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Loudspeaker Enclosure Analysis Program

Application Manual

Release 5

Enclosure Designer i
Application Manual

LEAP EnclosureShop
Application Manual

© 2002 - 2003 LINEARX SYSTEMS INC.

All Rights Reserved.

Tel: (503) 612-9565

Fax: (503) 612-9344

Printed in the United States of America.

February 25, 2003.

This document was produced on a Pentium-4 / 2GHz PC with Win2K using Adobe PageMaker 7.0, Adobe
Illustrator 8.0, Adobe PhotoShop 6.0, MathType 4.0 for mathematics typography, and SnagIt 5.2 for screen
captures. Final masters were produced using an Xerox Docutech image setter. Help files were composed and
compiled using Windows Help Designer 3.1.

ii Enclosure Designer
Application Manual

License Agreement and Limited Warranty

Carefully read all of the following terms and conditions of this agreement before opening and using the contents of this
package. The opening of this package indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this license agreement. If
you are not willing to accept the terms and conditions of this agreement, then you should return the entire product, with the
package seal unbroken, to the place of purchase for a full refund of the purchase price.

■ Copyright Ownership
Both the program and the documentation are protected under applicable copyright laws. LinearX is the holder of this copyright. Your right to use the program
and the documentation are limited to the terms and conditions described herein. Use of the software unless pursuant to the terms and conditions of this
license, or as otherwise authorized by law, is an infringement of the copyright.

■ Limited Non-Exclusive License

You may: (a) use the enclosed program on a single computer, (b) physically transfer the program from one computer to another provided that the program is
used on only one computer at a time, and that you remove any copies of the program from the computer from which the program is being transferred, (c) make
copies of the program solely for backup or archival purposes. You must reproduce and include the copyright notice and label any backup copy.

You may not: (a) distribute copies of the program or the documentation to others, (b) lease, rent, grant sublicenses, or other rights to the program, (c) provide
use of the program in a computer service business, network, time-sharing multiple CPU or multiple users arrangement without the prior written consent of
LinearX, (d) translate or otherwise alter the program or related documentation without the prior written consent of LinearX.

■ Terms
Your license to use the program and the documentation will automatically terminate if you fail to comply with the terms of this agreement. Your license
terminates in the event that you receive a license for an updated version of the product that replaces this product. If a license expiration date is printed on your
documentation, or provided through other means such as a time limited electronic or software key, your license expires on the day as shown in the documen-
tation, or on the day that the electronic or software key expires. If this license is terminated you agree to destroy all copies of the program and documentation.

■ Limited Warranty
LinearX warrants to the original licensee that the disk(s) and or electronic key(s) on which the program is recorded will be free from defects in materials and
workmanship under normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase as evidenced by a copy of your receipt. If failure of the product
components has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication of the product, then LinearX or third party licensors shall have no responsibility to replace the
disk(s) or key(s) under this limited warranty.

This limited warranty and right of replacement is in lieu of, and you hereby waive, any and all other warranties, both expressed and implied, including but not
limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The liability of LinearX or third party licensors pursuant to this limited warranty shall
be limited to the replacement of the defective disk(s) or key(s), and in no event shall LinearX or third party licensors be liable for incidental, indirect, punitive,
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In addition to the foregoing, you should recognize that all complex software systems and their documentation contain errors and omissions. LinearX, its
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time in the product, whether or not they are aware of the errors or omissions. LinearX does not recommend the use of this product in applications in which
errors or omissions could result in loss of life, injury, or other significant loss.

This license agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Oregon and shall inure to the benefit of LinearX, its successors, administrators, heirs and
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■ United States Federal Government Restrictions

If this software is acquired by or on behalf of the U.S. Federal government or its agencies, this provision applies. Use, duplication, or disclosure of this software
is subject to restrictions set forth in the appropriate FAR 52.227-19 and DFAR 252.227-7013 documents, as applicable. The software is "commercial computer
software" and is licensed only with "Restricted Rights". Other Federal restrictions may also apply.

LinearX Systems Inc.

9500 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd.
Tualatin, OR 97062-8586 USA

TEL:(503) 612-9565 FAX:(503) 612-9344 Internet: www.linearx.com

Copyright 2002, LinearX Systems Inc. All rights reserved. All other Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Enclosure Designer iii

Application Manual

Technical Support
LinearX provides detailed printed manuals and on-line help within the program as the primary
source for user information and assistance regarding the use of this product. If these sources do
not contain the answers to your questions, contact LinearX via any of the following methods:

Internet Forums: www.linearx.com/forums

Internet Email: support@linearx.com
Internet Web: www.linearx.com
Fax: (503) 612-9344
Tel: (503) 612-9565

Technical support is free and unlimited at this time, however we reserve the right to charge for
this service in the future as conditions, overhead, and support personnel requirements dictate.

When contacting us regarding a technical support issue, PLEASE follow these steps to aid us in
understanding and solving your problem:

(1) The About Box contains a procedure for generating a SYSCONFIG.TXT file. This file can be created by the user
through the About Box and contains all of the information about your computer system and operating system. If you
feel that your question could involve issues relating to your computer/operating system, please produce this file and
attach it along with your fax or Email question.

(2) If your question involves specific details or parameters unique to your project and problem, please include a copy of
your design files with the necessary data so that we can reproduce your problem. This is only possible if you are
communicating via an electronic means such as Email or uploading files directly to our web site.

(3) If the issue regards error messages from the program, please include an exact description of the error message
and/or address information that the program reports.

(4) If there are specific steps involved to reproduce the issue, please note these exact steps required so that we can
reproduce the problem.

Technical support hours are: Monday-Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM Pacific Standard Time.

iv Enclosure Designer
Application Manual

Introduction ix

Tutorial 1: Sealed Highpass Enclosure 1

■ Introduction to Transducer Models
■ Introduction to Enclosure Models
■ Introduction to System Curves
■ Introduction to Guide Curves
■ Introduction to Parameter Graphs
■ Differences between Transducer Models
■ Common Program Features

Tutorial 2: Ported Highpass Enclosure 33

■ Ported Enclosure Design
■ Quick Design Alignments
■ High Power Analysis
■ Port Linearity Analysis
■ Interpreting System Curves
■ Enclosure Layout Editing

Tutorial 3: Transducer Location & Diffraction 71

■ Sealed Highpass Enclosure
■ Woofer & Tweeter Transducers
■ Baffle Board Location Effects
■ Domain Differences
■ Diffraction Analysis
■ Enclosure Layout Editing

Enclosure Designer v
Application Manual


AppNote 1: Transmission Line Enclosures 115

■ Ported Highpass Model
■ Port Area & Length Effects
■ Port Standing Waves
■ Port Loss & Damping
■ Media Characteristics
■ Model Comparisons

App Note 2: Loudspeaker Arrays 145

■ Sealed Highpass 2x15 Array
■ Custom Enclosure Model
■ Import 3D Enclosure Shell
■ Multi-Enclosure Analysis
■ Diffraction Analysis
■ Array Comparisons

vi Enclosure Designer
Application Manual

If you have not already read Chapter 2 in the Reference Manual, please do so before
starting the tutorials. It would also be a good idea to read Chapter 3 which will
acquaint you with the many parameter graphs in the program. These will give you
a quick overview of the program. This information will be useful in the tutorials.

There are several tutorials that follow which should help you get started using the
program in the shortest amount of time. Each tutorial introduces new features, and
assumes you are already familiar with the features introduced in previous tutorials.

Note: The first two tutorials introduce the core features of the program.
It is very important that all users read at least Tutorial #1.

EnclosureShop is an extensive program and offers many advanced simulation

features and capabilities. In order to make full use of these capabilities it is
important that the user understand the concepts and terminology. Chapters 4 & 5
in the Reference Manual contain background information which can be referenced
for further explanation of the subject.

It should be noted that there are many ways to operate the program, typically either
from the Main Menu or from the tool buttons. Program operation becomes much
quicker when you learn where a few of the most commonly used tool buttons reside.

You can scan the buttons and view the hints to learn more about their various
functions. The tutorials show the corresponding tool buttons for most of the
commonly used menu items.

Example Design Files

There are also a number of finished example designs contained in the /Examples
folder. You can browse through these as well which may give you additional
information and application ideas.

There is a high degree of user control over the appearance of graphics in the
program. If you don't like the color schemes used in the examples - simply change

Note: A full color version of the Application Manual is available in the Help file.

Enclosure Designer vii

Application Manual

viii Enclosure Designer

Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

Tutorial 1
Sealed Highpass Enclosure

Introduction to Transducer Models
Introduction to Enclosure Models
Introduction to System & Guide Curves
Introduction to Parameter Graphs
Differences between Transducer Models
Common Program Features

This example will serve to introduce many of the

commonly used program features. It should help to
answer many basic operational questions that will
arise in any enclosure design. This example will focus
on the three different types of transducer models, to
illustrate their capabilities and differences.

For this design we will begin with the basics, and our enclosure will be a simple
Sealed Highpass box using a 15 Inch (380mm) woofer. We are not interested in
choosing a particular alignment for this example. Rather the box size will be
specified as already known, and the task will then be to setup the necessary
parameters in the program to simulate the design.

The specifications are:

- Box: Sealed Highpass
- Shape: Rectangular
- Width: 23.0 Inches
- Height:24.75 Inches
- Depth: 13.5 Inches
- Wall: 0.75 Inches
- Filling:None
- Transducer: TL1603
- Location: Center of baffle board

Even though this is a very simple enclosure, it will serve well to illustrate the large
volume of data that can be produced through the extensive analysis provided in
EnclosureShop. Comparisons with actual measurements will also be presented.

EnclosureShop 1
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

Before any design can be simulated the transducer model must already reside
in a transducer library file. If this was not the case, we would first need to create
the transducer entry. For this example several transducer models will be used
which have already been prepared in the Tutorial.Ltd library.

Starting the new Design

If you have not already launched the program, do so now. Perform each of the
steps as indicated throughout the following pages. It is assumed that the
program is installed on drive C:\. However, if you have installed it on another
drive you will need to use the appropriate drive selection for your installation
when performing file operations.

First we will create a new design and save it in the Tutorial-1 folder.

■ Select the File | New menu option.

Now we will enter your author information.

■ Select the Graph | Notes menu option.

Enter your name in the Person field, your com-

pany name in the Company field, and a Project
name as shown here in the example.

- Click OK to close the Notes dialog.

■ Select File | SaveAs menu option.

Now we will save the design in the existing folder Tutorial-1 under the Projects-
Enclosures folder, and name the file Tutor-1. Locate the Projects-Crossovers
folder and then the Tutorial-1 folder. Enter Tutor-1 in the filename field and
click Save.

2 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

Now we will Maximize one of the graph windows.

■ Click one of the Maximize Buttons in a Graph Window.

Your screen should now look similar to the lower view. When the graph windows
are maximized, a Graph Select button row appears. You can switch to different
graphs by clicking on one of the buttons below the toolbar. Note the various graph
names given on the horizontal row of selection buttons.

EnclosureShop 3
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

Transducer Calculate
Parameters Analysis
Enclosure 3D Layout
Parameters Parameters

Edit Menu
The Edit menu is central to the operation of the program. This menu contains
five items which can be accessed from either the menu itself or toolbar as shown
above. These five items represent the core functionality needed to define
parameters for any design. You will visit this menu frequently. To a large
extent, the five items must be specified in order from left to right when initially
defining the parameters of a design.

■ Select the Edit | Transducer Parameters menu item.

The Transducer Parameters dialog is shown on the following page. This

dialog provides all of the transducer creation, editing, and library management
functions. There are two left/right split windows. The window on the left (tree
view) displays the transducer library files, while the window on the right (list
view) displays the actual transducers in the currently selected library file. This
is the library editing mode.

There is also a Graph toggle button located at the bottom which will extend the
dialog and present a preview graph showing curves of various transducer
characteristics for the selected transducer. The various curves can be selected
using the small buttons at the left of the graph.

There are three transducer entries shown in the right list view window that we
will be working with in this example: TL1603/LTD, TL1603/TSL, and TL1603/
STD. These represent three different transducer models of the same 15 Inch
(380mm) woofer.

Note: If you installed the program on a drive other than C:\ you will need to
open the transducer folder to see the transducer files and entries.

4 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

EnclosureShop 5
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

- DoubleClick on the TL1603, LTD Model entry in the list view window.

This is the transducer editing mode. The dialog is altered to display the
parameters of the transducer. Transducers can be created, imported, or edited
here to define their parameters. Various fields will be enabled/disabled
depending on the model in use.

- Click the Cancel button to close the editing mode.

Since the transducer entries needed for this example are already in the library,
we will not be creating any new transducers here. It should also be noted that
this is not the location where you choose the transducer(s) used in the
enclosure. That is done within the enclosure parameters we will visit shortly.

However, it is important to select the library file here that contains the
transducer(s) you wish to use in the enclosure design.

- Verify that the Tutorial.LTD file is selected in the left window.

- Click the Exit button to close the dialog.

6 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

Model Menu
The Model menu is used to choose the enclosure model for the design. The menu
and toolbars are shown above and contain eight (8) possible choices. The last
selection is a Custom enclosure model which can be used to construct arbitrary
enclosure structures.

The Model menu performs a 1-of-8 selection function. One of the selections will
always be active, and this selection is shown checked in the menu, or highlighted
in the toolbar. The dialog presented for the enclosure parameters will change
depending on this enclosure model selection.

For this example we will use the Sealed Highpass enclosure model.

- Verify that the Sealed Highpass Enclosure model is selected.

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item.

This dialog is where we will define the pa-

rameters for our enclosure design. Note that
the dialog is divided into several group boxes:
Shell/Chamber, Domain, Chamber, and
Transducer. Different model dialogs will
have more or less group boxes depending on
the structure of the enclosure model.

The transducer group box is where we will

choose the woofer to be used in this design.
Note that it is possible to define multiple
transducers with different mounting and wir-
ing configurations.

EnclosureShop 7
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

- Click the Small button with the Yellow Folder.

The transducer selection dialog is

presented. Here we will select
the woofer for our enclosure.

- Open the Transducer folder in

the left window.

- Select the Tutorial.LTD file in

the left window.

- Select the TL1603, LTD Model

transducer in the right window.

- Click the Ok button to close.

The transducer name and its file name now

appear in the Transducer group box fields.

When a transducer is selected its entire data

is copied into the enclosure parameters. Thus
the transducer data is self contained within
the enclosure parameters. The original li-
brary file and entry are no longer needed.

Therefore if you later change the parameters

within the original transducer library file,
they may or may not be updated in the enclo-
sure design. More on that later.

The remaining selections in the Transducer group box do not require changes.
In the Chamber group box, we define any filling material that may be used in
the enclosure. In this example no material will be used.

- Enter 0.0 in the Vfill (Volume Fill) percentage field.

8 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

The Shell/Chamber group box controls the

definition of the external enclosure shell and
chamber. Since this enclosure has only a
single chamber, the chamber and shell speci-
fication are the same. Note that a small
button with a cube is shown in the volume
field. You cannot enter a volume directly.
Rather we must click the small button and
choose a physical shape with dimensions.

- Click the small Volume field button.

The Volume Parameters dialog is now dis-

played as shown here. We now enter the
parameters for the shell/chamber and choose
the shape for the volume.

