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Special Terrorism Threat Report

Written For All Australia State Police Forces Police Commissioners and Senior Staff

Counter Terrorism Terrorism Units

Written By Toby Robinson

Australians Most Senior Experienced Person In Government Corruption and False Flag Terrorism

Dear Police Commissioners

And Senior Staff, who have not been compromised, corrupted and turned to the dark evil side of helping to carry out False Flag Terrorism against your fellow citizens. Australian State Police Forces are our last line of defence to stopping a possible Terrorist Attack from happening in Australia, also if one occurs to rounding up the real perpetrators of the Attacks if they carry one out. That means The Real Perpetrators NOT SETTING UP some Patsy Stooge. Its about time Australian State Police Forces educate themselves on. 1) Who really is going about carrying out Terrorism Acts about the World and Why, they are doing it for. State Police Forces should WAKE UP and educate themselves the Mainstream Media, TV News and Current Affairs, Newspapers DO NOT investigate stories, they repeat stories, invent stories, and repeat scripted stories feed to them by Police, Military, Intelligence Agencies and corrupt politicians like we have in Australia, and the rest of the World.



State Police Forces should WAKE UP and educate themselves that the following Australian Government Agencies have been totally infiltrated, corrupted, by Foreign Entities Governments and their Intelligence Agencies. Office Of National Assessments Federal Police ASIO ASIS Australian Military Federal Attorney General Office

If State Police Forces refuse to educate themselves about this and the TRUTH, then they deserve everything they get when and if a Terrorist Attack happens here in Australia to be running about chasing some Muslim in a turban hat, screaming Al Qa`eda was behind the Attack. I will now attempt to prove Al Qa`eda Terrorist Group and like Terrorist Groups really = CIA, Israeli Mossad, MI6, FBI, US Military, Israeli Military, British Military, Raw Intelligence, Pakistan ISI and other western countries Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies. I will present a range of different information, research and hard core evidence proving this, I will also prove Australian Politicians right up to the Prime Ministers Office know this, but are corrupt and under control of a Foreign Power Governments that being the USA and Israel.

Which is against our Federal Constitution for them to hold a seat in Parliament, and allot of these traitorous, treasonous things should be facing Court for TREASON then taken out the back of Parliament House put up against the brick wall and face a Military Firing Squad.

Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act

Chapter I. The Parliament. Part IV - Both Houses of the Parliament 43. A member of either House of Parliament shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a member of the other House. 44. Any person who (I.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power Harsh words sure, but its true let us all not forget back in the 1700, 1800 corrupt treasonous politicians, Kings use to be tried in the market place and be beheaded or hanged. Treason is Treason, and any politician elected to Parliament on the grounds they will work for the Australian people, and once elected to Office, start working for somebody else but the Australian people is a traitor sell out to their country.

What Are The Areas To Look At To Stop Trouble Breaking Out In The Community And A Possible Terrorist Attack? 1) The Muslim Community?
Yes & No, the Real threat our Community faces is a backlash against our Present and Past Federal Governments over forced Multiculturalism on the Australian people.

A) Without sounding Racist, Australia is basically a

white, Christian based society, this is NOT A Muslim Country, for the present Federal Government and past Federal Governments to take in Muslims from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and other middle east countries. And force the Australian people to live with these people when we have nothing in common with these people, they are creating trouble for themselves. Its one thing for Australia to do business and trade with these countries, its another thing for any Government to force on the Australian people to live with these people against our the peoples will. When has any Federal Government ever asked permission from the Australian people or their advise at a referendum Who Do You Want To Move Here?

Who Do You Want To Live With In Your Community? Again its not being racist, its being sensible and common sense, we all have TV and read the Newspapers and over the years these people above I mentioned. Sure their Governments helped destroy their countries, but also their own people destroyed their own country and society too. Why should any Australian have forced upon them people coming from another country where the same people played a part directly or indirectly through lack of action, involvement in destroying their own country? Why should these people be allowed in to destroy our country like they destroyed theirs back home. There is a real under current happening in Australian society where the average Australian is pissed off at having these people forced upon them. The powder keg is about to blow, like the Cronulla Riots showed and proved and its ready to go off again soon. been proven allot of these Terrorist Training Camps in Afghanistan & Pakistan were (America CIA funded and run Terrorist Camps)

B) As any real researcher, investigator knows and its

How many of these people coming from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and the likes have trained at these CIA funded and run Terrorist Training Camps, we have no official figures on or way of finding out, the people could tell you anything once here. And the dumb assess at ASIO, Foreign Affairs and Immigration Dept are useless to find out and identify any person who may have trained at one of these CIA camps. The issue then becomes not that they will form a Terrorist Group as such, but more to the point over a period of time, may come together as a Militia Type Group and start fighting against the Police, Military here and Government over issues or wanting to break away from our system of Government and form their own. Government let a ship load of Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers into the country as refugees. Correct me if I am wrong the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka were a Paramilitary - Militia Type Group fighting against the Government to break away from the country and form their own State Country. The Government and Military defeated them, so they all got on a boat and come to Australia professing to be refugees.

E. G. Under Ex Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, he and his

That idiot Ex Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his Government let them into the country, now lets go back to some of these people coming in from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and other countries because they have already had either Military Training back in their country or Trained at one of these CIA funded and run Training Camps, means collectively we now have the ingredients for people with the skills, training to come together and form some Militia Type Group. This is where the long-term threat lays to the Australian community, society and Government for the present and future. Our State Police Forces will be the ones on the front lines to try and clean up and stop the mess the present Australian Government and previous Federal Australian Governments created.

2) False Flag Terrorism, carried out by Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies.
I am enclosing allot of material proving these Terrorist Attacks happening at the moment are really carried out by the above Western Governments. But first we should educate people how they carry them out, so please find enclosed the following What is False

Flag Terrorism?

What is False Flag Terrorism? The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Understanding False Flag Terrorism

False Flag Attacks are basically Population Control measures, put into place they install fear and makes any subject or population easy to control. False Flag operations are covert operations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colours that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. Definition: - False Flag Terrorist Attack

False flag operations are not limited to war and counterinsurgency operations, and have been used in peacetime for example, during Italy's strategy of tension.

Basically there are two ways to pull off a False Flag Terrorist Attack
1) Recruit a small team to carry off the attack, this way is very risky because they leave their fingerprints behind which stand out like dogs balls to experienced researchers and investigators. The real perpetrators are easier to identify, point out and expose, and makes it easier also to trace back to the higher ups that ordered, sanction the attacks to go ahead. E.G Corrupt Politicians, Military People and Intelligence Chiefs. 2) The other way in which to carry off a False Flag Terrorist Attack is doing it under cover of running some Police, Military Drill this way is more effective, the real perpetrators are harder to identify point out, thus harder to have it traced back to the higher ups the chain who ordered and sanction the attacks.

E.G Corrupt Politicians, Military People and Intelligence Chiefs.

They hide their finger prints within by carrying out the False Flag Attack at the same time, same place as running Police & Military Drills thus hiding out amongst 100s even thousands who are participating in the Drills.

In many cases your really recruiting others in the operation of doing the attacks and little do people realize they have just helped the real perpetrators carry off the attacks and have been the saps. There is another reason why the real perpetrators carry off attacks at the same time as running drills and thats to stop the countries Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies from fighting back and doing their job from letting these attacks from going ahead. This is where we catch them every time when doing our research and investigations and how we know something is a False Flag Terrorist Attack they carry them out while running these drills. The chances of a Terrorist Attack happening at the same time, place as a drill going on is 13 pass a trillion odds of it happening, so coincidence cannot be explained away that easy.

The Truth Cannot Be Denied Any More

Governments Admit To Carrying Out False Flag Terrorist Attacks

This essay will solely discuss government admissions to the use of the false flag terror.

Forget the claims and allegations that false flag terror governments attacking people and then blaming others in order to create animosity towards those blamed - has been used throughout history.

For example:

The CIA admits that it hired Iranians in the 1950's to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democraticallyelected president

Israel admits that an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind "evidence" implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this) The well-respected former Indonesian president admitted that the government probably had a role in the Bali bombings

As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: "You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security" (and see this)(Italy joined NATO in 1949, years before the bombings occurred)

The former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admitted that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and blamed the communists, in order to rally peoples support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism.

See the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.

As admitted by the U.S. government, recently declassified documents show that in the 1960's, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba.

There are many other instances of false flag attacks used throughout history proven by the historical evidence. See this war 5/index.html This


The above are only some examples of governments admitting to using false flag terror.


You can't call it a conspiracy theory when the government itself admits it.
And this is not just ancient history:

Jimmy Carter's former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski - told the Senate that a terrorist act might be carried out in the U.S. and falsely blamed on Iran to justify war against that nation A retired 27-year CIA analyst who prepared and presented Presidential Daily Briefs and served as a high-level analyst for several presidents, would not put it past the government to "play fast and loose" with terror alerts and warnings and even events themselves in order to rally people behind the flag

Evidence 1) Please Read The Following Norway Premier Begged Putin To Stop Massacre Planned By Elites

Organized Political Terrorism The Norwegian Massacre, The State, The Media And Israel

Oslo Terror Whos Agenda Does It Serve? & After Oslo Time to Crack Down On Mossad Terrorism

According to the FSB, Stoltenberg first learned of this plot against his country this past Wednesday after reading a top secret report prepared for him by the Norwegian Intelligence Service (NIS) on the late March computer attack against Norways top military leaders that showed them involved in a conspiracy with Britains MI5 Security Service and the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to launch a two-phase attack upon Norway modelled after false-flag operations in both Australia and America in the mid-nineties. The false-flag operations being modelled in Norway were based on the 19 April 1995 bombing attack on the Oklahoma Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building said caused a lone right-wing Christian fundamentalist who used a fertilizer bomb that killed 168.

A startling Federal Security Service (FSB) report on the 22 July massacre in Norway states that two-days prior to this catastrophic attack Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg placed an urgent call to Putin begging Russias leader to help stop the events that left nearly 100 innocent civilians dead.

Norway Premier Begged Putin To Stop Massacre Planned By Elites

And the 28 April 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Australia where a lone gunman killed 35 mainly because the police failed to show up in a timely manner, and which the aftermath of both attacks caused a fundamental shift away from freedoms and liberties these peoples once enjoyed. (Comments: If Port Arthur and Oklahoma City Bombing were NOT, False Flag Terrorist Attacks, Then why did MI6, Mossad and CIA base these Attacks in Norway on those attacks for?

Talk about No Honour Amongst Thieves)


So by basing these Attacks on those two proven events, which any researcher / investigator worth their salt knows they were False Flag Terrorist Attacks, what these three agencies have just done is to DOB in the America FBI & US Military, also ASIO, Tasmania Police and Australian Federal Police for carrying out those Attacks back in 1995 & 1996.

The FSB further reports that this false-flag attack on Norway was a clear textbook example of an Operation Northwoods operation designed and prepared by US Military experts. Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag proposals that originated within the United States government in 1962.


The proposals called for the CIA or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in US cities and elsewhere in order to influence public opinion and have been used by many Western governments over these past five decades.

FSB experts note in this report that the false-flag attacks on Norway further mirror those of Oklahoma City and Port Arthur in: 1.) A large vehicle holding a powerful fertilizer bomb was able to gain undetected entrance to a protected government centre

2.) The armed police response to an ongoing massacre of civilians was delayed for reasons still not explained 3.) A lone suspect has been identified as the sole perpetrator of the attacks contrary to witness statements that more people were involved 4) The lone suspect is denied the right to an open hearing before the public.


A person which (coincidentally?) the United States had warned barely 24-hours earlier in a video released by their Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was the type of person they feared most would carry out such a terror attack. The critical problem with the flood of information being released on/or by Breivik, the FSB asserts, is to what is true and what isnt.

This report also notes that within hours of these attacks occurring, a virtual flood of information relating to the suspected mastermind of this massacre was released identifying him as a blond-haired blue-eyed Norwegian named Anders Behring Breivik and caricatured as a rightwing Christian fundamentalist.

This issue was made even more important by American computer experts noting that the Face book page said belonging to Breivik appears to have been faked, and as they note 1: Why is there a version of Anders Behring Breiviks Face book profile not showing Christian / Conservative?

Even Googles cache of the Face book profile retrieved on Jul 22, 2011 23:52:36 GMT supports this factor. 2: How was Christian / Conservative added prior to the profile being removed from Face book?

If our PDF was printed out / saved at Jul 23 01:39 GMT, and the profile was deleted soon afterwards by Face book, how was a detained Anders Behring Breivik able to change it?


3: Which then needs to be asked, who had access to in changing the Profile before it was removed?

Breivik further said he regarded himself as a successor to the medieval Knights Templars, and claimed to have been recruited at a meeting in London in April 2002, which was hosted by two English extremists and attended by eight people in total.

2083: A European Declaration Of Independence datelined London, 2011 on the Internet that claims the number of Muslims in Western Europe is reaching critical mass and there is a core of Cultural Communist elites in Western Europe who really want to destroy Western civilization and that Europe will burn again.

Aside from the most likely faked Facebook page, Breivik is also said to have posted an astonishingly detailed 1,500-page manifesto and video titled.

[Especially interesting to note about this description of mummy boy Breivik is his stating that the main target of his attack was Norways Mother of the Nation and former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland.]

Breiviks ties with London, and hence MI5, was due to his father being a top economist at the Norwegian Embassy in London where Anders was described as a mummys boy and privileged son of an elite liberal family.

The FSB, however, in this report disputes Breiviks ties with the Knights Templars stating, instead, that this false-flag attack has provided an ancillary benefit to the Wests royal and banking elite classes in discrediting this ancient order as open warfare between them looms, and as we had detailed in our 21 July report Murdoch

To the reason(s) behind this attack, this FSB report states, is a desperate attempt by British, European Union and American banking interests to force Norway into their union [Norway is not a member of the EU] in order to loot their Sovereign Wealth Fund of its estimated $1.5 Trillion in wealth which without the entire Western economy may collapse. Important note, the FSB says, is that what is being done to Norway has already been done to Libya when in what is now called the Financial Heist of the Century these same elites launched an unprovoked attack upon this North African nation and promptly looted it of nearly $150 Billion of their Sovereign Wealth Fund in order to sustain their crumpling empire.

Threat To Expose Obama As Christ-Child Ignites Western Fury.

Though there is more, much more, contained in this FSB report that we will have to examine further in order to report to you on it accurately upon it.

So, and in closing this first report on this tragedy well end with some of the words attributed to Breivik that in light of what this whole issue is being made out to be do, indeed, note us paying attention to them: A majority of the people I know support my views, they are just apathetic.

They know that there will be a confrontation one day, but they dont care because it will most likely not happen within the next two decades I am a pioneer in this fight, and I have no doubt whatsoever that we will see a political shift in our favour sooner than we might expect.

It might look grim at the moment, but we are after all fighting a self-defeating ideology (Cultural Communism that is, not Islam).

The only pragmatic approach towards Islam is to isolate it to Muslim countries once we are in a position to do so on September 11th, 2083.

Organized Political Terrorism The Norwegian Massacre, The State, The Media And Israel
"So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists against all cultural Marxists / Multiculturalists". Anders Behring Breivik's Manifesto ". . . Two more cells exist in my organization . . . Ander Behring Breivik in police custody (Reuters 7/25/11) The July 22, 2011, bombing of the office of the Norwegian Prime Minister, Labor Party Jen Stoltenberg, which killed 8 civilians, and the subsequent political assassination of 68 unarmed activists of the Labor Party Youth on Utoeya Island, just 20 minutes from Oslo, by militant neo-fascist Christian-Zionists, raises fundamental questions about the growing links between the legal FarRight, the 'Mainstream Media', the Norwegian Police, Israel and rightwing terrorism.


The Mass Media and the Rise of Rightwing Terrorism

The leading English language newspapers, The New York Times (NYT), the Washington Post (WP), the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and the Financial Times (FT), as well as President Obama, blamed "Islamic extremists", upon the first police reports of the killings. Publishing a series of incendiary (and false) headlines and reports, labeling the event as 'Norway's 9-11' in terms, which echoed the ideological motivation and justifications cited by the Norwegian Christian-Zionist political assassin, Anders Behring Breivik himself. The July 23 / 24 front page of the Financial Times (of London) read "Islamist Extremism Fears Worst Europe strike since 2005".

Obama immediately cited the terrorist attack in Norway to further justify his overseas wars against Muslim countries.
The FT, NYT, WP and WSJ trotted out their self-styled "experts" who debated over which Arab / Islamic leaders or movements were responsible despite Norwegian press reports of 'the arrest of a Nordic man in police uniform'. Clearly, the US mass media and political elite were eager to use the bombing and assassinations to justify ongoing overseas imperial wars, ignoring the burgeoning domestic extremist rightwing organizations and violent individuals who are the outgrowth of official Islamophobic hate propaganda.

When Anders Breivik, a known neo-fascist extremist, handed his weapons over to Norwegian police without resistance and claimed credit for the bombing and massacre, the second phase of the official cover-up took place. He was immediately described as "a lone wolf assassin", who "acted alone" (BBC July 24, 2011) or as mentally deranged, downplaying his political networks, his American, European and Israeli ideological mentors and commitments, which led to his acts of terrorism. Even more outrageous, the media and officials ignored the fact that this complex, multiphase terrorist attack was beyond the capacity of one 'deranged' person. Anders Behring Breivik had been a dues-paying member of a Far-Right political party, The Progress Party and a collaborator and contributor to an overtly neo-Nazi web site. He frequently focused his hatred on the ruling Labor Party for its relative tolerance of immigrants. He despised immigrants especially, Muslims, and was an ardent Christian-Zionist supporter of Israeli repression and terror against the Palestinian people. His criminal action was political in essence and embedded in a much wider political network. The political elite and media have scrambled to deny the overlapping links between 'legal' ideological Islamophobes, like the American Zionists Daniel Pipes,

David Horowitz, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, the Dutch far-right Party of Freedom led by the hate-monger Geert Wilders and their counterparts in the Norwegian Progress Party who rail against the "Muslim threat". The "direct action" terrorists take their cues from electoral parties, like the Progress Party, who recruit and indoctrinate activists, like Behring Breivik, who then leave the 'electoral road' to carry out their bloody carnage, allowing the 'respectable' hate-mongers to hypocritically condemn him after the outrage.

The Lone Assassin: A Fascist Superman Travels Faster than a Speeding Bullet Versus the Police Moving Slower than an Arthritic Turtle
The case for the "lone wolf terrorist" defies credence. It is a tissue of lies used to cover up state complicity, intelligence malfeasance, and the sharp right-turn in the domestic and foreign policies of NATO countries. There is no basis to accept Breivik's initial claim that he acted alone for several outstanding reasons First, the car bomb, which devastated downtown Oslo, was a highly complex weapon requiring expertise and coordination the kind available to state or intelligence services, like the Mossad, which specialize in devastating car bombs.


Amateurs, like Breivik, with no training in explosives, usually blow themselves up or lack the skill required to connect the electronic timing devices or remote detonators (like the unsuccessful 'shoe', 'underpants' and 'Times Square' bombers have proved). Secondly, the details of (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Moving the bomb Obtaining (stealing) a vehicle Placing the device at the strategic site Successfully detonating it Then gowning up in an elaborate special police uniform with an arsenal of hundreds of rounds of ammunition and driving off in another vehicle to Utoeya Island (f) Waiting patiently while armed to the teeth for a ferry boat, g) crossing with other passengers in his police uniform (g) Rounding up the Labor youth activists and commencing the massacre of scores of unarmed youth and finally (h) Finishing off the wounded and hunting for those trying to hide or swim away - is not the activity of a lone zealot.

Even the combination of Superman, Einstein and a world class marksman could not perform those tasks. The Media and NATO leaders must view the public as passive morons to expect them to believe that Anders Behring Breivik "acted alone".

He is willing to take a 20 year prison sentence if it means, as he maintains, that their collective action is the spark that ignites his comrades and advances the agenda of the violent and legal far rightwing parties. Facing a Norwegian judge on July 25, he publically declared the existence of "two more cells in my organization".

According to witness testimony from Utoeya Island, shots from two distinct weapons were heard from different directions during the massacre.

The police say they are "investigating".

