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Saturday, March 16, 2013 12:21 AM

Attorney Will Farris vies to lead Democrats

Party touts Wilson's 'blue streak'
By Janet Conner-Knox | Times Staff Writer

Attorney Will Farris may be poised to step into a leadership position with Wilson County Democrats this year. While Democrats are busy preparing for their county convention in April, it looks like there will be a new slate of leaders for the party. Asa Gregory, current chairman, said while he is proud of the work of his party while he has been chair, he will not seek re-election when Democrats meet. A letter from Mark Bibbs went out to local Democrats Friday, saying its time to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. For the last several months, I along with many others, including past chairs and county Democratic officers, h ave worked hard on finding the right person to serve as our party chair at this critical time. We need someone who is both organized and hard working who is a loyal Democrat, above reproach. Someone with stature and credibility in the county, Bibbs wrote. Farris, an attorney with Farris & Farris, fits the bill, according to Bibbs and those he has spoken to in the party. Farris confirmed Friday evening he will run for the chairmanship at the next convention. Looking back on the last elections, officials in the party said they are happy with the results. Democratic officials said make no mistake, not only did they get out the vote, they are happy about the blue streak Wilson maintained in the 2008, 2010 and 2012 elections. Gregory said as he looks back, there has been a lot accomplished on his watch. When he took office there were only six organized precincts, Gregory said. Now he contends 22 out of 24 precincts are organized. Bibbs credits Gregory for bringing back the traditional Silver Lake Oyster Bar (SLOB) fundraiser that had not taken place in two years. Asa has done an outstanding job. He made sure our county went total blue in this past election season. Every state and countywide race went Democratic. For this tireless effort, he more than deserves our thanks, Bibbs said. Gregory is grateful to the thank you from fellow Democrats, he said. He said hes proud to have been a part of Wilson Democratic wins. The Wilson County Democratic party delivered Democratic wins all up and down the ballot, including judges seats, Gregory said. There are only three races we didnt win and those were in districts where redistricting lines were drawn by a GOP General Assembly. Those lines were drawn to guarantee Republican wins. They were gerrymandered districts. Wilson Republican Party chairman, Gary Proffitt, said to the Wilson Times in Thursdays edition, that Democrats in

Wilson, in his opinion, were unorganized. But Gregory said Proffitt should not comment on Democrats need for organization. I respect Gary Proffitt and his rallying his troops to grow the Republican Party, but he has to face facts, Gregory said. Despite the tremendous amount of money he raised, they were only able to deliver three wins in Wilson County. He wants to talk organizing. He needs to look at his own. Gregory said the treasurer incidents that Proffitt mentioned were handled. I have handled that situation the best that any leader of any organization that encountered a problem like that could, Gregory said. I challenge him to walk in my shoes and do better. Gregory is referring to the arrest warrant issued for the Wilson County Democratic Partys treasurer, Felicia Atkinson. It was issued by Garner police. But Gregory said he initiated the investigation and informed police of the incident. She is accused of financial card fraud against the party. The Times previously reported about a letter from the State Board of Elections, dated Dec. 14, 2012, to Atkinson, stating that the local Democrats can no longer spend or collect money. The letter is the Notice of Termination of Active Status. According to the letter from Amy Strange, compliance specialist for the state board of elections, the Democratic committee was late filing necessary reports. Strange said she didnt send the letter to everyone in the party, just the treasurer on file, Atkinson. Atkinson was not treasurer when the Wilson Democratic partys account was drained and overdrawn by the former boyfriend of then-treasurer Barbara Dantonio.

A BEGINNING Farris said he hopes to win the seat as chair of the Democrats in Wilson, but said not to expect perfection from him. I am not perfect, Farris said. I am human and I make mistakes. Farris said reading what Proffitt had to say about Democrats reminded him there needs to be a new focus. I feel strongly about the Democratic Party and thats why I am stepping out on the ledge and am supporting the platform, said Farris, who is also a past chairman of the Wilson Chamber of Commerce. Please note that no person or party will be perfect for everyone. Farris said he is not happy with the way things are going in the General Assembly. The focus should be education, jobs and movement toward making North Carolina and Wilson No. 1, Farris said. Truth is, Democrats let up off of the pedal. Its time to put our feet back on the pedal. Farris reflected on Democrats keeping Wilson County blue in the last election. Ill remind you Wilson stayed blue, Farris contends. We didnt win a marathon on Republicans. We stayed blue.

Farris said like Proffitt, he wants what is best for Wilson. He is aware of the filing problems Wilson Democrats have had in the past. I believe all the things people have read about in the paper will be corrected, Farris said. Its not fair to think that any person or any party wont have problems. But at the end of the day its how those problems are corrected. Farris said Gregory and former chairman Chris Boykin have done their best and have done a great job for the party. I think that is obvious based on past elections and numbers.

AN ENDING In a letter dated March 1, Gregory told fellow Democrats that while he wont run to lead th e party, he will stay to help work. I will not be running for your county chair for another two-year term, but I will do what I can to support you all and work to further unite and strengthen our Wilson County Democratic Party as we prepare to out-hustle, out-organize and out-perform the Republicans, again, Gregory wrote. Gregory said it has been his honor to serve as chairman. It has been a great privilege to serve as your chair these last two years, Gregory said. I know I have not been perfect, but I believe that I have done my best to lead us out of some difficult situations and to score some big victories in our county Sunday Early Voting and big wins in county returns, Gregory wrote. | 265-7847

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