- Select the Box shape selection

- Check the External dimensions
- Click the Length button to In
- Click the Volume button to Ft³
- Enter 0.75 for the Wall Thickness
- Enter 13.5 for the Depth
- Enter 23.0 for the Width
- Enter 26.5 for the Height
- Enter 0.20 for the Occupied

You should now see 3.53 Ft³ displayed as the net internal volume.

- Click Ok to close the Volume Parameters dialog.

The last group box Domain allows us to define the environment in which we wish
to simulate the enclosure. We can also specify a finite volume for the domain. For
this example we will use an Infinite Baffle with Infinite volume.

- Select/Verify that Infinite Baffle is selected.

- Click the small Volume field button.
- Select the Infinite shape, and then click Ok to close the volume dialog.
- Click Ok to close the Enclosure Parameters dialog.

EnclosureShop 9
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

■ Select the Edit | Analysis Parameters menu item.

This dialog controls many of the

analysis parameters for the design.
Most of the parameter values here
should already have acceptable
values. However we will need to
change the power level to 1W.

- Enter 1.0 in the Power/Spk

- Click Ok to close the dialog.

We are now ready to define the 3D

layout for the simulation.
EnclosureShop is capable of accu-
rately simulating the entire field
around an enclosure. For this rea-
son the location of transducers and
ports must be defined.

Moreover, the location and orientation of the enclosure relative to any

boundaries must also be defined, as well as the primary simulation point. All
of these functions are provided by the 3D Layout Parameters dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

This is a large window dialog which fills the entire work area of the screen as
shown on the following page. The large plane represents the infinite baffle, and
the enclosure is embedded in that plane in the center. The radial arrows display
the polar simulation paths, and the primary target is shown at the intersection.

You can pan the view by holding down the Left Mouse button and dragging it
around the screen. As you rotate the scene you will see the other back/rear side
of the infinite plane. You can see the enclosure behind the plane.

The default locations of the entities within the scene should already be correct.
No layout editing will be required for this example.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

10 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

EnclosureShop 11
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

We have now defined all of the necessary parameters for the design. To analyze
the design and produce the response curves we use Edit | Calculate.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

The progress of the analysis is shown in the lower right fields of the status bar
at the bottom of the screen. There are several phases to the analysis which
depend on the complexity of simulation.

In this example we have chosen an Infinite Baffle domain which places the
baffle board of the enclosure within the infinite plane. Therefore no diffraction
analysis is required. This speeds up the analysis greatly since diffraction
analysis can be very time consuming. The analysis here should be completed
in a matter of seconds.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

System curves are the data curves generated by the system analysis. For this
simple design 34 curves are produced. Many of these are polar response
curves. We will enable all of the curves.
- Click the Show All button, and then click Ok to close the dialog.

12 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

■ Click the SPL Graph select button.

■ Select the Scale | Auto or Up/Dn menu items as needed to view the curves.

Your screen should now look something like the view shown below. There are
four SPL curves displayed on the graph. Two are at a level of around 95dB while
the other two are much higher.

The two lower level curves give the response at the primary simulation point and
the overall power response. In this example the primary simulation point is On-
Axis (Polar angle: 0 Horz, 0 Vert) at a distance of 1 Meter. However it could be
located anywhere in space. The power response gives the total power produced by
the design, relative to a half space domain.

Note that at higher frequencies the power response falls due to the directivity of
the transducer. At lower frequencies the radiation is nondirectional with the Power
and On-Axis response identical. A large number of chamber reflections are shown
at the higher frequencies.



EnclosureShop 13
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

Moving the scale up to see the two higher curves, we find one level reaching
almost 130dB and the other 117dB. These curves represent the internal cham-
ber response and the near-field transducer response respectively. Note that
the sharp primary chamber reflection peak occurs at about 550Hz and shows
up in all the Near field, On-Axis, and Power response curves.

EnclosureShop produces a pressure response curve for each chamber in a

design, along with a near-field pressure curve for every transducer and port.
This is in addition to the radiated primary target and power response.

Due to the large number of SPL curves produced from the enclosure simula-
tions, you will often find it necessary to shut off some of the curves to avoid
excessive clutter in the graphs.

■ Click the Impedance, Excursion, Velocity, Acceleration graph buttons.

There are also a number of other curves produced for every transducer and
port in the enclosure. Examples of these are shown on the following pages
and include: Impedance, Excursion, Velocity, and Acceleration.

Internal Chamber Spkr Near

14 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

EnclosureShop 15
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

16 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

■ Click the Polar graph select button.

The polar response curves are shown in the graph below. Note that there is actu-
ally a double set of curves in the list. These are the Horizontal and Vertical sets.
Since the domain was an Infinite Baffle, the simulation is symmetrical and both
sets of Off-Axis polar response curves are identical.

The effect of the Infinite Baffle domain is clearly visible in the graph. No radia-
tion occurs behind the plane of the domain. All radiation appears on the front side.

With increasing frequency the transducer becomes directional as shown by the

narrowing lobes at the higher polar frequencies. The diaphragm model employed
by EnclosureShop produces extremely realistic directional behavior for a variety
of diaphragm shapes and profiles.

It is also possible to display the polar response curves normalized to their values at
zero degrees. That is also a common method for viewing polar plots.

EnclosureShop 17
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

Comparison with Actual Measurements

The example enclosure was constructed and various parameters were measured
with the LMS analyzer for comparison. An accelerometer was also attached to the
cone to measure mechanical response directly. These files are located in the same
Tutorial-1 folder. It is useful to evaluate these comparisons here since they dem-
onstrate how actual measurements appear relative to EnclosureShop simulations.

■ Select the Utilities | Import Curve Data menu item.

We will import the SPL curves.

- Locate the Tutorial-1 folder

- Highlight the three SPL files
- Select Guide Curve entry #1
- Set the Left Vertical data for
SPL and dB.

- Click the Execute button.

Now the Impedance curve.

- Highlight IMP_Sealed file

- Select Guide Curve entry #5
- Set the Left Vertical data for
Imp and Lin/Log.

- Click the Execute button.

Now the Acceleration curve.

- Highlight the Ams_Sealed file, select entry #7, set the Left Vert data Accel.
- Click the Execute button.

Now the Velocity curve.

- Highlight the Vms_Sealed file, select entry #8, set the Left Vert data Veloc.
- Click the Execute button.

Now the Excursion curve.

- Highlight the Xms_Sealed file, select entry #9, set the Left Vert data Excur.
- Click the Execute button.

- Click Exit to close the dialog.

18 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item.

The Guide Curve library should appear similar to the view shown below.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Click the Acceleration Graph select button.

As shown on the following page, two acceleration curves are displayed. The two
curves show excellent agreement across the entire frequency range, with very tight
correlation below 200Hz. A sharp series of nulls occurs near 500Hz. This is a
standing wave reflection inside the chamber. Remember there is no damping ma-
terial in this example. At very high frequencies the diaphragm no longer behaves
as a piston.

■ Click the Velocity Graph select button.

As shown on the following page, two velocity curves are displayed. Again, the
two curves show excellent agreement across the entire frequency range, with very
tight correlation below 200Hz. The chamber resonance appears again in the 500Hz
region. At very high frequencies the measurement bottoms out against the noise
floor of the accelerometer and instrumentation.

EnclosureShop 19
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1





20 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

■ Click the Excursion Graph select button.

The two simulation and measurement curves for excursion are now shown in the
top graph of the next page. Excellent correlation is again observed below 200Hz,
with the chamber resonance appearing in the 500Hz region.

■ Click the Impedance Graph select button.

The two simulation and measurement curves for impedance are now shown in the
bottom graph of the next page. Excellent correlation is now seen across the entire
frequency range. However even the impedance curve shows the effects of the
chamber resonance at 500-1000 Hz.

■ Click the SPL Graph select button.

A large number of curves now appear on the SPL graph. In order to view the
comparisons more easily, we shall only enable the simulation and corresponding
measurement curves for each view.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item.

- Uncheck the [G] column for entries #2, #28, and #29.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item.

- Uncheck the [G] column for entries #2 and #3.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

After adjusting the scale levels, the On-Axis response comparison is shown in the
top graph of the following page. At very low frequencies the measurement bot-
toms out against background noise. This measurement was taken inside a ware-
house thus many small reflections can be seen across the entire frequency range.
However, the average of the measured response shows excellent agreement.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item.

- Uncheck the [G] column for entry #1, and Check it for #29.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item.

- Uncheck the [G] column for entry #1, and Check it for #3.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

EnclosureShop 21
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1




22 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

On-Axis Response



Near-Field Response



EnclosureShop 23
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

After adjusting the scale levels, the Near-Field response comparison is shown
in the bottom graph of the previous page. This measurement was obtained by
locating the nose of the mic approximately 0.1 Inches above the surface of the
cone. At high frequencies the vibration of the cone is no longer uniform, and
again we see the chamber resonance affecting the response between 500-
1000Hz. However, the measured response below 250Hz correlates very well.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item.

- Uncheck the [G] column for entry #29, and Check it for #28.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item.

- Uncheck the [G] column for entry #3, and Check it for #2.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

After adjusting the scale levels, the Chamber response comparison is shown
below. This measurement was obtained by placing the mic inside the cham-
ber. We now see the enormous reflections which take place within the cham-
ber. The simulation provides a respectable representation of these reflections.

Chamber Response



24 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

Analysis with the TSL Transducer Model

All of the analysis so far has been produced using the LTD model of the TL1603
woofer. As mentioned previously three different model versions of this woofer
have been prepared in the transducer library. We shall now use the TSL model.

First we will save the current design which employs the LTD model, and then
save it again with a different name which will contain the TSL analysis.

■ Select the File | Save menu item (or use CTRL-S)

■ Select the File | SaveAs menu item

- Modify name to Tutor-1_TSL.led
- Click Ok to save the file.

To change the woofer we are using for the enclosure, we return to the Enclo-
sure Parameters dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item

- Click the Small button with the Yellow

- Select the TL1603, TSL Model trans-
ducer in the right window.
- Click the Ok button to close the trans-
ducer selection dialog.
- Click Ok to close the Enclosure dialog.

Since we have changed the transducer we

will also need to revisit the 3D Layout dia-
log. The diaphragm model is built by the
layout dialog. Anytime the transducer is
changed we must reset the design layout.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

- Click Ok to close the dialog (or use ENTER).

We can now analyze the design with this new TSL transducer model.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

EnclosureShop 25
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

We are mainly interested in the On-Axis SPL response so we will turn off the
current chamber SPL curves and enable the On-Axis simulation and measure-
ment curves.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item.

- Uncheck the [G] column for entry #28, and Check #1.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item.

- Uncheck the [G] column for entry #2, and Check it for #1.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

After adjusting the scale, the SPL graph below is produced. It may or may not
be obvious, but the response in the vicinity of the knee at 70Hz has slightly
decreased. Note that the measured response now appears somewhat higher.
The remainder of the curve shows similar agreement with the previous LTD
simulation. The next graph will display the differences near resonance in a
more direct and obvious fashion.

26 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

■ Click the Impedance Graph select button.

The impedance graph below now shows a clear difference between the measure-
ment and the simulation using the TSL transducer model. The impedance at reso-
nance is considerably lower than the measurement. However, the impedance match
at higher frequencies continues to be largely maintained.

Clearly there is a difference between the LTD and TSL models which affects the
resonance region. The change in the impedance between these two models is a
reflection of their ability to accurately model the suspension loss Rms.

The TSL model assumes Rms to be constant at all frequencies. Rms was originally
characterized at 28Hz, the free air resonance of the speaker. However, the reso-
nance has been pushed up to 55Hz when used in this sealed enclosure. The effec-
tive value of Rms at 28Hz and 55Hz is not the same. This produces an error in the
impedance because the real losses in the transducer suspension are not constant
but are in fact a function of frequency. As the previous impedance graph demon-
strated, the LTD model has the ability to represent Rms much more accurately.

EnclosureShop 27
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

Analysis with the STD Transducer Model

We now turn our attention to the STD transducer model. This is the most
common (standard) transducer model with the least sophistication.

As before we will save our work with the TSL model, and then save the design
under a different name for use with the STD model.

■ Select the File | Save menu item (or use CTRL-S)

■ Select the File | SaveAs menu item

- Modify name to Tutor-1_STD.led
- Click Ok to save the file.

To change the woofer we are using for the enclosure, we return to the Enclo-
sure Parameters dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item

- Click the Small button with the Yellow

- Select the TL1603, STD Model trans-
ducer in the right window.
- Click the Ok button to close the trans-
ducer selection dialog.
- Click Ok to close the Enclosure dialog.

Since we have changed the transducer we

will also need to revisit the 3D Layout dia-
log. The diaphragm model is built by the
layout dialog. Anytime the transducer is
changed we must reset the design layout.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

- Click Ok to close the dialog (or use ENTER).

We can now analyze the design with this new TSL transducer model.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

28 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

The impedance graph below now shows the simulation using the STD model as
compared to the actual measurement. There is significant error at all frequencies.

The standard STD transducer model lacks the ability to represent the motor im-
pedance accurately across frequency. It uses a fixed inductance Levc, and a fixed
resistance Revc, which produce substantial error at mid, and high frequencies. In
fact as the graph below demonstrates, errors in the motor impedance representa-
tion are even apparent at frequencies down to 10Hz.

The accuracy of the impedance response plays a direct role in the accuracy of the
SPL response. The acoustic output of any electrodynamic transducer is dependent
on the voice coil current, and this is a function of the impedance. If the impedance
increases, the current decreases, and along with it the acoustic output.

We can therefore expect to see substantial changes in the SPL response with this
STD transducer model. Since the impedance is lower in the mid band, the SPL
response in the mid band will appear higher.

EnclosureShop 29
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

■ Click the SPL Graph select button.

The SPL graph below now shows the simulation using the STD transducer
model and the measured response. In the knee region of 70Hz the response
has decreased, while in the mid band region of 200-1000 Hz the simulated
response is several dB higher. This changes the relative balance between the
low and mid acoustic output levels.

The impedance error in the resonance region produces an error in the effec-
tive system Q, and results in a change in the shape of the knee. This error is
similar to the TSL model and is quantitatively about 0.5dB for this example.

However, the STD model produces an error of 2-3 dB between 200-1000 Hz.
The TSL model has no similar error in this region. The most significant dif-
ference between the STD and TSL models is the ability of the TSL model to
represent the motor impedance with much higher accuracy. This would be
especially important for transducers with large motor structures.

30 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 1 Sealed Highpass Enclosure

■ Click the Design Graph select button.

The enclosure design is documented on one or more Design Parameter sheets, as

shown on the following page. These pages can be printed for documentation pur-
poses, and contain both text and graphics covering all of the parameters in the
design. Depending on the particular enclosure and its structure, many sheets may
be required to list all of the various parameters. We now save our STD design.

■ Select the File | Save menu option (or use CTRL-S)

We have demonstrated the essential features involved with entering and simulat-
ing a design using EnclosureShop. Some of the basic simulation differences be-
tween the three transducer models has also been examined. Comparisons with
actual measurements show extremely good correlation when the LTD model is
utilized. However, simulation with the TSL and STD models resulted in errors of
approximately 0.5dB and 3dB respectively.

Therefore, it is important to understand the role which the transducer model plays
in simulation accuracy and its limitations. The LTD model offers advanced capa-
bilities which permit highly accurate simulations to be obtained. The next tutorial
will explore this model further with analysis performed at multiple power levels.