Needless to say the police have found nothing instead they put on a "show" to cover their inaction by raiding two houses far from the massacre and quickly released the suspects. The most serious political implication of the terrorist action, however, is the conspicuous complicity of top police officials. The police took 90 minutes to arrive at Utoeya Island, located less than 20 kilometers from Oslo, 12 minutes by helicopter and 25 to 30 minutes by car and boat. The delay allowed the right wing assassins to use up the ammunition, maximizing the death toll of young, antifascist activists and devastating the Labor youth movement.

The police chief, Sveinung Sponheim, made the feeblest excuse and cover-up, claiming "problems with transport". Sponheim argued that a helicopter "wasn't on standby" and they "could not find a boat" (Associated Press, July 24, 2011).
Yet a helicopter was available it managed to fly to Utoeya and film the ongoing slaughter, and over half of Norwegians, a seafaring people for millennia, own or have access to a boat. A police force, faced with what the Prime Minister calls the 'worst atrocity since the Nazi occupation', moving at the pace of an arthritic turtle to rescue youth activists, raises the suspicion of some level of complicity.

The obvious question arises as to the degree to which the ideology of right wing extremism neofascism has penetrated the police and security forces, especially the upper echelons?
This level of "inactivity" raises more questions than it answers.

What it suggests is that the Social Democrats only control part of the Government the legislative, while the neo-fascists influence the state apparatus.

The plain fact is that the police did not save a single life. When they finally arrived, Anders Behring Breivik had run out of ammunition and surrendered turning himself over to the police. The police literally did not fire a single shot they did not even have to hunt or capture the assassin. An almost choreographed scenario Hundreds wounded, 68 unarmed, peaceful activists killed and the Labor youth movement decimated. The police can claim "crime solved" while the mass media prattles about a "lone assassin". The far right has a "martyr" to mask a further advance in their anti-Muslim, pro Israel crusade. (It is reminiscent of the celebrated Israeli-American fascist mass murderer, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, who slaughtered dozens of unarmed Palestinian men and boys at prayer in 1994). Only two days before the political murders, the head of the Labor Party Youth Movement, Eskil Pederson, gave an interview to the Dagbladet, Norway's second largest tabloid, in which he announced a "unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side (Gilad Atzmon, July 24, 2011).


The fact of the matter is that the Norwegian military has no problem promptly dispatching 500 troops to Afghanistan, half way around the world and providing six Norwegian Air Force jets and pilots to bomb and terrorize Libya. And yet they can't find a helicopter or a row boat to transport their police a couple hundred yards to stop a domestic right wing terrorist whose murderous rampage was being described second by second by the terrorized young victims on their cell phones to their frantic parents?

The Imperial Roots of Domestic Fascism

Clearly, the decisions of Norway and other Scandinavian nations to participate in the US imperial crusades against Muslim and especially Arab people in the Middle East have aroused and energized the neo-fascist right. They now want to "bring the war home" they want Norway to go further, to 'cleanse the nation' by expelling Muslims. They want to "send a message" to the Labor Party Either it must accept a full neo-fascist pro-Israeli agenda or expect more massacres, more elected fascists, more followers of Anders Behring Breivik. The "Progress Party" is now the second largest political party in Norway. If a "conservative" coalition defeats Labor, neo-fascists will probably sit in the Government.

Who knows, after a few years of good behavior, they might find an excuse to commute their ex-comrades sentence . . . or proclaim him mentally rehabilitated and freed. Clearly what is needed is the immediate withdrawal of all troops from imperial wars and a systematic, coherent and organized fight against domestic right-wing terrorists and their intellectual godparents, in America, Israel and Europe. Labor youth must go press on with their demand that the Labor Government, under Prime Minister Jen Stoltenberg, recognize the nation of Palestine and implement a total boycott of Israeli goods and services. A national and international political-educational campaign must be organized to expose the links between respectable electoral fascists and violent terrorists. The Labor Youth martyrs of Utoeya Island should be cherished and their ideals taught in all the schools. Their far-right enemies and supporters whether overt, covert or directly complicit, should be exposed and condemned. The best weapon against the renewed neo-fascist onslaught is a political and educational offensive, taking up the anti-fascist, anti-Quisling (Norway's notorious Nazi collaborator) fighting traditions of their grandparents' era.

It's not too late if the Labor Party, the Norwegian trade unions and the anti-fascist youth act now before the flood of resurgent fascism. Oslo Terror Whose Agenda Does It Serve? Bombing of government building and mass shooting arrive as establishment seeks to manufacture white Al-Qaeda myth
Before Terrorist Blast

UPDATE: Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days

Todays bombing in Oslo and a related mass shooting that occurred just outside the Norwegian capital are already replete with inconsistencies and questions that demand further inquiry into whose agenda this deadly attack serves. Authorities have already said that the man who carried out the shootings at a youth camp in a nearby resort has direct ties to the earlier bombing in Oslo of a government building. - An eyewitness to the blast who was just 200 feet away from the explosion called into the Alex Jones show and stated that there was a bomb sweep of the area the day before the attack. Norwegian television also reported this story.


- According to a Norwegian who emailed us, his father who is an explosives expert has analyzed the bombing scene and states that due to the pattern of the damage and debris, the blast was clearly underground. There are also reports that the road was closed off in recent days for underground sewer works. This is inconsistent with the official story that the blast was caused by a car bomb. - Friday was a public holiday in Norway and the building that was bombed was largely empty, which is why only seven people died. The Daily Mail reports, Fortunately, it is a public holiday in Norway and the offices are less busy than a normal weekday. Why would terrorists, who presumably want to kill as many people as possible, choose to bomb the building on a day when they know it will be almost empty? - Reports that the culprit of the mass shooting at a Labour youth camp outside Oslo, who early indications show killed at least 25 people, was a blonde-haired Norwegian man, fit perfectly into the recent propaganda campaign to hype the white Al-Qaeda as the most deadly terror threat. Self-proclaimed security experts quoted by Reuters are already predicting the blame will fall on both Islamists and right-wing extremists, in some form of alliance that led to a hybrid assault, which in an of itself is a

ludicrous notion but does serve to link anti-government sentiment amongst the host population with Muslim terrorism, which has been the goal all along. - As Kurt Nimmo reports, the man accused of leading the group blamed by some for the bombing, Mullah Krekar, has had dealings with the CIA previously, having been approached to work with them in 2005. Members of Krekars group, Ansar al-Islam, are veterans of the CIA-ISI collaborative war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. - Is the attack a slap on the wrist for Norwegian meddling in the globalist agenda? Norway is not a member of the European Union and its recent actions will have undoubtedly angered many of the power players amongst the global elite within that inner circle. Specifically, Norways support for full Palestinian statehood, set to be voted on at the UN in September, Norways decision to reverse its support for the bombardment of Libya and withdraw completely from the NATO operation on August 1, and Norways move to freeze a $42 million dollar payment to Greece, an obvious hindrance to recent efforts to prop up the countrys dire debt crisis, are all massive issues that could have caused a fall out between Norway and the Anglo-American establishment.


After Oslo Time to Crack Down On Mossad Terrorism

State-sponsored terrorism is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as the systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective [and] is employed by governments or more often by factions within governments against that governments citizens, against factions within the government, or against foreign governments or groups. On July 22, a bomb, said to be an Oklahoma City-type explosive device, crafted with fertilizer and diesel fuel, blew up in downtown Oslo, Norway, in the heart of the government district. Shortly thereafter, a man dressed in a Norwegian police uniform opened fire on a Labor Party youth camp on the island of Utoya in Tyri fjord. Access to the island was by boat only. Over 100 people were killed in the twin terror attacks. Almost immediately, the worlds corporate media began pushing the story that those who were responsible for the blast and mass shooting were associated with Al Qaeda and other radical Islamist groups.


CNNs Washington, DC chief anchor Wolf Blitzer, a former spokesman for the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobby and a correspondent for the Jerusalem Post, began his late afternoon program by pointing to Al Qaeda and radical Islamists as the chief culprits for the terrorist attacks in Norway. CNN paraded out a number experts, in actuality, propagandists for the Israeli agenda linked to neoconservative outlets and the Pentagons terrorism industrial complex, before the cameras to advance the radical Islamist meme even as Norwegian authorities pinned blame on the attack on at least one perpetrator, a Norwegian named Anders Behring Breivik. CNN constantly showed footage of frightened people in downtown Oslo running for their lives from the site of the blast, as well as still photograph of a pall of light-brown smoke over downtown Oslo. Of course, CNNs intention was to evoke memories of the 9/11 attack in Manhattan. Breivik, who sometimes anglicized his name as Andrew Berwick in his numerous web postings, was said to be a right-wing Islamophobe who sympathized with Zionism and who was a Freemason Breivik was also reported to be a fundamentalist Christian but he adopted a stance against the Lutheran Church, the state church of Norway, and argued for a collective counter-reformation to return the Protestant churches to the control of the Vatican and the Pope.

Breivik lambasted the Lutheran Church and other mainstream Protestant churches, condemning Priests in jeans who march for Palestine. More incredibly, the London tabloid of Rupert Murdochs scandal-plagued News International, The Sun, went to press with the following false headline: Norways 911: Al Qaeda Massacre. On March 29, 2011, Harvard Law Schools extremist Zionist Professor Alan Dershowitz penned a piece in the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal, a newspaper that actively discriminates against the hiring of non-Jews as reporters and editors in violation of U.S. civil rights and equal opportunity employment laws, in which he called Norway anti-Semitic. Dershowitz cited as an example former Norwegian Prime Minister Kare Willocks criticism of President Barack Obamas choice of Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff because he is Jewish. In fact, Emanuels pro- Israeli sympathies as a former member of the Israel Defense Force are what prompted many political observers in Washington and elsewhere to question his primary loyalty to the United States. A network of Israeli bloggers pushed a claim of responsibility on a previously-unknown group called Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami (the Helpers of the Global Jihad). The groups claims were picked up and run by several corporate media outlets and then pulled when it was discovered the claim was a hoax.

Mossad has a program to distribute bogus claims of responsibility for Islamist terrorist attacks via Jihadist websites that are actually operated by the Mossad and a network of hasbaratchiks, Israeli and foreign Jews who act as propagandists on the web. These hasbara (propaganda) agents and volunteers operate through such programs as Megaphone and GIYUS (Give Israel Your United Support.) After the attempt to blame the Norway attacks on Islamists failed, the hasbaratchiks shifted to sock puppet troll mode, posting comments on blogs that criticized allegations that Mossad and Zionists were behind the Norway attacks, emphasizing that such beliefs were anti-Semitic and wild conspiracy theories. Some Israeli sock puppets even offered lunatic suggestions that Breivik was planted by Islamists to make Israel and Zionists look bad. When the Islamist connection to the holocaust in Norway was shown to be non-existent after Norwegian security and police agencies began looking at the evidence, the corporate media switched its propaganda line from radical Islam being responsible to far right extremism opposed to multiculturalism and immigration in Europe as the culprit. Even outlets that in the past had been known for their independence from the corporate media line, including Al Jazeera and RT [formerly known as Russia Today], echoed the line that Breivik primarily represented rightwing opposition to Muslim immigrants in Europe.

Al Jazeera repeated the line that Breivik was a lone madman, the insinuation being that he was not linked to any wider network. While Breivik certainly was associated with the far-right xenophobic elements in Norway, Europe, and North America, there was no mention by the corporate media of his admiration for such American Zionist Islamophobes as Richard Pipes and Pam Geller. Geller led the bigoted anti-Muslim campaign against an Islamic Center near the site of Ground Zero, the former World Trade Center site, in lower Manhattan. Breivik posted a number of his anti-Muslim and proZionist screeds on the Norwegian website, which is operated by Hans-Kristian Rustad, a Norwegian pro-Israeli journalist. No corporate media outlets reported that the brand of far-right extremism of Breivik is closely associated with Zionist-supported far-right anti-immigrant political parties and movements in Western Europe, including the misnamed Progress Party of Norway, the Dutch Freedom Party of Islamophobe Geert Wilders, the Sweden Democrats, Finlands True Finns Party, the Danish Peoples Party, the English Defense League, the ProGermany Citizens Movement, and a pan-Nordic fascist terrorist group called Nordiske. Breivik also expressed support for the Tea Party in the United States


The European anti-Muslim xenophobic network is linked to the notorious publication of Prophet Muhammad cartoons by the neo-conservative Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten and Norways Dagbladet. The Euro-xenophobes are supported by the longtime Zionist Bernard-Henri Levy, the French philosopher who is a friend of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and disgraced former International Monetary Fund managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn. It is noteworthy that Levy is one of the major backers of the Libyan rebels fighting Muammar Qaddafi. Norway announced it was pulling its aircraft from the NATO campaign in Libya at the end of July. Norway also announced its support for Palestines sovereignty resolution in the UN General Assembly in September. As more and more evidence pointed to Oslo being yet another example of a state-sponsored terrorist attack by Israels Mossad, the corporate media studiously avoided mentioning how the Norwegian government through its recent actions, had become a major problem for Israel and its allies abroad, especially on the Palestine sovereignty issue In addition, Norwegian police and intelligence are painfully aware of Mossads past operations in Norway, including the infamous Lillehammer Affair in 1973.


On July 21, 1973, Mossad agents assassinated Ali Hassan Salameh, a Moroccan waiter in Lillehammer, wrongly believing he was the operations chief for the Palestinian terrorist group Black September. Norwegian police arrested the Mossad agents who killed Salameh and uncovered an intricate network of Mossad safe houses, phone numbers, and Norwegian sleeper agents for Mossad. Just as was the case with the coordinated bombings of Madrid trains on March 22, 2004 and London buses and trains on July 7, 2005, viewed by European security services as being the work of not Al Qaeda but domestic radicals, there was no link to Islamist radicals with the attacks in Norway. However, there was every indication that the attack on Norway was intended to shake up the Norwegian population and damage the reputation of the left-ofcenter Norwegian government of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. The corporate media insisted that Breivik was solely responsible for Norways worst violent attack since World War II. Norwegian police reports that a second gunman, described as having thick dark hair and a non-Nordic appearance, were suppressed in much of the corporate media.


The time line of the Oslo attack causes anyones imagination to be stretched on being sold a lone gunman/bomber theory. At 3:26 pm Oslo time a massive car bomb was detonated outside the office of the Prime Minister of Norway. Since July 22 was a public holiday, there were relatively few people inside the Prime Ministers office or the surrounding offices of the Petroleum and Energy Ministry and the VG [Verdens Gang] newspaper, Norways largest paper. As police responded to the downtown Oslo blast, Breivik was said to have taken a boat the Utoya island dressed as a policeman and began opening fire on young members of the Norwegian Labor Party youth camp meeting. The shooting allegedly began at 4:50 pm. Norwegian SWAT team Delta had trouble getting a helicopter started and struggled to find a boat to get to Utoya island. The SWAT team finally arrived on the island at 6:20 pm only to find scores of the next generation of Norwegian Labor Party leaders dead. Breivik calmly surrendered to the police. When Breivik arrived on Utoya he told police on the island that he was there for a routine security check following the bombing in downtown Oslo.

Norways Acting Police chief Sveinung Sponheim said the police were still investigating whether Breivik was acting with a larger network. Sponheims revelation countered the lone wolf theory advanced by corporate media outlets in Western nations. Norways coalition Labor-Socialist Left government has been seen as hostile to the interests of Israel and the United States. There is now a widespread belief that the terrorist attack against Norway was engineered to shock erstwhile peaceful Norway, a nation where police generally still patrol the streets unarmed, into adopting the police state tactics of the United States, Israel, Britain, and other Western nations. Norways pro-Palestinian foreign policy also irked the Zionist and the far-right anti-Islamic factions in Europe and North America, as well as the governments of Israel and the United States. In a move that complements American and Israeli propaganda that Norway has not stepped up to the surveillance state model imposed by other Western governments, the suspicious WikiLeaks decided to release U.S. State Department cables from the U.S. embassy in Oslo that criticized Norway for not recognizing the Al Qaeda threat and maintaining an insufficient security apparatus to combat Islamist terrorism and Pakistani immigrants.


The Barack Obama-appointed U.S. ambassador in Oslo, Barry White, who is Jewish and received a 2005 award from the pro-Israel American Jewish Committee, complained that the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) rejected two twelve-person British MI-6 intelligence surveillance teams to monitor an Al Qaeda cell in Norway. Last November, the Norwegian government was shocked to learn that the U.S. embassy was operating a Surveillance Detection Unit in Oslo that was monitoring Norwegian citizens. Norwegian Justice Minister Knut Storberget said he was not informed of the presence of the U.S. spy unit in Oslo, which employed retired Norwegian police and intelligence officials. The Norwegian Data Protection Commissioner, Bjorn Erik Thon, said he had never seen such an intelligence operation in Norway. White complained that Norwegian security officials were apathetic and incompetent in dealing with the Islamist terrorist threat. The failure of the Norwegian SWAT team to quickly respond to the massacre on Utoya may indicate that Norways law enforcement and security networks and command-and-control systems had been interfered with by infiltrators with knowledge of the Norwegian systems.


Those retired police and intelligence officials working for the U.S. embassys surveillance unit are likely suspects in sabotaging the Norwegian police reaction capabilities on 7/22. Just 48 hours before the bombing in Oslo, police units were engaged in a terrorist bombing exercise at the Oslo Opera House, near what would later be ground zero. In addition, in the days before the terrorist bombing, there was suspicious sewer work being conducted in the area near the Prime Ministers office. In March, the leader of the Socialist Left, Kristen Halvorsen, the Minister of Education of Norway and a former Finance Minister, called for military action against Israel if it attacked Gaza. The Socialist Left and Labor Party, along with the Norwegian Peace Association and the Norwegian energy and telecommunications union, strongly support the Boycott Israel campaign, which includes backing the panEuropean Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) committee and an embargo on arms sales to the Jewish state. In August 2010, the Norwegian pension fund divested in two Israeli companies controlled by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, Africa Israel Investments and its subsidiary Danya Cebus.


Halvorsen had recently met with a delegation of American Jews who complained about Norways antiSemitism, the tired and worn-out canard used by Zionists in confronting anti-Israeli sentiment around the world. In January, Halvorsen and her husband, Christo Halvorsen, a producer for the Norsk Rikskringkasting (NRK) television and radio network, took part in an antiIsrael and U.S. march in Oslo where picket signs with phrases like USA and Israel: Axis of Evil appeared. The Halvorsens and NRK were subjected to a vicious campaign launched by Zionists and the Israel Lobby in Norway. Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stre of the Labor Party has been criticized by the Israel Lobby and Zionists for comparing Israels treatment of Palestinians to Nazi Germanys treatment of Jews. Stre has also called for the demolition of Israels Separation Wall that runs through Palestinian territory on the West Bank, a stance that has earned him enmity and hatred from Israels government and their Zionist allies in the West. Store paid a visit to Utoya before the massacre. The Foreign Minister was on the island as some of the Labor Party youth were participating in a Boycott Israel demonstration.


The city of Trondheim was criticized by Israel for funding a trip to the UN in New York for Norwegian students to participate in a play called the Gaza Monologues. Israel also blasted Norway for distributing a film called Tears of Gaza. After Israel offered assistance to Norway, including forensic and medical assistance, as well as the evacuation of the wounded from the 7/22 attack, Norway declined the offer. The rejection of assistance from Israel indicates that the Norwegian government was suspicious of the offer from Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Other Israeli military teams in the West Bank have been accused of trafficking in human organs, an expose brought to light by the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet in August 2009. That same month, Israels anti-Arab and anti-Muslim Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman accused Sweden and Norway of anti-Semitism, adding the outrageous charge that Norway was pro-Nazi, even though Norways antiMuslim and pro-Zionist activists were affiliated with neoNazi organizations. On December 11, 2010, a suspicious terrorist explosion took place in downtown Stockholm, injuring two people and blamed on a Swedish-Iraqi suicide bomber.


