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Water as Fuel Book One

Research Assistant

019.84 $6.6

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Fossil Fuel Co.

George Wiseman

Energy Solutions

since 1984

Patent-free Technology Brown's Gas Fuel Savers Free Energy

5 things to know about this eBook 1. This eBook is best read using Adobe Acrobat Reader 2. This eBook is a direct electronic representation of the physical book, therefore, it is not optimized for viewing on a computer screen. Youll need to scroll up and down to read the columns. We kept it this way to allow reference, to exact locations in all versions, when answering questions or addressing corrections. 3. The eBook page numbers may not match the PDF le page numbers. In print books, there are commonly a number of pages, at the front and back, that are not numbered or use Roman numerals. PDF les typically start by numbering the front cover page 1. All our references to pages in this eBook will assume the print page numbering. 4. This eBook has full page links over most of its pages. Clicking on a page will connect you to the Eagle-Research website (usually the Resources Section). Scroll using the sidebar. 5. This eBook was State of Art when it was initially published. Today it is still excellent basic information. However, as always, our technologies improve, and information becomes obsolete, faster than we can print, publish and circulate updates. Our solution - Eagle-Research Online Resource sections that contain: Parts and services supplier information; application comments; options; updates; upgrades; support links; support documents; FAQ entries; wiki entries; blog entries; forum discussions; test results;, product installers; product manufacturers; post-publication technical corrections. Since 1984 Eagle-Research has been committed to gathering energy information from diverse sources, experimenting with it , merging possibilities into actuals and distributing solutions that empower the individual. The Eagle-Research Online Resources will help you start your project with the latest information ... then continue to upgrade your projects when new information becomes available.


Energy Solutions

since 1984

Patent-free Technology Brown's Gas Fuel Savers Free Energy

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Eagle-Research is an organization that develops and distributes practical energy solutions. We define practical as simple, inexpensive, environmentally-considerate, easy to build, low maintenance and, applicable to small scale energy needs. We gather information from diverse sources, perform comprehensive experiments using rigorous standards, then publish how-to books to share the results with other researchers and the general public. We believe that writing books insures that these technologies will be secured public knowledge, and that our patent-free philosophy promotes increasingly better energy solutions. Eagle-Research does not accept government grants. The money from the sale of our books and devices is used to finance on-going research.

This book is sold for research and/or experimental purposes only. Therefore the results, which will vary according to the users knowledge, expertiseand application should be considered strictly experimental. George Wiseman, his associates and/or distributors, assume no responsibility for damage or injury due to the readers use or misuse of information or instructions presented herein. Although care is taken to present accurate information: If we knew what would happen, it wouldnt be an experiment. Therefore, the author will not retroactively inform or reimburse buyers if (when) there are corrections or updates to this book. Contact Eagle-Research for the latest developments. If the conditions outlined in the proceeding paragraphs are not acceptable, the buyer will return the book immediately to the seller, for a full refund.

Eagle-Research is a research and development organization dedicated to finding the best possible energy solutions. Because the nature of research and development is an evolving process, we are continually improving on the technologies we are working with. Though were proud of our commitment to constant and never-ending improvement, we do recognize there is an unfortunate side-effect: Our best today will pale in comparison to our best tomorrow. At any given date, the Eagle-Research discoveries, which are distributed in the form of web information; books; videos or devices, are at varying stages of development. Therefore, by the time our most up-to-date best can be compiled, organized, produced & distributed, weve already improved upon the information. Were working as fast as we can.


I differ from most inventors in many ways. For one, I actually make my living and finance continued research by inventing. Two, I dont hold-back secrets of my innovations. Three, I do not patent my work. It is distributed worldwide as public knowledge, so no one else can patent it either. Actually, the patent office is very inefficient and people have gotten patents on my technology... usually to fraud investors. However, the patent is worthless. Patent law states public domain information is not patentable.


As more work and research gets done, we will write further books in each of our lines of research. By writing a series of books in this manner, we can keep you updated on the latest information on energy saving research. Selling information is how we make money to continue our research. Therefore, you will not do yourself or your friends a favour if you copy this book to distribute to your friends. In doing so, you deprive us of funds to advance the research that will help us all.


1. Concept: I think I have an idea! 2. Research Assistant: compiled research to develop a working theory 3. Theory: explore research to develop proof of concept experiments 4. Proof of Concept: hands-on; try methods to make design of prototype possible 5. Initial Prototype Design: to begin experimental prototype 6. Practical spinoff: useful technology developed that is not the main line of research 7. Experimental Prototype: working experiments; proof of technology 8. How-To manual: comprehensive instructions 9. Kit: assembly of parts 10. Device: including operation manual

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Research Assistant

by George Wiseman

Eagle-Research Publishing British Columbia, CANADA

Energy Solutions

since 1984

September, 2001, August, 2009

Copyright January 2000, July 2009 by George Wiseman WATER AS FUEL, BOOK 1 ISBN 1-895882-36-2 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from the author, except for brief passages quoted in a review. Layout and Design by: Tenaj DaCosta Wiseman Desktop Publishing by: SPACE 2001 / Penticton, BC Printed by: Kootenay Kwik Print / Cranbrook, BC National Library of Canada Cataloging in Publication Wiseman, George, 1958Water as fuel, book 1

Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-895882-36-2 1. Hydrogen as fuel. I. Title. TP359.H8W57 2001 665.81


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PRINTED IN CANADA on recycled paper (contains post-consumer waste)


INTRODUCTION ........................................ 1 Water as Fuel Evaluation ................................ 3 What is not included in this book .................. 3 WATER/FOSSIL-FUEL MIXTURES ........ 4 Water injection as liquid, vapor and steam .... 4 Using Binders detergents/emulsifiers/surfactants ............... 5 Applicable Eagle-Research experiments ........ 6 Water and fuel in closed cycle combustion .... 7 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE INJECTION ... 7

