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Such is the very decree of the Chared Council, an ancient body charged by the Creator to preserve the very

fabric of existence. Let us case oour gaze to one amongst the Four, Not War, who lies chained at the Councils feet, professing his innocence, but one who would save his brother, above all else. He has many names-Kinslaywe, Executioner, Death.. Keeper of Secrets, I need your help. How I curse that day, how I curse you-Careful Crowfather-Im not here to put you out of you out of your misery.Not Yet. Why should I care about your btoehrs fateBecause you know the truth, youre secrets can save him. My secrets cannot save him fron oblivionNobut they can help me erase his crimes. Bring mankind from extinction?-Madness-If its madness, then who better to show me the way? Open the portal-You will not pass while I live-So be it. Would you kill you rbtoerh to save your precious balance-He is innocent-Are you so cetain? Open the portal(face grab while impaled in his scythe)-Youre secrets die with you//old fool. Your still wonded horsemen-Dont touch me. It tourbles me greatly- Old one-theres more trouble ahead if you dont start making sense. Where is the tree of life? This world is dying lad. Chocking on chaos and Coruption. We can do lttle to stop i. I seek the tree-Your chaos and corruption dont convern me. And who are you to command a rider?-I am maker, older even than the chared council-tyehse hands laid the foundations of many worlds. Are you not curious as to why I seek the tree?-I would not presume to question of of the Fourbut yes, tell me. Heaven and Hell battle upon the shattered Eearth, All creation tremblesand at the center of it all stands your brother-He is isnnocent.-I never said he isint. We few are all that remain-A warriors life is never easy old one. I always saw my end with blande in hand, a field of enemy dead before me.-And what glorious end awaits you, hiding behind these gates?-You cannot fight Corruption, nor can you harm it. You can only kill those it has claimed. I canend your troubles , maker-Well, youre welcome to try.-This blade is more ancient than you, rider-And taller, to boot. The makers forge is lost to us-Silenced by the hands of corruption.-But in its depths, we once crafted the Dark Towars of Hell and the Ciry of Heaven. But corruption ahs taken them, and now our forge is silent.Why does this concern me? Man of no words, your brother. Hmph, but hardly silent-His voice is the ring of the hammer, and the roar of the white flame.-Yes , he words while you talk Y know theres a reason this gate is here.And if you were a friend, I would nay let you pass.-But then, huh, who is friend with Death? Have you wisdom to share, or was it long since knocked loose in battle? Oh, wisdom, aint like teeth. Ive plenty left. Enough to stay clear of the Cauldron. The ancients filled it with right nasty traps.-But one so clever as yourself will surely elude them. Greetings horsemen, and welcome-I;ve been expecting youVulgrimwhat brings your crawling out of the shadows? I wouldnt want to lose my most valuable customer. What do you know that I dont?-Im not here by chocice, demon.-I merely followed the trail of carnage. Your blades are as sharp as ever. Even still, I may be able to help you.-I cary things others wouldfrown upon. Go on, take a look, You wont be disappointed. Another time , demon-Untill then.perhaps youll grant me a small indulgencethere areI belive many lie along your path. If youll bring them to me, your reward will be substantial-And so will be my damnnation. The tales are true, a rider has come to the reaslm-Hmm not another one How did you get here?-Took a wrong turn-It appears Im stranded here with the rest of you. I can still feel the fire itself rumbling deep in the earth-Ill take my chances. Youre different from the others-Less plesant on the eyes, for one. Heh! I couls say no less for you! Folks around town call me pup, or lad, But I prefer my own name..Karn.Pup it is then. As you will..matters nto to me. Why not restore the fire yourself?-I came here just for that purpose-figured Id pop the cork, so to speak-to be a hero. But the C is locked up well and tight, and the way through swallowed by fire.-You look cabable enough, perhaps youll find a way-Ill wait here and guard the entrance. Horsmen, the fire of the mountain flows through again-Yes, freed by my hand..and Karn;s You know what awaits you rider-To finish this, you must restore the tears.-Im not your errand boy, maker. Its odd how I often find youstanding.Without the tree of life,