However, the derivation of LTD model parameters for a given transducer is far
from trivial. The data measurement process is more complex, tedious, and must
be performed carefully if accurate parameters are to be obtained. The TSL model
offers the best compromise between simulation accuracy and ease of model deri-
vation. For this reason its use is highly recommended as the primary model for
general design work.

You have now scratched the surface of EnclosureShop and been exposed to some
of the common heavily used features in the program. There is still much more in
the program to be discovered, and the following tutorials will serve to demonstrate
additional aspects of enclosure design and analysis.

Note: The completed tutorial design is given in the files Tutorial-1.led, Tutorial-
1_TSL.led, and Tutorial-1_STD.led.

EnclosureShop 31
Application Manual
Sealed Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 1

32 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

Tutorial 2
Ported Highpass Enclosure

Ported Enclosure Design
Quick Design Alignments
High Power Analysis
Port Linearity Analysis
Interpreting System Curves
Enclosure Layout Editing

In this example a basic ported Highpass enclosure will

be designed. It will be analyzed at various power
levels to illustrate the nonlinear simulation capabilities
available in the program. The Quick Design utility will
be employed to obtain the initial design criteria. The
system curves produced will then be discussed.

A ported Highpass enclosure using a 15 Inch (380mm) woofer with air vent. The
Quick Design utility will be used to select a general alignment for the enclosure and
provide some starting parameter values. The design will then be simulated at
various power levels to demonstrate the large signal behavior. The results will be
compared to actual measurements.

The initial specifications are:

- Transducer: TL1601A
- Box Model: Ported Highpass
- Shape: Rectangular
- Filling:None
- Port: Air Vent
- Power: 0.1W to 100W

Before any design can be simulated the transducer model must already reside in a
transducer library file. If this was not the case, we would first need to create the
transducer entry. For this example a transducer using an LTD model will be
required, and is already prepared in the Tutorial.Ltd library.

EnclosureShop 33
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

Starting the new Design

If you have not already launched the program, do so now. Perform each of the
steps as indicated throughout the following pages. It is assumed that the
program is installed on drive C:\. However, if you have installed it on another
drive you will need to use the appropriate drive selection for your installation
when performing file operations.

First we will create a new design and save it in the Tutorial-2 folder.

■ Select the File | New menu option.

Now we will enter your author information.

■ Select the Graph | Notes menu option.

Enter your name in the Person field, your com-

pany name in the Company field, and a Project
name as shown here in the example.

- Click OK to close the Notes dialog.

Now we will save the design in the existing folder

Tutorial-2 under the Projects-Enclosures folder,
and name the file Tutor-2. Locate the Projects-
Crossovers folder and then the Tutorial-2 folder.
Enter Tutor-2 in the filename field and click Save.

■ Select File | SaveAs menu option.

Now we will Maximize one of the graph windows.

34 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Click one of the Maximize Buttons in a Graph Window.

Your screen should now look similar to the lower view. When the graph windows
are maximized, a Graph Select button row appears. You can switch to different
graphs by clicking on one of the buttons below the toolbar. Note the various graph
names given on the horizontal row of selection buttons.

EnclosureShop 35
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

■ Select the Edit | Transducer Parameters menu item.

The Transducer Parameters dialog is shown below. For this example the
TL1601A transducer will be used, and it is located in the TUTORIAL library.
Note: If you installed the
program on a drive other - Select the TUTORIAL library in the left window.
than C:\ you will need to - Select the TL1601A transducer in the right window.
open the transducer - Enable the Graph button.
folder to see the trans-
ducer files and entries. You can view the various characteristics of this driver in the graph, or
DoubleClick (CTRL-E) on the transducer to display its parameters.
- Click Exit to close the dialog.

36 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Select the Utilities | Quick Design menu item.

The Quick Design dialog provides the ability to quickly obtain enclosure design
parameters based on the parameters of the woofer and the type of enclosure we wish
to construct. Transducer data may be entered here manually or taken from the
currently selected LTD library. For this reason it is important to select the
transducer library before performing any other design tasks.

A general assumption of acoustic loss must be specified for the enclosure. Since we
are not using filling material in this example, a nominal Qb value of 10.0 will be
used. If there had been filling material involved, a Qb value of 5 to 7 would have
been more appropriate.

- Check the Use File option.

- Select the TL1601A transducer in the list box.
- Enter the value 10.0 in the Qb field.
- Select the Vented Highpass model.

Three different alignment group boxes are shown at the bottom of the dialog. These
contain Vab chamber volume and Fp port frequency values for three possible
alignments based on your choices and values. As each of the selected options and
values are performed, the values in these alignment groups are calculated.

- Quasi 3rd Butterworth

- Sub-Chebychev/Bessel
- Extended Bass Shelf

These are the names of three

the possible alignments we
are offered. The types of
alignments will change de-
pending on the type of model
and the transducer Qts.

We will change the units on

the Vab values to cuFt.

- Click the small units but-

tons on the three Vab fields
until they read Ft³.

EnclosureShop 37
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

Note the Fp and Vab values of the three alignments. They range from 25 - 32Hz
and from 4.8 - 9.3 cu Ft³ respectively. We can see what the response curves look
like for each of these choices by clicking on the Graph tab.

- Click the Graph tab.

You can adjust the scale factor

by using the small buttons to
the right of the graph.

Each of the three curves is

labeled and color coded. These
curves can also be transferred
to the Guide Curve library by
clicking on the buttons shown
with the sample lines.

- Click the [Red] line button.

A dialog as shown here is displayed. The curve entry can be

selected where you wish to save the alignment curve.

- Select entry #1 to save this curve into.

- Click the Ok, close the curve dialog.

Given the three possible curves, it is noted that the Quasi 3rd Butterworth has
the flattest looking response. There are many possible criteria that could be
used for selecting a curve. However, as we shall see shortly the actual response
that results from the detailed simulation will rarely match this highly simplified
prediction. We will select this alignment to begin the design.

- Click the Parameters tab.

The two key parameters which we need to produce this alignment for Vab and
Fp are: 4.8Ft³ and 32Hz Note these values as shown here.

- Click the Ok, close the dialog.

38 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

We must now select the type of enclosure model for the design.

■ Select the Model | Vented Highpass menu item.

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item.

We are now ready to begin the dimensioning

of the enclosure. For this example we will
analyze the design in an infinite baffle do-
main. This is the fastest for computation
since no diffraction is involved. This is
unnecessary for our interest here of low
frequency large signal analysis.

The enclosure itself can now be described by

use of the object button in the Volume editing
field of the Shell/Chamber group box.

- Click the Volume object button.

A simple rectangular box will be used. We will need to select dimensions which
produce the needed net volume of about 4.8 Ft³. We wish to work with units of
Inches and cubic Feet so we will also change the units. We will assume a wall
thickness of 3/4 Inch and an occupied volume of about 0.35 Ft³.

- Select the Box shape in the list box.

- Click the Length units to In.
- Click the Volume units to Ft³.
- Enable the External Dims.
- Enter 0.75 for the Wall Thickness.
- Enter 18.0 for the Depth.
- Enter 22.0 for the Width.
- Enter 28.0 for the Height.
- Enter 0.35 for the Occupied volume.

We now have a net volume of about 4.8 Ft³.

- Click the Ok, close the curve dialog.

EnclosureShop 39
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

The Domain selections should already be correct. Since we are not using any
fill material, the Vfill % value is zero in the chamber.

- Enter 0.0 for the Vfill.

The port itself can now be described by use of the object button in the Fp editing
field of the Port group box.

- Click the Fp object button.

The first task is to define the area of the port, so we again use an object button
but this time in the Sp field.

- Click the Sp object button.

A simple round tube will be used for the port. A standard

piece of 4 Inch (ID) ABS tubing is intended, which has an
OD of 4.5 Inches. This material has a wall thickness of 1/
4 Inch. We wish to work with units of Inches so we will also
change the units.

- Select the Circle shape in the list box.

- Click the Length units to In.
- Click the Area units to In³.
- Enable the External Dims.
- Enter 0.25 for the Wall Thickness.
- Enter 4.5 for the Diameter.
The net area is shown as 12.5 In².
- Click the Ok, close the area dialog.

We are now back at the Port Parameters dialog. Note that

the Sp field shows our value of 12.5 In² for the area. We
now must enter our desired port frequency, and should also
verify that the Vfill value is zero since we do not intend to
fill the port.

- Enter 32.0 for Fp.

- Enter 0.0 for Vfill.

40 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

Note that the physical length of the port Lp has been calculated as 4.1 Inches. This
yields our tuning frequency of 32 Hz. We could also enter the port length and the
port frequency would be calculated.

The Vfill and Dfill port values allow you to model the effects of filling material
inside a port. In general one would not wish to use filling material within a
conventional port designed for a typical bass-reflex application. This would only
decrease the effectiveness of the port. However, there are special cases such as
transmission line and adiabatic enclosure modeling where these are useful.

- Click the Ok, close the port dialog.

The last remaining task is to setup the transducer.

- Click the yellow folder transducer button.

- Select the TUTORIAL file.

- Select the TL1601A entry.
- Click the Ok to close.

The dimensions of the enclosure

are now completed. We can now
move on to the Layout Param-

- Click the Ok, to close the Model


■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

The enclosure layout is displayed similar to what appears in the views on the
following page. Note that two sources are present: the transducer and the port. We
will leave the transducer in the center of the baffle board, but we will need to move
the port to a location above the transducer.

EnclosureShop 41
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

42 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

- Select/Click on the Port (it will be redrawn in wireframe)

- Move your mouse over the Position Edit Cube and highlight the Vertical
- Hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to the right.
- Adjust the port location until it is in the middle of the baffle above the spkr.

The general desired location is shown on the preceding page. Note: If you have
trouble operating the 3D editing controls, see the reference manual for help.

You can try rotating around the scene to visualize the entire layout. If you click on
the enclosure it will become transparent, and you can then see the internal length
of the port and rear of the transducer.

- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Analysis Parameters menu item (F10).

This dialog controls many of the

analysis parameters for the design.
Most of the parameter values here
should already have acceptable
values. Verify that the power is
1W per transducer or total, and that
all of the optional analysis is en-

- Enter 1.0 in the Power/Spk

- Enable all Options
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

We will now save our design to disk to keep/update our changes to this point.

■ Select the File | Save menu item (or use CTRL-S)

EnclosureShop 43
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

The progress of the analysis is shown in the lower right fields of the status bar
at the bottom of the screen. There are several phases to the analysis which
depend on the complexity of simulation.

In this example we have chosen an Infinite Baffle domain which places the
baffle board of the enclosure within the infinite plane. Therefore no diffraction
analysis is required. This speeds up the analysis greatly since diffraction
analysis can be very time consuming. The analysis here should be completed
in a matter of seconds.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

System curves are the data curves generated by the system analysis. For this
design we will enable all of the curves.

- Click the Show All button

- Click Ok to close the dialog.

44 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Click the SPL Graph select button.

■ Select the Scale | Auto or Up/Dn menu items to view the lower curves.

Your screen should now look something like the view shown below. There are five
SPL curves displayed on the graph. Two are at a level of around 95dB while the
other three are much higher. We shall begin by discussing the lower curves.

The two lower level curves give the response at the primary simulation point and
the overall power response. In this example the primary simulation point is On-
Axis (Polar angle: 0 Horz, 0 Vert) at a distance of 1 Meter. However it could be
located anywhere in space.

The power response gives the total power produced by the design, relative to a half
space domain. Note that at higher frequencies the power response falls due to the
directivity of the transducer. At lower frequencies the radiation is nondirectional
with the Power and On-Axis response identical. At very low frequencies some
difference is seen between the power response and On-Axis response. This is due
to the strong cancellation between the port/spkr and their non-axial locations.



EnclosureShop 45
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

■ Select the Scale | Up/Dn menu items to view the higher curves.

Your screen should now look something like the view shown below. The
three higher curves consist of the two near field pressure curves for the trans-
ducer and port along with the chamber pressure response.

Near field SPL is the pressure found directly at the surface and center of the
diaphragm, or in the case of the air vent, the pressure at the mouth of the port.
At low frequencies the chamber behaves in a constant pressure manner for all
locations within the chamber. At higher frequencies there are reflections.

For a ported Highpass enclosure we see that the chamber response has a simi-
lar shape as the port near field response, although somewhat higher in overall
level. The pressure response of the transducer shows a sharp null at the port
resonance (32Hz) where the other two curves are maximum.

The comb filtering nulls at higher frequencies of the near field transducer
response are due to cancellations across the diaphragm. However, these
cancellations are based on the assumption of a rigid piston. Actual transduc-
ers are not rigid at these frequencies and can be expected to show variations.

SPL Chamber

SPL Near Port

SPL Near Spkr

46 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Click the Impedance graph button.

The impedance graph is shown below. There are actually two curves on this graph,
both identical. One curve is the impedance for the transducer and the other is the
total impedance for the enclosure. Since there is only a single transducer, the
curves are the same. However, in more complex enclosures there may be many
different impedance curves.

■ Click the Excursion graph button.

The excursion for both the transducer and port is shown on the following page.
The excursion of air in the port is many times higher than that of the transducer.
This follows directly from the ratio of the area of the transducer Sd and the area of
the port Sp. In this case Sd is 136 In² while Sp is 12.5 In². This is a ratio of 11:1.
At very low frequencies the same quantity of air displaced by the transducer must
also pass through the port. Since the area of the port is smaller than the transducer,
the motion of air within the port is higher. This is a motion magnification factor
equal to the Sd/Sp ratio. The air in the port must move 11 times further than the air
at the surface of the transducer.



EnclosureShop 47
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

Transducer Port



48 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Click the Velocity graph button.

The velocity graph is shown on the preceding page. Here we clearly see again that
the linear velocity of air in the port is much higher than that of the transducer. If
the same quantity of air is to move through the smaller area it must move faster.

■ Click the Volume graph button.

The volume current graph is shown below. This is the volume of air per second
moved by the transducer or port. As expected this graph shows that the volume
current of both sources at very low frequencies is the same. This is why the air
must move faster through the smaller port.

For this example the fluid in the port must move at 11 times the velocity of the
transducer. This creates a potential problem for large signal performance, where
the volume of fluid in the port must move at extremely high velocity. Remember
that the analysis completed thus far was performed at a drive level of 1 Watt. It is
therefore of interest to investigate the behavior of the port at different drive levels.
Comparing these results will give us a general indication port linearity.



EnclosureShop 49
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

If you were really paying attention to the previous On-Axis SPL response curve,
then you may have noticed that the response did not turn out as expected, based on
the previous alignment we chose in Quick Design. We saved that alignment curve
in the Guide Curve library, and we shall now use it for direct comparison with the
full simulated results.

■ Click the Ratio graph select button.

The response curve saved during our Quick Design process was given the units of
Ratio since it is a dimensionless transfer function. The response is shown below,
and displays the quasi-3rd order alignment transfer function.

If we wish to display this curve on the SPL graph for comparison with the detailed
design simulation, we will need to change the units to SPL and scale the curve up
to the appropriate level.

50 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Click the Entry #1 Left

Vert column list box and
change the units to SPL.

- Click the Entry #1

Color column button
and change it to Black.

- Click Ok to close the


You will immediately see

the curve disappear from
the Ratio graph.

■ Click the SPL graph select button.

The alignment curve now appears on the SPL graph at a level of 94dBspl as shown
in the top graph of the following page. This is due to that ratio value of 1.0 V/V
becoming a value of 1.0 Pascals which equals 94dBspl. We will want to move it up
about 1dB to better match our detailed simulation.