The bombing took place two weeks after the Swedish media reported that a Surveillance Detection Unit, operated form the U.S. embassy in Stockholm, was spying on Swedish citizens. In the past few months, the Mossad has committed blatant acts of espionage and possible other terrorist attacks against nations it perceives as pro-Palestinian. During last years devastating earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, a team of Mossad agents was caught in the city. One of the agents died in the quake. The Mossad agents were found with multiple passports and thumb drives believed to have been used to download sensitive data from New Zealand government computer systems. New Zealands Prime Minister John Key, who seemingly came from obscurity in New Zealand politics and whose Jewish mother immigrated from England, disregarded claims of Mossad espionage during the quake, even though he spoke to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu four times on the day of the quake, after the dead Mossad agent was discovered by New Zealand police and intelligence. New Zealands Southland Times was criticized by New Zealands Jewish community and Israel for promoting conspiracy theories, the typical modus operandi for pro-Israeli Jews, known as sayanim and katsas, who are

used by Israel abroad as propaganda and espionage agents. Ironically, Key was meeting with Obama at the White House as the bombing and shootings were occurring in Norway. Key was believed to have attended the homo-erotic annual meeting of a men-only fraternity composed of American and foreign political and business elitists at the secluded Bohemian Grove in northern California, a conclave that also saw the attendance of Israels most notorious agent-of-influence in America, Henry Kissinger, who also serves as Obamas special envoy to the Russian leadership. Keys Labor Party predecessor, Helen Clark, was the subject of criticism in leaked 2004 State Department cables from the U.S. embassy in Wellington for cracking down on a Mossad teams acquisition of forged New Zealand passports. Once again, the cable leaks were courtesy of the suspect WikiLeaks operation. One of the Mossad perpetrators, Zev William Barkan, who fled New Zealand to avoid arrest, had also been reported in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, where he and other Israelis were producing pornographic and snuff movies, in which unsuspecting vagrants were murdered on camera.


In Egypt, Mossad agents have been accused by the present government of fomenting riots between Muslims and Coptic Christians. A recent explosion of seized Iranian weapons and ammunition being stored at a Cypriot naval base, a blast that killed the head of the Cypriot Navy, remains suspicious. The blast followed the decision of Cypruss left-of-center government to recognize the sovereignty of Palestine. The resulting public outrage over the blast resulted in the resignation of pro-Palestinian Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou and a major political embarrassment for Cypruss president Dimitris Christofias, a member of the Communist AKEL party. Mossad is a master at false-flag terrorist attacks designed to alter perceptions and punish opponents of Israeli policy. The fingerprints of Israeli intelligence are all over the 9/11 attacks on the United States, the 3/22 train bombings in Madrid, the 7/7 transit bombings in London, and, now, the 7/22 attacks in Norway

While the Israeli-influenced corporate media has droned on and on about the dangers of Islamist terrorism, it is now obvious that the major threat to public safety comes from the State of Israel, a rogue nation that does not hesitate to murder the innocent to achieve its sordid political aims.

Evidence 2) So what do Australian Federal Politicians Know and are covering up Right Up To The Prime Minister?
A) Please see enclosed the following letter to The Parliamentary Committee On Intelligence and Security, a copy was sent to ALL Members sitting on this Committee also 3 Copies to the Committee Office Staff. Why wont this Committee ask ASIS Director Nick Warner these questions? By asking Nick Warner these questions and he wont be able to answer them we will have proved him a fraud! Why also wont the Committee ask Heads Of Depts (ASIO, ASIS, DIGO, DIO, DSD and ONA) By asking them these basic questions we will prove them all frauds, compromised and corrupted!

But the real reason deep down this Committee wont ask these questions to the people mentioned because if they were to answer the questions honestly the answers come back The American CIA, FBI, US Military and Israeli Mossad are behind these things.

BINGO Walk into my Spider Web said the Spider to

the Fly, and these people all just walked in, we cant have the truth put on the record about these questions asked, because that would prove The War On Terror to be a fraud both political parties signed Australia up to.

B) Please see enclosed the following letter to Prime Minister Julia Gillard challenging Office Of National Assessments to a debate to prove Bin Laden & Al Qa`eda Video Tapes are true. The Whole Management of Office Of National Assessments are afraid to debate and put up their evidence all these Bin Laden & Al Qa`eda Video Tapes are true? The Whole Management of Office of National Assessments are afraid to debate this poor guy who is on Disability Pension? B 1) Please see the enclosed AUSTRALIA'S JULIA GILLARD, THE CIA AND MOSSAD Julia Gillard Controlled Lock, Stock, Barrel By Israel Zionist Parties wrestle over pro-Israel label in Australian campaign C) Please see enclosed letters written to Ex- Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and this is why I call Kevin Rudd treasonous, treacherous.
Remember folks its Illegal under Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act, Chapter I. The Parliament. Part IV - Both Houses of the Parliament 43. A member of either House of Parliament shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a member of the other House. 44. Any person who (Read It People)


"Any proposed alteration to the Australian Constitution must be put to the direct vote of the entire electorate in a referendum." THAT INCLUDEDS JOINING BANKERS NEW WORLD ORDERS!!!

"Fresh Thinking" Rudd's "adherence to a foreign power" called the "new world order"

"Rudd draws his new world order"

"Time for a new world order: PM"


Rudd finds it important to meet war criminal Henry Kissinger to get advice

War criminal Kissinger whom says... "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy" 1991 Henry Kissinger "Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders [Kevin Rudd] to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will willingly be relinquished for the guarantee of their wellbeing granted to them by their ["new world order"] world government." Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991. As transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates.

AGAIN in 2009 Rudd meets with Kissinger to get new world order "advice"

Look at Rudd running around and the media hyping him up as the architect of the sort Pacific Union Wake up!!

Howard back in 2003 long before any global economic crisis bull was pushing the same rubbish!! The "new world order" isn't "new" at all, Think of old Babylon, but expand it globally in an "International socialist" theater and your staring right at the wanted system. You think we are kidding? The Tower of Bable (from Babylon) has been re-made in Europe - It's now the EU Parliament building!!!


Tuesday, 14 June 2011 Hon Anthony Byrne MP Chairperson Parliamentary Committee On Intelligence and Security PO Box 6021 Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA Attention: A Complaint I Lay Before Your Committee For Investigation. Dear Committee Member My colleague and myself are Australias Most Senior and Experience people educated & researched in Government False Flag Terrorism, and Government Corruption, I will not give our names for obvious reasons (Australian Federal Police, ASIO and ASIS) will break down our doors and set us up on False Terrorism chargers to shut us up. I would like to lay a complaint with your committee, for investigations and to talk about. Complaint My complaint is against Nick Warner and the whole Australian Secret Intelligence Service Agency he runs, and the Allegations are the whole agency is incompetent and corrupt, and I will attempt to prove this by asking through the committee the following questions for you to ask at a committee meeting. The following questions are not hard, any investigator researcher will be able to answer these simple questions, now if Nick Warner and his whole agency cant answer these simple questions how are they suppose to protect Australian interest, safety and our citizens welfare? Question 1) How many False Flag Terrorist Intelligence Agents, and Senior Intelligence Agents does his Dept hires?

Question 2) If the answer is NONE, Why not? Answer His answer will be on the lines, Oh That is Conspiracy Theory, Governments, Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies dont commit False Flag Terrorism. (Really Nick lets expose you and your agency) Question 3) Lose Nuclear Weapons In the wrong hands How many currently on record Nuclear Weapons are hidden in America ready to go off? - Describe to the committee / give evidence how they were either smuggled into America or became lose in the wrong peoples hands - Describe to the committee / give evidence what American port they were smuggled in via, and who smuggled them in, and where they came from - Describe to the committee / give evidence how many Micro Nukes are stored at The Israeli Embassy in New York City, and where they came from - Describe to the committee / give evidence what year did The Bush / Cheney Administration try to carry out a False Flag Nuclear Weapon Attack and what American town the bomb was stopped from going off in - Describe to the committee / give evidence what year were 5 Israeli Mossad agents were caught for trying to carry out a False Flag Terrorist Attack on a train railway network, what city were they caught and who stopped this attack killed and caught them Question 4) Spying and Espionage in America - Describe to the committee / give evidence how many Israelis were rounded up around 11th Sept 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Describe to the committee / give evidence how they got 75 of them out of the country on 11th Sept 2001


- Describe to the committee / give evidence how many were rounded up, who helped get them released and the list of their names, addresses, phone numbers IDF Military No, how they entered the country - Describe to the committee / give evidence how many Israeli Mossad were caught cheering, clapping giving themselves high 5s, and their names on 11th Sept 2001 - Describe to the committee / give evidence how many White Vans full of Explosives were caught on 11th Sept 2001, and who was identified driving these vans - Describe to the committee / give evidence who was caught staking out the Sears Towers in Chicago USA around 11th Sept 2001 - Describe to the committee / give evidence the $650 Million Dollars in Gold & Silver Bars stolen on 11th Sept 2001 who most probably stole it, and how they shipped the Gold & Silver out of the country Question 5) Lose Nuclear Weapons Stolen in The World - Describe to the committee / give evidence what year 85 Micro Nukes were stolen and from what country - Describe to the committee / give evidence what happened to the Officer in charge of the unit for safe keeping of these Micro Nukes Question 6) The 2002 Micro Nuke Bali Bombings - Describe to the committee / give evidence which Australian Airport (The 6-8 Israeli Mossad CIA Operatives) who planted and used a Micro Nuke in the bombings flew out from - Describe to the committee / give evidence who own the plane, and after they changed the Airport Tower logs at Bali, for which city and country they flew out to next, never to be seen of again


Question 7) Ex President Harri Assassination In Lebanon - How many Israelis were involved in the operation and what happened to the approx 13 of them after they touched down at Perth Airport, after they finished their mission in Lebanon Committee Members the above are a few simple easy questions to put to Nick Warner and his whole agency for their answers. Nick will claim either National Security, I cant answer them questions. Or Nick will use the excuse, I will have to take them questions on notice and get the answers for you and report back to the committee. And while at the Office he will call in the entire Management Team demanding answers to these questions I put above. Now if Nick Warner is suppose to be Australias Spy Chief, and the agency he heads up cant answer these basic questions, for which any researcher investigator (REAL Intelligence Officer) should be able to answer. How can Nick Warner & Australian Secret Intelligence Service Agency protect Australian Interest both at home and around the world if he cant answer these questions above? How can Nick Warner & Australian Secret Intelligence Service Agency protect Australians at home if he cant answer these questions above? Does this not also prove if I can answer these questions, and Nick Warner and his whole agency cant answer these simple questions, the Government and Parliament are employing the wrong people to look after Australian interest abroad, and at home? The above also goes for other Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies in Australia, get the whole lot of them together and put the same questions to them all and wait for their answers.


Lastly lets go back to Nick Warner answer before the committee asking how many False Flag Terrorism Professional like myself they hire and his answer would have been along the lines of Oh that is all Conspiracy Theory, Governments, Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies dont commit False Flag Terrorism. (Really Nick lets expose you again as a fraud) Please find enclosed the following: High-Level American Officials Admit that the United States Uses False Flag Terror ... And Warn of Future Attacks Indeed, the former Secretary of Homeland Security - Tom Ridge - admits that he was pressured to raise terror alerts to help Bush win reelection. A former National Security Adviser told the Senate that the war on terror is "a mythical historical narrative". & Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI & False Flag Operations: Past, Present, And The Inevitable Future What a web we weave for ourselves ah Nick? What I have just proven is, since 11th Sept 2001 Terrorist Attacks and up until this date everything myself and other researchers investigators have been saying about The War On Terror is true and most of these False Flag Terrorist Attacks & Staged False Flag Events have been carried out by the American CIA, FBI, US Military and Israeli Mossad. What it also means! What it also means that The Howard Government, Rudd Government and Gillard Government have been hiring Stooges to look after and run Australias Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies whos agencies have been feed rubbish Security and Intelligence information about Terrorism.


BY The Americans, British and Israelis for which these dumb ass Stooges have instructed all the rubbish, lies, absolute crap being feed to them about Terrorism and who really is doing these Terrorist Attacks in the World the lies they have written down as the truth. What it means also the Howard Government, Rudd Government and Gillard Government White Papers on Terrorism and Security isnt even worth wiping your bum with. I commend the enclosed to all committee members Yours truly Toby A Robinson Thursday, 24 June 2010 Julia Gillard MHR Prime Minister The Prime Ministers Office Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Attention: Challenge To Office Of National Assessments Subject: Office Of National Assessments Dear Prime Minister I would like a personal response to this letter please, as it has to do with Australian National Security, and thus advising the Government on Security & Terrorism Issues. Challenge To Office Of National Assessments and the following people.


- Deputy Director General Mr Bruce Miller - Deputy Director General Dr Heather Smith - ADG Executive and Foreign Intelligence Coordination Branch Dr Carolyn Patteson - Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Australian National Security and protection of our people and country is no joke, every Australian Citizen takes this issue seriously. Why dont you? I therefore challenge Office of National Assessments to prove The War On Terror both political parties have signed Australia and the Australian people up to is true. I also challenge them to prove Al Qa`eda is true, and Bin Laden is alive and all these Video and Audio Tapes the Americans release are true. If I win the challenge all the above people get sacked, kicked out of the Office with a boot up their backsides, for misleading The Prime Minister and Government and Police, Military and other Intelligence Agencies which rely upon their information to be true, correct, up to date. I am not laughing, and dont think its funny the above people are in well paid positions, their job is to advise The Prime Minister and the Government and others mentioned. And their information is an gross fabrication and distortion of facts, blatant fallacies, as feed through to them by the Americans. As for this Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, he is an absolute clown, If I was in his position I would of reported back to you personally that All of Australias Security, Terrorism information is corrupted, false, lies. Which means our Australian Federal Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies are working on gross fabrication and distortion of facts, blatant fallacies. How is that running a TOP Notch Security, Terrorism and National policy working on rubbish?

- Director General Mr Allan Gyngell


Please advise of a date when this challenge can be held in front of you and all the Security Of Cabinet Members at a suitable location. Both political parties signed Australia up to The War On Terror based upon certain people carrying out a Terrorist Attack in America on 11th Sept 2001. With this challenge we will finally prove beyond doubt these Terrorist Attacks were an Inside Job carried out by The CIA, Mossad, and others within the American, Police, Military and Intelligence Services, with Dick Cheney running the whole Operation and George Bush with full knowledge. This evidence Prime Minister now lets you and your Government off the hook of supporting America and the Coalition Forces in Iraq, Afghanistan. You can now face President Barrak Obama with this evidence or any of the Americans and say Go Fuck yourself, Australia is bringing our people home! And we demand an apology for dragging us into conflict based upon lies, which had different aims, agenda, plans then what Australia was told about. So you and your staff dont think I am a crack pot, because I note from previous talks your staff believe the Official story about 11th Sept 2001 Attacks. I have enclosed the following: - Translation of Secret BND Report of September 11, 2001, T O P - S E C R E T - Background Report on 9/11/2001. I got this off A German Intelligence Agent, little do people know German Intelligence had a team of people watching the Twin Towers weeks and days prior to 11th Sept 2001, they record what they seen. Lets see your staff deny this Report, seen they believe the Official story about 11th Sept 2001. I hope your staff pass this information along to you. Ex-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his staff wouldnt address these issues and problems and knew about the enclosed Report but failed to act.

Yours truly Andrew B Werner Australian Top, Experienced Person in Government Corruption and False Flag Terrorism Email

Wednesday, 8 October 2008 Kevin Rudd MHR Prime Minister Parliament House Office GPO Box 6022 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Subject: Sacking The Following People! Dear Kevin Rudd, I bring before you and your Office and demand the sack of the following people, I submit a strong case to sack the below people. I demand you sack the following people from Office of National Assessments, that Office answer straight to you.

Mr Peter Varghese Director General Dr Brendon Hammer Deputy Director General Dr Heather Smith Deputy Director General And all section Heads

Reason For Sacking: Why these above people do not report False Flag Terrorist Black Ops carried out by Israeli Mossad and CIA & Black Water Security in Iraq?


Our Military in Iraq deserve to know who really is doing some of these Terrorist Attacks, so as to protect themselves and our mission there. If I can collect information proving these Terrorist Attacks are False Flag Operations why cant the above people with more resources then me? Yours truly XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Evidence Presented British SAS posing as Iraqi Insurgents The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as "members of the SAS elite special forces" They were disguised by wigs and Arab dress. Iraqi sources reported that the Iraqi police were watching the two, and when they tried to approach them they shot two policemen and tried to escape the scene. The Iraqi police chased and captured them, to discover large amount of explosives planted in the car, which apparently was planned to be remotely detonated in the busy market of Basra. The SAS involvement in Iraq was discovered on the 30th of January 2005 when an RAF Hercules plane crashed near Baghdad killing then British servicemen after dropping off fifty SAS members north of Baghdad to fight Iraqi guerillas. N.B This is the fifth time British and American forces have been caught red handed posing as Iraqi Insurgents, caught with explosives in a car ready to explode in a market place.


Five Marines Ambushed

Another mysterious ambush requiring INTEL, and sophisticated remote detonated bombs.

Ambush That Killed Five Marines Smells Of Fifth Column

Marines Mourn Their Dead Dying For Israel


Marines Suspect Israeli Advisors

On 3/10/2008 a marine patrol was ambushed. They were patrolling a Baghdad neighborhood when a remote control bomb killed five and wounded three others. The question as to timing, and to access to sensitive areas, have marines wondering.

Previous Bomb Elsewhere, two nearly simultaneous attacks took place in Baghdad's Shaab neighborhood, one of the capital's most dangerous areas and a center for outlawed Shiite fighters.

The first attack was a roadside bomb that targeted an American patrol around 9:15 a.m., local time, police said. One civilian was wounded.

Be There

Someone Knew That Patrol Would

You need to know the patrol route, place the bomb at a strategic point, and then do a remote detonation.


Marines Are Sad And

They not only see five fellow soldiers die, but they are fed a story that it was an Iraqi with a 'explosive belt'.


Embedded Israeli Advisors Senior US command have inserted Israeli IDF advisors in all lines of command. The Marines are fed up with these arrogant bloodsucking parasites. Following their advise has led to three other ambushes in just the last six months.

Israeli Advisors The United States has turned to Israel for technology and expertise to protect American troops in Iraq from improvised explosive devices. But the Bush administration was said to have limited this cooperation with Israel to avoid an Arab backlash. After the USS Liberty, the Lavon Affair, the 242 dead marines in Beirut, etc., we should have our heads examined letting Israel any where near our troops.

Field Commanders Angry These Israelis gave advise, are privy to our Intel, but refuse to be with marines in hot areas.


Israeli Death Squads Killing Iraq's

Dr. Khalid Nasir al-Miyahi, a neurologist, was kidnapped and his body was found in a central area of the city. According to figures from the Iraqi Health Ministry released earlier this year, 618 medical employees, including 132 doctors, as well as medics and other health care workers, have been killed nationwide since 2003. Professionals from many fields have been targeted in Iraq's violence.

Five Marines Dead For What?

Dead so these Zionist creatures can control the world's oil.


They delight in creating this entire propaganda, from the ambush, to their news articles, to their Israeli advisors sitting in a marine mess hall 'kibitzing' with our troops. "Now you know what we suffer in Israel", says Heim Penski to a corporal from Montana.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008 Kevin Rudd MHR Prime Minister Parliament House Office GPO Box 6022 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Subject: Sacking The Following People! Dear Kevin Rudd, I bring before you and your Office and demand the sack of the following people, I submit a strong case to sack the below people. 2) I demand you sack the following people from Office of National Assessments, that Office answer straight to you.

Mr Peter Varghese Director General Dr Brendon Hammer Deputy Director General Dr Heather Smith Deputy Director General And all section Heads

Reason For Sacking: These people have been lying, corrupting Australian Security & Intelligence Information, which other agencies then rely upon. This is total incompetence! This is total dereliction of duty!

This is sheer corruption! Case Presented Get all these people into one room or ask them to submit a report giving a Definition who Al Qa`eda is and basically they will submit the following. Definition Of Al Qa`eda: Al Qa'ida ('The Base') is a loose-knit grouping of individuals and organizations that espouse an Islamic extremist ideology, including advocating and undertaking acts of violence against those characterised as the 'enemies of Islam'. It was founded, and is led by Osama (Usama) bin Laden. Question: - If Al Qa`eda is a bunch of Muslims going about doing Terrorist Attacks directed by Bin Ladden, then please explain the following. Why the following people whom they above claim are part of Al Qa`eda and work for Bin Ladden Why the below show up on United States of America (CIA) data base as working for the CIA and getting paid by the CIA. Including the USS Cole Bomber Jamal al-Badawi? Does that not mean these above people are lying in our Intelligence Agencies? Yours truly XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX

(CIA + Mossad + MI5 = AlQueada)

The greatest false-flag operations conducting in the history on man !!!! In case you weren't paying attention...


