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Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh."
2 Corinthians 10:3


To receive ongoing strength and encouragement in prayer you may also subscribe to the quarterly, PRAYERLINE NEWSLETTER. This newsletter has been HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by the Christian Literature World. Subscriptions are just $10.00 a year, $12/year International. To subscribe complete the Order Form on page 13 or send check or money order, along with your your request, to:

Darrell C. Porter Evangelistic Association, Inc. P.O. Box 750663 Las Vegas, NV 89136-0663

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1st Printing - June, 1988 5th Printing - November, 2006

All Scripture verses in this booklet are from the Authorized King James Version ()KJV) of the Holy Bible

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

An Important Message .............................................. 4 Spiritual (Defined) .......................................................6 Warfare (Defined) ....................................................... 6 Spiritual Warfare Prayer ............................................. 7 Weapon (Defined) ......................................................11 Stronghold (Defined).................................................. 11 Correspondence/Order Form .................................... 13 While Love is the Fulfillment of the Law .................... 16 About the Author ........................................................ 17

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

A n I m po r t a n t M e s s a g e
from Darrell C. Porter

There are several major points in a Christian's life where the greatest trials and troubles
seem to come. The first is shortly after one receives Christ as their Lord and Savior. It's at this point the devil, literally seeks to abort the spiritual new babe. The new Believer often faces mockery from friends, family and co-workers. He is pitted with discouragement and a deluge of temptations and trials in his weakest areas. Lack of understanding has caused many to faint or to fall into sin. Knowledge of the Word of God and preparation for spiritual warfare is imperative for victory over Satan. Another occasion of intense trials and troubles is when the Believer steps out onto a higher level of faith or is about to enter into a closer walk with God. This spiritual advance is a threat to the kingdom of darkness. Because it means the Believer will now be able to excercise greater power and dominion over him through Jesus Christ. Therefore Satan deploys all of his tactics which are aimed t bring discouragement, disillusionment and defeat to the Believer. Knowledge of the will of God and of the enemy's devices is essential for the Believer to stand against sin and evil and to grow in the manner God intends. Keep in mind that many times a Believer is not even aware of his spiritual growth. A single act of obedience to God may not seem like much to the Believer. Yet it terrifies the devil! And he strains to find every conceivable (and inconceivable) way to attack God's people. Many well meaning Christians have been defeated through lack of understanding and the failure to recognize demon interference in their lives. Such failure is costly and devasting and too often fatal. A major area in which demons take full advantage is one's willful ignorance concerning evil. Evil is real! And it is truly evil. It has no mercy or compassion, nor desire to add to or bring any good into anyone's life. This is a difficult thing for the mind to grasp. Yet one must grasp it. The Bible goes through great expense to reveal this truth repeatedly - over and over again. Iniquity was found in Lucifer. It then destroyed the bliss of the garden of Eden; and later sent men to a horrid hell which was never made for them. Failure to understand that evil is in constant contention against you does not insulate you from evil but rather makes you more vulnerable to it. Evil, in order to succeed, must do so with as little of your understanding as possible and all of your cooperation. Hense, to hold little or no regard for its existence and power is to give it greater power. To resist, however, is to lessen its effect. Perfect resistence will destroy it. But one will never resist something one does not believe even exists. Worse yet one will not resist something one believes has little or no influence or is but harmless and innocent. Therefore, and in a most cunning way, it wins your cooperation to do whatever it wants, however it wants to to do it. The Word of God says the Lord presets before us both good and evil. This means in this present world you will always find evil as well as good. But God directs us to choose good. (Deut. 30:15, 19) The good is always contained in His Word. It is also found in the Light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here we find the Good News of deliverance from evil through the cross of Christ. It is the demonstrated Word concerning God's total power over sin, sickness and Satan. This same power also dwells in every true Believer by the Holy Spirit. Thus, even on our worst days we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer Indeed every demon of hell is subject to the NAME that is above every name. That Name is Jesus Christ. And every work of Satan and the flesh is brought to destruction through faith in the shed Blood of Christ. Your job, then, is to keep keen your eyes on Jesus. Have faith in God always. Know the weapons of the Spirit of God and how to use them effectively against the real enemies of faith. This is the task of the saints of God, the soldiers of the cross, the army of the Lord.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

To be led, governed and controlled by the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit honors God, not the flesh. A spiritual person, therefore, has been disciplined through the Word of God, to obey the Voice of the Spirit and to yield to His leading and direction. Created beings inhabit the heavenlies in many forms. Creatures of unimaginable beauty and grace inhabit God's kingdom. Some are called angels. There are also fallen spirits of equal unimaginable distain. They are called demons. These are the wicked spirits referred to in Ephesians 6:12. Man, himself, is also a spirit, having been created in the image and likeness of God.