$10 - $50 $51 - $150 $151 - $350 $351 - $600 $600 - +

Time = Actual Working Time

0 - 1 hr. 2 hrs. - 1 day 2 days - 1 week 2 weeks - 1 month 2 months - +

CHARGING WATER, FUEL AND AIR WITH ORGONE ENERGY .................... 9 The Joe Cell .................................................... 9 Carl Cella Cell .............................................. 10 Live Water .................................................... 11 Directly charging fossil-fuel with Orgone energy ........................................................ 12 Directly charging air with Orgone energy ... 12 HYDROGEN, USING LYE AND ALUMINUM TO SPLIT WATER ......... 12 HYDROGEN, OXYGEN 'WATER FUEL' USING ELECTROLYSIS ...................... 14 Water Fuel 'on demand' to assist fossil-fuel ................................................... 15 Eagle-Research extra-ordinary gas production ..................................................16 Electrolytic Carburetors ............................... 17 Brown's Gas .................................................. 18 CITY GAS ................................................... 19

Knowledge = Concept Comprehension

demonstrated aptitude

has read a collection of applicable books has working knowledge knows subject well enough to teach an entry-level person Bachelor level

Skill = Related to Subject(s) at Hand

has own collection of 'tools of the trade' works 'in trade' for family & friends has full set of tools; is paid as a semi-professional 3 yr. Apprentice level 4-5 year training and experience in applicable trade

RESEARCH THAT MAY CAUSE EXTRAORDINARY GAS PRODUCTION ....... 21 Ultraviolet splitting of water ........................ 21 Heat splitting of water .................................. 21 Magnetic splitting of water .......................... 22 Vibrational splitting of water ....................... 23 Electric arc to split water ............................. 24 High efficiency water splitting, misc. notes ................................................. 24

Indicates this book's code

1/2000, 2/2001 Tenaj DaCosta Wiseman

continued on reverse

Table of Contents (continued)

APPENDIX: THE LOST "GAS-FROMWATER" FORMULA ................................ 27

Since the ideas in this book are at the Research Assistant (2) stage, a tools list is not applicable. As the research is updated and individual projects are developed, using the concepts outlined, suggested tools will be included.

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................... 34 Mixing Fossil-Fuel with Water .................... 36 Hydrogen Peroxide ....................................... 36 Electrolysis ................................................... 36 Frequencies ................................................... 37 Electrolysis Carburetor and Plans ................ 38 City Gas ........................................................ 38 Orgone .......................................................... 39 Miscellaneous ............................................... 40 Resources ...................................................... 40

Since the ideas in this book are at the Research Assistant (2) stage, a parts list is not applicable. As the research is updated and individual projects are developed, using the concepts outlined, suggested parts will be included.

Costs quoted, throughout this book, are based on year of publication rates.

Science Fiction has an astonishing history of becoming Science Fact. I find it incredible that the technology they described did not exist when the authors wrote their stories. And yet, they detail the technology well enough that when we look back upon the story, we can readily see that they had a vision of the future not shared by everyone. It is interesting to observe how many inventors (including myself) have been influenced by such writings, to find ways to make one time fiction become fact. For example, the fictions of Jules Verne have virtually all come true. We have traveled From the Earth to the Moon and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. We have harnessed atomic power... there is one prediction we have yet to see publicly: "...Water decomposed into it's primitive elements...and decomposed doubtless by electricity, which will then have become a powerful and manageable force...I believe that water will one day be employed as a fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an unexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not capable. Some day the coalrooms of steamers and tenders of locomotives will, instead of coal, be stored with these two condensed gases, which will burn in the furnaces with enormous calorific power...I believe, then, that when the deposits of coal are exhausted, we shall heat and warm ourselves with water. Water will be the coal of the future.
The Mysterious Island (1870) - Jules Verne -

As an inventor (self employed since 1984) I've discovered that nothing can come into existence in the 'real' world unless it is first conceived in the mind. An inventor, by definition, must have the mindset that the 'impossible' is POSSIBLE in some way, or no innovation would ever come from the mind into the 'real' world. This creationist 'stateof-mind' is one of the major differences between a 'scientist' and an inventor. You can be a scientist without an 'open' mind. You can't be an inventor without the firm belief in your mind/heart/gut that everything is not YET known, that there may be a better way... all we have to do is find it. Concepts of the real world are always undergoing change as we learn more about the world around us. A large number of 'scientists' are SCIENTISTS, meaning that their personal ego is tied (centered) to their job label. They have spent years or decades learning what they know (For example: The world is flat! This is self evident!). When faced with evidence to the contrary of their belief/training, their very SELF is challenged. They MUST deny it or deny the training/experience/education that makes them who they are! I mention this here because it is a mindset you MUST keep in mind when talking to people about this book. Personally and professionally, I continually run into people who REFUSE to look at evidence contrary to their beliefs. I simply bypass them. It is not worth an argument. Either the evidence can be made into practical products or it can't. If it can, it is only the inventors with 'creationist' mindsets that will do it, so closed minds don't count here.

Lightbulbs Must be Allowed to Flash On In the Head!

The mind must not say 'It can't be done! The mind must say 'How can it be done?' I'm not saying any particular thing can be done, I'm saying we must always be open to consider better ways. Remember that the world was round before people sailed around it, and gravity made things fall down before Newton got hit with an apple. Much of what we KNOW now will seem funny to people in the future.

As an inventor, one of the first things I learned is that 'when it's time to railroad, you railroad.' This statement comes from a typical example of advancing technology. In the mining industry, all original work was done by hand, packing ore out of the ground in bags/buckets (often using fire and steam to break the rocks). Then the wheeled cart evolved. Then the cart was put on rails (better explosives were developed too). Steam engines were developed to pump water out of the mines. Then, someone thought of putting the steam engine on the tracked cart and trains were born. Before all the parts of railroad technology existed, a train couldn't exist. I believe all the technology needed to use 'water as fuel' has existed for some time but has been suppressed by 'vested interest' (suppression covered in other literature). There are people who actually believe that if everyone had access to as much heat, shelter, food, transportation, communication as they desired, that this would be a bad thing for the economy (more on this in other literature). - George Wiseman -

Water as Fuel-Book 1 /

The suggestions and opinions of Eagle-Research are biased towards ecology-friendly fuels. These are fuels that do not damage our environment either by manufacture or use. I call these eco-fuels, of which there is a subcategory called biofuels. Bio-fuels are those eco-fuels that require biological sources to produce. Personally I prefer to examine totally inorganic fuel (like water) because it does not depend on a growing season or use farm land that could grow food.

