English Final Exam: "Mosquitoes Could Be Cause HIV or NO?"

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Mosquitoes could be cause HIV or NO?



can a mosquito cause HIV?

Information about mosquitoes

How mosquitoes can cause HIV ?

What is the controvertion


Mosquitoes, vectors of debilitating illnesses. Information that is still confusing among the public about the fact whether the mosquitoes could be an intermediary of HIV / AIDS, making Mita all eager to find valid information. HIV is not spread by mosquitoes or other insect bites. Even if the virus enters the body mosquito or insect bite or suck blood, the virus can not reproduce itself in the body of the insect. Because insects can not be infected with HIV, the insects can not spread it to the human body is bitten. There are three theoretical mechanisms which would allow blood-sucking insects such as mosquitoes to transmit HIV. 1. In the first mechanism, a mosquito would initiate the cycle by feeding on an HIV positive carrier and ingest virus particles with the blood of the patient. Once satiated, the mosquito is then returned to the nest, without moving to the next victim. This virus is inhaled into the body, and survive in the mosquito, the virus then proliferate and then move to the salivary gland (salivary gland). HIV-infected mosquitoes are then looking for the next victim to suck blood. The next victim could be someone who is free from HIV, but when the mosquito sucks the blood of these HIV virus present in mosquito saliva gland go in the person's body. The first mechanism is used by most mosquito-borne parasites, like malaria, dengue fever and the like. 2. In the second mechanism, a mosquito would initiate the cycle by sucking the blood of a person with HIV, but not full sucking fly because he was distracted. Instead of resuming the first one, the mosquito would select an AIDS-free person. After the mosquitoes had been jabbed into the skin of the mouth, the mosquito would transfer virus particles that were in his mouth to a victim of this. These mechanisms include an unusual mechanism in parasitic infections via mosquitoes. 3. The third theory is similar to the second theory, which when mosquitoes suck the blood of his victims with HIV suddenly she was interrupted and then fly to seek a second victim. But in this third theory, the mosquito was suddenly struck by the victim, and then the blood of HIV-contaminated mosquitoes that have been coming into the victim's injuries were. Each of these mechanisms have been investigated and evaluated using a variety of blood-sucking insects, and the results clearly show that mosquitoes can not transmit AIDS.

There are several reasons why mosquitoes can not transmit AIDS ,namely : 1.Mosquitoes digest the virus that causes AIDS .When a mosquito transmits a disease from one person to another, the infectious agent must remain alive inside the mosquito until transfer is completed the person's blood. If the mosquito digests the parasite, the transmission cycle is terminated and the parasite can not be passed on to the next. Indeed there are a number of ways in which the parasite to avoid being treated as food. There are a number of parasites that are refractory to the digestive enzymes present in the mosquito's stomach, but most of these parasites in the mosquito's stomach through the network to avoid mosquito digestive enzymes that will be squashed out. Malaria parasites can survive for 9-12 days in the mosquito, which in the time of this parasite can evolve into another form. Studies with HIV clearly show that the virus responsible for HIV infection is regarded as food and digested along with food in the form of blood. Within 1-2 days with the virus had been depleted food ingested by mosquitoes, so the possibility for the occurrence of new infections can be prevented. Because the virus does not survive to reproduce and could not move to the salivary gland, then HIV transmission through mosquitoes is not possible. 2. Not too many mosquitoes sucking parasites transmit HIV to AIDS through contamination. Parasites, disease agents that have the ability to transmit the parasites from one individual to another via contaminated mouthparts must circulate at very high levels in the bloodstream of their host. Transfer by mouthpart contamination requires sufficient amounts for a parasite that can cause new infections. The number of parasites required varies from one disease to another. HIV parasite itself has a very low level circulation in the bloodstream,its value is far below other mosquito-borne diseases. In the body of its own people with AIDS HIV virus is rare that the circulation of more than 10 fish per circulation, and usually 70-80% of people with HIV have undetectable levels of HIV virus in his bloodstream. The researchers carried out the calculation as follows: Suppose there is someone with the HIV virus circulating in the bloodstream reaches 1000, then there are mosquitoes that suck blood, then the possibility of entry of HIV virus in AIDS-free person via mosquitoes is 1: 10 million. In other words, a person newly infected with the HIV virus when it has been bitten by 10 million mosquitoes. Using the same calculation, so if ever there was a mosquito sucking on a person's body, then the mosquitoes are beaten so that the blood in the mosquito's body had been scattered, and no one goes into the wound. Then the possibility of entry of the HIV virus into the human body had is very unlikely. It may take 10 million mosquitoes. 3.Mosquitoes are not flying syringe needle . Many people think of mosquitoes as tiny, flying hypodermic needle. If a hypodermic needle can transmit HIV from one person

to another then mosquitoes ought to be able to do the same. In the above explanation has been discussed that it takes at least 10 million mosquitoes that HIV-1 whole virus can enter our bodies. While there are people with AIDS who have high levels of HIV circulating in their blood are very high, then the spread of AIDS through needle-owned mosquitoes could not. Why? Because of how the needles have different mosquito with a syringe that is used by people. Syringes used to only have one path, while the mosquito has two lanes. Many people know that mosquitoes salivate before they suck the blood of his victims, but keep in mind that the passage of food and salivary duct does not become a separate alias. One channel is used to suck the blood and one channel is used to remove saliva and this channel was never mixed. All channels are only one direction. Thus the mosquitoes are not flying hypodermic needles, and saliva released by mosquitoes into the body is removed from the blood that previously smoked

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