■ Select the Processing | Unary Math Operations menu item.

- Select the Guide Curve entry #1 in the list box.

- Select the Magnitude Offset operation.
- Enter 1.0 dB in the edit field.
- Click the Execute button.
- Click the Exit button to close.

Now the alignment response should appear as shown in the lower graph of the
following page. We see that the On-Axis response peaks at the knee near 80Hz and
generally has a valley between 100Hz and 500Hz. The response did not turn out
flat as predicted by Quick Design, and this is a fairly typical result.

EnclosureShop 51
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Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

52 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

The analysis provided by Quick Design is extremely simplistic. It employs the

traditional classic loudspeaker transfer function approximation methodology.
Implicit in the analysis is the assumption that the transducer's rise of motor
impedance perfectly matches and counters its rise in directivity and reduction of
diaphragm high frequency mass. There is no guarantee that this will be true for any
particular transducer. In most cases it will not, and in some cases the differences
may be substantial.

The alignment predictions given by Quick Design must be viewed in the context of
rough approximations. The value of these approximations can sometimes be useful
and other times all but useless. In many cases it may be easier and faster to make
a simple guess for the initial volume and port tuning frequency. The design can then
be improved through trial & error analysis until a suitable response is achieved.

If we wish to reduce the peaking behavior at the corner of the knee, we can lower
the port resonance frequency. This can be done by increasing the length of the port.
Since an 8 Inch long tube was already available during the prototype construction,
we shall merely change the length to that of our available precut tube.

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item (F3).

- Click the object button in the Fp field.
- Enter 8.0 Inches for the port Length.
- Click Ok to close the Port Parameters dialog.

We see that the port resonance frequency has

changed to 25.6 Hz. We can now run the
analysis again to observe the changes.

- Click Ok to close the Enc dialog.

EnclosureShop 53
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

The resulting SPL response with the new longer port is shown below. While
the peaking at the knee has been reduced, the shape of curve still differs
significantly from that of the Quick Design alignment response. The knee now
appears too soft and the response at very low frequencies is higher than that of
the alignment response.

Since the response is stronger at the very low frequencies, we should probably
try a reduction in the chamber volume. This will decrease the response at very
low frequencies and also tighten up the region near the knee.

To reduce the chamber volume we will change the depth of the box from 18
Inches to 15 Inches.


Quick Design

54 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item (F3).

- Click the object button in the Vab field.
- Enter 15.0 Inches for the Depth.
- Click Ok to close the Volume Parameters dialog.

The net volume is now about 3.9 Ft³., and the

port resonance has moved up to 28.5 Hz.

- Click Ok to close the Enc dialog.

Since we have now changed the dimensions of the enclosure, we must reopen the
Layout Parameters dialog to pick up the changes. We do not need to make any
adjustments there, but it is mandatory to re-save the layout in order for the
dimensional changes of the enclosure to be picked up.

The radiation and diffraction models are constructed when the Layout Parameter
dialog is closed. Anytime we make external changes to the enclosure or transducer
the Layout Parameters must be revisited. If we do not, EnclosureShop will issue
a warning message and refuse to perform the analysis.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

- Click the Ok button to close (ENTER).

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

EnclosureShop 55
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

The resulting SPL response with the new smaller chamber is shown below. The
response at very low frequencies is fairly close to that of the Quick Design
alignment. However, once again the knee remains significantly different. At
40Hz the simulation is below the alignment but at 80Hz it is above. Based on
our brief efforts so far we can even now make a reasonable observation:

No combination of Vab or Fp values exist which will ever allow the response
to match the predicted alignment to any high degree of precision.

The point of this exercise was to illustrate the difficulty of adjusting an

enclosure design to match a particular desired alignment. In most cases this
will not be possible. The transducer and enclosure combine to form a high
order network that can only be modestly adjusted to replicate a low order
alignment. Once a transducer is chosen, many of the factors which define the
response are fixed, and beyond our ability to change solely through adjustment
of the enclosure.

We will now save our design to disk to keep/update our changes to this point.

■ Select the File | Save menu item (or use CTRL-S)

Quick Design


56 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

Large Signal Analysis

All of the analysis we have performed so far has been run at a power level of
1 Watt. To see how the design behaves at both small and large signal levels we
will analyze the design at four drive powers: 0.1W, 1W, 10W and 100W.

In preparation for the analysis at different power levels, we will turn off the
polar analysis. This will reduce the number of curves and facilitate easier
copying of the curves as a single block.

■ Select the Edit | Analysis Parameters menu item (F10).

- Enter 0.1 in the Power/Spk

- Uncheck the Horz polar box.
- Uncheck the Vert polar box.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

Now we can run the analysis at this

0.1 Watt power level.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

We now have a set of System Curves run at the 0.1 Watt level. We will copy
these curves and paste them into the Guide Curve library. We will then edit
the name on the first curve to indicate the 0.1W analysis.

EnclosureShop 57
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Click/Select curve #1.

- Hold down the SHIFT key, and then
click curve #17 (block select).
- Click the COPY button.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

We have just copied this block of 17

curves to the Clipboard. We will now
paste them into the Guide Curve li-

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Click/Select entry #3.

- Click the PASTE button.
- Append text such as "0.1 W" to the
SPL name in curve #3.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

Now we have our 0.1W curve set saved

in the Guide Curve library. We now
change the drive level to 1W, run the
analysis again, and then copy/paste the
block of 1W curves likewise.

■ Select the Edit | Analysis Parameters menu item (F10).

- Enter 1.0 in the Power/Spk
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

58 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Click/Select curve #1.

- Hold down the SHIFT key, and then
click curve #17 (block select).
- Click the COPY button.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

We have just copied this block of 17

curves to the Clipboard. We will now
paste them into the Guide Curve library.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Click/Select entry #21.

- Click the PASTE button.
- Append text such as "1.0 W" to the
SPL name in curve #21.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

Now we have our 1.0W curve set saved

in the Guide Curve library. We now
change the drive level to 10W, run the
analysis again, and then copy/paste the
block of 10W curves likewise.

■ Select the Edit | Analysis Parameters menu item (F10).

- Enter 10.0 in the Power/Spk
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

EnclosureShop 59
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Click/Select curve #1.

- Hold down the SHIFT key, and then
click curve #17 (block select).
- Click the COPY button.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

We have just copied this block of 17

curves to the Clipboard. We will now
paste them into the Guide Curve library.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Click/Select entry #39.

- Click the PASTE button.
- Append text such as "10 W" to the
SPL name in curve #39.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

Now we have our 10W curve set saved

in the Guide Curve library. We now
change the drive level to 100W, run the
analysis again, and then copy/paste the
block of 100W curves likewise.

■ Select the Edit | Analysis Parameters menu item (F10).

- Enter 100.0 in the Power/Spk
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

60 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Click/Select curve #1.

- Hold down the SHIFT key, and then
click curve #17 (block select).
- Click the COPY button.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

We have just copied this block of 17

curves to the Clipboard. We will now
paste them into the Guide Curve library.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Click/Select entry #57.

- Click the PASTE button.
- Append text such as "100 W" to the
SPL name in curve #57.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

Now we have our 100W curve set saved

in the Guide Curve library.

There are now many curves in the SPL

graph., far too many to see clearly. We
will shut off all of the System Curves to
examine the curves at different power

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Click the Hide All button.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

We will now save our design to disk to keep/update our changes to this point.
■ Select the File | Save menu item (or use CTRL-S)

EnclosureShop 61
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

In order to see just the SPL On-Axis curves at the different power levels, we
will initially turn off all the Guide Curves and then just enable the curves we
desire. We will also shut off the Phase display to reduce the clutter.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Uncheck the Right (Phase) box.

- Click the Hide All button.
- Check the boxes in the [G] column
of the grid for #3, #21, #39, #57.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

There should be only 4 curves enabled

for display, and these are the SPL On-
Axis curves at the 4 different power lev-
els. Adjustment of the scale for the SPL
graph will show the curves below.

While the curves are offset fairly uni-

formly by 10dB, there is a noticeable
change in the shape at low frequencies.





62 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

While the SPL curves seem to indicate that something is happening at low fre-
quencies, it is difficult to visualize clearly due to the overall change in level. We
can see the changes more clearly if we remove the overall 10dB change in the
curves, and normalize them all to the same level, in this case 0.1W. We will copy
the three 1W, 10W, and 100W curves and then scale those down appropriately.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select curve #21, click the COPY

button, select entry #77, click PASTE.

- Select curve #39, click the COPY

button, select entry #78, click PASTE.

- Select curve #57, click the COPY but-

ton, select entry #79, click PASTE.

- Change the colors on curves

#77,78,79 to different variations.

- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Processing | Unary Math Operations menu item.

- Select the Guide Curve entry #77 in the list box.

- Select the Magnitude Offset operation.
- Enter -10.0 dB in the edit field.
- Click the Execute button.

- Select the Guide Curve entry #78 in the list box.

- Click the Execute button two times.

- Select the Guide Curve entry #79 in the list box.

- Click the Execute button three times.

- Click the Exit button to close.

EnclosureShop 63
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

Your SPL graph should now look something like the view shown below. The
three normalized 1W, 10W, and 100W curves are just below the 0.1W curve.

At 100 Watts we see that the overall midband level drops about 1dB. This is
due to voice coil heating and a rise in Revc. However, there is a larger drop at
low frequencies of several dB. There is also a change in the shape of the
curves at these lower frequencies.

Due to the varying slopes and large dynamic range of acoustic response curves,
it is often difficult to visualize changes across different power levels. A supe-
rior way to observe these change is via the impedance response. All of the
electrical and mechanical changes are reflected here as well. But the need to
perform scaling is eliminated and the overall scale is more visible. Further-
more, the causes of the nonlinear changes in the response can be more clearly
determined as due to the port or transducer.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Check the boxes in the [G] column of the grid for #5, #23, #41, #59.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.



64 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

■ Click the Impedance Graph select button.

Your screen should now look something like the view shown below. There are
four Impedance curves representing the various power levels. Here we can clearly
see a substantial change occurring at the lower frequency hump. At the 100W
level we see a general impedance increase everywhere due to the increase in Revc.

The low frequency hump is where the majority of nonlinearity takes place. The
portion of the enclosure which is most responsible for this region is the port. As
the drive level increases the acoustic resistance inside the port also increases, and
this is responsible for most of the nonlinearity observed here.

These results are quite remarkable. They show a noticeable nonlinearity even
between drive levels of 0.1W and 1W. Bear in mind that this is a large enclosure
with a 15 Inch woofer, yet nonlinearity begins even at 0.1 Watts.

At 100 Watts the port shows substantial resistance, and the lower hump is nearly
destroyed. The valley at the port resonance has also increased. Very high distor-
tion is present in this region of operation.


EnclosureShop 65
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

This example design was built and measured. We can compare these simula-
tions with the actual measurements of the impedance response at the four
power levels, using the data files provided in the Tutorial-2 folder. These
measurements were obtained using LMS and a VI-Box. First we shall turn off
the simulation impedance curves to prevent clutter.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Click the Hide All button.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Utilities | Import Curve Data menu item.

We will import four Impedance curves.

- Set the Left Vertical data for Imp and Lin/Log.

- Select curve entry #81
- Locate the Tutorial-2 folder
- Highlight the four Imp files
- Click the Execute button.
- Click the Exit button.

66 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

Your screen should now look something like the view shown below. Compare
these measured curves with the simulation curves on the previous graph. The
simulations show very good agreement to the actual nonlinear behavior. Here
again we see nonlinear changes occur at low levels between 0.1W and 1W. At
100W the low frequency impedance hump is severely compressed. The shape is
slightly different than that of the previous simulation, but very similar strong non-
linearity is measured.

It should be noted that the simulations rely on equivalent RMS sinewave analysis.
When there is high nonlinearity the signal waveform becomes severely distorted.
Observations taken with an oscilloscope on the SPL, excursion, and current wave-
forms show massive waveform deterioration. Sinewaves become squashed asym-
metrically, exhibit peaks, and often show multiple zero crossings. These distorted
waveforms change shape throughout the low frequency region, and differ in shape
between the various quantities at the same frequency.

The distorted waveforms represent large harmonic content. Therefore multiple

frequencies are present with substantial amplitude. Pure sinusoidal analysis can
never represent these high levels of distortion in exactly the same manner.

Actual Measurement


EnclosureShop 67
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

Excursion measurements were also obtained on the prototype enclosure. We

can compare these to the simulations as well.

■ Select the Utilities | Import Curve Data menu item.

- Set the Left Vertical data for

Excur and Lin/Log.
- Select curve entry #86
- Locate the Tutorial-2 folder
- Highlight the four Xms files
- Click the Execute button.
- Click the Exit button.

We will now need to enable the

excursion curves from the
simulations. To avoid clutter
we will only enable the trans-
ducer excursion curves.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Check the boxes in the [G] column of the grid for #11, #29, #47, #65.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Click the Excursion Graph select button.

68 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 2 Ported Highpass Enclosure

Your excursion graph should now look similar to the view shown below. There are
four pairs of simulation and measured excursion curves. Each pair of curves are in
good agreement across the various power levels and frequencies.

There is a noticeable difference in the 100W curve pair below 20Hz. The mea-
sured excursion is lower than the simulation. This is due to the highly distorted
waveforms in the actual measurement, and the assumption of sinusoidal wave-
forms in the simulation. The large harmonic content cannot be represented accu-
rately by equivalent RMS sine wave analysis at this very high level of nonlinearity.

Near field acoustic measurements were not taken on this ported design, as they are
generally less informative for comparison with simulations. The simulations are
pure mathematical calculations of the near field pressure at the transducer and port
both in isolation. Equivalent measurements cannot easily be obtained since they
contain leakage between both sources. For example, when a mic is placed near the
cone of the transducer it experiences a deep null at the port resonance frequency.
However the port is producing maximum pressure at this frequency which leaks
into the mic and contaminates the transducer measurement.

■ Select the File | Save menu item (or use CTRL-S)

EnclosureShop 69
Application Manual
Ported Highpass Enclosure Tutorial 2

We have demonstrated some of the essential features involved with a ported
enclosure design using EnclosureShop. The design was also analyzed at vari-
ous power levels to demonstrate port nonlinearity. Comparisons with actual
measurements show very good correlation across a wide range of power lev-
els and frequencies.

For this design a transducer with full LTD parameters was utilized. If mean-
ingful and accurate large signal analysis is desired, LTD models are really a
necessity. While most of the nonlinearity in this design was due to the port,
significant changes in the transducer can and do occur under large signal

To improve the linearity of this design one would enlarge the port area Sp,
either as a single port or with multiple ports. To maintain the same tuning
frequency the port length would of course also need to be increased. How-
ever increasing the port area is crucial to reduction of the velocity magnifica-
tion factor. In general it is best to keep the port area between 25-50% of the
transducer piston area whenever possible to minimize nonlinearity. In this
example the port area was only 9% of the transducer area.

Note: The completed tutorial design is given in the files Tutorial-2.led.

70 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

Tutorial 3
Transducer Location & Diffraction

Sealed Highpass Enclosure
Woofer & Tweeter Transducers
Baffle Board Location Effects
Domain Differences
Diffraction Analysis
Enclosure Layout Editing

In this example the response differences due to

transducer location will be explored. A basic
Sealed Highpass enclosure will be utilized for
both woofer and tweeter transducers. This ex-
ample will serve to introduce the powerful dif-
fraction analysis capabilities of the program.