I am going to present (and reference) evidence here of several technologies that will challenge 'what is KNOWN.' For I have reason to believe that the ability to use water as a fuel has existed for many decades. One part of Jules Verne's 'prediction' is very true, 'water' is liquefied oxygen and hydrogen that lifts the space shuttles into orbit. However, there are a lot of other methods of using water as a fuel that are not generally known. Shining a light on these methods is the purpose of this book, so that various independent researchers/inventors/home experimenters can start to cooperate and develop these (or other) technologies for practical everyday use. An idea whose time has come can be kept secret only so long, because more and more people think of it. From looking at the information I've gathered and the experiments I've done, I see that some vehicles are already powered by water. Further, I believe that only a little more work needs to be done to make several different methods practical. We have a network of experimenters that are working together, around the world, to achieve the goal of using 'water as fuel!' You are invited to join. The second, equally important purpose of this book is to allow home experimenters to assist in the development and implementation of technologies that are often suppressed by 'vested interest.' Further publications in this series will detail progress as we work toward practical solutions. In this first book, I describe only a fraction of the available knowledge in these areas. The examples and

references given do not necessarily represent the best knowledge and I'm not specifically endorsing them by including them in this book. The idea is to eventually combine the BEST of ALL ideas into solutions that can be built by the home experimenter. Then, once a system becomes practical, anyone who wants to become a manufacturer can do so. There is a huge retro-fit market and enough work for everyone (patents are NOT needed for everyone to make money). Eagle-Research has been accumulating data about using 'water as fuel' for decades, and occasionally doing experiments to verify the practicality of particular methods. This book is a compilation of information accumulated and of our own research. It is NOT intended to be a comprehensive 'hands on' manual with plans and schematics. That will come as the technologies in this book are researched further. This book IS intended to be a researcher's assistant, containing references to information we know of at this time. This book in addition, ties together several technologies that are covered in greater detail in other EagleResearch books and this book updates that information where applicable. Because it is impossible to duplicate all the information in all the resources mentioned, it will be up to the researcher/experimenter to send for the additional information on the projects that they want to try. Regardless of what the nay-sayers may proclaim, 'State-of-The-Art' has reached the point where it is practical to begin using 'water as fuel'. At the very least, water can be used as a fuel enhancement and

. . . The Patent System has Become Perverted . . .

At Eagle-Research we are not interested in patents (we do NOT patent innovations developed through our research and network). The patenting system has become perverted to be one of the means that 'vested interest' use to prevent these technologies from reaching the marketplace. The only way to get these technologies into the hands of the public is to go public. By going public we prevent ANYONE from stopping the innovation by patenting (more on this in other literature). The inventor won't make billions of dollars on a water powered engine by going public, but the inventor wouldn't have made it through the patent procedure either, and the technology would have been suppressed. During the normal suppression techniques, if the inventor gets stubborn, then the inventor gets 'neutralized' too. I've got documents of hundreds of cases. With our public network, hundreds of people assist each other with ideas so the technology grows much faster than any one person could do it and the technology gets into the hands of the public because the 'public' developed it, bypassing normal 'vested interest' suppression. / Water as Fuel-Book 1

partial replacement while we experiment on even better ways to use 'water as fuel'. We look forward to your comments and to assisting you in your experiments.

Water as Fuel Evaluation

Water (usually split into hydrogen and oxygen for burning) is an excellent eco-fuel to replace fossilfuel based fuels for our engines: Water has no pollution to choke us or to produce greenhouse effect. The exhaust is usually water vapor. The exception is sometimes oxides of nitrogen if the water is burned over 2200F in atmosphere (which contains nitrogen). These higher temperatures can be prevented by water (liquid or steam) injection. Water is an 'unlimited' fuel supply. Dirty water can be cleaned to use as fuel, and in most cases recycled to use again. Water can be purified using several different methods that take advantage of environmental energies. Water can also be accumulated right from the air (using no power) with 'air well' technology (see Rex Research). Water is easily applied to internal combustion engines, using propane or natural gas technology for gaseous forms and carburetion or fuel injection (modified) for liquid forms. Water burns extremely fast and even, for maximum efficiency in internal combustion engines. Water (as hydrogen and oxygen) also works in fuel cells and innovative batteries for direct electricity output, to make electric cars feasible.

Development of practical 'water as fuel' technologies will eliminate the need to use war as a tool to maintain our standard of living, because we will no longer have to fight to maintain the fossil-fuels reserves that we presently need to power our economies. Water is a fuel that can be made in any quantity without having to grow something (like bio-fuels need). It is totally inorganic. Once the technology is developed it will power our civilization without using valuable food growing land. Development and implementation of practical water-fuel technologies could bring about (if it's allowed to happen) world prosperity like nothing our civilization has ever seen.

We Want to Hear from YOU

Thank you now, for the suggestions that you will send us. It's people like you that turn problems into solutions. I want to hear from and help everyone, but I now have thousands of people that I communicate with. Your contributions / questions / suggestions might get answered in volume, by my writing another book. In addition to evaluating your communication, I do need time for a home life and experimentation too. Please understand that your suggestions DO help this research, which eventually helps everyone as we do NOT patent our work. Your suggestion could be the one that triggers a better way of doing something. Please do not assume from what you see here that I know any particular item of information. I am learning just like you and you may have a piece of the puzzle that I do not have. It is better to duplicate than to miss that piece. If you do not want credit for your contribution, please state so on the literature you present.

What is NOT Included in This Book

Hydrogen generation using blue green algae (or any other plant or microbe) that decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen. This potential is exciting because somehow plants can do this extremely efficiently at room temperature with only sunlight as an energy source. Hydrogen generation using special solar cells that decompose water directly. This is called photolysis. Scientists are working on this technology. Hydrogen generation using catalytic decomposition of ammonia. This may be more practical than it sounds because there is a lot of ammonia in biological waste that could then be turned into a fuel.

How Access to Energy Increases Prosperity

The Gross National Product of the United States has risen (causing the standard of living to rise) in direct proportion to it's energy production capability. When the world's people have access to greater energy, their living standards will rise. No more freezing and starving for lack of energy, and their individual ability to contribute to the benefit of all (by using their natural talents) will increase.

