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Senior Project Logs

Name Ryan Frierson Date of Activity: 3/3/2013 LOG # 13

1. What I Did (one sentence) I practiced my piano solo today. 2. Activity took place from (time/ start to finish): 4:31 6:31 P.M. 3. Where did this activity take place? This activity took place at my great grandmothers house. 4. Which is a total of 2 hours for this activity. 26

5. Total hours to date are

6. Detailed explanation of what I did: (200 + words) Today, I once again worked on Friends. As I began to start playing through the song I still tripped and stumble over certain parts and had to keep on stopping and starting over. There are a lot of sixteenth notes and eighth notes. I needed to practice the song instead of just trying to run through it. I feel like I am not a professional pianist/accompanist, and therefore I should work with myself a little more. So as I kept starting over and over again I began to get the hang of it. I dont think that I was incapable of doing it before; I just need to practice all of the sections. I am not a professional piano player and I think that I need to remember that so that I dont take too much on. 7. Problems I encountered while doing this activity. How I solved them. I could play through the song smoothly, but I took it piece by piece and put it together. 8. What I learned from this activity I learned that practice makes perfect. 9. What my next step(s) will be: I will plan out a date and start making flyers for my concert. 10. Who I worked with on this activity: I worked on this activity alone. 11. List all documents I am including with this log (i.e. pictures, receipts, sketches, samples, etc.); I will include pictures of myself intensely studying.


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Note to Mentor: Your signature means you are verifying the activity; amount of time the activity took, and TOTAL HOURS TO DATE. Do NOT sign if student has not completed the form.

Mentor Signature: _____________________________

ENGLISH TEACHER USE ONLY Logs submitted for log check #: ______ Logs were turned in : ____ on time ____ late

Date: __________

Eng. Teachers Initials:_______

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