horsemen-Im trapped her ejust like you. It was the firt thing taken by the Corruption, We saled the Stoneatherstears inside, fearing what would happen if they spread- if Ill do as Alya asks, youll soon find out. Aye .And the realm wil be better for it.Wether pure as rain or black as sin, the tears wil end this stalemate. When he eascaped I feared to follow-And a good thing too.-*sighs* And why is that? Why, you might still be loking for the Cauldon, if not for my courage and wit! The Ca was could, but the horseman rekildned its fire,a nd in the hearts of the makers an ember of hope was born. Hope for lifeand for what lies beneath the earth.. At a long last it is finished-Death, this is a makers key, and you had best take it nowbefore I come to my senses.-Hmm you seem more likely to lose them, old one. The construction is awakenedby a key?-Aye Constructs do not have a soul like you or Inot until that soul is given. This key unlocks the stone, and prepares it for the ebb and flow of a makers life rforce. In fact, it wil bring to life most any construct you find in the realm. Heh,-And what makes you think I have a soul, old one? Isnt that what troubles you? Spirit dosent pass through stope,Unless you carve a life form it-Thats what the key is four-Its sharp enough to slide through the stuff of life-Be careful where you point it. You sure this key is special-Valus dosent seem so impressed.-Aye he moarns the loss of his friend-Vlasus had a friend? What can you tell me about this place-Ive been here but the once.The time I tried to tip a construct.-A fine sport. Aye tis, I could but nudge him a inch, before my nerves gave out. My stone aches-You may ache warden, but youre not corrupted-Not yet. Coruption spreads across your realm, and you slumber?Stone is heavy, it is easier to rest. IThis place , what was it?-I cannot tell you-Its on the tip of my tongue but by tongue seems to be elsewhere. Will you help me old one?-Yes-Shall we? Ive restored your forge, and broght life to sone-But am I any closer to the tree?-Tell me now old one, or you may never get the chance I hear the Foundry is dangerous. As is the tree , Horsemen, and the entire forest. That is why you must awakan the guardian-But have you asked yourself-Why seek the tree?-The tree of life is where I will find your btothers absolution. From it, one may travel to places undreamed of, whether a wrodl of oceans and forest, ice, or endless night.The tree exists there, It may appear different, yet it is the same.Tree and its roots connect all Realms. The tree of life is not where journey;s end, but where they begin. It is a holy site, where stone fuses with soul-It dosent look holy from here0The darkness has spared little in our realm.But the foundry is a place of magic,It is strong.And will your help we will claim it once more. It is not safe here, for stone of flesh-There is no shame in turning back.-No point, either. The other two hears stones were pure.Im wagering that their radiance will clense the third.Myhaps-Karn, the greater risk is to do nothing. The Coruption has burned off like rain on a hot forge! You were right!-I was wrong! No!- Makers bones, that hurt!-Hes beyond my help, HoresmenDo your worst! You had no choice but to destroy him horsemen,=Yet, if the path to the Tree of Life is to be cleared, I have no choice but to bring him back.-How many times would you have me kill him? The guardian will be a newboen, free of corruption-Now stand aside, this will take more than small effort. You wont surive this. I am a maker-That task defines my very purpose, as reaping of souls defines your own.-There isno escaping it!Get to the tree now horsemen, your journey isfar from over. And so you have come, bearing your sin like a badge of honour.What do you seek, Pale Rider? The return of manking. To a barren planet, shorn of life? Humans are weak and simple, they would not survive this resurrection-nor do they desrve it!-That is nour ours to judge-I do this to spare War from the Councils punishment. And what of the nephelim? Would you save but one, and not the rest?-The nephelim are a threat to the Balance. If we had taken Eden, none of this would have happened, Yet you rode against us-slaughtered our flesh, then bound our souls in your amulet-Who are you? I think you know. Once, you called me brother. Absalom..-I have forsaken that name. Now I am Corruption. The day you raised your scythe against us, I was born. And soon, I will be all. The tree of life has fallen to my darkness, from withered root to fruitless limb-and even Death himself will not escape it. What defines a soul? Some call it the spark within that fights the darkness, that burns for life itself.-But what of Death, who became the Reaper on the day he slaughtered the nephelim? He killed his

