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Central Area HQ, 51/53 Sean McDermott Street, Dublin 1 7th March 2013 To the Chairperson and Members

of the Central Area Committee: With reference to Report Number 2 of the North Inner City Litter Action Group (N.I.C.L.A.G.) 1. Update The work of the North Inner City Litter Action Group has continued over the past month with the surveying and reporting on the condition of streets in Quadrant 1 and 2(see pages attached) in the North Inner City Area. Attached is a list of the streets surveyed in the two quadrants with a breakdown of the types of litter/dumping found on each street in these areas. The Waste Management Section continued their work with the removal of rubbish and the Litter Wardens issued an additional 103 fines where the details were obtained from dumped rubbish/bags as part of the pilot project. In general the streets examined in Quadrant 2 have been found to be clean. However there is concern at the levels of litter on some streets in this Quadrant with a number of streets having an on-going problem with dumped untagged household junk. It is evident that any additional clean up in these areas is only keeping the situation in check and a more thorough examination of the recommendations that should be put in place will be required if any meaningful change is to occur.

The examination of streets in the Quadrants is continuing and it is expected that the Pilot Project will be moving to Quadrant 3 shortly where similar exercises of surveying/reporting and clearing of rubbish, where appropriate, will continue. 2. Initiatives 2.1 Schools Campaign Staff members from our Community Section have arranged presentations on Litter and its effect on the communities to be delivered in all National Schools in the North Inner City Area over the coming weeks. The emphasis will be on keeping areas clean and tidy and promoting an Anti-Litter Campaign. As part of this campaign, school and class competitions will be run among the children in each school where prizes will be given sponsored by Dublin City Councils NEIC Office.

2.2 Community Groups A number of new Community Groups have recently been formed and we are engaging with these groups on an ongoing basis in an effort to support them in order to keep their areas clean and tidy. These groups are as follows: Gloucester Diamond Our Lady of Lourdes Church Grounds Killarney Street and District Residents Sean OCasey Residents Dunne Street Flats Residents Five Lamp Festival Clonmore Residents Charleville Avenue Residents Clonliffe Terrace Residents Irvine Terrace Residents The Community Section continue to support the longer established groups e.g. North Wall and East Wall Community Associations

2.3 Housing Matters North Clarence Street Flats Residents have raised issues in relation to regular dumping in the laneway that leads into their complex from Summerhill. Residents have agreed to work with the City Council in cleaning and overseeing the laneways, together with the regular cleaning carried out by Waste Management Dunne Street Residents have indicated their wish to do some community/housing improvements in the complex. The aim is to set up an environmental group for the complex with a view to helping them with painting, additional cleaning and works that will have a positive impact on the appearance of the complex

Ballybough Youth Project There is a suggestion that this project with their community flat, that fronts onto Spring Garden Street, could be used to make presentations, similar to the schools presentation, to local youths from the area.

3. Further recommendations arising from surveying Quadrants 1 and 2 Where storage for wheelie bins is available in City Council Housing Estates there should be a requirement, as part of the tenancy agreement, that tenants be able to demonstrate use, through production of receipts or account statements. The Litter Management Plan needs to be reviewed to ensure that the frequencies of street cleaning is adequate, with particular reference to streets adjoining main thoroughfares and those streets with litter generators such as food takeaways etc Serious consideration should be given to the cleaning in and around kerb and carriageway edges, particularly where parking is available this will require buy in and co-operation from local residents. Partnerships must be formed with other State Agencies/ Local Groups in order to devise and co-ordinate plans in relation to littering with particular reference to the Royal Canal Working and Volunteer Group and the Royal Canal Towpath. Demarcation cannot be a deciding factor in relation to how areas are to be cleaned or maintained with particular reference to areas around flat/housing complexes and housing development sites. There is a need for more cooperation between City Council Departments on this issue. Other Public Bodies should be encouraged to increase the frequencies of their litter management schedules HSE & Irish Rail A strong media campaign must be initiated to combat illegal dumping of untagged bags. Defined collection days one day per week per predefined area for private collectors to avoid bags/bins being presented on multiple days for collection. There is a need for more resources in the enforcement area including the potential for specialist external service provision

Consideration should be given to providing extra resources to Dublin City Council in order that cleaning/maintaining of derelict sites/buildings which are in private ownership can be carried out, where ownership is difficult to obtain. Insurance may be an issue in this case.

Brendan Hayden Senior Executive Officer.

