Thesis On Recuirtment and Selection

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Dominos Pizza Group

Recruitment & selection
Name:_____________ 4/9/2011

Dominos Pizza Group

Apr. 9

I declare that no portion of the work referred to in the dissertation has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification of this or any other university or other institute of learning. Further, all the work in this dissertation is entirely my own, unless referenced in the text as a specific source and included in the bibliography.

Name: EJAZ KHAN Date: 09th April 2011

Recruitment and Selection Report

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Dominos Pizza Group

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I am grateful to the almighty and merciful God to give me strength and without his grace and blessings I would not be able to complete this dissertation successfully. This study could not have been possible without motivation and inspiration from my parent. They have been my support in numerous ways and I am thankful to God give me such an inspirational brother and sister. Thanks are due to my supervisor; DANISH KRISHNA for him insights, perspectives, knowledge, guidance and patience. My sincere thanks and gratitude is due to all the faculty members Mr. DANISH KRISHNA and staff of BITE, who have been very helpful, supportive and generous to me. I would like to thank from bottom of my heart to staff and management team of DOMINOS PIZZA management for their great support during the research. They provided me with guidance and information as much as they could. My work would have not been worthwhile without the information provided by them. At last, I would like to thanks all kind support received from my friend as specially Miss. RAINA WEHVARIA, Mr. ISHAQ KHAN and all those around me not been mentioned by name but do deserve respect.

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Today, every organization has personnel in planning an activity as necessary. This is an important part of an organization. Human resource planning in the long term success of the organization is a critical component. There are a few ways that every organization, which ensures that the right kind and number of people, right place and right time, so the organization can achieve its purpose plans are after. Aimed at human resources department human resources planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, career planning, transfer and promotion, risk management, performance evaluation and so on. Each object needs special attention and proper planning and implementation. It is important for every organization to work on the right is the right person. Recruitment and selection plays an important role in this situation. Skills shortage and employers about how to use new technology to recruit and select staff are putting considerable pressure. It out recruitment and selection process is recommended to take a strategic analysis. With reference to the context, this project highlights the recruitment and selection process is designed. Earth and the recruitment and selection of the project, including definition of needs and recruitment, recruitment process, the purpose of evaluating recruitment tips. Recruitment through the appropriate application is an organization of the sources. Scientific recruitment and selection, an organization should follow the right manpower. Job analysis, which gives an idea about the work required. The next selection process is the selection of test type, the type of interview, common interview problems and their solutions, including ways. Recruitment and selection process are together and are incomplete without each other. They are the key components are different from each other. Since all aspects, need practical examples and explain the project's recruitment and selection process, including Infosys. And a practical case study. It also ranked consultants to various addresses and magazine ads include the pricelist. Recruitment and Selection Report Page 4

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DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................... 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... 3 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 4 CH: 1 INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC ................................................................................ 7 1.1Topic of research ............................................................................................................. 7 1.2 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Research background .................................................................................................... 9 1.4 Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 9 1.5 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 9 1.6 Logical to select topics ................................................................................................. 10 1.7 Limits............................................................................................................................. 10 1.8 Company Overview ...................................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER: 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................ 12 2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 12 2.2 RECRUITMENT ............................................................................................................. 15 2.2.1Definition: ................................................................................................................ 15 2.2.2Need for recruitment ................................................................................................ 15 2.2.3 Effect of recruitment ............................................................................................... 16 2.2.4 Business impact on the success of recruitment ....................................................... 16 2.2.5Principals Recruitment process ................................................................................ 17 2.2.6 Recruitment Checklist ............................................................................................. 17 2.2.7 Purpose and importance of hiring ........................................................................... 18 2.2.8 Recruitment process ................................................................................................ 19 2.2.9 Evaluate the recruitment process ................................................................................ 24 2.2.10 Sources of Recruitment ............................................................................................. 24 Internal Recruitment ........................................................................................................ 24 2.2.11 Factor affecting recruitment .................................................................................. 30 2.2.12 E-Recruitment ....................................................................................................... 32 2.2.13 what is the diversity recruitment ........................................................................... 33 Safe recruitment and selection process ........................................................................... 35 2.3 Selection ........................................................................................................................ 36 2.3.1 Selection Process ....................................................................................................... 36 2.3.2 Problems in the effective selection ............................................................................. 50 Recruitment and Selection Report Page 5

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2.4 difference (recruitment and selection) ........................................................................... 51 CH: 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................................................... 53 3.1Research methodology .................................................................................................... 53 Structure of methodology/ statement of design ................................................................ 53 3.2 Design detail .................................................................................................................. 53 3.3Research ethics................................................................................................................ 54 3.3.1 What? .......................................................................................................................... 54 3.3.2 Which? ........................................................................................................................ 55 3.4 Sources and Applications ............................................................................................... 55 3.4.1 Primary Source............................................................................................................ 55 3.4.2 Secondary sources ....................................................................................................... 55 3.5 Data analysis and interpretation ..................................................................................... 56 3.6 Structure and presentation.............................................................................................. 56 CH: 4DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................... 57 4.1Data analysis .................................................................................................................. 57 4.1.1Factor affecting the dominos work system ............................................................. 57 4.1.2 Working at Domino's ................................................................................................ 58 4.1.3Dominos recruitment and selection process .......................................................... 62 CH: 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS ....................................................................... 66 5.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 66 5.2 Recommendation ........................................................................................................... 68

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CH: 1 INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC 1.1Topic of research The critical investigation of the recruitment and selection process in the Dominos pizza store 1.2 Introduction It was early 2000 when India from a manufacturing to a service transit experienced a solid state dominated. Job Hunting by individuals by employers there a gradual shift to large-scale recruitment was done. Because of the emergence of the IT and ITES. Our manpower due to an edge that we have a global outsourcing destination has become the largest English speaking country of factors operating mainly at the cost of having played a major role. The country had so much impact on the economics of the financial sector boosted as there is just to reduce income tax liability was beyond the scope of investment and savings. The growth of consumerism in the country increased following this type of retail businesses grow along the food chain. Between the overall developments is a major industry that emerged was high and each with telecom and aviation sector is growing more. Telecom with IT, ITES retail, and increases because all areas of finance collective human capital that need to communicate to senior needs. In 1991 I started my career way back, people to people contact in today's environment, while communication was minimal contact from person to person and move on within the country has taken a quantum leap; We need global communication. I started my career with project management consulting and high tech procedure compute and tools designed to work alcoholic of me on the right track in the deep and considered themselves, as long as I have a corporate projects where the company derives a nonprofessional profile that have joined me uneasy technical. This concept was the need to communicate during that time was at least, ever since has taken a quantum leap is needed, thus contributing to an adequate human resource consulting industry, giving the opportunity.

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Because of manpower in India is a great need and what the current and future human resource consulting industry over the scope of analysis to guide us. Emergence of the above areas, clearly young and manpower for border with distinction at large would indicate great need of human capital. In some areas like IT, ITES, finance and human resource professionals will be eligible for the retail, telecommunications and vitiation such areas receive less qualified skills and attitudes based on our younger generation can absorb manpower. One another and the wave will increase the demand for human resources consulting industry on hand, though considerable responsibility will create a demand for manpower requirements. There are refocusing on root growth in importance and scope of negligence before we further define and understand the possibilities of HR consulting. Our human resource development particularly with respect to demand started, with the emergence of IT and ITES and that we become an outsourcing destination. The primary reason is that we are the world's largest English speaking nation. But we already have focused on the issue ever since we thought we would always enjoy a monopoly, China factor neglected in some way, they are being a non-English speaking country. China because of productivity ahead on several fronts, now they are training themselves in English and as per my knowledge they already have the number two outsourcing destination and ready to challenge the monopoly of India as far ITES as the regards to the point. Performance and productivity of the unit is greatly increased when a valid candidate achieved through proper recruitment and selection is. The proposal, the most important HR function to see an example of the process is conceived Domino's Pizza. And the selection or hiring of employees for Domino policy regulation will lead to a huge impact on store performance. The goal of organizations to easily consolidate human resource human resource planning with regard to implementation of the policy is achieved. Working in business today is very important that each and every employee is considered as valuable assets of the company. There are staff assigned to conduct the proper code to get the pre-determined course of action is to be useful. HRM and the role played by the recruitment selection is important, because with the right position at the right place at the right time brings the right candidate.

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Shop for or enhance the performance of the unit selected for precision work or recruit the right person to have a basic need. The proposal is aimed at staff recruitment and selection can be analyzed to the unit, its objectives have been achieved or not or measure the performance of affected employees. Domino skilled employees from all levels of the company are examined. 1.3 Research background Market researchers, psychiatrists, specialists, business analysts and students did not. HRM recruitment and selection function of the Task Force highlights the importances of enterprise researchers. The main purpose of this report shows how to deal with recruiting and selecting the right candidate will be increased. There are plenty of articles and a journal relevant to the topic with some or with similar aims was introduced. There are also other important functions and activities going on in departments according to the quality and proper system management are to be seen. Skilled person would be better if selected as a case of the Domino's company will perform with the subject's core identity.

1.4 Purpose The research of human resource strategies and HRM policies for recruitment and selection activities to be considered resident aiming for the report. The purpose of this report is to highlight here how the recruitment and selection process is what matters in the home of the business affect the performance of employees are the company for the process by selecting the best human resources are eligible to compete.

1.5 Objectives About Domino's human resource policies and company to get good results to identify the impact of this policy staff with aspects of creating excellence To approach the future expansion and other development on the company's success with the pre-defined goals have affected their recruitment and selection process to achieve the plan. Recruitment and Selection Report Page 9

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Recruitment and selection masks for people working in the store policy to review Recruitment and selection through the analysis of existing policies, a calculativebased that it is effective and useful for the future.

