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Group work: Plan an outline/graphic organizer on this topic

Sample answer:
P1 Based on the novel Railway Children by Edith Nesbitt, a character that I like most in the novel is Roberta. Roberta was known as Bobbie. She was the oldest child in the family. I like Bobbie for her acute senses . She could sense that their fathers disappearance had something to do with the Government and that is was bad news by looking at her mothers sad face and tired eyes. She could see that mother was always thinking about Father Bobbie was a wonderful daughter. She had absolute trust in her mother. She never queried her mother on their move to the little white house in the country. Instead, she trusted her mother to do her best for the family. She helped in the unpacking and arranging of things in the rooms when they arrived. She lit the fire too. Her thoughtfulness, understanding and sense of responsibility make her a wonderful person who can be relied on in times of need. Besides, I also like Bobbie because she was a wonderful sister to her two siblings. She protected Peter when he was caught by the Station Master for stealing coal. She told the Station Master that she had a part to play in the theft. She took Peters broken toy engine to the men at the railway to repair. Happiness was written on her face wh en she saw Peter jumping for joy at seeing his toy engine as good as new. I would love to have a sibling like Bobbie who will always stand by me in times of need and care about my needs. In addition I like Bobbie who was a brave, intelligent, and sensible girl. She placed others welfare above hers. During the landslide, she realized that the oncoming train could not see them. If that happened, an awful accident was unavoidable. She ran onto the line, waving her two flags. She wave, shouting to the train to stop. The train stopped very close to her about twenty meters from where she was standing. By then, Bobbies legs were shaking; she could not move and had to sit down on the ground. This incident showed how brave and selfless she was. When Bobbie and the others wanted to celebrate Perks birthday, Bobbie requested her mother for the cakes on Thursday which was Perks birthday. She, Peter, Phyllis went round the village collecting gifts for Perks birthday. Perks did not want to accept the presents as he felt it was a form of charity but Bobbie was able to talk Perks around. She reasoned with him that it was not charity as people in the village were happy to give. We find that Bobbie, young as she might be had the mind of an adult. Her noble qualities make her a likeable person and I would want someone like her in my life as she is someone who I can depend on. To conclude, I like Bobbie for her positive values which I feel are important as I can learn many things and good moral values from her. It is indeed rare to see such values in young people. Short and clear. C1 E1 E2 PR



C2 E1 E2 PR C3 E1


E2 E3


Link to question Take note of tenses (Personal response use present tense)

Sawaran JK Kolej TDTHB 2012

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