Quadrant 1

STREET Buckingham Street Lwr, D.1

Property type (PRIVATE /DCC/Agency) Private/DCC/Agen cy

Other litter generators

Litter food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling

Other contributory issues


Greyhou nd collectio n day

Youth Club Empress Place, D.1 DCC Housing

Car Parking



Car Parking


Killarney Street, D.1

Private/Agency houses and apartments/flat complex

dumped bags / dog fouling


Killarney Avenue, D.1

Private - houses

Weds Hewardine Terrace, D.1 Private - houses dumped bags / dog fouling Frankfort Cottages, D.1 Private - houses dumped bags / dog fouling Bella Street, D.1 Private - houses dumped bags / dog fouling Bella Avenue, D.1 Private - houses dumped bags / dog fouling Bella Place, D.1 Private - houses dumped bags / dog fouling Terrace Place, D.1 Private - houses dumped bags / dog fouling Summerhill Place, D.1 DCC Housing duplex food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling



Derelict properties



Car Parking


Derelict properties



Rutland Court, D.1

DCC Housing duplex

Car Parking


Buckingham Street Upp, D.1

DCC/Private/Agen cy - houses and aprtments/flats DCC/Private houses and apartments/flats DCC/Private houses and apartments/flats Private

Retail Units/Off Licence

Car Parking



Summerhill, D.1

Retail Units/Off Licence/Takeaways Retail Units/Off Licence/Takeaways/ Pubs



Summerhill Parade, D.1

Car parking



Catherine Court Off Royal C


Charleville Mall, D.1

Private - houses and flats dog fouling food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling Thurs

North William St, D.1

DCC/Private houses and apartments/flats DCC/Private houses and apartments/flats DCC/Private houses and apartments/flats Retail Units/Off Licence/Takeaways/ Pubs

Car Parking


North Great Clarence St, D.1

Car Parking


North Strand Road, D.1

Thurs Thurs

Portland Row, D.1

DCC/Private houses and apartments/flats Retail Units/Off Licence/Pub

food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling

Dereliction / Graffiti



Portland Close, D.1

DCC Housing dumped bags / dog fouling

Car Parking


Dunne Street, D.1

DCC/Private houses and apartments/flats food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling


Baileys Row, D.1


N/A Aldborough Court, D.1 DCC - no residential food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling

Dereliction / Graffiti



Amiens Street, D.1

Private Apartments/Flats Retail Units/Off Licence/Takeaways/ Pubs food and packaging litter / dumped bags / dog fouling


note royal canal working group/canal wardens/clean up groups

STREET Buckingham Street Lwr, D.1 Empress Place, D.1 Killarney Street, D.1 Killarney Avenue, D.1 Hewardine Terrace, D.1 Frankfort Cottages, D.1 Bella Street, D.1 Bella Avenue, D.1 Bella Place, D.1 Terrace Place, D.1 Summerhill Place, D.1

Rutland Court, D.1 Buckingham Street Upp, D.1 Summerhill, D.1

Summerhill Parade, D.1

Survey results some dumping into derelict properties otherwise generally clean . Some gardens /basements need attention. Consider putting programme in place with Belvedere Youth Club Bins required for DCC houses. Parking bays not cleaned. Regular dumping at aldborough house gates and alcoves Well serviced and generally clean. Some gardens/private areas require attention generally clean - no action Generally clean - no action Dumping at entrance to lane of domestic waste intermittently, otherwise clean Constant dumping at gable wall of houses - litter builds up at railings at end of street / problems created by residents Generally clean - no action Generally not well serviced, litter present at all times car parking an issue as is access, problems created by residents Derelict properties being dumped on - sale underway might improve situation Not well serviced - litter present at entrance to street constantly, update LMP to daily clean as street is directly adjacent to Buckingham St and litter is mostly present at this location. Problem created by DCC residents Not well serviced / regular dumping of bags. Problem created by DCC residents. Update LMP to daily clean as street is directly adjacent to Buckingham St Generally well serviced / some basements require attention, car parking is an issue. Consider Pay and Display and nose to kerb parking to alleviate Regular dumping behind low wall / litter on carriageway edges constantly. Problem created by residents and takeaway outlets. Daily Street sweeping (footpaths) is either not being done manually or is not effective Car Parking is an issue . Dumping from properties on North side of street is constant. No management by landlords. Basements require attention. Daily Street sweeping (footpaths) is either not being done manually or is not effective. Constantly littered.

Catherine Court Off Royal C Charleville Mall, D.1 North William St, D.1 North Great Clarence St, D.1

Generally clean - no action Canal needs regular cleaning on towpath / litter at kerb edges / dog fouling issues/ some dumping at litter bin. Royal Canal Action/ Volunteer group may be of assistance Litter at kerb edges Litter at kerb edges and in parking bays

North Strand Road, D.1

Portland Row, D.1 Portland Close, D.1 Dunne Street, D.1 Baileys Row, D.1 Aldborough Place, D.1 Amiens Street, D.1

Well serviced and generally clean / HSE health centre needs LMP/some dereliction and graffiti at closed premises. Centra store needs to be monitored re Litter Pollution Bye Laws Litter issues at kerb edges at top of street / some gardens are problematic / Aldboruogh house is derelict and attracts dumping Not well serviced - old litter at entrance to lane and at kerb edges/parking bays Litter issues at ESB substation and Flat Complex car park/ some dumping at gable wall of flats. Well serviced in terms of litter removal Clean Huge litter issues / dereliction / graffiti /Overgrowth Regular dumping at entrance to Frankfort Cottages / basements and gardens require attention/ generally well serviced

