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The position dependence of the force law is readily understood as a consequence of the

isotropy of space—the fact that the laws of physics do not distinguish any particular
direction. This is in spite of the fact that it has often been demonstrated that there are
situations under which one can have a background frame of reference and maintain
Invariance(1). Indeed, the quantum zero point field does in itself constitute a background
frame that cannot be zeroed out in any frame of reference(2). Consider the gravitational
force law that says that the force between two masses is

where r is the separation between the two masses. I use units where

and Newton’s constant,

Is which is very small. It is inversely proportional to where MP,

the Planck mass, is about 10^19 GeV. This mass scale appears because it is associated
with the graviton coupling, where the graviton is the
spin-2 particle that mediates the gravitational force. Such energies can only be probed at
the very tiny Planck length, 10^-33 cm.

It is clear that as we measure the force at increasing distance r, the strength is

proportional to 1/r^2. But if we add in extra dimensions this whole picture changes and
gravity can fall off at

We now have discovered that the extra dimension or dimensions can be large. Using RS
Models, to accomodate a flat brane requires that in addition to the tension of the brane
itself, there is a bulk vacuum energy, closely aligned to the brane tension. The solution to
Einstein’s equations is then described locally as anti– de Sitter (AdS) space, a space with
a negative vacuum energy. And in this space, although it is fundamentally five
dimensional and there is therefore a five-dimensional graviton, there exists a bound-state
mode of the graviton that is highly concentrated on the brane and acts as if it were a four-
dimensional graviton. In this geometry, the length of a yardstick depends on position.
The spacetime is “warped”; it appears that the strength of the apparent four-dimensional
gravity decreases exponentially with distance away from the “Planck brane” that traps
the graviton.

We have also here described a condition in which the supersymmetry partner of the
graviton may modify gravity on the brane itself in cases where these fermionic partners to
force carrying bosons persists long enough to effect the Israel junction condition. In our
model, if one takes all the observational evidence out there for cases where C seems to
have varied one is actually seeing observational evidence of the fact that some version
with at least 2 large extra dimensions is involved in the geometric structure we call the

We do not have all the details of this model worked out. It may be sometime before we
can develop that type of model. We do not have all the aspects of our proposed field
generator worked out. Indeed, that may be research for another group or another
individual to carry on that work. It is this reason I have placed all the articles, math
sources, and other work we have done here for everyone else who has interest to look at.
I will say this, the Rag Tag group known as ESAA will continue to work on this. Anyone
interested may join us at the Yahoo Group Star Labs. We could use the input of many on
this on going project of ours. Especially those who have knowledge of other related

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