013 begins on Monday, April 8, and will focus on different approaches to prayer, exposing participants to various prayer practices and empowering each person to pray in a fashion that suits his or her personality, time, and context. Some of the prayer practices will be more quiet and contemplative and others will be more active and engaged. Some will be centered around Scripture reading, others around quiet connection with God, and still others around prayer needs and requests. Some practices can be engaged anywhere, for any length of time, and others require a bit of preparation. Week three of the All-Church Study will focus on a more contemplative approach to reading and praying Scripture. The small groups will experience a form of Lexio Divina or "Divine Reading" in which they listen intently to repeated readings of a particular passage of Scripture with the intent of identifying a word, phrase, or idea that resonates within them as God's Word for them. This small group experience will prepare the participants for a daily prayer exercise in which each person will be encouraged to follow an outline for reflecting upon a Scripture passage and allowing the Spirit of God to speak to them through our sacred texts. Wouldn't you like to grow closer to God and more comfortable with prayer? Join other members of our church as we explore how we might "pray without ceasing." Small groups are offered on: Mondays, April 8 May 13 at the Woodbridges. Dinner at 6:30 P.M., class at 7:00. Donna is the facilitator. Thursdays, April 11 May 16 in Chapman Lounge at 3:30 P.M. Chris Fee is the facilitator. Fridays, April 12 May 17 in Chapman Lounge at 7:00 P.M. Elizabeth Beech is the facilitator. Saturdays, April 13 May 18 at the Woodbridges. Breakfast at 8:30 A.M., class at 9:00. Barry is the facilitator.

Sundays, April 14 May 19, at 9:00 A.M. in Chapman Lounge. Darrell McGowan is facilitator. Pam Findley-Flor is facilitator in Room 107. Sundays, April 14 May 19, 1:30 P.M. Debra Todd is facilitating Youth Group If none of these times work for you or you would just like to have a class at another time, please contact Pam Findley-Flor and she will see about finding the right time for you. Lets see if we can have more participants than when we did Unbinding Your Heart. Registrations forms are on the bulletin board in the Narthex.

TODAY begins the two-part series, What Does the Bible Really Say?

led by Dr. Randy Baxter, Sundays TODAY & next Sunday, March 2, 9:00 a.m., room 107.

Chapman New Testament professor Ron Farmer once wrote: "If the Bible says something is wrong, shouldnt that settle the question? If the Bible says something is wrong, then its wrong. Period. End of discussion. But one should note that a thing is wrong for a reason. And what if that reason no longer exists today?" What was the reason The Holiness Code in Leviticus prohibited a certain kind of maleto-male contact or called it an "abomination" (Lev. 18:22)? Come hear Randy Baxter teach us this and other passages where the reasons include cultural purity to keep the Israelites distinct from the practices of the Canaanites, not necessarily because the Lord categorically condemned a same-gender relationship. In the often-discussed passage in Rom. 1:27, used to prove God's condemnation of a group of people today, what exactly did Paul mean was "unnatural" and for whom was it unnatural? I Peter 3:15 "Always be prepared to give an account of your faith..." What are we able to say to our families, friends, or neighbors when they use unquestioned biblical passages such as these as a blanket condemnation of people different than themselves? 8

These two sessions help us see clearly what is in the Book of our faith and not allow others the sole voice as to what it means. "The Illumination of Context: Reexamining Bible Verses Relating to Homosexuality" The Bible mentions homosexual acts in several places, but what did homosexuality signify to the cultures existing when these verses were written? At 9:00 A.M. on Sunday, March 17, this study will focus on the Old Testament verses and ancient Hebrew culture. On March 24, the New Testament verses and 1st-century Judeo-Christian and Roman Empire cultures will be explored. FCC member Randy Baxter has studied the issue of homosexuality and the Bible for the past twenty years, and has taught a similar study at annual conferences of Evangelicals Concerned With Reconciliation, a national organization of gays and lesbians from theologically conservative backgrounds. Randy's training as a history professor also enabled him to more accurately contextualize the Bible verses that relate to both homosexuality in particular and Christian sexuality in general.