brothers..hid comrades And Absalom.. Death! Why do you slay your own? The nephelim have no claim to Eden.. There are realms for Angels and Demons..why not for us? Eden belongs to man! It belongs to those who take it! The eons have not answered the question : Was it worth it? BrotherThat one moment.. Begot corruptionAnd crowned him Kinslayer. The bitter victory could not be undone. Ahh the Pale Rider. Isnt it odd that so many have come here by your hand? And yet you so rarely visit the Dead Kingdom. I had no plan to visit this wretched place. I soght the Tree of Life. I found it. Now Im here. If the tree is what you seek then you have arrived-The I have been betrayed. Not so hasty. The tree is wise beyond imagining, if it broght you here , then here is where you belong. Perhaps I can help I doubt it. You would be wise to heed me, I have a merchants skill to grant your deepest desire. Tell me, rider, what do you seek-I would redeem my brother. Restore the balance. Mmm yes! I have heard the tale. Your brother rode, through noc all was given-and mankind paid the price. Guard your tongue merchant.I give no judgement friend; only pass on that which I have been told. The tree of life, the tree of death, protals to other worlds-I know none if this, How is it I have remained so blind, or does your tongue only spit lies. Much was kept from the nephelim-and from the four.-Why?-Because power must be tempered with ignorance.-If the nephelim knew the true nature of the tree, all would have perished. I forsook the nephelim-became a warrior fot the balance, even killed my own people I protect these worlds,you and the tree.And stil I remain in the dark. Forsaken, yes. Fogotten, no. The nephelim live on in you.-But what do I know? I am but a simple merchant. You still havent said what you are. The history of my people was burned to ash, along with our world.Forgotten even by those whodestroyed them.Now, only the smoke remains. We ere not he first, nor will we be the last. It is the way of things. The way of things is balance. And what balances life? Nothingnessor Corruption? Eventually it consumes us all-So it would seem. None of this explains what youre doing here.-I am merely a humble merchant with a taste fot the finest things. In life, and in death. I am Osstergoth. And it would amuse me to offer you my wares. The Well of Souls can restore humanity?-And more The well channeles the dead into this kingdom, from every worlds, above and below. It is also how souls are broght into creation, when they are ready to be reborn.-What if I wish to return to the Forge Lands? Thehas may portals, Rider. Some may help you retrace your path.Many portals are closed,but one of to the Forge Lands remains open. Pretend that I belive you, where should my search begin? You must scale the Serpents peak, and summon the Eternal Tthrone. There the Lord of bones slumbers, He will guide you to the Wellor he will have your soul. Before you go horsemen, consider this-My people may be lost, but their relics remain. You may come across them in your travels. There are whorless, to most, but valuable to me. Return then, and I will trade relic for coin. Well, Horsemen,Did the Chancelour send you? I;ve beaten death once, I can do it again- I have no idea what youre talking about.s Of course not. You still reek of hope. You couldnt have meet the Cancellor. A chancellor dosent sound like much. For ages, his tongue has dripped venom into the Dead Kings ears, He all but sits upon the Eternal Throne,Demanding..service. Who ARE YOU? I am the master of blades. And all that remains of the warrior once Called Draven, from the kingdom of Man. I should have passed through the Well of Souls m long ago. But I won my freedom in the Arena- only to fall beneath the Dead Kings whip.. A rider in the kingdom of dead-No no, this wlll never do-I must speak with the Lord of Bones. That is not possible. My Lord attends his realm, A burden beyond even you, ken Horsmen. And what is your use-as a door-stop? There is but one way to draw him from his slumber. The Guilded Arena. Here, mortals are offered a last chance to earn freedom from the gravea boon that includes an audience with the king.Defeat the Arenas Champion and return here with his skull. His majerstywill grant you an audience. And where is this arena? Freat not Horsemen, We have already arrived. What is it now?-Let me speak to the Lord of Bones, and I will spare your Champion.s And perhaps you as well Chancellor-You cannot slay that which is already dead. he says to the personification of Death itself. But youre welcomt to try-In the
Arena-Forget what I said about sparing you, door-keeper. Tell me about the King of the Dead-His reign