Vinnell bombing leader Khaled Jehani, fought for the CIA in Afghanistan, Bosnia & Chechnya Members of the Moroccan terror group Salafi Jihadi fought for the CIA in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Bosnia and Kosovo USS Cole Bomber Jamal al-Badawi fought for the CIA in Bosnia Zacarias Moussaoui fought for the CIA in Chechnya Khalid Sheikh Mohammed fought for the CIA in Afghanistan Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman fought for the CIA in AfghanistanHead of Egyptian Islamic Jihad Ayman al Zawahiri, fought for the CIA in Bosnia His brother Ayman al-Zawahiri fought for the CIA in Kosovo Abdullah Azzam, "one of the ideological founders of Hamas" fought for the CIA in Afghanistan When Osama Bin Ladin Was Tim Osman

War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11th Zbigniew Brzezinski: "Your cause is right, God is on your side." CIA reins in loose cannons, and keeps their Al Qaeda creation alive and well CIA "Arranged" for Passports for Al Qaeda Terrorists & Brought Them to the USA to Recruit for Jihads Will the CIA Leave Their Saudi Partners in Crime Holding the Bag? "New Al-Qaeda" like New Coke only harder to buy "The Farce Goes On - The Hunt for Ayman Zawahiri, Mohammad Omar, & Osama "Moussaoui, Khadr, & Ressam Are "Graduates" of CIA's Khalden Camp for Afghanistan & Balkans "Jihads" Bin Laden Puppetmasters Smoked Out In Balkans The CIA arranged for HUM guerrillas to fight in Bosnia & Kosovo Bin-Ladin and KLA have a 'joint' cash box in the United States The CIA & Bin Laden worked hand-in-glove in KLA operations U.S. Protects Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Kosovo Wolfowitz Meets "in Private" with NLA Terrorist Ali Ahmeti America used Islamists to arm the Bosnian Muslims Bosnia, 1 degree of separation from Al-Qaeda Where was the "Concern" about "al-Qaida Operating in Iran" during the War in Bosnia? Terror mastermind with taste for high life US Has Al Qaida Backers List U.S. had agents inside al-Qaeda CIA Told "Malaysian secret police" to "Monitor" Al Qaeda Meeting on Plans to Hit WTC on 9-11-2001 The CIA's "Operation Cyclone" - Stirring the Hornet's Nest of Islamic Unrest"

The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists' Secret Weapon U.S. Armed, Promoted Accused September 11 Terrorist Mastermind CIA Bankrolled System of Madrassas & Training Camps to Brainwash "Jihad" Warriors British Press Gagged on Reporting MI6's 100,000 bin Laden Payoff Ramzi Yousef was part of a CIA recruitment drive in New York and he did have "ties" to Bin Laden CIA Recruits Terrorist Agents At Guantanamo Oregon group thrives despite al Qaeda ties Sniper link to al Qaeda investigated Who is behind the "Terrorist Network" in Northern Iraq, Baghdad or Washington? How Al Qaeda lit the Bali fuse Did Rambo ever stop loving Osama? Wednesday, 8 October 2008 Kevin Rudd MHR Prime Minister Parliament House Office GPO Box 6022 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Subject: Sacking The Following People! Dear Kevin Rudd, I bring before you and your Office and demand the sack of the following people, I submit a strong case to sack the below people. 3) I demand you sack the following people from Office of National Assessments, that Office answer straight to you.

Mr Peter Varghese Director General Dr Brendon Hammer Deputy Director General Dr Heather Smith Deputy Director General And all section Heads



I demand you sack the following person from Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security

Mr Ian Carnell Inspector-General

5) 6) I demand you sack Mr. Paul Osullivan Director ASIO And all section Heads in ASIO

Reason For Sacking: Case Presented Why these above people WILL NOT report the truth that Bin Ladden has been dead since early Dec 2001 and is a known fact by all Military Police Intelligence Agencies World wide Why wont the above people tell the truth and keep lying, deceiving Australian politicians and the Australian people that Bin Ladden is still alive? Why are they lying? Yours truly XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX

Osama bin Laden - a dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government Fake Al Qaeda Psyops Against the American People, The Boogeyman Principle


Al-Zarqawi Circus Sideshow Continues Unabated Scene from "Zarqawi killed" - TAKE TWO Necro-Porn, Live on CNN Which one of these Zarqawis had tattoos and a prosthesis? Pentagon forgets to give villagers script on Zarqawi Desperate Bush administration ends already blown Zarqawi deception The whole world is watching America and laughing at them as they produce Fake False Boogeymen tapes - videos, then profess to hunt Al Qa`eda down Australia and Australian Intelligence, Military & Police are laughing stocks for believing such rubbish. And Australian Politicians both sides of Politics are laughing stocks when they quote American propaganda stories about Bin Ladden Wednesday, 8 October 2008 Kevin Rudd MHR Prime Minister Parliament House Office GPO Box 6022 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600

Subject: Sacking The Following People! Dear Kevin Rudd, I bring before you and your Office and demand the sack of the following people, I submit a strong case to sack the below people. 1) I demand you sack the following people from Office of National Assessments, that Office answer straight to you. a. b. c. d. Mr Peter Varghese Director General Dr Brendon Hammer Deputy Director General Dr Heather Smith Deputy Director General And all section Heads

2) I demand you sack the following person from Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security a. Mr Ian Carnell Inspector-General 3) I demand you sack Mr. Paul OSullivan Director ASIO 4) And all section Heads in ASIO Reason For Sacking: Case Presented Get all these people into one room or ask them to submit a report giving a Definition who Al Qa`eda is and basically they will submit the following. Definition Of Al Qa`eda: Al Qa'ida ('The Base') is a loose-knit grouping of individuals and organizations that espouse an Islamic extremist ideology, including advocating and undertaking acts of violence against those characterised as the 'enemies of Islam'. It was founded, and is led by Osama (Usama) bin Laden.

Question: - If Al Qa`eda is a bunch of Muslims going about doing Terrorist Attacks directed by Bin Ladden, then please explain the following. The Phony (Mossad) Al Qaeda Cell in Palestine Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ... said that al-Qaeda militants were operating in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon. "We know that they are there. We know that they are in Lebanon, working closely with Hezbollah. We know that they are in the region," he said. [BBC News - 12/5/2002] Officials from the Palestinian Authority have accused the Israeli spy agency Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said that Israel had set up the mock cell in order to justify attacks in Palestinian areas. [BBC News - 12/8/2002]

Mossad agents arrested by the PA for attempting to set up phony 'al Qaeda' cells in the Gaza Strip. - Mossad Exposed in Phony 'Palestinian Al-Qaeda' Caper - By Way of Deception, by Justin Raimondo
77 - By Way of Deception, by Justin Raimondo - PA uncovers Israelis posing as Al-Qaeda - Palestinians arrest al-Qaeda 'poseurs' Ha'Aretz - Ibrahim, the Shin Bet wants you to join Qaida! Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act." [Washington Times - 9/10/2001] Does this not mean these people have lied in their Intelligence reports? Does this mean these people are feeding Fake False Intelligence to other Australian Police, Intelligence Agencies and Military Intelligence? Why is Office of National Assessments lying about Al Qa`eda telling everybody Al Qa`eda is a bunch of Muslims running about doing Terrorist Attacks directed by Bin Ladden? When I have just proven who Al Qa`eda really is and who are the real ones getting caught doing Terrorist Acts. Please explain Mr Kevin Rudd, will you be allowing these above people to continue to lie, or will you stand up and have the balls to sack these liars above. Yours truly XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX


Wednesday, 8 October 2008 Kevin Rudd MHR Prime Minister Parliament House Office GPO Box 6022 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Subject: Sacking The Following People! Dear Kevin Rudd, I bring before you and your Office and demand the sack of the following people, I submit a strong case to sack the below people. I demand you sack the following people from Office of National Assessments, that Office answer straight to you.

Mr Peter Varghese Director General Dr Brendon Hammer Deputy Director General Dr Heather Smith Deputy Director General And all section Heads

Reason For Sacking: Case Presented These people in the lead up to Iraq invasion and now occupation by America changed Australian Intelligence to match what the Americans and British were putting out. These people lied with their Intelligence! These people deliberately changed Intelligence knowing they were lying! These people broke the Separation Of Powers rules between Government and public service and lied for John Howard and his Government!


Now its time to hold these people accountable and sack them for their absolute corruption, deception, lies. Your refusal to sack these people and clean out these Depts of liars makes you guilty as them Mr. Rudd, it means you are now covering up for their lies! Yours truly XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX THE LIE OF THE CENTURY The Downing Street Memo is only the beginning of the proof we were all lied to. All war is based on deception." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War There is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific death in war, any government that desires to initiate a war usually lies to their people to create the illusion that support for the war is the only possible choice they can make.

It is inescapable historical reality that leaders of nations will lie to their people to trick them into wars they otherwise would have refused. It is not "conspiracy theory" to suggest that leaders of nations lie to trick their people into wars. It is undeniable fact. This brings us to the present case. Did the government of the United States lie to the American people, more to the point, did President Bush and his Neocon associates lie to Congress, to initiate a war of conquest in Iraq? This question has been given currency by a memo leaked from inside the British Government which clearly indicates a decision to go to war followed by the "fixing" of information around that policy.

This is, as they say, a smoking gun. But the fact is that long before this memo surfaced, it had become obvious that the US Government, aided by that of Great Britain, was lying to create the public support for a war in Iraq. First off is Tony Blair's "Dodgy Dossier", a document released by the Prime Minister that made many of the claims used to support the push for war. The dossier soon collapsed when it was revealed that much of it had been plagiarized from a student thesis paper that was 12 years old! The contents of the dossier, however much they seemed to create a good case for invasion, were obsolete and outdated. This use of material that could not possibly be relevant at the time is clear proof of a deliberate attempt to deceive. Then there was the claim about the "Mobile biological weapons laboratories". Proffered in the absence of any real laboratories in the wake of the invasion, photos of these trailers were shown on all the US Mainstream Media, with the claim they while seeming to lack anything suggesting biological processing, these were part of a much larger assembly of multiple trailers that churned out biological weapons of mass destruction.


The chief proponent of this hoax was Colin Powell, who presented illustrations such as this one to the United Nations on February 5th, 2003. This claim fell apart when it was revealed that these trailers were nothing more than hydrogen gas generators used to inflate weather balloons. This fact was already known to both the US and UK, as a British company manufactured the units and sold them to Iraq.

Click for full sized image

Colin Powell's speech to the UN was itself one misstatement after another. Powell claimed that Iraq had purchased special aluminum tubes whose only possible use was in uranium enrichment centrifuges. Both CIA and Powell's own State Department confirmed that the tubes were parts for missiles Saddam was legally allowed to have. Following the invasion, no centrifuges, aluminum or otherwise were found. Powell also claimed to the United Nations that the photo on the left showed "Decontamination Vehicles". But when United Nations inspectors visited the site after the invasion, they located the vehicles and discovered they were just firefighting equipment. Powell claimed the Iraqis had illegal rockets and launchers hidden in the palm trees of Western Iraq. None were ever found. Powell claimed that the Iraqis had 8,500 liters (2245 gallons) of Anthrax. None was ever found.

Click for full sized image

Powell claimed that Iraq had four tons of VX nerve gas. The UN had already confirmed that it was destroyed. The only VX ever found were samples the US had left as "standards" for testing. When the UN suspected that the US samples had been used to contaminate Iraqi warheads, the US moved quickly to destroy the samples before comparison tests could be carried out. Powell claimed that Iraq was building long-range remote drones specifically designed to carry biological weapons. The only drones found were short-range reconnaissance drones. Powell claimed that Iraq had an aggregate of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical and biological warfare agents. Powell gave no basis for that claim at all, and a DIA report issued the same time directly contradicted the claim. No biological or chemical weapons were found in Iraq following the invasion. Powell claimed that "unnamed sources" confirmed that Saddam had authorized his field commanders to use biological weapons. No such weapons were ever used by the Iraqis to defend against the invasion and, of course, none were ever found in Iraq. Powell claimed that 122mm warheads found by the UN inspectors were chemical weapons. The warheads were empty, and showed no signs of ever having contained chemical weapons Powell claimed that Iraq had a secret force of illegal long-range Scud missiles. None were ever found. Powell claimed to have an audio tape proving that Saddam was supporting Osama Bin Laden.


But independent translation of the tape revealed Osama's wish for Saddam's death. Colin Powell's UN debacle also included spy photos taken from high flying aircraft and spacecraft. On the photos were circles and arrows and labels pointing to various fuzzy white blobs and identifying them as laboratories and storage areas for Saddam's massive weapons of mass destruction program. Nothing in the photos actually suggested what the blobby shapes were and during inspections which followed the invasion, all of them turned out to be rather benign. In at least one case, the satellite Powell claimed had taken one of the pictures had actually been out of operation at the time. And many questioned why Powell was showing black and white photos when the satellites in use at the time over Iraq took color images. Another piece of evidence consists of documents which President Bush referenced as in his 2003 State of the Union Speech. According to Bush, these documents proved that Iraq was buying tons of uranium oxide, called "Yellow Cake" from Niger.


Since Israel had bombed Iraq's nuclear power plant years before, it was claimed that the only reason Saddam would have for buying uranium oxide was to build bombs. This hoax fell apart fast when it was pointed out that Iraq has a great deal of uranium ore inside their own borders and no need to import any from Niger or anywhere else. The I.A.E.A. then blew the cover off the fraud by announcing that the documents Bush had used were not only forgeries, but too obvious to believe that anyone in the Bush administration did not know they were forgeries! The forged documents were reported as being "discovered" in Italy by SISMI, the Italian Security Service. Shortly before the "discovery" the head of SISMI had been paid a visit by Michael Ledeen, Manucher Ghorbanifar, and two officials from OSP, one of whom was Larry Franklin, the Israeli spy operating inside the OSP. In July, 2005, the Italian Parliament concluded their own investgation and named four men as suspects in the creation of the forged documents. Michael Ledeen, Dewey Clarridge, Ahmed Chalabi and Francis Brookes. This report has been included in Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation into the outing of Valerie Plame, and Paul McNulty, the prosecutor of the AIPAC spy case. A recently declassified memo proves that the State Department reported the fact that the NIger documents were forgeries to the CIA 11 days before President Bush made the claim about the Niger uranium based on those documents. In the end, the real proof that we were lied to about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is that no weapons of mass destruction were ever found.


That means that every single piece of paper that purported to prove that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was by default a fraud, a hoax, and a lie. There could be no evidence that supported the claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction because Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction. In a way, the existence of any faked documents about Iraq's WMDs is actually an admission of guilt. If one is taking the time to create fake documents, the implication is that the faker is already aware that there are no genuine documents. What the US Government had, ALL that they had, were copied student papers, forged "Yellow Cake" documents, balloon inflators posing as bioweapons labs, and photos with misleading labels on them. And somewhere along the line, someone decided to put those misleading labels on those photos, to pretend that balloon inflators are portable bioweapons labs, and to pass off stolen student papers as contemporary analysis.

And THAT shows an intention to deceive.

Lawyers call this "Mens Rea", which means "Guilty Mind". TV lawyer shows call it "Malice aforethought". This means that not only did the Bush Administration lie to the people and to the US Congress, but knew they were doing something illegal at the time that they did it. All the talk about "Intelligence failure" is just another lie.

There was no failure.


Indeed the Army agents who erroneously claimed that missile tubes were parts for a uranium centrifuge received bonuses, while the Pentagon smeared Hans Blix, and John Bolton orchestrated the firing of Jose Bustani, the director of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, because Bustani was trying to send chemical weapons inspectors to Baghdad. The President of the United States and his Neocon associates lied to the people of the United States to send them off on a war of conquest. Defenders of the government will point to the cases listed at the top of the page as proof that lying to the people is a normal part of the leader's job and we should all get used to it. And because "Everybody does it" that we should not single out the present administration. But this is madness. We do not catch all the murderers, yet when we catch a murderer, we deal with them as harshly as possible, in order to deter more murderers. Right now, we have the criminals at hand. And, while other leaders in history have lied to start wars, for the first time in history, the lie stands exposed while the war started with the lies still rages on, to the death and detriment of our young men and women in uniform. We cannot in good moral conscience ignore this lie, this crime, lest we encourage future leaders to continue to lie to us to send our kids off to pointless wars. Lying to start a war is more than an impeachable offence; it the highest possible crime a government can commit against their own people. Lying to start a war is not only misappropriation of the nation's military and the nation's money under false pretenses, but it is outright murder committed on a massive scale. Lying to start a war is a betrayal of the trust each and every person who serves in the military places in their civilian leadership.


By lying to start a war, the Bush administration has told the military fatalities and their families that they have no right to know why they were sent to their deaths. It's none of their business. Our nation is founded on the principle of rule with the consent of the governed. Because We The People do not consent to be lied to, a government that lies rules without the consent of the governed, and ruling without the consent of the governed is slavery. You should be more than angry. You should be in a rage. You should be in a rage no less than that of the families of those young men and women who have been killed and maimed in this war started with a lie. You need to be in a rage and you need to act on that rage because even as I type these words, the same government that lied about Iraq's nuclear weapons is telling the exact same lies about Iran's nuclear capabilities. The writing is on the wall; having gotten away with lying to start the war in Iraq, the US Government will lie to start a war in Iran, and after that another, and after that another, and another and another and another because as long as you remain silent, and as long as you remain inactive, the liars have no reason to stop. As long as you remain inactive, the liars have no reason to stop. None. It is time to fire the liars. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" . --Edmund Burke


Wednesday, 8 October 2008 Kevin Rudd MHR Prime Minister Parliament House Office GPO Box 6022 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Subject: Sacking The Following People! Dear Kevin Rudd, I bring before you and your Office and demand the sack of the following people, I submit a strong case to sack the below people. I demand you sack the following people from Office of National Assessments, that Office answer straight to you.

Mr Peter Varghese Director General Dr Brendon Hammer Deputy Director General Dr Heather Smith Deputy Director General And all section Heads

Reason For Sacking: These people have been lying, corrupting Australian Security & Intelligence Information, which other agencies then rely upon. This is total incompetence! This is total dereliction of duty! Case Presented Please explain when recording Terrorist Attacks all the above people do not, (DO NOT) record False Flag Black Ops Terrorist Attacks carried out by other countries Police, Military & Intelligence Agencies. Isnt this Terrorism? Isnt this Murder? Isnt this Illegal Activity?


Oh I see! Its only classed as Terrorism if it can be proven Muslims are doing these Terrorist Attacks. But if other countries Military, Police, Intelligence agencies carry out a Terrorist Attack its alright. Yours truly XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX Evidence Submitted (All these sites have been taken down, Israel and American FBI, CIA and Military attacked this guys whole site, he put it up again, then they went to all his service providers and demanded all his sites be taken down, and they close his accounts) False Flag Operations = Police, Military, Intelligence Agencies Carrying Out The Attacks and Making It Look Like it was Muslims or insurgents or some group did the attack 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17)

An Introduction to False Flag Terror

It is widely known that the Nazis, in Operation Himmler, faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland. And it has now been persuasively argued -- as shown, for example, in this History Channel video -- that Nazis set fire to their own government building and blamed that fire on others (if you have trouble playing the clip, it is because the website hosting the clip requires you to download the clip before playing it). The fire was the event which justified Hitler's seizure of power and suspension of liberties. And in the early 1950s, agents of an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind "evidence" implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers). Israel's Defense Minister was brought down by the scandal, along with the entire Israeli government.


And the Russian KGB apparently conducted a wave of bombings in Russia in order to justify war against Chechnya and put Vladimir Putin into power. The Turkish government has carried out bombings and blamed it on the PKK in order to justify a crackdown on that group. This is called "false flag terrorism", where a government attacks its own people then blames others in order to justify its goals

But NOT the U.S.