Water as Fuel-Book 1 /

More on Hydrogen in Future Editions of Water as Fuel

Methods NOT included in this book will be discussed and plans developed as needed in future editions of the 'Water as Fuel' series. If you know more on these subjects (or any other way to use water as a fuel), I welcome you to submit your information for the benefit of everyone. Applicable technology will be published in future editions of 'Water as Fuel', with appropriate credits.

Hydrogen generation using off-theshelf 'free energy' sources like solar cells, wind and water power. These subjects are well documented in conventional literature and need not be covered by this book series at this time, unless there is some uncommon twist that may make them even more practical. Hydrogen and oxygen storage methods. See previous reasoning.

Generally, I object to burning fossilfuels at all, even in my own automobile, because of the environmental hazards and social concessions that they cause. They pollute the environment and cause us to think of War as a viable option. They are also limited natural resources better used in other ways than burning them up and actually much more profitable to the 'oil' companies in the long run. However, this is the system in place and most people do not have the option of not using fossil-fuel, so I include this information to help people, at least, partially supplement their use of fossil-fuel with water.

My previous recommendation was to have (at least) a 'vapor water' system on every engine, but since the implementation of electronic fuel injection, I've changed my recommendation to 'liquid water' injection. Water vapor systems cause a slight drop in the intake manifold pressure, which causes the (fuel injection) vehicle's computer to signal the injectors to add extra fuel. Liquid water injection does not have this problem. Steam injection is even better than water injection because you get an increased enthalpy to increase the combustion efficiency. The important thing with liquid water injection is to get the water into an atomized form so that it readily mixes with the air and fuel. This can be achieved several different ways, including: Atomizing nozzles, usually requiring a pressure pump. This sort of a setup is easily acquired or built using 'off-the-shelf' components. This is the only option I recommend for fuel injection systems. It works well on carburetion systems too. Pizo technology, or electromagnetic 'foggers' that turn water into a mist (carburetors only). The 'mist ball' technology detailed in the HyCO 2DT Manual works great too, but requires a source of low pressure air (from 5 to 15 psig). A 'smog pump' works well. For carburetors only. It is also important to inject your water AFTER the mass flow sensor, if you have one. The increased mass of the water will throw off the computer's calculations, causing the computer to add fuel that you don't need.

. . . the water and fossil-fuel are entered into the engine separately, from different fuel systems, . . .
This was a common practice for farm equipment up to the mid 1930's. It was extensively used by the military. It will still work fine with today's fuels and fuel systems. Note: when using water injection in cold climates add alcohol to the water to get a ratio that won't freeze. The only other option is to keep your water container and delivery system heated. Instructions on how-to-home-build water liquid, vapor and steam injection systems are included in Super Gas Saver Secrets (see references)

Water Injection as Liquid, Vapor and Steam

The advantages of water injection to increasing the efficiency of burning fossil-fuels has been known for a long time and is a well established (unappreciated and mostly unused) fact. Properly done, water injection increases power; reduces knock; allows for increased compression ratios; reduces noxious emissions; increases fuel mileage and keeps the combustion chamber clean. / Water as Fuel-Book 1

reduce the power to as little as 1 volt per cell, to maintain the gas production. Increase the voltage again (with a pulse) when the gas production drops off too much. In my experience, electrolysis is most efficient (producing higher than conventional theory estimates) when the DC is pulsed. The most efficient pulse rate and waveform depend on your particular electrolyzer design and it's operating characteristics. So far, I've discovered the series-cell electrolyzer design to be the most inherently efficient . See Brown's Gas, Book 2 for complete construction details. (see references) During my experiments I've noticed two very important conditions that need to be examined further: Sometimes, the electrolysis cells cool down (endothermic) while operating to BELOW room temperature. This is not supposed to happen according to conventional science. When there is a heat input assisting electrolysis, (which can be up to 30% of the energy) it usually happens in the 140+F range. I have not figured out what causes this cooling because it happens only once in a long while and it usually starts heating again without my making any changes to the experiment. In special cells I get a gas evolving right out of the fluid itself. In this case I can duplicate it on demand. I have shown hundreds of people and have it on video tape. The seriescell electrolyzer plates are spaced 3/8" apart and you can see gas coming off the plates in the normal fashion. But exactly in the middle between the plates is a third gas, coming right up out of the fluid.

The line of bubbles is so solid that it almost looks like another plate. It is quite easy to see that there is no connection between the bubbles generated off the plates and the center bubbles (there is clear fluid between them). So far, this happens ONLY in the series-cell and it is easiest to see when you underlight transparent electrolyzers. Ill report more on this in future editions of Water as Fuel.

Such a Report
continued from (sidebar page 26) voltage across the cell plates. You should see some gas coming off the electrodes and it'll be fizzing, (my measurement showed 1.51 volts under load). 4. Next, connect a small silicon rectifier diode in series with the battery and cell. The particular diode I had available dropped the circuit voltage by about .5 volts. The current will be quite a bit lower than it was, and the gas production will be quite a bit slower. But, you should be able to see and hear the bubbles coming off the plates. (my cell voltage was 1.05 volts during this part of the test.) Congratulations! Your cell voltage should be lower than 1.24 volts, yet you are still producing hydrogen and oxygen gas! At these lower voltages, you will be producing gas at greater than 100% efficiency according to standard hydrolysis theory! The reaction in this voltage range is also endothermic. Go figure. -no author listed-"


Reprinted from SAGA Magazine, 333 Johnson Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, 11206, USA. Article starts on page 14 of the May, 1974 issue; continues on pages 14-15, 46, 48-49, 52. Article given to me by Thos Rogers. Unsolved Mystery, The Lost GasFrom-Water Formula by Joseph F. Goodavage Just imagine what it would have meant to the petroleum industry if it were possible to transform water into fuel. How may billions would the oil companies stand to lose? What would they do to counter the threat of being put out of business by such a miraculous formula? The answers seem fairly obvious. It happens that there is - or once was - a government-tested formula for turning water into gasoline-like fuel. When it was demonstrated, the U.S. Navy offered two million dollars in cash for the miraculous chemical. The story of this stupendous discovery began to