A high diver to technology measures the efficiency of infiltration unit recruitment, selection process and relevant models and theories underlying the recruitment and selection process to understand the level of performance.

1.6 Logical to select topics There should be reasonable as there are various departments such as finance and operations will be done at the high weight age of visualizing knowledge about the unit's higher interest. There research interest as well as recruitment and selection process in order to understand the performance of Domino's employees, more than one level was received.

1.7 Limits There was enormous adversities research time because of the researchers were, as it was difficult to research various aspects and issues which were faced by the research to successful completion. There is also huge loss energy, time and money invested by researchers to work on this report was through. Nothing in the employee questionnaire that were unanswered due to lack of interest.

1.8 Company Overview Domino was analyzed in this work; the company was too big to see. This best pizza makers in the whole world is one. After the pizza hut pizza is holding the second highest ranking, where Pizza Hut, American pizza and other pizza company was the way different companies. The company is competing with the local pizza. Fast food and franchise business plan The first idea was started by Domino's Pizza. Recruitment and Selection Report Page 10

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Domino's stores is holding all the countries around the branches in various countries to provide the 192 countries, masks are available, where the Pizza Hut and other pizza maker is not available with the store 6 with Continental. Domino's Pizza is an international fast food pizza delivery corporation. It was founded by Tom Monaghan. Currently is about 55 countries, 8,500 corporate and franchised stores, including all 50 U.S. states. The second-largest pizza chain behind Pizza Hut in the United States was. In 1967, the first Domino's Pizza franchise store opened in Ypsilanti. Mask has continued to grow and in 1978 opened its 200 stores. May 13, 1983, the Domino's Winnipeg, Canada in its first international store opened. That same year, Domino's opened its 1,000 th store overall, and was until 1995 Domino 1000 international locations. In 1998, after 38 years of ownership, Domino's Pizza founder Tom Monaghan announced his retirement and Bain Capital, Inc for about $ 1 billion company has sold 93 percent off the company's day-to-day operations in being involved. A year later, the company's president and CEO David A. Brandon's was selected. The company has been involved in day-to-day operations. Function together in 2006, Domino's Huntley Illinois, and its 3,000 th international store in Panama City has opened its 5,000 th U.S. store, the system is making 8,000 total stores. Domino's also that Taillight, Dublin, Ireland, Domino's pizza shop in the $ 3 million per year (2.35 million ) became the first in the history of the affected businesses. As September 2006, the 8238 stores in the U.S. gross income is $ 1.4 billion. In 2007, Domino's has introduced its veterans programs and franchising Dream and rolled out, give your order online and mobile sites. New York City and Washington DC In 2001, the company's stock more than 12,000 pizzas to relief workers at the World Trade Center and Pentagon after the September 11 attacks provided. Corporation through a matching funds program, the American Red Cross' disaster relief efforts for the $ 350,000 donated. In industry publication Today Pizza making companies from where, Domino's Pizza in 2003 "Year of the chain" mention in leading journal.

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CHAPTER: 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Recruitment of human resource management is a very important process. This is a very important tool that is used by many businesses or corporations. Recruiting is a form of business competition. This tool helps organizations achieve their overall corporation closer. That recruitment of top management demands serious attention because it is said that any business strategy for the business would falter without the talent to execute the tie. Recruitment is a certain amount of steps or procedures as mentioned in our text books. Recruitment is followed by a series of steps. For example, initial screening, selection, orientation, location, and performance management. To some extent all of these steps depend on the labor market which exists in some organizations Hiring a two-way process in which organizations are looking for prospective employees and vice-versa. Recruitment success depends on time. To succeed in the hiring process there should be a medium of communication. For an organization to recruit successfully there must be planning to enroll. (1) How many employees work for the needs and (2) when they are needed, an organization should know before hiring two important factors. Time frame should also be considered that employment application and resume is submitted and when the employee is hired. Employee's average working time of about 43 days is to start a single section. Recruitment in the pipeline include: resume, invitations, interviews, offer and acceptance. Internal recruiting organization at the start of a promotion for existing staff, especially understands. Which allow managers to turn many internal recruitment or promotion, transfer to a different department employees do not provide interviews to be considered in the process may be issues? "Most observers of the existing staff are reluctant to release. To take pay cuts as they are" (Lord, 1989 JS). Promoting from within to overcome such issues, policies have been developed, but top management about the need to support policies. Internal recruitment job postings, employee referrals and job pools are temporary. Job posting the company's intranet, company Recruitment and Selection Report Page 12

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newsletter or bulletin board can be posted. Employee referrals are a current employee to select available positions that meet the candidate refers consist of. The referral to the existing employee compensation. Temporary work temporary jobs opening up of the pool. These positions Labor illness, leave out, and resign because of factors such as help with the demand. (Waynie F. Cascio, 210 P). External recruitment is the process of recruiting from outside the labor market. This type of recruiting organizations like the current staff skills required for a position is not available. This type of recruitment in small and large firms varies. External recruitment process consists of the following sources: universal relations, executive search firms, employment agencies and recruitment advertising. Organizations, universities or colleges are to be approach the recruitment of candidates. They often want schools that meet their needs. In addition to recruiting organizations is often various activities which will be between them by providing an open network to interact with universities. Gifts and grants, summer, employment and consulting projects with faculty: includes such activities. Companies often have contracts with employment agencies. An organization needs to provide qualifications for each position with the agency offers. Starting salaries of agency fees 10% -30% of employees vary. However, employees hired under the contract within 30 days changes, the agency charges 99% of the person charged may return to the organization. Recruiting organizations often use the middle when the company is so big. In addition, recruitment advertising newspaper advertising, corporate home page, career fairs, former employers, public employment agencies is like these, there are many ways for external recruitment jobs are advertised. When it comes to temptation, hunting for the right candidate gets more difficult. That's why many resumes and application specific program file has been created in order for sorting. Transfer and registration on the special bonus offers that is not always one. A dedicated human resources department that carefully reviewing these applications will Recruitment and Selection Report Page 13

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go through the trouble of being, companies are reducing their business while those who qualified for the position being wrong hiring to reduce the risk. In consideration for the job the right job qualifications and requirements established in the search for the company is important. Realistic expectations and goals ruin both job seeker and potential employers looking for applicants who are only perks of the job with giving the benefit of time. Recruitment process management control and use a process that take months to ease. After initial screening and selection process more rigorous and corporation may change the corporation. Every company has its own selection process. For example, some companies have boards of directors or a committee. Some companies have just one person interviewed for the company. All this type of work is structured and how the company depends on its recruitment process. Some universities, for a recruiting team that go around and try to recruit students and hire on the spot or within a day really set up appointments for the interview and selection. There are many different ways a company can structure their selection process. Some companies set up several tests that include various tests such as: standardized measures of behavior (eg, math, vocabulary), and the list of standardized tests that measure the behavior (for example, interests, attitudes), there are drug screening tests conducted before selecting a candidate. Handwriting analysis, polygraph test, integrity test, mental ability test, and test validity generalization: Other performances include used by some companies. In addition, other companies, personality measures, projective measures and leadership measures used to assure himself that his company is selecting the candidate for them to hire and retain the right one can make. Other selection criteria that companies use the data, personal history, employment interviews, peer assessment and work sample tests, leaderless group are discussed and tested in the basket. All these measures and tests for various reasons, for reliability and validity for different companies are of utmost importance. Finally, as stated earlier, recruitment is a very important human resource management by process. Even a huge responsibility to any organizations is selection process. It all boils down to the job "the most qualified and best person" selected. Candidates for the company that helps them achieve their mission objectives select the target, and give Recruitment and Selection Report Page 14

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them the advantage over your competitors. Once selected, an employer to maintain employee to work and train him or her organization to be an excellent employee. It may be a long process, but it is all worth it when you organization and success of the organization to see the employee's loyalty.

2.2 RECRUITMENT Recruitment for vacancies mean estimates, and their selection and make appropriate arrangements for the appointment. Looking to recruit the right people and job applicants can be selected from among whom, as the process is deemed to receive. A formal definition states, "The search for employment is the process of attracting capable applicants. Process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are presented. The result is that new applicants employees "are choosing to have a pool. In this, wide publicity of vacancies is available and suitable candidates to submit applications such as scientific selection of eligible candidates are encouraged to pool. Recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. Newspaper ads, employment offices, internal promotion, as it is for different sources, etc.. Recruitment and interested pool of qualified candidates for the selection of suitable candidates is made. Recruitment represents the first contact that a potential employee with a company makes in it.

2.2.1Definition: FLIPPO According to Edwin, "to recruit potential employees in finding and stimulating the organization is the process of applying for jobs." 2.2.2Need for recruitment Recruitment and Selection Report Page 15

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Recruitment needs for the following reasons / conditions may be due to: A) due to promotion of employment, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, and death and labor turnover. B) New development, expansion and diversification of business activities of an enterprise due to the creation of vacancies. In addition, new spaces are possible due to the job specification.

2.2.3 Effect of recruitment

The main function of a hiring manager, and then seek out candidates who will meet current and future organizational job vacancies and will fit in with company culture and customer-related fare well. The recruitment functions when they are really easy to find candidates for various jobs that they need to make a basic familiarity. They also have a comprehensive understanding of the company will be working for the candidates needs. A Duty, responsibilities and job, possible salary and benefits package, including workplace culture and setting an overall appreciation for having a clear understanding of the terms, is hiring the best candidate to get the manager to fill a vacancy.

2.2.4 Business impact on the success of recruitment Successful and progressive organizations, business, marketing, human resources, and financial plans that help them run the business on an ongoing basis to develop.

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Progressive companies who can plan and strategize generally the following activities have been: develop practical goal driven business plan Your business plan linked to a forward-thinking Human Resource Planning adopted the short, medium and long term goals to implement measures to monitor the performance of senior staff A "promoting development" senior staff scheme; Develop and formal induction and ongoing professional development for all staff training programs are given.