is eternall. His word is law. And his time isinvaluable/ I ensure he need only speak with those who are worthy.-Then you must rarely see him Chanccelour. Do take care in the Arena Horsemen-Should anything happen to you, Im not sure that I could lvie with myself. How did you get here?-A merchant knows may roads. Not all of them are shared with Horsemen. But what he seeks abslution from deathNo! This one yet lives- Quiet! He would tell us his cause. Speak Challanger. Im here to defeat your Champion. And so all challangers boast, but most leave in torment. Their souls burned forom existence, and our champion all the stronger for it. Enough! Bring out your champion-Ahh yes..There is power in this one, power enough to do as he claims. But our champion is no cur to be summoned at will, you must draw him forth. This altar holds his power-the souls of all he has slain and consumed. 3 animus stones must be placed therein, and our champion will arise. May you feast upon the blood of your enemies. I was so hoping you would not return. What of the Arenas Champion, then? He wont be entertaing you any longer-No! Impossible. I belive your king will see me now-I ..cannot deny you. You stink of the living, Horseman, Of souls long overdue. You are not welcomed here-Pity. I was starting yo enjoy the atmosphere. Then you have not been here long. Billions of souls crown my kingdom. All of humanity, wailing for vengance. But, I see you are already familiar with such music. What would you have of me, Horesmen?=Show me the way to the Well of Souls. And what do you seek there, power over life and death? Or do you hope for absolutionn, kin-slayer? I wondered where the souls of your brethren had gone, for they never passed through my realm. Yourealm hardly neds any more subjects. True, yet I must face this rabble without the Lords who serve me! Thats not my concern. Make it your concern, and I will grant your request. Fiind my three Dead Lords, and wake them from their slumber. This will bend them to your will. Return the Lords to me, that they might share my burden.

Do you yeld?-Yes-Then I will take you to your king. I am yours to command. I have no time for the likes of you horsemen-I hear the pleas of the dead, not the damned-And what of the pleas of your lord? I serve him even now, though he would reward my efforts with eternal torment. You did leave the Eternal Throne-Even here, there are souls lost, waiting to be judged and sent into the city of the dead. Why hear the pleas of the dead?-Before a soul can etner the city of the dead, its secrets must be laid bare and its life judged, It is a matter of mercy. The souls will wander, lost and blind, until then. Judgement is at hand. Humans..Always so fiightened. See your life as you truly lived. It is finished, your Lord summons you-I am ever his servant. You forget your station nephelim,. You may be a horseman. But I am a Lord of the Dead. And your king demands an audience. This realm belongs to Corruption now. None alive can stand against it. Youmisjudge me. You ride without the power of the seals at your back. You would not survive even the weakest trial of the realm. I broght low the Arenas Champion.-That is but a game, pale rider. There are other trials meant to punish. Speak with the voice in the guilded arena. Ask of the psychameron. If you livewe will speak again. If such a thing were would surely consume you, down to your very soul. I have a few to spare. Indeed-But I wonder. Are they too old to burn, after so many eons? Why dont we find out? I hoped a champion would arise who could face the Corruption. And you have come far, Horseman. A pity, that your journey ends here. You cannot stand against me. Enough-I will ride with you, Horseman,Even unto the Lord of Bones. Even unto judgement. To long have you slumbered, to long you have forsaken your duty. I have no more use for you-What is this?-I dont like being toyed with. They failed me. But you have earned my gratitude. I will send you ton one in my Kingdom who knows the way to the well of souls. But, first, there are demons that you must face.-Ive already faced, and killed, many. Not like these. There is great power bound in that Amult. But your shame stays its unlocking. I regret nothingOh, I can see beyond your flesh, to where the true battle rages. Horseman, what did you learned from the lord of bones-I suppose your king lives up to his name, if not his bargains. The dead king has grant you passage into the city of the dead-Who should I seek in the city of dead-You should worry more about the one who seeks you.-Answer my question, scarecrow. There is no fun in simply telling youThen speak no more. Id keep a closw watch on my neck if I were you. What will I fin din the city o

