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By Nuqman Tehuti El
Knowledge is Power I have been pondering upon the plight of our people and came to this conclusion, Dormant, shallow and passive thinking cultivates a dormant, shallow, passive and low cultured people. This is why emotionalism, placationism, and agitating rhetoric is promoted, distributed and substituted for factual and objective information among the subjugated people by Black Codes, The Roman Catholic Church Inquisition, Occupational and De Facto governments. Misinformation is structured into all their social and teaching institutions and coded into their sub government agencies by firm policy. The Ancient conquered Muurs / Moors, North American People of color who are now branded with the fictitious labels of Black, Negro, Coloreds, Spaniards, Hispanics, Puerto Ricans, West Indians, Indians, Africans, African Americans, Latino, etc must prepare for very serious and ongoing civic studies in all our communities for the truth of who we really are, and the land that we have occupied since the beginning of time. This grand scheme of deception in modern western history is where the strategic war term Divide and Conquer has its origin. Some permanent adjustments are going to be needed to cultivate the minds of our children with true knowledge of self, people and land. We must take on the responsibility of teaching our own children. If we dont we mutually submit to their mental warfare directed at our progeny. Intelligence clearly gives insight on the consequences on any passive or irrational inactivity on our part. The purpose of the united States RECONSTRUCTION was to separate the indigenous people from their true Nationality, and native lands, thus wresting control of their Sovereignty and Resources. When the first pilgrim came here we were a free people sharing Gods land, we accepted them, helped them, and they repaid us with the same brutal treatment and death that they were trying to leave. This is the True analysis of the theft of the Moorish and North Americans Birthrights, more popularly know as SLAVERY. We must know that our Moorish and North American brothers and sister were a free civilized people sharing Gods land. One on our Native American Brothers stated that trying to own the land was like trying to pick up the ocean with your hands. But out of this twisted Matrix, came the highly cultivated and nurtured NIGGER INDUSTRY; the source of the past and present wealth base for the Union States; their cities, towns, municipalities, and Color of Law Courts. This hidden history exposes the truth and the motives behind the use of CODES, VAGRANCY LAWS, the RACE matrix and zoning. All of these and other Social Programs are used to manipulate the economic residuals generated by using COLOR

OF LAW to benefit the State Class System. The States are nothing more than CORPORATE SLAVE HOLDERS through force, false laws and fraudulent contracts and are the enforcers of BLACK CODES. All States use Codes! The highly promoted RACISM argument is a cover up and was contrived to divert attention form the civic education or intelligent examination of the facts and issues AT LAW, which is the SOVEREIGNTY of the people, Constitutional redress and unlawful usurpation. North Americans, Moors or people of the Hue Man family are deliberately not educated in the following facts: 1. That Governments are in power to protect the birthrights of its people. With the birthright/nativity comes a piece of Earth- the resource. The Human family, called Nations, occupy different parts of the earth. The members of the extended Human families are identified by nationalities and not by shades of colors. Nationality is the pedigree/ parentage identification of any people. Nationality naturally ties any people together by blood and by common social and political interest, to a parcel of land. The English Males of the 13 colonies are foreign to this land and its government is and was set up for only White English Males, the 13 colonies never included the Moors, nor the Native North American to be part of their constitution because we arent White & English. We as Hue Mans lived here long before the de facto government came here and was established. We protected, fought with and against the British to help the Colonist to obtain their charter and to declare their independence. What they dont want you to know is that there were Moorish and Native North Americans already here with already established confederations, governments that the 13 colonies mimicked. Lets face it when George Washington was a General Who Was in Charge? George was not the first president, just the first President of the Slave Industry Corporation. A Plantation! 2. It doesnt take a genius to figure out that they the English came from a feudal system. The real Fact of this whole Pile of tricks is that the 13 colonies (United States Corporation) is a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT CORPORATION for the protections and Posterity of ENGLISH WHITE MEN! They started out on the eastern seaboard, and werent suppose to pass the Allegany mountains, but the Colonist used the divide and conquer tool to weaken our people, alcohol, germ warfare, mass killing, witch hunts, etc to eliminate our people, religion and black codes to control our people. Mass book burning, and systemized mis - education institutions to assimilate our people. Many of these tools are still being used today and have been mastered, and implemented by the now so called Black assimilated 14th Amendment Citizen. The occupational Colonist have Paid and Planted these Black so called leaders among the branded Moors, North American (Hue Mans) to teach them that they are Citizens, residents, Black, Negro, colored, wards of a foreign government (corporation) in order to continue to steal their birthrights, Sovereignty and land. For example: The family name de Vinci, Danatello, Boccaccio, all indicate that those persons with these surnames are of Italian pedigree/parentage, therefore, their Nationality is Italian and their national land is Italy. These Italians have a Nationality, a Flag, a Constitution, a Seal, and a Land. These assimilated North