2.2.5Principals Recruitment process

It is important that employers, internal human resource personnel and outside contractors, to understand the key principles behind the recruitment process. Most of these companies recruit their very specific agenda; usually their policies are quite similar to the following: Applicants always merit selection process will be recruited Applicant information will always remain confidential and their privacy will be respected process objective and focus should be on filling vacancy process any relevant federal or state-based legislation should follow Selection Committee members prior to any conflict of interest participate in the process will be announced

2.2.6 Recruitment Checklist

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Hiring a new employee an important right for all businesses who want to choose the right candidates, get process. Process is the key legislative requirements and must be well organized and well to protect both employer and employee in the process documents. On the following pages, we have built a hiring list that the process will give you an overall feeling that you yourself can follow step by step short. Although the basic recruit checklist gives an overview of how the process runs, the process is actually far more detailed and difficult. More detailed checklist outlined on the following pages will help you improve your hiring process and keep track of their recruitment efforts. It clearly and very specifically, the recruitment process communication and shows the hiring process as it must take responsibility for various aspects of progress.

2.2.7 Purpose and importance of hiring 1. And job its personnel planning activities in conjunction with analysis of the organization to determine current and future requirements. 2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimal cost. 3. Under qualified or overqualified job applicants apparently reduced the number selection process to help increase the success rate. 4. Is likely that job applicants, once recruited and selected, after a short period of time will leave the organization to help reduce. 5. Organization's legal and social obligations in relation to the composition of the Task Force meet. 6. Begin to identify and prepare potential job applicants who will be suitable candidates. 7. Short-term and long-term increase organizational and individual effectiveness. 8. Job applicants for all kinds of different techniques and evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment sources. Recruitment and Selection Report Page 18

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2.2.8 Recruitment process To identify and recruit job seekers so as to attract qualified job applicants to build a pool refers to the process. Process five interrelated stages, ie, including 1. Planning. 2. Development strategy. 3. Search. 4. Screening. 5. Assessment and control

Manpower Planning Evaluation and control



Strategy Development

Figure: Recruitment Process

Figure: 1 Recruitment Process Ideal recruitment program that qualified applicants who survive the screening process and organization, will accept the offer with the terms of a relatively large number of Recruitment and Selection Report Page 19

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appeals. Under recruitment programs / organization by the sale of or inadequate screening applicants before they enter the selection process by an adequate applicant pool, many ways, namely by failing to attract the ideal can remember. Thus, the ideal approach to the process responsible for recruiting people should know how many and what types of employees needed, where are the appropriate qualifications and interests, the temptation to do different types of groups of applicants For individuals with access to see how the applicants who have a reasonable chance of success and how to evaluate your work is how to distinguish qualified. Step 1: the recruitment plan The first stage in the process of hiring plans. Plan to set goals or targets likely job vacancies and information on the translation of the nature of these jobs include the specified (1) number and Applicants (2) Type to be contacted. (3) Contact numbers Organization, almost always, and to attract more applicants than they would fare plan. Uninterested, inept or both will be contacted a few of them. Each time a recruitment program is considered a qualified people to work with the number of applicants needed to fill all vacancies is expected. Contact Type It's basically the kind of people are informed about job openings are concerned with. Types of people and the tasks and responsibilities include, depending on qualifications and experience expected. These details through the job description and job specification are available. Stage 2: Strategy Development

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It is estimated that type of recruitment and so if you must have a focus in (1). Buy it or employees. (2). Technical sophistication of recruitment and selection tools. (3). Labor market, including the geographical distribution of job seekers. (4). Recruitment sources. (5). Sequencing activities in the hiring process. '' Or 'buy': Organizations must decide whether to hire skilled employees to take training and education programs and investments, or they can hire skilled labor and business. Basically, the 'making' or 'buy' decisions organization, skilled professionals for hire who will pay more for these employees Technical sophistication: Strategy in the development of recruitment and selection methods used in the second decision is related to. This decision is mainly influenced by available technology. The advent of computers it possible for employers to scan national and international applicant qualification is designed. Impersonal, however, computers have given employers and job seekers a wide scope of options in the preliminary investigation stage. Where to look: To reduce costs, the organizations needed to see most likely to offer job seekers to labor markets. Generally, companies technical clerical and blue collar workers and employees of the local market for the management and staff professional, regional or local market to watch in the national market. To see the application: An effective recruitment strategy should determine when and where to learn how to look for job applicants than decide on the timing of events to see.

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Stage 3: Search: Once a recruitment plan and strategies are worked out, the search process can begin. Search involves two steps A). Source activation and B). Sell. A). Source Activation: Typically, the sources and find ways to continue an employee's request are active. This means that no actual hiring takes place when the only managers to verify that space do exist or exist. If the organization is well planned and its sources and search methods, activation results in a flood of early applications did a good job of developing and / or start. Applications received should be examined. Those who pass the interview to be contacted and invited. Unsuccessful applicants should send a letter of regret. B). Sale: A second issue concerns the search process to be addressed in communications. Here, the organization moves carefully. On one hand, they do whatever they can to attract desirable applicants want. On the other hand, they must resist the temptation of overselling its virtues. Sales organization, deserve the attention of both message and media. Message shows the job ad. With regard to the media, it can be said that the impact of any message recruitment may depend on the media. Media are many; some have low credibility, while others enjoy high credibility. Medium or media to choose should be done with a lot of care. Step 4: Screening Applicants examined the recruitment process can be considered as an integral part, the first step in the selection process, as many see it though. Even the definition of Recruitment and Selection Report Page 22

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recruitment, we quoted at the beginning of this chapter, excludes from its scope screening. However, we have legitimate reasons for hiring include the screening. After the selection process has been examined and short listing of applications will begin. A professor at the University of hiring a specific situation. Check applications received in response to advertising and only eligible applicants are called for an interview. A selection Vice-chancellor, registrar and subject matter experts committee is conducting interviews. Here, the recruitment process to expand the application screening. After the start of the selection process it is developed. The purpose of screening For the purpose of screening at an early stage of the recruitment process, is far, those applicants who seem unfit for the job. Effective screening can save a lot of time and money. Care should be used, but probably best to assure that employees are dismissed without justification. Screening, clear job specifications are invaluable. This is both good practice and a legal requirement that the applicant's qualifications their knowledge, skills, abilities and interest based on the need to work is judged. Use technology to screen applicants, candidate sourcing and recruiting methods used is up to. Interviews and application blanks for walk-ins can be used to screen. Campus interview employers and agency representatives and then use. Reference checks are also useful in screening. Stage 5: Evaluation and Control: Assessment and control is necessary as costs are considerable costs in the hiring process. There are usually costs incurred: 1. Employers pay for. 2. Management and professional time job descriptions, job specifications, advertising, and agency contacts and further spent on preparation. 3. The cost of advertising or other recruitment methods, that is, the agency fees. 4. Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses. 5. The cost of overtime and outsourcing, while vacancies remain unfilled. 6. Selection process for the cost of hiring unsuitable candidates.

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2.2.9 Evaluate the recruitment process

Search for recruiting sufficient numbers and quality job seekers to get the application object. Mind, may be involved in evaluating this objective in view:

1. Sent out of the application rate of return. 2. Number of suitable candidates for selection. 3. Retention and performance of the selected candidates. 4. The value of hiring process 5. Time lapse data 6. Comments on the image estimate.

2.2.10 Sources of Recruitment


INTERNAL SOURCES 1) Promotion 2) Transfers 3) Internal notification

EXTERNAL SOURCES 1) Campus recruitment 2) Press advertisement 3) Management consultancy service & private employment exchanges 4) Deputation of personnel or transfer from one enterprise to another 5) Management training schemes 6) Walk-ins, write-ins, talk-ins

4) Retirement

5) Recall 6) Former employees 7) Miscellaneous external sources

Source of recruitment largely internal and external sources can be classified

Internal Recruitment

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Internal recruitment for positions within the company seeks applicants. Various internal sources include Promotions and Transfers Promotion is an effective job postings and personnel records are used. Work requires posting notices, publishing or circulating announced in staff meetings and staff invited to apply by posting vacancies notified. Personnel record their educational qualifications or skills to help employees who are working below the level to find. Promotion has many advantages such as good public relations, builds morale, encourage competent individuals who are ambitious, since information about individual performance improves the probability of good selection is readily available, recruitment going out to cheap, selected organizations that are familiar with the internal orientation and also to reduce the time and energy with the development of middle level and high level managers as a training tool works. However, selection promotion organizations from entering the fresh blood and ideas to stop a limited scope. Inbreeding is also in the organization. Transfer the organization necessary for the promotion of future employees to provide a comprehensive view is important. Employee Referral Employees of the company with the advantages of a job acquainting, introduce them to put up with and encourage them to apply good prospects for their families and friends can grow. This is a very effective means as many qualified people can be reached at very little cost to the company. There are other benefits that employees only referral based on their own experience will be able to fit into the organization feels will bring. Organization can be assured of reliability and character of the referral. In this way, organizations can meet social obligations and create goodwill. Former employee The retired employees who are willing to work on a part-time basis, individuals who quit work and return to higher compensations are willing to covers. Even the laid off employees are taken again. The advantage here is that people already known to the organization and there is no need to find out that their past performance and Recruitment and Selection Report Page 25

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character. In addition, there is no need for an orientation program for them, because they are familiar with the organization. Dependents of deceased employees Typically, banks follow this policy. If an employee dies, his / her spouse or son or daughter has appointed in their place. This is usually an effective social responsibility to meet and create goodwill. Recall When management is a problem, a manager who left on a long vacation can be solved by the face that people remember the day after the problem is solved it can be extended leave may decide. Retirements At times, the management who, after meritorious service was retired on the spot could not find suitable candidates. Under the circumstances, management may call the new extension with the retired managers. Internal notification (advertising) Sometimes, management issues for the benefit of current employees an internal notification. Most employees like their job requires and what the company is looking for individuals to know about your experience. Often employees have friends or acquaintances who meet these requirements. Appropriate individuals are appointed to vacant posts. External recruitment External Recruitment Company seeks applicants for positions from outside sources. Internal Included Recruitment and Selection Report Page 26 methods they outnumbered. Various external sources