Salt is a 'messy' electrolyte, creating chlorine gas and green scum as byproducts of the electrolysis. I recommend getting lye (drain cleaner) from your grocery store. Use safety techniques outlined in the 'Brown's Gas' books. (see references)

continued on page 28 Water as Fuel-Book 1 /


continued from page 27

unfold on Feb. 3, 1917, when John Andrews, a hulking Portuguese inventor and chemistry genius, first contacted the top engineering officer of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Neither he nor the unflappable Commander of the Yard could have known that Andrews would vanish without trace within a month. Via a series of letters and telephone calls, the inventor convinced Comdr. Earl P. Jessop that he had something amazing to offer. The Commander contacted Walter Meriwether, the Navy editor of the old New York World. "We've just sent an officer to Washington, to the Navy Department, with a detailed report of this amazing discovery," Jessop told Meriwether. "This man Andrews has discovered a chemical - or combination of chemicals - which appears to break down water to an inert substance until it is mechanically vaporized by a carburetor. When this happens the spark makes it burn like gasoline." Like other government facilities during WW I, the Navy Yard had been deluged with letters from all kinds of inventors. Jessop studied them all, found most of the ideas either visionary, impractical, or the pipe dreams of crackpots. But John Andrews's persistent claim, in letters from his home in McKeesport, Pa., of creating a chemical compound that (in a solution containing five percent of the mysterious additive and 95 percent fresh or salt water) would give water the explosive force of gasoline proved irresistible. The chemicals, Andrews claimed, were so cheap that the cost of the mixture came to about two cents a gallon. Jessop invited the man, a

newly-arrived immigrant from Portugal, to visit the Navy Yard, and Andrews drove from his home in McKeesport by automobile. The Navy officers had set a threecylinder motorboat engine on a block and had it attached to a dynamometer (to measure the mechanical power that was produced) by the time Andrews arrived in New York. The inventor had brought a gallon can fitted with a pipe at the top and bottom. Navy Yard scientists and engineers checked it out and found that it was empty. In his deep, slightly accented voice, the foreign chemist then asked for some water. "We brought him a bucketful," Commander Jessop said, "which he poured into his can. From a little black satchel - the kind doctors use which he'd brought along with him, he took out a small vial and carefully dropped six or seven drops of a greenish-colored chemical into the water. I personally carried it to the tank of the boat, which was open and fitted with a sight glass so we all saw the liquid run into the tank. In fact, Andrews held a lighted match close to the stuff as it was being poured, but it didn't ignite. At that point of the demonstration, at least, he proved that it was not gaseous or inflammable." To the complete amazement of Navy personnel, with the first attempt to start the engine it coughed and roared to life just as quickly as it would have with ordinary gasoline. "It settled down to its work," Jessop told Meriwether, "and burned all the mixture in the tank - with 75 percent of its rated (gasoline) horsepower. This was a fantastic showing with any fuel, but when you consider that all we did was make a slight readjustment of the carburetor, it was incredible!"

Directly following that freshwater demonstration of Andrews's formula, Meriwether was invited to witness an even more unbelievable test. The next day Andrews promised to run the engine on salt water which would be brought in by a Navy tug for the test. From off the Sandy Hook, N.J. coast, beyond the (even then) polluted water of New York harbor, a Navy boat returned with a barrel of salty water from the incoming tide. This time Navy engineers insisted that Andrews should perform the experiment in a bare, concrete room that had no drain. Moreover, they made sure there was no possible way of his disposing of the bucket of salt water which they'd given him for the test. (No way except by pouring it into his gallon can and turning it into combustible fuel with his chemically active additives.) Andrews was totally agreeable to any and all conditions imposed on him. He poured the salt water into his can, added the green chemical solution and handed it to the witnesses. Among those present were Comdr. Earl P. Jessop, who was the Yard's senior engineering officer, and Rear Adm. G. E. Burd, the Industrial Manager of the Yard. Strict precautions were taken against any possible fraud. The brass insisted on using their own engine, their own Navy Yard tank and carburetor, and their own men to supply everything that was needed with the exception of the chemical additive. There was no possibility of any kind of deception. Yet the engine once again roared to life with only salt water as "fuel." The Navy editor of the World remained behind after Andrews left and carefully listened to all the

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details of the story and finally decided that it was for real. At the very least it would make extraordinary copy - well worth the cost of following it up. Commander Jessop told Meriwether that the inventor had registered at the Continental Hotel, in what was then midtown Manhattan. The reporter taxied to the hotel as quickly as possible. Meriwether's mind reeled at the many possibilities suggested by Andrew's discovery - submarines that could be fueled from the ocean. Ships, even seaplanes would be able to drop a hose into the sea to draw new supplies of fuel and keep going - indefinitely. Meriwether reached the Continental Hotel, a respectable plush Victorian hostelry, an hour after the inventor had checked out. The clerk wasn't certain, but he believed Andrews had started back to McKeesport by car. The newsman glanced at a railroad timetable, checked his watch and did some fast mental arithmetic. There was barely time to catch the Iron Age Express to Pittsburgh, even if he had the money to cover his fare and expenses, which he hadn't. The express was one of the fastest and most dependable trains in operation even in the worst weather- and it had just begun to rain heavily in New York. The World's night city editor happened to be a close friend, and Meriwether telephoned all he knew of the story to him, urgently requesting a voucher for expenses in order to follow the inventor home and get the whole tale. "I'll get the cashier down here to telephone an order to our uptown office," the night editor said. "That's

almost across the street from the Continental. You'll get the money in time." Sure enough, the World's messenger met him at Pennsylvania Station with enough cash for Meriwether to go after the story. He grabbed the manila envelope, purchased his ticket, and caught the train with only minutes to spare. The sun had just broken through a hazy smog overlooking the steel furnaces along the Ohio and Monongahela Rivers when the Iron Age Express pulled into Grant Street Station in Pittsburgh. The cobbled streets still glistened damply as the bleary-eyed reporter changed to a B. & O. train for McKeesport. He began his search for Andrews as soon as he arrived. With no recent address handy, he started by studying the local telephone directory. But there was nothing there. All he had to show for his efforts during the next five hours were aching feet. No one he talked to seemed to know the inventor. He was about ready to give up and return empty-handed when his final inquiry paid off. "There he is right now," said a neighbor, "just getting out of his car." Andrews had just driven up and stopped in front of a small cottage; his car's radiator was steaming from the long drive. The sturdy inventor (who tipped the scale at over 200) was wearily opening the gate to his little four room cottage when Meriwether ran up to him. "I'd like to talk to you, Mr. Andrews," he called. "I've traveled quite a distance..." "What about?" the man eyed him suspiciously. "Your invention --"