American Natives and Moors labeled Black, etc now implement the policies, rules, ordnances and color of law of a Foreign English Gov Corporation against their own people. We as Hue Mans must over stand that as long as we voluntarily continue to play in this arena we will continue to be their property, chattel, and slaves. Will anyone reading this please tell me where is black land, colored land, Negro land, Afro land etc. We as a people have been lied to about being brought over here, when we were already here, they just changed our names, dumb us down, colonized us, gave us religion, took our land, and lied that we all were brought from Africa, while we still carry with us the slave names of our Masters. This is their property! 3. Let get one thing straight about their constitution, it was not written for us (Dred Scott Case), but it protects our unalienable Rights from infringement by these Corporate Government officials. 4. Lets now define the United States: Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 defines the United States and gives it Legislative Authority: To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular State, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--And. This Article tell us that the united states exclusive legislation is over the District of Columbia not exceeding TEN square mile, unless Cession has been accepted by the States, and congress. Lets keep in mind that these legislative laws, etc were only meant to apply to United State English Citizens in their territories, the 13 colonies, but the Corporate United States and the States falsely use color of law to subject and steal revenue, and rights from the people who they have taken an oath to protect. These laws were only meant for and only apply to people the people who live or who were born in Washington, DC or one of its territories or for people who go through the INS process. Immigration Naturalization Service. 5. Second the United States and the 50 states are all Corporations. See: Title 28, section 3002 (15), (a), (b), (c). Also Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen, where private corporate commercial paper and securities are concerned see: CLEARFIELD TRUST CO. v. UNITED STATES, 318 U.S. 363 (1943). 6. The constitution in Article III, Section 4 states: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government. The above Governmental Corporations not Republic are clearly in violation and repugnant to their Constitution, which is the English law of the land. Which brings us to status! 7. A Persons Political Status is the categorization of citizenship, non citizenship social position or rank in a society with direct effect in relationship to rights, immunities and privileges. It is the first issue At Law that must be addressed or

considered nationally and internationally. Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 speaks about the political Status of inhabitants in North America: Clause 3: Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons? The label Indians is incorrectly applied to the Native North American, and Moors, who are also the excluded three fifths of all other Persons who fall under Article VI, clause I of the constitution which states: All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation! As I mentioned above we had the first confederations that the English man adopted. Now these Corporations, Not, Republics through force and ignorance have taken the rights of the people and given them privileges Its like Ford stopping you and telling you to show them some I.D. and you work for G.M. 8. Now that we have identified that most of our people through ignorance and brainwashing voluntarily accept the status of a 14 Amendment Artificial Person, and the Nom de guerre discussed below. Thus they are locked into the status category of chattel property of the States (wards of the state). Our people through fear and ignorance have voluntarily contracted their, labor, bodies, and children to the Confederation Constitution Contract Citizen (English Male), who has given us so called Civil Rights. 9. The unconstitutional, ex post facto and fraudulent 14th Amendment has been used to continue to enslave the labeled Blacks, etc to believe that they have rights guised as Civil Rights, when in fact they do not have any rights in their denationalized state. They however are granted privileges that are revocable at any time by the Confederation Constitution Contract Party Citizen English Males. 10. The Voting Rights Bill is another privilege granted by Master, but must be signed by the President of the Union States Society every 25 years. If voting was a right given to you by God, instead of a privilege given to you by man then it would not have to go through this process every 25 years. Rights exist at birth and are given by God. Rights are protected by a Nations Constitution. Chattel Slavery is hidden in contracts disguised as Civil Rights. God give Human Rights, but Civil Rights are given by man. Which do you choose? 11. The term Civil Rights in the united States of America is used to specify the privileges granted or secured through the fourteenth Amendment to the Bill of Rights not the Constitution. The Constitution with its organic seven Articles has never been changed. The Civil Right Bill is further put to question At Law because the 14th amendment uses a color code caste system to identify people instead of a national pedigree. This devoids such persons of any claim to any Sovereignty or unailienable rights and immunities under National or international law. There is no such thing as full rights of Citizenship to people branded as black colored etc. not