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Professional or trade associations Many organizations provide placement service for its members. The job seeker and regional or national conferences during compile a list of the members are to provide access to. In addition, publications of these associations to recruit their members from employers interested in taking classified ads. These particular highly qualified, experienced or skilled personnel are useful to attract. In addition, employers zero in on specific job seekers, especially for hard to fill technical positions can. Advertising The demand for recruits, as many employers because of their wide reach like advertising is a popular method. To describe the benefits of advertising jobs, employers to identify and to tell those interested to apply. Paper through the most common, but highly specific recruits, the ad can be placed in professional or trade journals. Advertising material things like proper information, working conditions, work location, compensation fringe benefits, job specifications, including the development aspects of advertising, etc. to prevent the ideas that are perfect for company and job candidate should have sold. Recruitment advertising for the company to build corporate image ads serves as the can. It also cost effective. Employment Office Employment offices have been established across the country to honor the provisions of Employment Exchanges Act, 1959 (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) to. All industrial establishments for Act 25 or more workers each applies. Act, all industrial establishments reported vacancies are filled before they are needed. Markets for major works to increase the pool of possible applicants are examined and preliminary. Thus, employment offices, employers and act as a link between prospective employees. These offices, blue collar, white collar and technical workers are especially helpful in recruiting.

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Campus Recruiting A college, universities, research labs, sports fields and institutions, is fertile ground for employers, especially the Institute. Campus Recruiting HLL, Citibank, HCL, HP, ANZ Grindlays, L & T, Motorola and the global market looking to companies like Reliance is going global with. Some companies recruit candidates from a given number of these institutions each year. Campus recruiting is so sought after is that every college, university department or institution must possess a position to handle recruiting tasks. However, it is often an expensive process, even if the recruitment process, job offers and acceptances ultimately produces. Most first five years of their employment within the organization leave. However, it is a major source of recruitment to reputed companies. Walk-ins, write-ins and talk-ins The most common and least expensive approach for the direct application of the candidates, in which job seekers or submit unsolicited applications. Direct application to provide a pool of potential employees to meet the needs of the future can. Staff attitude, walk-ins are better as they associated with other methods of recruiting troubles are free. While the direct application-specific entry level and unskilled to fill vacancies is effective, some organizations apply directly to skilled positions from the pool of potential employees collection. Write-ins are sending the check written. This jobseeker to complete application forms for further processing is called. Detailed talks point to the job recruitment (the appropriated date) meeting of the candidates involved. Admitted to an application must be submitted to. Contractors They are hiring casual workers. Record the names of workers and the extent of the company, are not entered, experience difficulties in maintaining permanent employees are avoided. Consultants Recruitment and Selection Report Page 28

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He recruitment and selection of managerial and executive personnel in the profession. They are useful as they approached nationwide recruitment process and professionalism are to lend. He also prospective employers and employees remain anonymous. However, the cost may be a deterrent factor. Head Hunters They are specialized and skilled candidate to work in a particular company are useful. The company is hiring an agent and offer made to represent the candidate is sent. This is a useful source when both companies involved in the same area, and employees take the offer since he fears that his company is testing their loyalty is reluctant. Radio, TV and Internet Radio and television for skilled workers as some sort of job applicants is reached. Radio and television are used but sparingly, and even government departments. Due to higher costs for private sector companies are hesitant to use the media and also because they fear that such advertising will make companies look desperate and damage his conservative image. However, in the use of natural radio and television is not desperate. It is called depends on how it is distributed. Internet recruitment is a popular choice today. There are specific sites like In addition, the websites of companies in which a separate section, candidates can submit their application again. It offers a broad reach. Competitors The method popular "poaching" or "raiding", which involves identifying the right people in rival companies to offer them better terms and is known as call away. For example, many of HMT Titan Watch Company for executives to join the left. There are potential candidates for legal and ethical issues involved in raiding rival companies. legal point of view, an employee from his current employer a "No Objection Certificate 'to obtain After only a new organization is expected to join. violate the requirement to bind his / her present employer as a penalty a few months' salary will be paid employees. However, many ethical issues associated with it.

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2.2.11 Factor affecting recruitment Given its key role and visibility outside, recruitment is naturally under the influence of many factors. These include internal factors as well as external.

External Forces
Supply & Demand Unemployment Rate Labour Market Political Legal Image Recruitment

Internal Forces
Recruitment Policy HR Planning Size of the Firm Growth & Expansion

Figure: 3 - Factor Influencing Recruitment A. External Factors A particular importance in the labor market supply and demand is special skills. If special skills are too much supply relative to demand, hiring an extraordinary effort may be needed. For example, a programs and financial analysts seeking their supply, as demand and supply relationship for non-technical staff is to resist more than likely. In a given area unemployment rate is high; the company's hiring process may be similar. Unwanted high number of applicants and generally increase the size of the labor pool to attract qualified applicants to offer better opportunities. On the other hand, as the unemployment rate drops should be increased recruitment efforts and explored new sources.

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For a long time in India every issue related to unemployment. Policy makers, politicians, administrators, union leaders and academics often harp on the problem was. Not anymore. Half decades of liberalization, economic prosperity has resulted in making people forget about unemployment. Unemployment is not an issue now employed. Anyone able to do to get a job worth, is sure of course in the private sector Managerial, supervisory and middle management positions - in the local area labor market conditions, most are of primary importance for non-admitted. All the Indian market, however, executive and professional recruitment for the position as far as is concerned, the condition is important. Other external factors are political and legal considerations. SCs, STs, minorities and other backward classs reservation jobs are political decisions. There are people hailing from the selection at the convenience of the society to give preference to have a strong case. Reservations have been made by all sections of society to accept as inevitable. The Supreme Court also agreed to 50 per cent reservation of seats and the job is done. They working condition, compensations, retirement benefits covering the health workers in industrial establishments security. There is an act which deals with recruitment and selection are. Child Labour Act, 1986, for the moment, prohibits employment of children in certain jobs, in a way few others want to regulate the working condition of employment. Similarly, we employ Office Act, 1959 mandates that employers must notify the employment office spaces. Apprentices Act, 1961, Interstate Migrant Act 1979 working man. Factories Act 1948, Mines 1952, admitted the deal work. Above all, he case of employment discrimination in the Constitution for the less privileged class of society provides for protective discrimination is banned. Preference to sons of the soil in a political aspect. The public leader concerned in terms of employment uproar that preference should be given to those states. The company's image to attract large numbers of job seekers matters. B. Internal factors While the idea is worth some internal forces personnel are recruited. Internal factors such organization's hiring policy. The firm has a policy on internal or external Recruitment and Selection Report Page 31

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recruitment. Generally prefer the policy of internal resources to their employees in the company is known as well as recommend a candidate who can fit the organization's culture. Another related policy for temporary and part time employees. Hiring temporary and part-time employees at the organization I have enough applications to attract profit status. Multinational corporation, there are policy related to the recruitment of local citizens. Multinational companies operating in our country, locals prefer the local languages, customs and business practices is well understood. A major factor that could be determines the success of internal recruitment program or not, engages in HRP. In most cases the company in sufficient numbers and at night to attract potential employees with the necessary skills can not. It takes time to get them the proper sources of recruits and the most productive ways to check the alternative. The best alternative has been identified, plans can be recruited. HRP is very effective effort to facilitate recruitment. Size effects on the recruitment process and other internal factors. An organization with 1000 employees at a firm with only 100 employees will enroll problematic. The cost of hiring yet another factor that you consider to be internal. Hiring costs per new hire is calculated and this figure is now considered a day. Employers, therefore, must work within the budget. HRP careful forethought by employers and can reduce recruitment costs. A cost-saving measures, for example, many job openings to recruit together. The best solution using active personnel practices to reduce employee turnover, thus less need to recruit. And recruitment costs help ensure that it is efficient and cost effective. Finally, a growth company is more detail on hand is one of the recruit will have to find their fortunes fall. 2.2.12 E-Recruitment

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E-recruitment also known as web-based recruitment, the term that describes a method of recruiting staff, web-based resources as a company intranet site or your corporate intranet is used. These days more and more e-recruitment companies, which to locate, screen, test and is used by hiring to candidates. Companies that recruit them as a resource for implementing e-recruitment suggests that the primary drivers for using erecruitment: Promote your company image Reduce the cost of hiring Streamlined and paperless administration In general, using web-based technology is being used as recruitment and exploitation by the end of the city's major employers. But e-recruitment is really open to all recruitment and offers plenty of advantages. All employers need to know that they can take advantage of e-recruitment - they just start small and build their processes so that erecruitment forms an important part of their strategy is needed.