A fierce, bitter engagement between two opposing forces whose purpose and plan is to destroy the other. In Israel's early history the people were continuously engaged in warfare with nations who knew not God. They were commanded to conquer and bring them under subjection. The Church today is engaged in similar struggles against sin and wickedness. Jesus, the Bible says, was manifest to destroy the works of the devil. We, the Church, are manifest in Him to do the very same thing - to take dominion over sin and Satan. The warfare between God's people and wicked spirits will not cease entirely until Christ brings total victory at His glorious return, whereupon He will completely subdue and reign upon the earth.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

I praise You and thank You and rejoice in Your presence! Glory to Your holy Name! Thank You, Oh Lord, for saving me and giving me new life in Jesus Christ. I surrender to You that Your perfect will be done in me and through me to Your highest pleasure. I pray for those who have done anything against me I lift them up that You may bless them and minister to their needs. I forgive them and ask You to forgive them also. And forgive me my sins and let my transgressions be removed from me "as far as the east is from the west". hank You for Your kindness and mercy to me and also to those who have hurt me and done all manner of evil against me. I pray for their deliverance as well as my own I come to You freely and with confidence by the Blood of Jesus, which covers me and washes me clean - body, mind, soul and spirit, that my presence before You may be holy and my prayers upright and effective in You. For "thou, Oh Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter of mine head". And I praise You, Father, with head lifted up, that You "teach my hands to war, and my fingers to fight" that I may "execute vengeance upon the heathen" and drive out all iniquity from the land. For "the Fear of the Lord is to hate evil". And Your determination is to destroy the works of the devil. lory to God! Because You have shown me that my warfare is not with flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I take authority over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. I tie up, bind, chain, forbid and cast out both in me and also before me the spirits of pride, fear, poverty, lust, bitterness, resentment, anger, selfishness, haughtiness, arrogance, jealousy, lying, false siritual gifts, false fruit of the spirit, laziness, sluggishness, sneakiness, guile, deceptions, loss of memory, mind control, witchcrafts, automatic writings and etchings, divinations, occultism, wicked imaginations, unbelief, unclean dreams and fantasies, violence, false judgement, false anointing, bigotry, rejection, murder, rebellion, selfrighteousness and all related and associated demons and all spirits not of the Kingdom of God. I also break, sever and cast off all curses of any form or nature placed

Spiritual Warfare Prayer upon me, my family and friends by wicked spirits and their human agents; and ask You, Lord, to return them back to their sources. "Let the arms of the wicked be broken, Oh God". "Let them consume into smoke". "Fight against them that fight against me." Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul to destroy it. Let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil. Let their way be drk and slippery and let the Angel of the Lord persecute them. "When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know, for God is with me." et evil slay the wicked; and them that hate me be made desolate. In God I boast all the day long and praise thy Name forever. ( For You have delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me. "Let all that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, the LORD be magnified." For "the enemies of God's people shall be scattered and them that hate us shall flee before us". Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul; let them be covered with reproach and dishonor that seek my hurt. But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day. I will go in the strength of the LORD my God. o "arise, Oh LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgement that thou hast commanded." Bring Your vengeance upon my enemies. Let the hornets of the Lord scatter the spirits of poverty and family destroying spirits and all demons risen up against me, my family and friends. Chase them, Oh God, "until they that are left and hide themselves... be destroyed". And let my cup of blessing run over with joy and blessing, goodness and power, peace and prosperity through Jesus Christ, my Lord. And let all that has been taken from me be restored unto me seven fold. Let overflowing hailstones and stormy wind come against all lying and deceptive spirits who would speak lies to me and who would speak lies about me to others. Destroy, Oh LORD, and divide their tongues: for I have seen violence and strife in the city. et he Spirit of the Fear of the LORD rise up against wickedness and rebellion against God, both in me and also before me. Through love's perfect power I resist, reject and cast out all fear, intimidation, nervousness, fret and all related spirits from myself, my family and my

Spiritual Warfare Prayer friends. And I praise You, heavenly Father, for Your own love which flows in our hearts, minds and souls toward You and toward our neighbors. I plead the Blood of Jesus against the prince of darkness assigned against my ministry (or my church). I forbid Satan and his demons from hindering or interfering in any way with God's work. "Rain upon him and upon his bands and the many that are with him an overflowing rain and great hailstones of fire and brimstone. Unto all murderous and destructive spirits let the Slayer and Revenger of blood pursue (Deut.19:6) them until their blood also is shed and the land is made clean. Upon all tormenting spirits, headache demons and spirits of infirmity, discouragement and confusion I loose the anger and finger of God. "Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me." Let the Spirit of Peace deliver peace unto me and comfort; and let the Lord, with healing in His wings, alight upon me with virtue and power and bring restoration to my soul and body through Jesus Christ, my Lord. ather, use me to glorify You and to cause many to glorify Your Name. "For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light." Bring down, Oh God, the strongholds of darkness which have risen up against me, my home, my ministry and my work; and let the arrows of the enemy be shattered to pieces. Let the Word of God go forth to cause the bow of Satan to be smitten out of his left hand and his arrows to fall out of his right hand. I exalt You, Oh Lord, forevermore! May Your Name be magnifed in the midst of Your Church and they be permitted to pollute it no more. And the heathen will know You are the Lord, the Holy One. And I appropriate the Blood of Jesus. I receive it upon my head and upon my heart, upon my mind and my soul, upon my flesh and my family, my finances and my home, upon my possessions and my properties, and all things used for my ministry (or the ministry of my church) . I receive now all that the Blood of Jesus provides for me. And I plead the Blood against all that the devil would try to bring against me or destroy or kill or steal from me. Let the Blood of Christ cry out against the evil and wickedness the devil has brought against me and let it preserve me from all wickedness which the devil has planned. And let the grace of my God be bestowed upon me richly and abundantly in all wisdom and knowledge, power and understanding, through Jesus Christ my Lord. raise You for Your goodness and grace, Oh LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer. Let me be strong in You and in the power of Your might. Let the fruit of Your Spirit increase and