dead? Besides more corpses? Something far more precious thatn sinew and bone. Souls, rider. From every kingdom under a dying sun. In the Ciry, their past life is cleansed, that they may pass through the Well and be reborn. Many souls do not survive this purification. Some are driven mad. And a few even manage to escape their bounds. Would you like to ask a question, or just stand there like youve seena ghost? Tell me how to reach toe well of souls. The well of s, is a place of unimaginable power..they key to life and death, of creation itself. And that is why the well has a key of its that was divided long ago. The angels keep one half, and the demons the other. And never shall the two meet. Unless you truly mean to save your btother-To save War, I would storm the White City. Of that, I am more than certain. But there is no need. All will become clear once you reach the tree-Ive already done that crowfather. Nevertheless, you must find the tree again.And go wherever it takes you. Yes. Absalom lives on. Hos rage and agony spread as Corruption, and he will unmake all of creation to destroy the balance. I killed Absamon once Creow. if I could go back, I would see him spared. I doubt he would grant you the same curtosy. The well of s, is where al life begins-where the souls of the dead are born in into their new lives. I killed the beast that haunted this place. I freed the souls of humanity. And in other times that would be enough. But something draws power from the Well, leaving only void where there once was life-I fear you have only released the souls into further torment. Then there is no hope, humanity is lost. Not so. Even now you cary with you the power to restore the Well. The nephelims..If you sacrifice their souls-yes. They alone have the power to undo what was done. So I must sacrifice the nephelim-my kin- to restore mankind? The nephelim are deadby your own hand. That broken talisman is all that remains. Would you leave them to eternal torment in that cage upon your chest? Not so fast horsemen-Youre following me-So I am. I wil remain here- at the tree- should you have need of me on your quest. Oh..and Dust has a beak for more than corpss, Horseman. Follow him and you will find the key-Follow dust, find the key? Cant be that easy crofather. You may be right, Death. The future is a secret even I cannot keep. I do not recognize this place, where have you taken me? This place is called Lostlight, It is an outpost, far beyond the gates of Heaven. And it is here that the anglels have hidden the key toWhy here? Why not the White City?-There are some amonst the Angels, who would use the key for their own purposes, si it was hidden here to safeguard it from their schemes-Or so they hoped. The well has power over all life?-it does..though I suspect there is more to your question Go on rider-ask it. The four never knew of the well-why was it kept from us?-For fear of what you may have done with that knowledge. The nephelim could not be allowed to ravage creation any longer-They neded to stay dead. Then the well can bring them back?-And so we get to the root of it, yes, the Well is the frong of all life, andgel, demon, mankindeven nephelim. But from their blades they wroght chaos-and from that was born Corruption. You were right to destroy them. By Abbadons eye, it is really you-To me, quickly. Welcome to lostlight rider-From one warrior to another-Do I know you? Youfind both in the crystal spire-But something tells me you are not here to glory in my masters radiance-What gave that away? How did you come to leave the hellguard-I was sent here by A to guardThere is much at stake should the Spire fall. What is this palce-An outpost.We call it lostlight, for what we left behind in the white city. Here we are closer to darkness. And who is this Archon? Locien is the head of the Scriptoriumthose angels who record all that he sees, when he peers into shadows The Ivory Citadel holds their records, and archive vast beyond thinking. Where is this citadel-Lost beyond the mists, Pray your business never sends you there. Ah I se you got our little invitation Welcome then to the crucible. Here the strongest are tested and the weak are destroyed. Let me explain the rules, of which there a few. The more creatures you defeat, the deaper into the crucible youll go. At intervals youll be offered a reward. If you take the reward you must exit, if not you may continue. But if at any time you fall, you will earn nothing. Oh and one last thing. No one has ever finished the crucible, besides me. Do you wish to enter-Yes, bring it on-No Im not interested. Oh you wis to fight from the start, a brave decision! A tireless avenger are we? You have survivedso far. Is it the prize and freedom you want,