Diffraction analysis is extremely numerically

intensive, both in terms of memory requirements
and CPU power. This example will require
64MB of memory. A Pentium®-II class PC or
higher is recommended.

For this example two different transducers will
be used: an 8 Inch (200mm) woofer and a 1 Inch
(25mm) dome tweeter. A square baffle board
will be used to provide identical axial modes
which emphasize the effects.

The initial specifications are:

- Woofer Transducer: B200
- Tweeter Transducer: DT25
- Box Model: Sealed Highpass
- Shape: Rectangular, square face
- Size: 20w x 20h x 13d Inches
- Filling: 50% ,1lb density.

EnclosureShop 71
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

Before any design can be simulated the transducer models must already reside
in a transducer library file. If this was not the case, we would first need to create
the transducer entry. For this example a transducer using an LTD model will
be required, and is already prepared in the Tutorial.Ltd library.

Starting the new Design

If you have not already launched the program, do so now. Perform each of the
steps as indicated throughout the following pages. It is assumed that the
program is installed on drive C:\. However, if you have installed it on another
drive you will need to use the appropriate drive selection for your installation
when performing file operations.

First we will create a new design and save it in the Tutorial-3 folder.

■ Select the File | New menu option.

Now we will enter your author information.

■ Select the Graph | Notes menu option.

Enter your name in the Person field, your com-

pany name in the Company field, and a Project
name as shown here in the example.

- Click OK to close the Notes dialog.

Now we will save the design in the existing folder

Tutorial-3 under the Projects-Enclosures folder,
and name the file Tutor-3. Locate the Projects-
Crossovers folder and then the Tutorial-3 folder.
Enter Tutor-3 in the filename field and click Save.

■ Select File | SaveAs menu option.

Now we will Maximize one of the graph windows.

72 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

■ Click one of the Maximize Buttons in a Graph Window.

Your screen should now look similar to the lower view. When the graph windows
are maximized, a Graph Select button row appears. You can switch to different
graphs by clicking on one of the buttons below the toolbar. Note the various graph
names given on the horizontal row of selection buttons.

EnclosureShop 73
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

■ Select the Edit | Transducer Parameters menu item.

The Transducer Parameters dialog is shown below. For the first part of this
example the woofer will be used, and is located in the TUTORIAL library.
Note: If you installed the
program on a drive other - Select the TUTORIAL library in the left window.
than C:\ you will need to - Select the B200 transducer in the right window.
open the transducer - Enable the Graph button.
folder to see the trans-
ducer files and entries. You can view the various characteristics of this driver in the graph, or
DoubleClick (CTRL-E) on the transducer to display its parameters.
- Click Exit to close the dialog.

74 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

We must now select the type of enclosure model for the design.

■ Select the Model | Sealed Highpass menu item.

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item.

We are now ready to begin the dimensioning

of the enclosure. Although the program is
capable of modeling both the woofer and
tweeter simultaneously, we shall only work
with one transducer at a time so that the
response changes can be clearly observed for
each driver individually.

The enclosure itself can now be described by

use of the object button in the Volume editing
field of the Shell/Chamber group box.

- Click the Volume object button.

A simple rectangular box will be used. We

wish to work with units of Inches and cubic
Feet so we will also change the units. We
will assume a wall thickness of 3/4 Inch and
an occupied volume of about 0.1 Ft³.

- Select the Box shape in the list box.

- Click the Length units to In.
- Click the Volume units to Ft³.
- Enable the External Dims.
- Enter 0.75 for the Wall Thickness.
- Enter 13.0 for the Depth.
- Enter 20.0 for the Width.
- Enter 20.0 for the Height.
- Enter 0.10 for the Occupied volume.

We now have a net volume of about 2.1 Ft³.

- Click the Ok, close the volume dialog.

EnclosureShop 75
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

The Domain selections should already be correct. We will start with an Infinite
Baffle domain but will later change this to Full Space.

- Confirm/Select the Infinite Baffle domain, and Infinite volume..

For this enclosure we will assume a common fill

setup of 50% and 1lb density.

- Enter 50.0% for the Vfill.

- Enter 1.0 lb/cuFt for the Dfill.
- Select Fiberglass for the Media.

The last remaining task is to setup the transducer.

- Click the yellow folder transducer button.

- Select the TUTORIAL file.

- Select the B200 entry.
- Click the Ok, close dialog.

The remaining transducer fields

should already be setup with their
default values.

The dimensions of the enclosure

are now completed. We can now
move on to the Layout Param-

- Click the Ok to close Enclo-

sure dialog.

76 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

The enclosure layout is displayed similar to what appears in the views on the
following page. The woofer is already in the center of the baffle board, and the
baffle board (face) of the enclosure is imbedded into the plane of the infinite baffle
plane. No editing is required at this time. You can pan around the scene, or select
the enclosure to see the woofer inside the enclosure.

- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Analysis Parameters menu item (F10).

This dialog controls the analysis parameters for the design. Most of the parameter
values here should already have acceptable default values. Verify that the power
is 1W per transducer or total, and that all of the optional analysis is enabled. For this
example we will enable the Horizontal polar analysis, but leave the Vertical

For this enclosure we will set the Diffraction resolution and order to 3kHz and 4th
order respectively. This provides adequate convergence for this size enclosure and
shape. For more details on these parameters see the Reference Manual.

- Enter 1.0 in the Power/Spk

- Enable all Options
- Enable Horz polar
- Disable Vert polar
- Diffr Freq 3kHz
- Diffr Order 4th

The polar frequency list should

already be setup if the design file
which was previously opened was
one of the other tutorials when you
selected File | New.

- Click Ok to close the dialog.

EnclosureShop 77
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

78 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

The progress of the analysis is shown in the lower right fields of the status bar at the
bottom of the screen. There are several phases to the analysis which depend on the
complexity of simulation. In this first run we have chosen an Infinite Baffle domain
which places the baffle board of the enclosure within the infinite plane. Therefore
no diffraction analysis is required. This speeds up the analysis greatly. The analysis
here should be completed in a matter of seconds.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

For this example we are only interested in the On-Axis SPL response curve, so we
will disable the other two SPL curves. All other curves we will leave enabled.

- Click the Show All


- Uncheck the [G] box

on curves #2, #17, #18.

- Click Ok, close the


We will now save our

design to disk to keep/
update our changes to
this point.

■ Select the File | Save menu item (or use CTRL-S)

EnclosureShop 79
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

■ Click the SPL Graph select button.

■ Select the Scale | Auto or Up/Dn menu items to view the curve.

Your screen should now appear similar to the graph shown below. There is a
single curve shown which is the On-Axis response of the woofer on an infi-
nite baffle domain.

Note that the response is very smooth showing only a slight rise above 2kHz.
We will use this Infinite Baffle analysis as a reference against the Full Space
response curves which will follow.

The Infinite Baffle response contains no diffraction so the response is purely

that of the transducer itself. This provides a good base line reference. We will
need to save a copy of this curve into the Guide Curve library.

Infinite Baffle

80 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #1 and click

the PASTE button.

- Edit/Append the name

with the text "InfBaf"

- Change the curve color

on #1 to Black.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

We will now change the domain to Full Space.

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item.

- Change the domain to Full Space.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

We must now revisit the Layout Parameters

to pickup our domain change.

EnclosureShop 81
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

The enclosure now appears within an anechoic chamber environment. No

adjustment of the layout is required, since the transducer is already in the center
of the baffle board. The transducer is still aligned with the primary simulation
target so we need merely to close the dialog.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

This analysis run will take much longer, probably several minutes depending
on the speed of your computer. If you receive an error message that you do not
have sufficient memory, you will not be able to continue with this example.

82 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

The progress of the analysis is shown in the lower right fields of the status bar at the
bottom of the screen. There are several phases to the diffraction analysis which
consume the majority of the analysis time.

When the analysis has finished you should see two curves on the SPL graph as
shown here below. The previous Infinite Baffle response is shown in Black and the
new Full Space response is shown in Red.

At low frequencies the level has dropped about 6dB. This is a result of the spatial
volume doubling which cuts the pressure in half. At very high frequencies there is
no change in the response since the transducer is highly directional.

However, at mid frequencies we now see a peak at 450Hz and a dip at 1kHz. This
is a result of the diffraction around the box given the center location of the woofer.
Since the woofer is directly at the center of the baffle board, the diffraction effects
due to each of the four face edges are identical and quadruple the amplitude. This
produces a very strong diffraction resulting in the severe peak/hole combination.

As before we will want to save this response before changing the location of the
woofer for the next run.

Infinite Baffle Woofer Center

EnclosureShop 83
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #2 and click the PASTE button.
- Edit/Append the name with the text "Center"
- Change the curve color on #2 to Green.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

We will now move the woofer to the bottom center position.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

We will need to perform two editing operations on the woofer and enclosure.
First we select the woofer and move it down towards the bottom of the
enclosure. Next we select the enclosure and move it up to place the woofer back
On-Axis with the primary target again.

We must keep the woofer On-Axis with the target in order to maintain the same
high frequency response. The results of the two operations are shown on the
following page.

- Select the Woofer.

- Use the Position Cube to move the Woofer DOWN towards bottom.

- Select the Enclosure.

- Use the Position Cube move enclosure UP, align woofer axis with target.

When you have completed the changes, close the dialog.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

84 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

EnclosureShop 85
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

When the analysis has finished you should see three curves on the SPL graph as
shown here below. The previous Infinite Baffle response is shown in Black, the
woofer center response is shown in Green, and the new woofer at the bottom
response is shown in Red.

Moving the woofer off the dead center of the baffle board and towards the bottom
has reduced the mid band ripple to less than half the previous amount. Even though
the woofer is still centered on the width of the face, it is no longer centered vertically
on the face. This is a major improvement.

The diffraction paths from the woofer to the four edges are no longer identical. The
distance from the woofer to the top and bottom are very different. This causes the
frequencies of the diffraction ripples to be staggered, rather than piled on top of each
other. Staggering this distances spreads out the diffraction across a wider frequency
region and reduces the amplitude of the peaks and dips.

As before we will save this response to the Guide Curve library.

Woofer Center
Infinite Baffle

Woofer Bottom

86 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #3 and click the PASTE button.
- Edit/Append the name with the text "Bottom"
- Change the curve color on #3 to Purple.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

We will now move the woofer to the corner position.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

Again we will need to perform two editing operations on the woofer and enclosure.
First we select the woofer and move it left towards the corner of the enclosure. Next
we select the enclosure and move it right to place the woofer back On-Axis with the
primary target again.

We must keep the woofer On-Axis with the target in order to maintain the same high
frequency response. The results of the two operations are shown on the following

- Select the Woofer.

- Use the Position Cube to move the Woofer LEFT towards corner.

- Select the Enclosure.

- Use the Position Cube move enclosure RIGHT, align woofer axis with target.

When you have completed the changes, close the dialog.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

EnclosureShop 87
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

88 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

When the analysis has finished you should see four curves on the SPL graph as
shown here below. Once again the new curve is in Red showing the response with
the woofer now in the corner of the baffle board.

Moving the woofer to the corner has continued to reduce the peak at 450Hz, but has
now actually changed the dip at 1kHz to a peak as well. This is yet another different
combination of staggered diffraction paths from the woofer to the edges around the

For our final location we will move the woofer slightly higher again, thus making
the distances from the woofer to all four edges unique. As before we save this curve.

Woofer Bottom Woofer Center

Infinite Baffle

Woofer Corner

EnclosureShop 89
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #4 and click the PASTE button.
- Edit/Append the name with the text "Corner"
- Change the curve color on #4 to Tan/Gold.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

We will now move the woofer to the offset position.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

Again we will need to perform two editing operations on the woofer and
enclosure. First we select the woofer and move it up slightly higher about half
way more towards the center of the enclosure. Next we select the enclosure and
move it down to place the woofer back On-Axis with the primary target again.

We must keep the woofer On-Axis with the target in order to maintain the same
high frequency response. The results of the two operations are shown on the
following page.

- Select the Woofer.

- Use the Position Cube to move the Woofer UP towards but not to center.

- Select the Enclosure.

- Use the Position Cube move enclosure DOWN, align woofer axis with

When you have completed the changes, close the dialog.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

90 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

EnclosureShop 91
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

When the analysis has finished you should see five curves on the SPL graph as
shown here below. Again the new curve is in Red showing the response with
the woofer now fully offset from all baffle board edges by different amounts.

This response now shows a new small dip at approximately 1600Hz, but overall
is probably the best compromise. Diffraction produces ripples, and moving a
driver around on the baffle board can only push these ripples to different
locations. The diffraction has not been eliminated but merely staggered.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #5 and click the PASTE button.
- Edit/Append the name with the text "Offset"
- Change the curve color on #5 to Pink.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the File | Save menu item (or use CTRL-S)

Woofer Bottom Woofer Center

Infinite Baffle

Woofer Offset
Woofer Corner

92 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

Tweeter Analysis
We will now change the transducer in the enclosure to use a 1 Inch (25mm) dome
tweeter. The same sequence of previous baffle board locations will be applied.

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item.

- Click the yellow folder transducer button.

- Select the TUTORIAL file.

- Select the DT25 entry.
- Select the Infinite Baffle domain.

- Click the Ok to close Enclosure dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Click the Hide All button.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

We can use the tool button features to reset the position of the transducer and
enclosure without using the Position Cube.

- Click the Default: Enclosure Layout button.

- Click the Default: Spkr/Port Layout button.

When you have completed the changes, close the dialog. The scene should appear
shown on the following page.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

When the analysis is completed, the tweeter Infinite Baffle response should look
similar to the graph on the following page. The response is very smooth with a slight
rise with increasing frequency.

EnclosureShop 93
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

Infinite Baffle

94 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #7 and click

the PASTE button.

- Edit/Append the name

with the text "InfBaf"

- Change the curve color

on #7 to Black.

- Click Ok, close the dia-


We will now change the domain to Full Space.

■ Select the Edit | Enclosure Parameters menu item.

- Change the domain to Full Space.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

We must now revisit the Layout Parameters

to pickup our domain change.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

EnclosureShop 95
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

Tweeter Center

Infinite Baffle

96 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

When the analysis has finished you should see two curves on the SPL graph as
shown on the preceding page. The previous Infinite Baffle response is shown in
Black and the new Full Space response with the tweeter in center shown in Red.

We now see diffraction ripples just as we did in the case of the woofer, but for the
tweeter they are now somewhat different. The peak at 450Hz is still present as is
the dip at 1kHz. However there are many more ripples extending through 10kHz.

The reason behind this is the Off-Axis radiation differences. The woofer becomes
directional at the higher frequencies and produces little Off-Axis pressure. Remem-
ber that all of the diffraction energy comes from the 90 degree Off-Axis response
of a transducer, since it is mounted on the enclosure surface. The tweeter on the
other hand is a much smaller source with substantial Off-Axis radiation to much
higher frequencies. As such the diffraction interference patterns continue to much
higher frequencies.

As before we will want to save this response before changing the location of the
tweeter for the next run.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #8 and click the PASTE button.

- Edit/Append the name with the text "Center"

- Change the curve color on #8 to Green.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

EnclosureShop 97
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

We will now move the tweeter to the bottom center position.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

We will need to perform two editing operations on the tweeter and enclosure.
First we select the tweeter and move it down towards the bottom of the
enclosure. Next we select the enclosure and move it up to place the tweeter
back On-Axis with the primary target again.