It is logical to assume that, even if other countries have carried out false flag operations (especially horrible regimes such as, say, the Nazis), the U.S. has never done so. Well, as shown by this BBC special (which contains interviews with some of the key players), it is probable that America knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor -- down to the exact date of the attack -- and allowed it to happen to justify America's entry into World War II. See also this short essay by a highly-praised historian summarizing some of the key points (the historian, a World War II veteran, actually agreed with this strategy for getting America into the war, and so does not have any axe to grind). The Pearl Harbor conspiracy involved hundreds of military personnel. Moreover, the White House apparently had, a year earlier, launched an 8point plan to provoke Japan into war against the U.S. (including, for example, an oil embargo). And -- most stunning -- the FDR administration took numerous affirmative steps to ensure that the Japanese attack would be successful. And, as confirmed by a former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence, NATO, with the help of U.S. and foreign special forces, carried out terror bombings in Italy and blamed the communists, in order to rally peoples support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism.


As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: "You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security." Moreover, recently declassified documents show that in the 1960's, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. If you view no other links in this article, please read the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. Therefore, before you dismiss as a tinfoil hat conspiracy claims about 9/11, please take a look at the historical record. Australia's largest newspaper quoted the well-respected former Indonesian president as saying that the government had a role in the Bali bombings (apparently, Muslim governments play this game as well)And according to the London Times, "The man accused of supplying the dynamite used in the al-Qaeda train bombings in Madrid was in possession of the private telephone number of the head of Spain's Civil Guard bomb squad . . . . The revelation has raised fresh concerns in Madrid about links between those held responsible for the March bombings, which killed 190 people, and Spains security services".

Kevin Rudd at a meeting with US Ambassador Taking his orders from Washington DC


Wednesday, 8 October 2008 Kevin Rudd MHR Prime Minister Parliament House Office GPO Box 6022 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Subject: Sacking The Following People! Dear Kevin Rudd, I bring before you and your Office and demand the sack of the following people, I submit a strong case to sack the below people. I demand you sack the following people from Office of National Assessments, that Office answer straight to you.

Mr Peter Varghese Director General Dr Brendon Hammer Deputy Director General Dr Heather Smith Deputy Director General And all section Heads

Reason For Sacking: These people have been lying, corrupting Australian Security & Intelligence Information, which other agencies then rely upon. This is total incompetence! This is total dereliction of duty! Case Presented Please explain why the above people refuse to record and tell the truth about 11th Sept 2001 Attacks in New York USA. When the whole worlds other countries Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies all know United State of American with the full knowledge of George W Bush & Dick Cheney and their Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies had a hand in these attacks.

Yours truly XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX Evidence Submitted

ITALIAN SAYS 9-11 SOLVED Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italys oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies.


Its common knowledge, he reveals, CIA, Mossad behind terror attacks Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italys oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies. In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper Corriere della Sera: All the [intelligence services] of America and Europeknow well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq [and] Afghanistan. Cossiga was elected president of the Italian Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide election to become president of the country in 1985, and he remained until 1992. Cossigas tendency to be outspoken upset the Italian political establishment, and he was forced to resign after revealing the existence of, and his part in setting up, Operation Gladio. This was a rogue intelligence network under NATO auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 1960s, 1970s and 80s.

Gladios specialty was to carry out what they termed false flag operationsterror attacks that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition. In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in sworn testimony, You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security. Cossiga first expressed his doubts about 9-11 in 2001, and is quoted by 9-11 researcher Webster Tarpley saying The mastermind of the attack must have been a sophisticated mind, provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and flight security personnel. Coming from a widely respected former head of state, Cossigas assertion that the 9-11 attacks were an inside job and that this is common knowledge among global intelligence agencies is illuminating. It is one more eye-opening confirmation that has not been mentioned by Americas propaganda machine in print or on TV. Nevertheless, because of his experience and status in the world, Cossiga cannot be discounted as a crackpot. September 12, 2001 - Al Qaeda deny responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. "Members Of Bin Laden's Al Quaida have denied any involvement in yesterday's terrorist attacks. Bin Laden has topped a US suspect list." - TCM Breaking News (09/12/01 September 14, 2001 - The Taliban said a country that could train pilots was responsible for the attacks. "...the Taliban regime in Afghanistan said prime suspect Osama bin Laden was innocent because the country had no facility to train pilots. The regime claimed a country that could train pilots was responsible." TCM Breaking News (09/13/01)


September 10, 2001 - U.S. OKd plan to topple the Taliban and expel Osama bin Laden from Afghanistan; September 14, 2001 - Unocal issues a press statement declaring they are not supporting the Taliban in any way September 16, 2001 - Osama bin Laden releases a press statement denying he had anything to do with the 9/11 attacks. Bin Laden denies being behind attacks, "Osama bin Laden, the prime suspect, issued a statement Sunday denying that he was behind last week's terror attacks on the United States. "I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation," said the statement, broadcast by Qatar's Al-Jazeera satellite channel. In the statement, read out by an Al-Jazeera announcer, bin Laden said that he was used to the United States accusing him every time "its many enemies strike at it." Bin Laden, a Saudi exile who has lived in Afghanistan since 1996, has said on at least one other occasion that he wasn't behind the attacks. Jamal Ismail, a Palestinian journalist, has said a bin Laden aide called him after Tuesday's attack to say bin Laden denied being involved but "thanked almighty Allah and bowed before him when he heard this news." In Sunday's statement, which was signed "Sheik Osama bin Laden," bin Laden said that he had pledged to the leader of Afghanistan, Mullah Mohammed Omar, to abide by the country's laws, and Omar "doesn't allow those types of acts." - Journal Sentinel/AP (09/16/01) September 16, 2001 "Osama bin Laden denies any involvement in the 9/11 attacks in a statement to Al Jazeera television, saying, "I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons." - PBS Bin Laden and family flee to the hills and family go into hiding, Terror suspect denies role in attack on US "In a statement faxed to the pro-Taliban Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) agency, Bin Laden yesterday denied having anything to do with last week's attacks in New York and Washington.

"I am residing in Afghanistan. I have taken an oath of allegiance [to the Taliban's spiritual leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar] which does not allow me to do such things from Afghanistan," he claimed. "We have been blamed in the past, but we were not involved," he said. The fax, written in Arabic, was sent from a secret location, AIP said." Guardian (09/17/01) September 28, 2001 - Osama bin Laden denies involvement with 9/11 in the Pakistani newspaper interview, Ummat, suggests that Jews or U.S. secret services were behind the attacks, and says he's not hostile to the United States, but to the U.S. government. Bin-Ladin Denies Involvement in the 9/11 Attacks "The Al-Qaidah group had nothing to do with the 11 September attacks on the USA, according to Usama bin Ladin in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper Ummat. Usama bin Ladin went on to suggest that Jews or US secret services were behind the attacks, and to express gratitude and support for Pakistan, urging Pakistans people to jihad against the West. The following is the text of an interview conducted by a "special correspondent", published in the Pakistani newspaper Ummat on 28 September, place and date of interview not given. UMMAT: You have been accused of involvement in the attacks in New York and Washington. What do you want to say about this? If you are not involved, who might be? USAMA BIN LADEN: I am thankful to the Ummat Group of Publications, which gave me the opportunity to convey my viewpoint to the people, particularly the valiant and momin (true Muslim) people of Pakistan who refused to believe the lies of the demon (Pakistani military dictator General Pervez Musharraf). I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie.

I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle. It is the United States, which is perpetrating every maltreatment on women, children and common people of other faiths, particularly the followers of Islam. All that is going on in Palestine for the last 11 months is sufficient to call the wrath of God upon the United States and Israel. Whoever committed the act of 11 September are not the friends of the American people. I have already said that we are against the American system, not against its people, whereas in these attacks, the common American people have been killed. According to my information, the death toll is much higher than what the U.S. Government has stated. But the Bush Administration does not want the panic to spread. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; the people who are a part of the U.S. system, but are dissenting against it. Or those who are working for some other system; persons who want to make the present century as a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity so that their own civilization, nation, country, or ideology could survive. They can be anyone, from Russia to Israel and from India to Serbia. In the U.S. itself, there are dozens of well-organized and well-equipped groups, which are capable of causing a large-scale destruction. Then you cannot forget the American-Jews, who are annoyed with President Bush ever since the elections in Florida and want to avenge him.

Then there are intelligence agencies in the U.S., which require billions of dollars worth of funds from the Congress and the government every year. This [funding issue] was not a big problem till the existence of the former Soviet Union but after that the budget of these agencies has been in danger. They needed an enemy. So, they first started propaganda against Usama and Taleban and then this incident happened. You see, the Bush Administration approved a budget of 40 billion dollars. Where will this huge amount go? It will be provided to the same agencies, which need huge funds and want to exert their importance. Now they will spend the money for their expansion and for increasing their importance. I will give you an example. Drug smugglers from all over the world are in contact with the U.S. secret agencies. These agencies do not want to eradicate narcotics cultivation and trafficking because their importance will be diminished. The people in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Department are encouraging drug trade so that they could show performance and get millions of dollars worth of budget. General Noriega was made a drug baron by the CIA and, in need, he was made a scapegoat. In the same way, whether it is President Bush or any other U.S. President, they cannot bring Israel to justice for its human rights abuses or to hold it accountable for such crimes. What is this?

Is it not that there exists a government within the government in the United Sates? That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. UMMAT: The losses caused in the attacks in New York and Washington have proved that giving an economic blow to the U.S. is not too difficult. U.S. experts admit that a few more such attacks can bring down the American economy. Why is Al-Qa'idah not targeting their economic pillars? USAMA BIN LADEN: I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the [U.S. Government] system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom. This system is totally in the control of the American Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is clear that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid down by them. So the punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the U.S. is not uttering a single word." - Khilafah (12/28/01) [Reprinted at:] September 16, 2001 - OBL denies 9/11 involvement in press release; November 7, 2001 - OBL denies 9/11 involvement in 'Dawn' interview


Wednesday, 8 October 2008 Kevin Rudd MHR Prime Minister Parliament House Office GPO Box 6022 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Subject: Sacking The Following People! Dear Kevin Rudd, I bring before you and your Office and demand the sack of the following people, I submit a strong case to sack the below people. I demand you sack the following people from Office of National Assessments, that Office answer straight to you.

Mr Peter Varghese Director General Dr Brendon Hammer Deputy Director General Dr Heather Smith Deputy Director General And all section Heads

Reason For Sacking: Case Presented Please explain why the above people will not, (WILL NOT) report the truth who really is benefiting from Afghanistan Opium Trade. As you will read in this UN report under the Taliban in Afghanistan they destroyed the crop down to 187 Tons per year. Since the invasion and subsequent fight with the Taliban it has gone up from 187 Tons per year to 6,100 Tons per year. Seems the real truth why we are in Afghanistan is not to bring democracy freedom to the people and help build that country, but to take over the DRUG TRADE thus keep growing and pushing Heroin on the world markets.


You will also note who benefits from this DRUG TRADE Military & Intelligence Agencies. Seems this report calls you a liar to your face Mr Rudd, just a few months ago you appeared on Sunrise and reported we are in Afghanistan to destroy the crops. This report makes you out to be a liar, bold face utter liar, as for the people above seems they have been misleading you on the truth. Yours truly XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Evidence Submitted

Who benefits from the Afghan Opium Trade?

This trade can only prosper if the main actors involved in narcotics have "political friends in high places."

Who benefits from the Afghan Opium Trade?

The United Nations has announced that opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has soared and is expected to increase by 59% in 2006. The production of opium is estimated to have increased by 49% in relation to 2005. The Western media in chorus blame the Taliban and the warlords. The Bush administration is said to be committed to curbing the Afghan drug trade: "The US is the main backer of a huge drive to rid Afghanistan of opium... " Yet in a bitter irony, US military presence has served to restore rather than eradicate the drug trade. Taliban government was instrumental in implementing a successful drug eradication program, with the support and collaboration of the UN.

Implemented in 2000-2001, the Taliban's drug eradication program led to a 94 percent decline in opium cultivation. In 2001, according to UN figures, opium production had fallen to 185 tons. Immediately following the October 2001 US led invasion, production increased dramatically, regaining its historical levels. The Vienna based UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that the 2006 harvest will be of the order of 6,100 tonnes, 33 times its production levels in 2001 under the Taliban government (3200 % increase in 5 years). Cultivation in 2006 reached a record 165,000 hectares compared with 104,000 in 2005 and 7,606 in 2001 under the Taliban (See table below). Destabilizing Afghanistan's Agriculture The US led invasion and military occupation has served to protect the lucrative Golden Crescent drug trade, which has resulted in billions of dollars of revenue accruing to corporate syndicates, organized crime and Western financial institutions. It has also contributed to destroying Afghanistan's agricultural base. From the outset of the US led occupation, the introduction and imposition of genetically modified seeds by US aid agencies has contributed to destabilizing and ultimately destroying the agricultural cycle. The US supplied Afghanistan with genetically modified wheat together with appropriate types of fertilizer to be used with the GM wheat, which was said to be high yield drought resistant. The donation of GM wheat granted in the form of aid, however, has led to destabilizing the small peasant economy because the GM wheat varieties could not reproduced locally in village nurseries. In 2002, famines which were barely reported by the media, swept the country.


Multibillion dollar trade According to the UN, Afghanistan supplies in 2006 some 92 percent of the world's supply of opium, which is used to make heroin. The UN estimates that for 2006, the contribution of the drug trade to the Afghan economy is of the order of 2.7 billion. What it fails to mention is the fact that more than 95 percent of the revenues generated by this lucrative contraband accrues to business syndicates, organized crime and banking and financial institutions. A very small percentage accrues to farmers and traders in the producing country. See also UNODC, The Opium Economy in Afghanistan, , Vienna, 2003, p. 7-8 "Afghan heroin sells on the international narcotics market for 100 times the price farmers get for their opium right out of the field".(US State Department quoted by the Voice of America (VOA), 27 February 2004). Based on wholesale and retail prices in Western markets, the earnings generated by the Afghan drug trade are colossal. In July 2006, street prices in Britain for heroin were of the order of Pound Sterling 54, or $102 a gram. Narcotics On the Streets of Western Europe One kilo of opium produces approximately 100 grams of (pure) heroin. 6100 tons of opium allows the production of 1220 tons of heroin with a 50 percent purity ratio. The average purity of retailed heroin can vary. It is on average 36%. In Britain, the purity is rarely in excess of 50 percent, while in the US it can be of the order of 50-60 percent.


Based on the structure of British retail prices for heroin, the total proceeds of the Afghan heroin trade would be of the order of 124.4 billion dollars, assuming a 50 percent purity ratio. Assuming an average purity ratio of 36 percent and the average British price, the cash value of Afghan heroin sales would be of the order of 194.4 billion dollars. While these figures do not constitute precise estimates, they nonetheless convey the sheer magnitude of this multibillion dollar narcotics trade out of Afghanistan. Based on the first figure which provides a conservative estimate, the cash value of these sales, once they reach Western retail markets are in excess of 120 billion dollars a year. (See also our detailed estimates for 2003 in The Spoils of War: Afghanistan's Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade, by Michel Chossudovsky, The UNODC estimates the average retail price of heroin for 2004 to be of the order of $157 per gram, based on the average purity ratio). (See also our detailed estimates for 2003 in The Spoils of War: Afghanistan's Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade, by Michel Chossudovsky, The UNODC estimates the average retail price of heroin for 2004 to be of the order of $157 per gram, based on the average purity ratio). Narcotics: Second to Oil and the Arms Trade The foregoing estimates are consistent with the UN's assessment concerning the size and magnitude of the global drug trade. The Afghan trade in opiates (92 percent of total World production of opiates) constitutes a large share of the worldwide annual turnover of narcotics, which was estimated by the United Nations to be of the order of $400-500 billion. (Douglas Keh, Drug Money in a Changing World, Technical document No. 4, 1998, Vienna UNDCP, p. 4. See also United Nations Drug Control Program, Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1999, E/INCB/1999/1 United Nations, Vienna 1999, p. 49-51, and Richard Lapper, UN Fears Growth of Heroin Trade, Financial Times, 24 February 2000).

Based on 2003 figures, drug trafficking constitutes "the third biggest global commodity in cash terms after oil and the arms trade." (The Independent, 29 February 2004). Afghanistan and Colombia are the largest drug producing economies in the world, which feed a flourishing criminal economy. These countries are heavily militarized. The drug trade is protected. Amply documented the CIA has played a central role in the development of both the Latin American and Asian drug triangles. The IMF estimated global money laundering to be between 590 billion and 1.5 trillion dollars a year, representing 2-5 percent of global GDP. (Asian Banker, 15 August 2003). A large share of global money laundering as estimated by the IMF is linked to the trade in narcotics. Legal Business and Illicit Trade are Intertwined There are powerful business and financial interests behind narcotics. From this standpoint, geopolitical and military control over the drug routes is as strategic as oil and oil pipelines. Moreover, the above figures including those on money laundering, confirm that the bulk of the revenues associated with the global trade in narcotics are not appropriated by terrorist groups and warlords, as suggested by the UNODC report. In the case of Afghanistan, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that a mere 2.7 billion accrues as revenue within Afghanistan. According to the US State department "Afghanistan drug profits support the Taliban and their terrorism efforts against the United States, its allies and the Afghan government." (statement, the House Appropriations foreign operations, export financing and related programs subcommittee. September 12, 2006)


However, what distinguishes narcotics from legal commodity trade is that narcotics constitutes a major source of wealth formation not only for organized crime but also for the US intelligence apparatus, which increasingly constitutes a powerful actor in the spheres of finance and banking. This relationship has been documented by several studies including the writings of Alfred McCoy. (Drug Fallout: the CIA's Forty Year Complicity in the Narcotics Trade. The Progressive, 1 August 1997). In other words, intelligence agencies, powerful business, drug traders and organized crime are competing for the strategic control over the heroin routes. A large share of this multi-billion dollar revenues of narcotics are deposited in the Western banking system. Most of the large international banks together with their affiliates in the offshore banking havens launder large amounts of narco-dollars. This trade can only prosper if the main actors involved in narcotics have "political friends in high places." Legal and illegal undertakings are increasingly intertwined, the dividing line between "businesspeople" and criminals is blurred. In turn, the relationship among criminals, politicians and members of the intelligence establishment has tainted the structures of the state and the role of its institutions including the Military. ***** Comment, what the above letters to Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd prove is they personally and all their Office staff and people within the Australian Defence and Security / Intelligence Agencies know the Whole War On Terror is a fraud What it also shows these people know there is NO Al Qa`eda, they know Afghanistan is all about controlling the World heroin supply which now produces 93% of the World Heroin supply for the whole world, they also know the profits from the drug industry is washed through the American Stock Exchange, its what is helping to keep it afloat the illegal profits earnt from the drug industry.


So John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard all know Australian troops are being stationed in Afghanistan to help prop up, control and run the illegal drug growing industry there. That makes all 3 people criminals, traitors, treasonous scumbags sending Australian troops off to another country to die for The Corporations and Illegal Drug Industry.


Images from Gillards Israel visit

Australian prime minister Julia Gillard would appear to be pro-Israel and pro-USA. (Middle East Reality Check: Julia Gillard: A Retrospective) Gillard says that former Australian prime minister Bob Hawke is her "role model" for running Australia. (Julia Gillard, the new warlord of Oz)

The CIA's Victor Marchetti told journalist John Pilger that former Australian prime minister Bob Hawke was very helpful.

"When Hawke came along . . . he immediately sent signals that he knew how the game was played and who was buttering his bread. He became very co-operative, and even obsequious." (Julia Gillard, the new warlord of Oz)

The CIA's Victor Marchetti helped give America control over a very large spy base in Australia.

Gillard's partner is a former hair products salesman named Tim Mathieson who has a pal called Albert Dadon. Dadon is head of the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange and arranges tours of Israel for politicians and journalists. In 2009, Gillard went on such a tour "in the wake of Israel's massacre of 1,400 people in Gaza."

She "drooled her uncritical support for their killers."

