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WriteItNow 4 load.


Download WriteItNow 4 Full (Win\Mac) The latest versions are: 4.0.7d for Macs (OSX Running at least Java 1.5 See this note) and 4.0.7f PCs (Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7) Check your version by running WriteItNow then selecting 'About' on the 'Help' me nu.

Download: WriteItNow 4 Full (Win\Mac) Download Version Changes

4.0.7.f (PCs) (Oct 2011) * Can see text on conflict graph when using Dark Star Look and Feel. * When a Character's personality trait is deleted the text description is up dated immediately. * When exporting title is included for Locations section. * Fixed bug when moving Scenes and working on last Scene. * Fixed bug when setting character ID color. 4.0.7.d (Macs) (July 2011) * Better cut and paste of text from PDFs. * Runs on newer Macs with Java 1.6 * Runs on OS X Lion. See this note * Smarter tree update when editing titles. * Option to use clearer text cursor. 4.0.6.w (PCs) (May 2011) * Can print tree. Right click on Overview in tree * Lists of synonyms and antonyms for selected word. * Option to use identifying color as background color for tree items. * Better cut and paste from browser 4.0.6.s (Mar 2011) * Minor changes to user interface * Small changes to help files. 4.0.6.r

(Feb 2011) * Added 'word frequency' analysis to story tools. * Faster background spell checking * With auto-save, files only saved if changes made. * Remembers window sizes when using a multi monitor setup * When opening stories will not try to open an invalid file. * Fixed bug in global replace which could affect Scene text * Full screen editor default size now close to max screen size. * When creating a new story the current directory is added to file name. * Cut and paste keeps bold/italic and underline. * File names can now include '-' * Default button on most dialogs is now [OK] * Better scrolling on character relationship tables and Events graph. * Default story board chapter and scene colors now green and yellow. * Word count can include item titles. * Can hide 'story saved' dialog. * Fixed story date bug when saving BC dates. * Character ages now updated as story date changes. 4.0.6.c (22nd Oct 2010) * Added options to set what is included in Story Word Count. * 'Writing Target' now uses story word count settings. * Added approximate page count to story word count. * When following scene link. The scene editor is now shown. * Fixed bug where recent edits lost after global replace. * Removed dialog which was shown when changing font on Mac. * When saving the "Story Saved" dialog now disappears after 1.5 seconds. * Page number export now shows "5 of 45' not '5 of45'. * When using 'Dark Star' theme the word count is now visible. 4.0.5.s (19th July 2010) * Added background spell checker. * Added Scene conflict graph. * Added sorting via pop-up menu on tree. * Added identifying colors on tree. Click here for more details on changes in this version. 4.0.3.b (23rd Aug 2009) * Improved dictionaries. * When exporting only asks for file name if user sets this in 'Tool Settings '. * Made 'smart quotes' smarter. Now also works on titles. * Improved prompt set viewer. * Uses standard short cut CTRL+S for save instead of ALT+S * Better handling of export of paragraphs indents on Export. * Works on screens with vertical resolution as small as 560 pixels. * Fixed bug when double clicking on character pictures to select. * Improved thesaurus. Can now be shown all the time. * Word count now counts hyphenated words as single words. * Mac version handles double click on .wnw files * Added expand/collapse buttons to tree. * Added vertical scroll bar to tree view. * Fixed bug so total page count included in header and footer on RTF export * StoryBoard is now a dialog * StoryBoard Scene cards can show text preview * Fixed bug on StoryBoard chapter card text preview * Faster start-up.