because of racism, not because of prejudice and not because somebody does not like them. There are no such people ever to exist on the planet earth attached to the human family. Negro, black, colored, etc which are code brands for enslaved people which separates them from the Human Family. In the year 1883 the Supreme court ruled the Civil Rights Act unconstitutional and it has never been repealed or brought before any mutual National government bodies for recision. The 14th amendment was never properly ratified according to the law of the land, the constitution, Article 5, but was done at the point of a bayonet and rifle, which will be discussed below. I also doubt that there is a judge in full possession of all his faculties, who would ever rule that the 14th Amendment was properly approved and adopted See: State v.Phillips, 540 P.2d. 936; Dyett v. Turner, 439 P.2d. 266. and if it would have been it would only apply to the areas defined by and limited to Article 1, sec 8, Cl. 17 of the Constitution for the United States of America. Also see: House Congressional Record June 13 1967, pages 15641-15646. 12. The Dred Soctt vs. Sandford Case of 1854 1857 is a landmark case and confirmed the existing status of the Moors (now branded black, Negro, colored, etc.) It noted that Blacks, Negros etc were not and could not ever be citizens under the Constitution of the foreign juristic United States (Washington, DC) nor any State of the United States of America (50 States) Corporations. The Supreme Court has never repealed this decision and has no power At Law to do so. The English Males are the only citizens under the Constitution, excluding all others, even the English woman. How does the United States Corporation Identify their slaves? By there names! We still carry the slave namesl the property of the English White Male. Lets see how they do it! 13. Any wording that is entirely CAPITALIZE is by definition a FICTITIOUS NAME or LEGAL FICTION and is defined as a NOM DE GUERRE (Name of War) and is functioning under an unconstitutional MILITARY JURISDICTION. See Nom De Guerre, in Black Laws Dictionary. 14. Under the original documents that formed the lawful (ethical) foundation of America no one was a piece of FEDERAL PROPERTY(citizen of the U$, INC.) under lien documents for payment of the FEDERAL (National Debt) and subjected to the whims of unethical politicians and bureaucrats that are corrupted by the influence buying practices of Political Action Committees, and Lobbyists. 15. On March 27th 1861 the Congress of the united States of America deliberately adjourned in a manner intentionally ending their Constitutional existence: See The Journal of the Senate of the united $tates of America, 2nd Session, 36th Congress, by George w. Bowman Senate Printer 1860 61, and Roberts Rules of Order [Revised 1915] pages 62,63, 257 261. The unlawful and unconstitutional Congress of the united $tates INC. today exists only by DECLARATORY LAW. 16. On April 21st 1861 President Lincoln unconstitutionally and unlawfully originated a FEDEERAL Dictatorship by bringing into existence the Executive Order

or Decree. See: A Compilation of Messages and papers of the President by James D. Robinson, Vol VII [1897], Over 17,000 unconstitutional Executive Orders have been issued as of 1996. 17. On August 5th 1861 the unconstitutional and unlawful [President al Decree] FEDERAL CONGRESS enacted the equally unconstitutional and unlawful first FEDERAL INCOME TAX/ FEDERAL TAX. 18. On March 3rd, 1863, President Lincoln unconstitutionally and unlawfully passed the Enrollment Act creating FEDERAL territorial MILITARY DISTRICT STATES that seized control over the Constitutional State governments see: 12 Stat, 3rd Session, Chapter 75, Section 4. These unconstitutional and unlawful Federalized territorial MILITARY DISTRICT STATES continue to mete out ADMINISTRATIVE LAW under MARTIAL LAW RULE due to the fact that the unconstitutional and unlawful ENROLLMENT ACT has never been repealed. 19. On April 24, 1863 President Lincoln unconstitutionally and unlawfully declared Martial Law Rule. See: General Order No. 100 (The Leiber instructions/ code), the courts in your community function under FEDERAL territorial MILITARY DISTRICT FLAGS, WITH GOLD FRINGE, SEAL, AND PROCESSES instead of using Constitutional state flag, seal, and procedures. On April 14th 1865 Lincoln was shot dead. 20. ON July 28th 1868 prejudiced northern politicians BY FORCE OF ARMS expelled the southern politicians from the unconstitutional and unlawful FEDERAL MILITARY CONGRESS as their method of unconstitutionally and unlawfully imposing there unconstitutional and unlawful 14th Amendment (SLAVERY) through their FEDREAL TERRITORIAL MILITARY DISTRICT STATE GOVERNMENT upon People of color/ Moors, North Americans, poor whites, etc thus denying them No federalized state citizenship and forcing them to become by contract slaves of the FEDERAL CONGRESS under the guise of Voluntary Servitude. The alleged 14th Amendment was extended to CORPORATIONS IN 1903, WOMEN IN 1918, and all other LEGAL FICTIONS in 1940. 21. The 14th Amendment never created constitutional and lawful Citizenship status, and instead imposes an insidious system that centralizes Power, concentrates Wealth in the Hands of the Powerful, and by CONTRACT, imposes FEDERAL SLAVERY upon you, your family and your neighbors. 22. Today the unconstitutional and unlawful UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (U.C.C.), with its every growing bureaucracy to force the endless stream of ADMINISTRATIVE LAWS AND POLICIES mimics Imperial Romes Legal System called the Codes of Justinian 23. The First Unconscionable Contract is the BIRTH CERTIFICATE A certificate of ownership not owned by you. The original Birth Certificate imposed upon you is created for FEDERAL COMMERCE when it is sent to and recorded at the

unconstitional and unlawful FEDERALLY ENFRANCHED COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE; 2), sent to and recorded at the federal territorial military district state capital; 3)/ Sent to and recorded at both the FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF commerce and; 4). The FEDERAL BUREAU OF CENSUS. During this process four COMMERCIAL LIENS were attached to the Birth Certificate imposed upon You unconstitutionally converting your life, labor, and Property into FEDERAL PROPERTY intentionally being held permanently under indentured servitude for PAYMENT of the rapidly expanding FEDERAL (National Debt); in other words you have been unlawfully reduced by contract to a Constitutional less FEDERAL SLAVE, see: Section 4 of the unlawful 14 Amendment. Its time for us as a people to wake up, stand up, step up and stop playing their pile of trick and learn the truth about what is being done to us as a people or forever be subjected and treated as Sheepeople. Knowledge is power, and our people perish for a lack of knowledge

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