2.2.13 what is the diversity recruitment America today has a very diverse population. Smart, progressive companies understand that the more successful they have a workforce that is reflective of your target market should be built - that is, American consumers. These companies now constantly to attract applicants for the vacancies are to try to broaden the slate. As employers have a workforce that reflects the efforts to market, these candidates in the competition is increasing ferocity. These companies now that most employers to identify, outsourcing and varied talents that are available and interested in hiring the top end are skilled attractive. For many companies, to attract these people, will over time, the ability to bring their companies stock market, some for government contracts, increased export market opportunities. Five steps to effective diversity recruitment Recruitment and Selection Report Page 33

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A job market that is always in the ultra competitive, to the widest possible talent pool for recruitment to sweep makes sense. Here are five ways to ensure that your diversity recruiting is as effective as possible:

Create a consistent diversity message - you need to enroll your regular content and advertising messages in a variety of integrated Do not advertise in different places - people hired because of their ability, not because they want part of a minority group These candidates in the same place to look for a job as anyone else - you do not need to post in different places demonstrate your organization's diversity Your company's website includes various employees currently existing profiles if you reach your goals variety not say - if you try to improve the representation of minority groups within the business are, so do not be afraid to be open about it

an effective way to increase diversity hiring a company growing to become actively involved in minority college enrollment Investment in education and back to the community - among minority groups to consider ways to increase your visibility - the board or committee memberships, volunteer work, or through the assistance of local community activities

Strategies for recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce In order to effectively recruit a diverse workforce and your organization keep up try the following: Understand the demographics in the workforce and customer base changes Make sure that the majority groups are going on recruitment or staff are not marginalized in the process of management Create your local area long-term relationships with minority organization Learn how to effectively without appearing to interview various candidates or unduly sympathetic to the protection of a diverse workforce to implement the various favorable policies to become the employer of choice

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a diversity-friendly culture that supports open communication and by developing cross-cultural tolerance ensures retention merit-based recruitment emphasis on credentials rather than past experiences place interns, graduates and students who are members of various groups to encourage the location Ensure that all levels of management have received diversity training Compile interview panel that culturally diverse are the least possible bias color, women's high-level people, and people with disabilities in your company to provide names of possible recruits to help encourage and formal strategy design A diversity statement, formal development goals Make sure your employees works with motivational speakers are diverse and aware of themselves, and to various participants, readers and viewers are respected.

The goal of recruiting

O to attract highly qualified individuals. O potential to provide equal opportunities for candidates applying for vacancies

Safe recruitment and selection process People who work within the game or want to volunteer with children are the most well. Inspired and sports clubs and organizations could not operate without. Unfortunately for some individuals to voluntary organizations and community will try to use access to children for inappropriate purposes. It is therefore important that you. Effective recruitment and selection process to help screen out and discourage who your club / organization are not suitable to join. Effective recruitment and selection process benefiting all. They staff to ensure And volunteers have clearly defined roles and responsibilities, which will be a Positive effects on children. Parents are assured that all possible measures are being taken will be to ensure the Suitable for people working with children and groups will be reduced will be hiring Risks to their reputation. Recruitment and Selection Report Page 35

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2.3 Selection Applicants selected to recognize the difference between (and rent) in a job for those with a greater likelihood of success as the process is defined. Originally selected (a pool of applicants), the appropriate qualifications and ability to work for an applicant is taking. To recruit future employees encouraged to apply for a job n identity. And selecting the right candidates are selected from the pool of applicants. Select candidates fit or unfit candidates, or a combination of both in terms of rejecting the concept can be. Involves both the selection because it picks up and fits unfits rejected. In fact, in the Indian context, there are more candidates who are selected in most of the selected processes are dismissed. So, sometimes, a recruitment program, in contrast to the positive is called a negative process. Stone has a formal definition, "the difference between selected applicants to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in the job process."

2.3.1 Selection Process A selection process involves several steps. The basic idea for the maximum possible information about candidates for employment is recommended to ascertain their suitability. May vary for different positions since the type of information required, it is possible that the selection process step may be different for various positions. For example, more information workers. A standard selection process the following steps: Environmental Factor Affecting Selection Selection is influenced by many factors. More material between them and the labor market, unemployment rate, labor market conditions, legal and political reasons, company image, company policy, human resource planning and the cost of hiring key demands special skills. The last three internal environment and external environment to the rest of the selection process form.

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Preliminary Interview

Selection Tests

Employment Interview

Reference and Background Analysis

Selection Decision

Physical Examination

Job Offer

Employment Contract


Figure: 4 - Flow Chart of Selection Process

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Step -1 Initial interview Under scrutiny from job seekers so as to eliminate applicants will be given to unqualified applicants. This is usually an initial interview, more or less the same as the purpose of testing the application, that is after the end of unqualified applicants.Enabled us the human resources applications on your jobseekers based on information supplied to the unqualified expert investigation. Initial interview, on the other hand, the misfits who did not appear to reject the application form does help the cause. Also, the initial interview, often of "courtesy interview" a good public relations exercise called. Step - 2 Selection Test Job seekers who passed the screening and preliminary examination are called for interview. Various types of work and the company's test can be administered.Normally, the applicant's qualifications and personality is the ability to test set. The following types of tests are taken A). Ability tests Determine how well a person can help with work-related tasks. The work secretarial typing test given to a potential employer is an excellent example. Also as "achievement tests are called. Are concerned with what is accomplished. The applicant's something out an achievement test claims to measure how well they know that it has taken. Achievement testing is the most common types of business test.Questions designed and asbestos workers, punch press operators, machinists tested for strength and course of business, many industries as the test for an applicant for the position unstandardized achievement typing or stenographic dictation tested .. B). Aptitude test Aptitude tests measure whether an individual or a latent ability to learn if adequate training is the ability to work. Appropriate aptitude test an applicant with a job opening line have had little or no experience to use. Aptitudes tests help a person in a given area to determine the ability to learn. An example of such general management aptitude test Recruitment and Selection Report Page 38

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(GMAT) test, which many business students seeking admission to a graduate business school program is to take the former. Capacity or ability to successfully test a person's fitness to engage in specific activities for any number of points. They merit clerical areas, numerical ability, mechanical aptitude, motor coordination, finger dexterity and manual dexterity cover.It tested positive in an individual sensory or intellectual capacity to help the session to find out. They learn or work on a particular area as the argument focused on a particular type of talent. Qualification Examination Form Psychological or intelligence tests

They measure a person's overall intellectual ability and knows the person capable of dealing with some mental problems is the ability to. Mechanical aptitude test

The mechanical action of a person's ability to learn a special type of measures.These tests measure knowledge of specific technical and candidates, helps in problem solving abilities. They selected mechanics, maintenance workers, etc. are useful in IQ test

The test to evaluate the characteristics of intelligence helps. Mental capacity (alertness), heart numerical ability, memory and other aspects of this presence can be measured. Perhaps the most widely standardized intelligence tests administered in the industry. The numerical skills, reasoning, memory and other capabilities that the judge is taken to do so. Interest Test

Out for this election and businesses, hobbies, dislikes is searching for candidates, etc. Such tests indicate that a person's business are more in line with interest. A testing and Recruitment and Selection Report Page 39

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selection of candidates for current employees of the company to provide guidance to enable the business. These tests measure a person's activity priorities.Many workers consider the decision to change careers or the lives of these tests in particular, are useful for students. Personality Test

Work for the success of the importance of personality is undeniable. Often a person who possesses qualifications and experience some of the intelligence has failed because of inability to get along with and motivate others Judge maturity, social or interpersonal skills, attitudes and stress testing etc. more pressure sales force, public relations staff, etc., where personality plays an important role in the selection of cases is necessary. Projective test Problems or require interpretation of test conditions. For example, a photo or picture can be shown to the candidates and they are asked to give their views, and opinions about painting. Common Sense Test

Now days G.K. Test several sports, politics, world affairs, general awareness of current affairs is common to find candidates. Perception test

Beliefs, attitudes perception tests out several times, and mental sharpness.etc search can be conducted. Graphology Test

It is designed to analyze the person's handwriting. It states that prohibit a person's handwriting energy, and suggest the degree of spontaneity, as well as idiosyncrasies and can reveal elements of balance and control. For example, capital letters and capital letters to assert dominance and indicate a tendency towards competition. Well, medium pressure and good leadership to show a slant for clarity. Recruitment and Selection Report Page 40

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Polygraph Testing

A lie detector Polygraph, to ensure the accuracy of information in the application is ready. Department store, bank, treasury offices and shops, jewelers, that is, vulnerable to theft or the high fraud polygraph test may find useful.

Selection Test

Test reliability, validity and standardization of criteria for fairness should be selected.They are: Reliability Standardized administration and scoring of results refers to the process. A person who takes a day testing a certain score or the next day to the next to take the examination and to make more or less the same points should be able to makes the week. A person's IQ, for example, generally a constant feature. So if we have a secret trial, a person scores 110 points in March, which is close to 110 in July, will administer the test. Test, which serve little purpose in the production of selected results in radical changes. validity This is a test that helps predict a person will be successful in a given job. A test that prospective employees who may be able to work well and who will be useful to distinguish between them has been confirmed. Naturally, the test will be 100% accurate in predicting success. Increases the likelihood of success is a valid test. Step - 3 Interview The next step is an interview in the selection process. Formal interviews, in-depth conversation to assess the applicant's approval. It is considered very good selection Recruitment and Selection Report Page 41

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tool. Face ideas, and ideas between candidates and interviewers look for is a front for money. In fact, nothing but the interview is an oral examination of candidates.Interview unskilled, skilled managerial and profession staff can be customized. The following are different types of interview: 1. A casual conversation An informal interview and an oral interview can take place anywhere. Employee or manager or personnel manager about the irrelevant questions, place of birth, relatives named something like, etc. Also ask the names of their respective offices or can be anywhere outside of the company's plant. This plan is not ready for it. It is widely used when the labor market is tight and you badly need workers. 2. Formal interviews Formal interview with a more formal atmosphere employment office, employment exchange well-structured questions, interview time and place of employment can be conducted will be determined by the office to help. 3. non-directive interview Non-directive interviews or unstructured interview to interview, is designed to speak his mind freely. No formal or instructions the interviewer's questions, but your candidate is for all the attention. Encourage candidates to talk to little prodding when it's quiet as "Mr. Ray, about yourself, we graduated from high school to tell later. To meet her interviewer's question to "sell" candidates to consider freedom without the encumbrances. But the interviewer the ability to aim high and interview guides and information must be related to the applicant. 4. depth interview For example, if the candidate says that he is interested in tennis, a series of questions to test depth of understanding and interest of the candidate may be asked. Efficiently examine these questions should be asked through the complete analysis, it is possible to get a good picture of the candidate.