We must keep the tweeter On-Axis with the target in order to maintain the same
high frequency response. The results of the two operations are shown on the
following page.

- Select the Tweeter.

- Use the Position Cube to move the Tweeter DOWN towards bottom.

- Select the Enclosure.

- Use the Position Cube move enclosure UP, align tweeter axis with target.

When you have completed the changes, close the dialog.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

98 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

EnclosureShop 99
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

When the analysis has finished you should see three curves on the SPL graph as
shown here below. The previous Infinite Baffle response is shown in Black, the
tweeter center response is shown in Green, and the new tweeter at the bottom
response is shown in Red.

Moving the tweeter off the dead center of the baffle board and towards the
bottom has reduced the peak at 450Hz and the dip at 1kHz significantly. Even
though the tweeter is still centered on the width of the face, it is no longer
centered vertically on the face. This is a major improvement.

The diffraction paths from the tweeter to the four edges are no longer identical.
The distance from the tweeter to the top and bottom are very different. However
the small ripples still remain at the higher frequencies. While some have been
reduced, others remain unchanged or pushed to different frequencies.

As before we will save this response to the Guide Curve library.

Tweeter Bottom

Tweeter Center

Infinite Baffle

100 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #9 and click the PASTE button.
- Edit/Append the name with the text "Bottom"
- Change the curve color on #9 to Purple.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

We will now move the tweeter to the corner position.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

Again we will need to perform two editing operations on the tweeter and enclosure.

- Select the Tweeter.

- Use the Position Cube to move the Tweeter LEFT towards corner.

- Select the Enclosure.

- Use the Position Cube move enclosure RIGHT, align tweeter axis with target.

When you have completed the changes, close the dialog.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

EnclosureShop 101
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

102 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

When the analysis has finished you should see four curves on the SPL graph as
shown here below. Once again the new curve is in Red showing the response with
the tweeter now in the corner of the baffle board.

Moving the tweeter to the corner has continued to reduce the peak at 450Hz, but has
now actually changed the dip at 1kHz to a peak as well. This is yet another different
combination of staggered diffraction paths from the tweeter to the edges around the

For our final location we will move the tweeter slightly higher again, thus making
the distances from the tweeter to all four edges unique.

As before we save this curve.

Tweeter Corner
Tweeter Bottom

Tweeter Center

Infinite Baffle

EnclosureShop 103
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #10 and click the PASTE button.
- Edit/Append the name with the text "Corner"
- Change the curve color on #10 to Tan/Gold.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

We will now move the tweeter to the offset position.

■ Select the Edit | Layout Parameters menu item (F5).

Again we will need to perform two editing operations on the tweeter and
enclosure. First we select the tweeter and move it up slightly higher about half
way more towards the center of the enclosure. Next we select the enclosure and
move it down to place the tweeter back On-Axis with the primary target again.

We must keep the tweeter On-Axis with the target in order to maintain the same
high frequency response. The results of the two operations are shown on the
following page.

- Select the Tweeter.

- Use the Position Cube to move the Tweeter UP towards but not to center.

- Select the Enclosure.

- Use the Position Cube move enclosure DOWN, align tweeter axis with

When you have completed the changes, close the dialog.

- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Edit | Calculate menu item (F9).

104 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

EnclosureShop 105
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

When the analysis has finished you should see five curves on the SPL graph as
shown here below. Again the new curve is in Red showing the response with
the tweeter now fully offset from all baffle board edges by different amounts.

This response seems to show the best staggering of ripple occurrence. It is

somewhat more difficult to cancel all of the small ripples of a tweeter at higher
frequencies by staggering of the diffraction paths. Since the ripples are small
they tend to appear at separate frequencies rather than cancelling each other.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Select curve #1 and click the COPY button.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Select entry #11 and click the PASTE button.
- Edit/Append the name with the text "Offset"
- Change the curve color on #11 to Pink.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the File | Save menu item (or use CTRL-S)

Tweeter Corner Tweeter Offset

Tweeter Bottom

Tweeter Center

Infinite Baffle

106 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

To verify the accuracy of the diffraction simulation, an enclosure was constructed

with similar dimensions and an 8 Inch woofer mounted at the center of the baffle
board. The enclosure was measured on a pole (Full Space) and on an infinite
baffle. Time did not permit the construction of multiple baffle boards for different
woofer locations, or the testing of the tweeter. However, the procedure to be out-
lined demonstrates the methodology.

When comparing diffraction simulations and measurements, the actual response

of the transducer must be removed. The simulated response of the transducer will
not contain the natural mid/high peaks and dips present in actual transducers. In
order to isolate the diffraction effects, the full space diffraction response is di-
vided by the infinite baffle response. This removes common factors such as the
transducer and leaves only the response changes due to the domain.

We will begin by preparing the simulation curves.

■ Select the Processing | Binary Math Operations menu item (F4).

- Select the DIV operation.

- Select curve #2 for [A].
- Select curve #1 for [B].
- Select curve #15 for [Result].
- Click Execute.
- Click Exit, close the dialog.

We now have a ratio curve which is the transfer function representing the diffrac-
tion of the woofer at the center position relative to the infinite baffle response.

■ Click the Ratio Graph select button.

Your screen should now appear similar to the graph shown on the following page.
Here we can clearly see the effects of the diffraction in isolation. At low frequen-
cies there is a reduction of 6dB, a peak of nearly 5dB at 450Hz, and a dip of -3dB
at 1kHz. We observed these effects in the original woofer/center acoustic response
but here we see them shown in isolation as a pure transfer function.

EnclosureShop 107
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

The measurements of the in-

finite baffle and full space re-
sponse are available in the Tu-
torial-3 folder, and can now be
imported for comparison.

■ Select the Utilities

| Import Curve Data
menu item.

- Set the Left Vertical data

for SPL and dB.
- Select curve entry #18
- Locate the Tutorial-3
- Highlight the two SPL files
- Click the Execute button.
- Click the Exit button.

108 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

We will need to shut off the tweeter curves in the System and Guide curve librarys
and turn back on the equivalent woofer curves in the Guide Curve library.

■ Select the Graph | System Curves menu item (F4).

- Click the Hide All button.
- Click Ok, close the dialog.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Click the Hide All button

- Check the boxes in the [G] column of the grid for #1, #2, #18, #19.
- Change the color on curve #18 to Red.
- Change the color on curve #19 to Blue.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

■ Click the SPL Graph select button.

EnclosureShop 109
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

Your screen should now appear similar to the graph shown above. Four curves
are shown: the pair of simulations, and the pair of measurements. While they
are similar the response at high frequencies is entirely different. The woofer
model was not tuned to replicate the actual transducer used in the test.

We can now divide the two measurement curves to produce the equivalent
diffraction transfer function as was done for the simulation data.

■ Select the Processing | Binary Math Operations menu item (F4).

- Select the DIV operation.

- Select curve #18 for [A].
- Select curve #19 for [B].
- Select curve #20 for [Result].
- Click Execute.

- Click Exit, close the dialog.

110 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

We now have a transfer function ratio curve from the measurements. We will
setup a color for this curve and enable the previous ratio curve as well.

■ Select the Graph | Guide Curves menu item (F6).

- Check the boxes in the [G] column of the grid for #15, #20.
- Change the color on curve #20 to Red.
- Click Ok to close the dialog.

We now return to the Ratio graph to compare the results.

■ Click the Ratio Graph select button.

EnclosureShop 111
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

Your screen should now appear similar to the graph shown below. The dif-
fraction simulation is in very good agreement with the measurement. These
results are typical of the diffraction simulations provided by EnclosureShop.

The accuracy of the diffraction analysis is limited by only a few fundamental

assumptions; such as perfectly reflecting hard surfaces, the elemental resolu-
tion size, order of analysis, and the sampling frequency. The numerical solu-
tion can be carried out to any practical precision required, and in the limit of
infinite resolution/order/sampling would yield the exact diffraction solution.

The diffraction engine calculates the entire radiation field 360 degrees around
the enclosure as shown by the two polar graphs on the following page. Gen-
eration of a complete field is by far one of the toughest tests for diffraction
analysis. Excellent convergence is demonstrated by the lack of step/offsets in
the low frequency polar response curves all around the enclosure. This indi-
cates that nearly all of the radiated and diffracted energy has been included.
The rear field behind and to the sides of the enclosure is produced entirely
from diffracted radiation.

112 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Tutorial 3 Transducer Location & Diffraction

Woofer at Offset Location

Horizontal Polar

Tweeter at Offset Location

Horizontal Polar

EnclosureShop 113
Application Manual
Transducer Location & Diffraction Tutorial 3

We have demonstrated some of the essential capabilities involved with dif-
fraction analysis using EnclosureShop. Many different types of diffraction
can be explored for a wide variety of enclosure shapes and transducer/port
locations. However, diffraction analysis is extremely computer intensive and
places enormous demands on the hardware capabilities.

This example showed the effects of changing the transducer location, while
the enclosure shape was maintained. We could just as easily changed the
enclosure shape as well, say by using beveled corners, or a non rectangular
baffle board. Countless possibilities can be explored.

From the analysis provided here it is clear that locating transducers at equal
distances to the enclosure edges should be avoided. If we wish to minimize
the diffraction ripple amplitudes the transducer(s) should be placed at unique
distances to all edges whenever possible. However, there may be occasions
where the diffraction ripples can be pushed around in such a way as to com-
pliment and/or cancel some of the natural response defects of the transducer.

Note: The completed tutorial design is given in the files Tutorial-3.led.

114 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

App Note Application Note 1

Transmission Line Enclosures

n Highlights
Ported Highpass Model
Port Area & Length Effects
Port Standing Waves
Port Loss & Damping
Media Characteristics
Model Comparisons

n Design Objectives
Design a transmission line enclosure. Triple Double
Woofer to be used, 8 Inch (200 mm). Folded Folded
Maximize the low frequency response.
Minimize the port reflection ripples.
Compare response to other model types.

The phrase transmission line enclosure is common terminology used to describe a

special variation of the ported highpass enclosure family. In reality this name is
not very descriptive or unique, since any port in any enclosure behaves and can be
viewed as a short transmission line. However, in this class of enclosure the port is
so long that the transmission line effects become a dominant characteristic that
cannot be ignored or modeled with lumped parameter methodology. Some may
view these characteristics as desirable or undesirable.

This class of enclosure can probably best be defined by two fundamental charac-
teristics: a small chamber volume and a very long port. Due to the longer port the
standing waves within the port begin at much lower frequencies. These standing
waves (reflections or pipe modes) are very strong and produce aberrations in the
response of the enclosure. To minimize this the port is typically filled with a
batting media such as fiberglass, polyester, etc. which dampens the reflections.

However, the losses produced from the batting also reduce the effectiveness of the
port at very low frequencies. Therefore TL designs often come down to a tricky
balancing act between adding loss to reduce the reflections, while still achieving a
suitable low frequency response. The different types of media and how they are
applied all play a critical role in the final response.

EnclosureShop 115
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

n TL Parameters & Construction

Ideally the TL type enclosure has the rear port coupled directly to the back of
the transducer, in much the same fashion as would be a plane wave tube. In
this case there is no effective chamber volume Vab. As we shall see this pa-
rameter is assigned only a residual value which has negligible effect on the
response. Therefore the Vab parameter is not critical or of interest in TL
designs. The associated chamber/port resonance frequency Fp of classical
tuning is also irrelevant and unimportant.

The port itself is the primary focus of the design. The port may be configured
with constant area or tapered. In the later case it becomes a horn/waveguide.
TL designs have been made with either expanding or contracting area from
the transducer to the mouth. However, in this example we will only consider
the constant area type.

Therefore the two fundamental parameters for the port are its area Sp and its
length Lp. Due to the vital role played by the filling material; the type of
media, fill volume, and media density also become important parameters.

Quantitatively prescribing the fill of fibrous material is difficult. Stuffing a

tube with the exact same quantity of material two different times will produce
two different results. Fibrous material is not a homogeneous media that can
be accurately parameterized with any high degree of precision.

Nevertheless the specification of the batting media must be included in the

analysis to accurately simulate TL designs. In this respect EnclosureShop has
very good models for various batting media which greatly improve the accu-
racy of TL simulations. The use of hyperbolic trigonometric functions is also
crucial to the accurate simulation of transmission line behavior, and the stand-
ing wave patterns.

EnclosureShop actually uses a multitude of transmission line elements to model

all of the acoustic elements in an enclosure. These are complete four param-
eter lossy transmission line elements and are vital for media representation.

In some cases TL designs are constructed with batting material in only certain
locations. These highly specialized nonuniform configurations are difficult
to model in any convenient fashion. For this example we will only consider
the specification of batting by media type, density, and fill percentage.

116 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

n Transducer Parameters
A simple 8 Inch woofer model was created for this example. A TSL model was
use for simplicity. The driver is located in the Tutorial.LTD file of the Transducers
folder. The driver TSL parameters are shown below.

* Loudspeaker Enclosure Analysis Program

* LEAP® EnclosureShop Mar/04/2003
* ©1993-2003 LinearX Systems Inc
* Date: Mar 5, 2003 Wed 3:30 am
* LTD File=D:\Program Files\LEAP\Transducers\Tutorial.LTD
* Electro Mechanical Parameters
Name= TL 8 Inch
Model= TSL
Domain= FreeAir
Shape= Round
Profile= Cone
Fmd= 1.0000 KA
Qmd= 0.7070
Flp= 4.0000 KA
Qlp= 2.0000
Znom= 8.0000 Ohm
Revc= 7.7000 Ohm
Sd= 22.1700E-3 M²
Mmd= 22.8000 g
Pmax= 100.0000 W
Rtvc= 2.5000 °C/W
Xgap= 8.0000 mm
Xcoil= 22.0000 mm
Xmax= 7.0000E-3 M
Krm= 10.0000E-3 Ohm
Erm= 700.0000E-3
Kxm= 20.0000E-3 H
Exm= 700.0000E-3
Rms= 1.9124 N·S/M
Mms= 24.6970E-3 Kg
Cms= 999.9972 uM/N
Vas= 70.2020 Ltr
Fo= 32.0257 Hz
Qms= 2.5986
Qes= 0.4521
Qts= 0.3851
BL= 9.2001 T·M
Levc= 1.4510 mH
SPLo= 88.9110 dB
No= 0.489 %

EnclosureShop 117
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

0o On-Axis

Infinite Baffle

n Infinite Baffle Reference Model

Before we dive into the TL simulations it is probably a good idea to create
some other models for reference and comparison. The first reference model
will be a simple infinite baffle. This consists of merely simulating the trans-
ducer on an infinite plane.

- 3D Layout Views
The 3D layout for this setup is shown on the following page. The scene was
rotated to show both the frontal and rear views of the infinite plane. The
primary simulation position is shown by the target object, and the polar paths
are shown by the arrow arcs.

- SPL & Impedance Response

The graphs on the next following page show the acoustic response for both
the 1 Meter field location and near field diaphragm, as well as the impedance
response. Both magnitude and phase is given. We see that the speaker is
about 88dBspl @1W/1M in the mid range.

- Excursion & Velocity Response

The graphs on the next following page show the diaphragm excursion and
velocity response. Even at a low level of 1W the excursion is 2.6 mm at 10Hz.