The burly inventor scowled, slammed the gate, and turned on his heel. "You won't get a word from me." "But I've come from the Brooklyn Navy Yard," the reporter said almost desperately. Andrews stopped and looked at the newsman, his suspicion melting a little. "Come in," he said a bit more affably, and opened the gate. Meriwether followed him inside. The small cottage looked like an unkempt workshop. There was no sign of a woman's touch anywhere. Tools and laboratory equipment were strewn haphazardly around each room. The bed was unmade, the furniture was covered with a fine layer of dust. The place was a mess, but this was of minor importance to the reporter. What interested him most was the inventor's strange behavior. Andrews scuttled through the house opening closets, peering suspiciously behind doors, and glancing furtively through soiled curtains and dirty windows. During the five- or six-minute search Meriwether was totally ignored. Finally satisfied with his search, Andrews apologized glumly and invited his guest into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. With some misgivings about the cleanliness of the place, the reporter accepted. "What is your position at the Navy Yard?" asked the inventor. "Look, I don't mean to create a false impression, " Meriwether said, carefully choosing his words. "It's true that I came directly from the Yard, but I'm actually a newspaperman. In fact I'm the Navy editor of The New York World..."

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The inventor stared at him through deep, dark eyes and deliberately set down the coffee pot without lighting the stove. "Let me see your credentials, your press identification." As the newspaperman displayed his cards he tried to convey his sincerity. "Commander Jessop and Admiral Burd told me about the demonstrations of your invention. I'd like to get the entire story exclusively, if possible." "I have nothing to say about my invention," Andrews muttered. "All right, let's pass that up for the moment. I'd like to learn something about you personally..." Andrews shook his head. "I can't tell you anything about my background." He seemed adamant, almost angry. "Can you tell me where you learned chemistry?" "I can't - won't - answer that," he said tightly. "Can you at least tell me when you came to the United States?" The inventor just shook his head and stared. The frustrated newsman realized that the man staring him down wasn't about to be persuaded to reveal the least shred of information. It was a standoff. Meriwether sighed with apparent resignation. "All right. I can see your mind is made up, but I haven't had breakfast yet, and you probably haven't either. Show me to a restaurant and I'll buy for both of us." With all the sincerity he could muster, Meriwether added, "I'd really be glad for the company."

It took considerable time and all his powers of persuasion to overcome the inventor's reluctance and suspicion, but the newsman finally prevailed. Andrews led him to a restaurant several blocks away. When they arrived, he thoroughly looked over the interior before going inside. The place was almost vacant and Meriwether suggested that they take the nearest empty table. Andrews shook his head. "No. We'll sit over there," he said, indicating a dark corner of the restaurant. As soon as they were seated, the inventor put his back to the wall to make certain he could see anyone who walked into the place. The few customers who did enter were carefully scrutinized by the inventor, who interrupted his breakfast each time a newcomer arrived. Meriwether quietly observed this display of furtiveness until they'd begun drinking their coffee, when he broke the silence. "Are you expecting somebody?" "I am - in a way," the Portuguese said distractedly. "But I am hoping not. My life is not worth - " he snapped his fingers - "that. I'm being watched day and night... followed everywhere I go. I can't prove who they are, but already too many people know about my invention. A lot of them know enough about it to know it will put every oil company in the world out of business. They know that for two cents a gallon I can make a gasoline substitute as good as the best they can refine. For this discovery," he became even more agitated than before, "my life is not worth - that!" Another loud snap of the fingers. "I think you're being overly imaginative. The big oil companies

don't hire killers to get what they want," Meriwether argued. "If they're really afraid of your invention as you seem to think, wouldn't they want to buy it from you and then destroy it?" "Maybe not. What is to prevent me from manufacturing my gas substitute even after it was bought and destroyed? I have the formula in my mind," he made a dark grimace that etched the lines even more deeply into his worried face. "Anyway, it is not only the oil people, but there are others. There are many nations at war. Think what my invention would mean to them!" "That just doesn't make too much sense,' Meriwether answered. "If these other governments wanted it, why would they plan to kill the only man who knows anything about it?" "Then why did somebody poison my watchdog last week," Andrews countered. "I don't know. Maybe your dog was causing a nuisance or chasing your neighbors' chickens," the newsman said. "No, no, NO!" Andrews protested in a hoarse whisper. "None of my neighbors has any chickens. The only reason my dog was poisoned was so somebody could get at me more easily. I'm certain my life is in great danger!" Meriwether listened and tried to dissuade the inventor, but in the end the man's real fear and sincerity could not be dismissed so easily in the reporter's mind. "Suppose we do this," Meriwether suggested. " Let me go to Washington and try to set up some

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kind of arrangement with the Navy Department for an official and complete test of your invention If it stands up under critical testing, then they'd naturally be interested in something that would revolutionize the use of airplanes and ships. In fact, we could even use these as test vehicles!" "Could you actually manage that?" Andrews asked. "Not only can I, but I promise to do it," Meriwether said with more conviction than he felt. Andrews seemed almost happy at the new prospect, and this was a radical change in temperament for the worried man. The more he thought about it the more the idea appealed to him. He began to visualize airplanes relieved of their heavy load of fuel and carrying only a small supply of his chemicals. Such aircraft could land on the ocean to refuel by sucking up seawater and could probably fly around the world - "and back again!" he almost shouted. He also pictured submarines able to stay at sea indefinitely, and the restructuring of battleships, cruisers, and passenger ships to run on internal combustion engines rather than on steam power. "Don't get your hopes up just yet," Meriwether cautioned. "I will do everything in my power to get you an official tryout of your invention, but it could take time. I think you should stay in your home. But keep in close touch with the telegraph office because I will notify you by wire as soon as I have definite news." In 1917, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was Assistant Secretary of the Navy under Secretary Josephus Daniels.