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5. Stress Interview To the candidate and his conduct and behavior under conditions of stress and stress test is designed by him. With the interviewer "can begin, Mr. Joseph, we feel that your qualifications and experience for this position are not enough, and candidates' view of the reaction. Unlike a good candidate because he can prove he is qualified to Manage will not yield.

This type of interview is borrowed from the military organization and it is very useful when trying to unpleasant people and situations they are faced with the behavior test. 6. Group interview It is engaged in designing executive to save time and see how job candidates can be brought together in the office and they may be interviewed. 7. Panel Interview A panel or board or selection committee interviews supervisory and managerial positions, usually in the case of candidates may be interviewed. This type of pool the collective decision and candidate interviews to evaluate the candidate's knowledge of the panel of inquiry and the faculty. 8. sequential interview) Sequential interviews one by one takes a step further and have a series of interviews, each interviewer usually use the power knowledgebase, so that each interviewer that each candidate can ask questions in relation to the subject area is included, as candidate moves from room to room 9. Interview Structures A structured interview the interviewer predetermined standardized questions, which are kept for all interviewees use. The interview also directed 'or' Patterned 'interview as called. This is useful for valid results, especially when dealing with large numbers of applicants. Recruitment and Selection Report Page 43

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10. unstructured interviews It 'Unpatterned' interview is known as the interview is largely unplanned and does interviews the talking. Unguided interview as much as it is profitable in the process between interviewer and interviewee to have a friendly conversation, then his or her desire to discover more problems. But interviews Unpatterned lack uniformity and worse, the attitude of the key areas of the applicant's skills or background may be ignored. This is useful when analyzing the candidate to the interviewer why they are not right for the job tries to check the personal details. 11. Mixed Interview In practice, the interviewer interviewing job seekers a structured and unstructured uses a mixture of structured and questions. This approach is called mixed interview. Structured interview questions and more traditional differences between applicants to provide a basis unique to allow greater insight. 12. Immediate Interviews The interview usually occurs when employers are approached directly and is very informal and unstructured. Applicants should be prepared at all times on the spot interviews, especially a job fair or in situations such as cold calling. The candidate an ideal time for employers to ask some basic questions to determine whether he / she may be interested in formally interviewing the candidate. 13. Dinner Interview These interviews can be structured informally, or in restaurants as socially based. Decide what to eat quickly, some interviewers before you (do not see undecided) will order Possible to avoid messy foods like spaghetti. To be willing to negotiate favorable changes suddenly to chat direct interview questions, however, do not underestimate the value of casual discussion; some employers place a great value on it. Interestingly, the business of preparing to talk fast to be ready for the switch. 14. Telephone interview

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A copy of your resume and any points you have to say is to remember. If you are on your home telephone, make sure that all roommates or family members are aware of the interview (no loud stereos, barking dogs, etc.). Speak a little slower than usual. It is important that you convey your enthusiasm verbally; the interviewer cannot see your face. If no pauses do not worry, the interviewer is likely just taking a few notes. 15. The second interview Job seekers are invited back after they have passed before the initial interview. Middle or senior management is usually held the second interview, together or separately. Applicants can expect more in-depth questions from candidates and employers a greater level of preparation would be expected. Research released the first employer to interview applicants, and should be using any information obtained through past interviews to your advantage to prepare. Step 4Reference Check Many employers request the name, address, and verify the information and maybe aim for an applicant to get additional background information, telephone numbers of references. Although listed on the application, references, usually a sequential selection process until a successful applicant has reached the fourth stage are not checked. The labor market is very tight, sometimes organizations check references before you hire applicants. Previous employers, public figures, university professors, neighbors or friends can act as a reference as is known. Previous employers are better because they already are aware of the applicant's performance. However, the problem with the model over-rates the applicant's previous employers to get rid of just the person to perform part trend. Organizations like general terms or telephone reference letter. The latter is advantageous because of its accuracy and low cost. Telephone reference immediately, rather candid comments and attitude sometimes hesitations and inflections of speech can be inferred from the plea has the advantage.

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Step 5 Selection decision After receiving information through the preceding steps, all steps of the most important decisions should be selected. Other steps in the selection process have been used to limit the number of candidates. The final decision pool of individuals who test, interview and reference Czech steps should be. Line manager's view would generally be considered in the final selection because he / she is responsible for the performance of the new employee. Human Resource Manager plays a key role in the final selection. Step 6Physical examination After the selection decision and job offer is made before, the candidate must undergo a physical fitness test. A job offer, often, the candidate physical test after contingency has been declared fit. Medical fitness test results are recorded in a statement preserved in personnel records. There are several objectives behind a physical examination. Obviously, a physical examination to detect the reason the person carries any infectious diseases. Second, the test determines that an applicant is physically fit to work helps. Third, physical examination information to determine if there is some physical ability, the successful and less successful employees are different can be used. Fourth, Medical Czech-up work that may be harmful to them or otherwise the employer could endanger property undertaking protects applicants with health defects. Finally, such a test is not valid workers' compensation claim because the injury or illness were present when the employee was hired to protect the employer are not. Step 7Job Offers Next step in the selection process all applicants who have overcome past obstacles to job offer. Job offer is made through a letter of appointment. Such a letter usually appointed by a date which will include the duty to report. Reasonable time for reporting should be appointed. Thos especially when it is needed or already in employment, which in the case mentioned by the previous employer to obtain a certificate of relief is required. Then, a new job, another city movement, which means much of the preparation and properties of the Movement may need.

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The company would like the person on duty at the reporting date may be delayed. If new employees join the company for the first job maybe a week before going to the company such training begins. Of course, not be abused this practice, especially if the person is unemployed and cannot have enough money in it. Decency demands that rejected applicants be informed about their non-selection. Their applicants can be preserved for future use, if any. It is a focused application of the selected candidates must be preserved for future reference needs.

Step 8 Employment Contract After the job offer was crazy and candidates to accept the offer, certain documents must be executed by the employer and the candidate. Such as document verification is. This form is important information about the candidates who are certified and attested by him / her. Verification form for a valid will be recorded for future reference. There is also a contract of employment is a need to prepare. Basic information that should be included in a written contract of employment to the level of work varies, but the following list sets out the typical titles: 1. Job Title 2. Fees, duties and those employees, including an analysis of a person responsible may direct from time to time as the company will be. 3. Date of continuous employment begins when the service is the basis for the calculation. 4. Wages, overtime allowance, and change the rate, method of payment rates. 5. Work hours, including lunch break and overtime and shift arrangements. 6. Holiday arrangements: 7. Cause notice from the employee's length. 8. Complaints procedure (or to the reference). 9. Disciplinary procedure (or any reference to). 10. Work rules (or any reference). 11. End employment arrangements. 12. Union membership (if applicable) for the system.

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13. Special patents and designs, confidential information and the right of termination of employment following the terms of trade restraints 14. Proper notification to employers under terms of contracts is being given the right to vary. Alternatively called employment agreements or just bonds, employment contracts, serve many useful purposes. Such a contract job hoppers to control the knowledge and information that could be important to the company's healthy bottom line and prevent competitors from poaching highly valued employees may want to protect. Great care is taken to draft the contract forms. Often, law firms (the range of services to major companies Mulla, Craigie Blunt and Caroe, Crawford Bailey, Amarchand Mangaldas include Hiralal, etc.) to be drafted and finalized forms are engaged. Most employers are going to insist on agreement signed by newly appointed staff. But software, advertising and media fields such as high turnover is more likely to use the contract. Contract with the drawback that it is about implementing the determine an employee organization, contract or no contract is to leave. Compensations to employees or new agreement will provide the employer is willing to pay fines for violations. This is why many companies have turned over the contract thoroughly. Step - 9 concluding the selection process Contrary to popular belief, the selection process will not end with the implementation of the employment contract. There is one more step - amore sensitive that the candidates not their personality is chosen not because of any serious shortage, but because their profile did not match organization needs a confident. They can be said that those who were selected purely on merit would have been relative. Step - 10 Choice of program evaluation

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Comprehensive test of the effectiveness of the selection process has on the quality of personnel. An organization must be competent and committed personnel. Selection process, if done properly, will ensure the availability of such staff. How to influence a selection process to evaluate? Respond to a periodic audit. Human Resources Department who should conduct the independent audit function. Table below highlights the area and an outline of questions to be covered includes a systematic evaluation. Four attempts to select 1). Select Ethnocentric In this approach, staffing decisions are made at the headquarters of the organization. Supporting limited autonomy, and house staffs from headquarters and overseas employment key fill. Home country and abroad organizations dominate the citizens. 2). Polycentric selection Polycentric in the selection, each auxiliary local control key financial goals and investment decisions are considered with a specific national organization. Supporting local public management, but important jobs of the employees remain with the parent country. This approach, which is largely prevalent in our country 3). Select Regiocentric Here, groups and movements of staff within the control is managed on a regional basis, the group within the business and operations, reflecting the special nature. Regional managers greater discretion in the decision. Movement of employees and job promotions for specific geographic areas primarily restricted to the parents are dominated by corporate managers. 4). Geocentric Staffing In this case, business strategy is well integrated on a global basis. Staff development and promotion are based on ability not nationality. Top

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management structure and other parts of the broad international structure are complete. Needless to say, such organizations are unusual