In the Australian Financial Review (The Age), Mark Latham wrote:


"Over the years I have received tender messages from Gillard saying how much she misses me in Canberra... "One of them concerned her study tour of the US, sponsored by the American government in 2006 or to use her moniker - 'a CIA re-education course'... "She promised 'to catch up when I'm back from the US and I'll show you my CIA-issued ankle holster'. "I never got to see her ankles or her holster, but I will say this: you have to hand it to those guys in Washington...

Within the space of 2 years they converted her from a highly cynical critic of all matters American into yet another foreign policy sycophant.

Latham lashes out at 'hypocrite' Gillard

ONCE, Julia Gillard and Mark Latham were closest mates. But then Mr Latham's career crashed as Ms Gillard's rose and rose. In his regular Australian Financial Review column yesterday, Mr Latham lashed out at Ms Gillard, whom he declared a hypocrite and a sell-out in her attitude to the US. Ms Gillard has strongly praised the US in visits to that country.


Mr Latham wrote that the ''titular head'' of the parliamentary left had, while George Bush was president, declared the US to be a champion of global civilisation. I cannot allow the wrongness and hypocrisy of this statement to go unchallenged.

''Over the years I have received tender messages from Gillard saying how much she misses me in Canberra.

''One of them concerned her study tour of the US, sponsored by the American Government in 2006 - or to use her moniker - 'a CIA re-education course'.

She asked me to 'stand by for emails explaining George Bush is a great statesman, torture is justified in many circumstances and those Iraqi insurgents should just get over it'. Latham wrote: ''The poor woman has been brainwashed.'' A spokeswmoman said Ms Gillard was ''well known for her humour.''

Julia Gillard Controlled Lock, Stock, Barrel By Israel Zionist Former ambassadors question silence on the 'excesses' of Israel

Former ambassadors question silence on the 'excesses' of Israel


A former Australian ambassador to Israel has accused the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, of being silent on the ''excesses'' of Israel and questioned why her partner has been given a job by a prominent Israel lobbyist.

In a letter to the Herald, Ross Burns, who served as an ambassador between 2001 and 2003, said Ms Gillard has been ''remarkably taciturn on the excesses of Israeli actions in the past two years''. Ms Gillard has been part of the Australian delegation to the last two meetings of the Australia Israel Leadership Forum, founded by the Melbourne property developer Albert Dadon.

Mr Dadon employs Ms Gillard's partner, Tim Mathieson, as a real estate salesman, at Ubertas.

Mr Burns said yesterday that Ms Gillard was at the forum's inaugural meeting in Israel last June, six months after the Israeli army invaded the Gaza Strip, killing more than 1000 Palestinians.

She was also the acting prime minister when the invasion took place, and issued a statement at the time criticising the Palestinian group Hamas for firing rockets into southern Israel. It did not condemn Israel for causing civilian casualties. The former prime minister, Kevin Rudd, and the Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, have since expressed unease at the subsequent blockade of Gaza by Israel.

''It looks a bit funny when you go on this tour to promote bilateral relations, but you don't seem to have any reservations about the issue that was number one on the horizon,'' Mr Burns said.

Another former Australian ambassador to Tel Aviv, Peter Rodgers, who served in the Israeli capital from 1994 to 1997, also criticised the government's attitude towards Israel.

He said last night that under successive governments, Australia's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict had become increasingly unbalanced, and that this was unlikely to change under Ms Gillard's stewardship. ''There's been a marked swing away from the old attempt to be even-handed on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to a much more determined pro-Israeli position, and I think Gillard is part of that,'' Mr Rodgers said.

Parties wrestle over pro-Israel label in Australian campaign

The Herald sought comments from Ms Gillard, Michael Danby, a prominent Jewish federal MP - and a supporter of Ms Gillard in last week's leadership coup - and Mr Dadon for this article, but received no response.

As the two major parties in Australia's federal election vie for the title of Israel's most ardent backer, most Jewish leaders believe that Australias longstanding, strong bilateral support for the Jewish state will not be jeopardized regardless of the outcome. "We own both sides, thus we own the Australian people, BWAH HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA!!!!!!" -- Tel aviv


Parties wrestle over pro-Israel label in Australian campaign

SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) -- As the two major parties in Australia's federal election vie for the title of Israel's most ardent backer, most Jewish leaders believe that Australias longstanding, strong bilateral support for the Jewish state will not be jeopardized regardless of the outcome. Along with support for Israel, Australias 110,000-strong Jewish community will consider perennial election issues such as the economy, refugees and Aboriginal affairs in Saturday's race pitting Prime Minister Julia Gillard of the Labor Party against Tony Abbott of the Liberal Party.

Since voting is mandatory in Australia, Sabbath-observing Jews will be using early polling booths to cast their ballots this week. Polls show a tight race between Gillard, whose bloodless coup two months ago toppled Labor leader Kevin Rudd, and Abbott, the conservative Liberal leader once known as the Mad Monk for making some brutishly candid remarks. The Liberals have been trying to drive a wedge between Labor and the Jewish community, according to Philip Mendes, a Melbourne-based academic. During the campaign Abbott, 52, has described his partys bond with Israel as unshakable. Abbott, a London native who was educated at Oxford, charged Labor with occasionally abandoning the Jewish state at the United Nations and pledged to take action against the vicious anti-Semitic message of Hizb-ut Tahrir, a radical Islamist group banned in America.

The latter, said Mendes, is another unapologetic appeal to Jewish voters.

But Mendes, the co-editor of Jews & Australian Politics, said Labors record on Israel has been superior to virtually every other Western social democratic government, including the recently deposed New Labour in the UK.

In Labors first term in office, the party proposed a bipartisan resolution on Israels 60th anniversary in 2008, supported Israel during its showdown with Hamas in 2009, boycotted the Durban II UN anti-racism conference, opposed the Goldstone report on the Gaza war and ramped up sanctions against Iran. Michael Danby, a Jewish lawmaker and the most ardent Israel backer in the government, said Gillard stood like a rock during the Gaza incursion and that Labor will not shirk its historic responsibility to defend Israel against Iran. But a diplomatic meltdown in relations with Jerusalem took place in May following an inquiry finding that there was no doubt Israel forged four Australian passports used in the assassination of a Hamas leader. In response, Rudd ordered an official from the Israeli Embassy in Canberra to leave the country. Many Jews were taken aback at how vehement Rudd was in his handling of the affair, said a senior Jewish leader who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Indeed, Robert Goot, president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, issued a statement at the time describing the expulsion as an overreaction.


In an attempt to heal the rift, Rudd hosted a kosher dinner with senior Jewish leaders at the prime ministers residence in June. And Foreign Minister Stephen Smith told the Australian Jewish News last week that it was business as usual between Canberra and Jerusalem. The Liberals, who in 2004 also ejected an official from the Israeli Embassy, have focused on Labors record at the United Nations during the campaign.

Since coming to office in 2007, the Labor government has supported three controversial U.N. resolutions against Israel, prompting Jewish leaders to write to the prime minister last year expressing their disappointment. Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop said this week that a Liberal government would return to the U.N. voting pattern of former Liberal Prime Minister John Howard, whose government was staunchly pro-Israel.

I make no apology for my strong support of Israel, Bishop said.

For her part Gillard, 48, ignored calls to boycott a visit to Israel in June 2009. In Jerusalem, Israeli leaders feted her for supporting the Jewish state during its Gaza military operation in the winter of 2008-09. Last December, she delivered a speech at a Jewish function in Melbourne and danced the hora with Jewish women.

But soon after she upstaged her boss and became Australias first female prime minister, two former Australian ambassadors to Israel accused her of an unbalanced position on the Middle East, with Ross Burns,

Australias envoy in Tel Aviv between 2001 and 2003, blasting her for being remarkably taciturn on the excesses of Israeli actions. Gillard hails from Labors left flank, which has been hostile to Israel in the past. Prior to her first visit to Israel in 2005, Jewish leaders were uncertain of her position on the Middle East. This weekends election will likely see two Jewish lawmakers, Danby and Mark Dreyfus, re-elected for Labor.

Joshua Frydenberg, a former adviser to Howard, is set to become the first Jewish Liberal member of Parliament since Peter Baume in 1991. The Liberals need to win 17 more seats in the 150member House of Representatives to regain power after less than three years of Labor rule.

Evidence 3)
A) Please see enclosed the following

While reading remember it isnt Muslims involved in Terrorism, Black Mail, Assassination, Bribery of politicians and Media people.



Please see enclosed the following

Below is a summary of 50 major areas of concern in relation to Israeli and Zionist criminal activity, including Israeli State Terrorism (IST) and Israeli Organized Crime (IOC), in Australia.

While reading remember both sides of politics in Australia, Australian Federal Police, State Police Services, Intelligence Agencies and Australian Military let the Zionist Jewish Mafia do as they like in Australia.


It wasn't Muslims who ran a construction company that was awarded a $124 million contract for construction of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) headquarters in Washington, DC, which oversees the Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC-IH), which was described during the 1990s as the "National Center for Energetics", the military's term for "explosives work", and as of 19992000 the "only reliable source of aluminum nanopowders in the United States"; it was Tom Leppert who was CEO of Turner Construction as of 9/11/01, and who even writes parts of Presidential speeches.

It wasn't Muslims in an Afghan cave who had access to highly energetic nano-thermites; it was the US military and government scientists such as those connected with NIST.


Trade Center complex right up to the morning of 9/11 including fireproofing upgrades on thefloors that were struck by planes and subsequently "failed", when the steel had already been certified to ASTM E119 by Universal Laboratories, and, in tests sponsored by NIST on corresponding floor assemblies subjected to greater heat exposureand protected with less fireproofing than was the case at the WTC, the test specimens "were able to sustain the maximum design load" without collapsing for as long as the tests were run (2 to 3 1/2 hours); it was Tom Leppert who was CEO of Turner Construction as of 9/11/01 and received a Torch of Conscience award from the American Jewish Congress. It wasn't Muslims who trained their cameras on the World Trade Center Towers prior to the first aircraft impact, who danced and celebrated with high fives prior to the second impact as most onlookers still believed it had been a terrible accident rather than terrorism, and who were caught with foreign passports, $4,700 in cash hidden in a sock, maps highlighting certain places in the city, and a van that tested positive for traces of explosives; it was Israelis Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner, and Omer Marmari, several of whom have been confirmed as Mossad agents, as part of their job in "documenting the event".

It wasn't Muslims who ran a construction company that had supervised the 2000 demolition of the Seattle Kingdome, participated in the post 9/11 collection and disposal of the steel wreckage of the WTC towers, and carried out extensive renovations throughout the World

It wasn't Muslims who were caught on 9/11/01 operating in teams with vans full of explosives, including one team whoattempted to blow up the George Washington Bridge with a truck packed with tons of explosives, and another who blew up a van between 6th and 7th on King Street with a mural painted of a remote controlled airplane diving into New York and blowing up; it was Israelis, which is why the authorities did their best to ignore and bury these reports which included a suspected van bomb driven into the WTC basement and exploded to weaken the structure.

It wasn't Muslims who were caught shortly after midnight on May 7, 2002 very close to the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, Oak Harbor, Wash., (where the Navy conducts explosive ordnance training for bomb disposal mobile units to the consternation of local marine life) with a rental truck that tested positive for TNT and RDX plastic explosives; it was Israeliswhose cover story was of "delivering furniture" but regarded by authorities as dubious because of the early morning hour, and the authorities' subsequent claim that the dog's reaction and initial tests for explosives were wrong is so full of holes that it merely demonstrates the power of the Israeli lobby. It wasn't Muslims who were in New York on 9/11 and in London on the morning of the 7/7 attacks; it was Rudy Giuliani.

It wasn't Muslims who received advance warning of the London 7/7 attacks; it was Benjamin Netanyahu and the Mossad.


It wasn't over a hundred Muslims who, from around January 2000 to September 2001, posed as "art students" and attempted to penetrate US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) offices and other federal buildings including 36 sensitive Department of Defense (DoD) sites, were caught with diagrams of the interior of federal buildings and photographs of federal agents and often evaded security by entering through back doors or parking garages, and even visited the homes of senior federal officials but not those of their neighbors; it was Israelis, none of whom were "art students" but many of whom had backgrounds in Israeli military intelligence. Not surprisingly, the Press went for a limited hangout by trying to pretend the Israelis were merely shadowing "Arab hijackers" and either failed to pass on information, or "it was not treated seriously", the old canard about "intelligence failure".

It wasn't a Muslim who fled the US on September 14, 2001; it was Dominick Suter of "Urban Moving Systems" who fled to Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who provided two hours' advance warning of an attack on the World Trade Center via an instant messaging company based in Herzliya; it was Israelis.

The operations of the Israeli fake "art students" is well documented, including plenty of names and even descriptions. An unusually large number of these Israelis were located in Irving, Dallas, TX (p.23, previous link), which is about ten miles west of Tom Leppert's Alva Court home, which is barely more than a mile north of the Dallas home that George W. Bush moved into after leaving office.

It isn't Muslim countries that have a massive spy ring in the USA capable of tapping into much of the telecoms network and using information obtained to blackmail Americans; it is Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who acquired a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, Buildings Four and Five and approximately 400,000 square feet of retail space, and insured for billions of dollars against terror attacks a mere six weeks before terror attacks did in fact occur, and then employed (to press for the insurance claim) a 'structural engineer' whomisleadingly asserts that steel loses half its strength at "400 degrees"; it was - in a deal negotiated by Lewis Eisenberg of the Port Authority - Benjamin Netanyahu's (and Ariel Sharon's and Ehud Barak's) friend Larry Silverstein and his partnerAustralian billionaire and "Holocaust survivor" Frank Lowy who fought "in the Jewish underground", was embroiled in a high-level bank corruption scandal with Israeli Premier Ehud Olmert and found to be making payments to Lord (Michael Abraham) Levy who was arrested several times in relation to a "cash for honors" scandal, Levy being a "tennis partner" and advisor of Tony Blair. It isn't Muslims who have a reputation for perpetrating arson scams in order to claim off insurance companies as evidenced by any colloquial use of the term "Muslim lightning"; it is Jews as evidenced by the recognized term "Jewish lightning".

It wasn't Muslims who received advance warning on Monday September 10, 2001, against flying the next day; it was San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, and a group of top Pentagon officials.

It wasn't a Muslim who went on TV within hours of the attacks to tell everyone that "It... certainly has the fingerprints of somebody like bin Laden" and the World Trade Center had collapsed because of "the velocity of the plane" and "intense heat probably weakened the structure as well", and who reportedly on that very day advised the White House to take Cipro, an effective antibiotic against anthrax, seven days before the commencement of an anthrax letters terror campaign targeted atDemocratic U.S. Senators and news media offices, who on 9/11/01 was a managing director of the crisis and consequence management group at Kroll Associates, who was an advisor to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) regarding "epidemiological surveillance" and national security advisor at the National Institute of Health (NIH), and who gave his 'friend' John O'Neill a job as Head Of Security at the World Trade Center; it was Jerome Hauer. It wasn't Muslims who carried out a terror campaign mailing letters containing anthrax spores that had their electrostatic charge altered so that they would disperse more readily, anthrax that was traced to the weapons grade Ames strain originating at the US Army Medical

It wasn't Muslims who normally breakfasted at the Windows on the World restaurant on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower, but by some bizarre coincidence did not happen to be there on 9/11 and were thus spared the fate of occupants on that tragic day (none of whom escaped from the floors above the aircraft impact at 8:46 AM); it was Larry Silverstein who was spared due to having a "dermatologist's appointment", an event which also spared his two children who worked at Silverstein Properties.

Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, neither was it the FBI's final "suspect" Roman Catholic Bruce Ivins, who, unlike the true perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, had no motive to target news media and Opposition Senators and thereby scare them into uncritical acceptance of the "Arab hijackers" conspiracy theory. Ivins died of an overdose and alleged "suicide" in July 2008 after the FBI gave up attempting to pin the blame on Steven Hatfill because there was not a scintilla of evidence against him; a logical suspect is Philip M. Zack who left Fort Detrick under a cloud in December 1991 after having headed a clique calling itself the "Camel Club" that was racially harassing Egyptian-born Dr. Ayaad Assaad. Zack was found by a 1992 inquiry to have been caught on surveillance camera being let into a Fort Detrick lab building at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992 apparently by Dr. Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close friend of Zack.

The anthrax letters seemed contrived so as to appear to have been written by a Muslim, and a New York Times writer told of a "Mr. Z." who failed some FBI polygraph tests and was once caught with a girlfriend at Fort Detrick "surrounded only by blushing germs".

Nearly ten years on, during the week between 9/11 and the commencement of the anthrax campaign,the FBI received an anonymous letter attempting to frame Dr. Assaad as a "bioterrorist".

The inquiry also found someone had been in a lab late at night secretly conducting unauthorised research, evidently on anthrax believed to include the Ames strain.

It wasn't Muslims who were claimed to have been killed on the alleged "Flight 77" and who worked for government or defense, particularly the Navy; it was John Yamnicky who, strangely, for the first time did not tell his daughter that he was going on travel, and who, like William Caswell, had worked for the Navy on top-secret "black" projects. Others included Charles Burlingame, a former Navy fighter pilot who used to work in the section of the Pentagon that was hit and who had formulated a response for the eventuality of an airliner being flown into the Pentagon and whose daughter Wendy subsequently died in a "suspicious fire" at a 50story high-rise in New Jersey in December 2006, Wilson "Bud" Flagg, a retired American Airlines pilot and Navy Admiral, Stanley Hall, an expert in anti-radar technology and a director of program management at Raytheon, Bryan Jack, a senior executive and top budget analyst who worked at the Pentagon, Chandler Keller, a Boeing propulsion engineer,Dong Lee, a Boeing engineer who worked for their Integrated Defense Systems and who had worked for the National Security Agency (NSA) for 14 years, Barbara Olson, CNN commentator and wife

It wasn't a Muslim who was claimed to have been killed on the alleged American Airlines "Flight 77", to have lived at Silver Spring, Maryland (as did a certain Rabbi Dr. Dov Zakheim), and to have worked on top-secret "deepblack" projects at the Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC-IH), a "renowned leader in energetics" which operates an "Energetics Manufacturing Technology Center", carries out "advanced research in energetic systems" and "absorbed the function of the closed Naval Ordnance Laboratory, formerly in White Oak, MD" which is a couple miles from Silver Spring; it was William E. Caswell.

of the US Solicitor General who claimed to have received cell phone calls from "Flight 77", Ruben Ornedo, a Boeing propulsion / satellite communications engineer, Robert Penniger, an electrical engineer with BAE Systems, and another dozen alleged "Flight 77 passengers" who were linked to defense and government who, we are told, all just happened to be on this unusually low occupancy flight. These people, well loved and respected as honest, decent heroes, are the very sort of characters whose work could have been horrifically exploited without their knowledge, and whom the 9/11 perpetrators would need to eliminate to prevent them speaking out after the attacks. It wasn't Muslims who profited by speculating on airline and insurance stocks in advance of 9/11; it was Israelis.

It wasn't Muslims who concocted a hoax about porkswilling, moneychewing, celibate, truthful, courageous, pro-animal rights, "devout Jews" who were "suicide hijackers / pilots", almost half of whom later turned up alive and well; it was Jews who concocted a hoax about drinking, gambling, strip jointfrequenting, womanizing, "devout Muslims" who were "suicide hijackers / pilots", almost half of whom later turned up alive and well.

It wasn't a Muslim who was a former unit team leader in an elite special forces unit and whose father was a senior aide,secretary and pallbearer to a man who in 1937 was commander of the Irgun Tzvai Leumi, a Jewish terrorist organizationresponsible for atrocities such as the King David Hotel bombing; it was Benjamin Netanyahu.

It wasn't a Muslim who was the mentor of Benjamin Netanyahu's father Benzion and who wrote a column in the Revisionist Zionist magazine Doar Hayom under the title "From the Notebook of a Fascist", praising Mussolini and referring to one-time commander of the Irgun Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky as "our Duce"; it was Abba Ahimeir the founder of Revisionist Maximalism, a Jewish fascist ideology. It wasn't Muslim terrorists who plotted to assassinate British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin; it was Jewish terrorists.