or more punishment? Ill risk it, Lets go! Ill take the loot! He choses to fight on! I belive this one may go far. The prize it is. He choses to fight on!Out of the shadows and into the light. I see you, horsemen..the things you have done, the lives you have ended. I know why you are here-Then you will give me the key. I have guarded the key for centuries. It is mine. And I will not part with it lightly. Not now. Corruption spreads. In our city. In our hearts. Only I remain pure, a beacon against the darkness. Helpless to push it back We are not all helpless, Archon. Hmph. Perhaps not. After the seals were broken, and Hells legions loosed upon the earth, many divine relics were lost. One, the rod of arafel, could help reverse what has happened here. I dare not retrieve the rod myself. The gates to the white city are closed to any angel who visits earth. But you, are no angel. Acquire the rod, and I will clear a path into my citadel. There you will find the key to the tree of life. As for what you will find on earth After you face it, even you may curse the name of War. QuietThrere are more than corpses about. Uriel? What are the hellguard doing on earth? (angel in danger()-Uhh damn it. I should kill you for what your brother did here-But you saved my life. Consider us even-What do you know about the rod of arafel? A weapon of immense power, broght to earth by archon hersus bo battle the demons in the end war. But hestus fell, and the rod was shattred. Now the destroyer uses its pices to fuel its army of darkness.What was broken can be reforged, Where are the pices of the rod? In the hands of the destroyer. He has summoned creatures from the abyss, and drawn forgh his Chosen- things of blasphemy who even now divide this world into their won hellish domains The suffering are one of such beast. They feed upon the dead of this world, and twist them into a swarm of flesh and bone that fight as one mind. It was they who attacked us moments ago. One mind- easily sundered. I will not risk more hellguard to recover the rod of arafel-But should you wish to undertake this fools errand-then follow the triail of corpses left by my brethren. A fools errandwell, it would not be my first. So that it is not your last. Take this. Thanks for the warning. Why are the hellguard still on earth? You lost Uriel. In case you havent noticed. Where else would we go. All of creation saw what happened here, how the hellguard marched beroe the seals were broken. The white city is closed to us. We can never go home. What are these chosen? They dont look like demons. No they are something far more ancient, drawn from the heart of the Abyss. The most powerful serve the destroyer, and rule in his name over ash and bone. The rest, kill everyone around them. Itsa wonder you lasted this long. Even the dead march against you. You speak of the swarm, of all the creatures that roam the wates, they most hunger for revenge.Not even death can stop them. Ho many angels dierd here Uriel-To many. Byr foe every dead angel there is another kept alive against his will. Their suffering empowers the destroyer. Perhaps you could release them from their torment, pale rider. If you wish. Howver, all I can offer the captives is a swift ending. That is blessing enough. I have found a piece of the Rod. Be warry There are things that lurk beyond these barricades that the Hellguard dare not face head on. And the remaining rod picces? Do they lie past the barricades? Where will I find the final fragment? I do not know, But the rod has a will of its own. Find the second pice, and it may tell me where the last resides. The Rod wills itself whole. You may be deaf to its cries, but I am nor-the final pice lies beyond this barrier in an area heavily fortified by the shadows. The Destroyer will not be pleased when I restore the Rod of Aratel. Your warriors may pay the price. The white city is lost to us-this broken world will soon be our grave, and yet we must fight on agsinst the darkness to uphold the light. If your actions hasten our end-so be it. May you llive to see the Destroyer take his last breath, Uriel of the Hellguard. Good luck Rider-the final piece is within your grasp. The rod of arafel has been made whole. I a tempted to ask that you weild that weapon and turn the tide of this war. But I fear the Destroyer would capture it again,, and turn it to his dark purpose. No, better that you remove it from this world and into the safe keeping of the Wwhite Army. We will make our stand here until the Hellguard is no more. I would stand with you Uriel..but my brothersfate takes me on another path. You have proven yourself honorable, a virtue little known

with your kind. But if I ever see him. War must answer for his crimes. He could not have brought this upon the earth. And I will see my brother spared. Do what you will rider. But this world is lost, and that acannot be undone. And what of the hellguard Uriel? Every blade dulls, eventually. Thats what Im counting one. The demons will suffer all the more when we force the blade home. Be careful what you wish for Archon, You just might get it.The rod of A, I haave been long. It feels..every bit as powerful as I imagined. Then you should have no problem clearing a path into your city. A path? No. I will clear the entire realm. I will burn away the shadows with Holy Light! If you are to rreach the citadel, you will need wings. Seek out the scribe, most ancient. He still wanders the ruins. He can help you ..end your quest. Whereisthe key. Mercy Horsmen-Where is it? It was..chaos. Even the most noble among us abandoned his sense, and took up his sword . It happened to the Archon. It was that damned pool! Their use was forbidden for a reason. Whatever vision he saw, rent his mind. The corruption spread from him. He made this city a slaughterhouse, while proffesing his own purity! Eventually, the Archon, fled to the crystal spire. He took the key with him. The archon called your scribe, I am jamarah, Once I was chief scriivner, here in the Ivory Citadel. I record things past, things present , and the ever changing future-for mine, is the second sight.To see through the eyes of others. It is a gift few angels tolerate.Even the hellguaed have their secrets. The Arcon wished to learn thembut he saw too much.Corruption did all this?-No. There was a battle..I can still see it.. The a, fought off waves of the corrupted. His blows shattered the city. Pray, you fare better than stone-if he is in your future. How could the archon be corrupted. Sonething dark took root inside of him. Used him as a puppet, to spread black hate. Perhaps it says much, that we could not ell the difference.. Whatever youre here for, ,,,I hope you find it. Not all Heaven is against you. Just enough to be worried. The key Archon, I know you have it.! Even though he wanted me to..I couldnt destroy the key. Surely you understand horseman. I did what I had to do! Open the well protected the keyfrom the questions they asked..and from you. Only I may bear the key. May the light of all that is holy destroy you! I have the angel key-Then your task nears its end, I can open the way Death, but you must find the other Key. Demon key-Yes, Tread lightly there is naught that way bur shadow. Now go as the crow flies or your brother is lost. This place looks familiar. As well it should. This is the dark reflection of the crystal spire. A realm where demons, reather than angels keep watch. But corruption turned their gaze inward. And what they saw there, destroyed them.What of the key- It remains within, bound by a powerful master. Welcome to the dark kingdom horsemen-If youre following meNothing of the sort. I;ve come to part demons from their coins, and you from their souls. Are we but so difrent? Im looking for a key. But of course. Samael keeps many wonders in the vaults beneath the black stone. I have come here to trade, for what few he would part with. But I fear not all is well in the red court. Samael would never let his realm slide so far into nothingness. Beware of what you find on Samaels throne. And whom Rumors are all that escape the vortex. Of a Mad Queen, Lilith , who still clings to rule..Lilith.. Why am I not surprised? I;ve heard of this place, The Black stone. Yes, the throne of Samael-the Blood Prince- the Red Wanderer- the has many names, yet one home. Not much left. Corruption devours the Black Ston as it has countless wordls, as it will the forge lands, the undead plains, even earth.That isCorruption. What does it seek? The end of existence itself. And in its place-nothingness. And how do we fight that?-We dont. Your precious balance only serves to stay its hand. But what do I know. I am but a simple merchant. Samael was there when I fought the nepleims. No doubt watching, with great interest.. The demon Samael plays a game of his own devising. And we are his pawns.(demons suddenly attacks, hes killed)-Thanks for the warning. You can come out now, Lilith. Do you blame me for hiding? You are Death. Where you ride, no one is safe. Not even your mother. You are Did I not create Absalom from the mingled dust of angel and demon? And from the first nephelim, were not the rest formed? They were brothers to the Horsemen, Yet when the Riders slaughtered the Nephelim, only you showed remorse. Why did you not cast the Amulat into the Abyss, as the Counil ordered? Why spare their soulsif not