2.3.2 Problems in the effective selection

The main purpose of selection is to hire people with potential and commitment. The purpose is often defeated because of some obstacles. Perception: Our inability to understand others, perhaps the most fundamental right to choose the right candidate is a barrier. Select a person or a group of people to evaluate than others to choose the right person for job related skills, with the purpose sought. But our thoughts are very individual. We all perceive the world differently. Our limited perceptual abilities and clearly aimed at people is a major obstacle to rational choice. Fairness: Fairness in the selection requires that person religion, region, race or gender discrimination should be made. But among women and other disadvantaged sections of society less and senior management positions and job advertisements and open selection process based on age discrimination is the low number suggests that efforts to minimize all the injustice has not been effective. Validity: Validity, as previously stated, the present work is a test that helps predict performance. A test that has been confirmed not to employees who perform well and who can make the difference between them. However, a valid test does not accurately predict job success. This can only increase the chances of success. Reliability: A reliable method is one in which consistent results when similar situations will be repeated. Confirmation test as a reliable test to predict with precision work performed could fail. Pressure: Pressure from the selectors politicians, bureaucrats, relatives, friends and colleagues to select specific candidates are brought on. Constraints due to the selected candidates are clearly not true. Appointments to public sector areas usually take place under such pressure Recruitment and Selection Report Page 50

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2.4 difference (recruitment and selection)

1.) Recruit and motivate them to search for potential candidates to apply for work in organizations is the process of However, the selection of the most suitable candidates who are interested and qualified for the job is a process of choosing. 2.) Spaces available in the hiring process are finalized, the publicity given to them and applications from interested candidates are collected. Selection process, the available applications are examined. Test, interview and medical examination in order of most suitable candidates are selected. 3.) Through the application suitable for recruitment purposes and to attract the maximum number of interested candidates. Objective in the selection process to appoint the best qualified and interested in the candidate out. 4.) Before choosing to enroll. This makes the actual selection of the appropriate base. Recruitment selection is next. The interested candidates available / out. 5.) Positive function interested in hiring candidates are encouraged to submit applications. Select a negative event that unsuitable candidates are eliminated and the best one is selected. 6.) Recruitment process is small. Recruitment campaign is to vacancies and applications are collected from various sources Select a lengthy process. This application involves the investigation, giving tests, interview and medical examination system. 7). Specialist recruitment services) is not required While in the selection, require the services of expert Recruitment and Selection Report Page 51

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8.) Recruitment is not expensive. Cost is mainly required to post ads. Select a costly process, as the candidate and interview expenses need to conduct testing.

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3.1Research methodology
Structure of methodology/ statement of design

Source: Hair et al (2003: p50) Generally speaking, the author describes the research methodology in 2001 as veal means "to increase human knowledge, their skills." But more specific ideas presented by Grinnell, 1993, for research that investigates the use of acceptable scientific method to solve problems and creates new knowledge that is valid in general is ready "

3.2 Design detail

In this research, articles and satisfied all the necessary agreements with a review of literature on the subject are passed, because it knows that the recruitment and selection process is standardized with the rules and regulation of the company. Some authors argue in articles and public review of this report which is considered as the point raised in the issues are.

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3.3Research ethics

In order to use different sources to complete the entire research. More weight is given to primary research in this report but the huge impact of secondary research, public reviews, articles, literature and the author as well as different views of experts through websites and press releases are seen. This information is important to research all depend on each other for mutual moral of the research made.

Subject or theme is as high in this affect through experience-based research in case there is any practical theoretical aspects of implementing any given theory are much less important. Inductive research as it is known as a specialist is shared research to see Inductive "observed reality test is made, the general conclusion is celebrated with particular examples, the deductive method is the other way round as general laws of the individual studies, "(Hussey and Hussey, 1997) includes an account of change.

3.3.1 What?
Apparently the research is most needed data in various forms of data collected is used to report quantitative forms as the data company, where as there is very little qualitative data is used directly source is revealed through is taken. Quantitative data collection questionnaire and interview here, through the different research methods, as the questionnaire as interview employees who have been selected and are passed to the process of recruiting human resources manager, the people taken to the recruitment plan are distributed. With ideas from the author (ajveal, 1997, pages 34-35 No.) It was noticed that the data that is calculative quantitative data as to where the qualitative data is noncalculative. The very or tabulated qualitative data from the graph but are easy to present quantitative data presented in the ranking or quantitative data that supports some variable is attracting.

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3.3.2 Which?
Data obtained by different research methods much more reliable and accurate decisions. And the direct source, the primary source as it makes information more meaningful and failure is very low false perception questionnaire as interview the report focused on research techniques.

3.4 Sources and Applications

Various sources in the research and secondary sources as primary sources are used. The sources in the proper way to conduct research on different research methods are considered.

3.4.1 Primary Source

Primary sources can be explained as "the first hand sources or are collected for the first time certain intention in response to research by researchers to carry out the purposes of research, data presented primary data, called" (( Malhotra, 2004). Primary research report consisting of a questionnaire and interview data collected. So basically there should be three to interview human resource managers of the company selection and recruitment process to understand the basic requirement. Domino pizza and a branch of the 50 questionnaires distributed to staff in order to share the experience of their recruitment and selection as factors that helped the company to enter and what are the factors that the company future this process is responsible for the development.

3.4.2 Secondary sources

Secondary sources as "sources that already exist and have not submitted it for certain reasons, because the information the government or other researchers because it is called secondary data such as is obtained by a third party" (Parasuraman et al are identified, 2004). Most of the report there was secondary to the primary data in order to support largescale high-capacity data presented was the charm. Relevant to this research, with the use of secondary data such as there, the company's annual report will be ideas about the Recruitment and Selection Report Page 55

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process of recruitment and selection, etc. of any company or other issues and other topics Articles Press Release.

3.5 Data analysis and interpretation

Investigators analyzed data collected through two sources that the primary source of secondary sources as well as planning. Research reports and various research methods research ethics related to the subject. There are different results and research can be resolved as the result of the findings of investigators shows will find evidence in favor and against it through various topics helps to be closing. Mathematical tools and formulas to some of the data is analyzed and put to proper format, the device median, mode, mean and variance are standard deviation. Most techniques used any flexibility either largely depends on the researcher.

3.6 Structure and presentation

In this research topic, especially the various statistical data is collected and mathematical techniques to analyze data so that easy access is presented through. Most graphical and calculative techniques specific research topic so analysts can access the solution. P charts, bar graphs, frequency polygons or mean mode and median data are presented as ways to create. Flexibility and reliability to fully research this particular subject depends.

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4.1Data analysis Data analysis of corporate website recruiting process as well as its store managers with guidance on the information is collected. Some press reports have been analyzed in this release.

4.1.1Factor affecting the dominos work system Committed to its people Provide opportunities, nurture talent, develop leaders and reward achievement. They believe that well-trained individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences, an environment that fosters respect and work together to drive high levels of engagement of a team is essential for continued success.

Believe in Domino system Business model / operators, suppliers, and employees of the company owner's "threelegged stool" represented by their foundation, and the balance of interests between the three groups is the key. Their ethical business operation Sound ethics is good business. Domino's, they fairness, high standards of honesty and integrity to conduct their business. They are responsible individually and collectively accountable.

Give back to your community Responsibilities that come with being a leader to take it. They help their clients build better communities, Domino's House charity to support and leverage their size, scope, and resources to help make the world a better place. Benefit business Recruitment and Selection Report Page 57

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Domino is a publicly traded company. As such, they continually work to provide profitable growth for shareholders. A continuing focus on its customers and the health of your system requires.

Strive constantly to improve

It is a learning organization and changing the expected continued growth and innovation through customer staff, and aims to respond to system needs. Recruiting suitable applicants

Human Resources Domino's Pizza group, recruiting and retaining the best people is a priority and it is the job of human resource sure to stay true to this commitment. The department helps us to attract and maintain industry leadership position who is an important part of the catch on the very best professionals.

4.1.2 Working at Domino's Domino's Pizza the world leader in pizza delivery and with over 8,000 stores over 50 of the most successful franchise businesses in the international market has become. Recruitment and selection process Recruitment and Selection Report Page 58

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Domino's Pizza Group Ltd are in various stages of recruitment process and the success rate is dependent on space. Short listing application and the required skills and experience will match up to start. Then you will be contacted with more information to explain the role and if appropriate, an interview will be arranged. Further interviews before an offer can be made. it is regretful that although the status of your application in respect of all attempts to contact candidates, they may be unable to contact everyone.Due to the high volume of applications if you submit your application within 28 days of contact are not, it means that your application is not successful on that occasion.

A recruitment Domino's in March 2009 for hiring a dedicated E-434 stores across Australia to help more than 2,500 job vacancies website, launched early. New Zealand soon after with more than 500 available positions followed. In the first week over 10,000 job applications were received. For the first time ever, the website to enable prospective job applicants log on and find out exactly what it is to work Domino, see the current job vacancies and an interactive delivery driver 'show more fun playing it with our 2500 initial job vacancies at the beginning of the new year as a result of the successful launch of the menu came. . Providing all relevant information for job applications job while also fitted Franchises and recruit staff effectively on all relevant store level and store managers with the tools quickly. now all available jobs with regular updates to the site's main recruiting tool.

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The Benefits They reward worker's talent with a comprehensive benefits package including: Safety Bonus scheme incorporating profit Contributory Pension Scheme Private Medical Cover (including dental cover) Increasing holiday entitlements Access to DPGL's Occupational Health nurse / counseling Family days, rallies, free gifts via the Intranet, dress down Friday and more

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A Domino's Pizza Ypsilanti, Mich today as the little pizza shop began nearly 50 years ago, is recognized world leader in pizza delivery and can find almost everywhere on the planet, more than 55 countries world in 8624 stores moving around places. This kind of development is not by accident. The leadership, commitment and passionate people who love what they do takes an ever-evolving team. Their success is accomplished when team members exceptional wow your customers! Company chairman and CEO, is fond of saying, "pizza company with the best people win." Of course, masks the stores make, bake and customers' doors more than a million pizzas each day to pick team members are the backbone of the company. Domino's Pizza Team is hard working and committed to excellence and serious about having fun. There are over 170,000 companies owned by Team 600 stores, a system of 5000? Domestic franchise-owned stores and international franchise base that more than 55 countries around the globe conduct more than 3,000 stores planned by members. Of those, 13,000 corporate team members, and the greater Ann Arbor, Michigan, 400 are in the World Resource Center. Continuing success Through the efforts of a dedicated team, Domino's Pizza Great job opportunities and long-term career move and gives the option to succeed. They are looking for the best people drive their business - strong work ethic, character, passion, loyalty and dedication to deliver results with the managers, store and corporate team members of the crew! Network Building Quality team members need to grow fast as Domino's expansion has experienced the strongest in history, so recruitment and training programs to identify and promote the development of team members to help nurture an essential role in play.

