Lesson 1 Heading 4 The Savior's Earthly Ministry

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Preach My Gospel, Lesson 1, Heading 4 “The Savior’s Earthly Ministry”

The Savior’s Earthly Ministry

Note: This particular lesson is very simple. My 10-year-old son prepared it and gave it,
and did a wonderful job. Sometimes simple is the best way to go! The focus was very
much on Christ and the amazing, wonderful things He did. This is a great lesson for a
child to deliver. My favorite part was hearing my son’s testimony at the end.

Preparation: Gather pictures that show events from Jesus’ life on earth. Be sure to include some
representing the Atonement.

Opening Song: “He Sent His Son”

Show the pictures you have selected, allowing family members to tell what they
know about Christ’s ministry on earth. Include the following points.

~The Son of God restored and taught the gospel. He performed many miracles
(see Bible Dictionary, “Miracles,” 732-33).

~He called Apostles and gave them priesthood authority to preach the gospel
and perform saving ordinances such as baptism (see John 15:16).

~Christ established His Church.

~Christ was crucified, and accomplished the Atonement.

Bear testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ, and the love He showed us by the
things He did while on the earth.

Clyn’s ideas
Preach My Gospel

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