to one day undo your sin? My sin?! This Corruption was born in Absalom! It rises from him like a black tide and you,Mother,must help me stop it! Where is the demon key? In Samaels keeping. But he is gone now, and the key has vanished. Oh, dont worry my child. Time, like sin, may be undone. With this, you can return to the past, to Samaes stronghold before his fall..and find the Demon key. I only ask that when you reach the Well of Souls, you will answer your heartand resurrect the nephelim. What brings you to samaels kingdom? I am drawn to raw power- and no demon in any realm can match that of Samael. He could have rulled over us all. But now he is gone..and that destiny once again falls to my children. Bring back the nephelim, and all of creation will be yours. But at what cost? I dont belive Samael simply vanished. Death , my love, you know so little about the infernal realms. There is a new order coming, built upon the fall of man, Every demon vies for power. If samael is missing, he is not the only one. You still havent told me where to find the key. I share Samaels bed , not his secrets. If you want the key, you must speak with him for yourself. So the Charred Council seends only one Horsemaneven to the past. No, this visit is..unsanctioned. In fact, no one knows youre here. Not a soul. Now hand over the key, it can be our littlesecret. Pitiful. Flawed castings from a perfect mold. Absalom was always stronger than the rest of you Youll find mestrong enoughSamael! Yes. You have overcome many obstacles to stand here before me. But sometimes, the hero dies in the end. Ask your brother. Will you surrender the key, or must I take it? Horseman. You already know the answer. Interesting. Perhaps youll succed after all. Either way. It will be quite a show. Then at last you may enter the well of souls. But once, undertaken it, there is no returning on this path. Ive come this far crowfather, Im not turning back. Then be warned Rider of Death. A dark presence guards the Well, and the seeds of corruption writhe within. The well is corrupted. Yes. But not the namless kind you have faced so far. No. Corruption has chosen a champion-a voice to sound its clarion call. Then I will see this finished, Here and now. Remember what you have learned, rider. Corruption is the end of all thingseven Death. The tree, the keys, the well=why do I get the sense you are testing me? You test yourself old friend. For what you;ve done.=for what you had to do. And now you face the ultimate test. Will you bring death, or give life? Have you ever wondered, Death, why are you untouched while those around you wither and rot in the grip of Corruption? Could it be that you are already blackened by the sin of betrayl? How can you defeat that which seethes in your own heart? You cannot stop me, without forever damnning your soul!-Then, so be it. Avatar of Chaos. You have grown weak brother! Feel the power you birthed. Take my hand once more, brother.(and he simply rips off the scythe from his neck) Ive killed Absalom, stopped the corruption..I stand, at last, at the well of souls(laughing)-With no idea what I must do next. It is quite simple. And yet, most difficult. Im in no humour for riddles, crowfather. You may tap the power of the Well to return the Kingdom of Manor may resurrect the Nephelim. But know that chosing one will forever doom the other. My brother , War..I would protect him above all. To return Man to the Erath will require a sacrifice. Thus from Death came Life, and the seeds of Humanity were re-sown. But, Deaths journey was not ended. On the shattered Earth. His brother War , has slain the destroyer. You will he hunted! The White City for ceratil..the Council..and there will be others! You would wage this war alone?! No. Not alone. War had broken the Seventh Seal, summoning the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. And the number of the riders shall ever be four. You are alone, ,Lilith? Where are my nephelim? My Prince, I The End War is upon us. Yet instead of the army you promised me, Death has returned Man to the Balance?! I await your punishment. This time, Lilith.. You will get no pleasure from it.