Prayers from Our Worship on March 10 (Cam Malotte, Lay Leader)

INVOCATION O ever-present God. Sometimes we feel lost. We dont know where we are or where we are going. Sometimes, it seems, we dont even know who we are. We feel as if you are distant or not there at all. Remind us today, as we gather together in worship, that it is not You who loses us, but we who lose You. You have always been there and always will be. But we lose You in the busy-ness of our lives; We lose You in pettiness; We lose You in distraction; We lose You in coldness of heart; Help us to know, that we are never lost to You and You need never be lost to us. You are with us in the stillness, but also in the turmoil of our frenetic lives. You are with us in the calm, but also in the conflict. You are with us when we embrace others in love, but also when we turn inward. Help us to more fully realize that every hour is holy, not just the Sunday worship hour, and that every place is holy, not just the sanctuary of the church. We are never lost and we stand always in a holy place because You are the ground of our being. Let us feel your presence now as we pray the prayer that your son, our savior taught us to pray, saying Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. CALL TO COMMITTMENT (Following Pastor Darrell's very original and challenging sermon on the Prodigal's Father within the Parable of the Prodigal Son on March 10, Cam Malotte delivered the most alliterated Call to Commitment in the history of First Christian Church! He credits an unknown source on the Internet, with creative redaction of his own.)

Easter Lilies
There are still a few lilies left. They are $8.50 per lily Make checks payable to FCC with Easter Lilies in the memo line. Name of Donor _________________________________________ No. of Lilies ______ In Memory or honor of _____________________ ________________________________________

This is the story of THE PRODIGAL SON RETOLD Author unknown An exercise in alliteration with the letter, F Feeling footloose, fancy-free and frisky, this feather-brained fellow finagled his fond father into forking over his fortune. Forthwith, he fled for foreign fields and frittered his farthings feasting fabulously with fairweathered friends. Finally, facing famine, and fleeced by his fellows in folly, he found himself a feed flinger in a filthy farmlot. He fain would have filled his frame with foraged food from the fodder fragments. "Fooey! My father's flunkies fare far fancier" the frazzled fugitive fumed feverishly, frankly facing fact. Frustrated from failure and filled with forebodings, he fled for his family. Falling at his father's feet, he floundered forlornly. "Father, I have flunked and fruitlessly forfeited further family favors." But the faithful father, forestalling further flinching, frantically flagged his flunkies to set forth the finest fatling and fix a feast. The fugitive's fault-finding frater, faithfully farming his father's fields for free, frowned at this fickle forgiveness of formal falderal. His fury flashed, but fussing was futile. His foresighted father figured, "Such filial fidelity is fine, but what forbids fervent festivities? The fugitive is found! Unfurl the flags! With fanfare flaring, let fun, frolic and frivolity flow freely, former failures forgotten and folly forsaken. Forgiveness forms a firm foundation for future fortitude." Whewthe parable is finally finished. Wellas we figure out what finances we can afford to faithfully forward to the flock, may we flashback on the forgiveness of the father and fork over a fraction of our finances to further the foundation of our faith. Note: In case you missed it or would like to hear it again, a CD of this service is available just for asking in the church office. Also, most

week's services not only are streamed live on our church's website during the service, but are also heard repeated during the next few days. This is a ministry coordinated by Jack Townsend and available to those who cannot attend on a given Sunday. Just use your computer's browser to navigate to Then, select "Live Broadcasts" at the top right of our home page. On the Live Broadcasts page, select "Click here to listen to our live stream." Ask our church office for help if you would like to learn to do this but need assistance.