Quadrant 2
Property type (PRIVATE /DCC/Agency)


Other litter generators


Other contributory issues

Iba l

Greyhound collection day


Clonmore Road

Private Houses

debris - food and drink packaging

Car Parking


Clonmore Terrace

Private Houses

debris - food and drink packaging

Car Parking


Charlemo nt Parade

Private Houses retail units/off licence/ pubs /take aways/commu nity centre

debris - food and drink packaging food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk

Car Parking


Ballyboug h Road

Private Houses

Car Parking/Graffiti



Charleville Ave Foster Place North

Private Houses

debris - food and drink packaging

Car Parking


Private Houses

debris - food and drink packaging

Car Parking


Newcome n Court

Private Houses/Apts

debris - food and drink packaging


Clinches Court

Private Houses

debris - food and drink packaging/dumping

Car Parking


Newcome n Ave

Private Houses

debris - food and drink packaging

Car Parking


Waterloo Avenue

Private Houses


Car Parking/Dereliction


Nottingha m Street

Private Houses and flats retail units/offlicenc e/ pubs /take aways/

debris - food and drink packaging food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk

Car Parking/graffiti


North Strand Rd

Private Houses and flats DCC housing and duplexes/flats


Springgar den Street

Car Parking


St Patricks Avenue

private houses

Car Parking


Enaville ave

private houses

debris - food and drink packaging

Car Parking


Enaville Road

private houses DCC housing and duplexes/flats DCC housing and duplexes/flats DCC housing and duplexes/flats

debris - food and drink packaging food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk

Car Parking


Annesley Close

Car Parking


Annesley Place

Car Parking


Annesley Ave

Car Parking


Austin Cottages

private houses DCC housing and duplexes/flats DCC housing and duplexes/flats

debris - food and drink packaging food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk food and drink packaging/debris/dumping/hou sehold junk


Taaffes Place

Car Parking


Poplar Row

Undeveloped site


Ballyboug h Ave



Ballyboug h Lane

private houses


Kings Ave

private houses


Crawford Tce

Private Houses and flats

debris - food and drink packaging


Bayview Ave

private houses

debris - food and drink packaging

Car Parking


Quadrant 2 STREET Clonmore Road Clonmore Terrace Charlemot Parade Ballybough Road

Charleville Ave Newcomen Court Clinches Court Newcomen Ave Waterloo Avenue Nottingham Street North Strand Rd Springgarden Street St Patricks Avenue Enaville ave Enaville Road Annesley Close Annesley Place Annesley Ave Austin Cottages Taaffes Place Poplar Row Ballybough Ave Ballybough Lane

Survey results Generally clean - kerb edges require some attention Generally clean - kerb edges require some attention Generally clean - kerb edges require some attention Regular dumping of untagged bags. Presentation of tagged bags on wrong days. Litter at kerb edges and along footpaths. Some basements/gardens require attention. Daily Street sweeping (footpaths) is either not being done manually or is not effective. Generally clean - kerb edges require some attention. Some small incident sof untagged bags and some gardens requrie attention generally clean aside from regualr dumping of untagged bags from apartment building at entrance Generally clean - additional clean in place by public domain in conjunction with local residents group who are active Generally clean - additional clean in place by public domain in conjunction with local residents group who are active Clean - action required on derelict building at end of street Generally clean, kerb edges are an issue. 3/4 houses causing problems let into multi units Generally Clean. Some dumping at litter bins at Annesley Place Derelict site being used as dump. Constant dumping of untagged and household junk. Litter evident at all times. Additional clean in place weekly is only keeping situation in check Constant dumping of untagged and household junk. Litter evident at all times. Additional clean in place weekly is only keeping situation in check Constant dumping of untagged and household junk. Litter evident at all times. Additional clean in place weekly is only keeping situation in check Constant dumping of untagged and household junk. Litter evident at all times. Additional clean in place weekly is only keeping situation in check Constant dumping of untagged and household junk. Litter evident at all times. Additional clean in place weekly is only keeping situation in check Constant dumping of untagged and household junk. Litter evident at all times. Additional clean in place weekly is only keeping situation in check Constant dumping of untagged and household junk. Litter evident at all times. Additional clean in place weekly is only keeping situation in check generally clean Constant dumping of untagged and household junk. Litter evident at all times. Additional clean in place weekly is only keeping situation in check Litter at kerb edges. Hosuing site is constant source of litter and dumping and overgrowth generally clean with episodes of dumping. Litter at kerb edges generally clean with episodes of dumping. Litter at kerb edges

Kings Ave Crawford Tce Bayview Ave

generally clean with episodes of dumping. Litter at kerb edges generally clean with episodes of dumping. Litter at kerb edges Generally clean - kerb edges require some attention. Some small incidents of untagged bags and some gardens require attention

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