"Heaven hunts you... Hell hates you. All of creation cares not whether you live or die. Join me, War. Like a great sword, I will raise you up, and our enemies will shatter against us. The spoils of a

thousand victories will be yours. Or serve the justice of a corrupt Council. And a Creator who abandons his most faithful. I offer you this choice, Horseman. Would you serve in Heaven, or rule in Hell?" War was silent for a moment and replied "I choose what once a coward did not" as he drew his sword. You will be hunted! The White City for certain, the Council, and...there will be others! You would wage this war alone!?" War turned to her and held up the broken remnants of the Seventh Seal, replying, "No. Not alone." as, in the distance, three comets plummeted to Earth, heralding the arrival of the other three Horsemen.

You can look me in the eye when I kill you. The Horseman War has charged into countless battles astride his spectral steed Ruin, leaving trail of blood and bones in his wake. His eyes and hair are as white as the chill he casts on angels and demons alike, for the fury of his massive sword is unmatched in combat. As unyielding as time itself, War is both honorable and savage.

"Or what, you'll kill me? I'll take my chances." -War --"Only those you trust can betray you." "Words are like leaves and where they most abound, much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found."

"It isn't Death you should be afraid of" -War

You have yet to give me a reason as to why I should help you -War, when he met Azrael Are you NOT entertained?!" "You have killed many of my warriors!" "I've yet to find a warrior among you." You can look me in the eyes when I kill you." - War, in response to the Coliseum champion saying he was short. "Sometimes, the hero dies in the end! But I prefer a happy ending." Samael Since the dawn of time, the armies of heaven and hell have waged an endless war. Drawn to the conflict was the charred council, an entity bound by ancient laws to preserve order and balance. It held that any great power unchecked, threatened the very fabric of the universe. In time, heaven and hell came to honor the council and its laws, for none were beyond the swift and terrible justice of the councils enforcers: A fearsome brotherhood known as the four horsemen. Amid the turmoil, the first humans emerged. The council foretold that these weak but cunning creatures would someday be integral to the balance. Thus, the third kingdom was made: The kingdom of Man. By order of the council, a truce was forged between heaven and hell. The great pact was bound by seven seals to be broken at the appointed time, when Mans kingdom stood ready for the End War: The battle that would bring balance, and determine the ultimate fate of the three kingdoms.

The bringer of the End War is the horseman War who answers the call to bring about the end of days. When he arrives on Earth, he finds that the battles are already underway, and that the Kingdom of Man was being massacred at every angle. The call was sent early, and because of this, War begins to lose power as he has disrupted the balance that his masters have kept in check for countless millennia. Facing swift defeat at the hands of a massive demon, War is brought before the council to answer for his treason to balance. Proclaiming his innocence, War asks the council to send him back to earth, where The Destroyer, a being of great malevolent power, has made Earth its home, as he knows that the demon who felled him was one of its minions. The council agrees to the deal, as if he would fail, the councils judgment would be served regardless. To make sure that War does not stray from the path, the council fuses The Watcher, an ethereal watchdog, to the horseman.

Just remember when times get tough. There's always a way out. For even at night
there's always the light shingling from the stars, the light guiding you back to safety. I'm not the kind of girl who makes threats to scare you I plot my revenge silently.

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