It wasn't Muslims who were evacuated "apparently due to a specific security threat" in advance of the Amman, Jordan terror attacks on November 9, 2005 (9/11 by Israeli and European calendars), which included a blast at the Radisson hotel that was known to have emanated from a bomb hidden in a false ceiling, even though the official story held that it was really the work of "suicide bombers" and therefore by some bizarre coincidence the ceiling bomb must have been placed there previously by someone else; it was Israelis who were evacuated in advance of these attacks in which there were no Jewish casualties, most of the dead were Jordanian Sunni Muslims, two Israeli casualties were both Arabs, and five

It wasn't Muslims who attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 Americans, and had the US President saying "I don't give a damn if every man drowns and the ship sinks. I don't want to embarrass our allies"; it was Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who orchestrated, and whose operatives were caught red-handed in, a failed false-flag terrorist campaign in Egypt; it was Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who claimed to know the identity of "suicide hijackers" Abdulaziz al-Omari and Saeed alGhamdi when, since individuals with the exact same names and other personal details such as birth date, place and occupation subsequently turned up alive and well, the population of Saudi Arabia in 1975 was 7,180,000 and even given a high annual birth rate of 30 per 1,000 and ignoring infant mortality the daily birth rate was only 590 and so it is highly improbable that individuals would share the exact same name, birth date, place and occupation, al-Omari's passport had been stolen in 1995 when his apartment was burgled in Denver, Colorado (a state where Mossad agents have been active), and only utter cretins would steal the identities of people with a different appearance but

It wasn't Muslims who were convicted and jailed for six months in 2004 for fraudulently attempting to obtain a New Zealand passport in the name of a tetraplegic man; it was Mossad agents Uriel Kelman and Eli Cara who were seeking to create a false identity for Zev Barkan.

It wasn't Muslims who were caught and arrested inside the Mexican Congress chamber on October 10, 2001 in possession of guns, grenades, dynamite, detonators and wiring while posing as "press photographers"; it was Mossad agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and Israeli illegal immigrant Saur Ben Zvi at the very time that Zionists would obtain maximum benefit from a false-flag terror attack that would mobilize support for the war on "Muslim terrorists" in Afghanistan that had been launched only three days previously.

Palestinians died including Major-General Bashir Nafeh, the head of military intelligence in the West Bank.

It wasn't Muslims who were behind a failed coup in Turkey; it was crypto-Jew and Mossad agent pseudoRabbi Tuncay Guney, who fled to Canada in 2004, and who in 2001 lived in New Jersey towns that were centers of activity for Mossad Urban Moving Systems operatives. It wasn't Muslims who set up an "al Qaeda cell" in Palestine; it was the Israeli Mossad.

having their exact same name, place, date of birth and occupation, ergo those hypothetical "suicide hijackers" would have had entirely different names; it was the FBI who published a list claiming that the 9/11 perpetrators included Abdulaziz al-Omari and Saeed al-Ghamdi in addition to several others who had turned up alive and well, and even though the FBI admitted that some hijackers may have used stolen identities and that there is "no legal proof to prove the identities of the suicidal hijackers," they denied having misidentified the alleged "suicide hijackers" and refused to change the names, photographs or backgrounds on their list - albeit obfuscating and trying to cover themselves by including multiple spellings and aliases.

It wasn't a Muslim who infiltrated the Pentagon and betrayed his country of birth by selling classified documents to another country that were then traded to the USSR; it was convicted spy Jonathan Pollard whose treachery resulted in stolen nuclear secrets being passed on to the USSR with Israel as the paying intermediary.

It wasn't Muslims who had established a reputation for having the capability to stage false-flag terror attacks, i.e., to target U.S. forces and make it look like the act of a third party, prior to 9/11; it was the Mossad.

It wasn't a Muslim who, in response to the question "Do the orders still stand?" regarding the response - or more precisely, thelack of response - to an aircraft that was rapidly homing in on the Pentagon and ten miles out after both of the Twin Towers had already been hit by planes more than half an hour previously, whipped his neck around and replied "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"; it was Dick Cheney. It wasn't a Muslim who was CEO of a company that made remote control "Flight Termination Systems" that could electronically hijack in-flight aircraft and steer them into targets by means of a "Command Transmitter System"; it was Rabbi Dov Zakheim.

It wasn't Muslims who were running an exercise commencing at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of 9/11 involving a plane crashing into a tower; it was officials at the National Reconnaissance Office, Chantilly, VA.

It wasn't a Muslim who, well aware that a percentage of trillions of dollars is still hundreds of billions of dollars, took a position as Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001 when it was already public knowledge that the Pentagon's accounting systems were in complete disarray with $6.9 trillion of "adjustments" having been required in an attempt to make the figures add up, and with no receipts for $2.3 trillion of these hard to track changes on non-integrated computer systems and antiquated paperwork that could be readily taken out by a missile or plane strike on the relevant auditing section at the Pentagon, and who subsequently delivered a commemorative sermon on the Pentagon lawn to hundreds of co-religionists from 40 countries six months

after such a terror strike did in fact occur killing at least 34 budget analysts / accountants / financial experts; it wasRabbi Dov Zakheim.

It wasn't a Muslim who was at a breakfast meeting with Donald Rumsfeld when the first plane hit the WTC, and was at the Army Navy Country Club "when the plane that hit the Pentagon came right over the top of the Army Navy Club and bounced down the hill and hit the side of the Pentagon"; it was Thomas E. White, who is linked to the Enron fraud, who participated inJINSA trips to Israel, e.g. with his wife Susan in 1997, and who was sworn in as Secretary of the Army on May 31, 2001 which is 27 days after George W Bush appointed Rabbi Dov Zakheim as Undersecretary of Defense and Comptroller of the Pentagon, both White and Zakheim having been placed by Bush at the Pentagon where more than $2 trillion of transactions had no receipts and Pentagon finances were vulnerable to a "terror attack" that would target the appropriate auditing section. It wasn't Muslims who in 2000 co-authored a document which called for a "new Pearl Harbor"; it was Roger Barnett, Alvin Bernstein, Stephen Cambone, Eliot Cohen, Devon Gaffney Cross, Thomas Donnelly, David Epstein, David Fautua, Dan Goure, Donald Kagan, Fred Kagan, Robert Kagan, Robert Killebrew, William Kristol, Mark Lagon, James Lasswell, I. Lewis Libby, Robert Martinage, Phil Meilinger, Mackubin Owens, Steve Rosen, Gary Schmitt, Abram Shulsky, Michael Vickers, Barry Watts, Paul Wolfowitz, and Rabbi Dov Zakheim. It wasn't Muslims who had a motive for employing a "Flight Termination System" to take control of EgyptAir Flight 990 - a Boeing 767 - on October 31, 1999

(after a bizarre coincidence in which "air crash victims grief counselor" Ed McLaughlin of the Family Enterprise Institute was the only person to board the ill-fated plane in Los Angeles and get off at New York), send it plunging into the Atlantic 60 miles south of Nantucket killing all 217 on board, none of whom were Israelis but 33 of the casualties were Egyptian army officers including two Air Force brigadier generals and two army major generals, and promote the concept of "Muslim suicide pilots" to a gullible public; it was Jews who would have needed to conduct a trial run of electronically hijacking inflight Boeing aircraft for their imminent false-flag terror operation that was to be blamed on "Muslim suicide pilots / hijackers", with the EgyptAir Flight 990 "inquiry" being overseen by Zionist Jew Bernard Loeb who had Jewish translators transcribe the cockpit recordings, and the FBI conducting a character assassination to smear the alleged "suicidal" co-pilot. It wasn't Muslims who wrote in 1998 of a "transforming event" rather like "Pearl Harbor"; it was John Deutsch, Ashton Carterand Philip Zelikow.

It wasn't a Muslim who served as Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, whose expertise and job entailed the creation and maintenance of public myths or "presumptions", and who confirmed that the Iraq war had been for Israel's benefit; it was Philip Zelikow. It wasn't Muslims who published a paper in 1996 entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, which mentioned "removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq" and introduced the concept of preemptive strikes for which some phony pretext such as halting drug money or striking counterfeiting

infrastructure or "weapons of mass destruction" could be devised that Americans would sympathise with; it was The Institute for Advanced Strategic & Political Studies (IASPS) of Jerusalem and Washington which, for new Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu, discussed how such a policy would benefit Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who paid Ali al-Jarrah more than $300,000 for services rendered, i.e., posing as a "supporter" of the Palestinian cause while betraying his country to an enemy state, and who was a cousin of Ziad al-Jarrah who was alleged to be one of nineteen 9/11 "suicide hijackers"; it was Israel that paid this Mossad asset. It wasn't Muslims who 1) broadcast the pilot episode on March 4, 2001 of The Lone Gunmen TV series, an episode about a plot by a secret cabal within the US government to electronically hijack by remote control a

It wasn't Muslim security officials who, in 1991, inspected the garage of a Muslim shipping company in the World Trade Center and concluded that the WTC garage was vulnerable to a car bomb, two years before the WTC garage was in fact hit by a car bomb and the FBI were aware of the plot yet let it go ahead killing six people and injuring more than a thousand, and ten years before the WTC was demolished one week after the very same shipping company had moved out of the WTC; it was Israeli security officials and an Israeli shipping company.

It wasn't a Muslim who, in a 1995 book, predicted that "if the West doesnt wake up to the suicidal nature of militant Islam, the next thing you will see is militant Islam is bringing down the World Trade Center"; it was Benjamin Netanyahu.

It wasn't Muslims who fabricated a fairy story about Pfc. Jessica Lynch being ambushed, stabbed, shot, bravely continuing to shoot Iraqis, being abused, raped, and held captive in a hospital by Iraqi guards, and later rescued by

It wasn't Muslims who, on Tuesday, October 2 through Friday, October 5, 2001: 1) met with, and 2) received $3 million in gifts for "funds for victims" from Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah Al-Thani, the Emir of Qatar who started the Al Jazeera channel in 1996 with a $150 million grant, the channel which broadcasts audios and videos purporting to be of "Osama bin Laden" akaEmmanuel Goldstein; it was: 1) George W. Bush, Dick Cheney (an "old friend") Cheney also met the Emir on October 20, 2001 to discuss the "Osama" interviews, Rudy Giuliani, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Myers 2) Rudy Giuliani, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Myers.

It wasn't a Muslim who said he'd seen the (first) plane hit the (North) Tower and reckoned it must have been "one terrible pilot" and "a horrible accident" before going into a classroom and subsequently being informed of the second impact when the first impact was not broadcast live on TV; it was George W. Bush.

Boeing heading for Boston anddivert it to crash into the World Trade Center 2) said in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks that no one had ever conceived of aircraft being used by terrorists as missiles to target buildings; it was 1) Fox TV, owned by Rupert Murdoch, a long-time friend of Benjamin Netanyahu 2) National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice / acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers / President George W. Bush / Vice President Dick Cheney / White House spokesman Ari Fleischer.

It wasn't a Muslim who ordered aides to plan for striking Iraq barely five hours after the Pentagon was attacked on 9/11; it wasDonald Rumsfeld.

It wasn't Muslims who conspired to invade a defenseless nation by lying about "weapons of mass destruction" ("WMDs") when they had already made up their minds to invade for "regime change", resulting in excess Iraqi deaths estimated at 655,000 toone million, the displacement of more than four million, the sacrifice of thousands of troops and throwing away of $3 trillion to no avail save for enriching a few war criminals and profiteers to the tune of billions of dollars in this proxy war for Israel; it wasGeorge W. Bush and Tony Blair.

elite US forces; it was "unnamed US officials" who lied, since in fact there was no "rescue", Lynch's gun had jammed with sand, she was being cared for by the Iraqis after being injured in a car crash, she had no "bullet holes" or "knife wounds", the hospital was not "under guard", and doctors had even tried to return Lynch to US forces themselves.

It wasn't Muslims who ordered 250 police to smash their way into a house in Forest Gate, London, in the middle of the night and arrest two brothers after shooting one of them in the shoulder, on the basis of intelligence said to be from a "reliable", single source regarding a conspiracy involving a "cyanide bomb", with the brothers being released without charge several days later before it was subsequently revealed that the source was a man with an IQ of 69 who was already in jail on a terror conviction; it was Jewish supremacist lackeys MI5, Tony Blair and John Reid.

It wasn't a Muslim who boasted "We Muslims control America, and the Americans know it"; it was Ariel Sharon who boasted"We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it".

It isn't Muslims that have a powerful political lobby capable of extorting vast sums; it is Israel.

It isn't Muslim countries that have hundreds of nuclear warheads and submarines equipped with cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads with a 900-mile range; it is Israel.

It isn't Muslims who fake phony "hate crimes" against themselves, such as vandalising their own cars or graves, or poisoning their dogs and defacing their houses with swastikas, or cutting their clothes and drawing swastikas on their stomachs; it is Jews. It wasn't Muslims who took control of The New York Times in 1896, or who indeed own and control much of the mainstream media today; it was and is Jews.

It isn't a Muslim country that crushes peace protesters to death with bulldozers or shoots them, or shells a picnicking family on a beach (and then refuses to own up) when it wants to launch a war within the next three weeks, or warns civilians to flee afterblowing up bridges so it can target them like sitting ducks, or shoots at Red Cross ambulances or UN observers after promising they would be safe, or bombs a power station so that more than ten thousand tonnes of crude oil leaks into the Mediterraneanas a "collective punishment"; it is Israel.


It isn't Muslims who routinely employ weapons such as phosphorus shells to inflict grave and horrific injuries on civilians, and who deliberately fire more than a million cluster bomblets of which 40% fail to detonate on impact and 90% are employed in the final three days before a ceasefire so they can "get them all in while the going is good"; it is Israel. It isn't a Muslim nation that holds the world record for defying UN resolutions; it is Israel.

It wasn't Muslims who ganged up on a handicapped Jew for hiking on his own land, beat him with clubs, dragged him along the ground, tied him to a power pole and continued to beat and kick him as Muslim soldiers did nothing to stop it and police merely advised the thugs to pour water on the victim's head to wash away the blood before journalists and photographers arrived; it was a gang of four cowardly, bigoted Jewish settlers who beat up a handicapped Palestinian with impunity, basking in the knowledge that Jewish soldiers and police would not act impartially, and even returning a week later to torment the neighbors, ransacking their home and destroying their few possessions.

It wasn't Muslim soldiers who beat up and killed a Jew with clubs and rifle butts and kicks to the head and then, after an 'investigation', concluded that the soldiers had "acted properly"; it was the Israeli "Defense" Forces who smashed three holes in a Palestinian teenager's skull killing him as he merely waited at a bus stop, continuing to beat him as he lay unconscious, then made up a story about him "pulling a knife" and suggested that he was "mentally unstable" in a case that is sadly all too typical of violence perpetrated by racist, bigoted right138

wing extremist Jewish supremacists upon those whom they perceive as "animals in human form". It wasn't Muslims who created a global organization named the "Anti Defamation League" in order to defend Muslim criminals by playing the race card and accusing their pursuers of being "racists" and "anti-Semites" who were guilty of "hate crimes"; it was Jews who set up the Anti Defamation League of B'nai B'rith in response to the lynching of Leo Frank, president of the Atlanta chapter of the B'nai B'rith Jewish secret society who had been convicted of murdering 13-year-old Mary Phagan who worked at Frank's pencil factory, with the lynching of Frank being in response to the commuting of his death sentence to life imprisonment after organized Jewry had tried to cast doubt on Frank's conviction by shifting the blame to a black man even though ritual murder is a known Jewish tradition, the ADL being used thereafter to denounce anti-criminals as "anti-Semites" whenever the criminals happened to be Jews. It isn't Muslims who, for political and financial gain, demolished the World Trade Center with nanothermite and crashedremote-controlled planes into it in order to set up a hoax about "Jewish kamikaze pilots" and then attempt to throw researchers off the scent by pretending to "investigate" the demolitions whilst 'accidentally' plumping for the wrong hypothesis (e.g. Hbombs rather than thermite), and then stubbornly refuse to change to a hypothesis that is in accordance with the evidence; it isJews who set up a hoax about "Muslim kamikaze pilots" and have their deliberately misleading

'work' about the demolitions hosted at sites that are owned and edited by Jews. It wasn't Muslims who practised pseudo-science by refusing to look for Iron Blue at Auschwitz or explosives at the World Trade Center, in order that their 'investigation' would come up with the required financially and politically motivated result; it was Jan Markiewicz, Wojciech Gubala, and Jerzy Labedz of the Jan Sehn Institute at Krakow (Auschwitz fraud), and"scientists" and "engineers" at NIST (WTC fraud).

It wasn't Muslims who took over the "investigation" of the World Trade Center collapses when FEMA were making a hash ofthe cover up, mixed up Figures 11-51 and 11-52 in NCSTAR1-9Vol2 on their WTC7 report which was published two days after the mysterious death of eyewitness Barry Jennings whose testimony of explosions in WTC7 before either Tower had collapsed note he specifically says (4:43) "I was trapped in there when both buildings came down" - blew their politically motivated assumptions and conclusions apart, failed to spot their mistake in their accompanying description, assumed unrealistically high gas temperatures in order to derive their required unrealistically high steel temperatures, published a preposterous hypothesis of a "thermal-expansion"-based collapse with the logical conclusion that the 180 kip shear capacity of four bolts in a seated connection would be exceeded if the steel heated up from 20 C to 32 C making the force to completely resist the thermal expansion 191 kip, irrespective of the fact that no steelframed high-rises had ever collapsed due to "fires" or

"impacts" apart from the three that allegedly did so on 9/11, claimed inward bowing of the WTC1 perimeter columns between floors 94 to 100 peaking at 55 inches at column 316 on the 96th floor which could not be reconciled with the fact that the columns' moment of inertia or second moment of area was at least 342 ins^4 along the minor axis and a maximum deflection of 55 inches given fixed - fixed boundary conditions and a distributed load would have required the failure within 102 minutes of at least ten consecutive floors, many of which did not have any fireproofing 'dislodged' by a plane and did not even experience substantial fires; it was NIST, whose top scientists and engineers have extensive knowledge of nano-thermites, but said they had found "no evidence" of explosives at the WTC and later admitted that they had not bothered to look for any. The 9/11 perpetrators had to ensure those in charge of the "investigation" were aware of that which they must not find.

It wasn't a Muslim who announced on Sunday September 16, 2001 that a "hijacker's passport" (allegedly that of Satam al Suqami) had been found "several blocks from the ruins of the World Trade Center", with other reports asserting that the passport was found "in the vicinity of Vesey Street"; it was former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik who was indicted November 2007 on multiple counts including lying, fraud and conspiracy, which is consistent with the fact that the laws of aerodynamics dictate that the passport should have been found in the vicinity of Liberty Street, the scriptwriter forgot that Suqami was supposed to be on Flight AA11 approaching from the north, and, of several attempts

made by the authorities to guess where the passport should have been found, not one of them was correct! It wasn't Muslims who had JFK killed; it was Jews.

It wasn't Muslims who stole elections by exploiting electronic voting machines that biased the results such that the odds for several swing states to swing as much as they did from the exit polls was 250 million to one against; it was George W. Bush. It isn't Muslims who exhibit traits of supremacist megalomaniacs by referring to their enemies as "grasshoppers", "beasts", "crocodiles" and "cockroaches"; it is Jews.

It wasn't a Muslim who set up a Ponzi scheme that netted $50 billion; it was a Jew.

It isn't Muslims who rule the world by proxy and get others to fight and die for them in wars; it is Jews, whose modus operandi is to select rich host populations that will let them in, pose as their "ally" whilst draining them of hard-earned wealth, employdeception to trick the hosts into fighting poorer nations, and reap the spoils of war such as Afghan opium trafficking, missing Pentagon funds, looting of oil-for-food funds, etc, along with other opportunistic scams such as the $550 billion electronic run on the banks.

It wasn't Muslims who made a record about doing "The Wall Street Shuffle" and whose other songs included scatological references; it was Jews.


