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Name So far this year in English I have worked really hard on



2. So far this year in Maths I have worked really hard on 1. 2. In English I think I need to concentrate more on 1. 2. In maths I think I need to concentrate more on 1. 2. In my other subjects I have enjoyed 1. 2. In my other subjects I think I need to concentrate more on 1. 2. General comments what I have enjoyed about school, my attitude to school and to my learning,

E - Exceeded A Achieved W Working Towards N Needs Extra Work Not yet assessed

Speaking and listening Can work co-operatively in a group Can give an opinion during whole-class discussion Can engage the interest of an audience through drama Reading Can find evidence to show how characters are feeling in stories Can identify how different texts are organised Can use different strategies to read unfamiliar texts and check what they are reading makes sense Writing Can use powerful language to interest the reader Can write a story containing a beginning, middle and end Can use time connectives to sequence their writing Can use punctuation to show sentences Areas to improve on this year MATHEMATICS Number Can solve problems involving numbers, money or measures Can partition numbers eg 156 = 100+50+6 Can read, write and order whole numbers to 1000 Knows that subtraction is the opposite of addition and can give related facts Knows that division is the opposite of multiplication and can give related facts Knows the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times tables Can use mental methods to add and take away one and two digit numbers eg 23+45 or 36-15 Can use practical methods to multiply or divide a two digit number by a one digit number and find remainders eg 13x3 or 504 Knows which two numbers add together to make 10, 20 and 100 eg 7+3, 11+9 and 45+55 Data, shape and space Can use the mathematical names for common 2D and 3D shapes and describe their properties Can draw and complete shapes with reflective symmetry Can use standard and non-standard units to measure length and mass -

Can use Venn and Carroll diagrams to sort objects or data Areas to improve on this year

Displays a positive approach to science Characteristics of materials Rocks and soils Magnets and springs Light and Shadows Shows a knowledge and understanding of concepts covered Is able to make predictions using experience and observation Is able to obtain and record measurements accurately Can retest fairly with help Can use scientific language to explain own ideas Can draw conclusions from own work Handles equipment fairly with awareness of self and others Makes appropriate selection of equipment Areas to improve on this year -

Combining text and graphics Word processing Simulations Can use the keyboard and knows where all of the keys are Can use different styles and sizes of text on screen Can copy, cut and paste pictures and text Can use search engines to find images and information Can use simulation programmes to explore different outcomes Can edit, save and retrieve work.

Diwali (Hinduism) Messengers (Christmas) Shows an understanding of the key concepts

Can identify some aspects of the religious traditions Authority (Sikhism) connected to the concepts Expected progress in subject

Geography Egypt Geographical enquiry and skills Knowledge and understanding of places Knowledge and understanding of patterns and processes Knowledge and understanding of environmental changes and sustainable development Expected progress in subject History Ancient Egypt Space Explorers Chronology Experiences of men, women and children Reasons for / results of events Recognise that there are different interpretations of past Expected progress in subject -


Music Descriptive sounds, rhythmic patterns, singing and arrangements ART Patterns, observational drawing and colour mixing Physical Education Dance, gymnastics and ball skills Design Technology Pneumatic systems Packaging Listen to a variety of music with understanding and response Rehearses and prepares for performance Enjoys and participates Expected progress in subject Participation Skills Expected progress in subject Participation Skills Safety awareness Expected progress in subject Ability to generate, develop and evaluate ideas Can apply knowledge and understanding of materials and processes Safety awareness Can work accurately and independently on design/making assignments Expected progress in subject


Work independently Completes tasks at school on time Completes tasks at home on time Co-operates with other children Co-operates with adults at school Awareness of personal safety and that of others Cares for own property and that of others Organises self and equipment Exhibits self-control General Comments

Headteachers Comments

ATTENDANCE (one day = two marks)


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