When Meriwether arrived in Washington his first disappointment was to find both men out of town. In their absence, the Navy Department was being run by the Senior Bureau Chief. Years later, Meriwether wrote, "The Chief of the Bureau of Steam Engineering was a fine old gentleman with whom I had once served in the Navy, but he was as unimaginative as one of his blueprints." The newsman began roaming around the Navy Department searching for other, more open-minded friends he had known when he was in the service. He finally located another former shipmate on duty in Washington. Comdr. Mark Bristol was in charge of Navy aeronautics and was soon to be promoted to Rear Admiral. When the reporter finally tracked him down and told him the entire story, he was rewarded by a long, incredulous stare. It took some fancy persuading, but he finally convinced his friend of the seemingly outrageous tale. He went over the details of Andrews's story, particularly emphasizing the fact that it was Commander Jessop of the Brooklyn Navy Yard who had conducted the tests in New York. As it happened, Commanders Bristol and Jessop were classmates, and Bristol had a deep and abiding respect for his fellow officer. In fact, Jessop enjoyed a widespread reputation throughout the service as one of the most capable and intelligent line officers. But he was particularly known for his superb engineering skill and knowledge. His talent helped him become supervising engineer of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, an extremely responsible position.

Now that he knew Jessop was involved, the entire concept appealed to Bristol. "What we'll do," he suggested, "is to make an appointment with the secretary of the Navy as soon as possible. In fact, I'll go along with you." "We'll have to wait a week or more," Meriwether told him. 'Both Daniels and Roosevelt are out of town. What's the next best approach?" The Senior Bureau Chief was the only alternative, a fact that made the newsman's heart sink. Just as he had anticipated, the "fine old Navy gentleman" proved to be more than just discouraging. "I've been to all the vaudeville shows," the old man said unemotionally, "and I've seen most of the sleightof-hand artists pulling rabbits and ducks out of silk hats - that is, it seemed as if they did. This business of turning salt water into gasoline is a stunt - an impossible stunt - that's all it is. I'm surprised that you two have been so easily taken in." They argued that reputable, reliable eyewitnesses had closely observed the tests and had vouched for Andrews's authenticity. "I know all about that," the old Bureau Chief said with a patient sigh. "And I know that the Brooklyn Yard is all steamed up about this cheap magician's trick. In fact, they've sent one of their officers down here today to tell me all about it. Well. I'm not interested in parlor tricks or any other kind of flimflam. If he wants somebody to listen to him he'll have to tell it to somebody else, not me."

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That seemed to be that. Years later, when he wrote about the events leading up to the disappearance of Andrews, Meriwether wearily observed, "Thus spoke the voice of the Old Establishment. It had often been heard before - when Dr. Gatling begged for a test of his now-famous machine gun; when Hotchkiss asked for a trial of his equally famous revolving cannon; when Holland had clamored for a tryout of his submarine - the first of that type ever constructed. The only concession these inventors ever got was the reluctant appointment of boards to consider their inventions, and well they came to know the dictionary definition of a board: 'a thing, long, narrow, and wooden.' Not one of these important inventions was adopted here. All these patents were eventually sold overseas, and so we have had to buy the rights for these American inventions from foreign countries." Not put off by the rude rebuff, Meriwether figured he would hang around Washington until the return of a more open-minded civilian official such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt. As luck would have it, Secretary of the Navy Daniels returned the next day. Meriwether wasted no time arranging for an appointment and laying out the entire picture for Daniels. The Secretary proved to be a ready and willing listener who was more than happy to be shown. "Tell this man Andrews to come to Washington at once," he ordered, "and inform him that we would like to buy his invention. I'll have a submarine and an airplane detailed and ready for the final tests as soon as he arrives."

Overjoyed, Meriwether rushed this development of the story to the World's office in New York and then sent a telegram to Andrews with the news that the Department of the Navy had finally agreed to offer a large sum of money after final tests of his chemical discovery. Andrews wired back with the demand for two million dollars - "in cash". As soon as the World's managing editor got wind of this, he instructed Meriwether to bring Andrews to New York instead. The newspaper now wanted to arrange for still another test of the invention - this time in front of a group of nationally known engineers and scientists. Even more money might be generated if private industry became involved in the bidding. "Things were looking up for Andrews then," Meriwether wrote later. "The skies were brightening over that humble little cottage in McKeesport." To Meriwether's enormous surprise, Secretary Daniels agreed to pay two million dollars for the invention, but stipulated that the money would have to be put in the bank in escrow - to be paid only after Andrews had taught 10 Navy scientists exactly how to make the chemical formula. But once again the inventor demanded cash. He confided to Meriwether, however, that the mixture was so astonishingly simple that he feared the Navy might renege once they learned the secret. The newsman relayed this opinion to the Navy brass who suddenly decided to await a final demonstration by Andrews before reaching a decision.

Meriwether tried contacting the inventor again, but there was no answer to his telegram. The reporter quickly rushed another wire to Andrews with the message that the World had requested still another demonstration. Would he wait for Meriwether in McKeesport or come directly to Washington? Still, no answer from Andrews. The newsman sent a third telegram and received nothing but silence. He wired once again with the same result. By now he was beginning to worry, not only about the scheduled tests and the two million dollars, but for Andrews's safety. He called the telegraph operator directly and demanded to know if the McKeesport office had delivered the wires. They informed him that none of the telegrams had been accepted. Meriwether took the next train out and arrived in McKeesport late in the afternoon. As the sun dipped behind the Alleghenies in the distance, he headed straight for Andrew's little cottage where he banged on the door until his knuckles hurt. It soon became obvious that Andrews wasn't going to answer, so he tried the door, found it unlocked, and went inside. As his eyes became accustomed to the semi-darkness, he looked around in dismay. The place was an utter shambles and there was no sign of the inventor. Even after a thorough search of the cottage it was clear there was no clue as to where Andrews might have gone. The reporter spent the next four hours wandering around the town asking questions at the telegraph office, the restaurant, and of Andrews's nearest neighbors. But the inventor had been extremely secretive lately, he