Spiritual Warfare Prayer abound in my soul; and may each gift of the Spirit be administered unto me freely as the need arises. Let me increase in favor with God and with man, that I may receive Your highest pleasure, guarding and keeping my heart with all diligence, knowing that out of it comes the issues of life. In perfect humility let me be an epistle read of all men. For I desire the Word of Christ to dwell in me richly and for Jesus to be manifest in and through me in thought, word and deed. ead me always in the Way of righteousness that I walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. Let me be a blessing to others wherever I go and wherever I am. In Jesus' Name.


Spiritual Warfare Prayer

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds." (2Corinthians 10:4)

An instrument or device used to inflict severe pain or injury or to mame or kill. Military weapons of the Bible included swords, arrows and spears. David used a stone and sling-shot against Goliath. Later he took the jiant's own sword to cut its head off. God's weapons, however, are not swords, spears and arrows or guns, knives and bombs. And the real enemy is the one which cannot be seen with the natural eye. The weapons of the Spirit attack wickedness at its root - IN THE SPIRIT. Spiritual weapons include the living and infallable Word of God, praises to the Most High and effective prayer. Spiritual armor and weaponry are the only things which can be used to fight and defeat our real enemies.

Any mental, emotional, physical or "spiritual" force which restricts freedom and destroys one's quality of life. Worry which eats away at the mind and emotions and eventually tears down the body is a stronghold. Anger can be a stronghold, fear, poverty, lust, witchcrafts, etc. False religious beliefs can be a very deceptive strongholds. Strongholds are restraints upon the soul from its true pursuit of God. They imprison the mind, the will, as well as the emotions, with false hope and delusions. Drugs, alcohol and immoral sex are bondages in a person's life which they are unable to break free of, in and of themselves. But the Word of God declares all strongholds can be broken and destroyed through faith in the Word of God.


Spiritual Warfare Prayer

herefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.


Spiritual Warfare Prayer

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Spiritual Warfare Prayer

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Spiritual Warfare Prayer


Spiritual Warfare Prayer


Spiritual Warfare Prayer

...was born and reaised in the city of Chicago. He attended private school most of his life and received his undergraduate degree from Regis University in Denver, Colorado. His call to Intercessory Prayer enhanced his devotion to study and research the Word of God. He spent 12 years in Pasadena, California, where he attended two Los Angeles area Bible colleges, was ordained an associate pastor of a Full-Gospel, nondenominational church and later commissioned as an itinerant evangelist. He also holds a Masters degree in Christian Education from the International Bible College and Seminary in Independence, Missouri. Upon moving to Central Illinois he worked extensively with law enforement, social service agencies. schools and numerous churches and ministries, confronting gang violence, substance abuse, quality education and various other spiritual and moral issues in the community. He served 6 years as chairman of the Macon County Youth Violence and Gang Task Force. He also served on the executive board of the countywide Christian Ministers' Alliance, comprised of nearly 70 pastors. He also founded and pastored the Word of Life Christian Center in Decatur, Illinois. With a straight forward aim to see others transformed by the power and reality of Jesus Christ, Evangelist Porter has traveled throughout the U.S. and into other countries providing pulpit ministry, conducting revivals, street evengelism, workshops, trainings and seminars on Prayer, Christian Leadership and Spiritual Warfare, etc. He has also been a guest on numerous Christian and secular television and radio programs, advocating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and preaching the uncompromised Word of God. During his 27 years of ministry his mission has been the same: preach the Word of God - nothing more and nothing less. His international, quarterly publication, entitled The PRAYERLINE NEWSLETTER, focuses on the importance and power of prayer. This acclaimed publication encourages Believers to pursue God faithfully with heart-felt prayer. For the solid Word, Spirit-filled bible teaching or to conduct specialized trainings or semiars to your church or organization you can contact Evangelist Porter at:

Darrell C. Porter Evangelistic Association, Inc. P.O. Box 750663 Las Vegas, NV 89136-0663 USA 17

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