4.0.2.k (15th May 2009) * Runs on OSX and PCs * Works well on small screens where screen height is 600 pixels * Fixed export page size bug where units swapped from inches to cms. 4.0.2.h (1st May 2009) * Faster tree view selection * Prompt viewer now shows all prompts * Faster StoryBoard * Option to reset screen windows to default sizes * Keyboard short cuts for loading and saving. * Easier download of add-ons, prompts, names from web-site. 4.0.1.p (30th Nov 2008) * Completely new version for PCs. * Story Board * Chapters and Scenes * Pictures for Characters * Relationships Graph * Writing Targets * Web Links 3.1.0.s (2nd Mar 2007) * Vista compatible * PC and Mac versions can both save as Unicode * Anti-aliases text in PC version. * Fixed bug when saving with '<' or '>' in single line text * Fixed bug when exporting RTF with'{' or '}' in text * On Events tab list of Characters improved. 3.1.0.r (9th Dec2006) * Removed duplicate text on RTF export * Put back keyboard short-cuts when editing text * New Events have story date for start and end date 3.1.0.q (20th Nov 2006) * Cursor colour = font colour when font colour changed * CTRL+X = cut text CTRL+K=word count * Updated help for unlock and activation * Dialogs use standard colours when font & background changed * Fixed refresh bug when line spacing changed 3.1.0.p (Nov 2006) * Word count button available for all text * Can set font colour * Can set on screen line spacing to single, 1.5 and double 3.1.0.n (Nov 2006) * 'Delete backups' now only removes backups of current story * Includes 21st Century data in add-ons * '?' in lists when name is blank * Help includes notes on re-installing * Anti-alias option for fonts * Generate character - keeps surname if gender changed 3.1.0.j (Sept 2006) * Better RTF output - can compress blank lines * Esellerate registration (PC Version only) * Fixed bug which changed some quotes after cut and paste. * Fixed bug when navigating using drop downs. 3.1.0.d (March 2006) * Available for PCs and OS X 10.3

* * * * *

Smart Quotes (PC Version only) Save as Unicode (PC Version only) Menu option to delete back-ups All text positions remembered Use mouse right click for edit menu

* Fixed bug when loading story with blank characters or ideas. 3.0.0.m (June 2005) * Available for PCs * Tree view * Thesaurus 2.1.0 * * * * * * * * 2.0.9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * ible * Mar-19-2004 2.0.9c Fixed small bug when paste option from menu is used * Mar-19-2004 2.0.9c Better editor for relationships and records 2.0.8 * * * * (29th July 2003) PC and Mac OS X (10.1 and 10.2) versions released. Save and load files using XML New context sensitive help system Merge option for ideas files (Dec 2004) Available for Macs (OSX 10.3) and PCs Improved look-and-feel Global search and replace Events summary Links between sections Mouse-wheel scrolling Load and save individual sections Recent file list. (Jan 2004) PC (Win 98, 2000, NT, XP) & Mac (OSX 10.1 & 10.2) versions Readability statistics Selectable font and background Pop-up for entering accented characters Mouse-wheel scrolling (not in Mac version) Better text import Fixed bug when using accents pop-up after scrolling. This sometimes put the pop-up off-screen where it was unreachable. Feb-01-2004 2.0.9b Improved accents pop-up (smarter positioning) Feb-01-2004 2.0.9b Cursor stays put when saving Feb-01-2004 2.0.9b Better memory management Feb-01-2004 2.0.9b Text import translates unprintable characters below 32 Feb-01-2004 2.0.9b New sample story Mar-19-2004 2.0.9c RTF export now uses hard line feeds and is Quark compat

Minor Updates * 2.0.8a Fixed bug when saving and loading accented characters. * 2.0.8a Added Splash screen * 2.0.8a On YesNo dialogs ENTER=Yes and ESC=No * 2.0.8a Insert Text inserts selected text & remembers size & pstn * 2.0.8b Fixed bug when saving event times * 2.0.8b Stories with blank story dates load correctly * 2.0.8b Dialog boxes shown in task bar * 2.0.8c Shows lines per page for RTF output * 2.0.8c Added bold and underline to RTF output * 2.0.8c Double click on relationship editor

2.0.7 * * * * * *

(Feb 2003) Undo and Redo for text Automatically scale charts Set page size and add italic text for RTF Sort events chronologically as well as alphabetically. AM-PM flag for displaying times Improved idea generation

Minor Updates * 2.0.7a Fixed bug setting story date on a new story. * 2.0.7a Made export dialogs resizable. * 2.0.7b Import text avoids 'white squares' by translating UTF-8 to ascii * 2.0.7b Fixed sort bug when values are identical 2.0.6 (Jan 2003) * 100,000 word spell checker + US, UK & Canadian dictionaries. * Import Text files. * Export Text files. * Export RTF. * Great control over RTF output. * Export HTML. Minor Updates (current download=2.0.6b) * 2.0.6a Faster spell checking large documents. * 2.0.6b RTF export is much faster. * 2.0.6b Text Export. Underline setting stored. * 2.0.6b Fixed cut and paste bug. 2.0.5 * * * * * * * * 2.0.4 * (2002) Generates notes from background add-ons. Shows list of items before print preview of items. Menu options for selecting, copying and pasting text. Keyboard short-cuts for all menu options. Now allows entry of BC dates. Better sorting. Seleted item is always visible. Improved name generation. Saves back-ups automatically Added character generation from add-ons.

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