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learned, and no one really knew much about him except that he was furtively working on a new kind of engine and purchasing lots of chemicals in Pittsburgh. By this time Andrews's nervousness and fear for his life (which had seemed so preposterous earlier), began to make sense. Utterly baffled, Meriwether decided to try his luck with the police before he gave up the search and returned to New York with a story full of loose ends. The local police inspector dispatched two detectives to the cottage with the reporter. They conducted a professional search of the rooms, going over the place with a fine tooth comb, not once, but two or three times. Their investigation turned up the unmistakable signs of a violent struggle. The cottage had also been thoroughly ransacked, bureau drawers were scattered all over the floors, and a locked trunk had been smashed open and emptied of whatever it had contained. That was the last anyone ever saw or heard from Andrews. All his personal belongings, including two bankbooks, remained behind. No clue to his disappearance has ever turned up. By the time Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President for his second term in 1935, the still-mystified Meriwether decided to check once again with all the available principals in order to learn whether he had missed some important development. Captain Jessop had retired by then but he confirmed that nothing further had ever been heard of Andrews. Meriwether tried his best to get to the bottom of the mystery, but after

almost 20 years the exnewspaperman finally gave up. In 1935 he wrote (rather poetically): "And thus into the limbo of unsolved mysteries vanished Andrews and his invention. Into the dusk with Dorothy Arnold [who was connected with faith healing], the collier Cyclops [a ship that disappeared], and other silent, baffling mysteries." Despite the loss of Andrews's formula, the story could have more far-reaching consequences than anything Meriwether could have imagined. He was a highly respected journalist who had never dabbled in any kind of sensationalism. Moreover, the story is solidly documented from many sources. There were many reliable, authoritative witnesses who attested to the validity of the power of Andrews's formula. The Portuguese chemist actually did have what he claimed he had - and was trying to protect - a chemical mixture that, when added to fresh or salt water, turned it into an amazingly good substitute for highly refined gasoline. The story was reported in complete detail by Walter Scott Meriwether in The New York World. Then, in 1935, when he made a final check on the mystery, the word got out to columnists Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen. They published it in their syndicated column, "Washington Merry-Go-Round." On May 20, 1973, it was republished in the Orange County (Cosa Mesa, Calif.) Daily Pilot. Highlights of the story were read into the Congressional Record on Tuesday, June 12. 1973, by California Rep. Craig Hosmer. In the interim, other interesting developments have paralleled Andrews's amazing discovery. In 1971, President Nixon announced,

"Fortunately, it is technically feasible to convert coal into a clean gas which can be transported through pipelines. We are determined to bring greater focus and urgency to this effort." Then in February 1973, the Office of Coal Research quietly announced the existence of three pilot plants using "a new method of converting molten salt" into "pipeline quality gas". The OCR explained that the process could now pay off the millions in government research dollars that were spent over the years. Could it be that Andrews's discovery has been kept under wraps for more than 50 years? Are we about to witness the first widespread, profit-swollen application of his formula for turning water into fuel? Nearly anything seems possible if the major oil companies are as greedy as some believe. In June 1973, they were accused by a panel of U.S. Senators of "deliberately conspiring to drive the independent refiners and marketers out of business in order to raise prices." (More recently, some have accused them of deliberately creating the energy crisis by cutting oil production). If the major oil firms succeed in creating new fuel producing methods but are able to claim huge costs for turning molten salt, sewage, or polluted water into usable fuel, it might help to throw some light on what became of John Andrews's magic formula. Whether it was hidden and rediscovered decades later is a moot point. Probably none of the people who witnessed the tests are alive today. The most important fact to keep in mind is the evidence of the reality

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Energy Solutions

since 1984

Patent-free Technology Brown's Gas Fuel Savers Free Energy

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Energy Solutions

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Patent-free Technology Brown's Gas Fuel Savers Free Energy

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Energy Solutions

since 1984

Patent-free Technology Brown's Gas Fuel Savers Free Energy

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Canada: 160 Panorama Ridge, Box 21017, Penticton, BC, V2A 8K8 USA / Int'l: 1306 Main St., Oroville, WA 98844


George Wiseman is the founder and president of Eagle-Research, a non-profit organization that develops and distributes energy-saving solutions. He is multi-talented and multi-degreed, but singular in his mission: to promote self-sufficiency at the individual level by discovering and sharing the best, all-around, practical solutions. George attributes his self-reliance, resourcefulness and commitment to our natural environment, to his rural roots. Dad didnt believe in having any equipment on the place (hobby farms in Montana, Oregon, Alaska and finally a ranch in British Columbia) that we couldnt fix ourselves. We had running water if we ran and got it. And electricity was something that came in batteries. His farmgrown, western cowboy philosophy combine well with his inventor persona to create a world-class visionary. He takes the hand-up rather than the hand-out approach to everything. Since 1984, George has been making his living as an inventor and author. His fuel-savers have gained him a worldwide following of satisfied consumers who eagerly pursue his work for new offerings. George continues to impress his customers, peers and competition with practical innovations that can be successfully home-built. His latest product, the ERxxxx WaterTorch, is making great waves in dozens of industries around the globe. As much as anything, its his commitment to patentfree technology development that has earned George Wiseman a champion reputation. Openly sharing research findings benefits everyone by constantly elevating the standards of viable energy solutions. Georges work has been featured on radio and in newspapers around North America and at many alternative energy gatherings including the International Tesla Society Symposiums and Exotic Research Conferences. He lives with his bride, Tenaj, and their brood of cats, in a lush valley of the Rocky Mountains. Individuals wishing to participate in the project may access the required reading list, that will be updated from time-to-time, on the Eagle-Research website: ( Comments and/or contributions are invited from anyone who is committed to cultivating dream seeds. Nay-sayers are better not to waste their time. Negative input will be wholeheartedly disregarded.

Too low they build, who build beneath the stars. - Edward Young -

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Eagle-Research (George Wiseman) in cooperation with Being Unlimited (Tenaj DaCosta Wiseman) are in the initial stages of creating their ultimate dream. They envision a world-renowned educational energy centre designed to find, develop and harness the unique genius inside each of us. The centre will be open to all sorts of creative-thinkers in their respective fields: inventors; writers; healing arts practitioners; feng shui specialists; architects; illustrators; horticulturalists; fitness experts


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Book One
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