- Acceleration & Volume Response

The graphs on the next following page show the diaphragm acceleration and
volume response. Volume velocity is merely acoustic current.

- Polar Response
The graphs on the next following page show the polar pattern. Two versions
are given: absolute and normalized (to zero degree on-axis values).

118 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

Infinite Baffle
Front View

Infinite Baffle
Rear View

EnclosureShop 119
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

Infinite Baffle

Spkr Near Field

Spkr @ 1M OnAxis

120 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

Infinite Baffle

EnclosureShop 121
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

Infinite Baffle

122 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

Infinite Baffle

Horizontal Polar Response


Horizontal Polar Response


EnclosureShop 123
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

0o On-Axis

Infinite Baffle

Vented Highpass
Enclosure Model

n Vented Highpass Reference Model

It would also be useful to have a conventional vented highpass enclosure model
for comparison. Since diffraction around the enclosure is a separate issue and
unrelated to the transmission line behavior we wish to explore, all of our en-
closures will be simulated on a simple infinite baffle domain.

As a quick & dirty approach the parameters for this vented enclosure were
chosen as follows: Vab equal to Vas, and Fp equal to Fs. A 50% fill of 1 lb/Ft³
density fiberglass was assumed for the chamber. A rectangular shell/chamber
and port were used with area Sp of about 1/3 the Sd value of the transducer.

- 3D Layout Views
The 3D layout for this model setup is shown on the following page. The
scene was rotated to show both the frontal and rear views of the box. The
primary simulation position is shown by the target object, and the polar paths
are shown by the arrow arcs.

- SPL Response
The graphs on the next following page show the acoustic response for the 1
Meter field location, and the localized regions of the enclosure. This includes
the internal chamber, near field speaker, and near field port response. The
response has quite good bass response and is 3dB down at 35Hz. The pri-
mary port reflection occurs at about 500Hz due to the 10.4 In duct length.

124 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

Vented Highpass
Enclosure on
Infinite Baffle
Front View

Vented Highpass
Enclosure on
Infinite Baffle
Rear View

EnclosureShop 125
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

Vented Box

Spkr @ 1M OnAxis

Internal Chamber

Spkr Near Field

Port Near Field

126 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

The port reflection just shown at 500Hz is a transmission line effect, and under-
scores the previous point that all ports are transmission lines. In this case the port
had a length of only 10.4 In. Longer ports will cause the reflection frequencies to
move down accordingly.

- Impedance Response
The graph below shows the impedance response, and displays the classic double
hump behavior as one would expect for a vented enclosure.

- Excursion, Velocity, Acceleration & Volume Response

The graphs on the following pages give the excursion, velocity, acceleration, and
volume current for the vented enclosure. Note that the air in the port is traveling
about 3 times as far as that of the transducer. This is due to the area ratio between
the port and the speaker. The area of the port is only 1/3 that of the speaker, so it
must move faster and farther to yield the same total volume current. Both sides of
the diaphragm deliver the same quantity of acoustic volume current, and ultimately
at very low frequencies, the volume velocities of the port and transducer become
equal as shown in the volume velocity graph.

Vented Box

EnclosureShop 127
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

Vented Box





128 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

Vented Box




EnclosureShop 129
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

0o On-Axis n TL Design #1
Much has been written about the design
criteria for transmission line enclosures.
Infinite Baffle While it would be highly desirable to uti-
lize a simple set of formulas or tables to
arrive at values for port length and area,
Model this is often not practical or even possible.

Unfortunately the response of a TL type design is strongly dependent on the

characteristics of the filling material itself. Different types of materials, den-
sities, and fill factors can and will change the response quite dramatically. In
most cases the reflection ripples cannot be eliminated but merely pushed around
and damped to acceptable levels. This then becomes a subjective process not
well suited to quick and easy design tables.

A trial & error methodology is probably more effective. The response can be
simulated with much higher detail and accuracy to better optimize a particular
set of design objectives. In this respect EnclosureShop provides an ideal means
of simulating many different TL designs quickly and accurately.

It is possible to simulate very complex arbitrary structures with Enclosure-

Shop, but for this example we will simply use the standard Ported Highpass
model. The structure is the same, and we merely need to edit the parameters
where needed to produce the TL configuration.

The previous vented design used a 2.7 Ft³

box. For the case of the TL, we will change
the occupied volume to use up nearly all of
the available chamber volume. This is ac-
tually what takes place in reality, since the
port is often folded up inside the box which
consumes the internal volume.

In this case we leave a residual value of

0.06Ft³. The value is not at all critical, but
cannot be zero. Depending on how the
TL is actually constructed, there may in-
deed be a finite effective value for Vab.

130 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

As a starting guess for the area of the port, we will simply

choose a value equal to that of the transducer. Since the
width of the enclosure was 16 Inches, a rectangular port
is used with the same width and a height of 4 Inches. Given
the wall thickness this yields an area of about 0.022 M².

We really have no idea what to choose for the port length. However, one general
rule does apply here. The low frequency cutoff will be somewhat related to the
length of the port. The longer the port, the lower the cutoff frequency.

To begin we choose a port length of 6 Ft (72 In). In some cases the port length is
simply the longest length possible to fit in the desired enclosure size.

As mentioned previously the port resonance

frequency is meaningless and unimportant.

For this initial design we will only use Air

as the media within the port.

The 3D layout is shown on the following

page. The port is very long and protrudes
through the back of the enclosure. This is
of course only an visual representation.

The 3D editor has no means of folding the

port. However, the rear of the port is always
treated as though it is within the chamber.

EnclosureShop 131
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

TL Design

132 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

The resulting acoustic response for this first TL design is shown below. There are
an abundance of reflections throughout the mid band region. These are the stand-
ing wave reflections within the port, and they are substantial. Note that the level
drops over 20dB in the first primary hole. Such is the need for damping.

The acoustic response at both ends of the port and near the speaker is shown on the
following page. Likewise the impedance graph is also shown. These are the clas-
sic impedance reflections which occur from finite length tubes.

The excursion and velocity graphs are shown on the next following page. The port
reflections are extremely pervasive throughout the system. They affect every re-
sponse parameter.

Note also that unlike the previous vented design, the excursion and velocity am-
plitudes for both the transducer and port are now equal. For the TL case the port
area was chosen to be equal to the transducer area. It is probably fair to say that
very few people would desire a listening experience with this design.

TL #1 (port media 100% air)

On-Axis Response

EnclosureShop 133
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

TL #1 (port media 100% air)

Internal Chamber (port throat)

Port Near (port mouth)

Spkr Near

134 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

TL #1 (port media 100% air)





EnclosureShop 135
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

n TL Design #2
The obvious improvement
needed from the first design is
to add acoustic losses through
the port to dampen the nasty

To give this a try we shall now

fill all of the port (100%) with
0.5lb/Ft³ Polyester (PE). This
is a common batting material.

The resulting acoustic response for this PE damped TL design is shown on the
following page. This is a tremendous improvement over the previous case.
The large 20dB hole is now 6dB, and the numerous other ripples have also
been greatly reduced.

The impedance graph now shows a very damped response, with the reso-
nance and reflection humps largely removed. Only a broad hump rise re-

However, the excursion curves and their new values at 10Hz should be noted.
The amplitudes have now dropped from their previous values of about 2.6
mm to less than 2.0 mm. The Polyester within the port adds considerable
resistance, and this restriction results in less overall output at all frequencies.

In order to reduce the port reflections, port resistance must be added. At the
same time this also reduces the low frequency response. Such is the compro-
mise associated with a TL design.

Of course we may take the position take we desire a very soft knee for the
response, and are not bothered by the loss of low frequency output. In that
case we should increase the port losses further.

136 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

TL #2 (port media 100% 0.5lb/Ft³ Polyester)

On-Axis Response

Internal Chamber (port throat)

Spkr Near

Port Near (port mouth)

EnclosureShop 137
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

TL #2 (port media 100% 0.5lb/Ft³ Polyester)


138 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

n TL Design #3
We could use several different tech-
niques to increase the port losses.
For this attempt we will merely
switch to a different media.

All batting materials are not created

equal. They have very different
characteristics. For this example we
will use Fiberglass with the same
0.5lb/Ft³ density.

The resulting acoustic response for this FG damped TL design is shown in the top
graph on the following page. The large ripples are now nearly gone. However
some small sharp ripples remain.

We must remember that a small chamber volume was included in the TL design.
We have not assigned any damping media to this chamber, and it too has reflec-
tions - small ones.

We can easily assign a fill factor of 50% Fi-

berglass to the chamber as well. When the
design is analyzed again, the response in the
lower graph is produced. The small cham-
ber reflections are now damped as well.

The impedance and excursion graphs are

shown on the next following page. All of
the curves are now relatively smooth.

Shallow ripples still remain in the acoustic

response, but would probably be of smaller
amplitude than defects which exist in the re-
sponse of the transducer itself.

It may be of interest to compute the amount of batting material used to achieve this
level of damping. The internal volume of the port is about 1.4 Ft³. Using the 1/2
lb Fiberglass media, about 3/4 of a lb would be utilized per enclosure. If Polyester
was to be used, a much higher density and quantity would be required.

EnclosureShop 139
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

TL #3 (port media 100% 0.5lb/Ft³ Fiberglass)

On-Axis Response

On-Axis Response

Note: With 50% fill

of FG in Chamber.

140 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

TL #3 (port media 100% 0.5lb/Ft³ Fiberglass)



EnclosureShop 141
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

n Model Comparisons
We can now compare the various response characteristics of the #3 TL design
to the different models simulated previously. The acoustic and impedance
response graphs are shown on the following page, and the diaphragm excur-
sion on the next following page.

Without question, the most efficient bass design is the standard vented highpass
enclosure. The response extends very low with substantial output to 35Hz.
There is the issue of a 500Hz reflection from the port, but this generally falls
outside the frequency range of use in a three-way crossover system. A small
amount of damping inside the port would easily reduce this at such a high
frequency of 500Hz, where batting materials are highly absorbent.

The infinite baffle acoustic response is without question the smoothest, since
there is no chamber or port where reflections can occur. The low frequency
knee is soft, and the response rolls off at the 12dB/Octave slope.

The TL design is essentially a heavily damped 4th order vented design, and
approximates a 3rd order response, between that of the infinite baffle and
conventional vented. The knee is softer than the vented design. Ripples still
remain in the passband, but are much smoother with this level of damping.

It should be noted that a conventional sealed or vented enclosure could also

be designed to have a soft low Q knee if that was the objective.

The impedance curves show the expected characteristics. The TL design has
the lowest Q resonance behavior. However, either of the other two curves
could be easily squashed down as well by merely paralleling a resistor, with
no changes in the acoustic response.

The excursion response for the TL design is heavily restricted at low frequen-
cies as compared to the other two. This is of course due to the acoustic resis-
tance damping within the port.

Comparing the excursions between the conventional vented design and the
TL design near 32Hz highlights the efficiency of the vented design. The ex-
cursion for both is essentially the same. Yet the acoustic output from the
vented design is 8dB higher. The vented design effectively utilizes the radia-
tion from both sides of the diaphragm.

142 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 1 Transmission Line Enclosures

Model Comparisons


TL #3



TL #3

EnclosureShop 143
Application Manual
Transmission Line Enclosures Application Note 1

Infinite Baffle


TL #3 Speaker

n Summary
Transmission Line (TL) enclosures can be simulated with relative ease and
high accuracy using the capabilities of EnclosureShop. Many different de-
signs are possible and can be explored very quickly to determine the best
possible combination of parameters.

Their construction is typically far more difficult than most conventional en-
closures, and may greatly affect the results. Correlation with simulations are
more problematic than conventional designs, since so many non ideal factors
all contribute to the behavior of the port. Bracing, filling consistency, and
area/corner changes can significantly affect the response.

This completes the application note.

144 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

App Note Application Note 2

Loudspeaker Arrays

n Highlights
Sealed Highpass 2x15 Array
Custom Enclosure Model
Import 3D Enclosure Shell
Multi-Enclosure Analysis
Diffraction Analysis
Array Comparisons

n Objectives
Design & simulate an array.
Evaluate Polar response.
Five 2x15 cabinets.
Compare array curvature.

Loudspeaker arrays are commonly used in professional sound reinforcement where

large theaters, arenas, and outdoor stadiums require substantial acoustic power.
The revolutionary diffraction capabilities provided in EnclosureShop now enable
the practical and detailed analysis of such arrays.

In this example we shall examine the response characteristics of an array of five

enclosures, each consisting of two 15 Inch (380 mm) transducers. Since the focus
here is not on the individual enclosure, but rather an array of them, a basic sealed
highpass design will be used. A trapezoidal shape will be employed as is often the
case with enclosures designed for array applications.

The analysis of arrays in EnclosureShop is provided through use of the Custom

Multipass dialog. This dialog allows arbitrary enclosure structures to be defined.
For the case of arrays, this is used to construct a multi cell enclosure with each cell
representing an individual enclosure in the array. The result is a cluster of enclo-
sures which can be continued within a single shell definition.

In most cases a custom 3D object will need to be created and imported in order to
define the shell of the array. This is a panelization process required to decompose
the shape of the array into a proper 3D polygon object. This process will be
demonstrated here for three different array shells.

EnclosureShop 145
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

n Transducer Parameters
A 15 Inch (380 mm) woofer will be used for this example. The TL1603A
model was chosen. The driver is located in the Tutorial.LTD file of the Trans-
ducers folder. The driver LTD parameters are shown below.

* Loudspeaker Enclosure Analysis Program

* LEAP® EnclosureShop Mar/07/2003
* ©1993-2003 LinearX Systems Inc
* Date: Mar 7, 2003 Fri 7:03 am
* LTD File=C:\Program Files\LEAP\Transducers\TUTORIAL.LTD
* Electro Mechanical Parameters
Name= TL1603, LTD Model
Model= LTD
Domain= FreeAir
Shape= Round
Profile= Cone
Fmd= 2.0000 KA
Qmd= 2.8280
Flp= 4.0000 KA
Qlp= 1.0000
Znom= 8.0000 Ohm Txm= 558.4540E-6 Delta/°C
Revc= 6.8800 Ohm Krs= 140.2228 N·S/M
Sd= 88.8000E-3 M² Xrs= 6.8819E-3 M
Mmd= 103.8400E-3 Kg Drs= 753.9800E-3
Pmax= 500.0000 W Ers= 743.4800E-3
Rtvc= 500.0000E-3 °C/W Grs= 4.7285
Xgap= 8.0000E-3 M Trs= -41.5820E-3 Delta/°C
Xcoil= 28.0000E-3 M Kcs= 244.9552E-6 M/N
Xmax= 10.0000E-3 M Xcs= 4.7352E-3 M
Xfrg= 7.8330E-3 M Dcs= 399.0400E-3
Efrg= 14.8630 Ecs= 16.3400E-3
BLo= 18.7098 T·M Gcs= 974.4900E-3
Ta= 25.0000 °C Tcs= 9.5780E-3 Delta/°C
Vs= 2.8284 V Rms= 2.9988 N·S/M
Krm= 5.8735 Ohm Mms= 119.0130E-3 Kg
Frm= 1.3616E3 Hz Cms= 246.2094E-6 M/N
Drm= 707.7300E-3 Vas= 277.3001E-3 M³
Erm= 725.8200E-3 Fo= 29.4159 Hz
Vrm= 14.2800E-3 Qms= 7.3317
Trm= -192.2520E-6 Delta/°C Qes= 0.4336
Kxm= 10.2214 H Qts= 0.4094
Fxm= 1.0644E3 Hz BL= 18.6967 T·M
Dxm= 695.3300E-3 Levc= 1.6031E-3 H
Exm= 679.6300E-3 SPLo= 93.9452 dB
Vxm= 32.4200E-3 No= 1.5585 %

146 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

n Sealed Highpass 2 x 15 Enclosure

The basic design of the single 2 x 15 enclo-
sure is shown below. A volume of about 4
Ft³ per speaker was employed, for a total
volume of 8 Ft³ for the enclosure.