Lent & Easter Activities:

Today: Fifth Sunday in Lent March 24: Palm Sunday, Choir Cantata, Easter

Offering March 28: Frugal Supper & Maundy Thursday Service Prayer Vigil starts at 8:00 P.M. March 29: Good Friday, Prayer Vigil continues until 7:00 P.M. March 31: EASTER Worship at 10:15 A.M. (no 8 or 9 A.M. services) Easter Egg Hunt, after 10:15 worship


Holy Week Prayer Vigil

The Council of Elders will have our annual Holy Week Prayer Vigil from 8:00 P.M. Maundy Thursday (March 28) until 7:00 P.M. Good Friday (March 29.) If you have never been a part of this experience, you will be richly blessed by taking one of the hour slots and pray. You are encouraged to come pray in the Sanctuary if possible. (I have been so full-filled by spending the wee hours of the morning in prayer in our sanctuary. Editor.) There is a Prayer Vigil Board in the Narthex for you to sign up. Thanks.

Prayer Vigil Sign-up

Please Indicate location: H Home; C Church

8:00 p.m. March 28 Norma Rill (H) 8:30 p.m. Laura Miller (C) 9:00 p.m. Connie Townsend (H) 9:30 p.m. Mike Christman (H) 10:00 p.m. Ted Adams (H) 10:30 p.m. Sammie (H) 11:00 p.m. Chris (H) 11:30 p.m. Randy L (C) Midnight March 29 Randy L (C) 12:30 a.m. Randy L (C) 1:00 a.m. Beals (H) 1:30 a.m. Beals (H) 2:00 a.m. Joshua Dorrough 2:30 a.m. 3:00 a.m. 3:30 a.m. Cyndi Cairns (H)

Date March 28, 8:00 p.m. March 29, 7:00 p.m. 4:00 a.m. Barry W (C) 4.30 a.m. Mike Christman (H) 5:00 a.m. Kathy Robidoux (H) 5:30 a.m. Luanne Bailey (H) 6:00 a.m. Deb Taylor (H) 6:30 a.m. Janelle Vannoy (H) 7:00 a.m. Tim Acquistapace 7:30 a.m. Jackie Brown (H) 8:00 a.m. Betty Rollo (C) 8:30 a.m. Mary Brill (H) 9:00 a.m. Amy Styffe (H) 9:30 a.m. Leslie Beck (H) 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

Place Sanctuary 12:00 noon Donna Woodbridge (C) 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Jan Farley (H) 2:30 p.m. Pam Findley-Flor (H) 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Bill & Jodie (C) 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. End


First Christian Church 109 E Wilshire Avenue Fullerton, CA 92832

Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M. Refresh (Contemporary Worship Service) Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M. Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M. Contemplative Service: Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M.

Serving March 17, 2013

Greeter: Ted Adams Guest Book: Ada Rodman Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: McCuen Sound: Alyssa Robidoux Video: Paul/Travis Robidoux Lay Leader: Youth Childrens Moment: Youth Elders: Sharlane Blakeley, Randy Langston, PJ Vannoy Diaconate: Pauls Team Prepare: Paul & Alyssa Robidoux Ushers: Linda Johnen, Dwain Van Diest Serve: Linda Johnen, Cam & Nancy Malotte, Alyssa Robidoux, Dwain Van Diest, Janelle Vannoy Clean Up: Rod & Jan Farley, Linda Johnen Alternates: Nancy Malotte, Paul Robidoux

Serving March 24, 2013

Greeter: Barbara Fenters Guest Book: Ted Adams Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: Angulo Sound: Clare Keech Video: PJ Vannoy Lay Leader: Barry Woodbridge Childrens Moment: Darrell McGowan Elders: Dwain Van Diest, PJ Vannoy, Pam Findley-Flor Diaconate: Pauls Team Prepare: Linda Johnen, Nancy Malotte Ushers: Jan Farley, Beverly Reinke, Serve: Rod Farley, Linda Johnen, Nancy Malotte, Alyssa & Paul Robidoux, Dwain Van Diest, Clean Up: Beverly Reinke, Dwain Van Diest, Janelle Vannoy Alternates: Luanne Bailey, Cam Malotte 12


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