It wasn't Muslims who blew up Francois Duprat's car killing him and maiming his wife, beat up Dr. Robert Faurisson at least ten times in which his jaw was broken / teeth knocked out / nearly killed several times / hospitalized for weeks and was persecuted in legal battles and had his home raided by police, tried to kill Ernst Zundel on at least three occasions in arson and pipe bombattacks and had him and Germar Rudolf deported to Germany and jailed for years, beat Jurgen Rieger unconscious and blew up his car, beat up David Cole and threatened to kill him and his family, persecuted and beat Joseph Burg, attacked Frank Walus seven times and nearly killed him in an acid attack, forced Ivan Lagace to resign from his job as a

It wasn't Muslims who started a World War in 1914 in the hope that they could successfully launch a hoax about "six million" of their number being killed in order to obtain their own country and net a substantial fraction of global wealth in "reparations", failed, but also exploited the opportunity to annex and loot Russia and indulge in horrific blood-letting and oppression as a means of settling old scores with the Rus who had chased them westwards from former Khazaria; it was Khazar (fake) 'Jews'.

It isn't Muslims who have been expelled from countries on numerous occasions, it is Jews who keep getting kicked out as soon as the host gets wise to the fact that Jews' only loyalty is to their own tribe, rather than the host nation to whom Jews pose as an "ally".

Note: some reports incorrectly state Thursday September "15", 2008 for the latter; it should of course be September 11, the Thursday prior to September 15.

It wasn't Muslims who fabricated a hoax about "six million" of their people being "murdered" involving an evidence-free conspiracy theory about a plot to exterminate them in "gas chambers" which netted them by way of a huge, illegitimate land grab - their own sovereign state, colossal profits in "reparations", hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign "aid" and "loan guarantees" and waiving / subsidizing of interest payments, etc, and now serves as their "sword and shield" to practice apartheidand kill and oppress their enemies with impunity; it was Jews. It wasn't Muslims who were caught red-handed forging fake "smoke" onto wartime photographs of Auschwitz; it was theSimon Wiesenthal Center, whose suitability as guardians of truth is comparable to a choice of Count Dracula as a maintainer of blood banks.

crematory expert after endless threats from thugs claiming to be from the Jewish Defense League, perpetrated numerous terrorist attacks in Franceincluding sulfuric acid sprayed into faces / attacks with iron bars / baseball bats / gas sprayed / excrement strewn around, hadhistorian David Irving spend 400 days in jail before being released on Appeal from a three year sentence which was for two speeches and a newspaper interview he gave 16 years earlier, had Dr. Frederick Toben jailed in Germany for ten months for using his Australian website to express his views, and who had dozens more jailed, fined, and financially ruined by character assassination and legal battles; it was Jews attempting to prop up their idiosyncratic brand of "truth" which profited them handsomely for decades.


It isn't Muslim mathematics that holds that the sum of a set of variables a + b + c + d + e... remains constant, e.g. at "six million", when several variables fluctuate downwards by, say, nearly three million and about half of that, in the absence of any corresponding upwards revision; it is financially and politically motivated Jewish "mathematics". It isn't Muslim physics and chemistry that holds that corpses may be rapidly and economically cremated with between a pound and a kilogram of coke per body when the firebricks of the cremation ovens are not even replaced after some 20,000 cremations (which is rather like expecting a Trabant to be capable of doing 100,000 miles non-stop at 100 mph on 100 gallons of gasoline and a couple of cans of motor oil); it is politically and financially motivated Jewish "physics" and Jewish "chemistry". It wasn't Muslims - or even the "Russian police" - who behave as if they authored The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; it is International Jewry, and if it hisses like a snake and rattles like a rattlesnake, it isn't exactly benign. It is not the "international Muslim" who has much to answer for; it is the international Jew.

The mainstream medias conspicuous silence over the collapse of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory has clearly exposed them as "the dogs that didnt bark".


Below is a summary of 50 major areas of concern in relation to Israeli and Zionist criminal activity, including Israeli State Terrorism (IST) and Israeli Organized Crime (IOC), in Australia.

As far as possible this catalogue has been referenced to Jewish sources to minimize any conceivable plausibility of the inevitable, false, racist Zionist canard of antiSemitism. I should also add that my father was a Jewish refugee from Nazism to Australia in 1939 and to my knowledge only about a dozen of my family survived the racist Zionist (RZ)-complicit Jewish Holocaust in Hungary, 1944-1945 that killed 0.2-0.4 million Hungarian Jews out of a Jewish Community of 0.7 million.

This catalogue of Israeli State Terrorism (IST) crimes has been prepared in the public and national interest as recommended by the extensive Australian Federal Government campaign exemplified by the refrigerator magnet card (still on my refrigerator)

Lets look out for Australia.

Protecting our way of life from a possible terrorist threat.

However state terrorism (as exemplified by Israeli State Terrorism) is vastly more deadly than non-state terrorism.

The preparedness of violent, racist and genocidal Apartheid Israel to deliberately and indeed routinely flout International Laws, National Laws, national border protection arrangements and indeed what Catholic

theologians describe as the Natural Law, puts Australia at acute risk from Israeli State Terrorism. Thus violent and non-violent excess deaths (avoidable deaths) in Zionist-backed US Asian wars now total about 10 million (1990-2010) as compared to about 7,000 Westerners allegedly murdered by Muslim non-state terrorism in the last 40 years (this latter figure including about 2,000 Israelis occupying Indigenous Palestinian land and ignoring compelling scientific evidence for explosive demolition of the WTC buildings and hence US Government involvement in the murder of 3,000 people on 9-11 with the likelihood of IST involvement in that atrocity). All these areas of serious concern require urgent investigation using the resources available to the State Police, the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Security and Intelligence Organization (ASIO) and other Australian agencies.

It must be stated that prevalent academic, politician and media ignoring or obfuscation of these serious concerns raises the serious issue of Australians being accessories after the fact of serious Israeli State Terrorism (IST) and Israeli Organized Crime (IOC) crimes against and threats to Australia. 1. Zionist passport fraud and violation of Australian border protection (IST regularly forges Australian passports for criminal purposes).

2. Israeli domination of global Ecstasy Trade (the Israelis lead the world in the Ecstasy trade according to the US State Department).

3. Zionist pro-war activism and illegal movement of opiate drugs (the Zionist-promoted War on Terror resulted in US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry and 0.1 million opiate drug deaths annually, 400 in Australia and 12,000 in the US).

4. Zionists and the cocaine trade in Australia (Zionist links to the illicit cocaine trade in Australia). 5. Zionists and illegal movement of weapons (anecdotal evidence of weapons smuggling via Australia IST violates Australian border protection). 6. Zionists and Israeli state-sponsored illegal drugs movements (drug movement means money movement for IST- and CIA-linked terrorism).

7. Zionist blackmail and defamation of Australians, including elected representatives (Australians in public life are threatened with the false anti-Semitism smear for any criticism of Apartheid Israel). 8. Criminal defamation of Australians and blackmail of law officers by Zionists (Australian law officers are incorrectly zealous over harmless Muslims but evidently inactive over Israeli state terrorists).

9. Silence kills and silence is complicity Zionist holocaust denial, holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring (shocking Zionist censorship of genocide history, the WW2 Bengali Holocaust, the WW2 Holocaust involving 30 million Slav, Jewish and Gypsy deaths and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide, Muslim Genocide, Biofuel Genocide and Climate Genocide).

10. Actual or potential dual citizen Zionist political patronage involving the proceeds of crime (huge support for the pro-Zionist Australian Labor Party, aka the Apartheid Labor Party, from Australias top Zionist white collar criminal). 11. Financial support for racist Zionist (RZ) Palestinian Genocide is tax deductible in Australia (donations to the Jewish National Fund operations on genocide-derived Palestinian lands is tax deductible in Australia).

12. Zionist and Australian involvement in murder and mass murder (various racist Zionist (RZ) and Australian involvement in Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide, post-invasion excess deaths 0.3, 2.5 and 4.5 million, respectively, and refugees totalling 7 million, 5-6 million and 3-4 million, respectively, with a further 2.5 million Pashtun refugees from NW Pakistan).

13. Political sidelining of Australian politicians concerned about Zionist-backed wars (political destruction of the only MP to have asked the Australian House of Representatives about how many people have been killed in Occupied Iraq). 14. Australians have become accessories after the fact of racist Zionist crimes (after the CIA-linked coup against the Whitlam Labor Government in 1975, Labor has gone all the way with a pro-Zionist USA and its genocidal Asian wars). 15. Zionist money laundering in Australia (passport fraud and proceeds of crime going to the JNF and political parties)..


16. Indirect Australian involvement in Zionist genocide and ethnic cleansing (Australian diplomatic support for Apartheid Israel and Australian donations .towards the Palestinian Genocide are tax deductible).

17. Israeli involvement in criminal activities in the South Pacific (passport fraud in Australia and New Zealand and possible IST mercenary involvement in the 1987 and 2001 Fiji coups). 18. Zionist war crimes directly involving Australia and Australians (Australia complicit in the Palestinian Genocide and militarily involved in the Zionist-promoted Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide).

19. Zionist war crimes against Australians and Westerners (mass murdering Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, Israeli bombing of scores of thousands of Australian and Western citizens in Lebanon in 2006 and bombing of Western citizens in Gaza in 2006 and 20082009). 20. Zionist terrorist and war crimes against military personnel of Australias allies, notably the US and the UK (Zionist collaboration with the Nazis before and during WW2, Irgun terrorism against the British and Palestinians and mass murder of Americans in the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967). 21. Racist Zionist theft of property of Australian citizens (massive Israeli theft of the property of Palestinian Australians).

22. Racist Zionist promotion of Australian support for the Iraqi Genocide (excess deaths 4.4 million, under-5 infant deaths 2.1 million, and refugees 5-6 million, 1990-2010;

Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention).

23. Racist Zionist promotion of Australian support for the Palestinian Genocide (post-invasion excess deaths 0.3 million, under-5 infant deaths 0.2 million, 7 million refugees; Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention). 24. Zionist promotion of Australian involvement in the ongoing Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide (postinvasion excess deaths 4.5 million, under-5 infant deaths 2.4 million, 3-4 million refugees plus a further 2.5 million NW Pakistan Pashtun refugees; Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention).

25. Racist Zionist promotion of Australian support for the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (RZ warmongering , Islamophobia, anti-Arab anti-Semitism, political bribery, blackmail and terror hysteria; Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention).

26. Racist Zionist (RZ) perversion of Australian media and Australian values (resultant unethical, holocaust-ignoring, PC racist, pro-war and pro-Zionist mainstream media). 27. Zionist perversion of the taxpayer-funded Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (the best mainstream medium in Australia is nevertheless pro-Zionist, pro-war and ignores the horrendous human cost of the War on Terror). 28. Does the world-leading Israeli illegal trade in body parts involve Australians? (Israelis are world leaders in the international illegal body parts trade).

29. Zionist involvement in illegal immigration, people smuggling and violation of Australia border security (regular passport fraud and criminality plus RZ involvement in creation of 20 million Muslim refugees). 30. Zionist involvement in international sex slave trafficking in Australia? (RZ criminality, major sex slave trafficking to Australia and weak law enforcement suggest this possibility).

31. Are there connections between Zionist terrorism and the Russian Mafia in Australia? (IST and IOC criminality and international border violation plus massive Russian migration to Apartheid Israel in the 1990s suggest this possibility)

32. Racist Zionist perversion of Australia and racist, antiIndigenous Australian legislation (both Apartheid Israel and its backer Apartheid Australia grossly violate the human rights of Indigenous people of Palestine and Australia, respectively). 33. Actual or prospective dual citizen racist Zionist treason against Australia (primary RZ allegiance to a nuclear terrorist rogue state Apartheid Israel coupled with Apartheid Australia support for Apartheid Israel). . 34. Israeli State Terrorism threatens Middle East Australian citizens and their families (25,000 Australian citizens bombed in Lebanon in 2006 and other Middle East Australians are likewise threatened). 35. Racist Zionism and perversion of Australian universities (financial squeezing, and neocon and RZ pressures have created a subdued and complicit academy)..

36. IST and IDF state terrorists take R &R in Australia (IST and IDF.personnel are free to come and go from Australia for Rest and Recuperation or for criminal purposes).

37. Racist Zionism, perversion of Australian values and Australian complicity in war criminal passive mass murder of children (RZ subversion means Australia ignores horrendous infant deaths in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories and Australian complicity in these war crimes; the annual death rate is 7% for infants in Australia occupied Afghanistan as compared to 4% for Poles in Nazi-occupied Poland in WW2). 38. Racist Zionism, Israeli State terrorism and insider trading (there is major Zionist white collar crime and a propensity for immense profits from inside knowledge of the timing of bellicose Israeli words or actions).

39. Zionist holocaust ignoring, holocaust denial, terrorism ignoring, terrorism denial and perversion of Australian school children by intellectual child abuse (massive censorship of RZ-linked major holocaust or genocide events and the holocaust-ignoring Labor Government National History Curriculum). 40. Zionist IST terrorist threat to aviation and Australian air travellers (IST has been involved in mass murder of air passengers). 41. Zionism and perversion of rational risk management in Australia (massive RZ lying, terror hysteria and subversion of media has perverted rational risk management in Australia) .


42. Huge terrorism threat to Australia from Zionistbeholden US and Apartheid Israel state terrorism (the US and IST practise and derive great benefit from state terrorist atrocities and would similarly benefit from false flag terrorism in Australia) . 43. Racist Zionist Islamophobia, anti-Arab anti-Semitism, Muslim Genocide and the national interest (Australias major stake in friendly trade, sporting and cultural links with great, substantially Muslim, neighbouring democracies is threatened by its participation the racist Zionist (RZ)-promoted Muslim Genocide).

44. Racist Zionism, Australia, Israeli State Terrorism and very probable US responsibility for the 9-11 atrocity (state-of-the-art chemical physics evidence from Professor Niels Harrit at the University of Copenhagen for the presence of unexploded nanothermite high explosive in all World Trade Center dust samples studied points to US involvement, and hence likely IST involvement, in the 9-11 atrocity). 45. Racist Zionism and Australians as new Occupied Palestinians (Australians escaped becoming New Occupied Palestinians in 1944 with the rejection of the Steinberg plan for Jewish colonization of NW Australia however post-1975 Australia has become a mindless lackey of a Zionist-beholden US).

46. Racist Zionist threat to Australian and World Jewry and the New Anti-Jewish Anti-Semitism in Australia (proZionist neocon and RZ attribution of Israeli actions to all Jews is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic defamation and a huge threat to all decent Jews around the world; the Australian Mainstream swallow the lying propaganda of Israeli war criminals, racist Zionists and IST operatives to the

exclusion of the views of outstanding anti-racist and humanitarian Jewish scholars).

47. Racist Zionist lies, spin and the climate denialist threat (the RZs have environmentally devastated Palestine but their culture of lying, racism and denial assists the neocon threat of Climate Genocide in which 10 billion non-Europeans are predicted to perish this century due to unaddressed man-made global warming). . 48. Australia as an emigration destination for war criminal racist Zionist Israelis (Australia became a haven for Nazi and neo-Nazi war criminals after WW2 and now is a haven for IST operatives as well as for decent antiracist Israelis).

49. Racist Zionists, Israeli State Terrorism and Australian toleration of Western state terrorism (Australia is complicit in US and Israeli state terrorism and indeed has removed from its proscribed terrorist list the RZ Irgun terrorist organization that collaborated with the Nazis before and during WW2, killed Allied servicemen and mass murdered Palestinians postwar and is intimately linked with the present war criminal and genocidal Israeli Government).

50. Potential or actual dual citizen racist Zionists violating fundamental Australian values and Australian security (Australia, a country that led the world in many social innovations, is now in thrall to the evil of genocidal, warmongering, human rights-abusing and intrinsically neo-Nazi racist Zionism).



This document summarizes 50 major areas of concern in relation to Israeli and Zionist criminal activity, including Israeli State Terrorism (IST) and Israeli Organized Crime (IOC), in Australia. Some of the crimes referred to cannot be prosecuted in Australia while being offences in other countries or violating International Law. Some of the racist Zionist crimes cannot be prosecuted either in Australia or overseas but nevertheless profoundly offend those holding to anti-racist, humanitarian principles.

For anti-racist Jews and indeed all anti-racist humanitarians the core moral messages from the Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) and from the more general WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slav, Jewish and Gypsy dead) are zero tolerance for racism, never again to anyone, bear witness and zero tolerance for lying. The racist Zionists should be sidelined in the Western democracies as have been like racist groups such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis and KKK.

Unfortunately the converse obtains in Australia where racist Zionism has a major and disproportionate influence in academia, media and political life. Israeli State Terrorism (IST) and Israeli Organized Crime (IOC) represent major threats to Australia and indeed to the World, particularly because racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel has become a nuclear terrorist rogue state that considers itself above International Law,

national laws, the Natural Law and human rights conventions.

When there is any suggestion of criminality law officers are obliged to resolutely investigate and prosecute with due diligence - the alternative makes our society an accessory to racist Zionist (RZ), Israeli State Terrorism (IST) and Israeli Organized Crime (IOC) crimes against Australia, International and National Law and Humanity. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please inform everyone you can and act responsibly in the interests of Australia and Humanity.

This has been written and disseminated in the public and national interest. References. [A detailed list of 107 references quoted in the detailed submission has been deleted below but the following books quoted in the detailed submission in the following order may be useful additional reading. Jared Diamond, "Collapse, Prologue, p10, Penguin, London, 2005.

Gideon Polya, Biochemical targets of plant bioactive compounds. A pharmacological reference guide to sites of action and biological effects, Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, London & New York, 2003. Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People, Verso, London , 2009.

Willliam Blum, Rogue State, Zed Books, London, 2006.

Sven Lindqvist, Exterminate All the Brutes, Granta. London, 2002.


Gideon Polya, Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950, G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007.

Gideon Polya, Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History, Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2008). Gordon Thomas. Gideons Spies. The Secret History of the Mossad, Pan , London, 1999. Mark Latham, The Latham Diaries, Melboiurne Univeristy Press, Melbourne, 2005.

Phillip Agee, Inside the Company. CIA Diary, Penguin , London, 1975. John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, Ebury, London , 2005.

Gilbert, M. (1969), Jewish History Atlas (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London). Gilbert, M. (1982), Atlas of the Holocaust (Michael Joseph, London).

Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (The New Press, 2010).

Yoshio Sugimoto, An Introduction to Japanese Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 (see Chapter 8, Collusion and Competition in the Establishment, pp 193-219). Peter Seligman, Australian Sustainable Energy - by the numbers, 2010.

Rusbridger, J. and Nave, E. (1991), Betrayal at Pearl Harbor. How Churchill Lured Roosevelt into World War II (Summit, New York). Leon Gettler, An Unpromised Land (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, Fremantle, Western Australia, 1993).

Alan Hart, Zionism: the Real Enemy of the Jews. Volume 1. The False Messiah (Clarity Press).]


As have been demonstrated and proven these Terrorist Attacks happening around the World are being carried out mostly by the American CIA, FBI, US Military, MI5 & MI6, and The Israeli Mossad. They have infiltrated every Western Country Police, Military and Intelligence Agency. They have also politicians and both political parties in Australia right up to the Prime Minister in their pockets, Black Mailing, Threatening, Bribing, Bullying them into doing what America and Israel wants them to do. Australia is fully open for these people when they want to carry out a Terrorist Attack here, they can carry one out, because they have politicians, mainstream media and others in our Police, Security and Intelligence Services right in their pocket. The only way we will stop a Terrorist Attack from happening again in Australia, because remember they were successful with Port Arthur and the Hilton Hotel Bombing.

Is for honest State Police to stand up and say NO, NO you will not commit a Terrorist Attack here, and when they come across a corrupt, evil person planning to carry out one or found out to be involved in one, is for them to be taken out. That includes our politicians people, if we are ever going to take back our country Australia from the people who have sold us out, and then now have the Federal Police, Intelligence Agencies and Australian Military under their control. Our only solution left is to take out the planners, organisers behind the scenes quietly, without telling anybody. Think I am joking about our Police, Intelligence Agencies and Military being infiltrated? Then get a hold of a Documentary called Truth, Lies and Intelligence by Carmel Travers and watch it, take particular notice right at the end what happened to her, to stop her from putting out the Documentary. These Zionist Goons came from Phillip Ruddock Ex Federal Attorney General Office, their mission was to shut her up and the other 72 Journalist, Bloggers, Independent Reporters who exposed all roads to the Fake False information being feed through to Western Countries Military and Intelligence Agencies and Governments all roads lead back to Israel.


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