The enclosure has a trapezoidal taper on the

height dimension from front to back, with a
slope of 1 Inch per Foot.

The single enclosure was simulated both in

Infinite Baffle and Full Space domains. The
3D layouts and response curves for both do-
mains are shown on the following pages.

40 In 24 In
20 In

16 In

EnclosureShop 147
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

Single Enclosure, Infinite Baffle, Front View

Single Enclosure, Infinite Baffle, Rear View

148 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

Single Enclosure, Infinite Baffle

Spkr @ 1M OnAxis

Internal Chamber

Spkr Near Field

EnclosureShop 149
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

Single Enclosure, Infinite Baffle

150 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

Single Enclosure, Infinite Baffle



EnclosureShop 151
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

Single Enclosure, Full Space, Front & Rear Views

152 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

The acoustic response of the single enclosure in the anechoic domain is shown
below. The response is quite different from that of the Infinite Baffle domain.
Note that the response rises above 300 Hz. This is due to the directivity of the
enclosure relative to those frequencies. At lower frequencies the enclosure has no
directivity and radiates into full 4p space, thus producing a lower On-Axis level.

The polar plots on the following page give the same information. At low frequen-
cies the enclosure behaves omnidirectional as indicated by the circular response
curves. At higher frequencies the enclosure, and then the transducers, become

The horizontal curves show the typical lobing patterns that arise from multiple
sources. The vertical curves show only the behavior of a single transducer, since
the two transducers are located in-line horizontally.

We can expect that an array of these enclosures will increase the directivity dra-
matically at low frequencies due to the larger baffling effect of their combination.

Single Enclosure, Full Space

Spkr @ 1M OnAxis

EnclosureShop 153
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

Single Enclosure, Full Space



154 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

n Loudspeaker Array - No Curvature

We will now combine five of the dual woofer enclosures into a vertical array as
shown in the pictorial below. For this first array simulation the enclosures will be
aligned vertically without curvature.

The array is now viewed as a single multi-enclosure, with five isolated chambers
and ten transducers, two in each chamber. To construct this enclosure the Custom
Multipass model dialog is used as shown below. Virtually any arbitrary enclosure
structure with any combination of chambers, transducers, and ports can be defined
using this dialog. Here we configure five chambers with two transducers each.

For this straight array a standard shell could be chosen from the dialog. However,
since we will need to use an imported 3D shell for the next arrays, we shall intro-
duce the process now. A polygon version of the array must now be defined with
the proper vertex and face information. This information can then be used to
create an OBJ text file defining the shell for import into EnclosureShop. The
panelization of the array shell is shown on the following page.


EnclosureShop 155
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

6 5
No Curvature
2 1
5 2 2 1 1 5
6 6


7 8 8 4
4 3 3 7
4 3
Vertex List (In)
Face List
1 +20.000 +50.000 -00.000 (counter clockwise) FACE-5
2 -20.000 +50.000 -00.000
3 +20.000 -50.000 -00.000 1 1243
4 -20.000 -50.000 -00.000 2 1375
5 +20.000 +48.000 -24.000 3 6842 8 7
6 -20.000 +48.000 -24.000 4 6215
7 +20.000 -48.000 -24.000 5 4873
8 -20.000 -48.000 -24.000 6 5786

156 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

The array panelization contains a simplified version of the rear surfaces. The back
of the array is represented as a flat surface, while in reality there might be small
angular voids between the individual enclosures for a trapezoidal shape.

Simplification of real physical shells is often needed and desirable for diffraction
analysis. The inclusion of small details, especially on the back of the enclosure,
does not greatly benefit the results. Yet these small details can dramatically in-
crease the computational requirements and produce a model which requires un-
reasonable resources.

All of the vertex (or nodes) of the enclosure faces are first calculated and listed.
The faces are then labeled and listed using their appropriate vertex numbers. The
faces must be have their vertex numbers listed in counter clockwise direction when
the face is viewed from the outside of the enclosure. This is the winding order.
This is important so that EnclosureShop can understand which side of each face
belongs on the inside and outside of the enclosure. The vertex list for any face can
begin at any vertex around the face.

The OBJ file can then be created using any text editor as shown below. The vertex
are listed first beginning with the letter v, followed with the x,y,z coordinates on
each line. The faces follow beginning with the letter f.

# OBJ Import file for EncShop

# Date: Mar/05/2003, Author: C. Strahm
# AppNote02 Speaker Array Multi-Enclosure, No Arc
# Units are Inches.

v +20.000 +50.000 +00.000

v -20.000 +50.000 +00.000
v +20.000 -50.000 +00.000
v -20.000 -50.000 +00.000
v +20.000 +48.000 -24.000
v -20.000 +48.000 -24.000
v +20.000 -48.000 -24.000
v -20.000 -48.000 -24.000

f 1 2 4 3
f 1 3 7 5
f 6 8 4 2
f 6 2 1 5
f 4 8 7 3
f 5 7 8 6

EnclosureShop 157
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

Loudspeaker Array, No Curvature

158 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

The 3D shell definition OBJ file is then imported. The transducers are arranged on
the multi-enclosure as shown in the view of the 3D scene on the preceding page.
The single enclosure was simulated at a distance of 1 Meter. However, a larger
distance is appropriate when simulating the response of the array. A distance of 3
Meters was chosen for the analysis of these arrays.

The acoustic On-Axis response is now shown in the graph below for this straight
array (no curvature). As expected there is a remarkable increase in the low fre-
quency amplitude. Indeed, the level at 100Hz now exceeds that of 1kHz.

The response also shows a null which occurs at 1300Hz. This is due to the cancel-
lation between the multiple drivers spread across the vertical distance. The array
is over 8 Feet in height.

The horizontal and vertical polar response curves are now shown on the following
page. Note that the Directivity Index (DI) for the vertical profile is now over 4dB
even at 80Hz. At 160Hz the level behind the array is only about 10dB below that
in front of the array.
Loudspeaker Array, No Curvature

Spkr @ 3M OnAxis

EnclosureShop 159
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

Loudspeaker Array, No Curvature



160 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

n Loudspeaker Array - Small Curvature

The design of the array is now altered to utilize half of the possible curvature
provided by the trapezoidal enclosure. The array configuration is shown below.

The array panelization for this configuration is shown on the following page. As
before the back of the array is simplified and merely represented as a flat surface.
The vertex and face lists are given in the pictorial on the following page, and in the
associated OBJ file shown below.

The transducers are arranged on the multi-enclosure shown in the view of the 3D
scene on the next following page. Again a simulation distance of 3 Meters is used.
The front of the array now contains five distinct panels, representing the baffle
boards for each of the single enclosures.

# OBJ Import file for EncShop

# Date: Mar/05/2003, Author: C. Strahm
# AppNote02 Multi-Enclosure, Small Arc

v +20.000 +49.640 -04.930

v -20.000 +49.640 -04.930
v +20.000 +29.920 -01.640
v -20.000 +29.920 -01.640
v +20.000 +09.990 +00.000
v -20.000 +09.990 +00.000
v +20.000 -09.990 +00.000
v -20.000 -09.990 +00.000
v +20.000 -29.920 -01.640
v -20.000 -29.920 -01.640
v +20.000 -49.640 -04.930
v -20.000 -49.640 -04.930
v +20.000 +43.730 -28.270
v -20.000 +43.730 -28.270
v +20.000 -43.730 -28.270
v -20.000 -43.730 -28.270

f 5 6 8 7
f 3 4 6 5
f 7 8 10 9
f 1 2 4 3
f 9 10 12 11
f 13 14 2 1
f 11 12 16 15
f 14 16 12 10 8 6 4 2
f 1 3 5 7 9 11 15 13
f 13 15 16 14

EnclosureShop 161
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

14 13
Small Curvature
2 1

2 1
2 1
13 14 14 13

4 4 3 3


6 6 5 5

8 8 7 7


10 10 9 9

16 16 15
Vertex List (In) 12 11
12 11
01 +20.000 +49.640 -04.930 12 11
02 -20.000 +49.640 -04.930
03 +20.000 +29.920 -01.640
04 -20.000 +29.920 -01.640 Face List FACE-7
05 +20.000 +09.990 +00.000 (counter clockwise)
06 -20.000 +09.990 +00.000
16 15
07 +20.000 -09.990 +00.000 01 5687
08 -20.000 -09.990 +00.000 02 3465
09 +20.000 -29.920 -01.640 03 7 8 10 9
10 -20.000 -29.920 -01.640 04 1243
11 +20.000 -49.640 -04.930 05 9 10 12 11
12 -20.000 -49.640 -04.930 06 13 14 2 1
13 +20.000 +43.730 -28.270 07 11 12 16 15
14 -20.000 +43.730 -28.270 08 14 16 12 10 8 6 4 2
15 +20.000 -43.730 -28.270 09 1 3 5 7 9 11 15 13
16 -20.000 -43.730 -28.270 10 13 15 16 14

162 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

Loudspeaker Array, Small Curvature

EnclosureShop 163
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

The acoustic On-Axis response is shown in the graph below for this slightly
curved array (small curvature). Again we see the low frequency increase, but
the null has moved from 1300Hz down to 900Hz. Arcing the array pushes the
outer transducers further away from center and more off-axis, thus causing
more path delay and lower frequency cancellation.

The horizontal and vertical polar response curves are now shown on the fol-
lowing page. Compare these polar curves to those of the previous straight
array. The DI values are slightly reduced. Clearly the result of arcing the

The amplitude of the higher frequency lobes in the vertical direction has slightly
increased. Arcing the array points the outer transducers more off-axis and
increases the higher frequency coverage to more distant vertical angles.

However, the curvature of this array was small. We will now arc the array to
the maximum allowed by the enclosures and observe those changes.

Loudspeaker Array, Small Curvature

Spkr @ 3M OnAxis

164 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

Loudspeaker Array, Small Curvature



EnclosureShop 165
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

n Loudspeaker Array - Large Curvature

The design of the array is altered again to utilize the full amount of curvature
provided by the trapezoidal enclosure. The new array configuration is shown

The array panelization for this configuration is shown on the following page.
As before the back of the array is simplified and merely represented as a flat
surface. The vertex and face lists are given in the pictorial on the following
page, and in the associated OBJ file shown below.

The transducers are arranged on the multi-enclosure shown in the view of the
3D scene on the next following page. A simulation distance of 3 Meters is
once again used.

# OBJ Import file for EncShop

# Date: Mar/05/2003, Author: C. Strahm
# AppNote02 Multi-Enclosure, Large Arc

v +20.000 +48.600 -09.790

v -20.000 +48.600 -09.790
v +20.000 +29.720 -03.300
v -20.000 +29.720 -03.300
v +20.000 +10.000 +00.000
v -20.000 +10.000 +00.000
v +20.000 -10.000 +00.000
v -20.000 -10.000 +00.000
v +20.000 -29.720 -03.300
v -20.000 -29.720 -03.300
v +20.000 -48.600 -09.790
v -20.000 -48.600 -09.790
v +20.000 +38.920 -31.850
v -20.000 +38.920 -31.850
v +20.000 -38.920 -31.850
v -20.000 -38.920 -31.850

f 5 6 8 7
f 3 4 6 5
f 7 8 10 9
f 1 2 4 3
f 9 10 12 11
f 13 14 2 1
f 11 12 16 15
f 14 16 12 10 8 6 4 2
f 1 3 5 7 9 11 15 13
f 13 15 16 14

166 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

14 13
Large Curvature
2 1

2 2 1 1

13 14 13
14 FACE-4

4 4 3 3


6 6 5 5

8 8 7 7


10 10 9 9

16 FACE-5 15
15 16

12 12 11 11
Vertex List (In)
12 11
01 +20.000 +48.600 -09.790
02 -20.000 +48.600 -09.790
03 +20.000 +29.720 -03.300 Face List
04 -20.000 +29.720 -03.300 (counter clockwise)
05 +20.000 +10.000 +00.000
06 -20.000 +10.000 +00.000 01 5687 16 15
07 +20.000 -10.000 +00.000 02 3465
08 -20.000 -10.000 +00.000 03 7 8 10 9
09 +20.000 -29.720 -03.300 04 1243
10 -20.000 -29.720 -03.300 05 9 10 12 11
11 +20.000 -48.600 -09.790 06 13 14 2 1
12 -20.000 -48.600 -09.790 07 11 12 16 15
13 +20.000 +38.920 -31.850 08 14 16 12 10 8 6 4 2
14 -20.000 +38.920 -31.850 09 1 3 5 7 9 11 15 13
15 +20.000 -38.920 -31.850 10 13 15 16 14
16 -20.000 -38.920 -31.850

EnclosureShop 167
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

Loudspeaker Array, Large Curvature

168 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

The acoustic On-Axis response is shown in the graph below for this maximum
curved array (large curvature). Again we see the low frequency increase, but the
null has moved further from 900Hz down to 600Hz. Arcing the array further has
continued to push the outer transducers further away from center and more off-
axis, thus causing more path delay and lower frequency cancellation.

The horizontal and vertical polar response curves are shown on the following page.
Compare these polar curves to those of the previous straight array. The DI values
are much more reduced. At 80Hz the DI has decreased from 4.3dB to 3.9dB.

Note also that the DI values between 160Hz and 640Hz have generally fallen to
one-half those of the straight array (5 vs. 10). This is a considerable broadening of
the coverage pattern in the vertical direction.

It should also be mentioned that the On-Axis null will decrease somewhat at larger
simulation distances, and the response will generally become more uniform. The
closer to the array, the larger the path length differences between the drivers.

Loudspeaker Array, Large Curvature

Spkr @ 3M OnAxis

EnclosureShop 169
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

Loudspeaker Array, Large Curvature



170 EnclosureShop
Application Manual
Application Note 2 Loudspeaker Arrays

n Summary
Many different types of array characteristics can be explored. The examples given
here are merely an introduction to array modeling. Different types and shapes of
arrays can be investigated both for low and high frequency transducers.

The computational requirements of array analysis can be substantial. Diffraction

analysis on large or complex shells will require the latest computer resources.
These simulations were performed on a Pentium® 4 PC with 2GB of memory.

The simulations provided in this example utilized 3kHz diffraction resolution, and
4th order diffraction analysis. Simulation of the single 2 x 15 enclosure only
required 5 minutes of computation time and 75MB of memory. However, simula-
tion of each array required 3 hours of CPU time and consumed over 500MB of
memory. Large arrays can exhaust the entire 2GB address space of the Win32®
operating system.

It is therefore wise to plan the design carefully and eliminate any unnecessary
small surfaces from the shell. Their contribution to the overall result is typically
minimal, but can greatly increase the computational burden. Proper choice of the
diffraction resolution and diffraction order also play a critical role in determining
the computation requirements.

This completes the application note.

EnclosureShop 171
Application Manual
Loudspeaker Arrays Application Note 2

172 EnclosureShop
Application Manual

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