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Date Time Class Language Proficiency Subject Theme Topic Focused skills Integrated skills Curriculum specifications

: 8th December 2012 : 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m : 4 Diligent : Excellent : English : World of Story : Story Time : Speaking : Listening and writing :

3.9.3 Read and talk about the action of people, objects and animals in a story heard or read. 3.9.4 Tell why a person, objects or animals in a story is good or bad.

General Objectives

: Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them by talking about the people and relate it to ones life.

Specific objectives

: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. Read the dialogue fluently. 2. Read and understand simple poems stories. 3. State the moral value from the story. 4. Answer four from five comprehension questions correctly.

Previous Knowledge

: Pupils have read and know about some fairy tale and bedtime stories.

Moral Values References

: Cooperate, team work, honest, hardworking , kind hearted, tolerate : English Year 4 curriculum specification, English Year 4 Textbook :

Teaching Materials





Whole class Set Induction (5 minutes) activities using improvisation method. Object Empathy Materials Object Card (Appendix 1) 1. Teacher great pupils and asks pupils to sit properly. 2. Teacher asks pupils randomly to come in front of the class. 3. Teacher gives the object card to pupils. Students are asked to become an everyday object, give it feelings while acting out a particular situation 4. Asks pupils to create a spontaneously dialogue according to the situation of the object given. 5. Pupils role a character. 6. Teacher asks pupils about the activity that they have done.

Teachers instruction What are your friend do just now? What were going to learn today?

Expected answer Create a dialogue


7. Teachers relate the activities with the topic. Rationale This activity is planning to arouse pupils attention. By using improvisation method, the thinking skills of the pupils will develop well.The focus is thus on identifying with characters, enacting roles and entering into their inner experience of imagination and fantasy.In addition, it also can activate pupils previous knowledge.Other than that, it make pupils proficiency in English Languange. Moreover, it also can increase pupils confidence level. Besides that, pupils will relate the activity with the topic they are going to learn today.

Whole class Step 1 (10 Minutes) activities using mime.


Teacher explains the rules of mime whereas pupils are needed to take part actively.


Teacher read a story and pupils mime according to the story.


Pupils are guided to do mime activity

Materials 4. Story passage about The Adventurer (Appendix 2)

according to the storyline. The most creative pupils with creative mime and movement will get the prize from the teacher.

Rationale This activity is planning to make sure all students are take parts in the activities. Mime helps develop students' observation. It also can atract pupils attention and stretch pupils imagination.Mime also helps pupils become comfortable with the idea of performing in front of peers without

concern for language.

Group Step 2 (12 minutes) Activities to make props of the story.


Pupils are divided into 6 heterogeneous groups.


Teachers prepared the characters card and put into the box. Teacher also prepared materials to make props.

7. Materials 8. Characters card Script Manila card Polistren Pencil colours Sciscors 9.

Teacher explains how to do the group activities. One pupil from each group are asks randomly to come in front of the class. The selected pupils pick the characters card and tell the teacher what the characters that he/she gets.

10. Teacher gives a script according to their characters. 11. Pupils in group will make props

Glue Colour paper Cloth

according to the characters.

Rationale This activity is designing to develop creativity skill in art. This activity is suitable for hands on learners. This activity make pupils more independent because they are more open to their thoughts. They will be a good questioners In according it to also the can



cooperate among their members of the group because it needs contribution from each member of the groups. It also can encourage discussions among peers. 1. One pupil for each group comes in Whole Class Step 3 (15 Minutes) State the moral value from the story. Props of the Read the dialogue fluently. characters Script of Arrogant Sunflower (Appendix 3) Rationale This method is selected as a part of Materials Activities using Childrens Theatre 3. front to role play according to their characters and wears the props. 2. Teacher takes part as side coach and participates in the drama. Pupils present the childrens theatre.

4. Teacher encourages pupils to take part actively. 5. Pupils who are not involved keep attention on the drama. 6. Teacher asks pupils about the moral value from the story.

creative teaching to ensure and happy in doing the

pupils fun activities.

Childrens theatre activities encourage children to recall personal,sensory-rich experiences and select dramatic actions to express the images. Step 4 (13 minutes) Answer four from five comprehensi on questions correctly. Individual work Materials Worksheets (Appendix 4) 1. Teacher divided worksheets to each pupil. 2. Within 10 minutes, pupils are asked to complete the worksheets. 3. Teacher guides weak pupils. 4. Teacher and pupils do the discussion to find the correct answer in the worksheets. Rationale This method is selected to ensure pupils achieve objectives. pupils By will using answer good the


questions given with minimal guidance from the teachers. Closure (5 minutes) Individual work playing interactive game. 1. Teacher asks students to sit properly. 2. Each of them are ask to surf the the webpage. 3. Teacher asks pupils to complete the Materials : i. Internet connection ii. Computer interactive worksheet. 4. Teacher guides weak pupils. 5. Lastly, teacher announce the best actor and actress and give award to each of them.

Rationale This stage is design to encourage pupils do the exercise question in interactive ways. Pupils will able to answer the question with different ways. More than that, this stage is plan to avoid boredom among pupils.