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Age is no barrier in Domino. They are people who are pushing hard to be successful, the right attitude and with a genuine desire to learn, to look for. In fact, many franchisees and team members to lead Domino's Pizza delivery drivers and pizza makers as started.

4.1.3Dominos recruitment and selection process Masks, we take very seriously recruitment and selection. It is important that we continue our success is to select people with the required properties. Our Human Resources team of experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds including recruiting. During the recruitment process, we take an objective view and best practice British Psychological (bps) Society and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) guidelines set by the follow. We also carefully adhere to equal Opportunity legislation Our recruitment methodology abilities, or proficiency check is based on. These capabilities, attitudes, skills and knowledge that can be determinant to the success of work and can focus on the role requirements are set. Such consistency in the evaluation and selection process to ensure the accuracy and reliability is increasing. Submitting an application If you apply for a role, the vacancies section of our website view and space provided for each to know want to submit your application. Recruitment process Our selection process is the position for which you are applying depends on three steps can include. Includes a forum application or CV. Successful if you first with a second phase of the hiring manager usually will be invited to attend interviews for some roles you may be required to sit the test. Interviews and psychometric tests are included in the final stage, and presentations, fact-finding exercise and may include organizational and product demonstrations - a "domino day '. 'Before your' Domino 'the day we will write to confirm the agenda of the day. Assurance that the practice role for which you Recruitment and Selection Report Page 62

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are applying and especially job-related activities relevant to the representation of capabilities to check the rest. Interview Interview and you have about your experience. You will be asked for examples of how you behaved in different situations, work, university, school, drawing on examples from a club or home. We are a 'trick' questions not to throw you off, or to ask questions unrelated to how you will behave when caught off guard. Psychometric Tests Psychometric tests and their potential ability to exercise that view is expired. Test we use most often, focusing on verbal numerical skills. We also evaluated the personality of one of you a bit more information about our design tool included. It adds to our understanding, but to whether or not you will succeed as the sole basis of a decision is, after all we are a special type of personality, but actively value diversity not to look. You will sit three tests for the roles. For more senior roles in more than you may be required to participate. Presentations Presentation of their people as a group have a chance to show the ability to communicate. You first have to prepare for the day and time will be subject. Fact-finding Fact-finding exercise for you to demonstrate your technical knowledge and test / interact with specific technical role you are applying will include information about potential looks around. These exercises are usually held engineering roles. "Domino Day on" How to prepare for you work, university, and a club in school and at home on the show. When you have conversations with people think of the example, you problems, may face consequences and what you learned from these situations. Why would you want about the role and skills will be required to state what you think. What do you do it well and you need to do to improve Concentrate. You colleagues, friends, tutors, clients or customers, as feedback from such sources could be found. Recruitment and Selection Report Page 63

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"domino before the day to try a good night's sleep. At best it to Domino and you are late, call us and we will try and accommodate you or book you are going to try later in the day or another day. A mask for staff at the office is running a smart business dress code. Employees working in production areas where casual attire. As a general guide to dressing appropriately for the interview, more on Domino from day one to discover and have the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities. Our aim is to give the best chance to show their potential, and whether you have enough Domino ass is right for you. Our commitment to you At all stages of the selection process we will keep you informed about your progress. We via email or in writing will accept applications thanks to their initial application. Then your application will be handled by our professional human resource team that will make it much consideration and according to our commitment to equal opportunity. Keep you informed We understand that is important to know the exact status of your application and keep you informed of the progress of your application will be. If you would like to contact us with any questions that you supply basic contact details through the address space can. On occasion, candidates' application may have to be put on hold. If this happens, we will regularly update you - and you always welcome to call us for an update. Before the interview, we have time, space and travel information to confirm. We understand that you are worried about the interview, we will describe what is included and can be estimated will take time. Please let us know if you have special needs or requirements. Above all, we ensure that your time with us as comfortable as possible want. We interview you within two weeks and will update you know what happen next. Keeping your details on file May be at times when we apply what we have read or been seen by you may be affected, but you are not able to provide employment opportunities. It may be that there is an area in which you are interested in a specific location is not empty, or we already have filled positions. In that case, with your agreement, for up to six months we will hold Recruitment and Selection Report Page 64

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details on their career database. Should a vacancy occur within this period, which we think you are suitable, you will automatically be considered. Other factors affecting performance A third point to keep in mind about the election programs of many factors that affect job performance. The primary purpose of choosing the perfect job to those who will perform well in the organization to deliver offers to people who will not do as well as the decision to offer the job is likely to increase. Usually, any evaluation of the adequacy of selection process is done in terms of performance. Press Releases Award honors southeastern Michigan companies that demonstrate exceptional human resources and employee relations practices, and a convention center and events Dearborn, Mich is the fifth time in six years lunch held on 29 October presented, and the fourth consecutive recognition Domino Pizza " The best and brightest "in the selection list after attending received. 101 was the best and brightest companys reward companies that recognized employees as their greatest asset establish respect for the program to work. Annual award winners are companies that show imagination and faith in the human resource management through best practices are creating value with the results. "Our human resources department at Domino's Pizza People First honor as our number one guiding principle is referred to," put people first '"Domino People First bar Wilmot, executive vice president. "The domino theory is something each and every day we live. It is our goal to become the world's best pizza delivery company and a first-rate team may not be complete without. I am very proud and honored am to be recognized once again for our efforts. " MBPA is a comprehensive evaluation process to determine which companies earn the distinction of being named one of "Metro Detroit's best and brightest. "Evaluation part of the Domino's recruitment and selection process, recognition and retention programs, communication, diversity and multiculturalism, employee education and development Recruitment and Selection Report Page 65

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of a comprehensive survey, data compensation, and benefits, community initiatives and operations including work-life balance. In addition, Domino's team members randomly anonymous and confidential survey to complete chosen gauge the effectiveness of the company's efforts.


5.1 Conclusion
More closely related to the selection and hiring compared to other programs in HRM, because both the recruitment and selection are concerned with keeping people in jobs. So, both concerns individuals who are not working for the firm. Others deal with HRM activities after they are working. We will define recruitment (as sources of recruitment selection, development will be referred to what the recruitment ads, and to determine how much money will be spent) as the organizational activities that influence

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and individuals who apply for a position numbers are too kind "to influence decisions about applicants accepted a job offer or not. We use this definition because it is important to attract people not only about looks, but also about the growing possibility that the people accept a position if it is offered. To introduce people to it and then turn them off when they do, but we all know that it is unconscious. Sara Rynes, a comprehensive review of recruitment, selection and appointment of the relationship between points in and out. At the very least, choose a firm needs to use both sources of recruitment and work affect the recruitment message contains specific information about something. For example, a human resources manager for an entry level position in manufacturing plants applicants equal opportunity employment law, union contract interpretation and employee benefit plans may need to know about the union. These requirements only law schools to recruit sources, industrial relations, human resource programs and graduates of the program can target range. In a reverse example, the applicant pool serves as a limiting factor in the selection. If the bridge is inappropriate to the situation, to identify workers less likely the selection is better. Although hiring a full treatment is beyond the scope of this book, we choose to summarize some of the key features to reflect their importance. Strategies for successful recruitment Recruiting and selecting the most suitable candidate is not about choosing. Potential impact on recruitment and selection experience that a candidate to accept a job offer and remaining with their organization's commitment can. Time and resources to develop a comprehensive recruitment strategy is a worthwhile investment. Poor hiring choices (ie, working poor people fi T) organizations and activists, including a range of outcomes may be undesirable for:

high rate of turnover Performance impact at Recruitment and Selection Report Page 67

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reduced job satisfaction Motivation at work. In this section we consider an effective hiring process in three stages: A step: Make sure an up-to-date job description Two steps: developing an effective recruitment strategy Three steps: evaluating recruitment strategies

5.2 Recommendation
Recommendation: 1 proposal as PwC report dated June 2003 and specifically mentioned briefly in an appendix as an agreed and reasonable period of time should be applied. 2 Recommendation: Experience the knowledge, skills, and job specific qualification (s ECS) framework to assess the statutory codes of practice currently reflected in the guidance should be non-discriminatory, transparent, promote equality of opportunity and aims where possible to develop under. Three recommendations: internal trawls should work only in special circumstances such as this action could avoid a potential redundancy or restructuring or redeployment within the existing conditions where the headcount. 4 Recommendation: A comprehensive monitoring system, appointment tracking applicants through the application, and must be developed to encompass all nine Section 75 dimensions are applied. 5 Recommendation: A successful candidate to determine the appropriate starting salary is the responsibility of Human Resources Director who reviews any existing equal pay as a result of the program will implement the recommendations should be made. Recruitment and Selection Report Page 68

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6 Recommendation: For all those who sit on selection panels should be required to not only be trained but also after a reasonable period of time to attend refresher courses and two years of initial training usually within. This training must include 75 segment model and associated legislation. 7 Recommendation: NI investment to ensure that its recruitment and selection process open, transparent and relevant and procedures that give equal opportunities to all applicants must continue. 8 Recommendation: Where external consultants are employed so that all NI investment selection techniques to ensure valid and reliable, including all the psychometric tests should.

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