RATIONALE CHOSING DRAMA AS CREATIVE METHOD Drama can foster language skills such as reading, writing, speaking and

listening by creating a suitable context. Drama is a powerful language teaching tool that involves all of the students interactively all of the class period. Drama can also provide the means for connecting students emotions and cognition as it enables students to take risks with language and experience the connection between thought and action. Teaching English as a foreign language inevitably involves a balance between receptive and productive skillS and drama can effectively deal with this requirement. Through drama, a class will address, practice and integrate reading, writing, speaking and listening. Drama also fosters and maintains students motivation, by providing an atmosphere which is full of fun and entertainment. In sodoing, it engages feelings and attention and enriches the learners' experience of the language. There are many reasons why we choose drama activities and techniques in our lesson plan. First of all it is entertaining and fun, and can provide motivation to learn. It can provide varied opportunities for different uses of language and because it engages feelings it can provide rich experience of language for the participants.

2.1.1 Set Induction Stage We start our lesson by choosing a creative method using improvisation in drama techniques. As we know improvisation as an unscripted, unrehearsed, spontaneous set of actions in response to minimal directions from a teacher, usually including statements of whom one is, where one is and what one is doing there. Improvisation is an excellent technique to use in the classroom as it motivates the learners to be active participants in authentic situations thereby reducing their selfconsciousness. The interesting part in the induction set when we asked the students to be as an object that they use every day. For example, the object card requires them to be an object empathy as an empty toothpaste tube. The students need to think how the object feel and what would be the object said according to the situation given. Its okay when at the beginning students will be hesitant and shy to participate in the activities, but after a few sessions they will become more enthusiastic and there will be a phenomenal improvement in their confidence level. The implementation of this techniques that aim to improve the foreign language learners' confidence level will invariably lead to improvement in the use of the target language.Improvisation provides learners with opportunities to not only improve their language communication skills, but also to improve their confidence which will ultimately lead to the development of positive concepts.

2.1.2 Stage 1 : Whole Class Activities Using Mime In stage 1, we choose to integrated the techniques of mime into our English Lesson Plan. The teacher reading a story about The Adventurer and

students mime as the story. Just imagine, the teacher tells the children the following story and they have to mime using movements in the story

The teacher gets the children to imagine they are an adventurer who wants to go on an adventure. They pack up their bags. Teacher asks what they need in the bags. Children answers are usually water, sandwiches, sun cream, and sunglasses etc. The children mime putting all their essentials into their bag. The teacher says imagine you are walking quickly because you are so happy to be on your adventure.... That would be a creative part in this stage.

According to John Dougill (1987), he defines mime as "a non-verbal representation of an idea or story through gesture, bodily movement and expression". Mime emphasizes the paralinguistic features of communication. It builds up the confidence of learners by encouraging them to get up and do things in front of one another. Mime helps develop students' power of imagination and observation and can also be quite simply " a source of great enjoyment" with students tending "to be very enthusiastic about this aspect of drama".Mime is acting out an idea or story through gesture, bodily movement and expression, without using words . Mime helps learnersbecome comfortable with the idea of performing in front of peers without concern for language and that although no language is used during a mime it can be a spur to use language. Its strength lies in that although no language is used during the mime, the mime itself can act as a catalyst to generate and elicit language before,during and after the activity. Mime is a great way of reinforcing memory by means of visual association, and recall of language items is assisted whenever an associated image is presented .

2.1.3 Stage 2 : Whole Class Activities using Craft Activities As we know that children are naturally creative so making something different in this lesson plan. We plan an activity to make sure the whole class take part in the lesson. They are asked to create their own props in group work activities according the characters that had choose. It is difference with drama method but it still a part of creative method. Arts and craft activities will help nurture their artistic ability enabling them to become a wholesome individual. There are many ways teachers can enhance childrens creativity. This activity is designing to develop creativity skill in art. This activity is suitable for hands on learners. This activity make pupils more independent because they are more open to their thoughts. They will be a good questioners according to the situations. In addition, it also can cooperate among their members of the group because it needs contribution from each member of the groups. It also can encourage discussions among peers.

2.1.4 Stage 3 : Whole Class Activities using Childrens Theatre Whole class activities using Childrens Theatre was selected as a part of creative teaching to ensure pupils fun and happy in doing the activities. This is a main focused in this lesson plan. We choose the moral story about Arrogant Sunflower, make it simple script to ensure students enjoy to take part as the character from the story. More than that, students can obtain moral value from this story. Childrens theatre activities encourage children to recall personal, sensory-rich experiences and select dramatic actions to express the images. In Childrens Theatre the participants are assigned roles which they act out in a given scenario. The purpose of Childrens Theatre is educative rather than therapeutic and the situations examined are common to all. Family scenes, school situations and playground incidents provide opportunities for interaction and group discussion. Childrens Theatre enables participants to deepen prior experience and to translate it into characters for the plot. The m ain benefit of Childrens Theatre from the point of view of language teaching is that it enables a flow of language to be produced that might be otherwise difficult or impossible to create. Role play can also help recreate the language students used in different situation, the sort of language students are likely to need outside the classroom. By simulating reality, Childrens Theatre allows students to prepare and practice for possible future situations. Ideas for Childrens Theatre could be obtained from situations that teachers and learners experience in their own lives, from books, television programmes and movies. After choosing a context for a Childrens Theatre, the next step to follow is to provide ideas on how this situation may develop. It is important to take into consideration the learners' level of language proficiency when using and implementing Childrens Theatre activities in the English classroom. Childrens Theatre involves spontaneous interaction of participants as they attempt to complete a task.

2.1.5 Stage 4 : Individual Activities; Answer the Worksheets given In this stage, students are asked to complete the worksheets given. There are two stories in the worksheets. The first story about two monkey Winkle and Bizzy. Students need to indicate the moral value from the story. The second

story is about The Selfish Giant. After read through the story, students need to answer the comprehension question correctly within 10 minutes.

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